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  1. Hi I'm a newbie here and could do with some advice regarding my Mother in Law. She showed me some old solicitors paperwork yesterday from when she took a mortgage advance cheque back in 1995 for £33,000. On the breakdown, there is a payment to Chartered Trust for £8057.00. She thinks it was PPI. Anyone know if this is worth pursuing and if so where to start? Thanks
  2. Paid off a secured loan with this bunch around 5 years ago. They are now requesting payment of interest, late payment charges etc. Any good letter available to tell them where to get off would be much appreciated? Thanks!
  3. Regulator finds significant failures at the Presidents Club Charitable Trust READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/regulator-finds-significant-failures-at-the-presidents-club-charitable-trust
  4. Charity Commission calls for information about Presidents Club Charitable Trust READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/charity-commission-calls-for-information-about-presidents-club-charitable-trust
  5. Statement on Ofwat and rebuilding public trust in the water sector READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/statement-on-ofwat-and-rebuilding-public-trust-in-the-water-sector
  6. PIP assessments: 'Lack of trust' in benefits systems READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43058789
  7. Hi Took out car loan in 2005, we were given via british credit trust and i believe mis-sold ppi . I see they're shut now and when i google there doesn't seem much success in claiming back - i wonder if anyone has any links to addresses to claim back please and if its worth a shot ? Thanks v much xxx
  8. Hi, Can anyone offer me any advice on an issue I have with the FOS. I took out life and critical illness cover through a tied broker in 2012. In 2016 I claimed and my claim was turned down by the insurer as they did not know about surgery I'd had prior to applying for insurance. Trouble is both me and the wife know we told the brokers agent all about the surgery on the night he came to get our signatures after checking the application. I made my initial call on the 14/4/12, their agent visited my home on 17/4/12. The FOS got involved after my complaint to the company was turned down. The original sales phone call in which I tell the salesman about my surgery is 'missing'. The FOS adjudicator requested the application and signed declaration from the brokers. What she received (and accepted!) was amazing. Pages 1 to 5 were missing and the last 4 pages (the declaration) were scanned in such a way as to obscure the date in the top left hand corner. There were no other dates on any of the remaining pages. It took me 4 subject access requests to finally receive the complete form including dates. Their excuse for their inability to supply what I'd asked for previously was that their scanner could not scan complete pages the right way up!? On each of the replies to my requests the broker states the completion date of the form as 16/4/12 The FOS is not upholding my complaint. I've always maintained that I (and my wife who took out cover at the same time) told the broker and agent all about the surgery and that therefore, knowing that it was unlikely the insurer would offer me cover, the broker and/or agent altered the application without our knowledge. I even had a photo dated 2 days prior of the 4" scar on my part shaven head clearly visible on the night of 17/4/12! Turns out the date on the missing 5 pages was the 19/4/12 - a whole 2 days after my signature was obtained on the declaration. The date on the declaration was 16/4/12. This appears to be the date the declaration pages were sent to the agent and therefore the declaration was produced on or before 16/4/12. This is where I'd really appreciate some advice - the FOS Adjudicator and Ombudsman actually used the application/declaration in their decision. Can they do this?, should they do this? and where do I go from here? Thanks
  9. I live on a canal boat, for which I am required by the 1995 British waterways act to have a licence, the licence is a statutory requirement, British waterways was changed to a charitable trust some years ago but the legislation that governs licences has not changed, the trust is now falsely claiming that this licence is now a contract which they can add their own terms and conditions to without any recourse to parliment, and can cancel at any time they choose if the boat owner breaches any condition they have invented. The trust has now " re interpreted " the 1962 transport act section 43 and are claiming this gives them the authority to do anything they want, but they can't hide the fact that licences for boats on their waterways were not invented until 1975, and a public right of navigation existed on all their waters until 1968, so whatever way you interpret this section of this act it cannot possibly apply to licences. BW never claimed it had any such powers and post 1962 sought the consent of parliment for four new sets of bylaws, and 11 further waterways acts. The trusts is doing this because the law gives boat owners certain statutory rights which the trust wants to con them out of, many boaters already believe that the licence is a contract with contract terms and conditions, it sounds so right, but it is not true. I have taken the trust to task over this in a reasoned and polite way, they have banned any of their staff from speaking to me, and blacklisted my email and phone, they have also stated to me in writing that they will refuse to issue or renew a statutory licence unless their contract is agreed to, agreement to a contract or anything else is not a statutory pre condition of this licence surely must be illegal, the contract illegal and therefore unenforceable ? I and all other licence holders are being forced to agree to a contract we do not want, which the law states we do not need to obtain a licence, the Trust is blatantly breaking the law, which for them has no consequences, without funding a very expensive judicial review of the legislation we are at a loss to find a way to challenge this.
  10. Hi, I'm trying to help a friend. Child is three years old, mother was common law wife of the child's father. Father has been killed in a work related accident. The employer has made a payment (from Avia) through a solicitor engaged by the mother. The child is the beneficiary of the very small estate. The solicitor will only pay the monies into a the Child's account which has to be a trust account with two signatories and flatly refuses to pay into a simple Child's account. We have been unable to find an High Street bank that offers such an account. The solicitor is pushing the mother to go to a company that specialises in Trust accounts but this would be a big hit on the very small amount of money involved, less than £20K. 1) Does she have to have a trust account? 2) If yes, where can we setup such account ourselves to save taking a kit on the funds?
  11. http://www.lullabytrust.org.uk/
  12. "Trust Money' contacted me a couple of days ago, offering me an IVA. This something I had been looking into, although I have never heard of this company. The only thing I can find on google about them is their actual website. As I am unable to find anything else I was wondering if this company is legit? I feel I really need to do something about my debt as making minimum payments account for over half of my income and being a single mum of a baby and being a full time student I am really struggling. My out goings are more than incoming so I need to do something. If anyone has heard of this company or used them Id be very grateful to hear from you. Thanks
  13. I entered into a Trust Deed in 2009 through a company in Edinburgh that I finished paying 3 years ago, but have still not been released because of PPI claims. I recently received a letter from them stating that they are now (finally) about to enter the process for closure of the case. Attached to the letter is a statement of the PPI claims received and so far this amounts to just over £4,000, but there is also a note stating that they have received £1,810 from BoS (quote) "but does not match any of the accounts above" (end quote) Does this mean they are still legally entitled to keep that money or can I claim it as it is not connected to any of the accounts under the Trust Deed?
  14. In figures just released, it was found that NHS Trusts have run a deficit of £1 billion in just 3 months. The government have increased funding in the NHS, but not related to healthcare inflation or taking into account the increased numbers using the NHS. Hospitals are having to pay a fortune for agency Nurses, because they can't get enough. Within one NHS Trust in the London area, they have 1600 vacancies across different job roles. Yet the government have a policy from 2016 to remove from the UK foreign workers who have not reached £35k per year in 5 years of being here. This will include many non EU Nurses. Meanwhile government will fund HS2 at the cost of £40+ billion and Trident replacement at £100 billion. Surely time has come to prioritise spending on essential services and infrastructure. NHS, Housing, basic transport network, schools. I am not convinced of any long term plan and it is being made up as they go along. Has been the case with successive governments over a long period. The UK has a golden opportunity to use rising population through immigration and record low interest rates, to invest in the infrastructure the country needs. The IMF and leading economists have said that UK government should be investing for future prosperity. Instead the current government are relying on mostly foreign investment which will come at a price and profits will end up going abroad.
  15. Hi all i would like some advice on my next course of action. In Sep 2006 i took out a second mortgage for £16k with central trust and the payments are £237 per month over 10 years. Between approx 2008-2010 i was off sick for a while and then in-between jobs and this resulted in me falling behind with all the bills. I would sometime pay late by a few weeks and sometimes miss a month and catch up the month after. This happened until January 2011 when i paid my arrears off and have never missed a payment since. During the missed payment times i was never more than 3 months in arrears. I am doing very well now with a good job and no debt. As this loan finishes in sep next year i telephoned them to ask for a settlement figure as i have some savings now i wanted to pay it off early (couldnt wait to get rid of this company with their excessive charges), to my horror they have said when i have paid the loan up in sep there is going to be an extra £3900 to pay in charges.. ....he then said don't worry though as when the loans finished they can sort an arrangement out to pay the charges off....FUMING! It turns out the charges they hit you with every month (late payments, bounced direct debits etc) are added to the end of the loan.. this is quite bad but to make things worse they charge you whats called simple interest every month on the charges, which has resulted in me being charge approx £16 every month in simple interest. I did see the simple interest on the statements but just presumed it was the loan interest. I don't think they have been clear on this at all, i have looked back at a few statements and they don't give you a balance on the charges or even warn you that i am paying interest on the charges. So i had a quick google and it seems this company is always at it so i decided to ring them again. I told them i was disgusted by this and want to make a complaint, i said i don't feel it acceptable that they should profit from me being in financial hardship. i took a loan out, paid them interest as agreed and the loan is nearly finished, even though i was a pain in the arse for 2 years it did not cost them nearly £4000 to send me a few letters. They asked what i would like to happen to resolve my complaint and i said all the charges back and deduct them off the balance off the loan at which point i will pay off my balance with my debit card. They said they will look into it and get a manager to get back to me. At this point i thought i was being fobbed off so i phoned FOS and explained, they said they would log my complaint and send them a letter asking them to look into it and send me a final response (just to jeer them up a bit and to show them I'm serious). As he was asking for the details f the company it appears Central trust have changed name many times so he wanted the correct company details i phoned CT back (while fos was on the other line) it was the same CT operator who answered my call, i explained fos was on the other line and he wanted their licence number to send a letter to head office, the operator gave it to me and totally changed his tune. He said the manager has looked at it and has progressed it straight to the head complaints team, he said they have 8 weeks to respond but would usually do it in 4 weeks. Got my complaint ref from FOS this morning and confirmation a letter has also been sent to CT. FOS say when i get the final response if I'm happy then have a nice life and if not to send it to them and they will deal with it. 1/ Do you think i have a good case for these charges. 2/ Shall i pay the loan off minus the charges for now or just leave it collecting the direct debit as normal. 3/ After doing some research on here some people have no faith in FOS, if i don't get anywhere with CT shall i just issue a CCJ claim against CT and don't bother waiting for the FOS to get involved. 4/ At the moment i don't know the split between charges and interest, i just know its approx £3900, can i force them to send me a statement revealing this. Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post, I'm getting annoyed again just typing it.
  16. It is now being reported that Mitsubishi offices have been raided, after the company admitted that some of its vehicle performance statistics produced were not true. This follows on from the VW scandal, the latest of which is that apparently VW might have to buy back vehicles sold in the US at a cost of approx. $7 billion. Can we presume that most vehicle performance stats produced by a company or on their behalf are unlikely to be true ? The stats are likely to be manipulated so they compare favourably with similar vehicles and have nothing to do with the performance drivers will experience. In regard to totally different products, it has been widely reported in the media that many household appliances are now so poorly made, that they will not work for the lifetime expectancies previously experienced. And in the worst cases, some appliances now represent a serious fire hazard, as seen by the number of household fires caused by washing machines, tumble driers etc around the country. Are some products now being made with very cheap parts, as companies look to sell them at a cheaper price, but maintain profit margins ? The products might pass any safety tests conducted after production, but can consumers trust that they are buying a safe product, that will last for a reasonable amount of time ?
  17. I am dealing with my late sister's affairs at her request and no will was made. The estate is very nominal and she left her affairs small and tidy to sort out - however, unfortunately, time was against us when trying to get a few things in place. My sister had an account called One Bill whereby she paid a monthly amount over to STB who then paid nominated bills on her behalf. (Your possibly wondering why in this day and age but that was her choice) She had a lot to deal with medically. She also had a current account whereby she had a 'Top up' type credit card which she had to load before she spent on it. Now, on applying to get a bank statement showing the balance on the date of death STB say they have to send out a form for completion which then has to be signed and stamped by a solicitor (for authenticity) obviously, they will have had an original death certificate aswell. I have provided Passport/ driving license and utility bill as proof of id for both my sister and myself and it was I who reported the death. If Barclays Bank do not require a solicitor or additional forms or even sight of the death certificate, just the 'reg number' from top left corner of document, why would STB need all this additional evidence? They are causing delays unnecessarily and we need to access other services with the bank statement. It's not like I am asking for the funds because there's hardly anything in the accounts. Is there anything I can do to speed up the process or complain and sit on my hands?
  18. Dear all, I unfortunately suffer from chronic depressive illness and have done so for many years with the condition significantly worsening over the past few years. In the year 2011 I had been subject to police investigation. I attended a police interview on a voluntary basis. Due to my debilitating depression I had an appropriate adult also attend this interview who I understand was a social worker at that time. The social worker, without my explicit consent, went on to record the details of the alleged criminal charges I faced on the NHS Trust’s IT system and within my electronic patient records. This information is categorised as highly sensitive information as defined under section 2 (h) of the Data Protection Act and the Trust seemingly recorded this information unlawfully. Their response however is that the processing of this information was 'necessary for medical purposes'. The criminal matter has been long since disposed of in my favour however the Trust are continuously processing this information wherever and whenever possible. I am not clear on whether or not explicit consent was needed here. It seems to me it was. I should be most grateful for any input.
  19. http://www.itv.com/news/tyne-tees/2016-04-13/are-you-the-darlington-dogs-trust-mystery-knitter/ And the advertisement.... https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/news-events/blog/2016/introducing-our-new-special-someone-tv-ad
  20. Hello, I'm sure I'm probably starting off on the wrong foot. But I received a letter from Lowells yesterday morning. They've been assigned a debt which I'm 50/50 might be statute barred. I googled for help on how to handle them and your good selves came up, but also a lot of links warning me that this site gets paid by Lowells to get posters to reveal as much information as possible so they can use it. CAG is apparently letting Lowells post here and view threads, etc, and even certain posters keep asking for documents to be scanned up as pdfs so Lowells can get a better idea of who/what/etc. Please tell me this isn't true? Again, sorry for sounding paranoid, but having heard things about the owner working for bailiff company Marstons and an over-zealous site team of ESA claimants with too much time on their hands who edit and delete threads because it makes them feel important and gives their empty lives meaning, I just wanted to double check this isn't the case.... Thanks.
  21. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/remembering-the-battle-of-the-somme-a-bond-of-trust
  22. At present, High Court Enforcement agents are only able to enforce judgments if they relate to non consumer credit debts and have a value of over £600. Judgements relating to consumer credit debts (typically, a debt relating to a bank loan, credit card debt, catalogue debt or any other finance agreement) may only be enforced by a County Court Bailiff. The High Court Enforcement industry has campaigned for many years for the law to be changed to allow them to enforce judgments in relation to 'consumer credit debts'. Earlier this year, the High Court Enforcement industry had their hopes raised that the law will be changed with the release of the Ministry of Justice's Civil Courts Structure Review that was chaired by Lord Justice Briggs. In the review, Justice Briggs stated that County Court enforcement is presently: “heavily localised, paper based, prone to error in form filling, and widely perceived to be slow, ineffective and expensive” A public Consultation was issued (now closed) and in the next few weeks a final report is due to be published. Today the Money Advice Trust issued the following release: http://www.moneyadvicetrustblog.org/2016/07/22/no-enforced-changes-some-thoughts-on-the-lord-justice-briggs-review/ A copy of their response to the Consultation is below: http://www.moneyadvicetrust.org/SiteCollectionDocuments/Policy%20consultation%20responses/Unilateral%20responses/Money%20Advice%20Trust%20response%20to%20the%20Civil%20Courts%20Structure%20Review%20Interim%20Report%20consultation%20paper.pdf
  23. I am about to do a check with Trust online. I know i have no nasties but worth £4.00 to check. Especially TV licence as well as any CCJ https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCIQFjAAahUKEwjgxtfc1_rGAhVKBNsKHUr-CNI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.trustonline.org.uk%2F&ei=5s-1VeC7OsqI7AbK_KOQDQ&usg=AFQjCNGfz1bOOlkvhrCCpLiz2-k0kpD24w&bvm=bv.98717601,d.ZGU Get through all the registration business and up pops card details powered by PAYPOINT asking as an extra precaution my address for bank card check. I have no objection to this in principle but the obvious question has to be do Registry Trust then have access to my new address?? I am not sounding paranoid it is just i had my brother living next door to me and he had issues with the CSA and the tax man (Late self assessment) returns. What makes it worse is that we have the same initial for our forename and DOB as we are twins
  24. I rented a property in Aberdeen via Northwood Aberdeen and I want to share my experiences of when I left the property. I am not looking for any legal advice because I accepted the amount they kept even though it was totally unjustifiable and perhaps i was a little impatient but hey ho! I needed the money and they dragged it on for a whole month right until the end of the deadline from deposit protection. when I handed in my notice a full 2 months in advance (as per contract) they try keeping extra months rent (by saying I have to give notice from same date i moved in of current month) apparently they try this with other tenants as i read on a review site called allagents. is this even legal i mean 2 month notice means 2 month notice why does it have to be same date you moved in?. I eventually got a call when i disputed this and was told landlord said he wont charge (trying to pull a fast one i think, most certainly they would have pocketed this extra rent) Another way of conning ex tenant extra months rent despite given 2months to find another then of course they will get new tenant in by then. It didn't end there they always get you on minor things it's like they have a rule they have to get something out of you regardless. ..I was given a lengthy list of defects in the flat despite having a review and letters/emails saying thanks for keeping flat immaculate on regular inspections. I contested every last point some which were easier than others as had noted them in itinerary or emails. eventually they would just not listen and claimed on such a minor minor issue that it was laughable and of course they charged £40+ as part of the admin fee on top for arranging the work on such a minor issue (apparently) which i do not believe they would even carry out. I disagreed but as they dragged it on so much I simply agreed eventually to letting them keep a small amount just to get my deposit back (or most of it). I do not understand as I have heard from other people as well that they just like to keep something, maybe it pays for the staff coffee (I do not know) but this is totally unfair and was wondering if people could share there experiences on here. oh and they also troll the web and some how manage to remove bad comments about them on yell and other review sites so no doubt this one will also be hijacked by there fake accounts and removed. My dealings with them suggest they are dishonest when it comes to handling other peoples money, I feel for the landlords as during my tenancy on at least one occasion they sent out cow boy workmen who they referred to as "engineers" to fix a simple shower hose, they broke the rest of shower in process and when I informed them it took them a few weeks to put a new one as apparently they had to get permission of the landlord and no doubt put it on his bill. the issue here was not about the money, it was the principle and even though initially I was going to contest it all the way as I believe I had enough proof and photographs in the end the brain dead email replies I was getting just showed the letting manager had no intellect and I just gave in.
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