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  1. Hi, new to this forum, found it when searching for a bit of advice. I've searched for an answer to my specific issue but can't find it here, so..... I recently bought a microsoft surface pro 3 from Currys. The advert clearly shows it with a keyboard, which is what I was looking for. I went ahead and bought it. The next day my girlfriend said she didn't think it came with the keyboard, so I looked at the advert again. It definitely does not say keyboard not included, and there is separate offer for the tablet and keyboard as a bundle. I realise I made a mistake here but are Currys in the wrong advertising it like this ? I have written to them and they have replied saying the keyboard is only shown as part of the bundle offer. If you look at the advert for the tablet the keyboard is shown. Tried posting a link the the advert but it won't let me. it's the 128gb model for £749.
  2. Hi Can someone help me. Because I gave out the wrong account number to a supplier a payment pf £850 was transferred into the wrong account. The people who were paying me tried to get the payment reversed by Santander who have responded that they have tried to get in touch with the recipient but can't. They now say there is nothing more they can do. Does anyone have any experience or understanding of what I can do next? Any help gratefully received Thanks
  3. I have lived in my current property for just over 2 years now, and have experienced several problems with my parcels being delivered to an incorrect address. I live on a Close and my parcels keep being delivered to the Road version. I have also had various issues when trying to retrieve said parcels myself, as the resident either denies having received anything, or is not in, when I call. (I am not accusing anyone of anything, and it would be virtually impossible to prove anything anyway) I thought this issue had been resolved, by having my parcels 'signed for' but no, the courier left a parcel with the incorrect address's neighbour, who signed for it. This is very frustrating, and very stressful.. Any help or advice would be very much appreciated..
  4. hello I was given a parking ticket from a company called TESGB 2 weeks ago, the fine was issued to the wrong number plate (confused x by k). In the first place the fine was unfair as i parked my car at the bank's car park and before taking my child to the toilet (there were no toilet facilites onsite) nobody made me aware that i could not leave the premises but even then there has to be an exception to the rule as the bank does not provide facilites. My husband suggested i should write to them to clarify the issue and informed them that PCN was invalid, then i received an email advisiing me that they were going to re-issue the PCN to the correct car and I have now received a letter informing me that my appeal has been rejected and that i have to pay. could anyone kindly provide advice on this?
  5. Whilst searching for my usual weird things I was searching and found that Sussex Police are stating that an EA can still enter by using a window, shame they have this so wrong, maybe a quiet word in their shell like would be great, see the bailiff section on their site or read here ... The link was edited by the system so have used this link instead http://www.sussex.police.uk/admin-section/search.aspx?searchtext=bailiffs They have posted up some allegedly useful info for those facing an EA, this is the first time I have seen this on a Police website so I will see how many others do this and what they state. It also states correctly that they must not use the thresh-hold method either... There are several sections on their site re the EA... I had to edit the link due to the word S cam in the link it is now working
  6. Ok here is the deal. Around Feb 14 - We had a parking fine in Swansea council car park. Appealed to the council, got rejected. Went to the court (TEC) and the amount reached £82. Andrew James got involved, TEC helpline suggested I do an out of time application. Somebody from Andrew James visited the business premises to inform us that we need to pay £392. He went away that time without much hassle. Did out of time application but the appeal was rejected. Amount o/s at this time - £82 I spoke with Swansea Council who didn't accept the payment and told that I deal with Andrew James. I took a chance and posted a cheque for £82 to the Swansea council with Parking Ticket ref on the back of the cheque - Jan 15. Council banked the cheque and it cleared. Somebody from Andrew James came again to the business premises (owned and operated by a Limited Company) in Feb 15 to pay or they will take goods. Informed that it has been dealt with the council. He went away. 17 March 15 - Two bailiff's arrived at the business premises and didn't leave. Police were called but didn't do anything. Bailiff's started removing Ltd co's good and told us that they are aware that we have paid council the £82.00 but must pay another £420.00 there and then in cash or they will take half the shop away. I didn't agree and they started moving the items in front of many customers. To save embarrassment, we took cash from the till (£420.00) and they took the cash, gave the receipt, said thanks to the police for not doing anything and went away. Same day, I MCOL'd a £420 + court fee on Andrew James Limited and the claimant was my Limited Co. A few days ago their solicitors wrote to me to advise me that they shall be their legal rep in the court and they need particulars of claim. They also requested to know why the limited company has started the claim and not the "individual" on the TEC warrant of control. Any advise would be kind.
  7. Hi - I wonder if anyone can help me. I took Virgin Media broadband package in December over the phone. I decided to go with them again for my new property considering a good service they provided for last few years at my mums house. I've rang Virgin and was connected to a lovely saleslady who walk me trough all the packages etc etc - she also took the order and all my details to set the account up. I have obviously provided my 'bills' account details and was all happy to get the 'best' UK broadband. Sadly - probably my bad, I wasn't particularly bothered to check my acc if the direct debit was set properly... I've had reasons to check such details. As this acc was used purely for my and my partners household bill we had an estimated amount of money set to sent there each month and whatever was left was used on monthly basis ( as the bill vary each month there was usually left anything between 50 and 100 pounds. Anyway , during all those month all bill from virgin were showing as paid with thanks... To our surprise all our services were cut off this afternoon! obviously we rang virgin after few hours to check what was the reason - shockingly the lady on the phone said that we have cancelled the DD and asked our bank to request all money paid back! and this supposed to be paid back ( £379 ) to our acc on 2nd of July! Obviously this was impossible as we had no payments of such amount nor we requested this. After few minuted of explaining the customer service asked us for the bank account numbers - which not matched the one they've had on their system and they've been taking payments from for last 8 months! shocking! We've been told that they must have made mistake and assigned someones else bank details to our account! and once the poor sod who was paying our bill realized the direct debit was cancelled and they had to return all monies owed - admitting to their mistake they are now demanding full payment of over £379 ( which we don't have ) before the services can be recommenced! Is there anything we can do?! This is absolutely surreal... Any help would be greatly welcomed Thanks, Klaus
  8. Hi Hope I am on the right forum here. I have just received a letter from my employers regarding my pension. It is an auto enrolment pension I have been contributing for the last 12-18 months. Company pension was locked 2 years ago and I have no contributions in that one. I am clueless about what this letter means so if anyone out there is able to help me, that would be great. Letter is headed Auto Enrolment Pension Scheme Contents ........ "it has come to light that members of the auto enrolment scheme have been receiving incorrect tax relief on their pension contributions. Tax relief has been applied to your monthly salary, and in addition Scottish Widows the pension provider has applied tax relief to your pension account. To correct the situation we have asked Scottish Widows to repay HMRC the tax relief claimed in error as soon as possible. Going forwards the most efficient way for you to get tax relief on your pension contributions is via salary sacrifice. This requires you to accept a reduction in your salary in return for the company paying your pension contribution. The net effect will be that your NI contributions will be lower. This change will result in a change to your contract of employment. PSS (pension salary sacrifice) will not reduce any benefits that you receive from the company or your pension contributions as a result of lower NIC's you will be slightly better off. It says I have to respond before next Friday 31st July 2015 but I have no idea what this means to me. If I take part - I will cease to make pension contributions to the plan as an employee + my gross salary will be reduced by my gross pension salary contribution + company will increase its contributions by the amount equivalent to contributions previously made by me + a lower salary means I pay less NIC therefore my pay increases. Doesn't tell me what happens if I don't take part. My initial thought is to opt out and stop the pension now. But does anyone have any idea what the implications are for opting in or out of the pension salary sacrifice? I am so confused not knowing how this affects me. Any help will be gratefully received. Thanks in advance.
  9. HI all, my wife works as a Bank Catering assistant with the NHS. We also have a little one we arrange childcare for. My wife rolled into work today and her supervisor asked her if she could work an additional day per week, she also said that she had cleared this with the childminder first so that wasn't an issue. To add my wifes supervisor and our childminder are sisters. Surely on both counts it much breach some kind of regulations/policies. Both my wifes supervisor or our childminder shouldn't be discussing my wifes hours or availability prior to having the conversation with my wife. Just wondered what the best course of action is here. IS this wrong??
  10. My nephew was self-employed for a part of last year. He therefore submitted is self assessment forms, which they received 24 april 2014. He confirmed this by phone and at the same time they informed him there was a huge delay, particularly with paper applications, and to expect to wait at least six weeks. He rang last Saturday to see how it was all going. A very helpful chap confirmed that it had been approved on 25 June and he should therefore expect payment into his bank this Friday, today. He was told the amount. There is no rebate this morning. He rang them at lunchtime, and they didn´t know what he was talking about, except that they agreed they had received his application had been received. It would not be looked at until 7 August at the earliest. They were as confused as my nephew. It transpires that the person he spoke to on Saturday incorrectly gave him the details from the year before. It took about half an hour for them to realise this. The chap he spoke to apologised and said he had never known that to happen in the seven years he had been working there. This has caused my nephew a few finanical problems, I mean after all, if the tax man says he is going to pay you a set amount on a set date then we believe them don´t we?! Anyway, I feel after such an error (and they have the call recorded apparently) they should now pull his application out of the system and deal with it swiftly and manually. After all, if it only happens once in seven years, it won´t be that difficult will it? And we will make a complaint of course, we have the address, to ensure that it doesn´t happen again in the next seven years, hopefully. Other than them being stupid, is anyone aware of anything we can throw at them letterwise, do we have any rights when this happens etc? Many thanks for reading.
  11. Hi guys, Im hoping someone will be able to help me , 2 issues really, first one is he has no idea what its for and secondly its in the wrong name These are the details One of my friends has received a notice of issue of warrant of control with a total of £172.25 to pay with a further £230 balance outstanding , The notice was issued in in the county court business centre and the creditor is lowells Does that mean its a business debt they are chasing or a personal debt ? he has never had a business and doesnt have any personal debt that hes aware of The is genuinely the first he has heard of any debt, and he doesnt know of any ccj"s , However as well as those issues which he will now have to get to the bottom of, they have used his middle name instead of his first name on the warrant of control , which is very odd, cause surely if there was an old debt he has forgotton about , surely it would be in his original birth name as thats still his official name, He is known to his friends under his middle name as he prefers that name , but on all his official documents ie his passport.licence , bank account etc hes known as his birth name Hes really worried the bailiffs will call and take his belongings before he can get to the bottom of this He doesnt have funds to pay for a set aside, Does he have to fill in form N245 and apply for feee exemption or does he just call lowells and question what its all about and why the name is wrong etc Any help much appreciated
  12. Hi Guys. Long time reader, first time poster. Please be gentle. I found out my now former landlord had connected the communal radiators to my boiler and the electrical services (CCTV communal lighting) to my meter. All of this was without my consent. I estimated the costs to be around £600 and sent a letter and 2 LBA's to him in the name I knew him; let's say, Joe Bloggs. It turns out that his name is; say, Andrew Joseph Bloggs. Do I have a problem or will the court know who i am suing? Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi I parked my bike illigally in wandsworth london, i thought i was going to be quick enough not to get a ticket oops Now on the ticket i have been done for parking in a loading bay and the photos taken show the loading bay sign and everything. The thing is the photo of the bike clearly shows its not parked in a loading bay and is parked on double yellow lines. Surely the alledged contravention never took place, i was never parked in a loading bay and i have photographic proof of it. Is this ticket invalid??
  14. Hi, Apologies I am sure this has been covered before but I couldn't find one exactly the same:- I parked my car at NCP Cardiff Central Station, I parked correctly in a space, I paid £9.30 for 1 day and I paid for the correct vehicle registration number online and I have a receipt. When I returned to the car there was a little yellow package waiting for me, the Parking Charge Notice (PCN) states that registration number *X** *** was Code B3 parked without clearly displaying the required valid pay and display ticket and no other cashless parking payments detected. My registration number is *K** ***, the photo's they have taken are of my car with the correct registration number. I have a couple of questions:- I assume that the PCN is not valid because the reg is wrong is this correct? Should I do anything now or wait and see if I get a NTK? They cannot trace me through the reg on the PCN but they can through the pictures. should I challenge now? Basically any advise or experience you have would be appreciated. AS
  15. In November 2014, I had a CCJ issued against me, pursued by Mortimer Clarke Solicitors on behalf of Cabot Financial, and citing an original debt to Equidebt. I had confirmed the debt when the papers were issued and made a repayment offer. In May, I got a letter from Mortimer Clarke saying that they had now been sold the original debt didn't relate to Equidebt at all, but to MBNA. I wrote to them asking them to get the CCJ set aside on the grounds that it was obtained with incorrect information. I also issued a CCA request at the same time. They have failed so far to provide the information and have told me that they will take no further action for the time being. However the CCJ is obviously still going to be on my file. Does anyone think I have a good case for having the CCJ set aside? Or am I just going to have to live with it? If they are unable to enforce the debt on the grounds of the CCA request, can I reasonably stop paying it, or will I then be in breach of the CCJ regardless? Any thoughts?
  16. Hi I have a default dated 26th October 2009 on my credit report. The default was actually issued 26th August 2009. Can I get this changed. or do they report a default as 2 month later for some reason. With thanks
  17. Hi guys posting on behalf of my mother who recently purchased a second hand car. She purchased a Mazda 2 3 weeks ago from a car dealer after seeing it on Auto trader, recently she noticed the car has no air con despite being inclined that the advert said air con and also later finding out that the wheels were not alloys. She got into contact with auto trader who sent her a copy of the original advert and it did state "manual air con" and "alloy wheels". She contacted the dealers who basically said that the advert on auto trader is basically a template of the same model car and is not always accurate and basically fobbed her off a little before wanting more time. We later discovered online that the actual description on the auto trader advert is not a template and it is actually the data that could be classed as a basic template from the same model car. Where do we stand? what are the likely out comes of the situation a little advice would be great thanks.
  18. Went to ATM link cash machine in my local shop .i wanted to withdraw £500 the machine made the right noises £180 came out the cash machine and then the machine came up with an error I then checked my bank statement which showed £500 taken from my bank.now am £320 down what can i do? Lady in the shop said this evening when the shops closes the machine will be checked will i get this money or not my bank has made note of this
  19. Whenever you take out finance, loans or bank facilities, you enter into a contract, that has rules. When you don't pay, what you are supposed to pay, you get charged, both as a penalty, and as a deterrent. You all knew when you took these contracts out, what the charges were. The large majority of people in this forum, are people who have breached contracts, failed to pay their payments, or defaulted on their agreements. Now you not only have the nerve to criticise and bad mouth the creditors who are only doing what they need to do to get recompense for your failures to pay your payments. But you now add insult to injury, by attacking the banks and financiers, who lent you money in the first place, and fighting them to get the rightfully appropriated charges back. So, you break the contract, and force them to pay????? What's even worse is the fact that this site, actively promotes and advices people to do it! It is disgusting, the world's gone barking mad!!
  20. Hi, I have discovered today that the DWP and/or Atos have sent some letters to the wrong address- two appointment letters and a copy of a PIP assessment report. All 3 (and possibly others) were sent to the wrong house number, about 30 houses down. However other letters, such as the PIP decision, did come to the right address. I only found out about this because the person who received the report asked my neighbour if they recognised the name on the assessment report! What is the most effective way to complain about this? I am currently going to tribunal about the PIP decision, but think this is a separate issue as the letters going astray has not affected the decision maker's reasoning in any way. However, it did mean that my assessment was not recorded, as I only found out about the appointment a couple of weeks before the date when I called for an update. There was no time to arrange recording then and I decided not to put off the assessment as I had already waited ten months for a date. If the assessment had been recorded, I would not be going to tribunal now, as the assessor would not have been able to get away with writing an extremely inaccurate report. Additionally, if I hadn't called Atos to find out what was taking so long, I wouldn't have known about the appointment, missed it and presumably been thrown out of the system. So this definitely needs to be dealt with properly.
  21. Hello This week I switched my home insurance to Home Protect, arranging to pay it monthly. Today, I heard from a company called Premium Credit, telling me that Home Protect had set up the credit arrangement for the insurance through them. I was then asked to register on their website and also to electronically sign a copy of the CCA1974 agreement. It also stated that if I hadn't signed by 27th April, then they would add £10 to my account! So my question is, can they actually legally do this? I thought the terms of the CCA1974 states you should sign ONLY if you wished to be bound by it. Effectively, they are fining me if I don't. Clearly, they just want to be able to guarantee any potential court action they might take would be successful by having a "signed" CCA1974 form but this just sound wrong to me. Any advice would be much appreciated. I see this particular company has been posted about before for exorbitant charges for failed direct debits which doesn't surprise me!
  22. Just received an NIP 40 mph in 30 zone. Address on the NIP is totally incorrect, but timing is correct. Offence site as detailed on the NIP is approximately 2 miles from the site where the mobile camera was used and the photo evidence taken. It is mistake on the offence location. Can anyone suggest best way to answer the NIP ?
  23. I am in a strange situation with an online retailer for blinds. I called their company at first to confirm they were supplying a specific brand of blinds, which they confirmed. I then asked them for an option to stain the edges of the blinds that was not shown on their website (I knew it was available from the factory supplying them). They confirmed the extra option was available but I had to amend my order by phone after placing the order. They sounded very decent over the phone and have a load of positive reviews on Trustpilot. Based on their advice, I placed my order on Sunday evening and received a confirmation email with estimated delivery 4~5 days later. The next working day -Monday- I called their office to confirm I wanted to add the extra option. They advised me to send an email with the request (to put in writing) and so I did. The next day I received a reply to call their office back to make payment via the phone for the additional requirement. Due to work obligations it had to wait for the morning after, although it was clearly acknowledged. When I rang them to arrange the extra payment, they said the blinds were out for delivery to my place. I told them this was clearly not the arrangement we had and they agreed it was a cock up on their end but I have to write to their management. One would assume that as soon as an arrangement is in progress for additional work to the product, the order would be put on hold until this was completed. Well it appears there is a complete lack of communication within their organisation. I was planning on rejecting delivery as a first step, but the situation became even more complicated as they delivered to a neighbour! As a result the boxes ended up at my place but without my signature of accepting them. I am now left with a product that is wrong, a semi-writen /verbal arrangement and potentially the seller refusing all of this and supporting they delivered as ordered. All this based on their own stupid advice. They have however replied to my email, which suggests that communications have taken place over the phone and advising me to call for payment of the extra option. This email is built over the very invoice itself, which I see as a collective contract. Or not? It is a mess and this leaves me with a lot of hustle writing letters and/or having to return the product. It is also important to add that the blinds cannot be "fixed", this is a process carried out at painting stage and they may have to re-order a new set.
  24. Hi guys, you've helped me out many times and I come asking again. When I was young, naive and irresponsible, I said to many forms of credit when I wasn't in a secure job. I have 4 defaults. 3 are settled are will all be older than 6 years old in January. One however is causing me some distress. The account start date is 27/12/2006 however the default date is 30/11/2011. I cant remember what is was for, all it says is unsecured loan. I am sure the last payment I would have made would have been in 2007 at the very latest as looking back at bank statements which go up to 2007 online, I have no payments going out for anything credit wise. Also my credit file only has information on the balance of this defualt from 12/2011. No previous balance history, payments etc. Just a account number with most the number starred out. My questions are: 1. How can I find out who the debt is with? 2. Can a default be placed 4 years after I stopped paying? 3. If i send an SAR, who do I send it to. I'm sure this debt should be statuate barred or nearly there. If I could find out what the debt is for I could prove when my last payment was. Any help would be amazing as Im going for a mortgage in 6 months time.
  25. Mal Nichol

    Wrong Tax Code

    Just received a tax PAYE coding notice which held a odd surprise. Three years ago I retired with a private pension. Up until today I have had no problems with this pension till today? This was in the form of a coding notice stating I had underpaid tax by £532? Most of this underpayment was as a result of alleged payments of Job Seekers Allowance over a 2 year period between 2011 and 2013? This is odd as I have never received or claimed job seekers allowance? I contacted the HMRC via phone to find out more? I was told that they had received notice that I had signed on for job seekers in 2011. I did go to job seekers once in 2011 just after I retired to seek advice on any part time jobs in my area? I did give the office my details as I was worried that having worked all my life since leaving school I would be bored in my retirement? The meeting lasted about 10 minutes and was told I would have to go on a website to find a job and was give the site address. That was it no money asked for or received???????? Well fast forward 3 years and speaking to the HMRC customer service person the polite lady tells me that the job seekers had informed them of this 10 minute meeting and as a result of this meeting they assumed that I must have claimed job seekers allowance????????? I asked if the person who assumed this had made any enquiries to confirm this and how did he come up with the amount I was supposed to have claimed over 2 years??????? I was told that Job Seekers was another office and they did not tell HMRC the result of the meeting and they did not check they just assumed I must have claimed some money and guessed how much this would have been. Well sorry about the long winded story above. But the point of my post is to ask? Can they do this without any comeback? I have been told that they would correct this mistake and contact me within 3 weeks. From your experiences do you think this will happen? or do I need to take it further and if so how?
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