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Found 6 results

  1. Regulator finds significant failures at the Presidents Club Charitable Trust READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/regulator-finds-significant-failures-at-the-presidents-club-charitable-trust
  2. Hi, i have been told by my employer that due to a few internal changes i will lose all of the supervisory/managerial elements of my job. My team will now report directly to a colleague, as will i. My job title will change also. I have not seen a new job description and will work at the same level as the staff i previously managed. This appears to others as a demotion. I do not intend to accept this change which is to be fairly immediate. I have been in current role as a team leader for over 5 years. What action should I take? Thanks
  3. I bought a Denon AV receiver about 7 months ago from an online retailer. I now need to return it for a replacement power supply as it is making a humming noise. The retailer tells me I need to purchase packaging, arrange a courier and they will contribute £10 for carriage. This is a large and expensive item so packaging it safely will be a big job and I am not sure that £10 will cover carriage and insurance. They tell me repair could take up to 4 weeks which is very inconvenient as this is a critical part of our media system and used daily. I realise being without films and music isn't the end of the world but on the other hand I am annoyed that such an expensive item has failed so soon and is causing this inconvenience. I see The Consumer Rights Act says: What constitutes "significant inconvenience" and should a large item be expected to be returned with all costs, including packaging refunded?
  4. Hi, Hoping someone might know where I stand on this but I have a feeling I won't have a leg to stand on. Here goes my situation, Discovered today my account was over its overdraft by £471. In a complete panic I rushed to the bank to get a statement only to discover over 100 transactions from Amazon in the last 2 days. Turned out my 13 year old son had used my card and proceeded to use it for in app purchases. I have phoned hsbc to see how I stand on this they state that unless I get the police involved there is nothing they can do (which obviously I don't want to do as he has never done anything like this before and I really don't think he realised how much he had spent) that is fair enough I asked how they allowed my account to go so far over my overdraft, which is £1000, and continue to allow more and more transactions to go out. The reply I got you have to involve the police if you want it sorted. What annoys me most is that a few months ago I tried to make a transaction which would have taken me over my overdraft by about £15 (unwittingly) but was declined how or why on earth did they allow it to reach that limit and sting me with charges which they refuse to withdraw. I have a pretty poor credit rating so it would be considered irresponsible lending surely. Any ideas where to turn next ? TIA Gem77 P.s. Yes my son has had a very stern talking to and being punished accordingly.
  5. I have monitored this CAG forum for many years and since the introduction of the Taking Control of Goods Regulations almost exactly one year ago it is clear that the level of forum posts has dropped dramatically. I would also suggest that the seriousness of the forum posts has reduced even further with many just asking what to do after receiving the NOE or questioning other forum guidance. All in all a positive thing for the enforcement industry as whole wouldn't you agree?
  6. Hi I took out an SPML mortgage in 2006. I was a bit of a sub-primer and this was all I could get. It was for a buy-to-let mortgage. Of course I don't have to recount to you what a nightmare this has been at times. In any case I'm currently in arrears (I won't bore you with the sob story) and I have also accrued thousands in 'other charges' for insurance(?), management fees, missed direct debits and anything else they could think of, really. I've had a letter and a court date from their solicitors seeking re-possession. I originally found this site in 2006 when it helped me to reclaim bank charges. I was wondering what advice you could give me on this? I should be able to make some payment towards the arrears. I have a tenant moving in to the property shortly. Has anyone had success reclaiming these charges? They are huge. Thank you.
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