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Everything posted by citizenB

  1. Why is recycling such a confusing issue ? For the full story: http://cag.tw/26n7 I am horrified at the reports regarding plastic specifically and the damage it is doing to wild life and the environment. Why can we not be given clear guidelines rather than being threatened with not having our bins emptied or fines. Whilst common sense should make one see that you dont put contaminated paper/plastic in for recycling, it is still very confusing as to what we can and cant put in our recycling bins.
  2. Life is indeed somewhat scary today. No matter what you do or say it is likely you will offend someone, somewhere. It makes you want to stay in bed an not communicate !
  3. Have you spoken to a Debt Counselling Charity or perhaps even Citizens Advice ? Are you up to date with your mortgage ?
  4. Woman leaves abusive note on Ambulance. "A woman has been arrested on suspicion of public order offences after an angry message was left for paramedics attending a 999 call in Stoke-on-Trent yesterday afternoon (18th February)." http://www.itv.com/news/central/2018-02-19/woman-arrested-after-abusive-note-left-on-ambulance/
  5. 20 years ago when I first registered with the surgery I attend, I am sure there weren't half the problems that they now have. The surgery was staffed with 4 Partners - and a couple of locums. There were 4 Nurses + a Diabetic Nurse and I am not sure how many administrative staff + 2 Practice Managers. I dont recall ever having a problem seeing the Doctor of my choice and within a reasonable period of time and the GP would give as much time as was necessary. Over the time since, our small village has grown considerably with new properties being built on every square inch. Most of the farmers have ceased employing local people and started to employ migrant workers - these apparently are required by law to register with a local GP even if they dont live in the village which most of them dont as they are usually bussed in. Since several of the neighbouring villages have lost their Surgeries for one reason or another - the surgery in my village has taken up the slack there. The Surgery staff are now... 1 x Senior Partner 1 x Partner 3 x Salaried GPs 2 x GP Registrar (what are these) ? 4 x Managers - Practice, Deputy Practice, Finance and Dispensary 3 x Practice Nurses 2 x Health care Assistant 15 x Dispensers - 2 of them being a Receptionist/Phlebotomist 6 x receptionists 2 x Secretaries 3 x Data quality/Administrators 1 x Administrators 1 x Driver 1 x Housekeeping A couple of years ago, I believe along with the local hospital being put in Special Measures (whatever they are), the surgery had to suspend some of their services until they were improved! The average pay for GPs working in the Practice in the last financial year was £53,329 before tax and national insurance. I am assuming that this doesn't apply to the Partners.
  6. Many thanks for your response - apologies for the delay in replying. I did notice a memo on the surgery notice board regarding a lot of OTC medications and what will no longer be available or not to request them on prescription. I guess if it can be purchased from a chemist/supermarket then it shouldn't be prescribed. Although I do worry that some people will go that route and perhaps not then ask for advice from the pharmacist or GP when it might be necessary that they do.
  7. I am a little puzzled - a month or so prior to Christmas and up until about now, Furniture companies have had 'end of stock' sales, 'Black Friday' and 'Black Friday week' Sales. Prior To Christmas they had 'mid season' sales, 'Bank Holiday' sales ... and now they are having "new stock introductory" sales ! When exactly does anyone actually pay the recommended retail price for these items ??
  8. A simple remedy to this would surely be to make GP appointment bookings in 15 minute slots rather than 10 - that way if someone is seen quicker then there will be time left over which can either be swallowed up by the odd over-run or leave time for walk ins toward the end of the day or even during !!
  9. I am in a similar situation to you and over the holiday I too recognised that it would be kinder to leave less clutter for those who might have to sort my life's hoardings out in due course. Trips to Charity stores, the Tip and a few hours on EBay are on the "To Do" list for the start of 2018
  10. I cant resist, fabric, buttons and beads - broken jewellery (for recycling). When I had more time, I did use to make and sell - now, I just seem to collect!
  11. I see no harm in trying to reclaim the admin fees - they seem extremely high ?
  12. You say they are perfectly able to be resold - however, would you purchase them if someone else had actually done this ?
  13. There is just 63p in the PP account. I will leave things as they are, but thank you anyway.
  14. Ruddy hell ! I didn't have to provide anywhere near this information to close down bank accounts/premium bonds etc.. just a copy of the Death Certificate !! As there is no money in the PP account and no outstanding invoices or products on Ebay.. I will just leave them open and return emails when they are sent. Thank you Mr P
  15. Does she own the home that she wants to return to?
  16. Apparently a petition has been signed by 400,000 + I think I agree with the Black Cabbies - they have to go through no end of tests to get their licences, why is this other firm allowed to just put a car on the road and call itself a cab !
  17. I am struggling to close PayPal and EBay accounts of my late Husband. Using the contact us forms doesn't appear to produce any contact from either of them. Has anyone had experience of closing these accounts - thank you.
  18. Just updating this page - Apparently EVERY November, participating Solicitors offer this service. https://www.willaid.org.uk/will-makers
  19. The round pound £1.00 ceases to be legal tender from October 15, 2017. The New £10.00 note featuring Jane Austen will be released from Thursday, 14 September 2017. The Current/old paper notes will cease to be legal tender some time in the spring of 2018. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/sep/12/plastic-10-pound-note-jane-austen-enter-circulation-thursday
  20. You do need to get a move on if you are going to be escalating your claim to the FOS. Aside from which, the FCA have advised there is now a deadline for PPI claims - August 2019. Although as I understand it, "We fight any claim" are or have taken the FCA to court according to an article I found online dated March 2017.
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