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  1. Here are the current court fees which take effect from today 22nd April 2014. http://hmctsformfinder.justice.gov.uk/courtfinder/forms/ex050-eng.pdf http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?421493-Court-fees-increase-from-22nd-April-2014 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukdsi/2015/9780111127490
  2. My girlfriend and I are moving house at the end of March, and have agreed with a lettings agency to move to a new property. The initial payment to hold the property was £500 with £200 of that to come off the first months rent. We agreed the fees etc and am just awaiting the forms to complete. However when I was just speaking to them on the phone, the gentleman I had previously been dealing with admitted he had made an error with the fees and needed to pass me on to one of his colleagues. I was then passed on a rather gruff assertive woman who stated that they needed and extra £90 to be paid as exit fees in advance. I queried this, and she said it's standard practice to ask for it in advance (which I know is nonsense). Personally I don't think charging £90 to leave a property to be fair, and the only reason they want it up front is because people don't pay it. My question to anyone is, is this reasonable? And given how we have already agreed a price etc how can they come back and request extra money?
  3. Hi, I've just found myself in a situation, whereby I was caught without money in my account on the day by DD was due - and now I'm being charged the £25. However, I would like to carry on using the gym, - and not pay the £25 - is that possible? Very annoyed, as I really am enjoying the gym - particularly because it's a good hobby when I don't have much money! However, my integrity is swelling, and I can't bring myself to let them rob me.
  4. I'm about to buy a (relatively) low cost item from a small-time online manufacturer who usually sell in large quantities to tradesmen. They have applied a 'low order fee' to make my order up to £50. Are they allowed to do that? (I suspect yes). I noticed in the Shopping Basket breakdown that VAT then also got applied to this fee - are they allowed to do that? Thanks.
  5. The landlords (a company) and I are butting heads about both these issues. Claim damage to furniture: I have had to destroy 3 pieces of furniture due to mould. The mould I believe was caused due to a poor sealing window in our bedroom therefore letting in moisture. The landlords knew about this within a couple of months of moving in and never corrected it. I tried every year before winter to add my own seal but that ultimately fails. And heating the room was so expensive, as I believe there was no wall insulation as there were black spots of mould on 3 out of 4 walls and the noise from other neighbours was unbearable. I have receipts of the furniture and pictures of the mould but this isn't enough for them. Early leaving fee: Yes I know there is an agreement in place in which I must give a month's notice in writing. The fixed agreement had ended and I think I am right in saying I was on a periodic agreement. However, our neighbour was burgled (the building has 5 flats). We have had trouble with this neighbour before and felt unsafe anyway, but this was a tipping point. We so then started to view flats and found one which began the process of registering and references. We asked our landlords for a reference and said some of the following in an email "Due to the recent burglary we feel the time is right to move to another property.....". They did actually phone and mentioned they were surprised that we are leaving them after such a long time. I know this does not constitute a formal acknowledgement that we are leaving, but it wasn't until about 3 and a half weeks after this we moved out. They have then charged an early vacating fee but I am contesting this due to the circumstances of the burglary - they keep saying this is not a valid reason. The burgled tenant also implied I had something to do with this, which the landlords disagreed with. All in all, with some deductions which I do agree with BUT without the early vacating fee, I am asking for a small amount of money back from them. They do not agree. A case was opened with the TDS but based on what I have uploaded as evidence and the damage to furniture, they felt it was best that I not agree to this process and take it to court if I choose to do so. Not sure if I could also add this to a claim, but after a couple of years in that property and with complaints regarding noise etc, both me and my partner are now on anxiety medication - could I not add a claim against them for this? Any advice would be appreciated.
  6. hello everyone i have been reading your answers and help to other members i really need your help. I moved from Amsterdam to UK I did not have bank account here my friend started paying my DD of 9.99 per month from March 2018 I started gymicon with him now in june some how he missed the DD. he received a call and letter stating that you missed a DD you need to pay 25 pounds plus your monthly fee for X4Less. he cancel the direct debiticon I only went to gym for a month because now I was little far from gym I was paying my friend to pay the DD. now I am receiving the text msg from X4L saying your account is default call on this number to solve the default when i rang on this number it says you have to pay all 9 months fee plus 25 admin fee Ii told him I was paying monthly and I want to continue gym again and I will pay month by month, he said you sell your membership to us with total fee and you can go to gym till march 2019 which is end date of contract. I also rang the gym and tell them I received msg from you but I want to pay monthly m/ship fee but I will not pay extra they said your account is default now you call on 0144444 ... number to clear your matter then you can start gym again. please advice me what should I do i want to continue my gym but I do not want to pay extra fee. I will appreciate help . thank you:
  7. Hello all. Regarding there being no £10 fee for SARs, I want to send HSBC a SAR (because I know that I had loans with them that had PPI but they've previously said that they don't have records that go back that far), other than there being no fee, is there any change to SARs, please?
  8. Hi all, Myself and two others were due to sign contracts to move into a 3 bed flat this Saturday, but one of my prospective housemates quit his job and pulled out last minute. Me and the remaining person can't find a replacement, nor do we want a random off of spare room. Problem is, we paid a £338 holding fee each and have now lost this as a result. The person that pulled out originally said they would pay me and the other person back the £338 each that we'd lost, but has now gone AWOL. The other person is furious (I tend not to fret) and we were wondering if there was any legal action we could take to get our money back off the person who caused the move to collapse? Thanks
  9. Hi Everyone, I would really appreciate your help here, as I think the Post Office home insurance are mis-advising people. I am moving out of my housing association flat to a house I just bought with my girlfriend. I have a 6 week overlap for the two properties so we can renovate and decorate prior to moving in. I already have contents insurance for the new house. My flat was covered for the last 6 years by the Post Office, I told them I am moving and have to cancel the insurance as there is already insurance at the new house, so they can't insure it. As such they have to cancel insurance at the flat as I won't be living there and can't transfer the insurance to my new property. However, they are still wanting to charge me an £35 early cancellation fee. Surely this isn't right, as they can no longer legally provide a service to me? Are they [causing problems] people like me out of £35? Many thanks in advance!
  10. Hi there, First post! I’m a student an as it is summer and i’ve not been getting my student loan recently and only work part time i’ve struggled a little with money recently. My DD for xercise for less failed. Like many others on here i’ve been charged that famous £25 ‘admin fee’ in an email. The email reads: Harlands administer the collection of all payments due under your agreement with Xercise 4 Less. Your bank have advised us that your August instalment has been returned unpaid "refer to payer" as there were insufficient funds in the account to pay the amount due. We will therefore debit your account on 23 AUG 18 for the total amount of £36.99 made up as follows: Instalment Amount £11.99 Administration Fee £25.00 Total Due £36.99 You’ll see that it says they will debit my account on 23rd Aug. I dont get paid until 24th so i’m assuming they will then add a further £25 ‘admin fee’. After reading various related threads on here i came to the conclusion that i don’t wish to pay the £50 ‘admin fees’ that i will inevitably be charged and so cancelled my direct debit. Afterall, this is the first payment delay there’s been in the entire 15 months ive been attending the gym. I’m thinking about emailing they gym and, alike to other posters on here, offering them their August membership fee that I owe and then hopefully continue with my membership. I’m aware by cancelling my DD i’ve probably tarnished my relationship with the gym but I just think the fees are extortionate. Thanks in advance
  11. I am helping an elderly relative (91) with a court claim. Wer are getting the witness statement ready as there are only 3 weeks until the court date. He received a letter in december and should have paid his hearing fee in february. Its new to me, but I think the court will strike out the claim. He is unsure if he paid it, if he has not what is the worst case?
  12. Hello, Has anyone successfully claimed back mortgage early repayment fees. I was aware of the conditions of the mortgage when I signed it. However the manner of penalty does not seem fair or right. I am facing a £16,000 bill for coming out after 2.5 years of a 5 year fixed rate deal (more expensive than the variable mortgage) I understand they have to recoup loss of interest, but as soon as I give them back their money, they lend it out again and make no loss? I cannot port or continue the 2.5 years left as I have lost my job. The amount seems like a penalty. Any ideas. thanks
  13. In short, my child was involved in an accident on a bus when with the mother resulting in a moderate injury to the child. Mother decides to go and see a no win no fee solicitor to see what they think, for which they are willing to take the case on. A load of confusing paperwork has turned up including the Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). In short the CFA states what IS covered under the agreement is: claim for damages, any application for pre-action or non party disclosure, any appeal by opponent, any appeal against an interim order or an assessment of costs, any proceedings to enforce judgement, negotiations about and/or a court assessment of costs of claim. What IS NOT included is any counterclaim or any appeal the claimant makes against final judgement. Now I'm no expert on no win no fee issues, but it strikes me that nothing is mentioned in relation to any potential costs liable on the claimant (my partner on behalf of daughter) if either the solicitor pulls out in relation to defence costs. What happens if things proceed to court months down the road and the solicitor is unable to source a barrister also on a no win no fee basis leaving us to pay for as as of yet not mentioned after the event insurance policy that could cost us several hundreds to proceed or drop the case leaving the partner liable for all costs?. Any advice as I've told my partner to not sign the CFA yet until I can get clarification on potential unstated costs that could be unavoidable months down the road.
  14. Crime news: revised Crown Court fee guidance READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/crime-news-revised-crown-court-fee-guidance
  15. I was going though some paper work and found some statements going back 2010-2015 with astronomical charges levied on my current accounts by Lloyds. I remember sending a letter in 2013 but forgot all about it. Again I sent a letter last year asking for these, but I was told it is too late. But I am just wondering whether to send them a fresh claim stating that although I started the claim in 2013 never got a chance to pursue it due to house moves and other issues. Do I still have a chance to claim or is there a time limit? Thanks CB
  16. Hi My partner and I got into a lot of debt after we became self employed in 2004. When things got bad we kept the company from going under by using personal credit cards. Credit was easy to come by; we had one credit card (MBNA) with a 20k limit, as well as several others. Following a heart attack in 2006 I had a Critical Illness insurance payout, and used much of the 47k to pay off some of the larger debts. However, when the credit crunch of 2008 occurred, business suffered and the debts piled up again. We took out a DMP in 2012, costing £50 month in fees and paying our creditors £5pm, and £20pm to HMRC for Tax Credit over payments. Total monthly bill £150. I have been reading the CAG debt forums recently and this has given me the confidence to cease paying the DMP company and have a go at dealing with our debt myself. I have SAR'd the DMP and hope you can help me going forward.
  17. Need a bit of advice here for a friend who cannot afford a solicitor. Quick run down. Friends is a masseuse, working in many different areas including hot stone massage. She is very professional and has done many years in training for what she covers. A client has decided to sue her using one of these no win no fee companies and has lied stating that my friend didnt get her to sign a disclaimer etc, well I know for a fact she had signed and she has the paperwork to prove it. Now this client has stated that she had a torn ligament from this hot stone massage, now if anyone has had the pleasure of one of these you would know its nigh on impossible to get a torn ligament, Ive had one myself and its the most relaxing form of massage, not to mention when you tear a ligament which I have its bloody painful and the pain is instant and this client showed no signs of being in any pain when having this procedure. Now this friend of mine has no liability insurance, only does this part time and has literally no assets to her name, she is also a single parent. We feel that this is either someone trying to discredit her because she is a new business or they have some other vendetta against her. Why we have no idea as my friend is the most loveliest lady you could ever meet plus extremely professional. This is a bit out of my comfort zone but she has requested that I help. There is no way she can afford a solicitor and she is scared that this will reach the court stage and will lose what little she has if this woman wins. Any advice at this stage would be greatly appreciated.
  18. I recently entered a contract with an estate agent called Remax signing on the 21st of March 2018 due to the failure to get one visit booked within the first week whereby there was 350 online views and a failed attempt to cooperate with another estate agent to work together in selling the property. I didn’t hear from the agent in a week and he didn’t respond to a message I sent him asking for an update. Hence, I decided to cancel and go with another agent. This is the wording from the contract: If you are a consumer client and this contract was not agreed within our premises you have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The cancellation period will expire after 14 days from the day this contract was agreed. To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us of your decision to cancel this contract by sending us a clear statement in writing to: RE/MAX Right Step, 1b Hall Lane, London, E4 8HH or emailing us. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired. If you choose to cancel the agency agreement, you will be required to pay for the services supplied prior to cancelation, such as For Sale boards, advertising, property particulars, Energy performance certificates etc. Where we introduce or have negotiations with the ultimate purchaser of the property before you exercise your statutory right to cancel the contract, this contract will be deemed to have been fully performed and the agreed agency fee would be due, notwithstanding that cancellation took place. Is this legally right given he was notified on 1 April 2018? Thank you
  19. This thread is probably in the wrong section of the forum so could one of the moderators move it to the appropriate section. HMCTS have updated Form EX160 to include a Fee remission contribution calculator (Form EX160C). A very useful addition indeed. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/apply-for-help-with-court-and-tribunal-fees
  20. Hi, I received this email Dear [my name] Harlands administer the collection of all payments due under your agreement with Xercise 4 Less. Your bank have advised us that your March instalment has been returned unpaid "refer to payer" as there were insufficient funds in the account to pay the amount due. We will therefore debit your account on 5 APR 18 for the total amount of £34.99 made up as follows: Instalment Amount £9.99 Administration Fee £25.00 Total Due £34.99 Please note that the submission for this will be made two working days prior to 5 APR 18 and if this date is not convenient, please contact us on the HARLANDS HELPLINE - 01444 449033. Our lines are open 8am to 8pm Monday - Friday and from 9am to 12pm on Saturday. Thank you Once the submission has been made the debiting of your account cannot be stopped. You must ensure that sufficient funds are in the account to prevent further charges being made and possible default action being taken against you. We trust you find this in order and we look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely Harlands TL;DR: Payments come out on 26th, had insufficient funds, 27th I get the above email I send them this: Dear Sir/Madame, I am a member of Xercise4less, [city[. I have been a member for about 3 years now. A payment of £9.99 was due on the 26th which I had insufficient funds for, immediately a £25 administration fee was added. Such administration charges are unlawful and unenforceable. I am going to cancel my direct debit to avoid paying this unlawful fee. If you at any point attempt to claim this money from me, I will ask my bank to refund me the money which I am fully entitled to under the Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme. To settle this matter, I will pay you the final fee of £9.99. This payment will be made only when Harlands confirm that this will settle the matter. If you fail to agree to this within 14 days, my offer will be withdrawn and you will be paid nothing. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Your Sincerely, [my name] I also send this to the Manager of the Gym: Dear Xercise4Less, I'm a student at University of [City] and have been a member of Xercise4Less for about 3 years now. On the 26th of March 2018 my DD bounced due to lack of funds and after less than 24 hours Harlands are now seeking to charge a £25 admin which I will not pay. Such administration charges are unlawful and unenforceable. To avoid Harlands abusing the DD mandate, I have had to cancel my DD. I am happy to pay you the £9.99 I owe and use your gym in the future but I will not fall victim to this disgusting practice and allow Harlands to charge unlawful fees. If you supply payment details within 14 days, I will pay you £9.99. If you don't accept this, my offer will be withdrawn and I'll consider the matter closed. Yours faithfully, [Name] Then I get this response from the manager (front desk actually cause i guess manager is lazy) Good Afternoon [my name] In regards too the admin fee you have been charged, this is standard procedure of missing a direct debit, same as any other standard order who may charge if missed. We have explained that this will happen is a direct debit is failed to be taken on our terms and conditions which you have accepted. When you activate your account with us and then go on to do your health questionnaire, you accept the terms and conditions before it's all complete. If you have accepted these, this too us means you have read them and agree. If you did not read those, i have attached them too this email for you to read through. Unfortunately, due to this being in the terms and conditions, there is nothing i can do to withdraw this. If you would like to take matters further, i have attached the complaint procedure too the email also, you will have to follow the instruction. However, there is no guarantee this will be cancelled for you, as all your terms and conditions have been accepted by yourself. Kind regards Reception team They also send me the T&C I replay like this Hello, Thank you for the swift replay. As you have not accepted my offer of paying you the outstanding £9.99, I will now consider the matter closed and you will receive no payments from me. I apologize if I did not make myself clear in my previous email. There is no need to withdraw the admin fee, I have canceled my DD to avoid paying this fee. I know for a fact that you cannot enforce this administration fee so if I refuse to pay it you will not receive it. I don't have to accept the £25 admin fee just because it's in the T&C's. The admin fee is punitive and not a true reflection of cost incurred by Harlands due to my failed DD. In the even any money is taken from my account I will have my bank refund it under the DD Guarantee Act. I will also refrain from using your gyms in the future and will inform individuals who use your gym of this ill practice. I am still willing to pay the outstanding £9.99 owed to you but from this point forward all correspondence from you will be ignored and I will only take this matte up with the head office. Kind Regards, [NAME] They replay like this: Hi, I have explained everything possible too you and also sent you the proof as to what happens if you miss a direct debit. There is nothing more i can possibly do here for you. However, you will receive letters from Harlands stating your direct debit has been missed/cancelled. If there is no payment made within 3 months, this will go too a third party. Please be aware, that if this gets to that point, there is nothing at all we can do from club level too help. We have tried to help today by explaining this is a one off payment, as this will happen if you miss it. I will forward this email too our Head Office to make them aware that you have refused to resolve this situation. If you do happen to contact Xercise4less regarding this issue in months to come, there is nothing we can do to help. Kind regards Reception team What is your take on this. It seems like i won't be paying them anything but I won't be able to use their gym anymore. My images dont appear so I just copy and pasted the messages.
  21. One of my family has taken out an inheritance claim against a will that left him already a substantial amount, he has slight brain damage but manages to take holidays abroad, gamble, drink and play golf a lot. He claims he was maintained when in reality he borrowed money off most of the family and didnt pay it back, he wants the entire estate. His entire statement is a web of deceit, he has exaggerated his health problems, not submitted any financial outgoings or medical records and yet STILL we are paying to defend this, which is costing us ££thousands. How does the legal system allow this to happen? Can somebody explain this to me please?
  22. Hi All, I have recently received a letter from the HMCTS historical debt team about a fine from 9 years ago. they informed me that I had a fine for having no TV licence. I knew nothing about it. About a month later I received a letter from Marstons Group Bailiffs asking the payment of the fine which was £250.00 and also a £75 compliance stage fee. A The letter which was dated 23rd October gave me until 5th November to arrange a payment plan or make a payment. I received the letter on 4th November (a saturday) and when I called to discuss they were closed. I contacted them by phone and was told that as I missed my chance to come to an arrangement I had to pay it in full and that as it had not yet been passed to an enforcement agent then I only have to pay £325 ( 250 fine plus 75 compliance fee). I wasn't happy and made a complaint to which I received a an email advising me to go online and pay. I went online and paid the £325 in full as thats what it said I have to pay (you can't change the amount you pay online as its preset). I got me receipt. today which is a week later I get a knock on the door from an enforcement agent asking me for £235 enforcement fee and that he will use a locksmith to enter to retrieve goods. I explained that i had paid it but he says that on the same day i paid online they sent the account to him. Can he force me to pay this when I already paid the amount requested by their office and online. I have a disabled child to which I am the carer but should that make any difference? He is coming back tonight to force his way in apparently. thank you and appreciate any feedback.
  23. Later this month, the long awaited Mersey Gateway will open to the public. The Mersey Gateway and the Silver Jubilee Bridges will both be tolled. The tolling system is called Merseyflow and will be operated by Emovis who operate the Dartford Crossing. In the same way as the Dartford Crossing, if payment of the toll is not paid by midnight the day after the crossing a Penalty Charge Notice will be issued for the amount of £40 (plus the unpaid toll fee). This sum will be reduced to a discounted rate of £20 if paid within the first 14 days of being issued. If the Penalty Charge Notice has still not been paid after this 28-day period, then the fee that must be paid is increased to £60 if it is paid within the following 14 days. If the Penalty remains unpaid beyond this 42-day period, then the penalty will be registered as a civil debt and if unpaid after another 36 days, recovery action will begin. In the same way as the public can open a Dart Charge account, motorists using the Mersey Gateway will need to open a Merseyflow account. Their website is below https://www.merseyflow.co.uk
  24. Hi there, First time posting, but in doing a bit of research before I delved into discussing a letter I received from Harlands, there seemed to be a lot of valuable information on this forum, so hoping someone can help with my specific situation. On 31st March I took out a gym membership with Xercise4Less on a monthly rolling contract with the following information in an email confirmation from that date: "You are committing to a single £20.00 admin fee payment and £19.99 per month for a minimum of 1 months. After this minimum term your membership payments will continue on a monthly basis. You have chosen to pay by monthly Direct Debit and we can confirm that the Direct Debit details provided by you are correct." "You have the right to cancel your Direct Debit Instruction at any time simply by writing to your Bank or Building Society, with a copy to us. Please note cancelling your Direct Debit does not absolve you of your Membership contractual obligations." The following dates had direct debits of £19.99 taken out: 02.05.2017 30.05.2017 30.06.2017 31.07.2017 30.08.2017 I since have been taking on more responsibilities within work that mean I am not getting to go to the gym at all, and as such have cancelled my Direct Debit a couple of weeks ago, and thus my membership (or so I thought, as had been the way at previous gyms...) However, yesterday I came home to the following letter: "Dear XXXXX, re: Your membership to Xercise4Less Harlands administer the collection of all payments due under your membership agreement with Xercise 4 Less. Your bank have advised us that your September instalment has been returned unpaid "instruction cancelled". You have therefore been charged a £25.00 administration fee which means you need to pay £44.99 to bring your account up to date. Call HARLANDS HELPLINE - XXXXXXXX immediately so we can collect this by DEBIT / CREDIT card and reinstate your Direct Debit over the telephone. If you wish to pay by another method, you must still phone to discuss your options. If you do not call us by 23 October 17 you will be charged a further £25.00 administration fee. Our telephone lines are open 8:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Friday & 09:00am - 12:00pm on a Saturday. Your sincerely, Harlands" My question then is how to handle this? I do not want to reinstate my DD / gym membership. I do not think they are legally allowed to charge me an 'admin fee' (?!), I do not want them to continue adding more lots of £25 to my 'account', and I'm not sure whether ringing them would be a good idea at all. Any help would be much appreciated!!
  25. Hello all. Due to ill-health and being self-employed, I had to resort to getting a Sunny loan to make ends meet for a couple of months. All fine, but am back working so wanted to clear it in full, so called up yesterday asking for an Early Settlement Fee and was told I had to pay the full outstanding amount for the period of the loan. I thought that was odd, but paid it in full nonetheless. After a bit of research yesterday, I came across the Consumer Credit Act (Early Settlement) 2004, which in my feeble brain seems to purport that I shouldn't have been charged full whack to clear the loan and have had the future interest taken off. Or something... Would anybody be able to shed some light on that please? Many thanks in advance, as always!
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