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Found 2 results

  1. I had some work done by a carpenter on my home and basically he gave me the run around for over 3 weeks. I paid him for materials some of which he provided. but when I added up what he had bought against what he had charged there was a shortfall of £154 which I deducted from the final bill. He said he would provide receipts which he did not After 6 days he filed a case against me at the county court and I have until the 20 December to answer it. BUT the cheating sod wrote to me and asked me to settle the bill and I wrote back to him, more fool me and told him that I had never refused to pay the balance(meaning the difference between what I calculated and what he could prove) providing he provide receipts. The B*****d has used this to get a judgement for payment. What can I do? How have they made a judgement like that when I was preparing a case? and is all now lost? Please advise, I am fuming
  2. I had hired a car on 2 consecutive weeks(22/9 and 29/9 2013) from Europcab Reading. Throughout the journey there wasnt any problem and no accidents(major and minor) . While returning the car, I checked thoroughly and found everything to be ok. And since I returned the car on 22/09 after 8 pm( it was booked till 8 am next day), nobody was there to receive the vehicle and we were told at the time of check in itself that we can park car outside their agency which is an open area. Now 5 days later on 26/9 , we were levied with 65 pound fine for minor scratches on the alloy wheel plus an additional 27 pounds for admin fees. These 65+27=92 pounds were deducted without any information. After 22nd I didnt received any call. mail any pictures of damage etc. After the money was deducted, we went to Europ cab and then he futhered this details with pictures. When I suggested that guy Andy, these could have haapened at night by some drunkards( since it is parked on the open road), he told you have to bear for it. The same could have been done by the Europcap people also knowingly since the charges anyhow they will get from customer + an addtional admin fees( which is simply their earning). And after doing the same they could take the pictures. Excatly the same case happened for the journey on 29th( the fine was pounds this time) and the same happened couple of friends who booked the vehicle. And after complaining to the Europcar people , we were finally told "THAT'S HOW WE ARE.".ITS LIKE WE WILL IL DEDUCT MONEY WITHOUT GIVING AY PROOF, WITHOUT INFORMING YOU AND YOU CAN DO NOTHING.. A strong case need to be penalised against the Europcar so that in further customers are not treated as another piece as s*** !
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