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  1. We will be hearing a lot more about this, but I think The Prankster has summed it up nicely. These are not 'normal' PE car parks, so the value of the win to them, is very limited I believe. They were expecting the judgement to go against them by my understanding... http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/parkingeye-win-cambridge-test-case.html
  2. Until recently, I worked for a company in Scotland, where I was the only English person in the office. At the end of my trial period, I was dismissed. The reason given was that I asked colleagues too many questions. This came as quite a shock, as: A. I had been told my my boss's boss the week previously that I had passed my probationary period (something my boss denied during the probationary meeting). B. I had achieved all of the performance targets that I'd been set. C. I was asking fewer and fewer questions each week, as my skill and knowledge level grew. Moreover, I'd be surprised if more than 5% of my day was spent receiving training from colleagues. I now wonder whether I was let go for being English (even though the only behavior that could be described as anti-English was when the MD made a few jokes about the English). Might I have a case? Thanks
  3. Advice needed please. I had to attend a Crown Court in 2010 relating to a criminal offence. At the time I was granted legal aid, as this is means tested I am guessing the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) had done all the necessary checks. In 2011 I relocated to Amsterdam, Holland where I remained until November 2013. In September 2013, whilst I was residing in Holland, I was sent a letter by the LAA stating that according to their calculations I had equity above the value of £30,000 and therefore required to pay a contribution towards my legal fees. This amounted to £1800. I only discovered the correspondence whilst on a visit to the UK in October 2013. At this stage the LAA had already passed the "debt" to a collection agency, so I also had letters from them demanding payment or face legal enforcement (bailiffs, court etc). The equity the LAA were referring to is my mothers property. As per Land Registry records I am a co-owner of the property. This is correct, however, the LAA failed to investigate any further. Had they done so they would have discovered that I only have a 1% interest/share of the property. Since it is my mothers property, we had deeds drawn up outlining our share of the property (mine 1%, mother 99%). I wrote to the collection agency early November 2013 explaining that the LAA equity calculation was incorrect as I only have a 1% interest/share in the property. The collection agency requested evidence of the 1% share. Since so much time had passed since drawing up the property deeds I had a hard time finding the paperwork. In February 2014, I received letters from the Land Registry and a County Court advising me of court proceedings by the collection agency to recover the so called debt. After much searching I eventually found the property deeds and sent the document to the collection agency so that they could reassess my financial situation. Towards the end of March 2014 I received a letter from the collection agency stating that they were satisfied with the evidence I had provided (the property deeds) and that the county court case will be revoked. In a second paragraph they also stated that I am liable for the legal fees (£360) they had incurred! To date (03/04/14) I have not yet received any confirmation from the court that the case has been discontinued. I guess that will come is due course. Can they do this? If the LAA had done their job correctly in the first instance there would have been no need to pursue a debt that did not exist. And I now feel that I am having to pay for their incompetency. And CPR 38.6? Will this apply to me? I stumbled across this rule whilst doing a little research regarding my situation with the LAA/collection agency. Any help/advice anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated.
  4. Hello this is my first time on this forum and I hope someone can help me! I have been up all night worrying and don’t know what to do! I own a business and the business provides services before the 7 day cooling off period on the same day they submit payment. One of our clients decided to try to use our service and then contact us for a refund stating they had not received the service. When we showed them undeniable evidence they stated “Okay I have used your service but I am entitled under the distance selling regulations to receive a full refund I don’t care if I have used your service or not I am entitled by law to it!” We pointed this individual to government official links explaining what the distance selling regulations apply to and a copy of our terms and conditions that as the service begins before the cooling off period that client will be opted out automatically and will not be entitled to receive a refund unless there product is faulty. The client admitted there was nothing wrong with her product and no issues has occurred but she wanted her money back simply because “I am entitled to it” When we refused her a refund she said she would enter a CCJ against us. We said that’s fine we will defend any claim put forward. Bobs your uncle we received the claim but what is odd is that we also received another county court judgment claim against us from someone who we believe is related or friends with this individual on the same day for a different reason. We defended both claims. I wrote up and provided detailed and irrefutable evidence for both claims. When I arrived at the post office the kind lady suggested I put the two claims (as they are going to Northampton county court) in the same envelope (which I purchased from her) which I did. I sent them off recorded and expected a reply. I received a reply for one county court judgment stating they had received them around 15 days after sending it off. I suspected the other confirmation would be coming so I decided to wait another couple of days. 5 days had passed and I received no county court judgment confirmation for the second claim. I received a letter stating a few days after this stating I had not sent the county court judgment defence and I was automatically ordered to pay the court fees and the person any interest owed. I called the Northampton county court to explain fully what I had done. The kind person over the phone explained that I had done nothing wrong and there should be no problems with putting the two defences into one envelope. I suggested the two separate defences may have been filed as one by mistake by the bulk sorting office. The kind individual over the phone also agreed this may be the case and informed me that he would let his manager know and ask him to check. He also asked me to send a copy of the receipt and a copy of the defence so this claim may be defended. I awaited another 10 days after sending this to receive no reply. Around 15 days later again I received a reply. The reply stated the following “Thank you for contacting the helpdesk. I have been advised that you have stated you filled a defence for this case and that it was possibly attached to case XXXXXX. I have checked the files for both cases and confirm there is no defence for this case” He then goes onto say I must file a N244 form and proceed from there. The fee for this is £80 for me to attend court. As you imagine I am completely frustrated and am in this case unsure what to do at this point. I have requested a copy of the defence filed (including all documents I sent to them on the date by post) Can someone please answer me the following questions about the N244 and offer me any advice further? 1. As previously stated the post office receipt shows the weight of the letter sent including packaging (as a whole) and that I bought a large letter in order to put it all in. If I get a copy of the court documents and I get a measurement of the weight of a large letter as I purchased one in the post office and they are nearly half or less than half of the weight that was sent could this be used as proof that documents are missing but were sent in full? If I used this as a defence what kind of ground would it even stand? 2. If I win the case will I be reimbursed for my time, petrol and etc including the court fees? 3. Should I use the post office receipt sent with confirmation and state that the evidence was sent separately and lie effectively as it was sent and I wish for all this stress to go again? Is there any probability they would find out about this? 4. Do I submit the N244 or try to contact the court again? £80 is steep and bloody ridiculous. The fee which is owed including court fees apparently is £48.50 but why should I pay it when I submitted and have complete proof! 5. Can I submit a counterclaim against this claimant and bill him for my time wasted? Help and suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks, Lauren Hart
  5. Concerning the issue of whether we are a casual worker or a an employee there is many criteria to consider for example the time we work for the employer, our skills, whether he employs us only in case of shortage or during peak time or he uses us in the normal running of our business...etc. However I would like to know if the conclusive evidence is not when the P45 has been issued because if it has been issued one year after the start of employment this means that we are now an employee. It is up to the employer to decide if he need us anymore or nor and as a consequence if he send us our P45 or not. If the employer decides because it is not convenient for him not to issue a P45 at the end of each project we could be consider as an employee There is also the issue of HMRC and in order the employer not to pay tax maybe a worker has to work only for a small period of time and not come back for a long time There is also the issue of the difference between temporary employee and a casual worker
  6. Hi Guys, Can anybody tell me how to make an application to transfer procedings started in CPR 8 to main stream CPR part 7, What application form or form of words should I use ? Do I need the court's permission? what happens of court refuses permission to transfer?
  7. Back in 2010 l took out a credit card with Lloyds TSB with limit of around £2,500. This account was always kept upto date and paid on time. About 2 years ago l ran into some financial difficulties and relied on this credit card for cash flow. Then l paid about £500 off the card and they reduced the limit by the same amount. This caused me problems so l started missing payments. Made arrangements to pay, etc, etc. No the less it got passed to SCM Solicitors and they wrote to me. The outstanding balance was just under £2,000 and l offered £1,250 as a full and final settlement, they didn't reply. They then took out a court claim, l replied saying l wished to make an arrangement, offered the settlement again and asked for a copy of the agreement, default notices and deed of assignment. The defence was accepted by Northampton however SCM Solictors have completed an Application Notice for judgement in full, immediately WITHOUT HEARING and the Judge has granted this. Firstly how can a judge grant judgement saying no responsible chance of defending the claim when l have requested information. Secondly SCM Solicitors have CHANGED the address on the documents from my home address to my work - l have not requested not authorised this. Finally the application notice from SCM Solicitors to the court is wrong - its states the "sum claimed at £9,709.59". What should l do ? I can apply to have the judgement removed and a hearing heard via an application notice but that will cost £80.00. Why should l have to pay £80.00 when the judgement is wrong, the court has changed an address and l have not been heard
  8. hi all. i need help on this case 1. i did a deal with a man from singapore from may 2012-dec 2012 2. every month i would invest money in his rice business. 3. the total investment was 178,500 USD (over 6 months) 4. i have one initial contract, i have three reciepts, and did them all by internet transfer, so my bank has the details of the transactions. 5. in december 2012 i started getting excuses from the man, saying that the monthly profits i was due were delayed. 6. this lasted 6 months 7. this man is from singapore, his office is stationed there. 8. in august 2013 i went to see him and he said the business has failed and he will give me back all the money i have invested. 9. he handed me 5 cheques, each one was post dated for the months from sept-dec 2013, i had to cash one every month. 10. i am from the UK i have cashed all the cheques and they have all bounced. 11. his bank account is closed 12. i cant contact him. i need to know the steps to take to deal with this situation police? or lawyer? UK police? UK lawyer? singapore lawyer? thanks guys.
  9. Hello everyone, From last 5 years I am in financial difficulties due to my work hours were reduced and I am unable to find a new job. I have in total 7500 in credit cards and overdraft. I have been paying everything on time inducing some charges to my bank for going over the limit etc and paid last month £45 charges to my bank. This month now they are going to charge me £95. Last month I contacted all my lenders and asked them for a reduce payment plan due to financial difficulties and they all agreed to it and accepted my plan. When 4 days ago I asked My bank Santander to freeze all charges and also do not charge me £95 this month as it would left me with no money for buying food and fuel for my driving job but they did not responded me at all. My charges are due on 14th and I am bit worried about it. What can I do to next? Please help Best regards, Epman
  10. I was approached last May by an Agency who were looking to set up a training course for the unemployed (I am a qualified trainer), I was interviewed and offered work on the spot. The only proviso was that they would only pay me on a day rate and that I would have to be self employed. I was assured that they were moving very quickly so I started my own business. They then asked me for copies of my qualifications to enable them to sell the course to potential funders. I was originally told that the start would be sometime in August. August came and went I was then assured that the start would be the second week in September. I found out late on Sunday evening when I thought I was starting on Monday that the start date had again been pushed back. During this time I received a text messages telling me that they had secured 95K worth of funding reassuring me that the course would be guaranteed until June or July of this year. Eventually after a false start we did get a start date of the middle of January. I completed teaching a two week course. Only to be told on the last day that there had been a problem with funding and that the courses were coming to an end. I feel that I have been misrepresented by this company. I have evidence to say that they sent me text from company mobile phone to say that they had secured funding. My qualifications were used for them to get funding. Overall I feel that I possibly have a strong claim against this company for lying to me. Does everyone think that I wouldn't succeed in making a claim against them?
  11. Hi, I would like advice on where I stand regarding a CCJ against me which I have defended received acknowledgement from the court and the solicitors (Mortimer Clarke) but have not received anymore correspondence since 30/8/13 from Courts and 22/8/13 from solicitors which states they have given me a 1 month extension to file my defence. Am I now able to have this CCJ struck out? Any help appreciated
  12. From the ATOS Miracles Facebook page: Would the injustices against YOU by the dwp and Atos make a good legal test case? Liberty are currently trying a bedroom tax test case and similarly would like to find an appropriate case against the dwp and Atos. It would set a precedence and could help many others. Ideally you would have co-operated with the process, then found entitled by the appeal process and suffered stress and hardship as a result. The case could be via the person themselves or the family of someone deceased. Atos Miracles will offer support to the brave person whose case is taken up. Together we can get things changed!
  13. Hi we fought and won a case against preferred mortgages when they tried to repossess and it was all charges plus they mis-used our mortgage payments to clear insurance leaving shortfall which created arrears. We had 5 court appearances and the sheriff finally dismissed case in our favour with expenses. Need to understand how the taxation thing works and to ensure we get as much as we are entitled. Any help appreciated.
  14. Hi i wonder if you wonderful people would be able to help, my legal knowledge does not stretch this far. Last year we were sued by a customer in the small claims court which we lost.We had a date with which we were supposed to pay the claimant but he avoided our payment. I informed the court on every level and wrote and called them several times to inform them we had tried to pay. Eventually it went back to court and the judge said we had to pay within 7 days, we were given bank details and paid the amount. In the original case the judge said that when payment was made we were allowed to recover our property.(this was why the claimant delayed us paying). The claimant informed the judge that he had disposed of our property and the judge said we would have to take him back to court to recover the costs of the property. This being less than 5000 pounds. I applied to the small claims court and filed the relevant documentation. I asked for the case to be heard in the small claims court where the costs are smaller and the original case was heard, but they have allocated it to fast track and the costs are so much more. Sorry to beat around the bush, but i was wondering if any one new how i can change from fast track to small claims. Many thanks for any help
  15. I shall start from the very beginning. Last November I took contract SIM for 12 months that I was quite likely to need in the meantime. Cheapest package and I actually never had a chance to use it. That's actually quite irrelevant. I am not a big fan of Direct Debits so in March/April I contacted Orange Customer Services asking if it's possible to make payments every three months in cash in one of their branches. Lady on the phone told me it's absolutely fine because it's a cheapest package (tenner a month) and I don't actually use my mobile (only about 10 mins and 10 texts used over 12 months contract). Very happy with the outcome and guarantee given it will not leave a trace on my account I made the same phone call to Virgin Mobile. Outcome was exactly the same, note on the account has been made and collection team(s) have been informed. Very happy I went to the bank and I cancelled both Direct Debits. In the beginning of August I tried to take a car on the credit and I've found out that both of those (Virgin and Orange) have added late payments to my credit file. Apparently customer services made mistakes in both cases assuring me it will not leave a trace on my credit file. First call to Virgin was filled with apologies, manager said he will take care of it personally, same day I received an e-mail from himself saying it has been taken care of, they take full responsibility for mistakes their customer service team makes and credit file will be corrected on a gesture of good will. Fine. Same phone call to Orange, and guess what... Nightmare! Two months struggle, tens of phone calls, sent from one department to another, tens of emails sent, result equal to ZERO! I have copies of all notes that have been made on my Orange account, including written complaint I sent them. These few notes pretty much ruined my credit rating, from 999 on Experian down to 590!!! What can I do about it? Contacting them makes no sence! I have contacted CAB, they told me to send a written complaint and they signed it, making a note they are aware of all that. It's been nearly a month since they received a complaint in writing (received on 17th of October). I would love to sue them for that, are there are no win no fee solicitors specializing in this kind of cases? Orange has a horrible customer service reputation that could be used against them (orangesucks.com is the best example). As I say, I have all the documents to support my will to get it sorted without commencing court proceedings which just didn't work out. Any advice will be very helpful. Luke. /edit I am not after any kind of compensation. Any solicitor representing me could keep any settlement for himself. All I want is my credit file to be sorted out.
  16. Hello, I would appreciate some help and advice on resolving Identity Theft issue. Here is my story,.... Late last year someone called me from Santander saying one of my accounts was in arrears to which I mentioned that i don't have an account with them and that I hade never banked with them or any of their subsidiaries. I gave them my name, Dob and previous addresses over the past 10 years and hoped Santanders Fraud department was competent enough to investigate and establish the facts. thought this was resolved. earlier this year, I and my wife went to our local Santander High Street branch for a remortgage only to be told that I already existed on their system and owned a personal account and a coupe of business accounts and 3 strange addresses that I have never heard of in my life. Santander are adamant that they have a copy of my passport on their system, to which I assured them that what they have is a fake and that they should prove that they actually validated the authenticity as part of their Due Diligence prior to authorising these fraudulent accounts. I later went into my local santander branch and gave them a proper copy of my passport so they know what the real person looks like. Since then, Santander have been chasing and sending threatening letters asking that they would send in the Debt collectors. I did reply to each letter asking that they conduct their investigations properly and that Santander should then present this matter in court so I could review their evidence and clear my name. Would you believe that Santander have still not informed the Police of the Financial Theft or brought the matter to court. Here is what I have done till date, 1.) I did consult my Citizens advice bureau who asked me to inform the Financial Ombudsman, Action Frauk UK, the UK passport Office, CIFAS and despute Santanders addition to my Credit file via the various Credit reference agencies. All these I have done and I have correspondence to prove it. N.B. It turns out that the Financial Ombudsman (FOS) is an under-resourced toothless fairy. FOS's excuse is that he lacked the power to request for and validate crucial evidence and that Santander are in their right to ask me to pay for the arrears on these fraudulent accounts. 2.) I have issued a subject access request to Santander to obtain information they have on my name. Santander has responded and the information did reveal a few inconsistencies in their processes around proof of identity and proof of address checks. It turns out that the 2 companies (after looking at their certificate of incorporation) used with the two fraudulent account have no connection with my name. 3.) I had written to the Santander Head of Uk Banking asking that he asks his staff to conduct their investigations properly, then inform the police of this financial crime and finally prosecute me in court IF I am still liable. But he had responded back that Santander had done its investigation and thay I am liable. So I anticipate that Santander will grow some balls soon and bring this matter to the courts so we can examine the evidence and establish the facts. N.B. Just around last month I did Google my name and observed that some low-life imbecile had also bought an Off-the-Shelf Company in my name and then changed the directorship to my name at Companies House. I have now sent a Subject Access Request to the company formations entity that sold the off the suspect Off-the-shelf company in order to get more details about this new development. Now the help I require is the contact details of useful and experienced Solicitors with established expertise in Identity Fraud cases to review the evidence in my possession and take this fight to Santander. Also the contact detail of any private investigator would be useful so I could track down the imbecile masqurading as me. Also I would like to know how best I could involve the Police in this investigation as when I had contacted them earlier, I was told that I am not the victim of this Financial Crime and that Santander (the victim) should inform the Police and that I should inform Action-Fraud UK about the identity theft, this I have done and I have a case reference. It beggars belief WHY Santander have not involved the Police yet? Many thanks for helping. Regards, HM
  17. Middle of last month my employer announced their structure changes and what it looks like for managers. We were told in a presentation that we have to submit our preferences for the new job roles and there will be an option for voluntary redundancy. So we are given some time to decide (about 10 days) with figures for VR on what we wanted to do. Some q&a's came out. When they did it then said that VR would be considered no.1 preference over the other preferences. After getting my head around that i though ok I need to ask HR some questions that relate to me and these answers were not forthcoming so when deadline day/time came I had no choice but to put down what I wanted without all the answers I required. A week later they informed me they had not made a decision they will be in touch and acknowledged my requests. Another week passed they called and informed me again still not decided but by this time everyone around me regardless of choices had their outcomes. As another week passed I spoke to our HR department as I was not getting answers on what was happening and wanted to understand why. They said that every person went through a scoring process and that I had scored too high for them to automatically let me go VR so they need to decide what is best for the business. Ok fair enough maybe VR i wouldnt get. A week later I get a call to say my VR request had been accepted. Excellent at least some closure on this I can move forward. I get a call from the new area manager to tell me that the job I am currently doing they will be advertising and wanted to make sure I was happy with my VR. I said well if you are advertising my Job why did you accept my VR request bearing in mind they asked me if I wanted to be considered for it. He said they can because my Role technically no longer exists and its a different job title. Ok. When I look at the 2 roles there is 1 difference and a new title. I went back to this person and said ok they maybe a slight difference but this role and a slightly lower position were considered suitable alternatives when making the choices what has changed. To which he which he couldnt answer. I then said if my role technically doenst exist then on the date of the changes I dont want to be in this role and be placed on gardening leave or alternative duties in line of my current job description. He said he cant do that however I can effectively take a demotion while I worked my notice, or I can withdraw my VR and they will score me up (thought they already done) and see where I can go and then apply if i need to. I was told any score I was told earlier I am not entitled to know what I could of lost out on just the score as this in confidential and they will effectively tell me others scores! This conversation went on for a while and it was agreed I stay doing what I am doing until my leave date. Now I want to know can they advertise my 'job' if they are making me redundant/accepting my VR request? Can they ask me to work at a lower level? Can I effectively claim I have been dismissed/forced out of the company?
  18. I had hired a car on 2 consecutive weeks(22/9 and 29/9 2013) from Europcab Reading. Throughout the journey there wasnt any problem and no accidents(major and minor) . While returning the car, I checked thoroughly and found everything to be ok. And since I returned the car on 22/09 after 8 pm( it was booked till 8 am next day), nobody was there to receive the vehicle and we were told at the time of check in itself that we can park car outside their agency which is an open area. Now 5 days later on 26/9 , we were levied with 65 pound fine for minor scratches on the alloy wheel plus an additional 27 pounds for admin fees. These 65+27=92 pounds were deducted without any information. After 22nd I didnt received any call. mail any pictures of damage etc. After the money was deducted, we went to Europ cab and then he futhered this details with pictures. When I suggested that guy Andy, these could have haapened at night by some drunkards( since it is parked on the open road), he told you have to bear for it. The same could have been done by the Europcap people also knowingly since the charges anyhow they will get from customer + an addtional admin fees( which is simply their earning). And after doing the same they could take the pictures. Excatly the same case happened for the journey on 29th( the fine was pounds this time) and the same happened couple of friends who booked the vehicle. And after complaining to the Europcar people , we were finally told "THAT'S HOW WE ARE.".ITS LIKE WE WILL IL DEDUCT MONEY WITHOUT GIVING AY PROOF, WITHOUT INFORMING YOU AND YOU CAN DO NOTHING.. A strong case need to be penalised against the Europcar so that in further customers are not treated as another piece as s*** !
  19. The human resources woman that is dealing with my disciplinary case stated to my union rep, that i would be better off resigning as it is not looking good for me, this was done in an open room with other people about. should she have the right to be judge and jury and is there anything i can do about it. I have raised a formal grievance (i had a signed statement off my rep) but as my disciplinary is tomorrow i think its gonna get swept under the carpet. ANY ADVICE?
  20. Does anyone have any references to s172 decided cases? First instance would do... The defendant is getting booey with me and insisting its efforts at compliance are all 'honest' mistakes and would provide for relief (assuming it ever applies)
  21. My son has received a letter from an insurer who is about to pursue him for £24,000 for a drink driving incident back in 2010. This is the background to the case http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?316662-Pursued-by-insurance-company-for-uninisured-losses Insurer is asking for income details with a view to agreeing repayment within 28 days, or court proceedings will start. Problem number 1 is that my son is in Australia and not due back until end of year possibly longer. He has no job to come back to and no assets to speak of. Problem number 2 is reducing the figure from £24k - I think the insurer is incompetent and not challenged the claim - the written off vehicle is a 10 year car worth £1400, the rest of the claim is car hire (£3k) and "personal injury" costs for driver and 3 passengers. Problem number 3 is if it goes to court should he defend the claim and risk incurring claimants legals costs - it would likely be Fast Track, not Small Claims due to size of claim. I've had all the comments that he deserves everything he gets for Drink Driving so just some sensible advice would be appreciated.
  22. I failed to notify a change of circumstances in 2011. I had an IUC last December, and admitted what I had done. I was meant to be in court this Wednesday, but this morning received a letter saying it has been adjourned til the middle of September. Does anyone have any idea why it has been adjourned? I'm so stressed out with it, and have been for weeks now, I want to get it.over and done.with. I have a condition that causes too much pressure around my brain, and with the stress from this I have been really poorly, I don't know how I am going to cope for another month!
  23. Hi Guys, Today i got a letter to say welcome finance has won the court case and i need to pay full balance of £5000 even thou i got a loan of £2000, I did apply last month online for to hold it off for 28days but as i'm getting redundant and getting all stressed but i have to do 4 week notice period i cant afford the full balance is there a way i can get round this and pay little bit till i get another job? please help im stressed enough,
  24. Hi To All Been waiting for CSA to sort out mycase for over 12 years.... MP has had the case for over 2 years andstill does nothing, CSA implemented a deduction of earnings from my ex butadmitted in writing they made a processing error and there is nothingthey can do ??? maintenance never paid at all for 4 years due to thiserror, maintenance was asessed @ £47 per week back in 1985 but onlyused to receive £40 every 5 weeks aprx What is the wayforward Tribunal ? Regards AG
  25. Hi all, I am sure you have read and heard all of this before, mine is very similar. I asked (wrote Apr and May 2010) for vodafone to cancel the contract but they carried on charging me. I moved house considering that I have no business with Vodafone so no need to tell them that I moved. Boy, was I wrong? 4 years on and we are still fighting about the default they placed in December 2010. I am just a bit peed off with the fact that I am supposed to pay for vodafones customer service error. They blame that I asked for pac code and never used it, I say was I supposed to know that they would carry on charging if I didnt. It goes on...obviously I am facing all the problems that anyone with a default on their credit fie would, needless to say hundreds of hours of reading and writing blogs online, making phone calls, stressing out. In some other threads people mention that there are template letter I could use...wonder if anyone can point me to them...I tried looking on the right of this screen but doesnt seem to get there. I think at this stage I should send then a 'sar' letter(?) Thanks for reading.
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