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  1. Why take any dispute to the Ombudsman , is it worth the trouble? For the 3 time of trying to post this reply but worth reading:- Rights of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act 1954, The Gas Safety (Rights of Entry) Regulations 1996 In a genuine dispute there are no rights of entry(i.e magistrates warrant issued), however I would also caution health and safety matters if its a gas leak. if electricity meter dispute The Electricity Act 1989, The Utilities Act 2000 Note schedule 7 of 1989 act and schedule 5 of 2000 Act, an electric meter cannot be removed until a dispute is resolved. I did provide links to laws but the post is not going through. Hope this helps you and others. Mike
  2. I gave a "friend" a note with my contact details which included address. He posted this online with comment along the lines I wantes sex with him. Not very nice, I'm sure you'll agree. But is it illegal?
  3. I have my United States Postal Service tracking number and the package was delivered in London at 5.02pm Sunday 29th Sepptember 2015. Status, in transit to destination. it is a priority paid package and signature is required as proof of delivery. It took four days California the London. Day five and still no delivery. I have bent the ear of our postman everyday since Tuesday. We live 125 miles from London. This package is a book, not a big problem to some. This magazine has been out of print since 200015 and there were only two left, mine being one. If i want to buy a second hand copy from EBay I could have to pay up to £999.00 I am not kidding. If you are an emroiderer/quilter you might understand why this book has become so expensive. I exhibit at international quilt competitions these days. This book is a one of a kind and has a very intricate design. Royal Mail is nightmare, I cannot check to see if the package is stuck in the system. only the sender can do this via the United States Post office. There is no human I can speak to at Royal Mail customer Services. Not to be thwarted, and beiing an old campaigner i sent them an RM an email with all the facts needed to trace this package, as each step of the way the label has to be scanned for tracking purposes. It was scanned at Heathrow, despatched to Mill Hill, scanned there and no further scanning. No wonder Royal Mail is haemorraging customers.
  4. Hi Ive been looking on here for some time and I wondered if anyone could help me. In 2011 I had a ccj registered against me for unpaid nursery fees. I had post natal depression at the time and didnt receive the court papers due to probably not opening them. I received the judgement and explained to cci that I had left the nursery and did not owe the money, but may owed around a month. I paid some for a while and cancelled the payments as they kept taking it out on the wrong day. Anyway, I have been well for around 6 months now and have still not sorted the ccj out. I called the court then the hospital whom the nursery was with. They advised me they had some logs of the calls and the last date of attendance at nursery was 3 april, so I should have been charged 1.2 months not 4 months fees. He then phoned back and said they havent received a written notice and the full amount still stands. I definitely handed my notice in at the nursery but I have no proof. I explained I had to leave my job at the hospital due to pnd but he didnt seem to care. My question is, is it reasonable to charge 4 months fees when a child has not attended during this time. Is there anything I can do. I fear Ive opened a can of worms now rather than leaving it for another year Thank you
  5. Hi I really need some help with what's happening with the jobcentre. Every time I go in there its awful and I dread it and always think what next So now I have been put on community work placement for 26 to 30 weeks! I finished the work programme in June 2013 so was put on post work programme when I went back to the jobcentre. In February I did mandatory work activity for 4 weeks. I was left alone for about a month then put on daily signing for 13 weeks, when I said to my advisor I thought this only applied to people who finished the work programme after April 2014 she said it applies to everyone now. Finished that and then about 2 weeks later I was put on a retail course. Just finished that and the first appointment I had at the jobcentre she says she's putting me CWP Can she do this? Fist I thought she couldn't because I finished the work programme before April and after reading what I can it seems you get placed on either daily signings or CWP not both If anyone could give me any information that would be great Thanks
  6. Hi, newbie here. I'm not sure this is a 'consumer' issue, but I do need tangible help . For years I have collected my pension from my Post Office. Or I did until 24th August, when after transacting my pension, I went to pick up papers, when the newly installed ex-Guildford - nightclub bouncer? - sub-postmaster dashed round the counter , slammed his hand on the paper and bellowed I am not having papers from his shop - indeed to enforce his still voluble and physical aggression he hard gripped my right arm - it felt like a stab wound, and frog-marched me from the shop. Thanks to an intended entering customer the doorway was blocked, or I'd have been in a final thrust onto the pavement! This is the gist of my very traumatic and wholly unwarranted ordeal . My arm is still acutely painful, and I'm having relentless physio. I complained to PO, fobbed off by 'customer services' (sis) right through to Executive - citing there's no CCTV in the papers section (pardon, right next to the till?); that this is a non-incident as there is no case for him to answer! (pardon?) and so not even a contrite apology; yet they refuse giving me his surname, et al; that I am not prevented (by Post Office) using that Post Office! I am not risking my life to attempt entering Hades again! Post Office consider the matter done and dusted - heads in sand would, wouldn't they (rhetorical). I am absolutely abhorrent a representative of the post office is allowed to even touch, let alone violently manhandle a customer (frail, disabled pensioner to boot), without someone taking responsibility. Where do they get these (BUCHAN) mental incompetents from? Who WILL help. [i take no comfort that he has upset many customers, yet wonders why his takings went down in three weeks; that a 15-year longstanding employee he initially praised helping him, is now 'incompetent' (huh?) and he's given a "written warning" to (inducing untenable stress, making her ill]. WHO WILL HELP, pls?
  7. I have lots of problems finding where to start a new thread so end up joining someone else's every time… I know when I have asked before I'm told there's a button in the top left hand corner which states "Post New Thread" but on my computer this doesn't appear … Is there anything i can do, please?
  8. It should be noted that to date (3rd Sept 2015) I have not received any personal response from Kwick Fit since I sent this to them on 28/8/15 via their online coolants form. Dear Sir, Complaint regarding Kwick Fit at Sunderland Road, Gateshead During a recent MOT of my car at this garage on 2/6/2015 it failed due to supposedly faulty wiper blades. These were replaced in order to pass the MOT. I was curious of this failure as I had run my finger along the blades beforehand and did not feel any damage on the rubber nor was there any obstruction on the windscreen. I asked for them back as I wanted to see the reason for failure. When these were returned to me the blade had been physically torn from the wiper. It was not in this condition when I took it in to the garage. I however reluctantly took this as damage caused through removal of the blade from the wiper arm. Within two days of the MOT I noticed a crack which travelled from the bottom of the windscreen up to the wiper blade and followed the length of the blade. Although there was no chip, I have since been told by another independent garage that the crack is a direct cause of the wiper arm (without wiper blade fitted) being released under tension and hitting the windscreen with force. A little over a month later 25/7/2015 I returned my car to the same Kwick Fit garage to have a puncture repaired. During the tyre repair I was informed by the manager that the brakes were nearly worn out and the rear break calliper was seizing. The manager also told me the car needed a new brake disk due to ‘heat damage’ although I could not see any signs of bluing or warping due to heat when I inspected it. I opted to have the work done at a later date when the pads were actually wearing out The next day there was a constant grinding noise from the offending wheel. I contacted Kwick Fit to instruct them to replace the Pads and Calliper. At which the manager refused my instruction insisting that both rear brake disks were replaced as well at an additional £127.00 My experience from the MOT made me take the car to a non Kwick Fit garage for second opinion. The other garage engineer informed me that the pads had indeed worn out and were now metal against metal; in addition the garage told me he had to ‘chisel’ the pads out as the calliper was seized solid and had been so for some time. He didn’t mention heat damage, nor could I see any bluing on brake disk indicative of heat damage as Kwick Fit had stated. The reasons for my complaint are: Kwick Fit had not identified the worn brakes in the MOT, or a binding brake calliper during the MOT. Although the failure occurred a month following the MOT, the condition of the breaks should have been easily observed by a competent mechanic and, in my opinion the vehicle left the MOT in a dangerous condition. I am very suspicious of the fact that the pads failed the next day. This is very co-incidental. I am also aggrieved that a crack on the windscreen appeared directly after work carried out by Kwick Fit and is suggestive of heavy handedness - resulting in a costly replacement of the screen and potential insurance claim against Kwick Fit. Before I discredit Kwick Kit I will give you the opportunity to rectify the faults which have appeared on my car whilst in the care of your employees especially to the windscreen which is non repairable. I can of course have an independent engineer confirm the cause of damage to the windscreen if required. Regards (Name withheld from forum)
  9. Hi there, I am new to this and would kindly welcome some advice if anyone could help? I'll keep it brief and to the point. Work for global corporation, my head office based in UK. Employed by this company for nine years, no complaints at all. Had various directors, regional managers and line managers over these 9 years. Company was restructured late December 2014, I inherited a different regional manager and line manager in January (both who work in a different division and have no knowledge of the job I do, regional manger been there for at least 7 years, line manager only promoted to line manager in January 2015, previously same job spec as mine only different division). Was given a complete new territory in January unannounced (had been consultant for a different territory for over three years and built up good trust and sales with these customers). Regardless, went out and done my job, hit my sales target in January despite the whole territory being new. Two weeks into February had a conversation with my new line manager who was enquiring why the mood was so low in our team ( a team of ten consultants) and I had offered a suggestion that "maybe the constant negativity wasn't helping" . I said this as we had all received a barrage of negative emails and phonecalls from said line manager, and everyone was moaning about it, seen as we were a new team that had been put together in January, me being the longest serving employee out of the whole team said what I said. The day after, at 7.30pm I received a friendly txt from line manager asking if I could meet him the following day to have a chat about figures, I agreed as didn't think anything of it, went to the meeting location the next day, was invited into a room by line manager, next thing regional manager walks in (unannounced) asks me "do you know what youre here for" when I replied "it was my understanding I was here to have a chat about figures with line manager, he said "no, youre going to pick your way to leave this company". He said "you can either resign, or I will make your life hell and make you leave". You have until Tuesday the following week to decide. I told him after a barrage of abuse from him, I wasn't resigning. The next morning the abuse continued, wont go into detail just now but will if anyone wants to know the details, just want to get the main points out just now. The next day I met with HR as I was disgusted at what had happened and told HR everything that had been said and proposed etc. HR (after hearing my side of the story), two days later, they wrote back saying they had spoke to both concerned and that they had all agreed that they would all meet with me to have a discussion. I was horrified at this, I had been duped into a meeting were it was a 2 vs 1 scenario, no witnesses, was totally bullied and intimidated, no witnesses, and HR wanted me to meet with them again under the same set up, ( HR are supposed to be impartial but in our company they are not). Before this week came around I was that ill after the original meeting, had nearly crashed my car on a busy motorway after suffering a severe panic attack, more followed, that my GP signed me off work and prescribed anti anxiety medication. To cut a long story short, I raised a grievance, it was heard by same HR I had spoken to initially and another manager who offered me a "new position" when accompanying me down in the lift out of the meeting room once the grievance had been heard, I said nothing. It took them 5 months to conclude the grievance stating time out of office and work commitments. When the notes came out it was clear that both managers had colluded, also my notes were missing, when I asked about these, they then sent a diluted version of my notes, when I asked them that I wished them to be amended to what I actually said, they thanked me for the ammendum but stated it wouldn't change anything. They also added parts to my grievance which were not included, to absolve themselves I guess. My post was on a recruitment site straight after (I know this is not against the law but trying to give an insight). None of it was upheld. The two investigating, made the conclusion. In between the grievance conclusion and me stating I wished to appeal, the person I raised the grievance about was promoted. The Grievance appeal was heard by same HR person and finance director, was cut short as they had a flight to catch. I was then sent the notes of said meeting, it was so heavily diluted that anyone who didn't know about it would have a hard time working out what all of the fuss was about, my witness emailed their notes, after that, although a conclusion was promised by the end of last week, straight after my witness submitted their notes I received a "without prejudice" email asking me to accept a paltry amount of money. I would gratefully accept any advice on what to do next, if anyone has any questions please ask, I just tried to keep this post short (ish) and to the point. Thanking you all in advance.
  10. In a nutshell: Last September, we noticed that the cover of the external junction box on our house was missing (presumably blown down in the high winds we'd recently had.) My husband called our home phone provider, the Post Office, who asked various questions, such as whether it was affecting the line etc. He was very clear that it wasn't, but he was concerned about the wires being open to the elements. The P.O arranged for a BT Openreach engineer to come out. He arrived, looked at where the box is sited (under the eaves of our house, over our porch) and said a cherry picker would be needed to get up there. Cherry picker duly arrived, the whole box was replaced with a new, modern one and the engineer told us we wouldn't be charged, as it constituted essential maintenance. Several months later, our phone bill arrives...with an additional £140 plus vat for the call out. According to the P.O, we are responsible for the external junction box, so we have to pay. Fast forward to last month, and the new junction box has come away from our property and is hanging in mid air, suspended between 2 cables. My husband has gone back to the P.O, saying that he is not happy to have to pay again for work carried out less than 10 months ago. The P.O try to argue that there is no such think as any kind of guarantee on work carried out by Openreach, and we would have to raise a complaint with them directly. Meanwhile, Openreach inform us that we should never have been charged for the call out anyway, as it was an external issue and not inside the property. Who is right? And where do we stand, now that the junction box needs re-attaching to the property?
  11. Starting a new thread as my work programme one was finished with and I'm relieved about that. I've contacted Ingeus requesting a copy of their exit report. It's been a week so I think I need to contact them again. The Ingeus adviser recommended to me to call a number for 'mandatory reconsideration into the support group' after they'd spoken to the jobcentre as my condition had gotten worse on the programme and they haven't been able to help me. Since leaving the programme I received a letter offering me support from the jobcentre DEA but that this was voluntary. I've had too much stress and pain lately to agree to see their DEA. I received the WCA form through for reassessment and its been filled in and sent back some weeks ago. So they'll be updated on my new condition. I don't know how long this will take or when will I get called in for an ATOS assessment? My reassessment is slightly complicated because my partner has just started part-time work so they have 2 issues to sort out. I don't even know if Ill get ESA because he works 21 hours per week. This has had a knock on affect, his carers allowance has stopped and my housing benefit has stopped. My latest 2 letters from them 3 weeks ago said; firstly that my claim for ESA had cancelled. (We think this happened because my partner started what he thought was part-time work but was over the limit making it fulltime, then he got changed to another department taking him under the limit). The 2nd letter said I was entitled to ESA but only £35 per week. I've received a WFI from jobcentre but had to get my partner to argue the fact that I'm totally unable to get to the appointment as usual so a phone call. Again a problem but we got through it. The 'work coach' wanted to know how I got on in the work programme, so I explained I'd made it to a large amount of the appointments but much less in the last section of it. I told her I'd finished a course at college with great difficulty and with advice from my gp to concentrate on pain relief for my condition rather than start a new course and was told by the work coach that as I'm currently in the WRAG I need to be in some kind of training. I have told her I'm unable to (I can't do it, I can't afford it and I can't access most places and I'm over 25! I've done the free courses like functional skills and gcses. I felt so angry ]when I came off the phone. Am I still mandated to take part in these unhelpful interviews while I'm in the reassessment process? Any comments/advice are welcomed and I thank you in advance.
  12. Hi all, I've just received a PCN from the council so its an official ticket. It states its for parking in a taxi rank and I'm not sure if its contestable. On the day in question I was the passenger in the car and yes it did pull over on a taxi rank so I could jump out and go to a shop and then pulled up again so I could get back in. At no time was the car un-occupied, engines turned off or as far as I'm concerned "parked" in the taxi rank. The ticket states that a warden attempted to put a ticket on the car but from what my friend who was driving said, no-one attempted to issue a ticket or even walk up to the car to ask him to move. Also just noticed the car colour says "other". Is it worth contesting? Thanks Mick
  13. Hi, I am new to forums and have just joined this site, I need advice about a parking ticket i got in a private car park. I wont go into all the details here but i can't work out where i should post the whole comment or how to do it. Could anyone please tell me so i can post my whole question please, Thank you in advance... from a learner
  14. Hi am new to the site, which place is the best to post a question about wages being held back. thank you.
  15. Hello all, I apologise for what I can see is yet another post regarding these people. I am hoping someone can help me in this matter, I write on behalf of my son. A long story short..... Here goes. October 2015 my sons friend rang and offered him a complimentary membership to the local exercise4less gym. A brief chat and five minutes later my son comes in the room looking puzzled. He asks me.. Mum, why on earth did i give them my card details? I reply, you don't if its complimentary, basically Son I think you've been signed up for a paying membership. He rings his friend straight back and says sorry man Im not up for that, he says no problem ill get my manager to ring you. She/he rings back and says no problem its sorted. He receives an email on 14/10/15 saying in brief....... Mr.... Your membership was processed in error, I shall send down an email to remove/cancel, ( can't recall what word they used), fine he says great thank you. I told my son to check his bank and cancel any DD that was there, he said there isn't one set up mum so can't. We think things are ok, how wrong. January 2016 arrives and my son finds that they have taken £9.99 from his bank using his card. He goes straight to bank, they cancel his DD which has appeared suddenly and also cancel his current bank card. 12th February 2016 he receives a text message from xercise4less tell him to ring to reinstate the DD or he will be charged. He replied to the original email which states it was processed in error, asking them to rectify it. Following day, 13th he gets a letter from Harlands saying this..... Your bank has advised us that your DD instruction has been cancelled. The terms of you membership agreement mean that you have to repay all your instalments by DD. Therefore you must call HARLANDS helpline immediately to reinstate your DD. If you do not call us by 28th Feb you will be charged an administration fee. He tried to ring them on Friday, but there was no answer. He signed no paperwork, and has an email stating that it was processed in error in October 2015. They took money they shouldn't have done. He let this slide due to the sad circumstance that the friend whom initially rang him was killed in a hit and run beginning of January, so felt it hard to deal with asking for his money back. As a parent I always give my kids the tools they need to progress in matters of adult life but all I can do when I don't have the tools or any answers is look to others. So any help, advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Swiftvalley16
  16. Hi I have read and re-read thread after thread and am now looking to see if I understand! I have received a claim form out of CCBC, relating to a credit card debt, to which I've responded with the AoS. I am considering a Statute Barred defence. The last payment I made was in November 2009 and I have not acknowledged anything since. I have the credit card statements from November 2009 to March 2010. The outstanding balance on the March 2010 statement is the exact amount being claimed. The only entries between November 2009 and March 2010, apart from my last payment in Nov 2009, are for interest and late payment fees. It would seem from the evidence that I have that a SB defence should hopefully succeed. Could someone please advise if this makes sense and if so the wording I should use? Also, should I include the credit card statements as appendices? Thanks for your help.
  17. Hi guys, I had a good read of the thread titled: "Penalty Charge notice not received in post from council" (sorry I can't post the link as I havn't made enough posts on this forum) It was really useful because Tunde's situation was very similar to what I have now. Back in November I strayed into a bus lane in Swindon, and yesterday received a Penalty Charge Cert. for £90, on a letter which claimed I had been sent correspondence before. However, I had not received anything before. Also, in the envelope they sent me there was a similar Charge Cert addressed to a different person, at a completely different address! I called up a Swindon Council number and spoke to a bloke about the issue of only receiving this certificate as the first correspondence. I forgot to mention the thing about receiving someone else's letter. He said in quite a stern tone that it'd be just my word against theirs and I'd have to wait for the next letter, which will be some sort of court-style charge recovery letter. I then heeded the advice of the other thread I linked to, and sent an email in a similar style. Here it is: I am writing to you with regards to the attached letter received via post on the ... January 2016, dated ... 2016. The charge certificate states that the offence was detected on the ... 2015 and that you sent a notification to me, which according to you, I refused to since pay hence the increase in the penalty charge to £90. I would like to inform you that I NEVER received any notification prior to this charge certificate. I would like you to therefore please send me the initial notification; I have no issue paying the original fine, but it would be very unfair and unjust to pay an increased fee since I did not receive any notification from you. It is also important to note that the said offence was committed in November; I would like to know the date the penalty charge letter was sent to me. ALSO, you can see in the attachment that in the same document sent to me there was also a letter meant for a completely different person who I don't know, at a different address. This is quite a concern in itself, and also suggests an oversight by the sender which might explain why I never received an original notice. In summary, I would like to be given the original notice for the original fine (as I have never received it), and also be given an explanation as to why I have received someone else's notice. The later C.C should be cancelled and my fine reverted to the original, in light of what I have explained. Here are the relevant numbers, as can be seen in the attachment: Yours Faithfully, _______________________________________________________________ There is something else however. The driver who strayed into the lane is a Chinese friend of mine (I'm typing this on his behalf for language reasons). He is a researcher here but will return to China in May. If he does come back to the UK it will be after a couple of years and to a different address. Does this affect how we should treat this complaints process, in your eyes? Many thanks for taking the time to read all that!
  18. Hi there I've just attempted to post in banks,finance,credit forum but it states that it's not accepting any more posts.. .. I hope you can re direct this for me and hopefully help. I have four credit cards (all defaulted against) and one loan (with a ccj) that I am looking to settle . two of the cards are in my husbands name but I will be negotiating in the same instance. All of the creditors have payment plans in place which I negotiated myself which have been running and paid on time for a minimum of two years agreed payments are between £20-£40 per month each. I have recently contacted Vanquis and Halifax with proposed settlements and have used template letters from the Internet requesting full and final settlement to avoid the debt then being sold on. Vanquis has a balance of £1800 of which I have offered £1000.. ..they are happy to accept this but only on the basis that the debt will show as being partial settlement on my credit file. They have stated that the account will be closed and that the debt will not be sold on ( which I do not believe) I have had a very basic email accepting the offer (with no mention of the debt not being sold on) I really am not in the habit of liasing over the telephone but meerly contacted them to confirm they had received the letter. I then asked for all dealings to be done in writing. I am not disputing the debt as my credit file shows all payments to them, hence the phone call which I hope hasn't jeopardised any future negotiations. The account was opened in 2006 with an initial credit limit of £1200 which rose to £3000 I'm not certain when the default took place but I'm guessing approx 2013 it's fair to say every penny of the outstanding balance is charges and interest only. (Cringe) The Halifax letter I have yet to chase but is of lesser amount being approx £700 of which I have offered £350 taken out in 2012/13 again being made up now of interest/charges this is still accruing interest and only approx £3 per month reducing the balance I am certainly not flush but in a position to clear these hopefully over the next 6-12 months based on each creditor accepting approx 50% of the debt. Your advice on how to push for a full and final settlement would be very much appreciated as I'm finding it very difficult to get any help elsewhere and I don't want to jump out of th frying pan as it were by settling on a non favourable basis. Any other loopholes would be very much appreciated you guys appear to really know what you are talking about!! The other outstanding cards which I have not yet contacted are with lloyds approx £1200 held by my husband literally forever 25 years? and is made up totally 100% charges/interest........ ... ppi has however been claimed against this account as it was the only one with it (we have just had a letter reducing the balance by £800 due to some legal error on their part also) this has been outsourced to Robinson way for some time although the refund letter came directly from LLOYDS you never know who you are dealing with!! Barclaycard....held since 2005 balance approx £5000 AGAIN all charges/interest nightmare negotiating with to stop interest and charges managed by LINK (charge refund request made a couple of years ago by requesting bank statements to no avail) Finally a loan initially taken out with LOMBARD for £12,500 in 2008 then passed on to idem/Arden/idem I can't keep up with this!!! CCJ in 2013 sadly again the original loan has been repaid in essence but outsourced due to late payments with an outstanding balance of approx £5000 All of the defaults as a result of my mom dying and me losing the plot for a while sadly!! In 2013 -So frustrating as my credit history wasn't bad until then Any advice you can give me would be so gratefully received - I appreciate you taking the time to read this and appreciate that my circumstances may not appear as desperate as some- my mental health is however suffering a great deal as I am desperate to keep my family home I am the midst of a very complicated lost will scenario three years after my mothers death With a Contentious probate scenario not of my making. My only way out is to raise enough funds to buy out my very wealthy brothers (I am not) .hence my need to clear outstanding debt as efficiently and effectively as possible. This is my only way forward and any help for the sake of my sanity and my children's home would mean the world to us all.
  19. Hello CAG members I have recently had a new permit system put in place at my place of residents. I sent an email to apply for permits to both my company and private vehicle back in September 2015, I had a response saying that they will send them out. I did not receive them and I should have chased this up but I'm a busy man and work away from home a lot. It weren't until December when I got back from work that I found a PCN on my car, I sent an email to ask where my permits are and they sent me an email saying they will send them out but whilst I was waiting I received another PCN at 11pm that evening on my company vehicle. I have sent a letter to CPM and they refused my appeal and have told me to appeal through theIAS. So need to know..... do I have proper grounds to appeal? and What are theIAS like? I read some bad reviews about them and think they will side with CPM I refuse to pay this and I never will pay as its unfair!! Chris
  20. Just received a County Court Claim form (Northampton) from Lowell Portfolio relating to a debt from 2010. It is for a Lloyds credit card default. It was a stressfull period as I was made redundant from my job and I had a number of financial issues as a consequence .. . not least having to sell up quickly (nil equity), or risk having my home repossessed as I couldn't pay the mortgage. The debt has been passed through a number of debt collection agencies till Lowell took it on a few months ago. I have no paperwork or information so I'm not sure when the actual default happened . .. it was sometime in early 2010 so it probably isn't time barred as I assume Lowells wouldn't raise a court claim for a time barred debt. I assume its not worth fighting this as I can't prove anything . .. however I'm happy to make things as difficult as possible for Lowell. I assume they bought this debt for under £500 (maybe even less as its passed down a few collection agencies) . .. claim is for £3,547 .. . can I make them declare in court what they paid .. .. and agree to repay what they paid for the debt. If I say I have no knowledge of any debt with Lloyds ...what paperwork or contract will they need to provide to prove this debt actually exists. Is there any defence or method of minimising the claim? I'm no longer working, rent my home and have nil assets, apart from a 14 year old car worth £1k. I'm approaching 65 and live off a moderate (very moderate!) occupational pension. Any help or guidance greatly appreciated.
  21. Recently received a letter from the above, refering to their clients as Capquest and originator HBOS for an amount of almost 10 thousand pounds, saying they are instructed by Capquest to commence legal proceedings if proposals arent made by the 14th of this month, to clear the debt... As i have no idea where this is from and is not showing on Noddle or Experian I am wondering If anyone can help please?
  22. So keeping a long story short I was declared bankrupt in April 2011 and discharged in October 2011. Part of the bankruptcy incorporated my Natwesticon bank account and loans. Moving forward I was contacted by Natwest in 2014 regarding the mis-sellingicon of PPI and eventually they awarded me money as a compensation settlement. As I had been declared bankrupt I contacted both Natwest and the Insolvency Service (Birmingham Office who dealt with my case) and was told that between the two of them they would sort the situation out and I guessed that the money would go towards those companies who had been owed money when I filed for bankruptcy. Jumping forward again I am having problems with my local council which led to me having to contact Natwest and that in turn has led to the revelation that I have an active account with the bank. I therefore went into my local branch today and after some investigation I was told that I do indeed have an account and that there is a little over £4600 in it, they also told me that the account was frozen, most likely due to being inactive since March 2014. They gave me a printout of the balance which shows that the account has been open since at least October 2008 which is obviously over two years before my bankruptcy took place. The best I can figure is that it is my old Natwest account and that the money in it is the compensation that I was given in 2014 for the PPI mis-selling, this ties in as the money was deposited into the account in March 2014. This of course is surprising to me as I was under the impression that the insolvency team would have contacted the bank and taken the money, I did after all let both parties know of the situation when the compensation was paid to me. So anyway the bank have advised me to contact the insolvency people and find out why they have not claimed the money, they have also made a note of the conversation I had with them today in order to back up my claim that I was not aware of this money and had not been keeping it secret from the insolvency people. I have tried to call the insolvency office today but just got through to a voicemail so I didnt leave a message as obviously al of the above is not the easiest to leave a message about. I will of course try calling them again in the morning but thought I would run this by you guys in the meantime for advise as to why this has happened and where do I stand? Now obviously it would be very nice to stumble across over £4000 that I didnt know I had but Im assuming that even now almost 5 years after being declared bankrupt that the money will be going to the insolvency office, im just at a loss as to why they never claimed it in the first place.
  23. Regarding the fact that the "edit post" facility has apparently been changed so it is only available for 10 minutes after posting, not 24 hours. From http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?459296-Freedom-of-Information-Act-being-abused-with-vexatious-FOI-requests.&p=4853996 Downsides of this: CAG'ers on smartphones may not have the "preview post" option. It may well be available on the "full site" rather than "mobile view" options, but in that case, if forcing people towards using the non-mobile option ; why have the mobile view? The problem for people (especially on mobile devices) is that they may post, and have something happen in real life so they can't go back and check their post within the next 10 minutes, loosing the ability to change typos and incorrect "autocorrect substitutions". Sometimes, even despite proofreading, errors aren't spotted until the post has been posted..... Does it matter if an OP alters their post? I doubt it does, if no one else has replied. If someone has replied : why not "solve the problem" by encouraging people replying to reply with quote (the default on my smartphone). The quoted section won't change even if the OP changes their original post, and provides not only a record of the original post, but context for the reply, too. I think the "baby has been thrown out with the bath water" here, for the reasons I've stated. Suggestions one should "preview you post" before posting show just how easy it is for typos to slip through, even with previewing. I suggest other solutions (as stated) are better, or even a shorter "lock period" than 24 hours, but nowhere as brief as 10 minutes.
  24. Hello all. Today - when doing the school run, I parked the car near to the entrance to a Highways Agency weighbridge. The gate is normally closed, however today, it was open. I parked, walked kids up to school and returned to the car. I got in, looked out - nothing obstructing me, so drove off - to an almighty crunch and smash. Not visible from the car, I hadn't realised that the gatepost (for when they lock the gate) actually sits in the road. I'm not really one to claim, but I wondered if there's possibility to claim against either the local authority or highways agency for not making this post visible - in height or sign..? Any thoughts??
  25. Hi all, I was recently reading through some SAR info. that I requested from my former bank in 2009 and I found a note they had made on my account stating "current owner of property bough in post for Maybelate and advised that she had moved over a year ago". I was quite shocked by this because I also have statements in the SAR info. showing my new address and proving that they had received notification that I had moved a year ago, but they had carried on sending letters/statements to my old address as well. It's quite a while ago now, should I let sleeping dogs lie or do you think I should do something about this breech of my personal information? Thanks
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