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  1. Hi, my doctor has advised that I apply for this benefit. I currently receive ESA but have yet to get 0 points in my medical and then win my appeal (I assume it is the same now as it was years back) My problem started about 5 years ago. I was taken to hospital as I had really bad chest pains, had ECG and such and was eventually given a diagnosis of costochondritus. For the next few years I was taking naproxen even though it didn't seem to help. Back then I got an 'episode' maybe once a month and each attack lasted approx 8 hours. It did not affect my life very much as it wasn't very frequent. Also it always seemed to happen at night, so I just pretty much skipped an hour sleep when it happened and writhed around in pain until it ended. Fast forward to last year, I gave birth to my son in July. Oddly enough I did not get ONE flare up during my pregnancy..which confused both me and my GP as usually conditions worsen during pregnancy. Since having my son though, the pain has been near constant. I get maybe 4-7 hours relief from it per 24 hours, and this can be at any point. As such I have to sleep whenever the pain lessens, which I'm sure you can imagine is affecti9ng my life in a msaaive way. Turns out that it couldn't be costochondritus because its in the wrong place. It is on the right side of my rib cage instead of down my breastbone. New GP was concerned that I had been using naproxen for so long and arranged for me to have a tube down my throat to check it hadn't given me ulcers or anything (an ordeal in itself, as I have a dreadful fear of gagging/vomiting/anything like that). Anyway, it turned out I was fine and so the investigations into what was actually causing the pain began. I have had 3 xrays, no end of blood tests and am due for a scan on my liver as apparently liver problems can show as pain in ribs... I have been given no end of painkillers, none have worked. Currently I am on gabapentin (doc is ruling out nerve damage, and apparently if its nerves gabapentin will help) and acupan. In the past year I have been taken to A+E 4 times as the pain has been just too much to manage. I get gas and air in ambulance and a shot or two of morphine which tends to work. I was given oramorph for at home at one point but it made me feel sick as a dog and only slightly helped the pain. So yeah, no fun. Obviously doc signed me off as its just impossible to have a normal life, let alone work when I am like this. I am signed off until such a time as they find out whats actually the problem and fix me, or they can find some painkillers that actually work. I have an appointment at the pain clinic next week where my doctor assures me they will not stop experimenting on me until they find a tablet/combo that actually helps me. As I am expecting to fail my ESA medical despite having countless consultant reports and doctors notes, I am slightly wary of applying for PIP, as I understand it they cannot award you until you have a 'medical' so this would bring my medical around faster I think. I know on appeal I WILL win but its the months and months of having reduced money and the new rules of apparently having to wait for a reconsideration etc before appealing (during which time you get no payments as I have heard) thats really bothering me. Currently I am struggling a lot for cash, as I do try to get out of the house to do shopping, or even take the kids to the park during my pain free hours...however when it comes back, I need to go home immediately..as neither me or my partner drive, this tends to mean taxis, which get expensive. This thread is basically asking, does it sound like I would actually be entitled to PIP at this time? I don't want to bring on my medical early if I am going to be turned down anyway. I know the medical is inevitable, but I don't want to be going through being even more skint before I need to be, if that makes sense... Also what questions would I be asked on the phone when applying? Or do you just call for an application pack?
  2. I am in the process of completing a new mortgage application to an overseas bank for a property abroad. What information can the foreign bank access with regards to my current account ,savings ,and share assets I hold in the UK?
  3. Received letter from 1st Credit whom I have been paying £30.00 per month for a CJJ from a debt originally Lloyds CC. I have been paying the £30.00 per month since the CCJ was obtained April 14, I have not missed a payment since then. I received this letter with their intention to review my account with a view to applying to the court to obtain a charging order to secure our interest against my property. The letter also states that they want to know if my financial circumstances are likley to change in the forseeable future? I wish I knew. At the end it also states "It is not our intention to pressurise you into paying more than you can afford and therefore we may ultimately decide that applying for a charging order is a reasonable and fair outcome." Should you wish to avoid this action please contact us on 01737 237374 etc. Can some one advise / help with what to do next ? Thanks in advance There is very little equity in the property if any at all!
  4. Just need some confirmation As to a divorce and settlement with a consent order sealed by the court as to the divorce Part of the settlement is that one party pays £60.00 per week child support or 15% on wages, which ever is greater. Person now on a 32 hour week contract and income has dropped substantial. He needs to do a redetermination of that consent order set by the court to take into consideration that drop in income Will the application be on the N244 or N245 Form Thanks
  5. Hi, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on how to handle this latter. This last week, I've recieved a Notice of Application for Attachment of Earnings Order. It appears, Hillesden Securities Ltd obtained a CCJ against me back in 2011 without my knowledge. I don't know what this debt is for and I've no recollection of receiving court papers for this CCJ and therfore I was unable to submit a defence. I was living at the address on the CCJ at the time (I am not any more). I want to find out what this supposed debt is, whether it has been properly executed and whether the CCJ is valid or if I have grounds to ask for it to be set aside. I need to submit the N56 form promptly, but how would I go about requesting that the court hold off issuing an order until I have ascertained whether I can get this CCJ set aside? Having a Attachment of Earnings order may well affect my job. Also, my partner is in receipt of DLA. I note that the N56 asks if she earns a wage, but appears to only ask about benefit and also expenses if they are mine. Obviously, DLA is specifically paid to help cover the expenses of dealing with a disability, so I don't wan't this included in calculations of income. Your help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Further to this, it seems that: The default amount was for £5872 The CCJ is for £6192 They want £6452.02 now Can this be right?
  6. Hoping someone can help me with this - seem to be hitting a few brick walls trying to find out correct information myself. (please be nice, I'm a newbie!!) My partner had a judgement order to pay his ex's court fees of £5,500. This was due early October 2013. As a single dad on a low income he did offer in October to pay £100 per month but this was rejected. The next he heard was when the bailiffs came knocking at the door. They claimed they could seize and remove his minibus, and called for a tow truck. I asked what needed to be done to to stop them removing the vehicle, to which I was told the debt had to be paid, I informed them the debt could not be paid in full (they had added charges bringing the total to approx £7816.61) but agreed to make a part payment until I had got some advice. I paid £3,000 on my credit card. It was only after I had made a payment that they would let me read the paperwork inside (it was dark outside at the time) and we discovered that the mini bus was in fact a protected good as tools of the trade, they were therefore not entitled to remove it, and I felt they had obtained the payment through misrepresentation and under duress. The following morning I contacted the bailiff to request a breakdown of the charges, a copy of the writ and request my £3000 back as they had taken a payment under false pretense. They still have not provided a copy of the writ or breakdown of the charge and claimed that the mini bus was not exempt as they believed it was being used for personal use - its an 18 seater VOSO regulated mini bus that has a tacko fitted! he also has a car. When I pointed that out they said they weren't aware of that or that another vehicle was available, I pointed out it was no excuse as they are required to make an assessment with due diligence. The writ has now been stayed pending the balance being paid £100pm to his ex. So I have 2 Questions.... 1) What is the balance? We have written to the ex for her bank details and stated that of her £5500, £3000 has been paid and 25 monthly payments will follow. She has written back saying that its 48 payments of £100 to include the bailiffs costs - can she enforce this? How can we check what she has been charged for and get a copy of the writ? 2) Can I get my £3000 back as a chargeback? I have phoned tesco credit card, they said no as I had willingly handed over my card and therefore entered into a contract with the bailiff? Not accepting this answer I have written to them with a sworn affadavit stating the payment was under duress and the baliff had made a false representation to gain a payment.I have rung them again yesterday to get an update, they say it will be next week before it gets reviewed due to a backlog in that department, but they weren't encouraging as they said it had already been refusedonce. Am I correct in thinking that if the charge back is successful, the £100pm order will still stand, but the bailiffs will go after the ex for their fees as she will then be receiving the payments directly? Sorry for the ramble but there is a lot of back ground! any help greatly appreciated
  7. I had a visit from a HCEO today in relation to a high court writ for unpaid water bill totalling £1800. After explaining I was attempting to sort finances in order to apply for bankruptcy and that I had no other money or assets, he said if he could enter the house and see that i did not have enough goods to enable the debt and charges to be paid, he would report that back to the creditor and they would be unlikely to attempt to control the goods for sale. I was cagey about this to say the least. I said i was unwilling to let him in for obvious reasons. He said that if he was not allowed in and I made no payment then the creditor can then make an application to the court to allow them/him entry to seize goods. I asked how that was possible as this was residential. He said they would apply against 'me' and they would be allowed to gain entry forcibly. I said that I would not allow them entry, to which he said i would be arrested for obstruction. I have never allowed anyone in the house and today i spoke to him on my doorstep with the door closed. I am running around at the moment trying to get family to lend me what i need left to apply for bankruptcy, but he was deliberately trying to scare me and made me think he could get a court order and gain entry by force. Please help, I am confused by the changes in the law last year. thanks in advance
  8. I've recently had Court papers sent to me because I made a mistake. I lit a bonfire and didn't make sure it was out before I went to bed. As a consequence, the fire caught again and damaged my neighbours garage. I offered to pay for the damage but my neighbour refused my offer and is now taking me to court. My reason for not paying the claim is that he has repaired the damage but has also used the opportunity to improve the structure e.g a metal roof replacing a plastic roof. His claim is through a solicitor and I have defended it as agreeing to part of the claim but not the full amount. I got some documents from the court asking me about mediation. I sent them back 2 days ago saying I would agree to mediation. Today I got a letter from his solicitor saying they will be applying for summary judgement. I have no idea what they mean. I was quite comfortable with mediation because I know that is just a discussion to reach agreement but what is summary judgement?
  9. Hi I have been trying to build my credit rating back up and I have been succeeding. It had even moved back up to the "good" rating on Experian. Anyway I am now in a position where I could open a savings account and actually put money away. I decided to open an instant access savings account with Nat West, so no overdraft, not a current account but to my surprise they did a credit search that has left a footnote on my credit score and knocked my score back down to "fair" So it seems that by wanting to be a customer and hand money over to them I have now paid the price by my credit report being damaged. Is this usual for opening a savings account?
  10. I meet all the criteria for financial hardship (checked the Moneysavingexpert advice on this) and have been absolutely crippled by Barclays charging me £3 a day or nearly £100 a month on my account since they changed the rules. I have also suffered from charges piling up on my account to form the overdraft that is the basis for those £3 a day charges. I sent them an SAR, got my documents and duly sent off an email to Barclays Head Office following personalized templates from here asking them to stop all further charges and refund me those for the past four and a half years I have been in hardship. They turned me down flat, stating: Under the Lending Code (section 9) and Banking Conduct of Business Sourcebook (Section 5.1.4), Barclays does have a duty to treat customers in financial difficulties positively and sympathetically. Any such obligations on Barclays where financial hardship has been shown are guided by these codes and rules. However, I would advise that neither of these, nor the Banking Code which proceeded them require Barclays to refund charges or suspend the application of them when someone is suffering from financial difficulties. Having reviewed your account I can see that all charges have been applied correctly in accordance with the terms and conditions of your account therefore I would be unable to offer a refund. However, I have arranged for our Financial Assistance team to review your account and they are keen to have a full discussion with you to ascertain you current position including your current income and expenditure. The Financial Assistance would then be in a better position to look at more permanent solutions to your current position and they have several potential solutions that may assist you ; if agreeable I can arrange for a member of our Financial Assistance team to call you at a time which is convenient to you. I'm sure the 'Financial Assistance team' are no such thing... Where do I go from here?
  11. Hi Guys, my partner has received a notice for her details from the police for an alleged "action" in a car park used by mums picking up kids from pre-school. it states the Application is for the drivers details for alledged driving dangerously, carelessly or without consideration for other persons, contrary to sections 2 and 3 of the road traffic act 1988. They want the details of the driver on the date of the incident before they say anything else about the alleged offence. Their form is leading as if you fill it out it confirms you were driving (2 months ago) but either of us rarely drive as we live within a 3 minute walk. even if my partner did, which she cant remember - what does this mean, what are our rights? Many Thanks in advance TSF Will this form
  12. I hope someone can help us out with this problem. I am asking for help on here as a last resort. My husband has been in hospital for the past three weeks and I am trying to do things he has always done for us. For years (since1993) he has been getting his DLA for top mobility and middle care. He was told back in January 2014 that he had to apply for PIP. He filled in the form and sent it off. In September he had a medical for it and a letter came through at the start of November saying that he isn't allowed PIP. With him being so ill and in and out of hospital since last November he never got round to dealing with it. A few weeks ago he asked for a reconsideration, but they have turned him down because he was too late to put it in and the excuse he gave wasn't good enough. This letter that came this week also says that he can't appeal against that decision. Is that right and what happens now? I rang up the DWP for him and they said that as he has just had is 65th birthday (last week) he can't claim PIP again.
  13. Hi I hope this is the right forum for this. I am the sole executor for my late mothers will. The benefactors are me and my brother who resides in the property. There is one small debtor. The will is clear. The estate is to be divided 50/50 after debts etc. My brother has a poor credit history. My brother has applied for a mortgage to buy my half of the estate. We have agreed on a sum. One lender refused his application because of his poor credit. Another lender would only lend him the money if the title deeds were in my (the executor's) sole name. The third lender would only lend him the money of the title deeds were in his sole name. I am reluctant to transfer the title deeds either way as I see it as an administrative exercise and an unnecessary expense and neither of us are protected. Has anyone any experience in this type of problem before? Thanks Regards Lenn
  14. Hello my situation is as follows. I have recently managed to pass the 6 year mark on most of my two relatively small debts. I have a CCJ that was paid but remains unsatisfied on my CRA that is just over 5 years old. My partner and i are looking to apply for a mortgage we have as a deposit £17 - £20,000. I was thinking about the CCJ and i remember years ago i was sent a letter by Northumbria water threatening to take it to court and i managed to prove that it had been paid. Could they have still sought judgement on this? I have no paperwork left to prove that i paid it, but it was at a time when i was living with friends in student accommodation and because they were late getting their chunk and i didn't have the full amount we got the late letter and CCJ threat. I would ideally like this to come off my CRA file but at the least have it satisfied, i was annoyed that it is in just my name as their were 4 names on the account. I would appreciate any help and advice in how to move forward so that my CRA file can be in its best state applying for a mortgage.
  15. I've received an appointment letter from Ingeus which gives the usual date and time of appointment but underneath has the following:- "Your activities for your next appointment are: Please attend appointment to review your work related activity, alongside providing evidence of job application. During your appointment you will undertake job application activity providing documentary evidence of vacancies applied for during this time." I am aware I am under obligation to provide my job centre adviser with said documentary evidence of job applications each fortnight to be paid my JSA, which I do, but do Ingeus have a right to ask me for the same "documentary evidence" that I provide my job centre adviser each fortnight? Am I under any obligation to provide this "documentary evidence" to Ingeus? Also, at a previous appointment with Ingeus I had a face to face interview with an Ingeus adviser who spent their time typing up what I was saying on the computer, I could see her typing notes into boxes on screen under my name and I was wondering if I have a right to see what is being typed into these boxes?
  16. I am self employed and my earnings vary a lot often for a short period oftime. My housing benefit claim was already close once because my earnings weretoo high. However the problem is that my earnings vary a lot often for asmall period of time and it is inconvenient for me to make a new claim forhousing benefit each time my earnings vary. I would like to know how to explainmy situation to the housing benefit department to avoid that my claim is closedeach time my earnings vary temporarily I would like to know if there is a specific law for self employer or if I have to file a specific form
  17. Hi there. Hoping someone can help! I recently won a small claim against an individual for money they owed me for freelance work they received a court order to pay me the full amount. They then filled in an application to vary, I refused their offer on the grounds that they were lying about their income, and it went back to court. The defendant didn't turn up, and I've now received a "General Form of Judgement or Order" saying the following: "IT IS ORDERED THAT The Defendant's application to vary be struck out." I thought the defendant was going to attempt to argue that they could only afford to pay a small amount per month, this week the attendant also received an "Order to attend court for questioning" from me, which is now scheduled for next month. My question is what should I do now? Should I just go through with the order to attend court for questioning, or is that not necessary now that the order to vary has been struck out? I'm pretty sure the defendant won't pay me by themselves since they've been quite belligerent throughout the whole process despite admitting they owe the money and having no proof to the contrary. Thanks in advance
  18. My friend was issued with a summons which he wished to defend because he believes the DCA has no authority to pursue, and this was going to be the mainstay of his defence. He acknowledged service, asked for 14 extra days and sent SAR to DCA. DCA claim debt has been assigned to them by OC. DCA replied to SAR and stated that they couldn't provide breakdown of account, interest etc or provide CCA because it was with original creditor, and he would need to write to them. He was late filing defence when he went to do it there was an error at moneyclaim online. They acknowledged error and said give it 24 hours then log back in. Logged back in day after and it said judgement had been entered the previous evening. He's applied to have judgement set aside on both grounds of error on website and his belief that DCA dont have the authority to enforce judgement. Set aside has been acknowledged and hearing is in two weeks. What does he need to do now, if anything.
  19. Hi, My partner recieved a stat demand for 46,000 for rent arrears. the demand made a claim that a lease from april 2011-april 2014 had incurred 46,000 arrears. she requested a hearing to dismiss the demand. she provided bank statements proovein she had paid all rent during that period. she then told the judge the arrears claimed related to an earlier lease. she had a counter claim the landlord committed an act of fraud against her in 2011 for 123,000. she also provided evidence the landlord had waived arrears in the earlier lease. I had written to the landlord reffering to the arrears without her knowledge. The judge decided therefore I had acknowledged her arrears dateing back to 2008. he would not even consider her counter claim as it was in 2011. he dismissed her application to set asside statitory demand. awarding the creditor 1100 costs. we had reported three farmers for fraud. a parliamentary investigation upheld our complaint awarding us compensation. our landlord recieved 123,000 to support our business. he then told us he had given it back. we found out a year later he had kept it. Fraud. the landlord waived our rent arrears in 2008 in an earlier lease to support his application for funding. he lied to us over its existance then claimed the arrears. any idears would help. thanks steveeasy
  20. A big bank took CCA to recover a debt and applied for summary judgement but lost on the ground that a signed agreement was not available. The question is how long the bank has to issue a full proceedings before it runs out of statutory time limit. There must be a time limit in the law for them to issue a full proceedings after which they cannot take a court action.
  21. Hi there, I have read the previous posts regarding the N244 forms and the process but i'm still unsure why my case has been declined at the court officer stage. I had received a PCN from the LB of Hackney back in September 2013 which I appealed against and was declined. I then forwarded payment via cheque on the 28/12/14 for the fee of £65. This unfortunately was not sent recorded delivery as i had intended as my son had sent it using normal royal mail postage (lesson learnt, do it myself next time!). However, on my return from my holiday in Feb 2014 I had a further notification requesting £130. Immediately I called the LB of Hackney on 10/02/14 and spoke with a parking officer who advised that they had not received no cheque/payment. Whilst on the call I had called my bank who confirmed that the cheque had not been cashed. I then asked the officer what to do in this instance as i had made payment and would like to get this matter resolved as i couldn't afford for it to escalate. I asked if i could make payment over the phone to which he replied that it would be for the new amount of £130 which i contested to. He advised that in order to pay the original amount that i had tried to pay, I would need to write in to them and provide proof by way of a cheque stub and a supporting letter explaining this situation and that this would place the case on hold. I sent in a letter and supporting evidence as advised on the 27/02/14. However, no reply was received I had admittedly soon after received further notifications within a short period but naively assumed that they would be placing their action on hold as they had advised once they had got to my letter. Long story short, unknowingly they had continued with the escalation and I had learned later down the line (in a complaint response after filing a stat declaration) that they had no intention of replying to my letter, as a charge certificate had been issued on the same day (how coincidental) and as stated by them that "at this point i could no longer make an appeal against the PCN as stated in the notice to owner.....and there was no obligation for us to respond to this correspondence" ?? Had i been advised of this at that particular stage in February i would have applied to the courts through a Stat Declaration earlier, however i only learned of this in June after several months have passed and Bailiffs had taken my vehicle, and several conversations with LB of Hackney's contact centre. It is now going to cost a whopping £958.00 for me to get my vehicle back which as a now unemployed single parent don't have. I had to leave my job as locum worker as i needed my vehicle to commute with clients and could no longer meet the jobs requirements. I had requested a further review of the decision made by the courts officer but this was declined with out an explanation. I am currently in Canada supporting my ill grandfather after his heart op and only received information of the letter advising me that it was declined on the 11/09/14 and that i had 14 days to complete the N244. Given the evidence i provided and the genuine situation regarding this matter i did not expect this outcome. I am not back in the UK until december and am now in a panic as i have until the 14/09/14 and don't know what to do please advise!!!!!!
  22. Dear Caggers, I live in Indonesia, and have done so since 2006. I had an Egg card taken out in 2000, which fell into arrears in 2008, and despite CCA 78 request the documentation received did not appear to satisfy the four corners rule. I have made no payments since late 2008,but would have to try and check when this was exactly. I have written to Egg many times to explain the account is in dispute, but as per many fellow unfortunates, it seems the account has simply been passed to Barclaycard and Marlin Capital, and finally Mortimer Clarke. On a brief holiday to the UK, I found mail piling up at my flat( rented out) including letters from Mortimer Clarke. I emailed them on 19th June to explain I do not live in the UK, and the account was in dispute. I have now received a County Court claim form dated 20th June, asking for 12k credit card arrears and nearly 5k interest. I intend to acknowledge the service initially, but my questions are: Should I mount a defence based on the fact that I do not live here, and will be unable to attend court to speak in my defence. Was Mortimer Clarke able to lodge this claim knowing this..?Unless timing was purely coincidental.. Should I apply for another CCA 78 or SAR, and to whom..EGG or MC..? What is the current feeling regarding pre 2007 CC agreements-are they unenforceable, as was thought a couple of years ago, when I was last in the UK.. Any advice kindly received, and I will buy a scanner in order to load any copy documents required..
  23. I looked round a house and applied for it, giving £105 over to the Letting Agent. About 23 hours later I decided that I didnt want to move into the house. I rang up the LA and they refused to refund my money. They say it clearly states in the Terms and Conditions they gave me that the monies are non refundable. The Terms and Conditions they gave me had to be signed and handed back at a later date. As I decided so quickly I didnt want the house I never signed the documents, and thus never handed them to the LA. I have not signed anything agreeing that the £105 is non refundable, so should they be forced to give me my money back. I told the LA that they could give me a part refund, as I'm sure they mustve made some phone calls and had an employee take the house off their website. But they still insisted, 'No'. That £105 included the refencing fees. I have never been referenced so they must be able to give me at least something back. But ideally I'd like they whole lot back. Does anyone have any pointers or ideas?
  24. Hi All, I have been reading lots of posts on this issue and have been finding it very helpful thus far, but would like some urgent advice on this worrying issue. Any help would be appreciated. I was a Director and secretary for a Company that I formed in 2006 with 2 partners. In June 2012 we took a hit for nearly 60k on an underground project we were working on, nearly £45k of this was owed to numerous companys who supplied materials etc. for the project. Anyway, numerous arrangements were made with all suppliers allowing us to continue to trade and therefore pay off the outstanding debt whilst our solicitors dealt with the outstanding debt owing to us. 12 months on with solicitors costs of nearly 10k chasing the original debt. we were forced into making a CVA. Closing the company leaving myself and what was left of my staff completely gutted along with 25k still outstanding from original project. I had never done anything like this before so was all very new to me, anyway, found a good solicitor paid the money which I had to borrow from the father in law and bobs your uncle, leave it to me, nothing more to worry about now, we will be in touch. kind of thing. A few weeks in, in December 2013 I received a telephone call at home from the Director of a main supplier telling me, basically he was going to take me to the cleaners as he had a personal guarantee signed by me. I disputed this as I had never signed any personal guarantees to any of my suppliers. He told me it was on the account application form. A few days later a letter arrived from them confirming our telephone conversation enclosing a copy of the Application for Credit Account. Please see both attached. I passed a copy of this onto the solicitor dealing with the company closure and was advised not to worry as nothing would come of it, if and when it did we can deal with it then. Anyway, 6 months to the day I receive a County Court Judgement in the sum of nearly 15k. and am absolutely mortified. My wife is giving birth in 5 days and I am on a morphine high from recent spine surgery so couldn't have come at a worst time really. Financially we have nothing. I had no wages for nearly 14 months before we closed and have been off work since, hence why I had back op that I had been putting off for 8 years. I had spoken to solicitor again and passed on all information, it now feels like I am being ignored but am rapidly running out of time. In my most recent email I have asked in what capacity he can help me and I am yet to get a reply. I have about 10 days before I need to file a defense and really don’t know where to start. I have read posts regarding boldness of headings etc. but thought someone may be able to give me some advice thats more specific to my problem. I Could go on writing forever as is such a complex situation but don’t want to give information that is irrelevant. Please feel free to ask if there is anything you would like to know. Thank you in advance, we really do appreciate it.
  25. Hi all I applied for the classic card on Sunday 6th July, got accepted, they said "make room in your wallet, your card is on the way" said 7-10 days. However, I have received no emails whatsoever, no PIN and no card as of yet. Then this morning, I got a text message saying it was from Capital One and to call the applications team. Has this happened before? I'm a bit worried about calling in case they have now declined me or in case it's not really a text from them.
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