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  1. were do we stand. Moved out of old property 1st Oct 2019 and EON informed prior to this. We have an online chat log of a live chat with EON to confirm that we will not be charged after this period and final bill will be produced in 48 hours great. Now then 147 days or 3528 hours later we are still waiting for the final bill. We are now getting calls and text from old landlord about this as a new tenant has just moved in ( we moved across the road ) and is having trouble getting new supplier for energy we presume. we have complained since Nov. and get loads of excuses from you will have to wait for the new supplier to take over the account, to there's a DI on the account before a final bill will be sent or were working on it still. we have had the letter from EON stating that we can now go to the ombudsman but what can we expect this to achieve. Forgot to say that we have logs of all telephone calls and everyone is recorded .:clap2:
  2. We are on pay as you go both gas and electric and until the meters packed up electric on 31st Dec and then the gas on monday. everything was ok. the electric meter packing up left us with no electric at all and because EE were having their break they thought it would be a good idea not to have an emergency number.. I ended up speaking to SSE who came out 30 mins later to check the power into the house as they said just in case its a fault their side. it wasn't, it was a faulty meter, SSE electrician got authority to bypass meter. we then spent from 2nd jan to Tuesday 8th trying to get the meter sorted. it was changed on the 8th after they reported us to SSE for unauthorised meter bypass, which wasn't the case, the meter was changed for a key meter. the gas meter packed up on Monday this week, and after lots of phone calls, they sent someone to change the meter on tuesday. that was changed for a card meter. no card left and no key left. now EE have gone to the wall, and ofgem who`s advise is to stay put until they change us over, but where does that leave us without any means to top up our gas or electric.. .anyone have any suggestions have tried ofgem on their Facebook page but still waiting for a response...… .thank you
  3. I moved from Economy Energy just over a month ago , and was expecting a rebate of around £250, I know it is protected and secure , but how long should I expect to wait for my money to be refunded now they have ceased trading
  4. Hi, I received another claim form on Friday from Moriarty Law for a debt related to a Spark Energy account. I'll post the full details tomorrow as I forgot to bring the claim form with me to work today. I have no recollection of ever being with Spark Energy, and the amount Moriarty are claiming is about £300. Coincidentally, on Saturday I also received a letter from Moriarty Law informing me that I will receive court papers shortly, and that they would like to still resolve this amicably. Firstly, I will complete the AOS online tomorrow defending all - I just wanted to check what CPR request to make of them, and as this is for a Utility debt whether the protocols are different? I am guessing they still have to present documented evidence in support of the claim? What should this consist of for a Utility debt?
  5. not even sure what this relates to but they have been trying for ages and not even sure if this belongs to me.....do I need to worry about it? edfenrgy_Redacted.pdf
  6. Hello, When moving into a property that already has Gas and Electric Prepayment Energy Meters / key "topped up installed. Can anyone advise how you would go about getting these removed so normal meters can be installed? Will the Energy company that you choose to go with on a price comparison fit new meters? And would this be free? Thanks
  7. Hi everyone I've been contacted to by a company trying to get me to sign up to bes energy. Now initially due to rushing about trying to get the shop ready for opening. I've gone through the process of starting the verbal contract. I'm normally quite a savvy person and can sniff out these [problem]s a mile off. But due to me just wanting them to get off the phone I've missed this one. The woman got have way through the verbal contract at which point I thought something wasn't quite right and questioned her on the fact that if I terminated I'd be left with a 6 month charge. At this stage I told her that I wish to go no further with the agreement after another attempt to get me to finish up the agreement she hung up. Now I'm sat here worry if I've got my self into something I can't back out of or because I never formally closed the agreement will it not be upheld. Does anyone have an insight to this? Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks for reading Half*
  8. Having some issues with Flow Energy currently that I need some advice on. Basically I switched to them via the compare the market website in July 2016, but in November / December 2017 they contacted me to tell me I'd not been paying them enough via Direct Debit, and unbeknownst to me the bill had risen to about £1100. I admitted the fact I hadn't really looked at my bill, and hadn't submitted enough meter readings. But I challenged them on the fact my direct debit was clearly too low, and that they were also aware of the national average (As they had used this as an example to me to demonstrate why my direct debit was too low) and why had they allowed it to continue knowing my direct debit was too low. To compound matters they had also given me a price increase in July (which I hadn't noticed, or missed). We finally agreed that they should re-bill me for that period at the old rate I was on prior to July, and this took the bill down to about £900. I have now received another E-mail saying they're increasing my prices. So, I really need some advice on how to approach this as Flow seem to be keeping me in a kind of debtors prison where they are the jailor. Can it be right that they increase my bill knowing I'm 1. struggling to pay anyway and 2. being aware of my financial difficulties (I gave them a brief income and expenditure). The current payment per month is £101 across 24 months.
  9. I was sent a demand by email from Octopus for over £500, immediate payment, which they say is what I owed to Iresa, I've no idea who octopus are bit they're quoting ofgem and all sorts, they reduced it to £400 when I queried it, they are saying I was underpaying Iresa! What's going on? Octopus have threatened me with collection agency already! I had a DD taken out of my bank yesterday to IresaOctopus for the usual monthly payment I was making to Iresa, should I cancel this DD? I know I need to check back and see exactly how much I've paid to Iresa, I know they took extra out of my account in January to cover underpayments over the year, and I'm going to book an appointment with CAB, atm I'm on holiday and worrying about this!
  10. Can anyone give me some advice on how to deal with a new contract I've been spoofed into by Select Energy with NPower. I recently moved into a new shop premises and unfortunately before the process was entirely complete, the agent died so I had no knowledge of who the energy supplier was. I was in the process of trying to find out when I received a phone call from someone who gave me the impression that they were from NPower and that they were my energy supplier. I was relieved initially because I'd been struggling to find out who the supplier was and he told me that until I'd registered my details I was being charged an emergency high rate which would be reduced once I'd given my details. For some reason I found this plausible ! At no point during the conversation was I told that he was setting up a new contract or that he was an agent, he gave me the impression entirely that he was the supplier and was just updating new tenant details. I asked to be billed quarterly and specifically said I didn't want to pay by direct debit. The alarm bells should have rung when he asked for the bank details I said I was uncomfortable giving the details but he assured me it was only to confirm I was who I was claiming to be and that there wouldn't be any payments taken from the bank. A couple of weeks later I received a letter from NPower telling me that I was now in a 36 month contract and they would be taking £195 a month by direct debit. The previous tenant from what I understand was paying less than £50 and the supplier was British Gas. I was utterly misled when I phoned to question NPower I discovered I was actually on the phone to Select Energy who I had never heard of. When I did eventually get through to NPower I was told I was in a binding 36month contract and there was nothing I can do. Surely this is fraudulent. Any advice would be incredibly welcome.
  11. I was a dual fuel energy customer of Future energy, joined them in August of 2016 I provided them with accurate usage figures for the previous twelve months and they set my monthly direct debit figure. Service wise it was poor from the outset their web site never functioned, just constant messages saying they were working on it and the service would be available soon. Unable to access bills on-line I was reliant on paper billing and in May 2017 even this stopped! I telephone Future on numerous occasions to express my concern that I was not receiving bills and that I was worried that my monthly payments may not be covering my usage, I was always reassured that if that was the case I would be informed of the need to increase my monthly direct debit. Fast forward to March 2018 when I receive a letter from Green Star Energy informing me that Future had gone bust and they had been appointed by OFGEM as my new supplier. I have now received a letter in the Future colour scheme with Future energy logos, but which is in fact from the administrators, they have meter readings for my electricity supply but apparently, they have no readings opening or closing for my gas supply. They have therefore estimated my gas usage and on that basis, I now owe them £700!! Questions Did Future Energy have any sort of duty of care towards me with regard to the management of my account providing regular bills and so keeping me informed that I was accruing a negative balance? After all its far easier to increase monthly payment by £30 or £40 than pull £700 out of the hat. If Future did have any duty of care as they have now gone out of business is there anything I can do? In any event can the administrators force me to pay an estimated bill? As always thanks in advance for any guidance or advice. Nosnibor
  12. Hello everyone What an absolute brilliant forum this is - so much information and can also be a little overwhelming, well for me anyway. I have a question about SARs with Energy companies if I may, well I guess it applies to any SAR but mine is with an Energy company. Q- if i raise a SAR they have to give all the information they hold about me - this i understand. BUT does this include any discussion the company has with its legal people be they in house or an external 3rd party, where I am mentioned? Hoping for an easy to understand answer! Best BH
  13. Victory for consumers as cap on energy tariffs to become law READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/victory-for-consumers-as-cap-on-energy-tariffs-to-become-law
  14. Hi all, I'll soon be moving home into a new 3 bedroom place 4 miles away. Anyway, I want to get everything set up in advance so that I can look for the good deals. I've been having a look online and checking out what quotes I can get for gas & electricity, but the range seems to be pretty huge. If anyone has any good suggestions, let me know please! Cheers, OhhEnnEmm.
  15. Hi all, we were Future Energy customers, before they folded last year. Shortly before the collapse, they fitted our home with smart meters. Now I was never happy with the gas meter and how it didn't fit in the existing box, resulting in the lid being left unlocked and open (see photos). Now we have been moved over to a new supplier (Green Star Energy), I am wondering whether they are liable for rectifying the problem? If not, who is? Thanks,
  16. Hello...Had gas/electric supplied by Flow Energy until 6th May 2017 before switching to another company. Final bill issued by Flow Energy 13th June 2017 - advised they would take final d/d 14 days later. Have now received a letter on 2/5/18 from Allied Credit International Ltd from Glasgow stating that the amount is due. (Also, letter dated 23/4/18 but not received until 2/5/18). Have checked bank thoroughly and Flow Energy never took the final direct debit as they said they would at end of June 2017. Also never received any communication at any point from Flow Energy since that email in June 2017 when they advised they would take the final d/d at end of June 2017 i.e. no chase /reminder etc etc. Now concerned I have a DCA after me, and that credit score may be marked also They are just under the 12month rule on backbilling that I have read about on Ofcom website but unsure if Flow energy even agreed to that voluntary charter. Who do I speak to - Allied? But assuming they have just 'bought' the debt. Or do I contact Flow Energy and complain? I had no issue about payng it at the time but thought it had been paid and am annoyed to now have this thrown at me randomly nearly a year later - and especially having a DCA involved!! Any leg to stand on?!
  17. New proposals to help vulnerable people benefit from cheaper energy READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-proposals-to-help-vulnerable-people-benefit-from-cheaper-energy
  18. Towards the end of April 2017, an agent working on behalf of Green Star Energy knocked at my elderly parents' door in order to sell their services and make them switch energy providers. My father, who answered the door, advised that he would be interested in finding out more and was advised that information would be sent to his address. This was the last he heard until he received a letter from his current energy provider EON around two weeks afterwards, advising his energy services would be moving to a new provider. He immediately called EON, as he didn't know who the purported new energy provider was! EON advised him that it was Pioneer, who after a bit of Googling we found out to be Green Star Energy. Unfortunately EON said they could not reverse this, as my parents had not requested to leave EON, and they advised they would have to speak to Green Star. My father then called Green Star who advised that if he wished to 'change his mind' he would need to pay a penalty of £50! Just to clarify again, he at no point requested to join them! I intervened and wrote to CEO, Joanne Thornton, on 8th May 2017 and was responded to by someone from the Customer Services department stating they couldn’t find my parents account under their name and address. And this is where this saga begins… I responded immediately with my parents’ meter serial number and a different Customers Services agent responded two days later with the following email: “I can see from the account that the supply did switch over to Green Star Energy on the 10/05/2017, we have raised an erroneous transfer for both the gas and electricity to be returned back to Eon. This process can take up to 12 weeks to complete fully, once completed it will be as if the supply never left Eon and no billing will come from Green Star Energy. I would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused yourself and Mr & Mrs Fish and we will correct this as quickly as possible.” Problem resolved. Or not… After 12 weeks, EON still didn’t have the account back. In fact by October of 2017 the account was still with Green Star and one of their guys came round to read the meter! At the end of October I sent another email trying to ascertain what the hell was going on and based on their own timescales, we shouldn’t still be in this position – especially as my parents did not sign up to be with them! Five weeks later(!), I got this reply: “I am sorry to hear that you have been dissatisfied with the service that we have provided. Here at Green Star Energy we aim to deliver an excellent customer experience and we are always disappointed when we fall short of this ideal. I have attempted to contact you on 01/12/2017 in regards to your open complaint with Green Star Energy. I can confirm that the discussed account has finally be Erroneously Transferred Back to the previous supplier and the account is no longer active I apologies this has taken longer then expected, I hope this conformation constitutes as a resolution to your complaint.” So, according to Green Star, EON have the account again. Now bear in mind that in Green Star’s original email to me they stated that, “This process can take up to 12 weeks to complete fully, once completed it will be as if the supply never left Eon and no billing will come from Green Star Energy.”, imagine my parent’s surprise when a demand dropped on their mat, from Green Star, asking for payment of £650! No prior bill, nothing. I’ve reached the end of my tether with this company. Please can anyone help me as to what my options are to resolve this once and for all? My parents didn’t even sign up with this company! It’s appalling, and they are elderly and do not need this stress. Many thanks in advance!
  19. Hello I’ve been a customer of Iresa (Energy supplies) for over a year and never had a problem until the beginning of the year. My account has always been in credit of between £50-60 plus I always submit meter readings online when requested. I had an email 3 wks ago stating as my account was in Debit balance Iresa would request a one off payment from my bank on the 31st Jan. Logged onto my account and noted that the account was in £1351 debit. Iresa had generated an invoice for this amount and applied it to my account. I’ve since cancelled my DD informed Iresa of my actions via email and spoke to Customer Services and was told someone would email me shortly, that was 2 weeks ago and my account is still in debit. How can I resolve this as the I am concerned that Iresa will disconnect my supply
  20. Hello, New member, first post. Have any other businesses users used a Utility Broker/consultant before and found things to be not quite as honest as they should have been? In particular, has anybody found that they claim a secret commission that affects your unit price, and feel they mis-sold a long term contract on way higher rates than they expected to pay? I am, speaking to a law firm about this as we speak, and it would be beneficial if I could pass on a few details of some other people from businesses that they could take a testimony from which they say would help them to claim all commisions back and release me from my contract, let me know. Thanks
  21. Are they represented on this forum ? Web site rubbish , unable to message , unable to alter DD payment date after they have altered it for the second time . they ignore posted meter readings and phone for readings to be taken there and then , bit difficult when you are driving ! Not had a proper bill since I signed up last year , not had an update as what options are with them now a year has almost passed . Think I will be moving on
  22. They have decide to jack their prices up as from 12 October increasing bills by best part of 50%. Unit rate per kWh goes from 8.998p to 16.580p.
  23. isupply owe me over £500 in overcharges on our account They seem to have a great reluctance, despite confirming the amount to refund and deliberately delaying I would be grateful if someone could confirm their offices either the one in Richmond Hill Bournemouth, or the (company name) in Poole before I issue a CCC against them Many thanks
  24. I have been waiting a couple of months for a migration from one energy supplier to another to be completed and get my final bill but I kept getting the same lame assurances that it will happen soon, could be aonther month etc. I found out that my old supplier, Greenstar, hadnt been given the electricity final reading so I got on to the new supplier, who assured me it had been forwarded. I found out that the numbers are passed through various middle men first and then put on a database where the oldco can look at it. Well, guess what? A company called SMS (smart metering systems) based in Cardiff hadnt forwarded the reading given to them so they werent on the database. When I compained to them about their inability to do their job they said that it was a data flow problem insinuating that it was a computer glitch. What they meant is they forgot to do it. These third parties get paid handsomely for basically doing nothing and there is a chain of them involved, not just one. No wonder this country looks like it is struggling, we create methods of cocking things up that others simply couldnt comprehend.
  25. Complaints to energy companies research report 2016 Publication date 22nd September 2016 Information types Reports and plans Policy areas Domestic consumers Electricity - retail markets Gas - retail markets Show Related links Ofgem publishes bi-annual survey on how suppliers handle complaints Latest data on volume of complaints 2014 wave of complaints handling survey Every two years we commission independent research to see how satisfied energy consumers are with how suppliers handled their complaints. This report produced by Quadrangle is the fifth survey we’ve undertaken. This survey is conducted within the context of falling complaints numbers. Data on complaints to individual suppliers shows that the volume of complaints is down significantly since 2014. Information from here >> https://tinyurl.com/ya6behjz Go to the bottom of the above link to read the open letters to each CEO of the big companies...
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