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  1. Hello I took out a loan with CFO years ago but had problems paying them back. After a while, they stopped trying to take payments but, a year ago after quite some time, they decided to take money from me again of £120. Ive had nothing taken from them since till 2 days ago where they took £32. and this morning they took £86 and £28 and tried to take a further £72 but the £72 failed as I didn't have enough money left for them to take Just called the bank. I asked about a charge back but the person I was speaking about, kinda ignored my question and she said that, they will write to CFO and ask them to stop further payments. As I told her, I never authorized the payments. She will also send me a letter and I have to fill it in and they will investigate the £32 but I have to wait till next week before I can ask them to investigate the £86 and £28 and AGAIN, they will send me letters to fill in She then told me to also speak to CFO, I told her, I can not find a website for them. She then said she has a phone number for them and put me through to them. However, the girl who answered the phone said "good morning loan bob or good morning loan boob" i just said oh sorry and hanged up I read on here that, the bank can do an instant charge back, so why do i have to wait to get letters through my door before i can start appealing the amounts? Thanks
  2. I'd be so pleased if someone could let me know the name of this song and who sings it. [ATTACH]50309[/ATTACH] Please don't pay any attention to the French bot voice. It has nothing to do with the song (in case you thought it did!!) Ta
  3. Having become a reader of scoop.it, it has been noted by the Americans that the Welfare Reform has caused more poverty than it has eluded to change tell us something we don't already know, full story here http://www.enewspf.com/opinion/analysis/51199-report-examines-u-k-s-new-welfare-system-cautions-against-u-s-implementation.html MM
  4. I am in the WRAG group but since my medical other conditions have come to light. Am I allowed to ask for a GL24 form and send it in - or do I have to wait for my next medical. If I am allowed to do it myself where do I get one from. Thanks
  5. Hello. I have a private arrangement with my ex to pay maintenence for my daughter who is 17 and enrolled at college this September. This arrangement has been in place since, well, the start so to speak, some 15 years and have been informed - told - by my ex that i have to keep paying until she is 19. Is my ex right.....? Seeing as there are no CSA involved and its a private arrangement, do i still have to follow their rules...? Thanks.
  6. Not sure if this is the right place to put it but.... http://legalaidandme.proboards.com/thread/8301/audacity-cameron-hypocrisy-help-buy
  7. Dear all, I hope this is the correct sub-forum to post such a question. Some background: I live on a private street in North East London, it is a gated street. Outside the gate there is a double yellow line on the narrow street. This double yellow line is used by many local businesses as a car park, free-for-all. Of late parking on this narrow stretch is becoming tighter and tigher, with cars often 'double parking' and blocking access, by car, to my gated street. This same narrow stretch of un-gated street also serves an underground car park, belonging to a neighbouring block, housing some 30 cars. My question - please see a photograph of the sign. [ATTACH=CONFIG]48372[/ATTACH] I am confused by the signage and have asked the local council many times to consider changing the times when cars can park. I am worried that with all this extra congestion, if emergency vehicles ever need to access my road, the gated bit, fire engine or ambulance, it will not be possible. The council never seem to enforce any sort of parking control on this important albeit short stretch of road. Ideally it would be great if TfL took over and make the spot a 'red route'. Comments sought. Best wishes, SY
  8. Hi my sister was shopping Asda recently. She had my 86 year old disabled Aunt with her so used one of the Asda wheelchairs. The footrest on one side was twisted and my sister was unable to get it straight. She asked the security guy, who was the size of a brick outhouse, if he could move it for. The guy went into meltdown. Waving his arms and screaming at her to get away from him, he had to watch the monitors. She said blimey OK mate and walked to customer services where she asked to speak to the manager. The security guy on hearing this, came running over to her shouting and waving his arms about, frightening the life out of my sister in the process. My sister is 50 years old and has been on heart medication since suffering a heart attack at the age of 44. Next thing the security guy grabbed the wheelchair with my terrified aunt in it and started pulling it and pushing it about like a mad man. It took two Asda female staff members to calm him down and get him away from them. Asda have replied with the worst apology you can imagine, effectively calling my sister a liar, although there were witnesses plus CCTV. If she wanted to pursue this, is there a case to answer here? Any advise greatly appreciated.Thanks
  9. driving my friends car with him in the back seat i was flashed and he has received a speeding ticket. i don't know if I'm insured or not ?? a) im insured but only as a named driver on my dads policy b) my friends has fully comp insurance and was in the car when i got flashed (we are both 26years old) will the DVLA check insurance if i say it was me ?? am i covered by either policy ? whats my best plan of action?
  10. How likely I am to get disability element on top of my working tax credits, based on the tax office guide lines, I think I would be entitled to the disability element, but dont know what the tax office would think I work 16+ hours per week Due to my health, I am unable to work, 5 days per week, or any long shifts now, so I only work 4 days ,and 6.5 hrs I have a secure job, in asda, so for me to find a new job, I think I would have some difficulty in doing so My health is poor, due to slow heart rate, high cholestral, and angina, easily get tired, and exhuasted. Have been in and out of hostipal getting tests done for last 2 years Because of my health I have had to take time of sick, and the way my days of sick work, does not allow me to get ssp, as it is my day off Since my health has got poorer, my earnings have been vastly reduced; 2008-2009, £12,600; 2009-2010, £9500, so my gross earning are less than the year before If I didnt get disability element then I would have to work more hours just to meet outgoings, but in doing so, I may very well make my self more ill, as I realy need to rest
  11. The parking warning signs on a car park on private land do not need planning permission as long as they are with the permitted size as stated in the (The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007) if they are any bigger they need to apply for planing permission, If non has been sort then the sign is illegal does it make the alleged breach of contract claimed null in void ? Most of the car park signs i have seen are bigger than A3 The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 Regulation 6 SCHEDULE 3 CLASSES OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR WHICH DEEMED CONSENT IS GRANTED PART 1 SPECIFIED CLASSES AND CONDITIONS Class 2 Miscellaneous advertisements relating to the premises on which they are displayed Description 2A. An advertisement displayed for the purpose of identification, direction or warning, with respect to the land or building on which it is displayed. Conditions and Limitations 2A. — (1) No advertisement may exceed 0.3 square metre in area. (2) Illumination is not permitted. (3) No character or symbol on the advertisement may be more than 0.75 metre in height, or 0.3 metre in an area of special control. (4) No part of the advertisement may be more than 4.6 metres above ground level, or 3.6 metres in an area of special control.
  12. Can someone tell me how long a CCJ stays on someone's credit file please? Is it 1. when a debt is paid off in full (if paid in installments or in one go) at which point it is removed, 2) a certain amount of years (6?) after the debt is paid off in full (either by installments or in one go), or 3) a certain number of years from the date the Judgment was made regardless of whether it is paid off, in part, or not (and do dismissed or set aside applications have a bearing on when the clock starts ticking?) Also, how do credit reference agencies ensure that a defendant's address details are current? Many thanks
  13. So there is quite a big thing about banks having to cancel CPAs and giving your money immediately back. My question is how immediate is immediate? And some banks aren't playing ball. Does anyone know if lloyds tsb are ok with this? I also wondered if it did actually work? Is it worth cancelling the card at the same time? Can they (PDL lenders) get into your account any other way? I was thnking of getting a new bank account completely but I'd really rather not unless I have to. any advise would be great
  14. Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me? I have received a letter this morning regarding my sons child support. it says they have looked at my case again and there is no change to his maintenance. I contacted agency as I have not had contact with them for a long time and thought this had been sent in error. It is something regarding my ex and they wont tell me anything. I understand data protection and all, and I have no contact with him so no idea as to what is what. I know it hasnt been reassessed. Theres a part of the letter I dont understand. It says 'This is because, under child support law,the ground (or grounds) for changing the amount of child maintenance wasn't Just and Equitable. That is, it wasn't fair and reasonable to everyone involved.' Does anyone know what that means, and what sort of changes would produce this letter? I know he has a child living with him and his wife, and I also know there are no other children that have perhaps recently been born etc. Its confused me a lot, and I seem to be getting nowhere with the CSA. Thanks In Advance
  15. Probably been seen before, but I still find these amusing. [ATTACH=CONFIG]45588[/ATTACH]
  16. I have unsuccessfully challenged a parking ticket which relates to parking on the verge or pavement adjacent to a highway (with double yellow lines on it) and now await the 'notice to owner' to continue the challenge. I am aware of the rules (now they have been detailed) of the verge and pavement area being included in the road markings which are adjacent to such. However, how far doe this extend to? I parked on a paved area which; was not on the 5m wide grassed area immediately next to the road; nor the 5m wide footpath which ran alongside the grassed area; but on the next area (also paved) which was separated from the footpath by a raised kerb type edging. This means i parked 10m away from the highway - past the verge, past the footpath - does the rule still apply here and where does it then end. Would the rule apply 20m away? 30? 100?
  17. Just thought i would ask before i spend my weekend disecting them myself I have searched for a thread where someone has completed a bundle but have failed to find a breakdown of the relevant parts of each case. Also tried to google it and failed. I have Pretty much all of the bundle done and printed, just need these last 2 bits and i will be filling and serving on them on tuesday Any help (shortcuts!) would be amazing!!! And none of this please
  18. For many years now I always believed I knew how income tax worked in relation to your tax code but with this latest increase i'm not so sure. Considering my code went from 810L to 944L I was expecting a lot more money than an extra £23.72 My understand was that 810L = £8105 that could be earnt before tax and that 944L would mean £9445. A £1340 difference on the year, £111.66 a month. So could someone explain how it works?
  19. Hi. I`m self-employed (wife is not working), looking for new contract but no lack during last two weeks, so decided to claim JSA. I`m in receipt of WTC and CTC. should I let tax credit office know about my recent JSA claim or DWP would let them know and they will stop my WTC? (as now none of us is working). I`m still looking for work but there is nothing I could get. also I`m due a payment for work I done (invoiced 09/04/13 and 18/04/13. knowing guy I was working for I`m expecting payment sometimes in MAY don`t even know when. should I let them know about this? and how would that affect my JSA claim as it would be, if anything income based JSA. right now I`m using my credit card and money coming in for those invoices would covermy debts when I get them. one more thing as I made joint claim (now my wife can look for work as well, more chances to secure it), and my wife used to work as employee will that be possible to use her contributions to pay mine JSA?
  20. personal tax code is 820 and if pay £4000 to pension so; £8200+£4000=£12200 so taxed at 20% from £12200 for the next £32000. £12200+£32000=£44200 so tax at 40% on everything over £44000 to £150000. Is this correct, need to earn £40200 to start paying 40% if no pension contributions?
  21. We are currently paying BH £130 a week (TV, washer, sofa, laptop and fridge freezer), I have worked out that in OSC we are paying a whopping £18.95 a WEEK! I have read we don't need this as everything comes with a warranty, which it does as TV, washer and fridge freezer all came with them from the manufacturer. Plus the £9.08 a week for DLC. We don't have home contents insurance, and were told we need DLC because of this, also we were misled in to accepting the OSC on everything. I know we can cancel the OSC, but can we cancel the DLC as well? And can we claim back everything we have paid in regards to both? If we do cancel them (or just the OSC) and claim everything back, is it likely BH will terminate our contracts and want the items back? Any advice is really appreciated! Thanks!
  22. Hi people just thought I would ask what you think of this. on 10/10/2011 I bought a clio 2001 from a guy in auto trader advert said he was a trader car was not sold as seen or anything anyway I went to se car and he took me around block in it seamed ok.I had a car that i was going to scrap but it had mot and tax so he said I wuld take your car off you he wasn't interested in even looking at the car. I paid him cash and give my car in he said ill deliver it anyway next day I went to use car and warning light started to flash people were saying take it back but silly me didn't.Even eight people said so I have lots of witnesses too anyway have tried everything but looks like its the head gasket Looks like this guy knew all a long what he sold me and he even sold mica or tried to for over 500 pounds even though it should have been scrapped. I dont think that there is anything that I can do now but just thought I would ask anyway I know I have done a daft thing Thanks for your time in reading this guys/gals
  23. I can see a similar question on here but don't want to gatecrash the askers thread & my circs are slightly different maybe. I'm sure I have asked on here before, but no joy. Son is in 2nd & final year of 6th form, he will be 18 in March next year, & leaves 6th form in May. He's hoping to do an apprentiship, with an IT firm from May, 100 pounds per week. I currently work 30+ hours a week self employed, & claim working tax credits, housing benefit etc. Have 2 teens, daughter is 16 in January & at school another 2 years. When will CSA payments stop? Relations with the kids dad is cool, but he literally is counting down the days to when his CSA goes down lol (he pays 240 per month for them both which comes straight out his wages on a DOE as he was bad at paying when I was on IS yrs back & I didn't receive it anyway) Thanks x
  24. In September 2011 my husband got a call from his insurance company, LV, saying someone had reported his vehicle as being involved in an accident and if he knew anything about it. He was told he had scraped a car as he left a car park. He wasn't aware of anything, but checked the car for scratches and found nothing and emailed photos as proof. When his insurance was renewed last July his NCB was reduced from the maximum (7 years?) to 4 as this was still pending. He made several calls up to 1 May 2012 and, when he asked, he was told the claim would expire if they did not hear from the claimants for six months. When he checked yesterday the last action on the case was a letter from LV to the other insurance company on 26 May 2012. They are checking out what is happening with their claims dept tomorrow, but we just want the case closed so he can reclaim his lost NCB. Also, he is a named driver on my policy which expires on Wednesday and we need to sort it one way or the other before then. How can we get LV to close the matter? BTW, last July, he kept with the same broker but moved from LV to get a better deal. Many thanks for any advice. Ruth
  25. Hi, I am looking for some advice. I have a number of debts but the creditors have accepted a token payment each month, the only one I'm having problems with is Barclays Bank. I have an overdraft with them and have written to them asking if they will accept a token payment in order to clear the debt. I do not work due to ill health, but cannot claim benefits because my husband works. The bank has refused my payment because I have not given details of my income, which I have it is zero. My question is does my husband have to declare his income to them even though the account and overdraft is in my name only. He is prepared to give me the payment to give to them monthly but will not fill in an income and expenditure form. All my other creditors have no problem with this arrangement.
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