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  1. Hi, I wanted to get some opinions/advice regarding an issue I have and wanted to know what the general feeling, or even better someone who has experienced this problem and what the outcome was.... I purchased an Audi A3 1.8TFSI and the car has the same oil consumption issue as the 2.0 TFSI (mainly Audi A5's but A3 and other models also). I went for the 1.8TFSI as I didn't think it had the same oil consumption issue but it appears it does, just less well known. My local Audi dealer is doing all of the tests and in a couple of weeks they will have all of the details to put forward to Audi UK for a solution and a cost and what they expect me to contribute towards it if I have the work done. Audi say that the more main dealer services you have had, the more favourable this will be looked at and and if you were to have the next service with them, this would help also. Through speaking with my contact, he seems to think that the dealer that sold me the car (non Audi) could be liable for the cost of any repairs as he sold the car to me and the car clearly has a fault. I countered this by saying the dealer is likely to say it's a known Audi issue therefore the issue is with Audi and they are liable. Who is liable?? The dealer who sold the car or Audi? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi all I had a mortgage with Amber Homeloans for approx. 8 years until 2017 and due to my own poor financial mismanagement, I incurred many fees for arrears, etc. Whilst I accept fault, given the time that has passed, is it still viable to pursue Amber for any excessive fees charged which were greater than the administrative cost to them? I am about to request statements from them in order that I can collate a list of charges, but perhaps it's not worth my while? Thanks.
  3. Took out a secured £12k loan in October 2007 over a 10 year period. Please note I didn't want to take out the loan but had no choice if I wanted a quiet life as at the time I was in a controlled marriage ..mostly mental with some physical abuse resulting depression, anxiety and panic attacks . The 10 year loan gives 120 months worth of payments out of these 120 months I made 107 payments on time and 13 missed payments these were down to my so called husband taking the money out of my wages in the bank to pay loan and saying would put back to pay but never did ... with my depression and my husband controlling my money I worked but had to ask him if I needed money all debts he ran up were in my name and l developed a serious problem with opening letters as they were always for his debt and I didn't have the money to pay them as all my wages had to stay in bank... I have unopened letters hidden around my home going back at least 15 years ... Getting back to the lovely swift advances due to not opening letters I found out that swift had taken me to court for the missed payments and because I had no idea they had been given the repossession order . . My daughter for whatever reason as she never ever had before opened a letter last Tuesday 3rd April from a company called R & K and it said they would be coming to our home on the 11th April which was yesterday to remove us and change locks ... I immediately contacted this company and they told me I needed to contact swift as they were only ones who could tell them not to come out on the 11th ... on contacting swift they said my loan had came to it's 10 year end on October last year but I had the 13 missed payments as arrears which when I add them up come to £2,600, when swift add them up it comes to £18k and they wanted that as a one off payment to stop taking my home ... in the past few days I asked them to consider me paying £300 A month to clear the ridiculous amount and I also asked if they would reduce the amount to a more reasonable amount and I would see if I could get the funds from family and friends and make a one off payment they said they would have to ask management/directors the following morning and get back to me later that day which was Monday this week ... I spoke to them after work on Monday and they advised I had been turned down on both of my requests and only option was paying the full £18k .. .they also informed me that they had postponed the date to take the house from 11th April to the 14th May to give me time to try and sort out the payment ... I also found out that they had actually turned up at my house in February to take house but my dog was in house barking so they cancelled it and charged me over a £100 for that ... my daughter was home that day she also has mental health problems worse than mine having had a mental breakdown at age 13 due to her father's behaviour ... the day they came out bearing in mind I didn't know anything about this happening due to unopened letters my daughter rang me frantic at work saying a van was outside house and men in garden outside our home... I asked her for name on van and googled it but it didn't give me any idea what it was about ... I am now taking on the fight of my life to save our home as my daughter sees this as her safe place since her breakdown and she is now starting to show signs of shutting down again and I can't let that happen to her... any advice woukd be most appreciated .. . Thank you in advance
  4. On applying my GP informed for all records it would be £50.00. I explained I didn’t need access to all, the problem I was trying to resolve occurred sometime between 2010-15. I was given a date for viewing, when I arrived there the GP had printed off letters in advance - 38 in total. 20 of these I already had – 2 were irrelevant and 2 was just my registration details. I said I would need to take them home and read them, she tried to convince me to stay and read them there – I stayed approx 30-45 mins. I did not view records online. A few days later I received an invoice for £50.00. I emailed the surgery asking for a breakdown of costs – This is what I was emailed back Preparing Notes 10.00 Photocopying of Notes 10.00 Doctor's time £30.00. The practice website reads - You have a right of access to your health records. A small fee may be charged to cover reproduction costs. I do not consider 50.00 a small fee In the meantime I have accessed other records relating to a hospital admission in 2015 – I went to view the records at the hospital and took away approx 50 photocopies – no charge I have emailed my surgery back and stated my case and am awaiting a reply. Can anyone share costs they have been charged – Thanks.
  5. Hi I'm pulling my hair out with an ongoing council tax issue or issue's' rather ! I recently received 8 letters from my local council about old council tax bills dating as far back as 2008! The bills are for a number of different properties (I've moved around a lot) A couple of them are final small bills that I've missed after moving out, another is for a shared property where I paid my share and unfortunately someone else didn't and another is for two months after I moved out of a property. In 2012, my car was seized unfairly (I used it for self employment at the time and the bailiff used very dodgy means to remove it) to cover a £217 bill, the car was worth £3k and sold for £700, only £200 of that went to the council. On the day he took it, I rang the council while he was there to offer payment of the £217 and they refused to accept it. After receiving the letters recently, i have raised an issue (not an official complaint yet) to say that I do not owe them said council tax, number 1 because they took a £3k car and got nothing for it even though I offered payment and the bailiffs took so much for illegal fees at the time and also because the other property was shared and they can chase the other person on the bill. I can also provide evidence of moving out of the other property. I have been going back and forth with the council for a couple of weeks now who are refusing to listen to me and keep repeating that I am liable for all properties and accounts. The total outstanding is nearly £2000. They refuse to acknowledge that they did anything wrong in taking my car and actually said if I had offered to pay the bailiff or the council they would've much rather have accepted it, which is rubbish! When I received the letters, I contacted them immediately and asked that any further bailiff action was placed on hold while they investigated my points but the council ignored me and I have received numerous letters from THREE different bailiff agencies adding on further fees so the outstanding now totals £3,200!!! Its insane. My time to make an arrangement was up with one agency so I have had to agree to make payments of £400 a month to clear the £1,400 that they hold otherwise they would've visited my property. Another agency have given me 7 days. How is this OK? They have already taken a car which they should not have done ( I complained at the time and obviously my complaint was not upheld!) There are other people named on two of the bills yet they aren't being pursued. I have provided evidence of not living in one property in the time they claim but they have ignored it. I read something about a liability order only lasting 12 months? Is there anything I can do? I would even be willing to just take the council tax arrears on the chin and pay the council, but I cannot afford to pay £1,200 on top of that in bailiff fees! help!
  6. Just a brief outline regarding my experience dealing with Swift Advances regarding a excessive charges complaint of which involved Fos. 2005 I took out a regulated loan for £10000 to be paid over 5 years.. Regular monthly payments were made inline with the agreed amount, sometimes a day or so late. This triggers charges on the account of which also incur the same interest rate as the loan. as you can see the charges are relentless. Late 2008 i was in severe financial difficulty as i was elf employed my business was struggling. Realising the depth of debt especially with Swift following a redemption figure request i conceded that there was noway i was going to be able to repay this debt with the spiralling charges being added to the account. 2009 i lost my family home to Swift as i foolishly at the time gave up and did not fight my case in court and just assumed that no matter what i did they would take it anyway. 2012 Following media report about ppi scandal i started to look into the Swift charges and noticed i had ppi added, as i was self employed the ppi was invalid and i successfully reclaimed ppi from FSCS as the original broker had gone bust. Then i started looking more closer to the charges added to my account following a SAR request to Swift. Firstly i filed a complaint regarding excessive charges added to the account with Swift of which they dismissed with a Final response so i took my complaint to FOS. After a lengthy battle it was deemed that Swift acted appropriately in managing the account "I have not seen evidence to show that swift was not transparent about the charges or that you have been treated unfairly" is whats stated from FOS in their summing up letter. However as Swift had changed the amount they charge for some of the admin costs they agreed to refund the difference so i received a cheque for approx £900 in 2013. So it seems that despite all the complaining we do not even FOS agree that how Swift conduct their business is unlawful or done in a manner where the consumer is set to fail from the outset. For anyone wishing to know what the letter codes mean then here is an attached document. Im not sure the pdf file loaded properly in previous post. merged.pdf
  7. I need to ask a question about my water bill. I am on a meter with Portsmouth Water. I had my bill in this morning. I don't mind the fact that its gone up by £1 month but I am concerned about all the different standing charges they add onto your bill. They charge a wholsale standing charge at £5.14 then they add another retail standing charge at £9.24. My water usage was charged at £34.10 for the 6 month period, which I think is cheap. It seems to be its these standing charges which causes the bill to go high. Anything I can do or is it standard?
  8. Hi 1st go on here help needed please. Back in the summer we parked on a car park in Cornwall in an over flow part as the tarmac area was full. The overflow was also full so we parked on the grass edge. We paid the appropriate fee upon our return had a £130 parking charge notice for parking on the grass. We caused no blockage etc. When we returned all cars on the grass received a notice except my mothers whose car has French plates as she lives in France. I immediately responded to the company and queried 1) why only British plates received the notice 2) what justification there was for this charge as I was not causing a blockage etc and 3) my vehicle had been scratched and I suspected it was their agent who had done this when affixing the sticker to my screen. I also pointed out that the shale area I parked in didn't have designated parking areas and whilst there were signs saying not to park on the grass what damage was I doing. I have ignored letters as I had been told to but now I'm being threatened with court action. Pleeeeeeaaaasssseee help
  9. Hi, I have kept an eye on this forum for a while and, like so many others that have got mixed up with this bunch of lowlifes, I have been trying to stop them getting possession of our home. I haven't posted about this before because this situation is so embarrassing and, also, because I didn't know if Swift spy on these forums. Long story short, Swift have an Eviction Warrant but we managed to get it postponed for a couple of weeks before which, hopefully, we will be able to pay the arrears off. I've read up a lot on here over the past few weeks and followed other peoples threads and I am really hoping for some advice about excessive charges? I have used the Spreadsheets on here and believe Swift have added about £20,000 of charges (without the Interest) over the time we've had the loan and, also, the loan had £3000 of PPI added which I now believe we can claim back as we were led to believe we had to take it and it was not suitable for us. I think i've done the charges spreadsheet correctly but i'm not sure how I do the spreadsheet for the PPI. I think the PPI was supposed to be paid for the first 36 months and then the monthly payments went down. So, can someone tell me how I complete the spreadsheet for this please? This situation is so stressful and we don't know what to do anymore. My husband is so depressed over this and has practically given up but I don't intend to let these ******** take our home without fighting them all the way because they've done nothing the Courts have ordered them to do over the various hearings and, basically, just lie about everything. I would be so grateful if someone could help with with the PPI part of the charges and, possibly, just check over the Spreadsheets I've done for the other charges? I believe, if the excessive charges and PPI were refunded, then our arrears would be nowhere near what Swift say. I'm praying that, if I can work out how to do the spreadsheets, we may have a chance to get the Judge to grant us a hearing. Thank you in advance for any assistance you might be able to give us. x
  10. Dear all, I had some NHS dental treatment whilst believing I was in receipt of JSA. However the DWP had stopped my claim without informing me. Consequently I have been hit with paying £43 for the treatment and a £100 penalty charge. I am no longer on any benefits and have no income whatsoever. My question is: What if I just don't pay the £143? Are they likely to take me to court for that amount? What would be the likely outcome of my refusal? Thanks in advance.
  11. Hi Everyone, I 'am looking for some advice if anyone can help i have been in mortgage arrears for a considerable time and on a number of occasions which have resulted in HBOS seeking possession through the courts. In the latest court case the HALIFAX were successful in gaining an eviction. However with the Bailiffs arriving in the house my sister paid a substantial payment in agreement with the HALIFAX to avoid an eviction. I have recently received a letter from the Halifax stating that the solicitors Charges will be £2340.00 which has been debited to my mortgage account already( no breakdown at all) I Feel this is an excessive fee for a 10 minute court hearing and associated administrative paperwork. It cost me £40.00 to request a hearing so the fee of £2340.00 in solicitors charges seems excessive . Has any one else had experience of solicitors charges? and any advice on how to find out what other charges Halifax have made on my account as i do not have any statements from the last few years. Now far back can i request information on charges the Halifax have made on my mortgage account. thanks
  12. I left the UK permanently in June of this year. I used my debit card abroad and inadvertently went overdrawn on my account by £6.52 (including interest). I did'nt have an authorized overdraft. When I recently logged in to view my account online I realized that Nat West had added charges nearing £276, since August, because of my 'unauthorized overdraft'. I was shocked. I no longer use the account. Have not used it since August. I won't be returning to the Uk. Unfortunately I never informed Nat West to close my account when I left the UK. None of my post was re-directed and consequently I was not aware of the overdraft situation, charges et cetera. I wrote to Nat West explaining the situation and offering to pay 20% of the charges. I transferred the overdrawn amount to the account(£6.52). Nat West sent sent me a nasty reply (I gave them my address abroad) stating they will pursue me for the full amount. Telling me I am in breach of the t & c's. They also enclosed info. for me to contact the Ombudsman (I guess they have to do that) but stated that they 'hoped I would not'. Last week I wrote to the branch where I initially opened the account to instruct them to immediately close the account and informing them I had transferred the original overdrawn amount (£6.52) to the account. Help! What can I do now?
  13. We received our renewal notice for our house and contents insurance and of course it has gone up in price. Looking through the schedule we noticed that the house is insured for £400k. As the value of the house is about half that we thought we could save money by reducing it to a more reasonable level of say £250k. We phoned the the insurance company R.S.A. who run the scheme for the West Brom. only to be told that £400k was the min. sum insured that they would cover. It seems to us that this is a bit of a [problem] to obtain more premium/commission. Does anybody have any thoughts or observations on this matter ?
  14. Hello All, A few years ago (around about 2010) I had some financial problems and had a few debts with some payday lenders that spiralled out of control, naturally, I took control and "lost" my debit card, making any CPA redundant. Being a law abiding citizen like I am though I have taken responsibility and paid everything back, apart from a debt with the aformentioned Cash Genie/Ariste holdings. This is a belter of a dispute. I took out a loan of £110 with an interest fee of £33. I received about £95 I think it was due to being a bit silly and paying £15 for same day payment. Repayable amount of £143. Can you see where this is going yet? Naturally with this being the final one to deal with, I approached Cash Genie earlier this year, only to receive an e-mail from MMF with regards to this debt saying that I owe a balance of...... £1604 - with late Direct Debit fee's of £51 (I can actually stomach that fee, it's not unreasonable) and refinance fee's of £1410 (I do not agree with this nor have any intention of paying). I did receive a further offer to be able to pay £296 to settle the balance, but seeing as this still just over £100 of what I would say is reasonable I'm standing by my principles and not succumbing to it. I merely think that the £1604 figure is to scare me into paying the £296, over the odds as to what the loan should be. It's worth noting that the default notice was lodged in 2010 for £143. I've tried contacting the original lender to no avail. I've got a copy of the credit agreement after 4 months of requesting it, and I suppose it's the standard Cash Genie one, the terms on late fee's are incredibly vague. If anyone can assist me with where to go from here, I'm all ears and would appreciate it. Ta.
  15. in no way am I trying to justify knowing or unknowing late payment of tax disc but since this is what has happened to myself and my husband I am completely shocked to find out that despite it being a genuine mistake, despite us resolving the unpaid fee/new tax disc and wheel clamping fine within days my husband has been sent a court summons more than a year later!!! when I called the DVLA to ask them about it, they had minimal advice to offer on the subject and when I asked to speak to someone in the relevant department I was told that "there is no one you can speak to"??? I really am shocked at this and the lack of external monitoring of the DVLA. How can this be legal? It is such a minor offence in the grand scheme of things, to issue a court summons seems to me not only excessive but a complete waste of time and taxpayers money. I understand that the DVLA issue a court summons to means test the fine amount, fair enough, I don't think its a bad thing to means test such fines but through a court? This is what I can't get over? Being made to feel like petty criminals over a genuine mistake. And I know we are by no means the only people genuine forgetting to update their car tax... However, opinions of this broken system aside, I do need some advice regarding this. Given that it was a difficult time (recent house move, 3yr old twin boys, doing a course OH with full time job, no family near by for support) should we plead "guilty" or "not guilty"? I don't feel guilty about this, mistakes happen, we resolved it with 3 days (over a wk end). having never been in this situation I have absolutely no idea how to proceed and we can't afford to pay for legal advice.... Many many thankyous for any and all advice on this situation...
  16. Hi each and all, Just looking for a little direction on this on if you wish to add your opinions On the 15 February 2014 I took out car insurance on my vehicle and paid in full The total cost was £530.00, I have just changed my car so telephoned them to say can I transfer the policy on to my new car, the agreed but after checking they said the underwriters wont insure my new car ( Peugeot 307 HDI 2003 ) from my old car ( BMW 330 Convertible 2004 ) and the quote for the Peugeot would be £1200, which is ridiculous they said if i take thi £1200 policy out with them I would be refunded £379 or thereabouts, if I canceled the policy I would be refunded a total of £289, they claim a £50.00 cancelation fee plus a further 15%, so for 12 weeks use It has cost me £241 pound Does this seem right? it seems a little excessive to me, I questioned them why £50.00 plus 15% they said it is in there T&Cs, is this fair or are they trying to ***** me
  17. I have been getting 6-10 calls a day from an Indian call centre trying to get me into a PPI reclaim for a loan I know I have never had. I did the usual checks to ensure that a loan had not been made in my name and could find nothing. When you get passed through its always through to the same company "MEDIA TACTICS". I have asked them to stop calling by both phone and email. I have sent a section 11 notice to cease using my details for direct marketing. I have made complaints to TPS,ICO and MOF Claims regulation unit but still the calls continue. Any ideas on how to get them to stop
  18. Hi, I'm new to this forum and would like some advice please.... My step father died suddenly a few months ago and I have been trying to help my mother deal with the debts he has left behind. He had a loan, which he struggled to pay when he could no longer work due to having both legs amputated. From what I've discovered the original loan was for £10,000, was sold off to GE Money Home Finance Ltd and has now grown to £35,875. The loan was secured against their home and GE money have now said that my mother has 7 days to pay off arrears of £25,477 before they take her to court for repossession. I have put her house on the market in order to pay the debt but obviously won't be able to sell it within 7 days. After reading some of the posts on here I am thinking that perhaps my mother does not have to pay all of this money off. How do we calculate what is "normal" interest and punitive payments and what is excessive? To me £25,477 sounds very excessive. My step dad was paying £300 a month to GE from his disability payments, which of course have now stopped since he has died. My mother can't afford to keep up the payments and GE won't take anything less than £300 a month. The original company took my step dad to court in 2008 for the sum of £10,057, which he couldn't pay. Could someone advise me on the next step please? P.S. I would also like to ask if it is possible to sell my mother's house even though GE Money have registered a restriction charge with the land registry against the property. Thank you.
  19. I made a call from my virgin mobile to Traveline 08712002233 to find out if a certain bus route was operating as normal tomorrow, as the young person I look after was panicking about getting to her boyfriend's for Christmas. I was on the phone for 2 minutes 45 seconds. A bit later I had a text from virgin saying I had nearly reached my credit limit. I was confused as my bill is only normally about £25. I went online to check my bill and I have been charged £67.94 for this one under 3 minute call! Does anyone know if this is correct? And is there anything I can do about it I'm a full time foster carer and can't afford to pay this. Any advice would be appreciated.
  20. Hello everyone, I hope you can give me some advise. I am embarking on a journey to reclaim excessive fees etc. etc. from my various debts. Before discovering this fantastic website I received a CCJ from RBS Lombard for a personal loan I got into trouble with, this was managed through Arden CM. I have paid in full and the CCJ is now showing on trust as "satisfied". I also had success on this loan with my PPI reclaim for about £6500. I thought I would use this loan account as my test subject because there are very few charges on it, I have full statements. I put a claim using an online template directly to RBS and received two letters from Arden CM in response. The first an acknowledgement of my complaint, the second, I have attached, being their final response. I realise it is a small amount I am claiming but it would be better in my bank account. My questions are:- Are Arden telling me the truth in their response? If not is it worth complaining through the FOS? Many thanks in advance. AS
  21. Six months after a ban on excessive card payment charges came into force, Which? has discovered that although some companies have lowered their fees, others are still hitting consumers hard. Following our successful campaign to get the government to ban 'rip-off' card payment surcharges, we have been monitoring how well the new rules are working. We asked consumers to tell us if they felt they had been hit with an unfair surcharge since the ban took effect in April this year. Excessive travel surcharges More than 700 people have been in touch through our website and we’ve found that some companies are still charging excessive fees, with the worst offenders in the travel and holiday sector. Of these, we’ve identified several that we believe could be breaking the new rules. The worst offender was eDreams - we found examples of surcharges of more than 18% for customers paying by credit and even debit cards. We also found EasyBus, Germanwings, Jet2, Monarch and Vueling still charging over the odds with fees ranging from 2.5% to 3.5%. The ban makes it illegal for companies to charge more than what it costs them to process the payment. Which? believes that this should be no more than 2% for credit cards and a matter of pence for debit cards. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2013/10/which-reveals-rip-off-surcharge-saints-and-sinners-336034/#?intcmp=HP.hero.large.1.wcunews.creditcardsurcharges.oct6
  22. I wish I used this site before letting my solicitor think I had a case..... hes a break down on what has happen to me.... In 2003 I had just finished university and started a job, and my parents divorced and i was on my fathers side when all that was sorted he decided he wanted to live abroad so he went off to cyprus put tried to sell the house to me to raise aa much extra money has he could as he already had his mums will and auntie money, he got and extra £20000 on the house, but the problem was the financial advisor at the couldnt get me a sole mortgage as i didnt have enough wage slips so the solution was to put in my name and his name .... BIG MISTAKE and all over the years he always assured me the house was mine even told the whole family and friends etc and i believed him. Then 10 years later he comes back into the UK lived at mine for 7 months, in those 7 months found out he had blown all his money in cyprus and has come back in financial trouble... so in the 7 months he had got himself on benefits and manged to get a council bungalow, I helped him move etc being a great son, then 2 weeks later I got a letter from his solicitor forcing the sale of the House was SO Shocked couldnt believe my eyes, I tried to be reasonable offered him £20000 which is all i could raise by remortgaging So I went to citizen advise for legal info and they gave me a list of solicitors and I chose one that said I had a case as hes not paid a penny for 10 years toward mortgage and home improvements which totaled £70,000, in the previous years i had lodgers etc to help me with mortgage, anyway it went from solicitor to solicitor statement after statement i was paying for my solicitor and my dad was on legal aid, we went to a directional hearing and finally settled before it went to court (civil court) there was £100000 positive equity and we settled on £47000 with my fathers legal fees to be negotiated as it turns out his legal bill is a whooping £20000, I was gob smacked as mine was only £3600 how on earth that possible ???? I had to re mortgage to a buy to let to raise this £47000 by the way, really wanted to keep the house as i had done alot of work to make it my ideal home. my solicitor who I can no longer afford as im a gardener and my summers savings that get me through the winter is all gone, has asked my fathers solicitor for a breakdown of costs and im inform they have employed a 3rd party to check the figure for a percentage fee which ive yet to recieve, want to get myself prepared as im a newbie and any help will be greatful many thanks in advance JP
  23. Hi there We are in a DMP with Payplan and are really trying our best to get on top of things. However, I have just checked our Lloyds bank statement to see what the balance now is and see that they are charging an Overdraft fee and Overdraft interest which is over and above what we are paying through the DMP. The balance is therefore more than it was when we started. I suppose they have a right to make these charges but is it worth my while writing to Lloyds and asking them to stop. If so, does anyone have any ideas of what to say. Many thanks
  24. My son's car had a parking fine in Newark, however his brother was driving at the time, and there followed a dispute between them and eventually it went to Northampton court and an Equita bailif arrived one morning threatening to tow his car away unless the fee was paid. It was their own fault, but my son relies on his car to get to work - 15 miles away,night shifts with no bus service. I ended up paying on credit card, but the fee was excessive. The total amount owing was £112.04 The total the bailiff demanded was £421.84 = £309.80 in bailiff fees - with no breakdown provided. The back of the Equita form is a breakdown of fees chargeable - typical gobledegook, but what I can extract is that the £309.80 is way OTT Help?
  25. Hi my friend regularly sends over 6k sms from his mobile phone. Today he has received a letter from the head of consumer marketing that they will close his account due to excessive usage which goes against the terms and condition? he has not received any prior warnings regarding this matter and regularly sends sms within that region. He has no issues with any payment, he is baffled that the letter has turned up out of the blues. Can the operator do that without any warning? what rights to this customer have in a situation like this? kind regards
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