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  1. My son received a copy of a letter, sent by his former employer to a court in Reading, in reply to their request for information about his current employment. The request was made in connection with an attachment of earnings order issued against him, about which my son knew nothing. He was employed by Cumbria County council on a zero hours contract and as his wages varied from week to week, didn't realise that two payments had been made on this order, one in February and one in March. He has not been employment since then. On contacting the court in Reading, my son was informed that the AEO was made to recover fines imposed by Reading magistrates , in connection with motoring fines. One of these was for failing to report and accident in Maidenhead (which my son has never visited) and for failing to notify the DVLA of a change of ownership (of a vehicle my son has never owned). He has not received any letters about the motoring offence, or about the court judgement, or about the AEO. He has been told that he has to send an email to the court, giving all the details, but that he will have to go to court to swear on oath that he is not the person who was fined by the court. Has anyone any idea how this could have happened and if the AEO will affect him in any way?
  2. Is there some URL that I can go to and check details of my CCJ such as details like amount date and payment arrangements. Thanks in advance
  3. Last week a PCN was issued to me in central London with a code 01 "Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours" I was under the impression I was parked in a valid space and I was inside my car when the attendant was issueing a ticket, when I realised he was placing the ticket on the windscreen I then drove off and he was not able to take any photographs. When I have checked the PCN number online there are no photos whatsoever on the file. Is this ticket valid? Presumably they need photographic evidence that a parking offense was committed. Thank you.
  4. Community Work Programme issued by JSA outside of 8 week period! Some advice would be really appreciated. Does the 8 week rule still apply? How to refuse the CWP? Where to count the 8 weeks from? After a 2 year period The Work Programme with Ingeus ended (2faced staff/ incompetent /useless), I was referred back to the Job Centre and issued with an appointment to attend in April this year. I was asked by myJSA to sign the My Work Plan (WS1 form) in May. I had to sign weekly for awhile and then back to fortnightly. Yesterday I was handed a letter to attend a Community WorkProgramme (CWP) later this week. I have been back with the JSA as I said since April or counting from May – either way it is past the maximum 8 week period in which they have to either allocate Daily Signing (DSR) or CWP (Community Work Programme). Has this changed? And if this 8 week max still applies how do I go about politely but firmly refusing the CWP without being sanctioned. Also which date am I meant to count the 8 weeks from – April is when I went back to the JSA – May is when I signed the “My Work Plan” – I am making the assumption this is the date of the WPCI interview but am not sure. Worried I will be sanctioned again – and a second sanction would mean months of financial punishment rather than weeks. (the first one was applied because despite having attended every single mandatory appointment Ingeus had given me and not missing any appointments/workshops of which there were many - there was just one I never received notification of in the post andby the time a text message arrived it was too late, I left a message for the advisor which was never passed on – I appealed the sanction and the Decision Maker in all his glory upheld the sanction as “the balance of probability is that the letter was not lost in the post”!!!!!!!)
  5. Public anger towards Britain’s big six energy firms has generated more than enough heat over the years, and it’s making some firms fear for the safety of their employees. Around 400 staff at British Gas and EDF Energy have been kitted out with stab vests in case of sudden attacks by consumers who either have outstanding bills or, more controversially, tamper with gas and electricity meters to steal energy. The firms’ employees are tasked with investigating energy theft and forcibly fitting homes with pre-payment meters to resolve customer debt. Around 180 of EDF Energy’s staff have been instructed to wear protective vests after a ‘risk assessment’ deemed physical protection necessary against violent customers. Around 200 of British Gas staff have been advised to follow similar precautions. Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2015/06/21/energy-firm-staff-issued-with-stab-vests-to-fend-off-angry-customers-5256429/#ixzz3dsnavjVX
  6. Hi, First time poster, long time lurker, so be gentle! My partner had an old mobile phone debt being chased by Lowell for 3 Mobile. I sent them the Prove it letter in 2011 back not acknowledging the debt and requesting the credit agreement. They sent back one page of an overdue mobile phone bill as proof. Nothing else. The debt would have become statute barred at the end of this month. Fast forward a few years, and it now turns out they issued a CCJ for £350 in January to an old address she has not lived at for 6/7 years, whilst sending threat-o-grams to our current address and our previous address to this one. She has had a letter from Bryan Carter Solicitors yesterday informing her that the CCJ is now in arrears of £150. This was the first we'd heard of any CCJ being issued, never mind arrears, and only today has it appeared on her Noddle credit report under her old address. We have heard nothing from the court at all, but thats understandable given they were provided the wrong address. The noddle report says its £350. They now want £350 for an original £70 debt, which was increased to £209 in 2011, and are adding on these CCJ arrears. My partner has no job (not claiming benefits), no property and no real items a bailiff could repossess. We rent and I own all the items in our flat. I know nothing about CCJ's but a quick google indicates we'd have to pay £155 to apply to have it set aside. They are demanding the CCJ arrears for £150 to be paid in full immediately. I don't know if this is Bryan Carter adding this on, or this is court ordered. We are not married but could they repossess my items as we share a home? What should we do now? Hopefully I've given enough details but please do ask if I've neglected to mention something.
  7. Hello all, First of all, wonderful site and greetings: Over a year ago, I had some letters from a company called Erudio over an alleged student loan, (pre-1997 old style contract) As well over a decade has passed without acknowledging any debt or indeed action, I understand it to be statute barred. I moved well over a year ago and for six months had my mail redirected from my old address to the new. I began receiving demands for monies from Erudio (written to the old address), claiming that I owed them money, I hadn't heard from SLC prior to that; Erudio also claimed that there was an existing CCJ against me on record, having been issued by the SLC. I had been in the same house for 18 years prior, and never had any correspondence or claim at that address. I wrote to Erudio, disputed any alleged debt in full and informed them that any alleged debt was statute barred and in dispute, I also remarked that if there was a CCJ, then it was that CCJ that should be enforcing , not issuing a notice of assignment, as I understand the CCJ to be the 'debt'. (Claiming there to be an existing CCJ appears to be a stock accusation with these people. I received a few letters to my new address, which they obtained from a credit search, so they new I had moved, despite this, I recently found that they had won a judgement by default in April 2015 . I only found out about this judgement when I tried to switch my utility supply. It transpires that despite knowing I lived in a new address and I have documentary evidence to this affect, they have applied to the Court under my old address for a CCJ. While careful with what I said, Erudio claimed to have passed a file to a debt collection agency, if they thought that I was still at the previous address, why wouldn't they enforce the judgement using a Warrant of Execution? It's very clear to me that they knew full well that I wouldn't be at the previous address. I will need to set aside the Order but my questions are as follows: 1) I understand the set aside costs are likely to be £155, which is an extraordinary amount of money . Will I get this back and what's the best way of going about setting aside the judgment? Would I have to make a claim against Erudio? 2) If I manage to set aside, would anybody have any advice for the next steps? Thanks in advance for any replies and/or assistance.
  8. Some posters are or have asked in the past about how and if a LO needs certain things for it to be legal/lawful. Please read the attachment to answer some of these important questions, as the FoI shows it can and does answer many of these questions for you. Some questions have been Signatures Stamps and so on this may answer your questions This FoIA request was made in June 2014 (not by me btw) The document was named as council_-tax-liability-order-hearings-plymouth-magistrates-court or here https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCQQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gov.uk%2Fgovernment%2Fuploads%2Fsystem%2Fuploads%2Fattachment_data%2Ffile%2F324610%2Fcouncil_-tax-liability-order-hearings-plymouth-magistrates-court.doc&ei=Fr5ZVYusD8v8Uv3bgZgM&usg=AFQjCNEpoIEH9Sp0CS3UqetGpvmrG-ENHw&sig2=WIUzNwsDh4f4n4gz6vQprg
  9. Hi, last year I took out a payday loan with the company named "MyMate", unfortunately I got into a viscous payday cycle, and could not pay back. Since then, they changed names to "Different Money" and have tried contacting me, but only through either phone or email. Not physical letter what so ever. The phones I never answered, as it was numbers I did not recognize, and any txt they sent me would have come to my "spam" box on my phone. The same with my email. However, going through my email I noticed that different money had sent an email sending a "final warning" before sending it to their solicitors which they named "Alph Legal", I responded to that email saying it had appeared in my junk folder and did not notice it, but it was already too late, and I would have to talk to "Alph Legal". A few days later, I did get a letter, but not from Alph Legal, but from Douglas Wemyss Solictiors, they claimed an amount with the usual charges added, a nd said I should pay in full to avoid further charges or contact them within 14 days for reasons of non-payment. Which I did, it even provided me with a specific email address and not a phone number. However, I heard nothing in return. And now, I got a county court claim form from them. I talked to different money, and they happily set up a payment plan, but said they have accepted the payment plan, but it has to go through court most likely as it is with the solicitors now , and I would have to pay their fee..?? They are going to contact them tomorrow to clarify this, but surely this can be disputed right? First of all: They (Mymate/Different Money) never sent me a physical letter, only either email or phone. Surely you would send me letter if unsuccessful? Which means, I did not really have a chance to discuss this matter with them, I was not even aware that they had changed name! Second, the solictors did not get back to me, and I even sent a further email to them. Heard nothing. Different Money said they would check up on why this was, but still. Since they never responded, I assume my right and avoiding court could be within my rights here? They also have some really funny address on me, postcode is right, but wrong county and number on the road I'll be waiting to hear back from different money tomorrow, but if they say I HAVE to go through their solicitors, how do I proceed with this claim form? I don't want to pay their £60 court fee and £70 solcitors cost, and I also want to avoid a CCJ. Any advice please, I have 14 days left to respond to the court.
  10. Hi, I have received a court summons from Cabot Financial over a credit card debt ( Marbles) . I moved house 2 years ago then this appears out of the blue. Can anybody help me with the court paperwork. thanks
  11. Hi All Received a court claim dated 6th Nov from SLL Capital for a payday loan I initially took out with Cash Store in 2012 for £800, total figure now stands at over £1350 incl fees, interest and charges. POC's are as follows : 1. The claimant's claim is for the sum of £13**.** inclusive of interest and charges being monies owed under ref **** by the defendant to SLL 2. I will provide the defendant with separate detailed particulars within 14 days after the service of the claim form. AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS 1. The sum of £13**.** pursuant to the paragraphs above 2. Further interest upon the outstanding sum at the rate of 8% per annum pursuant to section 69 of the county courts act 1984 from the date hereof at a daily rate of £0.30 until judgment or sooner payment. 3. Costs and court fees I have acknowledged service and intend to defend in full based on incorrect amount claimed due to charges/fees added after termination etc. Any more advice would be appreciated, I will look at other defences but any help gratefully received.
  12. Hi there, As name suggests, Im a foreign visitor; have been here for almost 2 months and will leave in approx. 3 months time. 22 days ago, I was issued with a PFN by LU. I have a monthly Z1 - Z3 ticket on my oyster. I went to visit a friend and exited at a z4 station with no gate/barrier (entered at z2) Ignorance proved pretty bliss at the time and I strolled towards the station exit and failed to tap out. I was called over by a plain clothes tfl officer who identified himself and asked why I didn't tap out. I simply explained that I saw no gate and mindlessly kept walking and apologised for the action. He explained to me that this was a crime and that I could be prosecuted for fare evasion, then asked for my ID. I advised that I only had a foreign drivers license as I was a tourist and that I didn't realise not tapping out was a criminal offense. When he realised that I was foreign he appeared to change his mind and explained that instead he will issue me with a PFN. I didnt have £40 on me to pay it then and there, so he asked for my address, albeit it a temporary one, called some one to verify it (god knows who, since im not registered to any address here?) and told me that if I don't pay the penalty fare, it will be taken over by debt collectors, bad credit will be marked against my name in the UK and that I may be stopped upon leaving or trying to re-enter the country. I completely understand and acknowledge that I failed to tap out - and of course now know that this is a (serious) crime in the UK. I'm hoping to get some advice or clarity around the following questions please, if possible.. 1. I know that I am probably really pushing my luck here and standing myself in front of a firing range, especially as I am somewhat in the wrong, but (here goes...) as a foreigner, how likely is it that I can just close my eyes and pretend that none of this happened (especially as the 21days has elapsed - lost the ticket.. found the ticket!) and leave in a few months without any consequence? I am slightly concerned about the enter/exit UK thing? Though also suspicious of his truthfulness. I have read many things about PFN's initially being a civil matter, but that they can be withdrawn and TOC can choose to prosecute, resulting in a criminal matter for intent not to pay the PF. 2. If advised to pay, would it still be possible to pay the £40 by postal credit card, as I have not received any other 'reminder' type correspondence? 3. Should I just pay the £80 as it's past the 21 day mark and count my blessing I was invited to a court date as he mentioned? Thanks for the help in advance. Much appreciated! It might be worth mentioned that I have done some casual work while here, so am registered with HMRC.
  13. Greetings I received a PCN for unloading my LGV in a loading bay. It was the normal of parking attendant viewed for 5 minutes, nothing happening, so issued the PCN. I wrote off to the Council highlighting the cases: Sprake - v - Tester (1955) 53 LGR 194 Richards - v - McKnight [1977] RTR 289 Bulman - v - Godbold [1981] RTR 242 Boulton - v - Pilkington [1981] RTR 87 Whiteside - v - Watson 1952 SLT 367 McLeod - v - Wojkowska 1963 SLT (Notes) 51 Holder - v - Walker [1964] Crim LR 61 Chafen - v - Another Supplement to the Justice of the Peace and Local Government Review 21st March 1970 Pratt - v - Hayward [1969] 3 All ER 1094 Funnell - v - Johnson [1962] Crim LR 488 Police - v - Hadelka [1963] Crim LR 706 Decision of a Stipendiary Magistrate sitting at North London Magistrates Court, Journal of Criminal Law Vol XVI No 3, 193 (1952) Decision of a Stipendiary Magistrate sitting at Clerkenwell Magistrates Court (102 SJ 358) (1958) Which covers and confirms that I was not mis-using the terms of the loading bay. The Council in question, responded by ignoring the above test cases and stating tha the onus is on me to prove that I was using the bay correctly. As far as I'm aware, the onus is on the Council to prove that I contravened the terms of the loading bay. Am I correct in this assumption?. Many thanks
  14. I am just trying to get some information to help someone. Couple in their 60's sold their property on one of these sale and rent back schemes. They were told at the time that they could stay in the property for life. What they did not realise at the time was they signed an AST. They have now been issued with a section 21. Now the fun starts. The current owners have since confirmed in a text that they did say the tenants could stay for life, but then said that circumstances have now changed and they need to sell the property. - does this trump the Sect 21 The tenants have repeatedly requested a copy of the AST but the owners will not supply one. However tenants now found a copy that is not signed by the owners and the tenants signatures have not been witnessed. - is the AST valid When the tenants sold the property they did not get any legal advice so I assume that the purchasers may have used their own solicitor for everything - possible conflict of interest. The current owners have a mortgage on the property but I am aware that many BTL lenders do not allow a mortgage where the vendors stay in the property - possible mortgage fraud. Would a SAR to the owners/landlords force them to produce the AST they hold, they are not aware the tenants have found theirs. As usual all advice appreciated.
  15. Hi, I've just received a county court claim form from Shoosmiths LLP claiming on behalf of Cabot Financial for an old Premier Man account from the 17/12/2008 for the sum off £406. I don't have any paper work from the account and got into financial difficulty around that time. Can anyone please shed some light on what is the next step, should I ask for a copy of the agreement etc. It says I have 14 days to reply so any help would be much appreciated. I have made no payments since 2008. Regards Mitsy
  16. Hello, I recently stupidly forgot to park my moped in the free motorcycle bay on my road when I went on holiday. It's quite quiet and I found I had been given 2 tickets on my return. I assumed I would have to pay both but the second PCN had the wrong road location - stating Arlingford Road which is the one parallel to mine. I appealed on the basis the PCN had been issued incorrectly, as I wasn't parked on the street the offence was deemed to have taken place. The rejection on my appeal came through today with the reason: "The photo you refer to was taken of the time plate for the location at which the vehicle was parked". This may well be true but I was not arguing the location of the time plate, I was arguing my moped was not parked at the location they stated. If I am to appeal again I have to wait for the Notice to Owner. What I'd really like your help with is whether I still have a chance of winning if I wait for the NtO to come through and argue the same case? I attach a photo of the rejection letter. Thanks, jimbo.
  17. My solicitor issued court proceedings against a builder. The builder did not acknowledge service so my solicitor applied for a default judgment. The Judge awarded a default judgment for an amount I overpaid the builder and made an order for a Schedule of Loss to be prepared and served on the court and the Defendant. The Defendant then had 14 days to respond to the Schedule of Loss otherwise the Judge ordered that the Defendant was de-barred from arguing any part of the Schedule or the amount. A date for a disposal hearing was also set. The Defendant did not respond to the Schedule of Loss. He then appointed another solicitor (he has been represented on and off in the last 18 months by 3 different solicitors) who asked for me to agree to set aside the first judgment. My solicitor refused and advised that if the Defendant was going to submit an application to have the first judgment set aside then this should be heard at the disposal hearing to save on costs. The Defendants solicitor waited until after office hours the evening before the Hearing and attempted to serve the Court and my Solicitor with a Defence, Counterclaim and Witness Statement. The Defendant failed to have the application stamped by the court and did not pay the court fee. However, a barrister was instructed by the Defendant. The Judge said he could not hear the Application to setaside the Judgment because the fee had not been paid and the documents had not been served properly. The Judge then ruled on a second Judgment in my favour. My barrister had to point out that a Part 36 offer had been put forward to the Defendant's then solicitor prior to court proceedings so the order was made plus costs. However, the Defendant's Barrister did not have any knowledge of the Part 36 offer and it was very clear that the Defendant's current solicitor had no idea either. Now I know that there is a possibility that the Defendant can submit an application to setaside both judgments. The first has a good chance of being granted because he is playing the failure to serve properly card (the court inputted the incorrect postcode on his papers - although the correct address). Obviously I can enforce judgment after 14 days but can only assume the Defendant will attempt to setaside both judgments in the meantime. I would like to know how the Part 36 will affect the outcome and if he applies to have the second judgment setaside what will happen. I have a copy of his documents and they are filled with lies many of which I can prove. What is also concerning is that the Solicitor has signed the Statement of Truth which I think is highly unusual. Any advice would be gratefully received if anyone has a similar experience.
  18. My wife has received a PCN from a Harrow Council civil enforcement officer, saying she was parked outside the parking bay markings where she parked. This was because a van had been parked similarly before the other drivers arrived and parked. The other drivers arriving to park were also having to park ouside their bay markings. None were grossly over their bay markings to take out a parking bay or to cause a danger to other drivers. Only my wife's car received a PCN. No video or photographic evidence is included with the Council's PCN record so there is no visual evidence from the Council to back up their officer's claim. My wife has a photo of another car similarly parked that did not have a PCN fixed to the windscreen and a witness statement confirming the details of the whole situation. What are the reasonable grounds for an appeal and is it likely that the PCN will be cancelled?
  19. I had a CCJ come through my mothers door (my care-of-address), last week. Something I knew nothing of whatsoever. I called the Court in Northampton who informed me it was taken out by solicitors acting for Lloyds bank and I had to contact the solicitors acting for them. I also told the Court I knew nothing of this action. It turns out the CCJ was for a default on an account held with Lloyds, and the default was in 2007. This is the first I have heard of any action taken by the bank, The judgement was for nearly £5000.00 which relates to an original overdraft I had with the bank for £1000. I'm devastated. I am currently in between homes, a recent split from a partner, so sofa surfing and now I have a CCJ to my name from a defaulted overdraft in 2007. Can I get this judgement squashed? Is the debt not statute barred? Its been what- 8 years since the account went into default.. And this is the first I have heard about it.. Please, can someone tell me what's what? Is it statute barred, can I reverse the order? Can my mother loose any of her belongings at my previous address noted on the CCJ? Thank you for your help. Sorry if this is the wrong forum too.. I am so confused and afraid now..
  20. Hoping someone can help me with this - seem to be hitting a few brick walls trying to find out correct information myself. (please be nice, I'm a newbie!!) My partner had a judgement order to pay his ex's court fees of £5,500. This was due early October 2013. As a single dad on a low income he did offer in October to pay £100 per month but this was rejected. The next he heard was when the bailiffs came knocking at the door. They claimed they could seize and remove his minibus, and called for a tow truck. I asked what needed to be done to to stop them removing the vehicle, to which I was told the debt had to be paid, I informed them the debt could not be paid in full (they had added charges bringing the total to approx £7816.61) but agreed to make a part payment until I had got some advice. I paid £3,000 on my credit card. It was only after I had made a payment that they would let me read the paperwork inside (it was dark outside at the time) and we discovered that the mini bus was in fact a protected good as tools of the trade, they were therefore not entitled to remove it, and I felt they had obtained the payment through misrepresentation and under duress. The following morning I contacted the bailiff to request a breakdown of the charges, a copy of the writ and request my £3000 back as they had taken a payment under false pretense. They still have not provided a copy of the writ or breakdown of the charge and claimed that the mini bus was not exempt as they believed it was being used for personal use - its an 18 seater VOSO regulated mini bus that has a tacko fitted! he also has a car. When I pointed that out they said they weren't aware of that or that another vehicle was available, I pointed out it was no excuse as they are required to make an assessment with due diligence. The writ has now been stayed pending the balance being paid £100pm to his ex. So I have 2 Questions.... 1) What is the balance? We have written to the ex for her bank details and stated that of her £5500, £3000 has been paid and 25 monthly payments will follow. She has written back saying that its 48 payments of £100 to include the bailiffs costs - can she enforce this? How can we check what she has been charged for and get a copy of the writ? 2) Can I get my £3000 back as a chargeback? I have phoned tesco credit card, they said no as I had willingly handed over my card and therefore entered into a contract with the bailiff? Not accepting this answer I have written to them with a sworn affadavit stating the payment was under duress and the baliff had made a false representation to gain a payment.I have rung them again yesterday to get an update, they say it will be next week before it gets reviewed due to a backlog in that department, but they weren't encouraging as they said it had already been refusedonce. Am I correct in thinking that if the charge back is successful, the £100pm order will still stand, but the bailiffs will go after the ex for their fees as she will then be receiving the payments directly? Sorry for the ramble but there is a lot of back ground! any help greatly appreciated
  21. Hi new to the forum so hope this is in the right section. My partner today received a court claim form which looks very much like the old summons, issued by Northampton County Court. It has been issued by solicitors acting on the half of Cabot. In the particulars of the claim it states that it is in respect of to credit cards where the credit agreements were signed in 1998. It states that Cabot purchased these two dates in 2004. The total amount of the claim is around £4000. My partner has not had any communication with this company for over 10 years. Is their claim valid given the time that has passed ? And what's our best way to respond to the claim ?
  22. Hi all this is my tale of woe. Went to Bishop Centre Taplow. 21 Feb15 in the evening. Received yesterday (02Mar15) a parking charge notice from euro car parks. They were using cameras to capture entering and leaving times. My stay exceeded the 3 hr free parking time stay. I have been told according to the letter that under schedule 4 of the protections of freedoms Act 2012 they have the right to recover from the registered keeper so much that amount that remains unpaid. Needless to say I don't want to pay the £75 or even the 'considerate' 14 day discount of £45. There are signs in the car park which state the 3 hr free stay so do I really have any possibility of avoiding this? Any advice would be appreciated. kev
  23. Hi I've gotten as much information as possible. If you need anything else then let me know. Debt was originally with Santander UK. The balance is £1130 The default on the account was 14/2/11 Hoist Portfolio/Howard Cohen co. took over the debt in Dec 2014 The CCJ was issued on 16/3/15 The CCJ was issued to my old address so I didn't have any way of addressing it as I wasn't aware of it. I can't afford to pay this in full. I could afford small payments. I've worked hard as hell to settle up most of my credit file from my stupid student days but this was one of the biggest amounts and I'd hoped it would just fall off my account in 2017 when the default would have been on for six years. Now though I'm looking at 2021 before it would fall off which is a bit of a disaster. Please advise me what my options are if you can. Thanks for your help.
  24. I'm after some quick advice. I've received a PCN for stopping in a box junction in Piccadilly{E1}. It shows one picture of a CCTV image of a car whose front bumper is just on the box junction outer line. Real nasty IMO. First thing, the car pictured is not my car. I was in London that day but took the train on my normal commute and was no where near Picadilly. No one has access to my car other than me. How can this happen? Has someone got my number plates? What is the best way of appealing this i.e. what evidence should I produce? Thanks
  25. Hi All I was issued with PCN on 03/02/15, Code 01 Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours. Location is Wall Street, Oldham OL8 1DD. I didn't park on Yellow Line, I parked beside a car in front of Kebab shop where the Double Yellow Line ended, and none of my wheel touched Yellow Line but I parked somewhat at the middle of the road (it is not a very wide road which may be reason CEO issued ticket). I (and other residents) of the street always park at same location without problem, that's why I was really surprise to receive this PCN. Some of Yellow Line are faded or illegible on side of road where I parked my car, but clear on the other side of the road. Perusing the PCN I noticed that CEO didn't note any observation time (so it seems no observation or grace period of at least 5 minutes was given before ticketing), because Observed from time was omitted in said PCN. I wish to appeal this fine, so any advice/hints/suggestions would be greatly appreciated with thanks. ] ....
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