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  1. Hi I'm hoping I can get some advice on here about my current landlord situation. I am currently living in a house that my father had rented from 1964 and when he died in 2011 I inherited his tenancy. There was an issue though in that my fathers original landlord had died and his estate was in probate - when I made a claim to inherit the tenancy things got a little nasty. Essentially I was told that I had no right to live here by his solicitor and he started to refuse the rent from me. I made it very clear to the landlord and solicitor that my rights to remain in the home I grew up in were very clear and it took 17 months to get a letter from the solicitor finally acknowledging my legal right to stay... I had complained to my local council about this but it seems that my landlord has since joined the Private Landlord Scheme and I now get absolutely no help from them. Anyway, when I last had a meeting at the council I was told clearly by one of the people there that my landlord couldn't demand any rent from me anyway because he hadn't served an S48 and because the house was in probate he couldn't get that S48 until it was all sorted. The landlord turned up the other day with an S48 that is dated 1st March 2013 and demanded rent from that date onwards to be paid to him but then asked me to pay the remainder into another account? One that supposedly belongs to the solicitor acting for the estate of the late landlord. When I had the meeting at the local authority at the start of the year, I was told that the S48 was proof that he was the legal landlord and person entitled to the rent and this was for my benefit because if I paid him and it turned out he wasn't the landlord I could have trouble getting the money back. This new S48 has confused me and the council seem reluctant to help me now (but they give him as much advice as he likes) - my point is this; can he demand rent from the period before he was officially pronounced as the owner of the house? Surely the "estate" should contact me with relevant paperwork rather than him? I apologise if my message sounds incoherent but this is stressing me out somewhat and I'm getting tired of all the messing around we've had to put up with for nearly 2 years. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
  2. Hi need some urgent advice. I ‘m currently in a dire situation, I’m looking for a single room in London. I’m going through a divorce. My ex- partner threw me out the house. That doesn’t really concern me. I’m working at the moment and can pay three months rent no problem. Thing is if I get the property (single room, shared bathroom kitchen etc) and I lose my work as it’s a short term thing, can I claim housing benefit, until my next project? I have never been on housing benefit before but it looks like I may have to once this project comes to an end, in three months. As I reckon there will a 3-5 month gap before my next project begins. The private landlords only want professionals which I am. I’ve contacted housing benefit in anticipation regarding this. They have told me you have a right to claim housing benefit and if your job ends do not have to tell the landlord about this. They mention something regarding ticking a box to have the money paid to you, on the form? Is this correct? The lady informed me not to beat myself up. She said you’re working and you have a right to a roof over your head and to claim housing benefit (and job seekers) until your next job, if needed. Thing is I’ve rang many single room vacancies and It seems that regarding these single rooms lets, the people in charge are loathe to offer tenancy agreements? Which I would need to prove to housing benefit that I am there? What do I ask for, a contract, a short hold tenancy? Which? Also the single room offers seem to fall into two categories, either:- A- families or house owners letting out their spare room B professional landlords that convert multi-room properties into bedsits; with communal bathroom and kitchen? The lady also warned me regarding to be careful of families or owners letting out rooms. It seems many of these in London claim benefits themselves, and as such is therefore acting illegally. Is there any method for finding the professional landlord that lets out single rooms? As I do not want to be in the situation of trying to claim housing benefit for a single room in a house where the owners are claiming as well! I assume for my purposes I would be best looking for b? Is this correct? I’m also concerned if my job falls through in the next three months that if I do claim housing benefit at the property then letters may be picked up? Is there any way avoiding this? I’m not trying to play any angles just want to keep a roof over my head. I’m seeing 5 properties today so any advice would be helpful. I do not want to move into a place only to be in the same dire situation as now in three months, thanks. please reply as im running out of time
  3. Good evening all. I'll be brief. We've rented a property last year, and a couple of times had a representative from GE Money turn up and inquire about the landlord, his whereabouts and so on. Eventually the same gentleman warned us from march last year until now, the landlord has only paid about £480 towards the mortgage of the property we went. Today we had a letter come through advising the landlord a court date will be set in the coming weeks and to prepare for it. He gets all his post delivered to our address and this one was already open, so I decided to take a peek (yes naughty I know). He sent a very stroppy message to my phone at the start of the week saying "call me asap yeah?" Everytime I do, shocker, answerphone. Landlord refuses to discuss the issue and says it's "in hand", GE Money will not officially talk to me as I'm not the landlord - I'm now getting very worried about my family. We have an 18month old and so far social housing have said "can't do anything until you're homeless". Council have said "not our problem until homeless, and even then there's a list". (paraphrasing of course). Where do I go from here with the landlord? *Edit: About me- work for fraud prevention for numerous insurance companies/warranty groups have done a bit of digging on landlord in my own time
  4. Hello I recently moved out of the flat i lived in for two years on the 10th of Jan 2014. The letting agent was closed when i was moving out but the landlord came over to do an inventory. We both agreed on the costs for damages and he removed it from my deposit and gave me the balance. Today i received an email from the letting agent with some other damages and replacement of beds, sofa etc. Things we did not agree during the final checks. I am worried they will apply for a CCJ under my name. All i have is a text from the landlord that says how much damages he was going to remove from my deposit. I have been trying to talk to them all day but have not heard back. Any advise will be welcome. Thank you.
  5. I have had damp in the property for over 9 months, The landlord refused to repair the damage, I am now getting evicted due to rent arrears. Due to the damage I can file for disrepair at the court which I have done. The landlord now wants to repair the damage which I don't have a problem with. The landlord has now sent me a "Notice to Tenant of Inspection" and that the "Property manager" will come round to the property which there is no property manager and nothing about one in the tenancy. The landlord is saying PERSON A is the property manager but he is not, He is a local tradesmen. He came to the property previously and was so rude and refused to do the work. I really do not want this person in my home. In my tenancy it says: That the landlord or any person authorised by the landlord or his agent may as reasonable times of the day on giving 24 hour written notice, (Unless in emergency) enter the property for the purpose of inspecting its condition and state of repair. The tenant shall permit the property to be viewed on reasonable notice (atleast 24hours) at all reasonable times during the final weeks of the tenancy. Can I refuse PERSON A access to the property but allow the damp specialist in? I do not want this person in my home, even though the landlord wants them to come? Is there any other advice? Edit: It says on tenancy During the last final weeks of the tenancy, The tenancy is on roll over I've only signed one. What does it mean by Final weeks in tenancy? Court hearing is 9th april. Another 4 weeks away, I'll be given eviction but wont leave the property so then landlord will need to apply again to the court which will take even more time, All I need to know is, Can I refuse the person access who the landlord has given permision to?
  6. Honourable Caggers, Please I need help to recover rent deposit I paid on 01/02/14 to prospective landlord. Details: My partner and I planned to relocate to a new city, so I saw flat to let advert on gumtree when I visited my friend who lives in the city we intend moving to, I rang landlord to view flat but his dates for viewings weren't convenient to my schedules, so we arranged that my friend viewed this flat on my behalf. After viewing my friend said it was okay, so I paid deposit on said date; hoping/wishing to sign lease and pay rent when I move in at later date to be agreed. Said landlord to be sent me pictures of this flat on 10/02/14, upon seeing pictures we decided against leasing said flat because kitchen and bathroom/toilet were too small. I wrote flat owner on 19/02/14 stating politely that I'd be going ahead and that need deposit refunded. Landlord replied he won't be refunding deposit that he turned away about 10 other possible tenants. Is he legally right to keep deposit money based on what he said and considering other circumstances narated in the foregoing. Any advice, hints or suggestions will be highly appreciated. Many thanks and high regards!
  7. hi, i need some urgent advice. I was due to let my flat this friday, signed the agreement, ready to move in with my partner. we have now split and i've been told by the estate agents i cannot back out. This will leave my homeless for the short term. Does anyone know what i can do about this? I know ill be inconveniencing the new tenants but there is really nothing i can do.
  8. Hi, We moved into our house in July 2013. We like it here and we are happy. Even started to decorate. But there are a number or problems in the house that need fixing. The landlord is aware. They are: Fence needs fixing Plaster coming away from the wall near our door Obvious leak in the roof as mould if forming on the ceiling in a cupboard in our bedroom Radiator not working Boiler yesterday lost pressure and a stain has formed on the kitchen ceiling. Weird burning like smell to from the boiler so now thats off so no hot water or heating The fence, plaster and radiator have been like this since we moved in. All got promised they would be fixed. Still nothing. Well to be honest the fence was propped up but not fixed. The wind blew his prop down so its broke again. The mould. All I get is excuses saying builders are busy with the current weather. I told him about this a month ago. The boiler. He said he would get in touch by yesterday evening with a number with British gas homecare he has an account with (Do they fix leaks?) but nothing and now no reply. The boiler also has a not safe sticker on it. (It is safe but the flu goes through the loft. They is no bracket or ceiling plate so British gas said they have to put a sticker on it) and he has been told about this repeatedly. But nothing. We have paid our rent on time since being here, made improvements to the house and never complained unless about issues like the above. But I dont know what to do now. Being half term my kids are off but everyone else is at work so I cant really go around o anyones house. Advice please?
  9. We have received a demand on ground rent from a new company which owns by same shareholders of the landlord of our flat. The demand was chasing not only the yearly ground rent of GBP100 (which we paid yearly), and also the difference of inflation amount since the flat was built in 1995 - that is GBP830:mad2:. However we did not own the flat from 2004, we rejected to pay the amount for the period that we did not own the flat. We then wrote to them for dispute. The landlord did not response to us at all and later they sent the demand to our mortgage bank and requested the amount:-x. At the same time, we investigate about the landlord about the new company and find out that the original company (which we used to pay the ground rent) was strike off:???:. The directors of the orginal company bought a new company and request for the ground rent and the additional amount. Unfortunately, the mortgage bank paid the demand and claimed that they did not consider the dispute as a good enought for them not to pay. We then decided not to pay the ground rent anymore until a full explanation from the landlord. However, the landlord did not reply us and reject to send the demand to another address. Recently, we find out the new company is a dormant and plan to strike off again. We have following questions? 1) Is it legal for the landlord to transfer the freehold from one company to another company without notification to the leaseholder of the flat? 2) Can they collect the ground rent for the period that we did not own the flat (obviously it is unreasonable!!!) 3) Can the landlord refuse to send the ground rent demand note to another address? 4) Is it legal for the new company to collect the ground rent (the company is dormant and plan to strike off)? 5) We did not hear anything from the landlord since they sent us the GBP830 demand note on ground rent. What should we do? We are so miserable ... not to know what we should do. We want to sell flat , however, we have no clue whether it would affect our selling.
  10. Hi all, I have just moved out a property I have been renting for 2.5 years. Officially, it has a 2 month notice period, I have asked the landlord early January whether he would let us go earlier if we find a replacement tenant. We found a couple who were scheduled to move in just a week ago, but the landlord changed his mind just before the moving out date, and now he is demanding us to pay the rent for the 2 month notice period, counting from early January. I checked the deposit scheme, and it seems that he did not protect the deposit in the scheme. I can also guess that the landlord does not have the property under the buy-to-let scheme, so he could not have rented it out legally at the first place. is this worth pushing it further? many thanks.
  11. Am I right in understanding that they would need to serve a notice to quit, and once expired they can seek an eviction order? Or is there something I'm missing? Thanks in advance
  12. Hi all Hope someone can offer some advice as I'm at my wits end. Bit of background, first... I moved into this property in August 2012 under an assured shorthold tenancy - private landlord, managed by an agency. I renewed this tenancy for another year in August 2013. When I viewed the property, I was told that for my use would be a private garden, to share only with the occupant of the downstairs flat. However, on the day I moved in, I was told that at the bottom of the garden was a recording studio which was used by my landlord's son and access was gained by walking through my 2 gates and through my "private" garden. I was not very pleased about this, however I was assured that he didn't use it much and that it was soundproofed. Turned out they used it quite a lot and it was not soundproofed. I never use my "private" garden now as these people can turn up any time. They waltz through leaving both gates open and slamming in the wind so they keep breaking and disturbing me..... About a month ago I got round to sorting out my electricity account as I've been being billed on estimated readings. I came across the circuit breakers in my bedroom and the final circuit breaker was labelled "recording studio"!! So not only did they fail to mention this recording studio to me before I signed the tenancy agreement, to add insult to injury I have been PAYING FOR ITS POWER SUPPLY! I have spoken to the agent about this who assures me my landlord is very sorry and it was a total oversight blah blah. I have agreed to send him copies electricity bills so he can suggest a figure to reimburse me (this is proving difficult as npower have ballsed up my account). Tonight I have had to go outside 3 times as both gates were slamming loudly non stop. The catch on the garden gate has been damaged again as a result and whilst I was trying to shut it, I saw a pair of beady eyes watching me and it's some random stranger in my garden standing by the recording studio! Had a rant to him about shutting the gates but then had to go back down again after that as he'd left one open again! He seems to have left now. I have also now tripped the circuit breaker as I am fed up playing Mr Nice Guy (well, I'm a young woman actually living here alone so that's another reason why I don't like being confronted by strangers in my garden at night in the dark ) I suppose I am looking for some general advice on where I stand from a legal point of view as I am fed up with this situation. I feel like a mug and I am very cross and upset. I am already house hunting to move out when contract ends in August but I would also like to know if it would be possible to be released from contract early, given the circumstances? Thanks in advance and apologies for rambling - I am really rather cross! Gemma
  13. Hi, we have rented our property since March last year, the landlord manages the tenancy themselves, we are currently buying our own property. Back in Dec our rented house suffered a break in, the alarm was on and although no property was taken the patio doors where broken, during this time I tried to contact the landlord to make them aware of us ending the tenancy in March when our contact of one year ends. It took several attempts to contact them and when I finally did just before Christmas, I informed them I'd was buying and although I would obviously pay up until March if the house comes through beforehand I will move straight away as our property will be safer I feel (as we have had other issues with cars being broken into, and we work shifts), I was told his wife deals with the tenancy and she would call me back, I heard nothing and they wouldn't answer the phone to me for a couple of weeks. I finally got hold of him again in January 6th I asked for an email to send written confirmation of this to hurry things along as I was worried of time moving along as I have to give 1 months notice of leaving the property empty. He promised he'd text it to me, when the text finally arrived it was their address and he was now refusing an email stating all future correspondence must go to the address, I explained this would greatly hold things up and sent the letter. I heard nothing then until a letter stating if I want to vacate early I must pay the remarketing costs and that a letting agent would be in touch with regard viewings. I tried to contact the landlord to explain I wasn't happy with this as we work shifts and sleep during the day often but they won't answer the phone so I called the agent to explain and told them they need to deal with the landlord who can in turn contact me in the evenings, I've again received another letter from the landlord telling me to contact the letting agent to give an end of tenancy date and to allow viewings, so my question is can l refuse to deal with the letting agent and do I have to allow midweek viewings when I work shifts, also when do I have to allow viewings as we are paying up till 15th March, please help
  14. Back in September 2013 i recieved keys to a new flat 1 month before i actually moved in. 2 Days after getting the key (17.09.13) the contractors working for my landlord managed to knock my motorbike over off its side stand, whilst trying to access the bins. I didn't know for sure at the time that it was them that knocked it over. I was getting the bike ready that day for long ride to visit family for a weeks holiday. So i had to ride the bike damaged. The landlord sent me a text the following week confirming it was his contractors that did cause the damage. i suspected the damage to be more than £200, so asked if the contractors would pay up to the value of £200. They begrudgingly agreed, only in £50 a week payments. However after 6 weeks of not receiving any money, i sent them texts asking when they were going to pay. These went ignored for another week, until i sent one saying i would get the police involved. I immediately got a text back, saying the landlord was going to take care of it. I took my bike back to the dealer for an official evaluation, which should have cost £80, which they did free of charge because my bike was due its service soon. And the damage was closer to £400 The landlord agreed to meet me a couple of weeks later, and told me point blank: "If you want your money, you are going to have to take it to a civil court. And as its private land, i don't fancy your chances. That said i am prepared to knock £100 off your rent, and that's it" I tried showing him the piece of paper from the dealer, showing that £100 wouldn't even cover the cost of replacing my windscreen. He wouldn't even look at it. Since i've hinted to the contractors that i am serious about taking this to small claims court, they said that them & the landlord will deny any knowledge of any involvement as far as damaging the bike is concerned. Now don't forget i have the landlord admitting the contractors damaged the bike in text message. Its an iphone, so these can be screen captured & printed What can i legally do here? I mean i am planning on moving closer to work as soon as my 6 months is up in april, so i can see me having to fight him again to get my bond back.
  15. I'm currently going through a rough time with my Landlord (LL). I've had to resort to getting the local council to force her to do work on my property. As part of this they arranged in writing for my LL, her husband and a builder to look around. On the day she turns up with her daughter in tow, I say she can't come in as I was not notified about her visiting. She forces her way in and wont leave despite repeated requests to do so. I call the Police who advise that its a civil matter as they'd be unable to unpick who had what rights on the spot. So: Is that trespass? She's only the daughter with no role in the repair or business in relation to my property and was just there to gawp and sneer. I asked many times for her to vacate. Now my LL has a right to look the place over, she can have her husband as support and the builder will be doing the work so I have no issue with that. What might be my rights here?
  16. im wondering if anyone can help i was renting a property from a letting agent, not long after moving in i lost my job and so started to organise housing benefit, the landlord was not happy with this and kept showing up. The owner of the house is the letting agent sister, they served notice to quit. then i got a message they wanted to do an inspection i said that i would be home and would let her in. 24 hours before the inspection i was called away for a family emergency and told the landlord i would not be there and would like to make another time, to which i received an email from the owner stating she didn't care and wanted me at the house for the inspection, i said this was impossible as i was around 300 miles away and wanted to do another day. The next day the day when the inspection was meant to take place the owner rang me from outside the house and informed me that if i wasnt there in 10 mins she would enter the property using management keys. I told there was no way i could be there and i wanted to have the inspection another day and she said tough basically it was her house and she entered the property she also threatened over the phone that she would change the locks and i said she couldnt do that to which she replied she could it was her house and hung up which then left me wondering that when i returned would i be able to get in. We then got our moving date and 2 weeks before we were due to leave she started emailing me saying that she would be at the property on the 24th december out move out date was the 27th, she said she would be at the property on the 24th and would stay with us to make sure we packed and left and if we had not gone by the 27th she would hire some people to throw all our stuff out of the house. Throughout the tenancy we have had to deal with unexpected visits, calls and nasty emails threats from the owner. Has she broke my rights as a tenant
  17. Hi all, My tenant has made a claim against me for harassment a few weeks ago. As a defence to his claim, I made a counterclaim providing a witness statement but the tenant is now asking the court to consider my witness statement as invalid since my signature on this last is not the same than on the tenancy agreement signed. Many thanks,
  18. I saw this on the news a few moments ago. Shocking. Full story and comments - http://www.insidehousing.co.uk/tenancies/prs-landlord-to-evict-tenants-on-housing-benefit/7001479.article
  19. Hi all, I had an unscheduled visit from my Landlord on Tuesday. The agency rang me at work to tell me an hour before and when I said "I'm at work" they said "No problem, he has his own keys he'll let himself in and measure the windows for replacement.". I had never met the man in the 6 years I have rented this house, and I didn't want people I don't know walking around my home unsupervised. I have expensive guitars and cameras etc... in the property and simply don't want unknown people walking around. This was because in October, I asked the agent if they would replace the gas fire that blew up (yes, blew up!) 2 years ago as it's becoming winter and I can't spend another winter in freezing conditions living in the house. The hole where the fire was is now a sheet of tin. It makes the place look like a hovel. The windows are single pane and wooded. They are also rotten and quite honestly they may as well not be there when it's windy. When he arrived (with three others - two to measure the windows and one to observe it seems) he noticed that the sink drain was blocked. I reported this to the agent in October and she said that it was my responsibility. I bought some drain rods and attempted to unblock it - to no avail. I then had a professional firm come and have a look and they said that in their opinion the drain had collapsed - thankfully, they didn't charge me for this. I mentioned this to the Landlord when he visited but he dismissed their diagnosis. I have now received a letter from the agent telling me that he is dissatisfied (extremely, apparently) with the condition of the property inside and out. I had just finished decorating the living room and still had a room full of most of the furniture etc... In that room the ceiling looks like it's about to collapse where water came through from the bathroom a few years ago. He send a 'friend' of his round to fix the leak - it still leaked afterwards, so he came round again and retiled 'some' of the bathroom - with different colour tiles and a really bad job. This seemed to fix it a little. However, they have never addressed the state of the ceiling underneath. I am loath to spend money decorating that room as it would simply be a waste of time with the ceiling looking like that. I can't use the room when it's in that state for fear of the plaster falling in. He's given me three months to put the property in a decent state, and he has stated that he will not be spending any money on new windows until he is satisfied that the property is being maintained. There is also a trellis in the back garden and it has hops growing on it - they are now overgrown. Last month I went to cut them back and found that the trellis is rotten and I didn't trust it to hold my weight when cutting the plants back and as such I have left it. I mentioned this to the agent when she visited in October. I'm not quite sure what he means by maintaining the property. It is clean and usually tidy - it wasn't when he visited as not only did I have no notice, I am still in the proceeds of decorating and so had sheets and buckets etc... around the place. The kitchen and bathroom are both nearly 40 years old and the carpets are fraying. Surely he can't expect me to spend money decorating the whole place when the fixtures are in such bad repair? Even after I had finished decorating the living room it still looks dated and tatty - due to the fraying carpet and gaping hole covered by a sheet of tin. Short of moving out, what response shall I give to their letter?
  20. Hi. I wondered if there were any housing law people around who could give some advice on my situation. We're good private tenants, paid rent every month, no rent arrears, no complaints against us etc. We have been nominated for a ground floor property with a housing association on medical grounds - the only thing in the way is that the landlord is not giving us a reference - not refusing as such, but just not sending it. The landlord is not answering the phone to me or returning my calls. We risk losing the flat as it is now available for rent and the HA don't want excess void time. I suspect the landlord feels they can delay us moving by not giving a reference - keeping us here over the difficult to find a tenant, holiday period. It has occurred to me to threaten them with court action for not protecting our deposit as they are required to do which may result in a fine of three times the deposit, and request that they give the reference (all we want is a truthful one!). Before I did it, I just wanted to get a feel for any legal downside.
  21. Is there a register for 'problem' landlords? Most people have suffered a terrible landlord at some point in their lives, but [name removed] has been a disgusting landlady, and as I've just discovered has several court judgements outstanding against her. Not sorting out any of the properties problems, calling us at 6am in the morning screaming for payment that's not yet due, not responding to us as soon as anything needs fixing, pestering our contract references for additional payment etc... And then vanishing of the face of the earth as soon as our deposit is due back to us. [name removed] did not show up to a court hearing in Northampton and has not returned the money, even though a court order has been made against her. Additionally, through a criminal charges search we discovered she owes THOUSANDS of pounds, including other peoples deposits. She is an extremely dodgy landlord....why are landlords with numerous charges & court judgements against them still allowed to rent to new tenants when they are clearly disobeying the law? HOW can I make sure noone else gets tricked in to renting a property with this crook? How many times do innocent tenants need to get ripped off and have their money stolen before the courts do something to stop her, such as a custodial sentence? When does it become Criminal to steal deposits with no justification - Just disappearing with them
  22. Hello, I'd just like to clarify something. I have moved out of my property due to not being happy with one of my flatmmates and also I did break the tenancy agreement by giving the key to someone else. The fact is I didn't want to live there any longer as it was dragging me down. I have now moved out of property and am going through a dispute with the deposit. My landlord has asked me to pay for cleaning which is fine but has charged me an additional 120 for a new mattress plus delivery. I am a newbie to renting so I am going to ask some questions now. I have rejected his claim for now as the mattress is old and obviously had some signs of wear and tear even before I moved in. He claims it smells and it is non recoverable. I did check the mattress before I left the place and did notice the underneath was quite horrid. It looked filthy dirty and kind of greasy looking. There was also a big stain at the top of the mattress. I am new to this and I believe this might be the first time he actually considered cleaning it as I don't think those marks would have accrued over 9 months of staying there. I was just to naive understanding the renting process basically I wanted a place to stay but I made a mistake. I didn't take any photographic evidence when I first moved in and I wish I had. I heard something about a move in checklist. He never provided me with any checklist for the property. I am using the DPS service with my deposit. Does anyone have any advice? Should I just pay it or does anyone know what my rights are?
  23. Hello, I moved property 3 months ago. When I chose this location, there were several factors which were very important to me. 1) A NTL connection had to be available, which the estate agent told me was available, and they even showed me the NTL connection. 2) That there was CCTV around the entire property, which there appears to be by various cameras placed around the property. Since I have moved there, I have found out that: 1) The NTL connection is infact a dummy and does not work. I approached the letting agent about this and got the following response: ********** Response: With regards to the NTL. This is the first ive heard about it. And as far as i am aware if you are in a non serviceable area then NTL would'nt install a connection point. If there is a connection point Joseph would assume like anybody else would, that NTL would supply a connection there. ********** 2) The CCTV camera's are ALSO dummies... I also approached them about this and they came back with the following: ********** Response: With regard to the CCTV this would be down to the Managment Company (SLM) TEL: 01482 328068. ********** Now why do I feel like I'm being fobbed off here and that the buck is being passed on. What options do I have to sort this out? Also in light of this, can I dispute the £120.00 administration cost which they said was for 'administration and credit checking'? Thanks and Regards Adrian
  24. Hi All I really hope someone can advise me! I entered into a rent to buy agreement in August 2011, paid an 'option fee' of £15,000, and have religiously paid my rent/deposit for my house each month. The contract expired in last year, and a new contract was offered to me in July. For various reasons (illness) I was unable to respond for 2 weeks, so my LL rings me and asks if all was well?? I explained not really, I was very ill and had taken time of work etc etc. He offers my a short term tenancy (just an email) for 4 months (where I pay £600 less), with the option to go back to the original rent to buy agreement if and when my situation improves. I have informed my LL twice (via email) during this period that I would like to go back to my original agreement but now he says he wants to sell the property and would be serving me notice!! Can somebody please help me with advise??!! I'm really stressing out as I just wish I had signed the damn contract in July!! Many thanks
  25. I have lived in my property for just over 4 months. i have a baby who is 7 month old. the problem is i have no central heating, no radiators, etc. I only have a boiler for hot water. my lil girl is constantly ill with her chest from it being so cold. i have mithered my landlord asking him when will it be done. He always has an excuse. i pay 450£ PCM for my 2 bed house. I dont even have double glazing. its still not even finished. i have a hole in my kitchen roof, no splash tiles on in the kitchen and only a shower n toliet n sink in my bathroom. he said he was going to provide me with a fire that he was to place on the wall. this still hasnt been done, that was 4 weeks ago. Iv told him that if its not done i will be moving within the month. iv reported im to health and saftey and they are getting onto the case. im just annoyed at how he just wants the money and doesnt care for our welfare. what is my next move to ensure something will be done.
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