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Everything posted by Gick

  1. I regret to have to inform you that Trading Standards are no longer the consumer's friend that you might believe. They do not get involved in individual cases unless a strong public interest is apparent. They might note it and should they have several complaints against the same trader, look further to see if there is systemic breaches of the Consumer Laws. There is no longer a direct access to Trading Standards, you have to go through your local Citizen's Advice Bureau instead.
  2. I disagree Andytorch, it is far from boring. I agree that the OP has not specified which vehicle is the subject to his complaint, but Hammy has explained the two options of what has been disclosed by the OP, that it is a powershift transmission. Other countries have experienced something similar and whilst there may be subtle differences, the general situation of a shortage of specific components due to inordinate failure of the design is well known. Unfortunately Hammy is obviously too knowledgeable for some people so perhaps they might be bored, but for many who may look at this thread it is revealing and may help them when choosing a replacement vehicle. Of course the 'tinkerers' will always know best.
  3. That would certainly cause a problem as the Cortina did not come out until 1962!
  4. DF Throw in arthritis and I know the problem! Thanks for post, was beginning to think that dementia was catching up with me.
  5. HB I looked in the PPC forum and read the the posts from Sherif, you, Sgt Bush and Dragonfly, hence my query of DF. For some reason he seems to think that he moved it from PPC to Local authority whereas it appeared to be the reverse.. You gave a possible explanation to which I replied with a smile. (After all you are worth it) The thread is still on the PPC forum but if you scroll down it at some stage slips over into Local Authority, so I guess it is a quirk of the forum!! I think I will go back to sleep.
  6. Dragonfly, just wondering why you have moved a local authority Penalty Charge Notice for bus lane violation to the Private Parking forum?
  7. I concur with the BazzaS post above. Also, with the majority of traffic lights, you can see the reflection under the cowling of the lights pointing across the junction at the conflicting traffic stream. In particular the amber change alerts the spatially aware (as the police officer would be) that a change is about to take place and forward gear can be engaged in preparation for moving on when permitted by the lights.
  8. Without wishing to appear pedantic, the line BB rules are different from borough to borough. would be better ' BB rules differ from borough to borough.' Otherwise, as MB says, 'perfick'
  9. DX, not sure why you are suggesting that the OP write giving their NEW address! The so called contravention was 2014, the OP has said that they moved 5 years ago ie 2013 and DVLA records have been kept up to date. In addition, the chancers have written to them at their current address. Toothless debt collector using big words like 'intended legal collection' to scare the recipient. IGNORE all correspondence from them other than actual letter before claim or court papers (which is most unlikely to happen) but keep letters safe. Do NOT contact them by email otherwise you will be giving them a free means of harrassing you. Sleep well.
  10. I think that may be your friend was referring to a Parking event where the vehicle did not move. Depending upon any timeplate only one windscreen PCN can be applied in a 24 hour period. Yours is a totally different scenario. Before giving up hope, Street view or photographs of the location and signs, posted here, would allow those who are experts in these matters to see if there are grounds for appeal. At the very least on the first one you could ask for mitigation as you were providing an emergency service to your friend. The council do not have to allow it, but a well worded appeal could bear dividends..
  11. In order for caggers to give you advice, could you please give the prcise location (with google reference if you have it) so that we can look on Street view. Also the time of offence so that one can compare with the restriction sign published. In general on arterial clearways, it will commence on exiting any built up area speed limit.
  12. The OP has not given details of why the current insurer will not cover the proposed vehicle. I am merely pointing out that if the transfer is being 'declined', this fact must be material to the question 'have you had insurance declined or additional premium required' on any quote. I am not at all confused by the situation. Until the OP clarifies the stance of the insurance Company, my warning remains.
  13. To add to the above, the OP has not confirmed why his current company will not insure him for the desired vehicle. It might not be the vehicle itself as he says ' (still high but given my circumstances I knew it would be about that). could indicate something in his history.
  14. Unfortunately you have an additional problem. Any quotation questionnaire will include something in the order of 'have you ever been refused insurance or required to pay an enhanced premium?' Was the fact that your current policy provider has declined to cover the proposed vehicle declared on the comparison site? The insurance industry is an example of companies sharing information and if you fail to declare it WILL come back to bite you! You obviously do not wish to provide personal details on an open forum, but there must be either something special about the proposed vehicle, or in your history to cause an insurer to take this stance.
  15. Correct me if I am wrong - we are a little light on details - but from the £200 penalty, were you caught using a mobile phone? If this was a fixed penalty notice issued by the police, the paperwork would inform you that the notice was a means of avoiding prosecution and the various conditions that applied (Conditional offer). These include the time scale for submitting your licence to DVLA for the attachment of the points. If this is not complied with, the FPN is withdrawn and any payment is returned. It is now in the hands of the court. Even if you had noticed the return of the money it would have been too late to halt the process. Reminders are not issued, the driver has to take responsibility for their actions. Whilst personal problems can be cited in mitigation for not complying with the requirements of the FPN, the best that you can hope for is a fine on the lower end of the scale. Do not put forward the lack of knowledge that the penalty had been returned due to the business transactions, your personal finances should be seperate from trading finances. It could appear that you were paying a penalty with company money which is a no-no. (HMRC are never happy with a blurring of finances, particularly by the self-employed for instance) You might want to go to https://www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence and check your current licence status . A revocation becomes a possibility if a court has ordered the endorsement and the licence was not submitted.
  16. king12345, as far as driving to the MOT station is concerned, it remains (will remain) as has always been. The concession is simply the being driven on the road without a valid mot being in force. It has always been that the vehicle must be roadworthy under the Contruction and Use Regs, with or without mot. The new classification is simply a re-defining of faults to clarify how they should be dealt with. Years ago a red failore certificate was issued with a section banning the vehicle from being driven away. The MOT station could not physically stop the owner from doing so, but a subsequent prosecution for an unroadworthy vehicle would attract a higher penalty as the owner could not claim ignorance of the faults. Obviously you will be preparing the vehicle to PASS the test, not use the tester to do your job of finding out what work it needs to pass, won't you?
  17. No. Provded that the vehicle remains on private property, other than travelling directly to or from a pre-booked MOT test, or to a place of repair for any failure items, no offence is committed. You will, however, not be able to re-tax the vehicle if the current tax runs out before being tested (not that this would be a problem provided that you then SORNed it) If you are concerned having seen that DVLA send penalty notices under the continuous insurance regulation, even for vehicles off the road, this has no bearing on MOT.
  18. lookinforinfo, not sure where PATAS come into this!
  19. I have just re-read your post and see that the summons is for Tuesday, so you will need to attend and ask to speak to the clerk to the justices to explain and ask if an adjournment would be possible. As it will not give much time for getting a letter from the hospital consultant, you need to hope that your GP is not feeling Monday morningish and will supply a letter based on your records. It is a pity that you did not come to the forum when you first received the summons.
  20. It does depend on whether you are going to plead guilty or not guilty. If the former, you can normally do this by letter. A grovelling letter including the reason for your not appearing in person (include the proof as in third paragraph) would get it over and done with. If the situation is that by 'totting up' you could lose your licence, or you intend pleading the latter, you should contact the clerk to the court which issued the summons and explain the situation. They will require a letter from your GP or hospital consultant confirming what you claim and a timescale by which your condition can be mitigated by either surgery or medication. Having received the summons, the limitations on being dealt with as laid down by the relevant Act will not apply, so delaying the case will not cause it to go away.
  21. However, the OP said, ' apparently the max stay time is 90 minutes. Which is utterly ridiculous.. what if someone wants to sit in costa to revise, or work on something? These private parking companies do not have people's interests in mind and institute these ridiculous rules, and the business owners are utter clowns for allowing them to do so. I think this is what Tony P was replying to. (My accent) Whilst not siding with the PPC, I wonder what part of Costa's business plan allows for students doing their revision?
  22. So what you are concerned about is if the council can go back to enforce PCN's from 6 years ago if you reappear on their Radar due to your making an unrelated claim against them, not that they are in the process of attempting to do so? It is very difficult to give opinions if posters do not make clear the situation!
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