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Everything posted by Gick

  1. Helenw123, whilst DX's post may appear acerbic, you should appreciate that so many 'newbies' piggyback on other's threads that it can get very messy. Whilst your situation may appear similar, even identical, to someone else's, defences often rely upon subtle details. As one of the regulars will often point out, private parking issues are nothing to do with parking, it is all to do with contract law. As such it is important not to confuse issues between individuals. Welcome by the way. The site is a self help forum, so you will need to read other threads to see how these things work. You will then appreciate how confusing it can be if several posters are seeking advice on the same thread, particularly when they are at different stages. I am glad that you did not refer to your parking charge notice as a fine as that raises DX's blood pressure! Could you please look at the following link, then copy into a word document, add your replies, then copy and post into your new thread so that the experts can advise you personally. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.u...-Viewing)-nbsp
  2. I had a window ticket (notice that I park without permit). As far as I understand they have 14 day to send to me NTK with amount of charge. You are confusing the requirements of the POFA with regard to Automatic Number Plate Recogniton ANPR when a Notice to Keeper (NTK) must be served within 14 days of event, with windscreen tickets Notice to Driver (NTD) which you received. In your case they must send the NTK no sooner than 29 days after the event (so as to give the driver the chance to pay the speculative charge as shown on the windscreen ticket) and no later than 56 days after the event (so that the Registered Keeper can check that the event is still fresh in the memory of the driver - who may or may not be one and the same). Only if the relevant timescale above is complied with does there become a liability (all other circumstances being equal) against the Registered Keeper under POFA 2012
  3. What name is given on your purchase invoice? What name did the 'company director ' give? What trading name is on his business card?
  4. Another good reason not to buy a 'Chelsea Tractor' Seriously, I wonder if this information is printed in their sales literature, or passed on by the salesman at point of sale? I think that I might be agrieved to find this out post purchase! Back to your OP, I would repeat my post #2 What you should do is treat the spare the same as you would a space saver on a non 4x4, reduce speeed and length of time used before having the drive tyre repaired. According to your above post, once the set of tyres has been run for even a modest time the use of a 'brand new' spare could be problematic 'and which have no wear difference['/I]s Hope you have deep pockets for replacement tyres.
  5. lookingforinfo - I have no intention of a 'tit for tat' exchange, but you have made assumptions that are erroneous. I did read all of your post. I did not respond to your para 3 concerning ' Don't you ever read Police forums?' which according to you speaks derogaratively of debtors, because a) I do not read such fora. b) you gave no link or citation for such entries. You cannot assume from my non response that I was aware of such anonymous entries, (you start to sound like ericsbrother's 'worlds most superior solicitors') You repeat some unknown poster about police assisting bailiffs because it pays their salaries, when patently that assertion is incorrect. Your opinion is that this is correct, against the opinion of any person having an understanding of the laws regarding to debt. You do not accept any other opinion on that so yes you display bigotry. We only have your word that you are not anti police, nice list of positive relations by the way, but your attitude in this thread speaks otherwise. This is my last word on this thread, so if you wish to get in the last word, 'fill yer boots' as the scrotes would say.
  6. I should have been clearer, The baliffs have the warrant, the police attend merely to prevent a breach of the peace! You seem to be generalizing about the activities of the police without giving any specifics. Your third paragraph is just plain bigotry (they appear to think that balliffs(sic) are on the same side as they are and collecting money for the Public purse - eg Police salaries Final paragraph, we do not know what questions were asked to elicit the posted answeres ( as I mentioned in my previous reply). I agree that the caller expects to receive correct advice, but to castigate all police for a possible error from an unknown officer/civilian just shows your anti-police attitude. It is even possible that the impression given to the call handler was that it was a council PCN, the op is only quoting his wife's response of January 2018 so hardly 'evidence' of what was said.
  7. Surfer, the following is a translation of the French Highway code in relation to tyres:- Legal obligations Since 1995, the Highway Code imposes the following rules: It is forbidden to ride on motor vehicles and their trailers: * tires of different structures, excluding any temporary spare tire; * different types of tires on the same axle, whether single-wheeled or dual-wheeled; * Tires with a load capacity index or a speed category symbol lower than the maximum capacities provided by the vehicle manufacturer. When the Highway Code prohibits mounting tires of different structures on the same axle, it means that the tires must be both: * same brand * same dimension * same category of use (eg road, snow, all terrain) * same structure: radial or diagonal * same speed code * same load capacity index The Highway Code also states that: * "The 1.6 mm wear indicator indicates the minimum legal gum height." * "The difference between the depth of the main grooves of two tires mounted on the same axle must not exceed 5 mm.
  8. No, they help bailiffs because they can produce a warrant of execution from the Court, COMMANDING them to carry out whatever action is stated! Wherever did you get the idea that there is a financial incentive to assist them. Doh! As far as advising over the telephone, firstly we do not know what questions were asked to elicite such a response, niether do we know if it was a police officer rather than a civilian operator. Having said that, I agree that the niceties of contract law are often lost on them as it is a lesser priority in their training.
  9. I am not sure where you get the information that the tyres on the same axle should be 'identical'. They should certainly be of the same rating and similar tread, but identical would be difficult to achieve. You have a brand new tyre of the same make etc as the drive tyres, and you drive 10,000 miles and suffer a puncture. When you fit the spare it will not be 'identical' due to the wear over the 10,000 miles. It is true that a 4 wheel drive can suffer 'wind-up' if the tyres are not sufficiently similar but this is extreme, you are just as likely so experience it if all your driving is urban where the number of rounabouts means that there is a higher proportion of right turns so that the left wheels are going further than the right wheels! What you should do is treat the spare the same as you would a space saver on a non 4x4, reduce speeed and length of time used before having the drive tyre repaired. I suppose it would depend upon how much the dealer wishes to sell you the vehicle as to whether he would agree to such an arrangement.
  10. From the above letter, I did not realize that if a CCJ is obtained, that the subject would no longer be able to LEND monies!!!
  11. DX forgot to add the link! here it is. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.u...-Viewing)-nbsp Copy into a word document and add your answers, either in bold or a contrasting colour, then copy and paste into the reply box under the thread. The reason for the answers is that it assists those experts wishing to help you to assess the situation and advise specifically to your case. It is also well worth reading other PPC threads to get a feeling for how these things work.
  12. And the response by the driver in front would be slower than the vehicle's supposed better technology, (otherwise why have it?) including steering away from the incursion, which was a selling point of ABS brakes. It was after all on a dual carriageway.
  13. No Bazza, not like if a child ran into the road. In that scenario the following driver would/should be aware of the incursion and respond far more quickly than if for no related reason the vehicle in front comes to a sudden halt!
  14. Ericsbrother is correct that the officers would be more interested in the manner of driving than purely speed. Only becoming aware of them when they were within 20 m is not driving with due care and attention (although I doubt that they were driving at 79-80 only 20 m behind him as this in itself would be dangerous driving!) In 1966 whilst on motor patrol on the M1 motorway I was responding to a report of a caravan on it's side, driving at about 120 mph when we came behind a Ford Zephyr in the outside lane, the driver of which did not respond to the blue lights and siren (first force with sirens instead of the bell on the front bumper valance). The inner lanes were clear, we had to slow and clocked him at 85 mph over the required 2/10ths mile, followed by a further half mile with all lights flashing, siren and horn in full voice before he moved his head and looked in his rear view mirror, followed by a sudden pull to the left into the middle lane. As we accelerated to pass, my observer pulled out his notebook and demonstrated writing in it, pointing to the driver at the same time. We reached the RTC and dealt with it. The driver appeared at Daventry Magistrates court, pleaded not guilty to speeding and tried to use technicalities over checking the speedometer (measured half mile using calibrated stopwatch 25.5 seconds) by questioning temperature of tyres and their relative circumferance etc. Found guilty with top end penalty due to the way he had held us up, in the words of the magistrate he was lucky not to be charged with driving without due care and attention. Happy days.
  15. My thought eveytime I read the title!
  16. I don't drive an Apple, neither am I living in Australia. Not sure of the relevance of this link!
  17. If you read Heliosuk's post properly you will see that he is differentiating between manufacturer's warranty which is governed by European legislation which PERMITS non dealership servicing to the manufacturer's criteria and does not invalidate the warranty. After the expiration of that 12 month MANDATORY warranty, any further period, even offered by the franchise, is based on an insurance policy, the underwriter of which can set its own conditions. This is seperate to the CRA rights which we all agree override ANY warranty whether Manufacturer or extended and is pursued against the selling dealer, not the manufacturer.
  18. Your client should have known better than falling for your claptrap and that they have wasted their money hiring you to write another pointless letter as all parties know that there was no offer of a contract in the first place so cannot possibly be a breach of one. Any court action will be vigorously defended and a full costs recovery order sought along with a counterclaim for the breach of the DPA for obtaining keeper details when there was no cause to do so.
  19. Very pleased for you. Now that you have been through this experience I hope that it has made you stronger in resisting the 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune' ie PPC's with less stress. I hope that you can now concentrate on the priorities, your babies and wife. I wish you all well for the future.
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