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  1. Hello all, I can't quite believe this forum and site exists with such great advice and information!! well done to all involved. Now on to my problem (amounts slightly varied to keep anonymity) I was lent £20,000 from an ex employer who also happened to be my boyfriend at the times family business (big mistake) It was lent on the basis I would repay it when I could. Interest would not be charged. some unfortunate events happened and I had to stop working for them. I offered 3 dates when I would return the money in instalment. The first date I kept and paid them the £10,000 as promised. Unfortunately relations with them went down hill and I had stored around £10,000 worth of goods at their home. They were not being forth coming with returning my items or even allowing me to pick them up. I wasn't sure and still am not if my items still exist. And so I decided i would offer the second installment in person at their home so I could pick up my belongings. I sent over 20 emails offering dates saying I would happily give them the cheque. I heard nothing back. Sadly a few months later I became ill and have been signed off work for 6 months and been away from my home recovering. Unbeknown to me during this time they had sent one email to my sister asking for my address in which my sister responded saying she couldn't give out my location as I was very ill and she didn't feel it was ok to raise this subject with me. Forward 5 months when I return to my home in England and I have a ccj issued against me and I have x amount of days to pay. I sent a letter straight away to their lawyer stating I had been ill and I would have responded if I had received the letters. They responded saying I had 15 days to reply. 3 days later I sent an offer letter to their lawyers along with doctors notes to prove I was sick. I am currently waiting for their response. But I am very very worried because A. I have a ccj against my name and I would really be grateful of any advice setting this aside? Can I do it on the basis I never received it because of my illness? B. I am on the understanding I only had 28 days after the ccj was issued to come to an agreement or they could go to court to issue baliffs etc? It is day 25 today! ANY HELP so much appreciated. Very stressed and trying to remain calm so I don't get sick again! Kind Regards x
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