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  1. Government welcomes landmark law which will improve the safety of tenants READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-welcomes-landmark-law-which-will-improve-the-safety-of-tenants Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2018/34/contents/enacted/data.htm
  2. Hi, I took a contract out with DW Fitness 5 months ago purely based on the fact they had certain cardio equipment I intended to use over winter listed on their website. I’ve only used the gym 5 or 6 times since and only for weights as the weather was good so I’ve had no need to do indoor cardio. Ive since been back to use the cardio equipment and it turns out the gym don’t even have the equipment, it’s listed clearly on their website in the cardio information section of the club I joined. Essentially I’ve been paying for months for the privilege of kit they don’t even have! ive contacted them several times to ask them to cancel my membership due to the fact I was misled by their website and the fact they don’t offer the facilities they claim, however they just ignore my communications and they don’t answer the phones full stop. I’ve obviously kept a electronic record of all of my attempts with , my last email I informed them if they neglected to reply to me again I’d simply hold them in breach of contract for failing to provide me with a resolution due to a lack of engagement. They still continue to ignore me. The staff at the gym are no help, they say to complain electronically which comes to nothing, or say theyll get back to you and never do. Where do I stand on this due to the fact it was false advertisement that got me to sign up in the first place, plus their reluctance to engage or assist me with the problem. Can I just cancel my payment and cut contact with them and treat them with the same contempt? thanks for your time
  3. Had a financial and communication issue with snap fitness, told them to stuff it and I wouldn't pay them anymore (worded nicer) as they could not fulfil their end of the contract. They tried to charge me twice(I had a new card, so no monies taken). Multiple contacts with them (via e-mail and messenger) with no return responses as promised. Now getting threatening letters from them, apparently I owe them 73.9, what the hell is 73.9? Is it worth spending time and effort as they don't respond to communcations or get back to you as promised (ignored by multiple staff members locally and at HO). They have given me 10 days to respond before they send it out to a DCA.
  4. My girlfriend and I went along to a trial session at a local fitness centre we had been told about. After the session, we sat down in the café and received a free (freshly ground) coffee as we discussed joining permanently with the trainer. The conversation was brief, 5 mins max. It involved an iPad on which she showed us the booking app they use and details of the different memberships. We opted for the couples membership at £88.20 per month (endorphin levels were sky high so this sounded like a great deal at the time) plus we get some free gear and a club-branded item of clothing of our choice, each. The club was only a few weeks old at the time, and it seemed like the trainer who was signing us up didn't know exactly how to navigate the sign-up procedure, but we got there in the end. We handed over personal details and my girlfriend gave her bank details for the direct debit to be taken out each month. We immediately had to pay a pro-rata fee of £67.62 for the first month (September), oh and a joining fee of £50 (!?). A few weeks later and reality hit, we were never going to get our moneys worth from this club and had only been a handful of times in the first couple of months (lets just blame it on our 'busy' lifestyle) We paid again at the beginning October but then my girlfriend finally rang up to cancel. This is when she gets told that actually she can't cancel the membership as (duh) we signed up to a 6-month contract. Instead, they suggested that 'we had joined for a reason why don't we just pop down and give it another go'. My girlfriend expressed her surprise at the fact that we were committed to anything, to which they told her all of the details were in her contract. She went on to ask for a copy of this contract, that she had never seen before. They did email her a copy of a black and white contract, which was filled in with her details and with all of the terms and conditions. It included our joining date and commitment period end date. At the bottom, there is an Application Declaration section, with signature boxes which were (obviously) blank, because this was the first time either of us had seen this contract. Page 2, there was a physical activity readiness questionnaire (blank with empty signature box) Page 3 was a copy of her direct debit (blank with empty signature boxes) She informed the club that she was cancelling her direct debit as these contracts they had sent were quite clearly unsigned by herself, and that she was never informed and/or agreed to the long-term contract. They never acknowledged this email. Fast forward a couple of months and she receives an email from a debt collection agency after a payment of £610.26. She rang this agency and told them the whole story. They agreed to put everything on hold and contact the club. The next day, she receives an email from the agency stating that they had contacted the club and they had been advised by their client, that we set up our membership via a tablet they handed to us, that we had agreed to tick and had agreed the terms and conditions in order to proceed. And that they had no written confirmation of us wishing to cancel our membership (bull****) Therefore they look forward to our payment (of which late fees had been added) Their t&c's actually say they may charge a fee of no more than £15 for failed direct debit payments and any unpaid fees referred to a debt collection agency will be subject to a charge of no more than £30? But that's besides the point. We/my gf were never told about the commitment period, and never signed anything. They sent us a copy of a completely blank contract. We're only 24/25 and have no experience of anything like this, do we just ride it out? Could we be caught out somewhere along the line, even with them having no signature? We've watched hours of Can't pay we'll take it away, should we expect to see ourselves on Channel 5 next year? Thanks in advance for any help. P.S. We never received our t-shirts.
  5. Hello all, I was a university student who signed up to my local gym. My last payment to the gym was in February of this year. I believe the payment was set up at £19.99 pcm. I ran into some financial troubles in February and the direct debit for this membership was revoked by my bank (HSBC). I viewed the email sent to me by the gym group and assumed that next month when they came to debit my account, they would take the amount owed + the next membership instalment. I recently started receiving phone calls from CRS, of which I have not picked up. I then checked my emails and found one from them stating I owed them in excess of £300 due to late payments. What has gone from a (relatively small) 'admin' fee from the gym of £50 has now shot up over six fold. I will admit that I probably should have kept on top of this (phoning the gym/bank to discuss how payments should be made) but other reasons and a lack of checking my email account associated with the gym lead me to do otherwise. I suppose I am creating this thread for advice on how I should proceed with CRS with regards to this issue. I have already read that CRS have no legal power with respect to collecting debt owed. I also have read that it is not advised to answer their phone calls. However, I fear as time passes and the debt racks up, it may get to a point where I 'owe' them much more than the current £350 as they keep on adding 'admin' charges to my name. As a student who does not necessarily have those kind of funds, what would be the advised next step for me? I am hesitant to contact CRS to work out a payment plan without fully understanding my rights. If anyone could assist me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  6. Hi. I have just received a letter from DVLA requesting I fill in the fitness to drive from. The form itself is all to do with seizures ect. I don't suffer any? It's very hard to fill in. It was a third party (my ex ) as he has been arrested for malicious and harassing communications ect. My health is this: high blood pressure : two slipped spinal discs and wear and tear in spine: tachyicadia.This is what my doctor has orescribed: Lisinipril for bp . Citalapram for heart speed : baclofen for muscles : tramadol as and when required. Based upon all this information are DVLA likely to revoke my licence? I'm 44 and have had my license since 17years if age. In addition I just left a deposit on car as my 12yr is disabled and we can't get about. Now I either purchase the car even though DVLA have 6 weeks to respond with their desicion or I loose the big deposit . I'm so depressed and stressed right now I can't even think clear... at my sits end ((
  7. A three-year-old boy has died after drowning in a swimming pool at a David Lloyd fitness club in Leeds. Police were called shortly before 9.45am on Saturday to the club on Tongue Lane after a report that a child had entered the pool and drowned. The boy was taken to Leeds General Infirmary where he was later pronounced dead. Although police are treating the incident as an accident, they are appealing for anyone who was in the pool at the time to make contact. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/boy-3-drowns-david-lloyd-fitness-club-swimming-120600253.html
  8. I had a seizure a couple of weeks ago, first one ever, and the hospital told me to speak to the DVLA, who told me I had to complete a declaration (FEP1 form) so they could assess my fitness to drive. According to the guidelines it could be a 6 month ban. However the form says "you must not drive if your doctor says you cannot drive". Neither my doctor or the consultant at the hospital will give me a decision - they say that's for the DVLA to decide. So, while the form is being processed etc - am I OK to drive, since no one has said I can't?
  9. Hi, I have been receiving letters from Harlands regarding failed direct debit payments and admin charges etc, similar to many of the other posts on this forum. Back in August, I paid for two memberships with Lifestyle fitness(for me and my girlfriend), both of which were on a "flexible" contract which required a minimum one month commitment. Both of these direct debits were setup under my bank account. My girlfriend moved back home in September and I wanted to go to a more local gym and so tried to cancel the memberships. My girlfriend rang the gym up who informed her that only the owner of the bank account can cancel the contract. I sent an email off at the beginning of October to Harlands customer support including my name, bank account and sort code and asked them to cancel both direct debit agreements linked to my bank account. 10 or so days later, after hearing no response from Harlands and it being only a few days before the next direct debit payment was due to be took out, I decided to cancel both direct debits via my online bank account. After this, I had no contact from Harlands for around a month or so until I received a letter through the post addressed to my girlfriend with the whole admin fees crap. Strangely enough, I didn't receive the same letter for whatever reason. I think I read before in the T&Cs that you must give at least a month's notice if you're cancelling, which I didn't realise. I'd happily pay the last month's fee for my girlfriend but outright refuse to pay the now £50 admin fee. Is there anything I can do to get them off my back?
  10. Sorry if this is really long winded but I need to get the whole story out in it's entirety. Last year i signed up for an off peak student membership at DW Fitness in Canterbury for £22 a month. To tell you the truth I did not use the gym often but nonetheless I kept up with my payments. At Easter my mental health took a turn for the worst and by June I moved back home {not in canterbury or kent} so that I could get the care that I need, I must also express that I am autistic and epileptic as well. As I decided that I was not going to back to University after a poor academic year and it's best for me to just focus on myself as of right now. I was advised to go to my bank at cancel my direct debit which I did so in June. On 6th July 2017 at 09:32 am DW Fitness telephoned me in order to ask why they were unable to charge my account for the month of July I informed them that I had cancelled my direct debit to which they informed that I need to give them notice before hand and that I would have to reinstate my direct debit for the month of July. Panicking and and already extremely unwell I complied and reinstated the direct debit. While on the phone with them I asked them to cancel my membership in August to which the woman on the phone agreed with. At the end of july I went once again to my bank to cancel my direct debit understanding that come August time my membership would have ceased to exist. Roll on two months later, I received several emails and calls from DW stating that I had not payed for the months of August, September. Initially I ignored these as I had been told in June that they were going to cancel my account. However on the 8th October 2017, I received an email from Cars.UK a debt collectors telling me that If I did not pay the sum total of £70 then they will take legal action against me. I have written to them explaining my side of the story. This is the email I have sent them [removed certain details] Dear Sir or Madam, On 6th July 2017 at around 9:30 am I was contacted by DW Sports informing me that they had been unable to charge my direct debit for the month of July. I informed them that I had cancelled my direct debit to which they informed that I needed to give them at least a months notice and that I should reinstate my direct debit with them to which I complied and asking them to cancel my membership which they informed that when August came my membership would end. Before the beginning of August I went to my bank once again to cancel the direct understanding that I would not owe them any more money. For almost two months I did not hear from them until in late september they began to contact me demanding payment. Initially I ignored these emails and calls because in July they told me that by August my membership would be cancelled. On sunday 8th October however I had received an email from you demanding payment for £70. I had my father ring up DW Sports as I was too distraught to talk to them myself, them having caused numerous panic attacks. They informed my father that I had to sign a form in order for my membership to be cancelled to which I had not been informed, nobody told me that I had to sign anything and if I had known I would have made the necessary arrangements to travel down to Canterbury. I am Autistic and during the recent months I have been extremely ill, my stress levels are extremely high which is a cause of concern for my parents as I am also epileptic and stress can often induce tonic clonic seizures which in some cases can be fatal. Sincerely [insert name here] A few things to note is I'm unemployed I don't receive any benefits I'm not well enough to work so therefore I have no income. Could perhaps someone help me or at least advise me on this matter?
  11. Hi, Having an issue with these people not rush fitness anymore because apparently they have nothing to do with it now. So my story is, i signed up to rush gym in October 2016 and as i am told this is a 12 month contract which i didn't really understand at first because when i signed up online i saw something about no contracts but anyway. In January 2017 i wanted to cancel my gym membership as i could no longer afford the fee's as i was unemployed and the direct debit was coming from my mums account who is also unemployed and is claiming benefits as she was diagnosed with breast cancer and she stopped working. I then called my gym (rush fitness) and was answered by a women whos name i do not know now because its been a while anyway i explained the situation to her and she said yeah thats fine i will get that cancelled for you and you can cancelled your direct debit too. Got silence and peace of mind for a while now, until around the 20th feb when i recieved a letter from harlands saying they were unable to collect my installment and they added a £25 pound admin charge...(17.99+25.00=42.99 arreas) i called harlands and told them that i had cancelled my membership in jan and was told to cancel my DD. They replied with not their issue and i should contact the gym and i should re-instate the DD and pay the admin charge which i just cut the phone on him as he was very blunt! I called my gym and spoke to another rep and this time it was a male, i explained the situation to him and he then went on to saying that i couldnt cancel over the phone and he doesnt know who i spoke to and i couldnt remember her name either. He told me the only way to cancel was online so i should re-instate my DD for the time being but i dont have the money so he said i should contact harlands about that. i went online and again went through a cancellation process and recieved an email saying that i ahve to provide proof in which i did reply that i was not currently working and my mums medical issues and how we couldnt afford it. On the 18th of march now i recieved a phonecall which i missed on my phone but still have the voicemail of from connor from rush gym who contacted my to say that i hope everything has gone well and my membership is cancelled and if i wanted to leave feedback.(i heard this voicemail late). On the 23rd of march 2017 i then received another letter from harlands saying that they refer to me from their previous letter and my arreas have doubled to £85.98.... now im getting annoyed as hell! in the same letter it says and i quote word for word 'if you do not contact us by the 6th of april 2017 your balance of £193.92 will be passed on to a debt recovery company who will add their fees to your account. So somehow the charges jumped from £85.98 to £193.92 if i didnt contact them. i tried calling a few times but no answer so again i got advice from other people and they said to just ignore them they cant do anything to you and all these charges are not enforceable by law! Then the letter from CRS came on 25th april 2017 saying that they have been employed by rush fitness as my membership remains in arreas despite previous letter being sent to me and now they have are charging me £263.73. Where do i stand now? Any help is much appreciated and slick132 if your reading this i see you are the genie in these situations! can post pics of letter in a PDF format if needed!
  12. Hello, I am really hoping you can help. March 2016 I joined Lifestyle Fitness gym in my home town. My boyfriend got a job as a personal trainer there and we split in October 2016 and November 2016 I cancelled my DD. I sent via their online web form that I am cancelling and my reasons were due to a breakdown of an abusive relationship I no longer feel comfortable going into my gym. I didn't receive any correspondence back. Now, every few weeks I'm receiving threatening letters from CRS which seem to be getting increasingly more threatening. I have tried to call and explain why I've left which they were initially quite helpful and said they're going to contact Harlands to see what they could do. As of half an hour ago I received a phone call from them. I answered and the man on the phone couldn't care less.. . Just kept saying my reasons for leaving are not within the terms and conditions so therefore pay up. The call got quite heated, he wasn't professional at all! I got upset and told him to do one (not so politely) and hung up. I'm not looking for sympathy from them. Unfortunately, my reason for leaving (to me at least) feels like an exceptional circumstance. I'm reading a lot that states don't pay them anything as they're not legitimate. Is anyone able to offer some advice? What can I do to get them to stop and leave me alone!? It's at the point I'm scared to check the post to see more red letters. Thanks.
  13. Hi everyone I'm not sure if I'll get anywhere with this but I'd like to try because I'm sure what they've done isnt right. I signed up for a gym membership on the 17/02/2017 which was supposed to be a £5.00 set up fee, one month free and then £39.99 for the next 11 months. I was meant to pay nothing until the 01/04/2017 but they took out £39.99 today. I rang them to ask why this was done and they asked to see a copy of the documents I received when I signed up online. I scanned up the documents and they emailed me back saying that we know it's not very clear but February was the free month and nothing is wrong. I don't agree with this since I've only had 11 days for free and have only gone to the gym 4 or 6 times since I signed up. I requested that they either repay the payment and give me a full free month or to cancel my account and charge me for the time I've used. They haven't responded to my request yet. I'll upload the documents I was sent so you can see who's right. Thanks Andrew Documents images(2).pdf
  14. Hi All, I'm hoping you can help me I was a previous member of Lifestyle Fitness when the gym first opened December 2012 to which I signed up to a monthly rolling contract of £17.99. After cancelling my membership in November 2015 I was phoned weekly numerous times and then sent an email from the manager Jason Lombard trying to get me to re-join. I sent an email stating that I would CONSIDER it under the same terms of my previous membership i.e monthly rolling contract £17.99. After a phone call explaining this to him. I then received an email from him that a new membership had been set up (he never specified a type) I checked my bank account and a DD was in place however I had not signed anything neither did I receive a membership contract like the one where I initially signed up. I cancelled the direct debit immediately and no payment was taken. I have then been pursued by Credit Resolution Services claiming that I had entered into a 12 month annual membership at £17.99 and that I know 'owe' £397.60. These con artists continue to pursue me through SMS messages, Recorded phone calls and emails. Despite emailing and phoning them to clarify that I did not agree to this they have not been interested in trying to resolve this and are unable to send me a membership agreement. This begun on January 26th, 2016. I have entered the stage of 'Spratt endicott' solictors. I've also used Resolver and tried to direct message Lifestyle Fitness on facebook. As CAB advised me to send them a letter to the complaints department funnily enough there is no form of contact details for such a department. Please help
  15. Hi Guys I have seen you have had a fair few DW fitness problems, here's another one, sorry! Any help would be appreciated. I joined LA fitness gym back in 2013, on a year contract, and subsequently onto a month's notice 'rolling contract' from 2015. LA fitness was bought out by PureGym, however my club in London was taken over by DW fitness. I left my job in June due to redundancy, and called many times to cancel my membership,, to no avail. I called from my previous work phone, on each occasion, which now means unfortunately I do not have any proof of these calls. After the receptionist and club manager both told me I could not cancel in the gym, and had to speak to customer services, I decided to cancel my Direct Debit at the bank (on 15.6.16), and wrote an email to DW fitness customer service, copy below: __________ Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to cancel my membership. I understand that the T&Cs state this needs to be done over the phone, and you do not accept any cancellations via email, however, I have tried calling your Member Services on the below occasions: May 23rd May 24th May 27th June 1st June 6th Each call lasted OVER 20 minutes on hold, apart from the 6th June where my call was answered, and the caller (female) laughed and hung up. This was approx 3pm if you wish to check. Having read reviews of other people's difficulty cancelling their DW membership, and the rudeness of your staff, I am not prepared to try to get through to you anymore, spending possibly a month's worth of membership on phone calls, overall approx 1hr and a half of listening to your hold music. Please accept this as cancellation of my membership, with 30 days notice as of May 23rd, my first attempted call. Membership number 452000****** DOB ******* Club: London Waldorf I have cancelled my direct debit, my last payment of £48 came out of my account on 1st June, therefore nothing else is due. Do not attempt to call or correspond in anyway claiming that additional fees are due. Regards __________ The response I received was: __________ Taking a look at your account there is no cancellation on file for you, the only notification we have is from your bank when the Direct Debit was cancelled 15.6.16. Please can you advise where and when your letter of cancellation was sent and if this was recorded delivery? I can see that you have used the membership during the months of May and June. Access would have been denied after the Direct Debit was cancelled as your account as this is club policy as your account would appear as incomplete. Going forward if you are able to provide call logs of numerous attempts made to cancel calling the membership services number 0344 249 5300 I can look at backdating your cancellation. Otherwise I only have the authority to back date your cancellation to when the Direct Debit was cancelled 15.6.16. Taking a calendar months notice into effect from this date would make July your calendar month, meaning there would be a final payment of £48.00 to fully close your account. To make the final payment you can call us on 01942 219427 (Monday-Friday 09.00-18.00), or I can send you the banking details to make a bank transfer at your request. __________ I replied: ________ Thank you for taking the time to get back to me. There is no cancellation on file, because as per my original email to you I have not been able to get through to your customer services. I have tried on several occasions, and the only time I got through was when a girl answered the phone, laughed, and hung up. There was no letter of cancellation, as I was advised by the DW Waldorf club that this would not be accepted. I also was informed that the customer service telephone line was always busy, and that head office was short staffed. Because of this, I would appreciate it if you could cancel my membership as of May when my call should have been answered. I would be perfectly happy to provide you with the call logs, however these were made from my work mobile. The reason for the cancellation was because I have been made redundant from my job in Aldwych, right next to the gym, therefore I am unable to access the call logs as the phone is not in my possession anymore. My original email from 6th June requests that my 1 month cancellation notice be accepted from the first call attempt on May 23rd, therefore can I please request my membership be cancelled and no further payments be chased. Given the poor response from customer services (I have not received a single apology for the call waiting times), please could you show some empathy on this occasion? I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards ________________ Sorry in advance for this longer than anticipated post! Sidenote: The month I had paid for with my last direct debit, June, I was denied entry as per 'club policy' therefore the final payment they are demanding, I wasn't allowed in the club. So, now I am receiving letters from Arc and Major Law. The ML one, I have misplaced, but basically says I could be taken to Northampton court. The Arc one, I have scanned and attached. What would be my best course of action... am I liable, or should I stand my ground? thanks so much in advance for your help! Ady1985
  16. I joined Anytime Fitness Stroud November 2015. Now due to me working away I am unable to go to the gym, or at least that gym and Anytime Fitness do not have any gyms close to where I am working. When I joined I knew there was a possibility that I might be working away, so I asked how much notice I would need to give to cancel the membership. I was told 1 month. At no time was I told it was a 12 month contract. I gave my bank details to set up a DD, but was never given a contract to sign. I was told that they didn't have access to the contracts at the time but I would sign one next time I was in. In the whole 10 months I have been a member I have never signed a contract or seen a copy of the T&C's despite asking on numerous occasions (Staff always too busy). I have now decided to cancel, sent an email to the manager of the club and received a numerous responses including; "At the time you joined Anytime Fitness, all memberships were subject to 12 months contract and all personnel were trained to advise prospective members of this. Having not signed paperwork does not mean that you have not agreed to a contract." and "Having accepted the fob and having accepted the monthly payments this indicates that you accepted the contract terms." How could I accept the contract terms if I never received a copy of the contract? Now yes I should have insisted on signing the contract but after being fobbed off I eventually gave up. Am I contractually obliged to continue paying for the membership or are they trying to call my bluff? Many thanks Ian
  17. Hi all, just wondering if you could advise my chances of getting a refund and if it's worth fighting for. my OH had a total fitness membership, 12 month from about June/July 15. In Sept 15 he got a new job working on the borders in Calais so obviously couldn't use not only our local gym but any total fitness gym in the UK. He called them and had his account put on hold for the max time. He then called them again at the end and told them he was still there and would still be unable to use the gym. At this point he was put through to head office and they said they would cancel the membership if he could provide his contract of employment as proof. We couldn't find the contract between home in the UK or France and the amount owed built up to the point he was forced to call and make a payment arrangement last month of 2 x £90 payments. He paid 1 last month and had 1 £90 payment outstanding. Today we have been contacted by a debt collection agency C.A.R.S requesting payment. We told them we already had an agreement in place and they said they would look into it. The membership would have expired in June(ish) and my OH has recently left his job and returned home. During the move we've managed to find his contract of employment so today I forwarded it onto them to prove he has been there since Sept 15 and requested a refund. I've had a reply from head office today saying the membership has been cancelled with immediate effect. I then pushed about the refund and her response was: Unfortunately no money can be refunded, however your membership has been cancelled with immediate effect and your remaining balance has been waivered as a gesture of goodwill. Is there anything we can do about this? He hasnt used the gym since sept 15. If we had the contract we wouldn't have had to pay the £90 last month. But now we have they won't give it us back. We only paid to avoid debt collection agencies because we felt like we had no choice. We haven't recieved any services so feels unfair to have had to pay it and be unable to get it back? Have we got any hope or just count ourselves lucky that we don't have to pay the final £90? I don't know why she is saying the membership has been cancelled as the contract would have ended in june anyway. Thanks!
  18. READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-36844425 My heart and Condolences go out to the Family very sad news.
  19. Hi All I was wondering if you can help me wth regards to my membership at Anytime Fitness. The membership went live in Feb as this was a new club that opened, I signed up in person end of Dec in a pre sales event, I've never seen the contract or signed one to my knowledge. The first time I have seen the contract was today when I asked to see it as I'm wanting to exit my membership. They have messed my membership amount up two months running, firstly putting me on a higher tariff to what was agreed then the second month missing off my discount for a friend referral. They said they would give me the cash next time im in. Where do I stand if the club can't provide a signed contract to me? How do I formally ask for one to see if they have one would I need to SAR them? Many Thanks in Advance, I'm sure I've missed some details off so please ask if I have
  20. I joined L A Fitness on around 20th January 2016 signing up to a 6 month contract at £35 a month, part of the deal was id get a free padlock (which I did) + 2 x 1 hour 1-1 sessions with a personal trainer which I have not had and never been offered or mentioned about since, I have asked and they just said it does not apply now (verbally this is) when I joined I didn't realise that L A Fitness had been taken over by pure gym, which didn't bother me, then pure gym decided it wasn't for them so it has now been brought by Bannatyne's, it is still labelled as L A Fitness but will be re-named and re-branded in due course, I have just had a letter through from Bannatyne's saying that my membership will be increasing from £35 to £40 a month from April 1st with no option to cancel, they say that this is because there tariffs are dearer than that of what L A Fitness were and it should be a minimum of £45 but to show value will only increase it to £40, my questions are, I signed a 6 month fixed contract at £35 a month with L A Fitness (or puregym as it was owned by) and on the basis that id get 2 x free personal training sessions, now les than 3 months in they want to increase the membership and I lose the free personal training, can they just do this, I am unsure what to do.
  21. Hi, I signed up to LA Fitness in December 2014 under a 12 month contract, but was told this could be cancelled during the registration process. I used the gym a handful of times. I haven't been since February 2015. I paid my DD on time up until around October/November when I cancelled the DD, I didn't send a letter or anything to the gym. DW Fitness also took over this gym at some point last year which I was unaware of. I've now received an email saying they will involve ARC Europe to collect the unpaid payments. I understand I may be in the wrong here as it was a 12 month contract, but the fact I didn't use the service for the majority of the time aggravates me as they are after the last couple of payments. Where do I stand here? If I have no leg to stand on I'll just pay up. I just don't think it's very fair as I haven't used the service for the majority of the time. Any advice is appreciated!
  22. Hi, during 2015 I was at University at Brighton and decided to get a gym membership. I went to a few gyms checking prices and commitments and when I went to LA Fitness the guy that eventually signed me up (obviously trying to make a sale) lied to me, he stated that if I moved out of Brighton (which I obviously would do, as Uni does end) that it'd be fine and my account could be closed no hassle. He stated that all I had to do was be 8 miles from THAT PARTICULAR gym. Well I moved back home to Southampton, and went to cancel my membership stating that "yes, I had moved over 8 miles from the gym." That wasn't good enough, and the lady on the phone replied saying that I had to be 8 miles from any LA Fitness in the UK, and that it wasn't their fault or problem that the guy lied. This was awful news, I was in my overdraft and had no job, and I couldn't afford £20-40 a month, I showed proof (with a bank statement) and they didn't accept that. This went on for 2 MONTHS. I decided to cancel the direct debit on my card, and I heard nothing from then until today, I just got a letter from ARCEUROPE LTD saying I owe them £202.40 and have to pay in 14 days. I can't afford that, being still in my overdraft, what do I do? I've already posted this to reddit and they have pointed out that because I cancelled and didn't keep arguing my cancellation that I'm in the wrong and liable to pay the debt.
  23. Help! I have been a member of LA FITNESS for about 6 months and I loved the gym however mainly for the use of the pool. During my time at the gym there were rumours pure would be buying the gym I have been a member at pure before and hated it. I contacted LA Fitness via telephone to enquire about the closure of the pool and they confirmed this would happen in October once I had confirmation I definitely wanted to cancel however they explained this would not be possible!! I also explained to them I was moving house to fareham where I wouldn't be able to use the gym anyway. In the end this did not happen but they also said i could not cancel! They asked me to speak to my gym personally regarding cancellation. I went into the gym and they confirmed they were being taken over by pure and la fitness was closing down and said if I wanted to cancel I should contact their customer service as I already did and they would note on my account my closure but said due to the closure of the pool and the change of ownership I was within my right to cancel. I cancelled through my bank and have since recieved a letter to say that I needed to fill in a direct debit form to continue my payment! I received nothing else no emails or phone calls until today when I recieved a letter from ARC EUROPE saying I owed £334.40!!! I am absolutely gobsmacked it has gone from setting up my direct debit again to owing this money! They gym is now refurbished and a pure gym so isn't even LA Fitness anymore! There is nothing about this in my contract although it states if there is a change to the use of my gym I.e my main use (the pool closing) I can cancel. Or I move which at the time I was meant to I could cancel! Please help! I don't fancy a court case or paying for a gym that doesn't even exist anymore!!! Help me please
  24. Hi all, Yesterday I signed up for the £24.99 monthly option at a lifestyle fitness gym. I went on this membership type because I don't like the thought of contracts, and I wanted to try out the gym for only a few months. It states on the confirmation email I received, that its basically month to month, with a £25 joining fee. [ATTACH=CONFIG]59928[/ATTACH] I just want to clarify, if I was to cancel say, after 3 or so months, I could do this with 30 days notice for any given reason? I've heard some nasty things about gyms after I joined, and so I just wanted to double check. For the record, the option I am on stated NO CONTRACT in caps, so they should honour that right?? Thanks, also if anyone has had an experience with this membership package, I'd be interesting in hearing.
  25. HI! I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. I joined Rush Fitness in Feb 2015. I signed a contract to pay £17.99 a month for a minimum of 1 month and could cancel at any time with 1 months notice. Rush Fitness DD is managed by the Harlands Group. In Sept 2015 a payment of £29.99 was taken as direct debit from my account, I tried contacting Harlands but every time I tried they were either closed or wouldn't answer the phone. I made contact with my bank who clawed the money back under the direct debit guarantee. I then received a letter from Harlands on 29th Sept which said: "we have today received an indemnity claim from your bank to refund the sum of £29.99. Consequently we write to clarify the situation. As you should be aware, you have entered into a membership agreement with Rush Fitness. At no time did we or Rush Fitness receive notice to cancel your agreement. The agreement also states that such payments are non refundable. We therefore ask that you request your bank to withdraw its claim immediately. Should you not withdraw the claim and rectify this breech of your agreement with 14 working days, you will incur a £25.00 administration charge and matter will be referred to a debt recovery company to pursue for the full amount and cost incurred. If you would like to discuss this matter please contact the Harlands Helpline. We trust this letter receives your urgent attention." I then responded via email with this: "Dear Sir/Madam, I am deeply disappointed and disgusted to read the content of your letter dated 29th September 2015, your reference XXXX. I have been a member of Rush Fitness for a period of time and throughout this period I have ensured regular payments to the sum of £17.99/month as agreed in the terms of my contract. However, I was shocked to find a sum of £29.99 had been deduced from my bank account instead of the £17.99 agreed. With reference to the contract and your statement "your direct debit payments are protected with a money back guarantee and you will receive 3 working days advance notice of any changes" - This holds you in breach of contract, as I have received no correspondence informing me of any increase in my membership fees. Not being able to make contact with yourselves due to your restricted opening hours, I had spoken to my bank who further confirmed that you were in breach of the direct debit agreement and therefore had made contact with you to recover the payment taken. Which as your statement also states above is protected by a money back guarantee. It appears my bank has recovered the full amount rather than the overcharged, I am happy to forward you £17.99 as per our agree in lieu of 1 months notice to terminate my membership as I no longer wish to be a member of Rush Fitness. My last day of membership will therefore be 23rd October 2015. I trust you will give this email your urgent attention and hope to hear from you soon. A disappointed customer, XXXXXX" They didn't respond so I sent them another to say - I would be grateful if you either promptly respond to my email or discuss my account with my father, who may be available to call you on my behalf. They responded to that no problem and there was an email trail so they've read the first. My father then spoke with them and they were unhelpful and basically dismissed what he said saying I have to pay all of it. Sorry this is so long!! Any advice on how to resolve this before it goes any further would be really helpful! N x
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