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  1. Hi I have been in a DMP with StepChange for about 4 months now and it seems to be going fine - the threats/chasing letters are drying up. Most of my debts were defaulted in 2011/12 and have been passed to DCAs. My account with Barclaycard was initially passed to Mercers (who I believe are part of Barclays) and I received a default notice in December 2011. The debt was then assigned to IDR Finance and is run by Link Financial. When I check my equifax report (yet to do experian), the account does not show as a default - rather a series of status '6' since April 2012 (it is showing as Link Financial, not Barclaycard). I know this isn't a good situation and need to get it changed to a default (at least then the clock is ticking towards the 6 years). Surely if a default has been issued it should be reported? What is the best way to get this rectified? Do I write to Barclaycard, Mercers, Link or Equifax or all 4? Are there any templates or is it a straightforward letter describing what has happened and requesting the status be changed to default with a date of Dec. 11? I have seen a number of other threads re: defaults and CRAs but they do not quite address my questions... Thanks
  2. Made a CCA request to the RBS back in Feb 2015 for an alledged debt of a loan, Received the usual were trying to locate the original but it may take some time. ..roll forward to today 1/05/2015 received this letter from the RBS Please find enclosed a 'true copy' of the credit agreement and a schedule of arrears as requested. This is as they have written- When responding to requests under section 77 the bank may provide you with a 'true copy' of your agreement in accordance with regulation 3(1) of the consumer credit (cancellation notices and copies of documents)regulations 1983. This means that under section 77 there is no obligation for the bank to provide you with a copy of the original agreement bearing your signature . A 'true copy' does not need to contain any personal information relating to you as the debtor nor does it need to include a signature box, any signature or dates of signature. We trust this is satisfactory, Then asks me to contact them if I have any queries.... The next page is a copy of the personal loan agreement typed out with my address in it, loan amount etc Next page confirmation of personnel details... completely blank nothing filled in along with the income and expenditure section nothing it it blank Then a couple of pages of General Conditions then a couple of pages listing each month since I took the loan amount showing the amount to be paid.. .any arrears but nothing showing charges etc, There has been charges added considering the loan is now more than the original amount and a quarter had been paid off. What do you think the next step is? Have they complied with my CCA request, giving nothing with a signature on/date, nothing showing terms and conditions were agreed to, Or are they hiding behind the bumph above? To be fair the RBS are saying we can send an alledged debt to whoever we wish bearing no signature no date no signed/agreed to terms/conditions and your to pay it or agree to it or not. Any help appreciated guys/gals.
  3. 2 years ago I was made redundant by a company. I have recieved a letter requesting I pay back £460 for an outstanding fuel float. During the time I was with the company I had a Fuel card and then they withdrew it. To help pay for the fuel for the first month without the card the company gave me a float of £460. I have ignored the letter as when I was made redundant I thought that the company had taken all the money I owed them was taken off before I was given my final wage. I have now recieved a solicitors letter saying that unless I pay back the money within 7 days of the letter they will issue proceedings againsts me. Where do I stand ? what can I do ?
  4. Hi people I recently sent in a SAR to my previous Employer to see what information they held on me relating to an incident that happened at work. The request was sent to their Privacy and Data Protection Team, but looking at the information they sent me there appeared to be missing information (emails). Should the team deal with these requests covertly and not inform any parties that appear in the data held about me? Or is it procedure to inform any parties involved? They advised me that they need to inform parties to locate the information, but I suspect this information can be accessed through the Exchange Servers (email). Thanks
  5. Hi all. I'm having problems with Canada square operations about a SAR request for an egg card (which will turn into a PPI claim). The only problem is they keep requesting more information about my previous address (which I have given them time and time again but they're still saying its not enough). It sounds to me like they're just using delaying/stalling tactics in the hope that I will just give up. Is there any way I can 'persuade' them more? I've already tried the ICO who were about as much help as a chocolate teapot...
  6. Hello A DCA has passed my account on to a firm of solicitors. I started receiving threats of legal action sent off a CCA request along with a postal order of £1 to the firm of the solicitors before a claim form was issued. I have now received a standard template letter from the solicitors that states that they have requested the documents from their client and that they have placed the matter on hold. They have also returned my postal order, requesting that I amend the payee to their client. Is this a tactic just to frustrate proceedings ? My CCA request was received by them prior to them issuing a court claim via Northampton, which I have responded to and submitted my AOS. I have also sent a CPR 31.14 request after receiving the claim form. What should I do regarding the postal order for the CCA request ? Should I amend the payee as requested and send to the DCA with a cover letter along with a copy of my original CCA request to their solicitors who have issued the claim or is this unnecessary now that they have received my CPR request ? I am aware of the deadline for submitting my defence. Penny
  7. Hello all. I have a few questions I'd like to ask please regarding CCA document request advice. We have recently written to our creditors for a CCA request (the debt has been passed on to other companies). They have all replied saying that they don't have the original documents but will request them from the original creditors however this may take up to 30 days. Should we still send the letters that say they have breached the time limit for returning the documents or should we wait 30 days? Also, one of them has replied saying that they will request the documents from the original creditor however, "As Judgement has been entered against you, this account is not governed under Section 77-79 of the Consumer Credit Act. We therefore return your £1 Postal Order." As far as we are aware we haven't had a CCJ taken out against us so what could they be referring to please? Thanks for any help you can provide.
  8. I have previously asked Barclays for CCA They have sent me a copy of without a signature and said in the letter In response to your recent request, we are pleased to provide you with the copy of your credit agreement and a financial statement. Section 77 and 78 of the consumer crediticon Act 1974(amended) do not require Barclays Bank to provide you with a signed original form of the credit agreement and according with the Act It is not the policy of Barclays Bank to provide this. The date on the bottom of the unsigned agreement 2/8/2005 i have been making token payments via stepchange since 2009 i think also when going onto my noddle account today i can see that this loan is no longer at all showing on my credit file and previously in december prior to the CCA request was showing as defaulted on the first page of my credit report and then as satisfied in my closed accounts section so im a little confused ... Any advise or suggestion for what i can do next, many thanks
  9. I made a CCA request to Barclaycard but the information I received was just some terms and conditions. I took some advice and made a Subject Access Request http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af319/Ukmark319/BarclaycardSARrequest.jpg I got a reply today under this request and all I got was a forwarding letter (Below) and a bunch of statements going back to 2003. http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af319/Ukmark319/barclaycardSARreply.jpg so there is no signed agreement or anything that resembles one just pages of statements. What should I do now Many thx Mark
  10. Hi, I recently requested a CCA from HSBC for my credit card. They answered with "I regret the bank is unable to act upon your instructions for documents under Section 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 for the following reason. .Missing signature " I thought i had read on a different thread that i did not need to sign it? Advice please
  11. Hi, I have received various letters over the last couple of years, very sparingly, regarding a barclaycard debt. I started by calling them and telling them I've never had one, they would go away, months would pass then the letters would start again, this was with Marlin Capital Europe. On one of the calls I said this was quite simple to resolve, prove it, send me the agreement that I signed, knowing that they couldn't, thought this would end it. They sent me an A4 sheet of paper with one line of text and a Dollar figure right at the top of the paper and nothing else on the paper not even there name and address, this was years ago. I phoned them and said you have got to be joking. I got no where with the person I was talking to, so just hung up. Eventually I just ignored them. Years passed. Then I got letters from another company Mortimer Clarke Solicitors last year, I contacted them, they said it was an online setup and gave me the email address. I stopped using that email address years ago as it kept getting hacked and sending emails out to all my contacts. Same thing happend, I'd talk to them, then nothing for ages then it all starts again as though we have never spoken. I then decided to use the templates on here to request the CCA to prove it. Thought that sounded quite simple. Sent off my letter using the template on here, sent in my £1 postal order. Heard nothing from them and that was a few months ago, now out of the blue this County Court Claim form has turned up stating Egg Banking as the original company not Barclaycard. The amount they always said I owed was £8,268.30, the CC Claim form is for £12,18.28 plus £410 Court Fee plus £100 Solicitors costs, totalling £12,696.28. The form also says the original agreement between me and Egg was on or around 31/10/2007 which sounds a bit strange, don't they know! My original letter requesting the CCA was 10th September 2014. Once again nothing happens for months then they start, but this time it has got serious. I thought that when you send that CCA letter the claim was in dispute and therefore no legal proceedings could be brought until it was resolved. Obviously I was wrong. Can anyone help me, I don't know what to do next, I have this County Court form and it says 14 days to respond. Thank you.
  12. Please can an admin contact me by PM, urgently? Sorry for the brief message, but I'm trying to play safe.
  13. Hi guys thanks for letting me join the site I am currently in quite a bit of debt, and have sailed through life instantly binning all letters or correspondence from debt collection agencies, due to various reasons (mostly illness and being out of my depth). I want to sort out my finances, repay debtors and start with a clean slate. It's going to take a long time, but it's the right thing to do. I've downloaded a free copy of my credit report and it's currently showing 6 separate accounts from Lowell financial totaling £1723. One of which is about to drop off my credit report and another is £290 for a £70 debt which is due to expire in September.. since I have zero paperwork, completely my own fault, I don't have account numbers, and the original debtor information is pretty sketchy. I understand I need to send an SAR to Lowell to obtain information, do I simply follow the templates I've seen online and leave off the details asking for the account number? Will I need to only send 1 postal order for £10 or will I need to send 5 (I intend to let the one about to expire, expire). I also have two CCJ's registered against me, 1 am currently setting up a payment plan with and another issued in 2009. I do not have the paperwork for the latter, do I contact the named court with the application number shown on the credit report and ask for a copy of the CCJ so that I can contact the original company, and is there any specific form or payments for this? Or will it simply go away in September? I've lived a really silly and reckless life, and really want to sort things out before it's too late. Sorry for all the questions, and thank you so much for all your help and advice in advance.
  14. My cat died at the hands of a vet . The vet refuses to give me copies of the x rays even though I offered to pay for the copies. Does anyone know what to do to get these?
  15. Hi, Firstly sorry for the long winded post but just trying to summarise our problem and will get to the point eventually lol, hopefully someone can help with my fiances problem, My Fiance moved in with me in July 2014 and she has some serious medical conditions that have been going on for 9 years and aren't going to get any better, She moved from the south to join me up north and we both new it was important to become registered with a local GP as soon as possible with her requiring constant repeat prescriptions for controlled drugs. She approached the local GP surgery and requested registration, was given a form to complete and thought that was that, from there its been nothing but a nightmare. On our first visit to the GP we were informed that the secretary had registered her on a temporary basis and not permanent meaning her files wouldn't be requested and the GP would have no info on her conditions and problems, the secretary said it was done in error but it was ok as after the 2 month period she could register again on a permanent basis, creating major problems as the level of her medication which had been established over the last years with her old GP was under question by the local GP and trying to explain all the medical problems (there are many) seemed to be falling on deaf ears and literally taken with a pinch of salt and disbelief by the GP. As my fiance is on such high levels of meds she frequently had to request repeat perscriptions due to the GP not allowing the levels her previous GP and pain clinic had perscribed as they had no medical notes infront of the explaining her medical history. On one occasion my fiance (who struggles to get out of bed some days and has great difficulty getting about) walked up to the surgery as per practise rules to order a repeat prescription and allowed the 48 hours for processing, as my fiance was unwell and had ran out of her med's for a day I went to collect the script that had been ordered to be told that there wasn't one there and the secretary then looked at her computer screen and said there was no script, and went on to work out how much medication my partner should have left for the time period from the last script (thought this was a clinical decision and not one a secretary should be making or discussing openly on reception infront of waiting patients), despite my fiance being on a sliding amount relevant to her pain, this calculation made by the secretary was wrong leaving my fiance with no med's and told that it would take a further 48 hours to rectify (the med's are controlled drugs and cannot just be stopped), despite this there was no offer to rectify the secretary's error straight away and refused to be able to see a doctor urgently. Obviously we were disgusted and frustrated. On another occasion my fiance had an appointment to see a GP, as she is unsteady on her feet I escorted her to the surgery, her appointment lasted 25 mins to my surprise and on her exit she had a urgent referral letter to hand to the secretary, she informed me that the GP had found a lump in her arm, one in her armpit and one in her breast, the reason for the lengthy consultation was that the GP had to call a second senior GP for a second opinion, the urgent request was handed in and we awaited an appointment. Several weeks passed and we received a Book and Choose appointment to the local Skin Tag clinics, my fiance rang and enquired with the skin tag clinic if this was the correct referral for lumps in flesh i.e lumps in breast tissue and in armpits, she was told it was a skin tag clinic for removal of lumps ontop of skin and to contact her GP surgery and notify them there has been an error as she had been referred to the wrong clinic. upon doing this my fiance managed to speak to the secretary that had made the referral and she apologised for the error but was told that she couldn't rectify the problem and that she would have to go back and see the GP for it to be rectified, an appointment was made for two days later for 11.30am despite my fiance having an hospital appointment the same day for 3.00pm for an endoscopy but due to the worry of an urgent referral that hadn't turned out that urgent in their eyes my fiance accepted the appointment. On the day of the GP appointment and the endoscopy appointment my fiance hadn't slept all night with worry, she fell asleep at 7am. I tried to wake her (which is difficult enough on normal days due to the medication she is on) for her GP appointment but was unable to do so right upto half an hour before the GP appointment, so i rang the surgery 25 mins before she was due there to notify that she wouldn't be able to attend and informed them the reason why, I was told in a not so nice way that I should have called Half an hour before the appointment and that this would go down as an Did Not Attend, despite the secretary being very off in her manner I asked if we could reappoint as the appointment was regarding an Urgent referral that had been made with the wrong clinic and that the referral was supposed to Urgent despite 3 weeks passing and hadn't been rectified. With that the receptionist checked the appointment and informed myself that my fiance had been made the GP appointment but that she had Dropped of the system due to her only being temporally registered and the 2 months had expired so she wouldn't have been able to have see the doctor anyway! Obviously this created great confusion and frustration, my fiance had an appointment booked but had she have arrived at the surgery she wouldn't have been able to see the GP?? and was told before my fiance could have an appointment she would have to go to the surgery and register as a permanent patient, I was then asked if my fiance was available to talk (due to patient confidentiality) I told the receptionist that my fiance had just stirred from her sleep due to her bad night of worry and that she was'nt really in a state to talk but she said its fine if a can just talk to her plz so i passed the phone over to my fiance, i was by her side and could hear the receptionist being very abrupt and talking down to my fiance, to that my fiance asked the receptionist said 'excuse me iv'e only just opened my eyes, would you mind not speaking down to me like something you've just stepped in and talk to me a little more civilly), my fiance was explained why she would'nt have seen a doctor today if she had attended and told to visit the surgery and register as a permanent patient, my fiance hung up, this was a friday so she could'nt get to the surgery until monday as she had her endoscopy to attend that afternoon. Monday came and my fiance realised that her meds were very low and that she needed to register as a permanent patient to avoid complications as in the past, she rang the Surgery and asked what the procedure was to register permanently and that she needed an appointment due to her med's running low. She was told by the receptionist that the surgery would'nt accept her as a patient due to being Verbally Abusive to staff and she had to find another GP surgery, she was also informed a letter was out in the post notifying her as to the reason why. We never received any letter so we rang and asked the Practise Managers name to address our complaint to and was informed Dr X by the receptionist, so we wrote to Dr X asking for a meeting regarding the accusations and what had happened in the past, Dr X replied refusing a meeting/appointment stating that on several occasions my fiance had been verbally abusive to staff and due to the NHS zero tolerance procedure the practise wouldn't accept her as a patient. So we sent a section 10 Data Protection Act Request for my fiances notes and copies of any documentation including notes of the alleged verbal and abusive behaviour including dates and copies of any referrals made urgent or non urgent and to which clinic, along with the stat £10.00 postal order. we have since been sent a reply from Dr X returning our postal order stating that they no longer hold any records and enclosed a list of dates and circumstances that my fiance was supposed to have been verbally abusive to staff but these are written in his letter not copies and to be honest none of the dates tally with appointments she had and the seems all fictional there's double appointments she has missed apparently after the date her notes so called dropped of the system??? the GP clearly refers to evidence he holds in his hands and on a recent telephone call to the surgery with an enquiry about my fiances sicknotes the typed her name in their system and they informed us of dates that they stared and finished in the past, so obviously something is on their system. We sent a letter notifying DRx that he had failed a s10 Request and returned the postal order and that the days are still counting down, and just had a reply stating that ' we do hold statements from staff regarding your communication and conduct during your contact with the surgery, however as it has been abusive both in the surgery and over the telephone I'am refusing to release those statements to you on the grounds that should I do so, I feel there is a real risk of my staff having further abuse which is not acceptable' and that he has taken advise from his local NHS information Governance Support Officer. We have since found out that Dr X isn't the practise manager as informed although Dr X has taken it upon himself to reply and that Dr Y is the Official Practise manager. (again informed by receptionist that Dr X was Practise Manager???) Can anyone please advise if this is correct??? if we can continue persuing any documentation they hold on my fiance?? the pure incompetence of the receptionists is unbelievable and beyond belief the claims being made are so far from the truth, my fiance has been with her old GP for 13 years and not one complaint made against her but yet she moves here and within 2 months there's two or three and I have been with her in the surgery at the alleged times and also within earshot on the phone.. and none of these alligations are true. Since this farce with the Local Gp and only a week after the refusal to re register there my fiance ended up in hospital for two weeks prior to christmas and this could have been avoided had she her GP to call on... Again sorry for the lenthy post just hope we can get some help/advise Hadituptohere
  16. Hi, I just received a reply to my CCA request regarding my Lloyds credit card that i took out back in the 1990's. There are quite a few pages of terms and conditions. They only have a reconsituted version of my executed agreement. I am not disputing that i have used this card and owe them the money but i can no longer afford the ridiculous interest they are currently charging me. I am up to date with this card and my credit rating is beyond repair, so that is not an issue. Would any of you helpfull people have any ideas that would help? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  17. Hi I am a first time poster and I am looking for some advice Last November I received a letter from Northampton County court relating to a claim from Wright Hassle acting on behalf of Cabot claiming £9k from an original credit card I had with Marbles. I defended the claim and made a CPR request to Wright Hassle, Cabot and Marbles. I received notification from the court that my case has been allocated to the small claims court. Marbles responded to my CPR with a package of statements dating from 2003 to date. They have not supplied my original agreement as requested and cannot find my statements from 2000 (the year I originally took out the credit card) to 2003. According to Marbles my balance on December 2014 is £6k. Running through my statements I have paid £1,500 in PPI. Running through the interest they put on the PPI and the interest owed to me if I made a PPI claim the sum comes to around £3k that should be deducted from the balance. Wright Hassle have sent me a letter that they intend to pursue the case. Do I; Defend the claim in its entirety as they cannot provide my original agreement and cannot find 3 years worth of my statements (although I am not sure of my legal standing on this). Contact Cabot and offer to settle at £3k (The original debt of £6k – the £3k PPI). I would be grateful for any advice.
  18. Hello, I am looking to refer a complaint to the financial ombudsman as I believe the company I am complaining about have overlooked a couple of key points. Firstly, I would like to review all of the information myself. Therefore, I need to submit a subject access request. Is the company required, under the law, to provide me with recordings of my telephone calls plus their own notes on my file? Many thanks
  19. I contacted CSA approx. 18mths ago to request a recalculation of my ex income. (I had previously been told by them that I had to wait 12 months before requesting a recalculation) This time I was advised by their staff to request it at a different time of year. Today I requested a recalculation because its 4years since the last one was done and he is obviously underpaying me, but may not have been so careful in covering his tracks as he was 4 years ago. I was told today that they would not do a recalculation just because I had requested it. I had to provide evidence that his salary had increased or get a letter from someone else who works for the same company. If he was honest enough to declare it we wouldn't have had to resort to the CSA in the first place. Can anyone advise on what I can do next? The guy on phone said that there is no legislation to enforce this, go see your MP! Ex is a company director, he has payments taken at source because of the games he has played in declaring his income in the past. Its all dealt with by the co accountant.
  20. I had an MBNA credit card approx. 17 yrs ago. I sent a standard letter asking for information on my original agreement including possible ppi, charges, fees and interest. they sent me a very brief letter stating " Payment protection cover has never been applied to this account, therefore no premium charges have been applied". are they trying to fob me off? and if this is true should I pursue this claim to reclaim my charges (im sure there are numerous for missed DDs and late payments) please advise
  21. Hi all, this is my first visit I have a 14 year old son who was recently diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome, which is a form of Autism. He has obsessive tendencies, which is one of the symptoms, and as such 'demands' that I take him to his favourite places on a Saturday. I approached my employer and asked for my hours to be amended to accommodate this and was open and honest and explained the situation fully. They made me fill in the relevant forms, and then knocked me back, stating their reasons, all of which dont hold any water. They first claim cost when I proved that cost would be zero and also that they couldnt 'cover my duty' of a Saturday, when I have evidence that my job has been covered every time that I was off on holiday on a Saturday. I have since become absent due to stress and anxiety and have attempted to contact my manager by email, requesting various documentary evidence that he claims to have to support him, but he has not answered three emails. My simple question is, where do I go next? Any help greatly appreciated
  22. Received this and would just like somebody to cast their eye over it and tell me if it complies with my request or not and if so, does this now mean I now have no option other than paying up? Details have been blocked out. TIA.
  23. Hi guy's please could anyone tell me what happens if you put in a CCA request and they can't answer you in time or at all ? Kind Regards
  24. Hi everyone , I hope someone can help me , ive done a few searches and not come up with an answer, I have a couple of defaults on my credit file from about 5 years ago when things got bad with a broken relationship I know i defaulted on them in june of 2008 as i checked my credit file back in 2012 s o if im right they should drop in june 2014 right ? Well they have since been sold to lovell dca and have changed the date to june 2009 so that means they will take another year , can they do this ? Also if they are not allowed to do this what should i do to change it back , i have had no contact with them and was wondering if i send them the SAR will they then take that as me contacting me and have me by the short and curly as they say , Any advice would be great , Thank you
  25. Hi Guys, I sent a letter requesting a CPR 31.14 from Restons solicitors. This is the reply I got can someone please help me as to how I should respond? Thanks
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