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  1. For information, they no longer seem to belong to an ATA. Although One Parking Ltd still have logos on the website. http://www.theipc.info/#!aos-members/cv75 http://www.britishparking.co.uk/Approved-Operators
  2. Hi All, Yesterday I received a parking charge notice from NGP Ltd informing me that I was parked on private land on the 3rd November 2014. The location in question is an access road called penrhos in Llantwit Fardre The PCN is asking for payment of £60 if payed in 14 days or £100 after this which is extortionate for 10 minutes parking. The car was left there as on this one rare occasion I was picking up my children from school as my wife was unable to due to illness. The vehicle was left there for around 10 minutes and was parked just at the entrance of the road and mostly of the road on a grass bank causing no obstruction. There were actually 2 other cars parked in front of me but all their wheels were off the road on the grass bank. Normally if there is space the car would have been parked in a parking space owned by the adjacent restaurant where the owner allows us to park and has nothing to do with NGP. On receiving the notice yesterday I appealed using their appeals process and received an e-mail from them this morning stating the claim had been rejected with a POPLA reference. On reading their rejection letter/e-mail it stated that there were parking condition signs at the entrance of the road and further along the road. On inspecting the road today there are no signs at the entrance and the only signs I could see were one about 50 mtrs from where I parked and the other about 120 mtrs from where I parked both on the opposite side of the road to the footpath that you would use . Where I was parked it did not look like that these sign covered this area as they were so far away. Both these signs were on temporary wooden post and the font very difficult to ready unless up close to them which due to no footpath that side of the road is very unlikely. The only part of the sign what is legible is the section saying the site is monitored by CCTV which it is not. I need advise on the above and reading other threads I plan to appeal using the POPLA process but need advise on how I should draft my appeal. Thanks in advance for any advice offered.
  3. Hi there, I to was grilled over whether they thought I was actually 'miss-sold' my ppi eventually received the confirmation that I would be receiving my ppi amount back and would be paid by 28th dec 2014, however when the payment failed to make an appearance in my account I made enquiries into the matter and discovered my payment had been sent to 'debt free direct' because of my "IVA"!. I first had to research what an IVA was and why I might possibly have had one without knowing it plus supposed dealings with 'debt free direct' , After discovering what an IVA was and that i definitely dont/didnt have one 'debt free direct' where just as puzzled as I am not on their system and never had been (because I dont owe any money or have a debt management plan!) but my sum of money is down as being cashed by them! Ive been passed from pillar to post trying to track down my money and told from both sides that I must consult the other party! 'Debt free direct' raised an important quiery, lloyds would have had to check my name against the insolvency register incase of owed monies that the ppi money would by rights go towards paying off, They advised me to check the 'individual insolvency register' while on the phone to them as the only person showing on their records with the same name as me had a very similar date of birth, I typed in my surname and first initial and sure enough the only person on the register sharing the same name as myself all except middle names and DOB being a month and a day different to mine had an IVA against her name! Lloyds said they will pass the issue over to their investigations team after they receive contact from the debt company , I have Emailed 'debt free direct' asking for them to make contact with lloyds to confirm that Im not on their system and I just hope Lloyds dont drag out giving me my answer as to why they wrongly handed my cheque to what I can only imagine has gone to pay off someone elses debts!! Im sorry for rambling on, I hope you managed to understand my situation and wonder if anyone else has ever had or heard of this happening before, any feed back on the matter would be greatly appreciated, Thankyou in advance, becky
  4. Back in 2010, when i was young and stupid, i bought a car on finance for £19k with Santander Finance.. I became unemployed a few months later and defaulted on the monthly payments a few times. The debt was then passed on to Bluestone credit management. Up until now, i've gotten away with paying BCM only £10 a month, however i'm hoping to join the armed forces soon and i'm worried about how things will play out because BCM like to contact me via phone call for a "review" every 6 months and it's likely i'll be away when they phone up. If they found out i'm a single male with no dependents in the armed forces they'll want a huge chunk of my salary. This debt is the only thing that's putting doubt into my mind regarding a new career and a fresh start. Is bankruptcy an option? I could wipe the slate clean and start a fresh?
  5. Not sure if this is the right place to post this but hope it is... I set up a gym membership in Jan 2012 a small gym actually owned by a school friend . I signed up with the type of membership standard 1 yr I was never shown terms and conditions and never noticed that it was a separate company taking the payments anyway I went into the gym and verbally cancelled the membership that June because we had to get rid of our second car meaning I couldnt get to the gym easily. The payments came out of my single account which mistakenly I rarely check, I agreed to pay the 12 months but the company took an extra 13 payments which i hadn't known about, I have got my bank to get the money back but Ashbourne rang and say because I didn't cancel direct with them I still owed the money. Any advice on what I should do? Sorry if it makes no sense I'm disappointed at the way they have just spoken to me on the phone.
  6. Picked up another parking ticket - unbelievable. The car park has ANPR cameras and have clocked me on site for 17 mins. I was meeting my daughter off a train as she was feeling unwell due to wisdom tooth impacting, she has a history of fainting and this is the nearest car park to the station front. I never left my car nor did I stop the engine, I thought 20 mins free parking would be standard on most car parks - apparently not. Having recently been helped by the good folk in this forum recently, I used the GEPOL reasoning via POPLA and got the right result. Amongst the previous replies it was pointed out to me that where no fee has been paid I would need to word any appeal carefully as the assessor at POPLA may uphold the rip off fee requested of £100 as reasonable and a true reflection of losses (£60 for early payment). The operators have stated that POPLA will not entertain an appeal unless I have contact themselves first, which is tantamount to admitting I was the driver and other than that will have no bearing. Is there any advice you could offer me once again, I feel the £100 is excessive for 17 minutes. Should I just pay the £60 and make it go away? They have stated that they will pursue the owner of the reg if no other driver is named.
  7. There is no date on this, so I don't know how long the information has been available.. http://www.which.co.uk/money/credit-cards-and-loans/guides/how-to-deal-with-debt/debt-management-companies-why-to-avoid-them/
  8. I never thought I'd be likely to have PPI but I finaly relented to one of those cold calls on the basis that I'd be happy to pay 25% for money I never knew I had. Surprise surprise £812 was payed into my bank account last friday. By monday the claim company were on the phone asking for their 25% + Vat - £269 the guy said. I said I'd pay by BACS. I then realised that 25% + VAT on £812 was not £269 so I adjusted the figure and made the payment. I had a guy phone me today saying I'm £25 short on my payment. He said that Barclays awarded me more than £812 but deducted TAX on the interest portion of the payment. The guy declared that their charge was based on the full ammount prior to deduction. I said I was happy to pay commission on what I HAD been paid but not on what I HANDN'T. I've since had documentation from Barclays showing that tax had been deducted. He started to harrass me then and I said their charge was unconcionable and I would not pay £25 more. I said see you in court". He proceeded to browbeat me and the call lasted about 15 mins. He declared they would pursue me to the end's of the earth for this £25 (or words to that effect) I'd be interested in any comment or suggestions. Telling me that I should not have used a claims company would not be helpful at this point.
  9. Hi all, hope this is the correct area to post. I have just received a parking fine notice from New Generation Parking management with regards to an alleged illegal or wrongful parking whatever they want to call it. On the day in question my wife was driving. She pulled into the private car park outside some shops. She dropped our son off outside one of the shops as there were no spaces. She was on a "Hatched" area (the whole car park is hatched, except for the parking spaces so you have no choice but to drive onto it). She was on it for 35 seconds (car was rolling a bit forward and backwards - she doesn't know where the handbrake is!!) whilst she waited for a car to pull out and she immediately went into that space. Their photographic evidence is crap at best (four photos showing her, well stopped basically). No time stamp can be seen on the photos as it's completely blurry. Fortunately we have video evidence with a nice clear time stamp and date from our dash-cam. We both suffer from bad health issues and my wife is going into hospital in a couple of weeks for a major operation and suspected Cancer biopsy, so this is stress that we don't need or can cope with. I've heard these type of companies are iffy at best so need some advice really, if possible. Is waiting for 35 seconds for a space classed as parking? This is ridiculous in my opinion. Everybody has at some time had to wait a few seconds to park. Any advice greatly appreciated and needed. Thanks. (EDIT: After having checked their "Photographic Evidence" very closely from their website I zoomed into the car and am unable to see anybody behind the wheel. My dash-cam clearly shows the car constantly moving back and forth. I am now convinced they have cropped my wife out of the photo to make it look like the car was empty). I think this goes a bit further than simply a rip off.)
  10. I have become employed (albeit in a casual capacity) after a considerably long period of unemployment during which my debts have piled up. I would now like to sort my finances out using a debt management company. Is there a difference between the companies that charge for this service and the free organisations? Amongst the free ones, is one better than the other? Also, is it possible to have debts written off? I am not a citizen of the UK, although I have been normally resident here for almost 10 years. Does this impact upon any potential help I'd receive from the debt management companies? Thank you for your replies!
  11. A friend of mine (not me but a close friend) is considering a debt management plan to help with his debt problems. From reading I see debts are prioritised but what happens to those debts which are not priority but where there is a ccj already in place and where he hasn't kept to the agreed payments? If this isn't the right forum, perhaps you could report for me. Thanks.
  12. ASA Adjudication on PPI Claims Management Company Ltd PPI Claims Management Company Ltd t/a Lion Claimline The Perfume Factory 140 Wales Farm Road London W3 6UG Date: 6 August 2014 Media: E-mail Sector: Financial Number of complaints: 1 Complaint Ref: A14-264781 Background Summary of Council decision: Two issues were investigated, both of which were Upheld. Ad An e-mail from a PPI claims management company, stated "... we only send emails to people who have provided their permission and wish to receive them". Issue The complainant challenged whether; 1. the email breached the Code because it was unsolicited; and, 2. the claim "... we only send emails to people who have provided their permission and wish to receive them" was misleading and could be substantiated. CAP Code (Edition 12) 10.410. Response 1. & 2. PPI Claims Management Company Ltd t/a Lion Claimline said the complainant's e-mail address had been collected by one of their external lead providers, who they commissioned to send out advertising content and who used external suppliers' opt-in mailing lists. They said they, and their external provider, used content only from opt-in mailing lists and they provided an assurance that the complainant's e-mail address would be removed from any further mailings. Assessment 1. Upheld The ASA acknowledged Lion Claimline's assurance that they would remove the complainant's e-mail address from their database to ensure they received no further marketing communications. However, despite the complainant's assertion that they regularly opted-out of future e-mail communications, they had nevertheless received a further marketing communication. Because a marketing communication had been sent to a consumer unsolicited we concluded it breached the Code. On this point, the ad breached CAP Code (Edition 12) rules 10.4 and 10.4.4 (Database practice). 2. Upheld As with point 1, we understood that the complainant had received a marketing communication despite not having opted in, which we considered contradicted Lion Claimline's claim that they only sent e-mails to people who have provided their permission and wished to receive them. We therefore concluded the claim was unsubstantiated and likely to mislead. On this point, the ad breached CAP Code (Edition 12) rules 3.1 (Misleading advertising) and 3.7 (Substantiation). Action The ad must not appear again in its current form. We told Lion Claimline to ensure they did not send unsolicited e-mails, and to avoid making claims that e-mails were sent only to those who requested them in future, unless they were able to demonstrate it unequivocally.
  13. Hi All, I have had an issue with Npower regarding my gas as I believe they have been charging me for a period of 1 month before they should have (tenancy started after the initial billing period on their bill This has been going on for a while and they passed the info over to PDP Management Services to chase me for the outstanding balance. I advised them that I have a dispute with Npower and have been paying the current bills and its the first quarter bill that I have a dispute with. A couple of months passed and I get a letter from PDP to advise that they are applying for a warrant to enter my home to have a prepayment meter fitted, I advised them that I have 2 disabled children at home and that when I am away with work my wife is generally house bound and a prepayment meter would be an issue. They turned up on Friday just gone (13/06/14) with a lock smith and 2 gas engineers to fit a prepayment meter, I explained that this was not fair as I am still in dispute, the chap from PDP just said that he had a signed court warrant to enter which I checked and it all seemed fine with a signature. I had to pay or he was going to call the police to attend. I paid and he left, the issue I have is that the warrant was signed on the 11th June 14 as this is when they went to court however the letter they sent me advised the court date was the 13/06/14 and that I could attend to give my side of the story. It seem that they send out a letter with one day and then go to court before that day which gives me no way to defend myself. Is there anything I can do or can these people just do as they want, I spoke to Npower as they chose PDP to act on their behalf and they just said that its not their problem... Sorry for the long message but all help appreciated. Thnks
  14. Hi folks, we joined a debt managemetn plan with immediate finance a couple of months back after over a year trying to directly sort things with our creditors, I know that immediate finance have been paying £1 per month to each as agreed to keep the debt alive, however my wife has rung me to say one of the catalogues has sold the debt to a debt collector who is now chasing for it, is this legal? as I understand it they are not allowed to as long as you have made an effort to pay? will be ringing immediate financial when I get home to see what is happening but would like some advice first, thanks
  15. Hi I hope someone can offer some advise regarding the problems my husband is having with his employers at the moment. He was signed off work by the Doc on 2nd April this year due to having Plantar Fasciitis, which my husband is claiming was caused through the many miles he has to walk on a daily basis (upto 18 a day), sometimes this had to be done in motorbike boots when he was out on the bike. He returned to work last Friday - 30th May - on a phased return whereby he's only working half days for the next couple of weeks. Now for the problem...... He was fully aware that the first 3 days of sick leave is unpaid, so the pay for April was no surprise when it was less than usual. When he received his pay for May he found that was also short three days, he'd been paid exactly the same amount as for the Month of April. As he was expecting a full months pay he was rather shocked. He's questioned his manager, who by the way does anything she can to avoid answering his queries, and it turns out his sick pay entitlement is only 30 days according to his contract (he wasn't aware or made aware of this). This still doesn't add up though for deducting money from his May pay as working back to the third day from when he went sick, which would have been from week commencing 7th April (remembering the first three days were unpaid) and going by the pay month of the 16th to 15th, he has had the total of 21 days sick up to the 15th of May so still well within his sick pay limit. Upon returning to work he look at his Bradford factor and his manager has him down for a total of 56 days sick from 3rd April to 29th May, so basically she has just counted every single day of that time scale as a sick day! His hours of work consist of 5 days out of 7 with Sunday as off and an additional rest day. He isn't contracted to work Bank Holidays as these are used towards his holiday entitlement. We have worked out his total sick days to be 35. Now here comes the problem..... Why didn't she inform him that his entitlement to sick pay was nearing an end? Was it her duty to do so? He has been asking since last Friday if his phased return to work will only be half pay, she only got back to him today to inform him it is and he can't come back full time unless his doc says so. The injury to his foot was caused through excessive walking and having to walk in Biker boots whilst doing his job so he is claiming this is a work related injury for which his company should be paying him in full for however long it takes to heal, the manager and her boss have dismissed this claim out of hand and have refused to give him a number of someone he can speak to in HR to discuss this further, surely he's entitled to speak to HR if desired? As for his pay and number of days she has worked out that he was sick to be looked into, well he's asked her by email and verbally now a number of times since last Friday and she still hasn't got back to him, apparently she's still looking into it. He asked for a number for HR again regarding this matter and again he was refused. Surely something is going very wrong here? Any advice would be very much appreciated as this is going to cripple us financially as my husband is the only bread winner due to me being a carer for our 2 Autistic sons. Many thanks if you got this far and any help you can offer Lisa
  16. Hi all, My partner has an agreement with a DMC, they make payments to 5/6 creditors on her behalf, we'd like to have a go at making settlement offers to the creditors. On the latest DMC statement i noted most of the creditors are other debt recovery firms. In order to make a settlement offer would we contact the original creditor (I.e barclaycard) or the current creditor? Separately, due to the age of the debts it is unsure who the original agreement was with. Is the Current creditor obliged to disclose this information? Thanks in advance!
  17. Hi Caggers, I have a query on my friend's behalf. He pays service charges related to communal areas around his freehold house to a management company. Recently they have increased the charges by almost 50% without explanation and asked for £500 arrears because they made a mistake not charging an administration fee for the past 6 years. At this point my friend requested evidence of expenditures. They refused to provide them, claiming that the accounts are private (?!?!) They also ignored my friend's request to view the building insurance certificate which costs around £70/year. He showed me a breakdown of the charges they claimed in the past 6 years and I can tell that there is something fishy, i.e. there's a charge for garden maintenance and one for landscaping, one charge named Management charge and one Administration fee (the one they forgot to charge and they want £500 now). It sounds like the same things under a different name to me. He now wants to inspect all accounts for the past 6 years including all supporting evidence to balance the sheets but they are refusing to disclose these and said that he's only entitled to the breakdown of charges, a list with the price next to each line. What can it be done to obtain the accounts? I thought of a SAR, but would the DPA apply to this kind of situation? Second question: the Administration fee they forgot to charge is a contractual fee stated in the lease, so he needs to pay that, but he can't atm. What can he do to pay it in small instalments, possibly £5/week? Thanks for your help and let me know if you need any more info.
  19. Hello People, I am new to this forum and my understanding of the laws revolving debt is very minimal. I would appreciate your help, its not for me but for my mother. My mother aged 56, has her own house as a result of the divorce. My mother suffers from depression, anxiety, panic attacks and has spent some time in hospital due to mental health issues where she received shock treatments. Now I don't understand how the banks have managed to give her loans equating to nearly £50,000 when she has no income apart from her DLA and she has a history of mental health issues. My mother has always had the ability to spend money with out thinking and has lost thousands because of her behavioural issues. I my self have had to spend my life working to pay off her debts. At the moment my mothers debt equates to around £27,000 this is from one unsecured loan and several credit cards. It has been some time now my mother has been in an agreement with 1st credit for the loans which has resulted in making life slightly easier. I was paying £750 per month just to pay the interest on her on loans. I then had her put in to a debt management plan with a company called Pay plan who have reduced her payments significantly and more manageable. My mum has been in the DMP a couple of years now and has made regular payments and is feeling a lot less stressed thankfully as am I. We have today received a letter from 1st credit who have made us an offer of paying off 40% of the total of £12,550 = £5020.01 but the offer is only valid till December and then If we were to pay in January we would write off 30%, feb 20%, March 10%. I need help with this, what are my options? should I pay them off? should I make them an offer? should I just continue making minimum payments as I am doing now? will I ever have the opportunity of writing off a 100% of her debt? do I have any other alternatives? I was told that my options are limited as mum owns her house with some equity in the house, the value of the house is probably £100,000 with a £30,000 mortgage which was again spent by mum and given to thieves who leached off her. She did have a cash house but being gullible and silly she gave a friend some money who we have never seen again, she spent some on the house to make improvements 10 years ago. All help, if any would be appreciated.... Any advice?
  20. Hi I received a letter today saying my claim would now be handled by Childcare Management team and start saving childcare receipts bank statements and payslips I couldn't understand why as my childcare ceased in 2012 I have phoned HMRC and they said I am still claiming for childcare and have no record of me informing them of any change I have a scribble on apiece of paper with time and date of phone call but panicking now thinking I will end up being prosecuted I am due another baby in 7 weeks and really can't cope with the stress
  21. Hi, I recently contacted CFO Lending with regard to a total outstanding debt of £800 that i am struggling to repay. They have offered to let me pay the debt off over a period of four months which initailly i was pleased with. However these payments are still too high for me to afford and I think there may be a way for me to dispute these high payments? Does anyone have any experience of dealing with CFO Lending or any other options available to me? I am prepared to pay off the debt but only at comfortable payments that i can afford. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!
  22. In 2011 I found CAG which helped a great deal with advice on debt and how to manage the various debt collection agencies that were 'closing in on me'. I started to manage my debts paying most of my creditors a reduced monthly payment and had the interest frozen on all but one of my credit cards. Barclays/Woolwich mortgages behaved appallingly and this year after court proceedings were issued I finally sold my flat and moved out of London. I had sufficient equity to buy a cottage outright but only because it needs a substantial amount of work doing. I have kept to my original arrangements with my creditors and since my mail has been redirected they are unaware I have moved. This week I began to receive telephones calls from a company called Arden credit management services to say they are instructed by Idem re: a credit card I held with MBNA to collect on this debt and that I should contact them to arrange payment of all the sum due. I have written to them to say I have made regular payments to MBNA over the last three years and have had nothing to say this matter has been assigned or given to them to collect money directly and that when they produce documentation from MBNA to confirm they are now authorised to recover the debt I will pay them directly. I am worried that now I am mortgage free at last my creditors may try to place a charging order on my home. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Good Evening everyone and thank you in advance for any help I may receive (Hopefully!) On Sunday I attended a charitable event at the Hereford Leisure Centre for Sport Relief. The Car park was naturally heaving given the nature of the event so finding spaces was impossible. I noticed that cars had started parking to the side of the car park near grassy ares not used for anything so I lined my car up alongside the rest and paid the £2 car parking fee charged these days. To my astonishment when I arrived back at my car my car (None of the rest along side me!) had a parking ticket. Firstly I was more astonished that people marshaled these types of events, taking advantage of people turning up to help out a national cause, but secondly for the life of me could not work out why only my car had been targeted! All the cars were not obstructing the flow of traffic at all, despite what the reason listed was in the ticket itself. I'm a new driver so I'm a little naive when it comes to these sort of things still(this being my first encounter), I read the notice and instantly fired off an email to 'appeal' it. (A decision I now regret being so gung-ho on having read a few articles on here.) Obviously the appeal was answered with a resounding no the following Morning on Monday. I went on to their website on my Iphone and was instantly greeted by the message "This is not a trusted website" wwwDOTherefordshirecspmDOTorg I haven't gone any further, and have started browsing the net for answers. Firstly, is this a legitimate company and is this website trust worthy? Do they have the right to issue notices of this nature for such amounts? (£45 if paid within 14 days £75 if later) and lastly, What do I do?! I wouldn't like to get into trouble with the law and if it is legit I will happily (not so much) pay the fine. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks Niave new driver!
  24. I have a sorry saga to tell about a relationship between some leaseholders & “Countrywide property management” It will be interesting to hear if any members here have also been victims of these people. There have been many issues in the 20+ years we’ve had to endure their “services” but I will start with the most profound that is coming to its culmination. We had an elderly gentleman with us who owned his basement flat in our converted Victorian building. He had not lived here long till he started to complain of water ingress into his dwelling from above & below. He took up these problems (along with some other minor issues) with the management agent, “Countrywide.” As I was involved in the building industry he asked me to take a look. There appeared to be rising damp in a few places, but the most notable problem was water ingress from above in his hallway around a soil stack casing. The ceiling & plasterboard casing were soaked through & the floor was damp. He had no success in getting “Countrywide” to embrace this problem & was becoming desperate. I advised that there was no point in repairing the ceiling & replacing the floor covering until the water leak was repaired. This went on for several years until he refused to pay the “maintenance” charges until “Countrywide” remedied the issues his dwelling had, which they never did. He was taken to county court & was evicted from the flat. Not sure how the system works, but the flat ended up in the hands of the freeholder. Building work commenced & eventually the flat was put on the market & sold. The new lessee moved in, & soon afterwards he noticed water ingress as had been noted by the previous lessee. Eventually, after much correspondence “Countrywide” sent their contractors to survey the problems in the dwelling in September 2013. At this time it was also pointed out that there was a guttering leak that was forming a pool of water by the window at the back of the dwelling causing a serious damp problem inside. Also pointed out, at the front window there was a leak through the ceiling which was clearly coming from the sill above. The flat is not fit to live in. The new lessees are squeezed into one room with their belongings as everything is suffering with the damp. “Countrywide” have had several requests for clarity as to the findings of the surveys, but sadly as of 12/1/2014 the information has not been forthcoming to the new lessee or other lessees including myself, & the redial guttering/sill problems mentioned have not yet been rectified. All the lessees are now expected to pay for the damp proofing works. I will post more of Countrywides inadequacies later; their accounting systems failure is another story altogether.
  25. Hi Forum, We own a small apartment which we don't live in, it used to be my partners before we became a family, and we rent it out. A company called Homeground Management Ltd collect the ground rent which is £137.50 per year, they make demands twice per year of £68.75 each. apparently they sent a demand for ground rent, which we did not receive, and so 7 days later they added £45 admin charge, however, we still didn't know about it, recently, we did receive a "note" from them, I say "note" because its definitely no invoice, informing us that we owe £113.75 and if not paid within 7 days they will add another £45.00 We emailed them asking for an explanation of the charges, and what on earth could cost hem £45 ? they sent a pre-made reply, showing us £68.75 and £45.00 in a list form, which we already knew. We emailed again and requested information and a breakdown of the charges, and how could we contact them to speak with somebody. They replied with," we have no means to talk to you, we can only be contacted by email". I hope Im not turning into a wanna-be private eye here but it all looks dodgy. and feeling a little skeptical of the company, I poked around, to try and find a number, which I couldn't, but found a list of the the ever changing directors, the main one having 43 directorships all closed except homeground management ltd: www duedil.com/company/07305337/homeground-management-ltd and another company called Long Harbour Ltd: www duedil.com/company/06905581/long-harbour-ltd and in act lots of businesses at the same address in a shopping mall, One New Change London EC4M 9AF I followed the long harbour route registered at the same address, and there is a number, so before I speak to them, my questions to the great knowledgeable Caggers are; 1 - is there no guideline, law, anything that sets out the terms under which somebody can make a "late" or "admin" charge, and is there no limit to such a charge ? this company is making a 50% charge. 2 - Long Harbour Ltd is registered as the parent company, so does that mean that they have a responsability to speak with me ? 3 - can a business send a demand with only an email address and a bank account number ? its not so much the £45 quid, but I dislike this kind of trading, its a business model for [problem]s, probably copied from car clampers !! thanks in advance
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