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  1. Our son owes many fines and court fees etc. He hasn’t lived at our house for 6 years but always gives our address. Today two people from Marston Holdings came round today with a court warrant to take goods to value of £550. They accepted that he doesn’t live there but said as our address in on the warrant they will come back in the next two days (with a locksmith) and take goods to that value which will be stored for 5 days and returned only if we can provide receipts. They said the only way we can stop this is to pay the fine. Any advice on how to deal with this would be gratefully received.
  2. Hello, Today someone from Marston Holdings came to our property for someone who no longer lives in the UK. He was a family friend of ours and used our address without our permission nor knowledge. They are after a Magistrate Court fine. My mother answered the door. Mother doesn’t speak English so she woke up my brother up who was unaware what was going on and shut the door on the person telling him that he doesn’t leave here. A removal notice was left behind saying that they are now going to take our stuff from us. I called the number from the removal notice and spoke to the person who authorised the entire thing and after explaining to them what happened and he said he can’t doing nothing but prepare for our stuff to be taken. His giving us 72 hours from Monday to prepare... He was rude and unfriendly and wasn't trying to reason to with me. He said that because my brother shut the door on him and didn’t provide ID’s, he nows has ‘enough evidence’ that the person does live here. Now we are going to lose all of our stuff because a) someone used our address without our permission and knowledge and b) my brother shut the door on the bailiffs telling him that he wasn't living in the property. We don’t have receipts for most of the items. What can I do? We do not know where this guy lives and we do not have any contact details... We are a family of 6 and this will cause a lot of stress. This is the first time we are dealing with bailiffs.
  3. Good morning I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice as I am really not sure what to do. I received a text on my mobile on 10th Feb from an enforcement agent informing me that I owed £1401. At first I was unsure what he meant but after speaking to him I realised it was from a court fine regarding a traffic offence that I appealed but seems to have been rejected. Through the process of the appeal being rejected I moved but had contacted the Court to ask them to let me know at my new address. The baliff informed me that a Distress Warrant had been issued in Oct to my old address and they now needed full payment. I contacted their office as I have never received the Notice of Enforcement and it seems it has gone to the old address. When I spoke to the baliff I said I would try and raise the funds from my work but it is so stressful here that I am worried I am going to lose my job. Payment is due on Friday and I have no-one else to turn to, if I pay the full amount out of my salary I won't be able to pay my bills or my son's childcare for the month. I emailed the Court and they have said I need to work it out with the baliff but I can't see him doing this - is there anything else I can do? Many thanks
  4. Hello everyone at the CAG forum, this is my first post here. I'm hoping to get some advice with Marston / Collectica after a bailiff visit today. I wasn't home but they left a hand delivered Final Notice. Let me give some more information; I have a Further Steps Notice from London Collection and Compliance Centre dated 18th November, amount owed £580. I did not open and read this letter until yesterday. Around two weeks ago I received a Notice of Enforcement Distress Warrant from Her Majesty's Courts & Tribunals Service, it stated the debt was £580 but now £660. I did open and read this letter, I thought it was due to a recent CCJ from an unsecured Vanquis debt from over 3 years ago. Based on this thought, I believed this was just a normal scare tactic letter taken to the next level (bearing in mind at this point in time I had not opened or read the Further Steps Notice letter) with the belief that this was from an unsecured debt I also believed that if anything they would just send a standard bailiff to which I could just politely refuse to open to door and ask to leave, having no vehicle or property outside that they could take. The due date of this Distress warrant was 16/02/2017, 14 days after the issue date. Today (well yesterday now) 17th Feb, I arrived home to find the bailiff Final Notice letter, with an added fee of £235. At this point I decided to reread the last letter I received, the Distress Warrant. This is where I started to worry and have doubts that this was actually the debt from Vanquis. I had a look around and found some unopened letters, one of them was the Further Steps Notice. Upon reading this I soon realized it was unlikely that this was the Vanquis debt. Reading about deductions from my salary (I work myself so don't think they could apply this?), but more worrying 'issuing a warrant for your arrest' surely Vanquis can't get a warrant for my arrest issued due to unpaid debt with them? This must have come from the Magistrate's court? I got thinking, last year (I'm not sure exactly when, but now I'm guessing around April or just after) I received a council tax letter out of the blue saying I owed £200 or £300 for unpaid council tax. I live at my Mums house, and for over 15 years the council tax has be debited from her bank every month. I mentioned to her that I received a council tax bill in my name and she said it has always been in her name there must be a mistake, she said she will talk to them about it. She has always paid the council tax and never missed a payment, it comes out of her account automatically. We both thought it was strange a letter arrived in my name, she was adamant it should still be in her name and they must have sent it in error. Unfortunately she forgot to call them to speak about it, I think due to the fact she was sure it was just an error and still in her name, also a very close family member became very ill and sadly passed away late last year. I also forgot about it and did not remind her at anytime about it. Since receiving that letter I have never received another letter from the council or anyone regarding any council tax bills/debts. After all this thinking I call her and ask if she ever spoke to the council about the letter in my name and she doesn't remember it, and ys its in her name always has been. I ask if she can check her bank statements to make sure because I can't figure out what this debt is for, it can only possibly be due to this. She calls me back and is unhappy, the council stopped taking payments from her around April last year. Now I am pretty sure this must be due to unpaid council tax, even though I haven't received any other letters, I know that unpaid council tax can go through the Magistrate's court and a warrant for arrest issued if it came to it, also that these bailiffs could actually enter my home. After doing some research online I have read of people receiving the same letters but due to DVLA fines where someone has used their name and DOB. Now I am not sure if it is council tax or something worse? In the morning I plan to call bailiff on the mobile phone number he left on the Final Notice and ask him who the debt is from and hopefully find out if it is due to council tax or something else. Also no one will be home now until Tuesday or Wednesday and I will let the bailiff know this and that as soon I get back we can sort the issue out. Does he have to tell me who the debt is from, and is there anyway he can come back and enter the house whilst no one is home? Obviously we are going to call the council first thing Monday to sort out the council tax problem, we have no problem paying the back taxes that we owe, and have only realized tonight that they stopped taking payment last year. If this is due to council tax, is there anyway we could contest the added fines/payments? Neither of us received any other letters regarding council tax since the one last year in my name, no other arrears or court letters until the Further Steps Notice. If it turns out it is due to DVLA or something else what would be my next steps? I have not received any parking tickets or traffic offences other than a parking ticket on 10th October from Civil Enforcement LTD which I contested and they sent me a Confirmation of Cancellation letter confirming it had been cancelled. If its council tax there is no issue paying, I can afford to pay it but I would rather not pay the excess as I did not receive any other letters about it. In this case should I try to contest first then pay the council or courts directly, or pay the bailiff inc the excess and try to contest after? I am now worried the bailiff will not tell me who the creditor is but just try to get me to pay, then I will have to wait until Monday to contact the council or courts to find out. Thanks for reading and any advice anyone can give.
  5. Can you help ? My daughter has been informed by our old next door neighbour that the current occupants of our old address have passed to them a Final Notice which was delivered to the address yesterday by an enforcement agent from Marstons. It states that their client is Highways England. The notice states that "despite previous notices and attendances I shall attend to take control of goods and remove for sale by public auction"............ Balance due £425.50 My daughter left that address probably two years ago and I left about eighteen months ago. Neither of us have received any other mail / notifications / phone calls or any such contact relating to this unknown issue. I had mail forwarding for three months but received no related documents. As it mentions Highways England I presume it relates to a traffic offence maybe ? On checking my daughters vehicle documents I can see that she has over looked the updating of the address on her vehicle log book, which would explain why they have approached that address. Presumably there has been previous correspondence which has not been forwarded. The notice although addressed to my daughter and sealed, has been opened so that the owner of my old address as well as my old next door neighbour have viewed this document prior to it reaching us. Before we make contact with these people, what should I be aware of and what are our rights regarding the final notice ? Any help would be much appreciated. TIA
  6. Hello all, I can't quite believe this forum and site exists with such great advice and information!! well done to all involved. Now on to my problem (amounts slightly varied to keep anonymity) I was lent £20,000 from an ex employer who also happened to be my boyfriend at the times family business (big mistake) It was lent on the basis I would repay it when I could. Interest would not be charged. some unfortunate events happened and I had to stop working for them. I offered 3 dates when I would return the money in instalment. The first date I kept and paid them the £10,000 as promised. Unfortunately relations with them went down hill and I had stored around £10,000 worth of goods at their home. They were not being forth coming with returning my items or even allowing me to pick them up. I wasn't sure and still am not if my items still exist. And so I decided i would offer the second installment in person at their home so I could pick up my belongings. I sent over 20 emails offering dates saying I would happily give them the cheque. I heard nothing back. Sadly a few months later I became ill and have been signed off work for 6 months and been away from my home recovering. Unbeknown to me during this time they had sent one email to my sister asking for my address in which my sister responded saying she couldn't give out my location as I was very ill and she didn't feel it was ok to raise this subject with me. Forward 5 months when I return to my home in England and I have a ccj issued against me and I have x amount of days to pay. I sent a letter straight away to their lawyer stating I had been ill and I would have responded if I had received the letters. They responded saying I had 15 days to reply. 3 days later I sent an offer letter to their lawyers along with doctors notes to prove I was sick. I am currently waiting for their response. But I am very very worried because A. I have a ccj against my name and I would really be grateful of any advice setting this aside? Can I do it on the basis I never received it because of my illness? B. I am on the understanding I only had 28 days after the ccj was issued to come to an agreement or they could go to court to issue baliffs etc? It is day 25 today! ANY HELP so much appreciated. Very stressed and trying to remain calm so I don't get sick again! Kind Regards x
  7. Hello, So long story short earlier this year I found myself unemployed and survived off credit. I owe £26k to various companies. I was advised a few months ago to declare bankrupt and am in the process of raising the funds (should have all paid by 13th Jan). I had a CCJ awarded against me for ~6000 by a credit union. This was a loan. Monday I received a Notice of Enforcement from Harrison (Marston) stating that a High Court Writ of Control had been gained and I needed to pay by 23rd Dec. I have been reading and would appreciate some advice. I own nothing of value, I sold most of it to feed the kids earlier this year. My first question is can this be enforced by a HCEO? I have read that they don't deal with debts regulated by the Consumer Credit Regulations 1974. Second question is if they can enforce it what would be the best way to stall them until bankruptcy? I was told that if I paid any debts off now then the court would reverse them as I cannot be preferential to paying a particular debt. To complicate things further my wife is currently in hospital so I am looking after 3 young kids whilst trying to sort this. I understand that bankruptcy is where I need to be but don't think I could deal with the stress of having bailiffs at the door! Any help appreciated. Thanks
  8. Hi guys. The other night I had the misfortune to have bailiffs from Marston's attend my property. I was asleep on the sofa my partner went outside to see what the noise was as we live on a partly industrial site and we have locked gates to the shared access. My partner came in frantic and woke me up to tell me that men who identified themselves as Law Enforcement Officers were here to see me.. I went out to greet them and instructed my partner to lock the door behind me. Stupidly neither of us had the good sense to video any of this because if we did then the following events may not have happened. I asked them what their business was they said they were there to exercise a warrant for unpaid fines. I replied that this was fine and I offered myself for arrest as they had led us to believe that they were Court Bailiffs and not Private Bailiffs. Whilst I was talking to them, one of them said they had the power to force entry yet never showed me any warrant.. .whilst I was being distracted by one Bailiff the other opened my rear gate and the next thing I hear is my partner screaming that the other Bailiff is forcing the French Doors open. Anyone that knows French doors will know that unless you have very thick bolts top and bottom that they are fairly easy for a 14 stone thug to push open regardless of how good your Chubb lock is on the handle assembly. Unfortunately I just have 2 little bolt locks at the bottom of the doors and they are only attached by half inch screws. I immediately rang 999 and asked for Police to report a case of breaking and entering.. .but once I told the operator that they were Bailiffs she said there was nothing they could do??? is that the case? All you need to burgle a house is a uniform and a bundle of lies. Now that they are both in the house they start just going through our things saying that they would be taking everything unless they received full payment of £700. To try and settle with them I offered them either of 2 cars, a 1 ounce gold chain or my Rolex watch left to me by my Grandfather.. .and they refused each of them and instead began to dismantle my computer and the 7 year old plasma TV I use as a monitor for it. My partner and I at this stage were terrified as the Police had turned their back on us, the Bailiffs didn't really seem to want to take goods.. .more like create a sense of fear, disruption and panic in our house. I told them I would happily surrender what I owned. ..gold chain, Rolex watch and 2 cars but as it was my partner's rented (furnished) house and not a joint tenancy nearly everything else belonged to either my landlord or my partner and I offered receipts to prove. They then said that they would be taking everything anyway and we could use the receipts that I had just offered to show them to claim what they had taken by applying to the Court. Then we get to the what they really want. .I said I had just given up my job through illness before Christmas and we simply didn't have that kind of money but I could get £300. They said "You must know someone who will lend it to you" and my partner then rang her Mum who paid it on her Credit Card. Now what this fine related to was a car I sold over a year ago to a car dismantler who was supposed to have applied for a new logbook informing the DVLA he was the new keeper but clearly he didn't. Now because the vehicle was neither SORN nor taxed apparently the DVLA can now 'do' you for no insurance. Now here is my guilt...I foolishly ignored their letters thinking that eventually the DVLA would be updated eventually. I then exacerbated things by ignoring the Court letters too. In my defence I suffer from PTSD and other mental health issues not to mention physical ongoing Pancreatic problems so I know it's bad but I do bury my head in the sand and hope everything will all go away. Not the actions of a perfectly mentally sound individual. Now what I have done so far to try and remedy the situation is send the DVLA a copy of the bill of sale for the car.. .and naturally they say it's not their problem now. ..so my next step is to deal with the Court. I also reported it this morning to the Police as a crime and let me tell you that is no easy task as the operator this time said she would pass it along to their crime team who would get back to me within a few days....no crime number or reference of any kind. I fully intend to help my partner's mother instigate a chargeback on her Credit Card although it seems to be ill advised on this site. ..as this payment was obtained solely under duress. Any advice or imput would be gratefully received. Thanks so much in advance
  9. Today 07/01/2017 my partner and i had a visit from a marston holdings bailiff demanding payment from my partners daughter who no longer lives with us and is not on electoral register and proceeded to show him our tenancy agreement and that she has not lived here for over four years since going to university. None of us at the address is named on the so called court order which he would not confirm also we have not had any notice that any enforcement agent would be visiting. As the person on the enforcement notice was not in residence we informed him that he was allowed to demand payment or remove goods he was insistent to the point of bullying saying he had the right to do what he wants and seize any cars or goods my partner and her second daughter and her granddaughter 8 years was getting upset frightened and angry still he would not go and my partner was at the point of handing over her cameras to him until he said he would allow 10% of what they cost new to which i got angry and insisted he leave but he was fueling an disagreement between my partner and i to the point i angrily and under duress i paid on my credit card. This agent had proof that she no longer lived at this address and turns out no longer owned the car and was paying said penalty notice. Take note Marston's agents do not take notice of their legal limitations and will do anything to take money off innocent people we did not incur the debt but will hound anyone to get payment.:mad2:
  10. I have just got a letter from marston they apparently hand delivered it. So they came to my house . but i have NEVER received any court papers from any court. The debt is from marlin financial and originally from HSBC many years ago. What should I do?
  11. Morning all, long time lurker first time poster... I have been repaying my water company debts through Marston, until last week was regularly repaying £85 on the 21st of each month. Then I switched jobs to work for the NHS as a bank support worker. The pay is much better than my previous employment, but the NHS isn't run like a private company, I recieved my first paycheque this morning, two weeks late because my line manager had been too busy to complete my registration. I wrote to Marston to tell them this and said I would be able to pay today (the 1st) and even offered an additional £50 for the inconvenience and to get proof of the delay from my employer. They replied and said my letter had been passed on to their client, but in the mean time told me that as I had not held up my end, the agreement had been terminated and they would proceed with enforcement for the full balance of around £3200. I made my late payment anyway and offered to increase my repayment to £100 due to my new job, now terrified they are going to ignore this and show up, take my (£1000) car and try and get into my house for my goods. I have been on antidepressants for over ten years and while I am currently dealing with my mental health problems, this sort of issue is exaclty the type that would make me stop going to work and ignore everything once more, which will only make situations like this much worse. Any advice on what to do next would be gratefully received.
  12. Hello all, I received today a letter from "marston High Court Enforcement Officers" : Strange thing is that I have NEVER received any letter, information or anything prior to above notice. ..but the stranger thing is that I NEVER drove a vehicle without a valid licence - besides on the date of this incident (13/06/2016) I was home off sick, after being hospitalised for 4 days (doctor gave me a sick note for 2 weeks) - I was unable to drive during this time due to heavy dosage of antybiotics & painkilles and the fact that my left foot was so swollen that I was almost unable to walk more then few steps (I had Cellulitis - which is an infection of the deeper layers of skin and the underlying tissue.). I think that this is happening because somebody either with the same name did that offence (and in some twisted way it ended up with me) or someone deliberately gave my personal information to avoid being fined for this ...in any case what are my options? How should I proceed with this case? Thank you kindly in advance for any helpful information, Mike
  13. I have just sorted out my council tax and I have now had a letter from marstons, saying they are coming with removal contractors on July 21st. This is for a CCJ to severn trent water. I was already aware I was behind with this and had filed a N245 for a variation, however when I phone Bradford County Court on Friday they said they were just about to deal with it. Do their officers have right of entry. Should I tell them that the N245 has be sent. There will not be any cars there and I will not be at home. But I don't want them to break in. I was under the impression they could not force entry.
  14. I just received this letter today stating: Marston High court enforcement officer & Certified bailiff CLient : HMCTS Cheshire Div 1 Amount Due : £706.67 we are in possession of a Magistrates court order as a consequences of non payment of this above fine. Your residence at the above address has been confirmed. As you have failed to deal with this outstanding fine or respond to letters delivered to this and previous address, we must inform you that unless the TOTAL sum due above is paid with in 7 days of this letter, our bailiffs will attend to levy distress and remove good for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION. I want to pay them but they want full amount, I had been ringing them since last 6 months n told them I will pay you a set amount via direct debit or standing order, but everytime they say we want full amount, now I got this final letter, Im really worried I dont know what to do now. please help me I only earn £100/ Week, so dont know what to do Regards
  15. I received a letter in the post which has come directly from Marston High Court Enforcement Officers stating that I owe £790 within 14 days or an enforcement agent will visit my house and seize my belongings stating they are in possession of a 'Warrant of Control' as a consequence to non payment of the fine. It gives no indication of what the fine is for but only that the client is: HMCTS Hertfordshire along with a client reference. This has not come from the council or local court and I have not received any other letters or fine warnings from anywhere else and this Marston letter is the only thing I have received stating that a fine is owed. I contacted Marston directly they stated the fine was for 'driving a vehicle without insurance' or something similar to that they also quoted my old car number plate and the date in which they were contacted by the 'client'. They said the fine must be paid in full. They were unable to give me contact information of the 'client' however. As far as I am aware, driving a vehicle without insurance is a criminal offence and a simple fine in the post almost a year later seems a bit suspicious. I therefore contacted the DVLA to find out whether there were any pending or ongoing cases or investigations or anything similar linked to the vehicle or my driving license for which they said all cases had been closed or finished or something similar to that and that they were going to investigate this matter and see why I received a fine. After searching the internet for a HMCTS Hertfordshire phone number it would appear that the court has either disbanded or changed name or something similar and I only found a number on a word document google search link. I phoned the number and they told me to ring a different court and say i was DVLA Insurance - which I still don't understand as I wasn't given the option to state this really. the guy on the phone told me to go to my local court and ask for a Statutory Declaration, a date would then be set when a DVLA officer or representative or similar would come in and confirm that I was not the driver. Firstly, In this situation am I right to ask for a Statutory Declaration and secondly, is this a genuine fine and surely the police would be after me for such an offence (which i did not commit) Also, I sold the vehicle on February the 12th 2015 and have proof of this, the offence was allegedly made on the 3rd of June 2015 I believe according to Suffolk courts who I was transferred to for some reason. I now live in Plymouth and am a full-time student so am I able to deal with this matter in a local Plymouth Magistrates? Sorry for the long post, just wanted to make sure all the info was clear and all there. Many thanks
  16. Hi Everyone.....it's my first post here, I hope someone can give me a little bit of advice Yesterday lunchtime there was a huge knock on my door, answered the door and was greeted by what looked like 2 police officers (all in black, stab proof vests, walkie talkie) - my heart was in my mouth. They asked to speak with my husband (who wasn't in). They showed a badge and advised they were enforcement agents from the court to collect a debt for an unpaid council parking charge from 2014. Total amount owed £422. One of them radio'd to someone to tell them "stand down I've made contact". They came in and explained that bailiffs were following behind (30-40 mins) and should I not pay they would add fees on. I was absolutely in a bit of a panic, unsure what to do. I actually remember the debt and stupidly thought we had sorted it (we disputed owning the car at the time of the parking charge). The enforcement agents were polite and friendly but they said there was no option but to pay (if I couldn't pay or get someone to pay) then bailiffs would follow and they had already gained entry. So, I paid £422 on my debit card. He wrote me out a receipt and gave me details of who I needed to contact if I did dispute the debt (DVLA firstly then go to Northampton County Court with the evidence). He also showed me some paper trail on his ipad thing which said that someone had been at 7.08 on a Friday in January (I am in everyday with children so deffo not true). Now the panic is over I am feeling somewhat stupid. I looked at the receipt and it is from Marstons!!!!!! So, were they just bailiffs dressed up to look all official???? We have had no correspondence from the bailiffs (this I can guarantee as I work from home so get the post each day) I am guessing that this £422 is mainly fees???? How can it be fees when they have only just come??? So - I guess the question is what can I do? Anything? Other than the handwritten receipt I have no documentation (I had to call the enforcement agent to find out the court reference!!). Any help would be gratefully received. Thank you for reading. Luau
  17. The Credit Today Awards 2016 was held two days ago and the Best Vulnerable Customer Strategy Award was given to Marston Group. The Credit Today Awards is the largest awards ceremony in the industry. Marston Group received the award for a range of vulnerability initiatives established throughout its business, in support of customers that are potentially in need.
  18. Background Got pulled over last year, unknowingly I had no insurance (premiums were coming out, but that's another story), and as it transpired my license had also been revoked 11 years previously (even I'm impressed by that.) Obviously it went to court etc, ended up with £180 fine and 6 points. Own fault, absolutely hold my hands up here, so no bashing please. for various reasons, it didn't get paid and got sent to Marston's who added their admin fee on top, bringing it to £225 total. Phoned them up (recorded the conversation), and entered into an agreement to pay the initial £80 and £35 pw thereafter until cleared. They attempted to take payment of the £80 but it failed (even though there were more than sufficient funds available.) They suggested that it was most likely something akin to a processing error and that it sometimes happened but not to worry about it. Their advice was to wait until it had returned to the bank and to phone back and they would collect the £80 and the first £35. Bonus, thinks I, job done, all sorted. We set a date to phone back etc, which I confirmed with them. So you can imagine my surprise when the day before I'm due to ring them back I receive a phone call from my housemate saying he currently has an "enforcement agent" sat in the living room demanding £490 or he was leaving with the contents of my room. Now, being at work, in a busy office, quite clearly I was on the back foot a bit here. I get my mum (thank god) to transfer the money across and pay him over the phone to get rid of the guy. Leaves a receipt, which also turns out to be from Marston's. My query is, because they went against the agreement that was set up the week previously, is there anything I can do about the additional £215 that I had to pay for them coming out. Quite clearly I was under duress at the time, being at work, under the belief it was all sorted out, having had zero notice they intended coming out etc. I seem to recall reading something somewhere about requesting a chargeback(?) via my bank (Natwest). Would this be the route to go if so?
  19. Hi, My Daughter has had a Notice of Enforcement from Marston. Regarding unpaid TV Licences. I am not defending her guilt but I want to question the actions. On reception of the notice (22/4/16) she contacted Marston who said the debit was for 2013/14/15. Although the issue date is 20/2/13. Couple of things. 1 - She was working in France for 4 months prior to that date. So would have had no knowledge of any court date as she arrived bcak in the UK less than 10 days before the issue date having found out she was going to be a mum for the first time! 2 - How can they charge for dates after the date of issue? 3 - She is at a different address from the one she was in in 2013 and there is no information as to where this debt is set against. 4 - She has had no letters (and they have not produced any) to show she was in trouble. She is responsible for the non payment of TV fines but she works part time and is a single mum with nothing of any value. CAB have said they cannot help, which I find surprising and they offered no further advice. Can anybody suggest anything? Thanks Ian
  20. Back in July 2015 I received a court fine for TV licence I phoned the court to arrange payment to be told it's been passed to Marston's I tired contacting. Marston's and they wanted payment in full which I can't do so I then received a baillif at my door no 7 day notice letter from them just turned up at the door anyway they wanted 650 pound which I didn't have they could see I had no assets so they told me I had a month to get the money together stupidly I said yes just to get them out of the house but I can't pay it I'm a single mum of 7 children getting full housing benefit council tax child tax credit I'm self employed but only work 16 hours a week and it's commission based so I don't really earn anything at all what should I do there coming back on the 16th April for payment in full but I have no assets and no money I'm not refusing to pay the court fine I just need more time to pay any advice would be greatly appreciated
  21. Ok. I'll keep this shortish. In 2014 I had a CCJ against me for £1320 including court fees this ended up with a bailiff visiting and making an enforcement of goods order. I made a payment plan and have been paying £100 a month ever since for a debt totalling £1660. I paid £400 in June 2015 for a missed payment and to stop them threatening me. Missed payment due to changing bank account. They have charged me another £495 pounds saying that the enforcement went to stage 2 even though no one visited the house. I received no notice of this upgraded enforcement. Also I have discovered they have charged £90 fee initial fee when challenging them today they have added 20% VAT to all fees is this allowed? As far as I'm aware I have paid this debt in full plus some. The Bailiff has been very aggressive and threatening on the phone. I am going to stop them taking anymore money from my card as I believe they are now taking money they shouldn't have . Help please anyone!!
  22. Hi All, I don't know if you can advise me on this. I met a super charming guy online last year, went out with him for a few weeks. Quickly realised he was an alcoholic, a scrounger and compulsive lier, so I ended the relationship. Fast forward 3 months and I received a letter at my address for him, from Marston's chasing an unpaid drink driving fine. I called the original Magistrates court where he was issued the fine and explained that the man does not and has not ever lived with me, and I sent them a copy of my council tax bill and a letter to that effect. I also sent a registered letter to Marstons saying the same thing, with a copy of my council tax bill. I called Marstons to see what the situation was and they said that my address was in the process of being removed. Yet 5 days later and a Marston's Enforcement Officer called round at my house. I explained the situation on my doorstep, and provided a mobile phone number for him to contact the ex and ascertain his whereabouts. Luckily he seemed like a reasonable man and he didn't act in an intimidating way. What procedure should I follow if Marston's come back again? I don't want to have any more to do with this as it's not my debt and I find it very stressful. I had enforced no contact with the ex, and I want nothing to do with this person or his dodgy life. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  23. Hi, i recently paid a speeding fine of £185 to a company called marston. After making the payment over the phone i was told that the payment had been taken and but apparently there was a 'security issue' on my account possibly because some of the details i had just given were incorrect. However the money had be debited from my account and would be held in a holding account and as far as i understood the fine would then be paid . So.. i drew line under it and thinking it was done i forgot about it. 12 days later my friend, whom i used to live with, where i am still registered as living had court enforcement officers barge their way into his flat, telling him that i have a warrant out for my arrest and that i needed to pay them £400! After phoing marston i found out that i should have called to make another payment as the money would be paid back to me from the holding account. THis isnt what i was told and now with a massive fine of £400 and marston on the phone telling me ill be arrested and the fine will rise again soon....i just dont know what to do. I told them when i initially madethe payment that i couldnt afford to pay £185 again when they first mentioned the Security check thing, thats when they said that i wouldnt have to. So what do i do? it seems they make tyhe rules and can do and say what ever they like.. .do i not have any rights at all? does the fact that i paid the £185 in the first place make any difference whatsoever?
  24. Have Marston visiting me for an unpaid PCN, all the fees are correct so no problem there, I take it that once the NOE reaches a year they cannot enforce? No longer have the car & I won't be letting them in, doors always locked. I'm not in work.
  25. Good Afternoon guys, Im in need of some assistance if anyone has a moment? I recieved a hand delivered 'Marstons Holdings' Notice this morning, but information was very limited. I spent the morning calling around all my utilities, as I'm not aware of any debt! In my calls, I had discovered that I owe Income tax for last year, which comes to £545.20, but the HMRC are 'unable' to tell me if the debt has been passed to collectors, and that I should contact the enforcement agency directly to find out if it is indeed for income tax. (being that its the only debt I managed to find today) Now if it is related, I am more than willing to pay! Just I have not recieved any correspondence. No collection warnings, no prior notice. Just an outstanding amount from the enforcers for £855.00 ( with a implied £210.00 Charge for a locksmith!!) So HMRC will send my Paperwork again, In the meantime, I am unsure of what to do? I obviously would like to keep the Enforcer out, and pay the source. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't guarantee they will go away Does Anyone have any advice on next steps? Kind Regards Sim
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