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Found 2 results

  1. Any advice would be greatly appreciated please. I have listed the main details below: Purchased a DJI Osmo camera in March 2017 Camera cost £519 Paid using Currys YourPlan buy now pay later credit agreement Paid off the credit agreement in August Sent camera in for warranty repair on 28th August Waited three weeks and heard nothing Called Currys. Unable to advise at to the whereabouts of the camera. Called again. No information. Received a call on 27th September informing me the camera was lost. Went into store on the 28th September. Was issued a refund for £519. Refund was issued back to my YourPlan account. Was advised refund would show up immediately. Refund did not show on my YourPlan account. Called numerous times between 28th August and 18th October. Have been given contradictory information. Currys have confirmed that there is some sort of error. The refund is showing as having left their system, but has not reached my YourPlan account. I have sent emails. The emails have not been replied to. I have been promised call backs. No one calls back. I have launched a complaint, but have had no updates. I have been without my refund for nearly four weeks now. What do I do now? Do I initiate a claim in the small claims court? This will cost me £60 and if they now refund, I will lose the money. Any help gretly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  2. Some posters are or have asked in the past about how and if a LO needs certain things for it to be legal/lawful. Please read the attachment to answer some of these important questions, as the FoI shows it can and does answer many of these questions for you. Some questions have been Signatures Stamps and so on this may answer your questions This FoIA request was made in June 2014 (not by me btw) The document was named as council_-tax-liability-order-hearings-plymouth-magistrates-court or here https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCQQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gov.uk%2Fgovernment%2Fuploads%2Fsystem%2Fuploads%2Fattachment_data%2Ffile%2F324610%2Fcouncil_-tax-liability-order-hearings-plymouth-magistrates-court.doc&ei=Fr5ZVYusD8v8Uv3bgZgM&usg=AFQjCNEpoIEH9Sp0CS3UqetGpvmrG-ENHw&sig2=WIUzNwsDh4f4n4gz6vQprg
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