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  1. Hoping someone can help. I recently bought a car from a trade seller for my daughter after seeing an advert on FB. I went and viewed the vehicle, and I asked the seller some specific questions, one of which was "has the car ever been written off?" (I have a witness who was with me when the questions were asked). The seller said it hadn't and I also got a friend who is a car dealer to do a full HPI check, which came back clean. The seller said that he hadn't received the log book (V5) back from DVLA and that we would have to apply for it. Nothing untoward with that. I purchased the car and it's now registered in my daughter's name. However, when the log book came back from DVLA it had the dreaded this car has been salvaged having sustained structural damage and repaired, ie it's a Cat C or Cat S meaning that its value is greatly reduced. We paid £2900 for the car and it's worth around £2000. I have written to the seller and asked to cancel the contract under the misrepresentation act 1967 as I believe I had been deliberately misled when the seller stated it wasn't written off. I have given the seller 14 days to respond. The seller is leaning on the fact that when he sold be the car it was HPI clear. I have said I will take it to court. It seems there's a loophole whereby once the car is declared a write-off the insurers keep the log book but the HPI data isn't updated until the new owner applies for the log book from DVLA. I strongly suspect that he knows that the HPI doesn't get updated and therefore he can sell the car 'clean'. My question is am I taking him to court using the correct legislation? ie (Misrepresentation Act 1967. I am wondering whether I should be using Consumer Protection regulations against mis-selling but I'm not sure. Any advice is appreciated. Nick
  2. Hi everyone. We've had a motor trade policy for 5 years now. 10 days before renewal this year, the insurer flagged up 4 vehicles we've had for a while, and wanted proof of ownership and V5s. I neglected to send these when requested. Over the next few days, they started sending me emails regarding renewal, and that the policy will auto renew. The policy autorenewed, but I know they always want proof of trading (ie. recent invoices) and driving licences. I could see emails coming through, that we had X days to send these documents. In all this, I understood that the deadline for the documents for the renewal was 5pm on the 25th May. I sent the proofs of trading and driving licences, and said in my email "Here are the documents for renewal", and asked to confirm some details about cover. The lady answered my email, but didn't mention those previous proofs of OWNERSHIP of the other vehicles. I assumed those were for the past policy (same insurer). I carried on as normal, awaiting the insurance certificate. It never came, and the following Thursday 31st May (almost a week later) I called them at 4pm to chase it up. I was then informed that insurance had been cancelled due to not providing those proofs of ownership. I'd never gotten so much as a courtesy email informing me of this, and had been driving uninsured for a week. They said if I sent them, they would see about insuring me again. As it was late, they called me the following day (1st June) to say they could cover me, but that since it's a new month, the premium is now £450 more. They wouldn't budge. AND I now have a cancelled policy in my history, bumping up my premiums. Now my question is, all the policies so far were under our Ltd company which is being closed down. Obviously on the schedule of fact it was "Mr X and Miss X (XXX Ltd)" and the account payer for the insurance (on their docs) is "XXX Ltd". We are no longer trading under that Ltd company, we are now a partnership. So when we're asked have you ever had a policy cancelled, what do we say? Legally, if I say no, since the cancelled policy was under a Ltd company, am I covered? Thank you.
  3. Announcing the new UK Criminal Records Trade Body (CRTB) READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/announcing-the-new-uk-criminal-records-trade-body-crtb
  4. I have experienced whereby the actions of my workplace union have precluded me from being able to proceed to Employment Tribunal. Consequently, I am left with only the option of filing a personal injury claim against my employer, which the union will not take forward on my behalf. The union has acknowledged wrongdoing, placing blame squarely at the door of their local representative and citing a lack of knowledge as the reason for the error. Can anyone recommend the services of a competent legal firm with whom they've had success in this area?
  5. has anyone - who is a part time car trader (sales only) had the car policy cancelled by any insurance company because they didn't buy or sell a car in a 3 month window?
  6. 2 years ago I requested DWP several times (verbally and in email) to remove my phone number from their systems and to stop calling me. - Their response to this complaint = "would i like a callback" doh.... Eventually DWP removed my phone number from their systems after I had notified them that I will resort to legal action if they do not do this. Since then, if I have had to contact DWP then I have refused to give my phone number. Some weeks ago I received a phone call from DWP CEO Office. This phone call should not have been made due to my previous request. In response to this phone call I contacted complaints resolution team and spoke with someone who has been dealing with my complaints since 2015, she stated that as far as she can see and as far as she knows, my telephone number has been removed from their systems and she can't possibly see where the CEO office obtained my number from. The cynical side of me suggests that DWP made this phone call out of spite in relation to my complaint of a few weeks earlier where DWP CEO staff implied I am a liar, then when I proved I am not a liar by quoting her a reference number she refused to apologise. I need to stop phone calls from DWP, but despite the fact that they have removed my number from their system, I still receive unwanted phone call from their CEO office. Breach of my privacy by DWP - informing my parents of my complaints.... During the phone call (which should not have been made), DWP first spoke with my father and somehow managed to verify that he is myself. DWP then went on to discuss my previous complaint with my father who was not aware I had a historical complaint (hes only aware of recent complaints). This has made my parents even more stressed in the knowledge of an historical complaint as since they have been helping support me financially during DWP pathetic excuses of they cant pay claim because my go fit note not matches exact date of claim etc. For my parents to learn that I had struggled financially previously and have an outstanding complaint worries them more as they are nearly 80. They were hoping that my complaints surrounding 2015 to present date would result in DWP realising that they are wrong not to pay benefit for sickness, this would then repay my debt to my parents who have been financially supporting me. For my parents to learn of a more historical complaint which has been ignored just adds to their worry. DWP called me 2 years after them removing my number from their system and requesting no phone calls due to mental health reasons. They also disclosed my personal details with my father. For my mother to hand me the phone saying its "DWP talking about your complaint from years ago" with a flushed worried complexion is horrible. I am trying my best to keep her from such worry given her age and health, the same for my father. Thanks to DWP incompetence they are both aware... I need to stop these phone calls! How?????
  7. I wonder if i can have all you help again. Within the last few days my cousin purchased a car from the above company. She had the car on finance. The above company chooses from a panel of lenders accessing the clients suitability. She was accepted for finance at a whopping 36.9% apr. She did know how high the Apr was which put an extra 4 + thousand pounds onto the loan. The issue is that she was told by the salesman she could pay extra each month, which would reduce the amount of interest paid. So she signed up. She was also told by the salesman that the car came with two keys, but when she collected it, it did not. She called the finance company after she had signed the agreement to ask about the extra payments, and they told her, that even if she did make extra payments, it would not reduce the amount of interest on the finance. She then called the car company and said she did not want the car if this was the car and wished to cancel, and they said they would have to buy the car back from her and would only give her market value. I have looked through the contract for the finance and there is the usual about being able to cancel within the 14 days but the there is some extra in there about what she will have to pay on termination, which i do not understand. Just to let you know she has had the car for 4 days. Thanks for your help
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/apr/16/scrap-diesel-cars-for-cash-says-influential-committee-chairman This looks interesting. It looks like it might be means tested, but Theresa May has taken into consideration that Tony Blair's government pushed diesel vehicles -
  9. Hi, Been lurking on here for years but now need a bit of help. I purchased a used car last Friday (6th January) but on the way home the air bag light came on. Also found the windscreen washers could only throw water an inch or so from the jets. Jack and tools are missing from the car too. Not happy that this happened on a £12k car that supposedly had an AA 128 point check. Sent the letter of rejection by email on Saturday, less than 24 hours from purchase followed up by a letter. Eventually got after sales to respond today and they tell me they no longer have my trade in. I paid £7k for the car plus £5k trade in. Car is 3 years old, full Ford service history and 71000 miles (ex fleet car). What do I do now? Thanks
  10. Hi, I took 2 old mobile phones to a Carphone Warehouse store to trade in on 16th of May, and they still haven't paid my refund. I have complained to their customer service team (online) and they told me to visit the store because it's their issue. 3 visits to store after and still no payment. The managers at the store sent emails to their banking department, as they can't be contacted by phone, and promised to call me back. But I've had no calls from the manager. Contacted the customer service team again and they gave me the same advise as before. I would like to take this further cause it's been dragging on. Would the Retail Ombudsman be able to help with this case? Thank you.
  11. Hi and what a wonderful site this is. Put my faith back in people. I have attached a blanked out Trade Credit Application which is titled 'Application For Trade Credit And Guarantee Form'. My secretary filled this in and I signed it. I thought it was a trade credit and Guarantee for goods supplied NOT a Personal Guarantee application. I notice on the last page (3) it details Personal Guarantee. So it looks a little ambiguous to me, but I did sign it and do not dispute the debt. My company is in liquidation and the creditors informed, which is why I have got this presumably. Is it worth fighting or should I try and negotiate. I do not have the £9,000 and I expect more of these. Many thanks in advance Ian
  12. Controversial plans to tighten rules on trade union strike ballots in Britain have passed their first Commons hurdle despite fierce Labour criticism. MPs backed the Trade Union Bill, which proposes higher voting thresholds for ballots, by 33 votes at second reading. Business Secretary Sajid Javid said the bill was "not a declaration of war" against unions but necessary to stop "endless" threats of industrial action. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-34241810
  13. Hi, at the end of March my elderly parents (85 & 80) visited a caravan show. They saw a mini camper van for sale and my father was quite interested. He had a vision of being able to use it to take my mother, who has terminal cancer for days out. The van was on sale for £23,999. My parents looked around the rest of the show and on their way back as they were approaching the stand were they saw the above mentioned van the salesman had sign with a reduced price of £19,995. In parents words "he told us he was reducing it for the show" My father was attracted by this and signed up to purchase the vehicle and paid a deposit. They did not really have a proper look around the vehicle and salesman didn't offer to show them any of the features or how things worked. The van was on display with the beds made up so my father didn't even have an opportunity to sit in the vehicle. Both my parents need the aid of a stick to walk. Originally my father agreed to part ex his caravan but later decided to withdraw this as he felt he could get a better price. As the vehicle was un-registered the company selling insisted that the balance was paid before it could be registered. My father paid the balance and waited to hear from them. Communication from the company has been poor from the outset. Eventually they confirmed a date for the delivery of Friday 8th May. On the day of the delivery my father had a telephone message to say that they could not deliver because they had not received all the paperwork back from the DVLA. My father contacted the seller and left a message to say that if they planned to deliver the following week he would not be available Tue - Thurs as he had to take my mother to hospital each day. By the following Thurs (14th) he had not heard anything so with his permission I contacted the salesman to find out what was happening. Everything was now in place so a date of 21st May was agreed for delivery. The van was delivered and immediately on inspection my parents & sister noticed a number of defects, scratches, rust etc. On the sales document the vehicle was ticked as being new. Other things transpired that they were not aware of such as the fact that the engine was under the drivers seat. The procedure for elevating the roof very complicated. During discussion with the salesman it was claimed that the vehicle was sold as a demonstration model, something that my father claims not to have been made aware of at the time of sale. On the basis of the defects found my father rejected the van and it was taken back to their premises. After taking advice from Citizens Advise we wrote to them claiming that under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 the vehicle was not as described and not of acceptable quality and demanded a refund of the full amount paid. My father received a very angry response this week claiming that the vehicle was clearly marked as a demonstration model. It suggested that we had accused them of high pressure selling tactics - this has never been claimed in any communication with them. It also claimed that the defects found were minor and that the vehicle is of acceptable quality & fit for purpose. As a gesture of goodwill they have rectified the faults and they are asking him to make arrangements to collect the vehicle. Advise from CAB is that we write back and say we are not satisfied with their reply but I don't know were this will get us. Could we have any claim to cancel the contract under the "off premises contract" regulations? Sorry this is a bit long winded but any help will be most appreciated as this is causing the whole family a lot of stress with both my parents being ill with cancer. thanks
  14. There has been advice given that the Schedule 12 procedures, which limit the exemption on trade goods to £1350 does not apply to County Court Warrants This is completely incorrect, The TCE and Schedule 12 procedure applies to all enforcement action. The assertion relies on this: In this case the section of the County courts Act : 89 [F1(a)any of that person’s goods except– (i)such tools, books, vehicles and other items of equipment as are necessary to that person for use personally by him in his employment, business or vocation; Was repealed by Schedule 13 of the TCE : "72 Omit sections 89 to 91" The TCE applies to all county court enforcement in all areas of course.
  15. Can anyone offer advice, there are two of us who have won cases through FOS against Microcredit T /as Minicredit, we won in our favour and Microcredit owe 1200, they ceased to trade, I have gone to CAB and they couldn't give advice, also been in contact with FCA and cant give advice and FOS have done all they can do. FOS decisions are enforceable in court. I have already spent 100 trying to get my money. I have sent a judgement obviously next step in Bailiffs, but is this maybe a waste of money as they may not have assets, we need help as we cant spend money and we may not get money back, please any advice, obviously we can put a charge on bank but is it worth paying if they don't have active bank account. We feel lost and are annoyed Minicredit has not paid us our money, but they ensured they sold there debts on, how is this allowed
  16. Afternoon All, Me and my partner are looking at starting a Motor Trade Business and are wondering what insurers or brokers are best to go through. We've been looking at a few local companies, but to be honest, we're not relying who we go with, on their location. It would be an added bonus to have a company nearby (North-west England) but does anybody have any companies they would like to recommend? Thanks, P
  17. We recently took our faulty EOS camera into our local shop for repair, paid £25 deposit, waited for a call, no call came, then found out the shop is closed, everything gone, including our camera, what do we do next.:x
  18. I recently purchased a 1972 series 3 Landrover from Classic Land Rovers and 4x4s - John Brown 4x4 Ltd - John Brown 4x4 I paid strong money £7500 plus deliver because I believed I was buying a good LR from a professional garage. Looked great on their website and the blurb sounded good. I did not go to view it ( lack of time ) silly me. This was the description, For sale, Land Rover® Series 3 in Light Pastel Green (1972) MOT until April 2015 and tax exempt. Diesel 2286cc. This vehicle has been in the same ownership for 10 years, and was well loved. It has a comprehensive history file, with old MOTs going back 20 years, which suggest that the 33,000 miles is genuine.. ..in 1995 the mileage was 14,000, and the history shows light use year on year.. ..and this makes sense because the diesel engine sounds incredibly fit, and starts with consumate ease. In fact, this lovely Series 3 was driven up from Buckinghamshire! In addition to being tax exempt and having low miles on the clock, there are lots more goodies besides - it has parabolic springs and procomp shocks, free wheeling hubs, overdrive, and a superb (working) Capstan winch. ...this is a real plus, as they are known to be incredibly robust and strong, as they run directly off the engine. They are also sought after and therefore valuable! Finished in Light Pastel Green, the bodywork, as can be seen in the photos, is good. The interior is fitted with rear twin bench seats, and the side windows make it ideal for all the family. This is a pretty, vintage Land Rover®, benefitting from tax exemption, low mileage, and coupled with that winch, plus extras as listed, makes it quite desirable. When the LR arrived I could see it was not originally green it was blue as blue paint could still be scene in places ;-( I looked over the MOT's and noticed 4 years of MOT"S the mileage had not changed this raised suspicions. I tracked down the previous previous owner to ask about the lack of milage and MOT's he confirmed the millage was about 20k out as the speedo had not worked for a number of years. My issue is I am not a trader and have worked out the mileage was not correct. Johnbrown4x4 stated "with old MOTs going back 20 years, which suggest that the 33,000 miles is genuine" Clearly this is not the case. I decided to take the LR to a local LR no-nonsense garage and get them to look it over for me. Please watch this video. http://youtu.be/33lqoV8bAaA I think the video is rather damming given that johnbrown4x4 state that Finally, our in house inspection is far more thorough than an MOT, and we often undertake repairs to vehicles which have been deemed satisfactory by VOSA. As an example, just this week a vehicle came into the unit, having covered 4 miles since the last MOT. Our inspection diagnosed two loose wheel bearings, a loose swivel housing, and more worryingly, a badly worn ball joint, which seriously affected the safety of the steering. Because we are experts, we know where to look for problems, and also have the ability to solve them. In buying from us, you have the added peace of mind that not only has the vehicle had a VOSA inspection, it's had a John Brown 4x4 inspection” What a lot of rubbish. The LR was originally advertised for £7950 big money I offered them £7250 which they accepted but sent me this email "Trade sale (£800 discount on asking price) with no warranty implied or given" I am not a trader and understand that there was no warrantee however I do not think that the LR is fit for purpose given what the specialist has told me. I have asked JohnBrown4X4 for a refund and this is the response to my complaint Thank you for your call. The vehicle was sold with a current MOT until April 2015. The winch works perfectly. T he mileage was only suggested to be genuine as we did not have a complete history on it. It's impossible to gauge the time left on a clutch without removing the gearbox. There is not a Landrover in the land that doesn't leak oil from somewhere. There's bound to be improvements that can be made to an unrestored vehicle that's over 40 years old. The valuation of your garage is ridiculous. We are consulted nationally on setting valuations in National magazines. The vehicle was supplied under your direction as a trade sale at a trade price with no warranty implied or given. Thanks What steps next. I will be getting an AA/ RAC report then submitting this with an application to the small claims court. I shall make sure I post this in as many places as possible so to warn others. Oddly under there sold section the LR I have been sold has been removed.
  19. Hi I am a sole trader. We took a water cooler on a trial basis last year and began getting fortnightly water bottle deliveries. In August, deliveries stopped and we recived an invoice for a rental and sanitization charge (which was being billed in advance) To date, no-one has been to do this. We asked them to collect the cooler and cancel our contract - What we didn't know was that we were in a 5 year contract!!!!!!!! It turns out that an ex-receptionist signed the agreement which is in my name - surely this is not legally binding as I'm a sole trader? Can anyone advise? thanks! Craig
  20. I am absolutely mortifed to have found out that Trade Unions are not regulated. I have spent several months pursing my complaint (complete farce) with a particular trade union to now be informed that it has reached stage 3 and I can take it no further. What can I do? Any suggestions please.
  21. Hi Everyone New to the site, been lurking a while however! I'm currently involved in a dispute. I've uploaded the description of the case as it's quite long and after previewing the post I figured nobody woud want to read it! As a summary however... 1. Purchased a second hand Micra for £2225 from a car wash 2. They claimed private sale 3. Car turned out to be a dud! 4. There is no record of the supposed car owner ever owning it 5. I've taken the car wash to small claims 6. They have defended the claim (with lots of fibs!) 7. I'm at the stage of returning the directions questionnaire... To be with the court by 23rd June 8. I would really appreciate some advice as to how to return my response. I've created a response that call each of the defendant's points in their letter into question but it's quite long (7 pages). Is this too much? 9. Do I also return all of my evidence, fully indexed, at this stage? Many thanks, I hope the attachment makes sense.[ATTACH=CONFIG]51606[/ATTACH]
  22. I wonder if someone might be able to advise. I am thinking of trading in my car and I might even be able to do a straight swap with a couple of dealers. however they say it will be classed as a trade sale and hence no warranty.... can this be the case or does the trader have to warranty any car many thanks
  23. Hello everyone. My first post on here but have been reading various posts for months. I have a complicated one so bear with me but in summary, I am being pursued by a supplier (not a builders merchant) after my company ceased trading as they claim I have given them a personal guarantee. Five years ago, I opened a trading account on Pro-Forma and filled in a 'Trading Account Application Form'. At the time, I was a sole trader and signed a personal guarantee. That's the nature of sole trader - no protection. Six months later, I formed a LTD company and transferred stock etc over to this company. I informed the supplier of this change but they never asked me to fill in new forms for the company. So the forms they have are from when I was a sole trader and there is no mention of the LTD company anywhere on the forms. In their letters, the debt is in the name of the LTD company. Last year, this supplier and myself had a joint venture and I signed a new 'Terms of Trading' for this separate venture as Director of the company. This venture was being treated differently and separately to the core business and so a new form was signed where I gave a personal guarantee as a co Director. It gets more complicated. They have amended the original form from five years ago and added a tick in the box next to 'LTD Company' as the legal entity. The original was 'Sole Trader' - I didn't tick this second box. So in summary, they have added the agreement page meant for the separate entity to the initial account application form in the name of the sole trader, and ticked the LTD company box - without me knowing. Any idea as to where I stand?I would never have knowingly signed a PG in the name of the company for the entire company and its debt. As I said, they have taken a form and added it on to an old business account application form. The one document has dates that are 3 years apart. The wording of the paragraph is as follows: "In consideration of *Supplier*agreeing to open a trade account with the company named overleaf, the undersigned directors of the company hereby agree that should the company fail to meet its obligations of payments for goods, they shall take responsibility for the same" This paragraph is written above the area where you sign but does not have a title, heading, bold writing etc. I think this is incredibly misleading, given the docuement is titled 'Account Application Form'
  24. Hi, Just some advice/suggestions needed regarding the Section 360(1) of the Insolvency Act 1986 - 1(b) The bankrupt is guilty of an offence if - (b) he engages ( whether directly or indirectly ) in any business under a name other than that in which he was adjudged bankrupt without disclosing to all persons with whom he enters into any business transaction the name in which he was so adjudged. Part 1a is understood. With regards part 1(b) we can't seem to find any clear definition of what business transaction means and if it includes retailing/selling my goods. I appreciate/understand the business has be "MY NAME trading as LOGO BUSINESS NAME" but can't make out if it needs to be like this on every bit of the website / logo / packaging /email etc. Seems a bit draconian if this is the case......? I am willing to put my name on all invoices and contact details, but I am looking to sell items of clothing / jewellery etc with my logo..... so do not want to add my name in the logo or the title of the website...? Hope this query makes sense
  25. Hi all, I bought a TomTom Via 130 at the Gadget Show exhibition on Saturday as they had a good offer. Lifetime maps and got £40 for trading in my old TomTom ONE. Unfortunately, on Sunday, I discover that the battery is faulty as the unit won't charge at all. They are now asking that I return the item (via post to Scotland, I live in London) and they will then send me a new one under warranty. Firstly, I will send it Special Next Day so it will be insured, but who pays for that? Secondly, we leave for a road trip through Europe on Monday, so what happens if I don't have a new one by then? Can I charge them for the rental of a Sat Nav through the car rental company? Thanks
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