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  1. I dont know if any experts on here can help with this one, it is a bit complex! Is is correct that creditors are not entitled to charge interest on a secured debt after bankruptcy occurs? What legislation allows secured creditors to just sit on their security...? because essentially all debts, whether they are secured or not are in fact included in BR. Anyone with any legislation would be gratefully received.....
  2. How's this for a New Year bombshell, or CAG Birthday treat? FOI Request to DWP From: Adam 9 December 2014 Dear Department for Work and Pensions, Please disclose any Jobseeker's Allowance guidance for JCP Work Coaches and Advisers that discusses making it a requirement for JSA claimers to spend 35 hours a week on work search, including full info on the laws and regulations that explicitly state this 35 hours rule can be imposed for JSA claimers not on any supervised jobsearch pilot. No info about Universal Credit required. The PCS Union has published this: "The GEC has been made aware that in some areas Work Coaches are being told by managers that they must impose 35 hour Jobsearch requirement on claimants. This is not required by current legislation for JSA claimants, and it is not with the remit of F&F." http://www.pcs.org.uk/en/department_for_... Yours faithfully, Adam Here is what the Union says about it in the link: "The GEC has been made aware that in some areas Work Coaches are being told by managers that they must impose 35 hour Jobsearch requirement on claimants. This is not required by current legislation for JSA claimants, and it is not with the remit of F&F. Branches should advise members not to comply with the instruction, branches should then escalate through the usual trade union side structures. We have raised these issues with management in writing and will provide an update to branches following further consultation." And here is the response from DWP to the initial FOI request: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Central Freedom of Information Team [email protected] Our reference: VTR 5312 Date: 15 December 2014 Dear Adam, Thank you for your Freedom of Information request received on 10 December 2014. You stated: Please disclose any Jobseeker's Allowance guidance for JCP Work Coaches and Advisers that discusses making it a requirement for JSA claimers to spend 35 hours aweek on work search, including full info on the laws and regulations that explicitly state this 35 hours rule can be imposed for JSA claimers not on any supervised jobsearch pilot. No info about Universal Credit required. The PCS Union has published this "The GEC has been made aware that in some areas Work Coaches are being told by managers that they must impose 35 hour Jobsearch requirement on claimants. This is not required by current legislation for JSA claimants, and it is not with the remit of F&F." http://www.pcs.org.uk/en/department_for_work_and_pensions_group/dwpnews. cfm/work-services-update As there is no legal requirement for Jobseeker’s Allowance claimants to undertake 35 hours of Work Search Activity each week, no legislation or national guidance stating otherwise exists. If you have any queries about this letter please contact us quoting the reference number above. Yours sincerely, DWP Central FoI Team. It may be advisable for claimants who have been coerced into undertaking 35 hours of Work Search Activity each week to consider instigating Maladministration procedures against the advisers who did the coercing. Such claimants could begin by insisting on having any reference to 35 hours of Work Search Activity each week removed from their JSAg/CC on the grounds that including such a requirement is illegal and can't be enforced.
  3. Have there been any recent changes in what cca request we send ie Credit card cca and loan cca? Mr W
  4. I've always kept a paper record of my job search activities, however, it seems that at my Jobcentre, claimants are being heavily pushed to record this on Universal Jobmatch. One of the issues with UJM is that the vast majority of the jobs listed there don't allow you to apply within the site itself and take you to an external site, such as CV Library, Adzuna etc. This then means that your application is not recorded in the 'Application history' section. So, does anyone know if it's acceptable to manually type this information into the 'Activity history' section instead? I am also considering typing all of my job search activities - not just those sourced from UJM - into the 'Activity history', so that everything is one place, and so I can do away with writing it all out in hard copy. I don't intend to give the Jobcentre access to my UJM account, and haven't ticked the box that would allow them to do so, but would there be any issues if, when signing on, I logged into my UJM account, so they could view my job search activities?
  5. Please can the new posts search button contain posts I have read? Currently, if I reply to a thread it does not appear in the search result unless someone else has subsequently posted a reply. Preferably, new posts should be all posts since I last logged in. Including replies. If this is not possible, please change the name of "new posts" to "unread posts".
  6. I am just checking my credit file and there are loads of searches from DCA's and there is a note from equifax "a Enquiry Agent company, has made an inquiry against your credit report on 17/03/2014 . If you were not aware of or did not consent to this search, contact CABOT FINANCIAL EUROPE or Equifax for clarification". Is this normal practise?
  7. Evening, I've checked my noddle report and it states that I have been searched as part of a linked application to take out a loan with a MEM consumer finance at an address I had left a year previously. Now the linked party is my ex partner and all fiscal ties were severed prior to me moving. Is there any way I can get this search off my records as noddle suggest I cannot raise a dispute only my former partner and given it wasn't amicable I don't want to do that. Cheers.
  8. Just noticed that about 15 months ago Moorcroft made a public search with Noddle relating to a debt they were attempting to collect. Are they allowed to do this ? All other such searches are usually invisible. This is very worrying as one could still get such a search even years after the file is clean otherwise.
  9. I have just looked at my latest Noddle report and found that Callcredit have done a search on me.It is shown as Consumer Credit File Request. Previous to this,there have been no searches on my file for over 2 years.Is this normal,if so,will it affect my credit rating. Regards,John.
  10. On a small screen, every inch counts, so having a permanent bar across the top is annoying Some sites hide top bars as you scroll down the page. Can't this be done? it just seems completely unnecessary.
  11. Sorry if I have done this wrong im new to posting. Has anyone heard of uk search ltd? They've been sending me emails, then one letter then I didn't hear anything. My neighbour stopped someone going through my bin and they said they were from a recycling company called search? Am I being paranoid or is that weird. I know it needs dealing with and not putting off but im getting over a nervous breakdown and am finding it hard to get the courage to talk to them even though they say its in my best interests to call them
  12. I believe it's up to you but can someone provide the legislation that proves this? I have been told I must use a log and not my normal booklet due to a petty vindictive lady
  13. when you take out a car insurance policy does the insurer carry out an ID check with credit reference agency? (for verification of address etc) does this check leave a visible footprint ? I have seen it called a 'soft search', which apparently means the id check is not seen by other organisations? thanks in advance
  14. Hi again guys, I did a search and I couldn't find this anywhere. Today I went to sign on, and I did what I have been doing for the last few months now, and providing all confirmation emails from applications, and all the emails I have sent out, however it just happens that these applications were all on 2 days, so because of this I get all the usual bullying from the JC staff "This is not enough next time you will bring a full log or we will sanction your benefits." and going on about how I should be using Universal Jobmatch as usual to record my job search (I will not use it outside of an anonymous job search out of principle). I was wondering if they are allowed to tell me how I will record my job search, and if they can tell me that showing them emails is enough, I really don't like the idea of writing down "checked xxx website, nothing relevant" time and time again (my situation limits the amount of relevant applications a little) It just seems very inefficiant and doesn't seem like a good use of my time. Also are there any practices set in stone that anyone knows of about how JSA claimants should be recording jobsearch, it seems to me like it's however the advisor you see that day wants you to (I saw someone I haven't seen before today). I'm starting to loose patience with the JC, if you ask me constant threats and bullying don't seem the best way to help and keep people motivated to effectively conduct a job search and keep your mind on applications.
  15. I very recently had two long-standing credit agreements removed from my credit file just after the six year anniversary of the original default date. These two debts were originally with Egg, who subsequently sold the debt onto Lowell Portfolio. I neither acknowledged or paid anything to Lowell and assumed that all was well in relation to this on my credit file, when both entries disappeared at the start of this month. Just today I got an alert from Experian (who actually had no record of these debts on my file, only Equifax seem to have had them recorded) that Lowell Portfolio had done a Unrecorded Enquiry search a couple of days ago. Should I be concerned about this search? I realise that it makes no odds to my credit history as it's only visible to Lowell and I, I'm just curious as to why they would do any kind of search now when the debts are no longer on my file? I'm just worried that they'll get back in touch, although I have since moved house a couple of times, and try to get me to pay or at least acknowledge the two defaulted credit agreements. Can anyone shed any light on this as I was only just starting to relax in relation to this Many thanks in advance
  16. Hi Can anyone tell me the procedure for not being able to attend a job search review appointment because of illness. Do you have to ring on the day or provide a doctors note. Thanks.
  17. I have search list as opt in from barclaycard can anyone advise what this means it was a credit search? I have another from barclays bank plc lexisnexis Ris in other searches listing the reason as identity check to comply with anti money laundering regs ?
  18. I regularly check my credit reference files to ensure they are accurate. None of my credit reports show any financial associations and yet I have the following recorded on my file with Experian (I have removed all personal information): I contacted Experian about this and they replied: (you will notice they got the wrong bank name in their reply) There is no association on any of my credit reports. Surely, if Experian have no financial associations on file for me and I have not made a credit application to Nat West, they are not allowed to hand over my data. Also, why would Nat West ask for it, I havent banked with them since 1992!! Have either Nat West or Experian done anything wrong and if so, to whom do I complain?
  19. I've noticed a large number of searches by a company I have no connection to; Lowell Portfolio. These are listed as 'unrecorded searches' , which I understand means only I can see them but does the Data Protection Act not offer any protection in terms of who can search my file? This is a company I owe nothing to, I have never been contacted by them, I have never had any dealings with them yet they have searched my file multiple times. I understand a would be lender can access my file but this is not the case here. Should I write and ask them what right they have to access my personal financial data? Or is that simply awaste of time?
  20. Is there any way to remove a search engine result/listing? The reason I ask is, having just googled my name, the first result/link is a newspaper article from 9yrs ago, which relates to a court case I was involved in, and is no longer relevant to myself or my character, and obviously should a prospective employer etc search for me, it shows me in a bad light. Without going into too much detail, it was a case brought against me for animal neglect, and relates to a not very good time in my life, depression.
  21. Work is due to start in January to unearth dozens of missing British Spitfires believed to have been buried in the Burmese jungle at the end of World War II. What began as one man's quest to discover the truth of claims that unused unassembled aircraft were packed into crates and buried by the RAF in Burma in 1945 has captured the imagination of a war games company and a team of experts, including archaeologists and scientists. They all gathered at the Imperial War Museum in London on Wednesday to outline their plans for the dig, due to get under way in the New Year. It is thought 36 planes could be lying undiscovered in Mingaladon - one of three sites where it is believed as many as 60 Spitfires in total may be located. It could also be one of the most fascinating discoveries in aviation archaeology” More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20515659
  22. God knows how these have got phone numbers, but they are constantly ringing my home number (ex-directory), and my fathers home number (also ex-directory). They have left a message on his answer phone for me to get in touch with them. They have left only a contact number and reference to state. They give no details of why they are calling me. After Googling them, I found out some very worrying information from other people whom have dealt with them. The only credit I have had was way more than six years ago (probably 8-10 years ago come to think of it), so why would they be calling me now. My dad and I both have caller ID and call barring on our phones. But every time we bar a certain number, they just ring again from another number (at least they don't try to hide their numbers). They must have a lot of numbers because I have barred 5 different ones up to now. I don't want to confront them at all as I believe that phoning them can lead to disaster unless you are 100% confident of what you are saying as they are. The last thing I want though is for them to start house calling. If they have phone numbers even though we are both ex-directory, they surely have addressess. Has anyone else heard of these? Are they new on the block? And most of all, how do they get more information about people than other debt collectors out there? Your views please.
  23. I'm not sure if anyone will know this but you never know! I heard recently that someone had done a check on me. The key points are I was left some money in a will a few months ago and the check that was done found this out due to my dealing with the solicitor. I thought all dealings with solicitors were confidential so was a bit surprised it appeared to be public avaialable even to the amount of money I had inherited. Other things were details of my parents and things I guess are on the electoral register which I guess are public available. The person who did the search was a barrister. Basically the barristers son likes my girlfriend and I guess was hoping to find something to put her off me. I am basically wondering if there is anything I can do as it seems an abuse of position, if nothing else to be able to invade my privacy like this. Does anyone know what search this is that was done and any rules around this? Thanks.
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