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  1. Hi All This is my first post as I'm currently having issues with Samsonite and a suitcase I bought. I bought a small cabin bag size suitcase from a genuine Samsonite outlet store in York during the Black Friday sales at the end of November. It cost £41 which I knew was really cheap for Samsonite as I already have a couple of their cases. I used the case for the first time during a trip to London in mid January, during which time the retractable handle broke while waking along a train platform (so much fun!). I took the case back to the Samsonite store where I purchased it, and was told it would have to be sent away for repair as it was more than 6 weeks since I bought it. I've since received a voicemail from the store advising that the case could not be repaired, and to visit them to discuss. I'd really like to know what my rights are before I travel to the store (which is 90mins from where I live, so I need to be prepared), as to what I can get as a replacement. I do not want store credit or my money back, as I know I won't be able to buy a replacement suitcase without putting a lot more money towards it. As far as I can see the suitcase wasn't fit for purpose, and I'd like a replacement at no cost to me, but is this what I'm entitled to? Any help would be much appreciated so I can be prepared to fight my corner. Thanks Claire
  2. Upskirting: know your rights READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/upskirting-know-your-rights
  3. My problem now is. I've ordered a new VW T roc from my local VW dealer on PCP and paid £250 deposit. I've put my Golf in p/x which was also on PCP with a small amount of negative equity on it, which will be encompassed within the PCP agreement payments for the new car. I'm happy with the cost. The car is due for delivery in March. Last night I discovered the VW T roc owners forum on the internet and there are 19 pages of comments by disgruntled new T roc owners complaining of there new car kangarooing in 1st gear and some also in 2nd gear especially when the engines cold. Apparently it's only on VW's new 1.5 petrol engine which I have ordered. The same is happening on the Skoda and Seat cars using the same new 1.5 VW engine. These owners have taken there vehicles back to there respective dealers and they are unable to fix the problem. VW UK technical have got involved, sometimes they tell the owners they are not aware of any problem with the new engine, and sometimes say they are working on the problem and have been for months (they cant make there mind up which) A couple of new owners are going to reject the new cars and others have sold them early because of the fault. They are not happy because otherwise they really like the cars they have bought. However some owners don't appear to have kangarooing fault. My predicament is.....do I cancel the order and risk losing my £250 deposit, or keep it and take delivery. If I take the chance and take delivery, and it has the kangarooing fault can I reject it immediately within 30 days without giving the garage the chance to fix it (which it seems they cant as VW UK Technical cant work out a fix) If I reject it I can anticipate that with my luck I will end up with a big battle with the dealer and VW finance. If they do accept the vehicle back will they return the Golf to me, what if they have sold it? Shame really because I've bought a few VW's from this dealer before and I've always been impressed with them. I also really like the car. Problem is with VW they have left there reputation in tatters with the emissions scandal, that's always in the back of my mind. £21K is a lot of money if the car turns out to be a lemon which cant be fixed!
  4. I'm trying to find out if a business mobile contract is different for a Sole Trader (up to 10 employees) versus a limited company? I thought I'd read somewhere that a sole trader has similar rights to a consumer? Basically, it seems, companies have no automatic rights - it's assumed they have access to lawyers, I guess. I have been told because I have a business contract that consumer rights don't apply. Also that 36 month contracts are not banned for business customers? (Ofcom rules 24 month max).....and that a 14 day 'cooling off' period doesn't have to be offered to businesses??
  5. Hi Needing some advice and guidance, will keep this to the point and hopefully someone can help, It was a 40th treat for myself which makes it even worse for me. Viewed a vehicle on 04/11/18, at a Lookers dealer in Carlisle, 70+ miles from our home address, Paid full screen price, £12,500, paid £8000 on debit card and £4500 on finance, asked for a few cosmetic repair's to carried out as well as serviced, mot'd and fully valeted. Got train back to dealer on 17/11/18 with wife and kids to collect vehicle, only thing was it hadn't been cleaned at all well apart from that happy with vehicle and service received. Drove home, on returning home (82miles covered) not even 3 hours into ownership the vehicle has smoking badly from under the vehicle, the transfer box on the transmission had been leaking all over the exhaust and underside of vehicle causing the burning smell and smoke when arriving home. So at this time on a Saturday night the dealership was closed so emailed the salesman. The workshop manager contacted us Monday to arrange vehicle collection as they wanted the option to repair the vehicle at the purchasing dealership (which turned into a joke), the vehicle was collected on a trailer (20/11/18) and took back to Carlisle. The oil leak was rectified and the vehicle returned to my place of work on 23/11/18. I took delivery of the vehicle as the leak seemed to be rectified, when I left for work I tested the 4wd system which displayed a fault, contacted the general manager as it had been passed to him to deal with and verbally agreed he knew the 4wd was working prior to repair as he drove the vehicle when it was traded in, as I also knew it was working as I tested it before purchase. He contacted me to let me know he had booked it into the Lookers Ford dealer nearer to my home, great, dropped it Monday 26/11/18 to be inspected Tuesday, this didn't happen, the inspection took place on Wednesday, they condemned the transfer box, the General manager from Carlisle contacted me to state a new one would be fitted and he had authorised the repairs. Collect the vehicle 03/12/18 far dirtier than when I dropped it off and to discover a second-hand unit had been fitted not new, which has now shown a fault 1 day after the replacement transfer box. I'm at the end of my tether. Now this is where my problem starts...…. and for my post needing help!! (sorry for the long post) I don't think for one second they will challenge my rejection as he has already made this a evident to me over the phone. We have been more than reasonable and in turn they have been fine with us. But.. Its a 63 reg vehicle and only had 44K miles recorded and had a very high spec. if I'm just to simply take my money back and finance cancelled there is not another vehicle on the market to replace this one for the same value, some are £2000 plus more, I may be being stupid but I don't see why I should now be without a vehicle because of Lookers incompetence or having to be another £2k plus deeper into a vehicle. Not including all the cost to collect the vehicle etc. Is there any advice on how to progress with this? I want the vehicle that was described to me at initial purchase, however I have lost all faith in the one I have. Are they obliged to find me one either from group stock or from an alternative source? and if they are and it is at a higher price - do I have any rights with them to ask them to price match for the one I bought? I don't see why I should be out of pocket and back to square one, after viewing a few vehicles before purchasing this one. Thanks
  6. It seems that some people may misunderstand their rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and may be subsequently losing out so hopefully this post may be of some help. Briefly as per Consumer Rights Act 2015 section 22 if you purchase for instance a new or second hand motor vehicle from a trader and within the first 30 days, a fault occurs, you have the right to reject it without giving the dealer an opportunity to do a repair. If you do give the trader the opportunity to repair, then there is a waiting period. In effect from the time you notify the dealer of the fault until the time the vehicle is repaired to the satisfaction of both parties, the clock stops ticking. If the dealer has the vehicle for 6 months or more the clock does not move forward. Therefore if the fault is rectified and the clock starts again and another fault occurs you are still within your rights to reject the vehicle as you are still within the 30 day short term rejection period as per clause 8 of section 22. If the vehicle develops a fault after the 30 day short term period and within 6 months of purchase then under section 19 clause 14 you have the right to request a repair, replacement or refund however you have to give the dealer one opportunity to repair. If this repair fails then you still have the opportunity to request a replacement or reject the vehicle and obtain a full refund depending on the mileage done by the vehicle. For removal of doubt, the legislation states; For the purposes of subsections (3)(b) and © and (4), goods which do not conform to the contract at any time within the period of six months beginning with the day on which the goods were delivered to the consumer must be taken not to have conformed to it on that day. If a repair is done then the waiting period kicks in until the repair is done to the satisfaction of both parties. It then restarts and the repair itself can have a 6 month period form the date that both parties found it to be satisfactory. If another fault occurs and the vehicle is still within the 6 month period, the waiting period kicks in again until such time as the repair has been done to the satisfaction of both parties. In effect several months down the line you still have the opportunity for a repair, replacement or rejection. I have hopefully highlighted some of the benefits to the consumer if the CRA 2015 is used correctly. Obviously the above is only a brief outline, but hopefully will go some way towards helping people who have made a purchase and the dealer is ignoring the CRA 2015. By ignoring the CRA 2015 the dealership cna be found to be in contempt and have criminal charges imposed against them. The Consumer Rights Act 2015 is a very powerful piece of legislation and is very beneficial to the consumer.
  7. Evening all, Background in quote So, thats the background sorted. We've sent the letter before action requesting a reducing in purchase price to cover the cost of the repair, now were waiting for the 30 days to expire before we progress to MCOL. A swift, standard response received, same as the one above...nothing to do with us.... Oh the joys of a used car (£9k), outside of main dealer warranty.... will update as we go, win or lose...
  8. My mum lives on the first floor of a three storey building and is almost 80. The housing association she rents from have moved in a single mother with a child above her and she is going through hell with the noise and it's making her ill. The woman has had people coming in doing DIY at all hours - 7:45pm tonight - and her children are often up at 6am, and sometimes earlier, which wakes my mum (and sister, who lives with her) up and they are unable to get back to sleep due to the noise. They're often also running around late at night as well so mum has to wait until almost 10pm and later before she can go to bed. She's tried writing a very reasonable letter to the occupant upstairs about the noise but this has been ignored. I know that when children move in, everyone around them automatically loses their right to a reasonable quality of life because of this, but does my mum have any recourse ? Most nuisance neighbour policies i've looked in to, as well as the housing association's anti-social behaviour policy, all basically exempt children from any action being taken which I think is grossly unfair because at almost 80, my mum simply can't "just move". And she's lived there for nearly 20 years as well, so why should she give up her home because of some inconsiderate above her ? She'd be willing to go to mediation with the woman, but since the woman has ignored her letter, is there any other way to get this to happen ? Apologies if this is a bit of a mess of a post but i'm just getting quite concerned about my mum's health overall. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
  9. Good morning, I am looking for some advice. I purchased a car from a dealership on Thursday. On test deive all seemed well. When I paid and signed for car they then told me the car had no MOT. I waited for 4 hours with my 2 year old son which was stressful to say the least. I got home with the car and noticed a few functions did not work. The heated seats, sat nav and mp3 connection. Was told it all worked and yes maybe i should have checked it out but with a 3 month warranty I was assured the issues would be fixed. 24 hours after having the car a clonking starting under the pedals (automatic). My partner drove it and said we would get it looked over. That evening my steering wheel comes lose whilst I'm driving with my children in the car. I panic and refuse to drive it home. Call the dealership and they are offering to fix the issues discussed. I was happy to do this at first until the sales man explained that the machanic had rushed the work because i was waiting and did not "SCREW IT BACK PROPERLY" meaning the steering wheel. I now have no faith in them fixing the issues and have told them that I am rejecting the car as it ia my right to do so. I have also recorded the conversations where he has admitted three times that the car was rushed and was their error. The car in unsafe to drive and was sold unsafe. This is a miss sell. He says he will call me back today to let me know what the director of the dealership will offer me. I do not want a repair from them. I want my money back. Any advice would be grateful Thank you
  10. Hi everyone, I am looking for some advice as to the application of the Consumer Rights Act or other relevant legislation to insurance replacements. The situation is as follows: I had an iPhone replaced under insurance in March of this year. It was replaced with a brand new, sealed unit in original Apple packaging. The phone has developed a fault 5 months after receiving it. On contacting Apple, they advised that they were not the retailer and that I should contact the people I got it from and request a replacement under the Consumer Rights Act. Apple did, however, completely accept that the fault was a manufacturing or pre existing fault and actually told me that if they had directly supplied the original phone, they would have replaced it no questions asked. I have contacted the insurance company and asked for a replacement and they have refused to replace the phone without me making a new claim and paying an excess. They claim that their T&Cs state they only offer a 90 day warranty and that the Consumer Rights Act does not apply to them. I argued that they supplied me a new item, which I have indirectly paid for as I pay the insurance premium that allowed the replacement and therefore I have consumer rights and they should replace the item. It is my opinion that they are acting in the same capacity as a retailer when they supplied the phone and hence should afford me the same rights. So, my questions are: Who is right? Should I pursue a claim or give up and pay the excess? Is there any other legislation that is relevant here? Do I perhaps have some rights with the O2, the original retailer of both the phone and insurance policy? Note that O2 Insurance is not actually part of O2 at all, they are actually Brightstar Insurance, a separate company. Thanks in advance! rune
  11. Greetings all! I could trawl around the net for the answer to this for a few hrs. However, as you guys are usually clued up on this stuff. I though somebody may like to offer some wisdom for the rest of us. It was my understanding that the the Consumer Rights Directive made using Premium rate numbers a no no for calling "Customer Services" and that these call's should be at no more than "local rate". I can't find the legislation though. Was this just a proposal, or a proper 'unfair business practice' and has anybody got the reference/Act etc. The reason I ask, is that I notice that a number of car hire companies only offer "customer Services" via their reservations numbers which are often premium or service rated e.b. 0870 or 0844. Thanks for your help Dave
  12. Hi all am new here and appreciate any advice bought a vehicle 2 weeks ago from a car engine rebuild garage who also has 3 other cars for sale drove it home and was smoking and down on power started next day and was lumpy starting informed the garage which said injectors need replacing and they would fix but I have had a garage go over car and few other faults washers don’t work air con rad half the fins missing injectors down and clutch rattles when turn off I have since spoke to garage regarding right to return car and want a refund they have said no refund and no rights as they're not a used car sales does anyone know where I stand spoken to trading standards and they say should get money back I paid £3700 for the vehicle any advice would be much appreciated I have written saying returning under 30 day rights and no response I have taken the car off the road as advised Many thanks
  13. MOD to review Armed Forces exemption from UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mod-to-review-armed-forces-exemption-from-un-convention-on-the-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities
  14. My partner ordered some branded USB drives (credit card style) from a reputable printing company. She has used them before for other products, and to be honest, the quality has always been reasonable. However, the quality of these USB drives is terrible. The 'printing' bit is ok, but the base product is awful. They look really cheap and nasty. The material has a poor finish and there is a small gap where the USB section swivels around. Also the USB section doesn't fit snugly into the rest of the card when closed, which means the printed image is not lined up correctly. We would like a refund if possible. A replacement would be ok if the quality were right, but I suspect this is a standard base product that they use and that any replacement would have the same defects. I spoke with them on the phone, and they have requested photos, which I am sending now. But I didn't get the impression a refund would be a likely option. And as mentioned, I'm not sure a replacement would be adequate. I'm not sure what our rights are here. The goods were ordered online (which would normally allow a return period after inspection). But I have read that normal rights are not applicable when ordering 'customised' goods. Nevertheless, the Sale of Goods Act does state that the quality of any goods must be satisfactory. Can anybody offer some advice as to the best way to proceed?
  15. Hi I wonder if anyone can help me...? I bought some composite garden decking with a 10 year guarantee 3 years ago, had it fitted and all was fine. Now it is cracking and some has collapsed, it isn't due to how it was fitted it is due to the quality of the product. I have contacted the company I bought it from who have agreed under the guarantee to replace the failing boards but what are my rights because the boards are in the middle of the decking I will have to have someone take up at least half of the decking to replace the boards and there will also be a clear colour difference. Before I get back to them I was just wondering if anyone had any advice or knowledge if this was a satisfactory response? Thanks!
  16. Hi All, At the start of June I ordered some tools from an online seller (Uni-Thread LTD) which were shipped via Royal Mail with an un-recorded next day service. After about 3 weeks* I called the seller to find out what had happened and after some investigation RM tracking said the parcel had been delivered - no signature or any further details. *The reason for the 3 week delay is I didn't get a confirmation email or invoice from the seller, so assumed there had been some error and it had failed to go through. It's only when looking back through my accounts that I saw the money had actually left my account. I've searched all my neighbours who would normally take in parcels and found nothing. The seller is offering a 25% discount if I order again, which I do *sort of* appreciate but am still unhappy about having to pay for these parts twice. What are my rights in this instance? I should mention this was a purchase for tools that my business made, not a personal purchase.
  17. Online guides will help renters and leaseholders to know their rights READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/online-guides-will-help-renters-and-leaseholders-to-know-their-rights
  18. Guidance Data Protection: rights for data subjects READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/data-protection-rights-for-data-subjects/data-protection-rights-for-data-subjects
  19. I paid for a TV license for many years by direct debit without actually ever watching TV. There was a short period when my ex lived here where she occasionally watched TV, but that was that. Haven't required a TV license for over 12 months, I cancelled my direct debit and wrote to the Licensing dept telling them I no longer required a license and would they refund me. N They refused to refund me without me giving them one of their reasons for cancelling (no longer needing one was not on the list). in the end I gave up - I think it was only a matter of £20 or so anyway i had to claim. Now I get a letter from them threatening a visit from an enforcement officer who can apply to court for a search warrant!! On what grounds can a search warrant be issued? The mere fact that I no longer pay for a TV License? If an "inspector" turns up, can I simply tell him to [removed] as I already told BBC Licensing I no longer need a license? Is the onus on me to PROVE i don't need a license? Or is this simply bully tactics?
  20. Hi Can someone please advise whether my car is exempt from being seized by Bailiffs for a debt of £1700 when it's only worth about £400-£500. It's also vital as my role as carer for my two autistic children, it's not an official disability car but I'm their registered carer and need it to take them to appointments and to and from school as public transport is a no go due to their condition. As I understand vehicles with a value less that £1350 that are needed for work are exempt, does my role as a carer put me in this category? Thanks Lisa
  21. I purchased a phone case from the company Spigen through their eBay store on 6 November 2017. Over a month ago, I discovered there were cracks on the back of the case. Neither the phone or case have had any form of impact since purchase. I contacted Spigen and asked if they are able to help. They refused because I was outside of their three-month warranty, and offered me a 'slight discount' from any new purchase. I explained that I am covered under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, but they continued to reiterate that they cannot help. The company has also refused to use an ADR scheme. They also said that when I purchase an item with them, I automatically agree to their terms and conditions which entails THEIR returns/refunds process. What are my options????
  22. Hi all I bought a car on the 30/03/18, It is an Audi A1 and cost just short of £11,000. I had to phone them as soon as I got home as it came up with a lights malfunction on the dash. They said I could just pop in and they would replace the bulb. As I was at work all week was planning to take it on my day off the 09/04/18. However on the 06/04/18 another light malfunctioned. Phoned and asked to book it in as there were now 2 malfunction lights and was asked what ones ,told her left reverse and now right brake lights. I was told I did not have to book it in as bulbs could be changed while I waited. Hubby took time off work to go down only to be told as it was a brake light had to have safety checks. Re-booked for the 09/04/18. On the way to the garage more lights malfunctioned 5 in all and all back lights. Sat for three and a half hours in the garage and was told that it was an intermittent fault. Bulbs were changed and tyre pressure adjusted and if it happened again just to phone them. However left garage travelled less than 3 miles and 2 light malfunction warnings came on again. Phoned as soon as I got in to tell them and was told they had tried to phone me, which they had but did not answer as I was driving, to say that the mechanic wanted the car booked in again as he wanted to check the wiring. As far as I was concerned I thought they had fixed it and signed off that it was done. Asked the girl I spoke to if it was safe to drive to which she replied I wouldn't if it was me!!! She booked it in for this coming Monday 16/04/18. Have been getting buses all week and my lovely new car has sat in my drive and I have got angrier the more I think about it. I phoned The garage today and told them I am not driving the car in to them as if a member of their own staff wouldn't do it why should I and I also told them I want a full refund as they had sold me a faulty car and they had had a chance to fix it and they failed. He has told me it is not as simple as that and I have to give them a chance to fix it. He is sending someone now to pick the car up and they are going to have a look at it. Am I still entitled to have all my money back including the extra money I paid for their GAP insurance. I have read that I am but a bit worried they will not give me it all back. Thanks in advance.
  23. Here's the back story so far: 1. I order a washing machine from John Lewis online. 2. It arrives & is installed by John Lewis. 3. It starts leaking an hour or so after arrival. I call JL straight away & they tell me they can't refund or replace and suggest I call the manufacturer of the machine. 4. I call the manufacturer & they don't answer the phone for hours & it keeps getting cut off. I call back JL, they call the manufacturer for me. JL still insists upon a manufacturer's engineer visit, the next one is 8 days away. 5. A week later, engineer arrives at a unexpected time. He can't find anything wrong with the machine & doesn't understand why it's leaking. He can't wait 2 hours to watch it start leaking when turned on so I show him photos of the leak. He asks me if I use tablets in the drawer, I explain I don't. In fact I only use liquid capsules in the drum, he says that's fine. I explained it leaks even without detergent, so it's nothing to do with that anyway. He says he doesn't understand it. He leaves. 6. JL contact me to say the engineer thinks I used tablets in the drawer & that I should stop doing that then it will stop leaking. I explained I do not & it leaks even without detergent used. 7. JL tell me I have to arrange another engineer visit but might have to pay £90 if again no fault is found. I decline. I explain a second engineer visit won't make a difference & it isn't just about money, it's the time & hassle involved. I explain it looks like a design flaw- the water leaks under the drawer during filling up & drops down over the front of the machine after a couple of hours. JL refuse to do anything more about it. 8. I can't survive without a washing machine so I purchase a new washing machine from the same manufacturer from elsewhere, which works fine & doesn't leak. JL still refuse to do anything more. End result: I've had to pay for 2 machines, one leaks & I'll have to sell describing the problem with it, on ebay, making a loss. What are the consumer rights regarding this situation? Thanks
  24. Some of my LL's post has always come to the house, passed on to her periodically. My housemate accidentally opened a letter for the LL and it said that the interest only mortgage on the house has expired and there is a large lump sum to pay! I contacted LL, she said this has come out of the blue and that she had not received any of the forwarded letters. Also said she changed to a BTL mortgage 10 years ago. Didn't give a straight answer when I asked if it was BTL why were the letters etc coming to the rented address. She said she would try to extend the term, but I know she has been having financial problems and she is over retirement age. What are my rights? Worst case scenario say the mortgage lender want to repossess, what could happen to me? I have an AST agreement and my rent is paid up to date.
  25. CMA advises Liquefied Petroleum Gas customers on switching rights READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/cma-advises-liquefied-petroleum-gas-customers-on-switching-rights
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