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  1. Looking for some advice. I defaulted on a black horse personal loan on 2012 (not hire purchase) which was taken out for a car in 2009. This was included in my sequestration. The car was not repossessed as the value of the car was too little. Black horse have confirmed that the account is closed but that I still have a balance. 5 years later I would like to sell the car but when carrying out a HPI check the balance is showing. Do I have the right to sell this car?
  2. can someone advise me please... i have received a claim form from Ascent legal on behalf of the above. it relates to an amount £2864.14 which is in relation to a secured loan from black horse. i have paid them nothing nor have i replied to any correspondence in over 6 years - is the claim statute barred or not? thanks in advance
  3. In July 2010 my wife I purchased a static caravan on a Park Resort holiday camp for £13693.75 a deposit of £2500 and the balance on Black Horse finance. Our finances changed 8 months later and was no longer able to pay for the caravan we spoke to BH and they agreed they would take the caravan back sell it and we would have to pay the outstanding finance on a agreed amount of £50 per month and top up as and when we could with no interest on the outstanding balance which was approx £6500. Since 2013 we have kept a regular paymant of £50 as agreed with BH and have a outstanding balance of Approx £4500. Recently i checked my credit score on Clear score and found that i was in arrears with BH, i contacted BH and discussed that i had kept our agreed payment every month and i was still in arrears. BH told me that i was and would continue to be until full payment i asked if i paid the original monthly amount of £275 or paid a settlement figure (which they declined) would i still be in arrears, and the answer was yes, Do you have any advise Is it to late for a "voluntary termination"
  4. good morning all, whilst trawling through old paperwork searching for anything relevant to a separate issue i have, i have found an old black horse finance agreement from 2002. i have no other paperwork relating to it. there is ppi on the agreement and i have detailed on the agreement: the furniture cash price, monthly interest rate, apr, number of monthly repayments and amount of each payment. However there isn't any breakdown of the monthly payment although i'm assuming i can work that out from the other figures on the agreement ( although i haven't been able to work out the correct formula yet ). Although the box is ticked for requesting the payment protection plan and explains it is optional, i know the salesman told me that i had a better chance of getting the finance if i took the ppi ( this was my first significant purchase when i moved out of my parents ). I guess i need to SAR Black Horse although i don't hold out much hope of them having anything after this long. i was just wondering what you think my chances of success would be? the ppi was never claimed on and the finance was repaid.
  5. Hi I have a secured loan previously owned by black Horse but sold to Sky Loans in 2015 .what a nightmare At point of sale sky loans told me there were arrears despite the account being in dispute In 2016 Black horse made me a credit which more than cleared any arrears and Sky Loans have added various charges extra interest but refused to reimburse me The loan is almost paid any advice Please
  6. Hello, A few months ago I started having my Boots.com orders cancelled for unknown reasons - in the end I gave up and used my husbands account. Then Argos started repeatedly cancelling my orders and so I used my husbands account. Now my husband is being refused orders from both of these companies for unknown reasons. Even if I try and set up a new account and get a delivery it comes back as cancelled. When we call the customer service team can’t tell us much it’s either our card/cards, names or address? Can’t seem to find much on this and what to do never returned an order or had any trouble with these retailers before this!???
  7. Name of the Claimant ? - ME III Limited, Date of issue – 13 Apr 2017 What is the claim for – 1.The claim is for the balance of instalments due & unpaid under an agreement dated 27/03/2008 & under which BLACK HORSE LTD agreed to provide credit in relation to the purchase of goods payable by instalments ('the Agreement'). The Agreement was assigned to the Claimant. PARTICULARS 1. Amount due & unpaid 2890.44 THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS 1. Amount due & unpaid 2890.44 What is the value of the claim? £2890.44 ( + 105 + 80 costs) Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? - Loan Account When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? March 2008 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. - Debt Purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? - No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? - Not sure Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? - Not sure Why did you cease payments? Loan was for a vehicle - agreement originally presented as a "Hire Purchase" but turned out to be a loan. Wrote to Black Horse to terminate and returned vehicle to them (have copy of letter written 7/11/11). What was the date of your last payment? Nov 2011 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Yes (see above) Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? - No I have filed acknowledgement of claim via Moneyclaim.gov.uk with intent to defend all of claim. I have drafted CPR 31.14 request (send to solicitor?) requesting copy of - agreement - notice of assignment - default notice Should I also do CCA to ME III ? hi all Black Horse Car Loan from 2008. Terminated in Nov 2011, I was under impression it was hire purchase and had paid more than half of the payments, so wanted to terminate. Then turned out it was a "Loan" - rightly or wrongly I wrote to BH to terminate agreement and returned car to them. They wrote demanding payment of a "balance"... I wrote back to them 24/11/11 asking for copies of original agreement etc which they never supplied. All went quiet 3 weeks ago received letter from dlc saying account passed to Cabot Financial (Europe) Ltd, and 'next step' was to pass to Mortimer Clarke Solicitors. On Same day received letter from Mortimer Clarke saying they were acting on behalf of ME III Limited giving me 14 days to pay before court action. Came back from an overseas trip yesterday to find the N1SDT claim form... de... Any suggestions gratefully received. I thought this one was going to end up SB so wondering if the date has triggered this action?
  8. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/video/shocking-moment-man-walks-away-121526688.html
  9. My friend had a black box fitted through Admiral. He had 10/10 scores throughout. He went to cricket and the car was parked up. He got a score of -10 as they said he drove 13 hours straight no breaks and that is dangerous. They also said he drove at 130mph which he didn't. Why would he when he knows there is a black box fitted and only got 10 out of 10 scores. He tried to speak to them but was simply told. The black box doesn't make mistakes. They cancelled his insurance and banned him from the insurance company and anyone under their brand. His insurance shot up and he needed to take out a loan to get insurance. This happened two years ago. So last year insurance was high but not as high. I have asked for a DPA and all information relating to the black box. Has this happened to anyone here before? How can I prove he didn't drive 13 hours straight. Can anyone drive 13 hours straight lol
  10. Get your wallets at the ready and your running shoes on; it's time to grab a bargain as Black Friday is almost here. Despite being an American tradition, falling on the Friday following Thanksgiving in the United States (which is the fourth Thursday of November), the annual shopping bonanza has gone global with hundreds of retailers around the world slashing their prices to tempt shoppers with big bargain deals. Source-Link When is Black Friday PLUS everything else you need to know about it http://www.getreading.co.uk/whats-on/whats-on-news/black-friday-plus-everything-you-10178785 Have you any tales to tell about this day.Any experiences.
  11. After some research on here I now know the true horror of what Vodafone have done to me. To cut a very long story short my Vodafone account was closed early and paid up by me in June (so I thought) PAC code transfered all done. Goodbye Vodafone - hurrah! Get a letter in September saying I still owe £90odd . I have contacted them on many occasions saying please can I have an invoice so I can see why you think I owe this? Athough promised each time nothing received, next I get mail from debt collection and then black mark on my (previously perfect) credit history - Just as I'm apply for a mortgage! Thanks Vodafone!! they can say I owe them something , not produce an invoice to back this up and then ruin my chances of getting a mortgage with absolute and complete impunity! On the advice of my mortgage broker I paid the o/s amount to minimize the damage. When I did this I was told i could speak to the team that placed the marker against me as I wanted to explain it was paid late because vodafone did not supply me with the information required to resolve the dispute and therefore please remove it. After the amount was paid I was put through to sales! When I called back to try once again the line was dropped after 50 minutes . I just dont have to time to spend many more hours on the phone to receive empty promises. So even after paying an amount that im not sure I owe I still have got nowhere in clearing my name . Its shocking and I cant think of any other industry where people could behave like this and get away with it.
  12. Hi I'm in the process of a PPI claims I'm using a company called black pearl claims but wish I didn't now I've done most of the work well not much work really just answering questions Barclay card ask is there a way I can get rid of black pearl claims and continue conversation from Barclay card on a policy back in January 4th 1999 I can't remember the details of the policy and documents of employment or savings etc I haven't got can I claim by myself and get rid of black pearl as it's supposedly at decision makers and if I get money they want 30% + vat if successful all I know of the policy is covered illness as to what I don't remember it was 16 yrs ago Hi guys I'm in the process of 2 PPI claims one with Barclay card and the other Capital one both started by Black Pearl Claims Ltd . I was just wondering if I could pull the plug on Black Pearl Claims as they are charging me 30%+ V.A.T I'm the one in conversation with Barclay Card trying to answer Barclay Card questions like how much savings I had a the time and my employment status etc the claim is from January 4th 1999 and can't provide the documents for Barclay Card for how much money coming in and savings etc as to far back ,it's now at decision makers with Barclay Card apparently but still keep asking these questions after many phone calls giving this information while Black Pearl sit back and wait. All I want to know is two things 1 can I pull the plug on Black Pearl and 2 without the documents of money coming in and savings Barclay card asking for have I got a claim? Some details of claim is I had a £2000 credit card with some sort of insurance that covered me when I come out work policy took out January 4th 1999
  13. Ever after coming across this Documentary back in 2013 it has slightly worried me. Now old Tawnyowl i must admit believes a lot of what people say to me. Have been fooled many times.And never learn any lessons.. Now once again i find it hard to believe this documentary is just a advert for a magazine. Any wise ones,any economists,anyone who has a little time and who has not seen it can you tell me if there is any truth in all this. As i say it has bugged me slightly since 2013. Well it is out there now anyone,please have your say and at least i can put it to the back of my cluttered mind now. Bear Garden seemed the right place for it. Here we go settle down strap yourselves in and be very afraid very afraid. U certificate it isn't that bad.Perhaps many have seen it before. The Plague of the Black Debt http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/plague-black-debt/
  14. I bought a car via black horse in march 2011. the amount of credit shown on th credit agreement is £5499.85 over 60 months. I VT'd due to loss of employment in jan 2013 after making £2859.89 worth of payments. The car was auctioned for £1821. My halfway payment on the agreement shows as £4611.22. so total received by BH is £4680.89 (more than the halfway payment) I am now being chased for £1203 by mackenzie hall. My question is can i include the sold price to the halfway point or is it payments only? also, they have charged me a £25 'repossession fee' i thought it was supposed to be free. I've looked but cant find the answer to question 1 anywhere. I'm hoping someone here can clear this up for me before i start contacting them. Thankyou
  15. HI I am wondering if someone can help me word defence to a CCJ application that my husband has just received from black horse. I have 14 days to acknowledge and then 14 days to defend, but am struggling with the wording I want to defend on the basis that 1. Id like a copy of the CCA agreement 2. I want statements to check the balance 3. The loan is statue barred 4. There is PPI on the loan Can someone help please? Thank you
  16. Colleague's boyfriend took the car and was speeding. (If it at all matters, he took out temp cover with another company). The insurance company Policy Wise has now sent a letter to say they want £250 or they will cancel the insurance policy. Just checking that they are able to charge this amount? Surely they have to have a breakdown of costs otherwise it is seen as a penalty? Thanks Edit: Just checked the policy documents and it does refer to the £250 charge as a Penalty. http://imglnk.uk/img?i=oOoujV.jpg
  17. Just checked Ebuyer site - what a waste of time, no different than any other day. I can't see any reduction anywhere other than the normal they have. Anyone found a bargain ?
  18. Hi I have recently finished paying a loan, originally with Black Horse now with Skye. I have made all contractual payments under this agreement. (well actually I overpaid by 1 instalment) 90 payments of 278.26 for agreement 91 payments of 278.26 made The balance of this account is now stands at 775.04 This amount derives from 15 charges of 25.00 & 7 charges of 30.00 A charge of 15.00 to change the date of the repayments. Also now a charge of 12.00 from Skye in March this year for an alleged instalment payment missed. All information is obtained from a SAR sent to Black Horse in February 2016. Skye took over receiving payments for this account in June 2015.At that point I had 7 payments to make, although due to a communication error with my other half 8 were made. All these payments made in full and on time. So as far as I was concerned this loan was finished, but was aware account had incurred charges during a bad period for us 2009-2011. I have never accepted these charges & made Black Horse aware of this & of our financial problems at that time hence paying for a date change in repayments to try and rectify problem but didn’t work & I continued to be charged. I have recently received a letter from Skye quoting that I have missed a payment of 278.26 in March and have subsequently been charged 12.00. Against better judgement a phoned Skye and asked how can I have missed payments when all contractual payments had been made +1. They hadn’t a clue what anything was as they had only received a balance figure from Black Horse & said they would look into it. Another telephone call to Skye now reveals that this balance is made up of charges & interest. Some of the interest occurred from the start of the loan (draw down of funds in July 2008 & the 1st installment being paid in August 2008) and it was then pointed out that the amount owed now 775.04 is now capital. I repeated that I did not agree with the charges and would not be paying them and that I would be taken action to reclaim these charges & would send a letter this weekend. The only problem is what letter would I use to address this situation, it’s been quite some time since I tackled anything like this & I know things have changed somewhat as regarding reclaiming charges. I spent a little time looking at COBS(unfairness) is this a route to take & do I take up this fight with the original lender as I have read a post from Bankfodder regarding all duties still remain with them even if sold on. The reason I ask this is Skye told me to deal only with them and not with Black Horse. I work away from home during the week and can only deal with this at the weekend and as we all know these amounts soon start to get out of control so I need to deal with this as quickly as possible. If any info is required I have all letters statements and telephone transcripts. Any information or guidance is much appreciated. Thanks
  19. hi ,we have a secured loan off just under 5,000 from Black Horse which is now been taken over by Skye Loans we purposed to pay it at 150.00 per month but they have refused and added charges off 53.00 can any one help please
  20. I am curious how this case has been dealt with see here >> http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2012/2402.html My questions in this Judgment are at para: 10-17 in the above link... Especially para: 17 your thoughts please... As this is driving me mad atm. Can anyone please give thoughts.. PS not sure where to post this thread, sorry.. MM
  21. Wherever you are i hope you enjoy your party tonight. Paid for hopefully by your boss. Meant to put this on this morning,oh well better late than never. Many will already be out there.So i am off,it may go quiet in here as the night progresses. Would really like to know tomorrow when you recover how it went. Bet there will be many interesting tales to tell. Tonight is when drink sales hit their peak on the biggest office party night of the year - how do you survive it? Will it be a mad Friday. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/christmas/12057746/How-to-survive-Booze-Black-Friday.html Why 'Mad Friday' leads to 'Dry January' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35129990 Booze calculator: What's your drinking nationality? In the month of December alcohol consumption increases as many people celebrate the festive season. In particular, the last Friday before Christmas - popularly known as "mad Friday" in the UK - can be the moment when many drink to excess. But how does your drinking measure up to the average in countries around the world? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-30500372 Says i measure up to Kuwait-he-he What country does your drinking measure up to? For those in Wales. Live Black Friday updates from across Wales on parking, travel, shopping, Christmas parties... and jumpers! http://www.walesonline.co.uk/whats-on/whats-on-news/live-black-friday-updates-across-10620336 From the North East. Live updates and pictures as people hit the bars of Newcastle for pre-Christmas festive fun on Black Eye Friday, the biggest night out of the year http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/whats-on/music-nightlife-news/black-eye-friday-newcastle-live-10618815 Live: Mad Friday in Manchester http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/whats-on/whats-on-news/live-mad-friday-manchester-pictures-10622117 Mad Friday in Liverpool live: updates from the big Christmas night out http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/whats-on/music-nightlife-news/mad-friday-liverpool-live-updates-10615149
  22. hi all, A Family member has just received a ccj claim form, I have filled the form out as best i could, we are almost 100% sure it is statue barred and believe they are just chancing it, Hillesden securities Limited t/a dlc Date of issue – 14 DEC 2015 What is the claim for – The claim is for the balance of installments due & unpaid under an agreement dated 12/07/2005 & under which Black Horse LTD agreed to sell the defendant goods for a price payable by installment('the agreement'). The agreement was assigned to the claimant. PARTICULARS 1. Amount due & unpaid £1000 THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS 1. Amount due & unpaid £1000 What is the value of the claim? £1000 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Loan for a Car When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? The loan is from 2005 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. It has been passed onto Hillesden Securities Limited t/a dlc Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Not sure Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Not sure Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? Approx. 2 month ago we received 5 annual statements of accounts dated from 28/09/2010-11/07/2015,they all come on the same day Why did you cease payments? It looks like no payments were ever paid What was the date of your last payment? It looks like no payments were ever paid Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Dont know Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No We have not acknowledged the claim yet but I have set up the login online etc, We want to defend the claim and are going to use the statute barred as defense, I am just wondering what wording i need to put for this and should i wait the 19 + 14 days or just submit it straight away ? Also I have not sent any cpr request as of yet cheers in advance
  23. Was quietly browsing my credit reports last night when I spotted on both of them that there was a CCJ listed. I check monthly and its the first time ive seen them. Was issued 29/12/15 by Northampton Bulk Clearance Centre. Called Northampton today and get a few details from them including the creditor, etc. Turns out ive been CCJed for a debt that I last made a payment on in 2006 and have never communicated in written form about ever. There were a few calls around 2008/9 from them but I requested more than once a copy of the Credit Agreement that they were unable to provide. Question 1, Is this debt statute barred? I think it is based on information on gov.uk. Next thing is the claim was made at my previous address but as I have lived at my current address for more than 2 years would the debt collector be naughty enough to deliberately issue against the wrong address in order to get a default judgement? Question 2, How do I go about proving that? There are a few searches on my credit file that have all returned my current address and as I am confident there is nothing else lurking in my closet I would assume these searches come from Hillesden. Question 3, Is there a way of getting the information on who made the search (and for what purpose) from the referencing agencies? Before the end of today N244 will be in the post with a cheque for £155 enclosed. Do I try and talk to Hillesden or their solicitors (I have their details) or should I just go straight for a hearing in person and try and resolve it that way. The logical thing in my mind is to give them an opportunity to either answer some questions or trip themselves up but usual advice tends to be leave them alone. As it stands with a CCJ on file I dont really have a lot to lose by taking the fight to them as hard as I can.
  24. Hi, I've been looking at reclaiming PPI from a 2002 loan I got to buy musical equiptment. After being messed around claiming they couldn't find my account details I SAR'd my bank at the time and sifted through 1000+ pages of documentation in order to find my agreement number, 160 days after the initial SAR request I was eventually supplied my account detals. Long story short it was single payment / front loaded PPI payment. I did however run into difficulties paying the account and it was "written off (term as per transaction description) / defaulted at £520 in 31/07/2003. What I've since learned was that this debt was sold off to 1st Credit DCA, who subsequently persued me (and me simply not knowing any better thinking I was simply settling one of many debts I had from my younger years) I made an initial £26 payment on 31/05/2006 as a token of my eventual desire to pay said debt completely. I WAS AT NO POINT AWARE THIS WAS ACTUALLY THE BLACKHORSE ACCOUNT The following day (01/06/2006) while continuing to settle debts I called Black Horse and made what i was to believe was the final £520.85 payment.due on the old loan. After saving for a few months more I then contacted 1st Credit and paid the rest of the £525 debt they asked for. It has now come to light while I've checking old bank statements that Black Horse accepted the final settlment from me while actually not owning the debt having it been sold on to 1st Credit. Where do I stand in Scotland with regards timeframe to claim the full £525 payment from either party? Any advice would be appreciated
  25. Hi Guys, I'm glad i came across this site. I've been doing some in depth reading regarding the process to have an SAR carried out on various lenders etc. In the past I've had the following: Black Horse Loan (2002ish) Applied for my PPI back and told they couldn't find account (now they've been fined 110+ million i'm sure they'l be more helpful Halifax Bank Account BOS Bank Account Birmingham Midhsires Mortgage. I guess my question is can i just send a single SAR to Lloyds banking group HQ (now that they own all these subsiduaries) or will I have to make one to the individual companies within the group.
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