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  1. Please only read this if you can provide useful help. I am just a small cog, in a huge manufacturing plant that has its own site security who man the gates checking lorries leaving. This morning I had to leave night shift early due to a private hospital appointment. This was pre-planned, and accepted by my boss, and I also had the proof letter. There are 2 lanes to exit, with retractable bollards, and safety barriers that can also be raised. As there was a long que of lorries in the left hand lane, I chose to use the open right hand lane as the first set of bollards & barriers were open. This is something we always do when usually leaving after a shift. As I approached, the security lady waved her right arm backward and forwards as if to indicate me to move forwards. She then turned around and started shouting to my surprise. I was by now past the first lowered bollards, and in the 'security box'. Ahead the 2nd barriers were raised, but the 2nd bollards up. She shouted, " I told you to stop, you need to reverse and go to the back" I told her don't be stupid it is dark and raining, and would she open the barriers. She got the hump and made threats to 'report' me for calling her stupid. I said, do whatever you need to, but can I just get home now as I have permission for my appointment, and I am in my own time. She refused, and then took my name & reg, and asked for my company ID, which I gave her. I told her again I needed to go and moved the car an inch. She stood in front of my car and stopped me there while she shouted to the other guard to close the other barrier preventing my exit. She now has my reg, ID and name, and still is refusing to let me go home. I said, and I quote "Look, you have my details, lets just deal with this Monday" She said "You wont have a job on Monday" I said "Well we'll see won't we" ...she carried on the radio for a few minutes when I just told her "look, I have permission to leave this site for a medical reason for which I will hold you responsible" She lowered the bollard and I left. Now this was 5 mins of my time I won't get back, and I do not appreciate being threatened by a hitler security guard on my way out of a very physical job. There are 2 lanes to exit. I did not think it was unreasonable as the left hand lane was full of commercial lorries being checked, for me as an employee who works hard, to use the right hand lane which was open. I did not appreciate having my ID taken, and kept against my will. I did not commit a criminal offence. This is all on CCTV as she told me. Great, I would like to see that as everything I have said happened they will see. Can I SAR them for the footage of me by any chance? It is data, and do they have to comply? What I would also like help with please is if any, is what workplace offences she, or I may have committed, as my workplace uses a kangaroo court style justice system where they trump up charges to boost their own ego. I have been through a tribunal myself, which I won, and I know that there has to be proof of EVERYTHING for things to stick legally. They cannot take one side over the other, which is what they will do anyway, as they like to get one over us on the shop floor by 'doing someone' regularly to show their superiority. Also, was I falsely imprisoned, threatened unfairly etc.. It is now 7am, 2 hours after I left work, and I cannot sleep due to this stressing me out, and I have to be up for the hospital at 12pm. Thanks for reading.
  2. I am looking at changing internet security software and wonder whether anyone has any recommendations. A lot of people say that they use fee anti-virus software such as Avast or AVG, but in the past I have used paid for software believing it offers best protection. But given that the subscription renewal is more expensive than I can buy the product from elsewhere, I won't be doing it that way. It is F-secure which costs £25 to renew or I can buy it from Amazon as a download for £11.99. Norton is one of the best for protection, but it does slow down your system and internet connections. That is what I am finding with a free trial version.
  3. Has anyone else experienced a problem with international transfer security questions? it looks to me as if the call centre in India is making up they own questions without reference to the actual customer. The information is not coming from the customer - it appears to be gleaned from credit databases I would question the legality of the this. It also makes it nigh-on impossible to get the security questions right - especially as the information they have is INCORRECT.
  4. Safety First. E-Mail Note from a man in Sheffield to his friend in Birmingham: I was fed up with being burgled every other day in my neighbourhood. So, I tore out my alarm system & de-registered from our local Neighbourhood Watch. I've planted a Pakistani flag in each corner of my front garden and a large Flag of ISIS in its centre. Now, the Yorkshire police, the National Security Bureau, Scotland Yard, MI-5, MI-6, the CIA and every other intelligence service in Europe are all watching my house 24x7x365. My children are followed to school every day, and my wife too, when she goes shopping. I'm followed to and from work every day. I've never felt safer
  5. Hello everyone! I'm new on here so thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out. I've recently started getting calls from credit security LTD. Although I haven't answered and spoke to them, and they haven't sent a letter (I don't think they have a up to date address) I know they are calling me in reference to an outstanding overdraft with my old bank account, around £2500 from about 4 years ago. I've not heard anything for a couple of years about this due to moving without a forwarding address. I'm not trying to get out of paying but as firms like this use bully boy tactics I want to be prepared. Also I'm going through a break up at the moment and a change of circumstances is inevitable for example my incomings/outgoings will be a different in a negative way! I am working but I don't earn a lot. Any advice would be appreciated
  6. I worked for a uk based small security company for two months and did'nt get any pay! I had a verbal contract I filled in all printed / headed logbook entries submitted all my paperwork ID etc p45 NInb etc.( I also photographed every logbook entry).no timesheets when I asked why I had'nt been paid, was led along to be told I needed 'vetting' for the job and could'nt be paid until I had clearance ( dbs check credit employment etc) Yes I know this is rubbish and 'unlawful' I checked with hmrc and sia (governing body)security. I also checked :dbs had no requests for my crb and x employers were never approached. I also found out that the same business has done a similar thing to at least 3 other workers within the last 12 months, you dont get paid after the 1st months work. ..you complain. ..the guy argues with you .. .results in you leaving the job somewhat fedup ...he employs another sia 'muppet'(his words not mine). you're then left to attempt to claim back cash through county court ...noone is given a contract / payslip. ..I feel this is a CON! I have done all letters / court papers etc.but would like advice from those in similar situation. SURELY THIS COMPANY CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH IT! It seems that everyother person in security knows someone whos been ripped off by SIMILAR licensed conmen somewhere around the uk.any thoughts please!!!!
  7. Hello I had an original credit card debt with TSB about 16 or 17 years ago, when my business was terminated. Because of my circumstances I agreed a monthly repayment of £1. After sometime I found I was having to make the payments to Credit Security Ltd and I am still doing so. Some years ago I suggested making a single payment of a substantial sum (but less than half the debt), which would be far more than they will ever receive in my lifetime at a rate of £1 per month. they refused the offer. With postage of 50p I really want to bring this to an end but I cannot repay the total and will have to look to others (possibly) to make up an offer. I really don't know how best to do this. Can anyone help, please? PS I am a pensioner and not able to access much in financial resources. Kind regards Tony
  8. ah help! Last year I got a parking fine for being in a private car park in from Athens Servcies Ltd / AAS Parking. After looking on forums such as this I decided not to pay. However the parking fine is in my Mothers name and she has just received a letter from small claims solicitors say that £149.99 need to be paid now or it will go to county court judgement. Understandably she isn't keen on having her name to the fine. So I decided to call debt recovery plus and offer then a a much lower amount or set up a payment plan as I can't afford the full amount. They refused and said I had to pay the full amount or I will be sent to court. So now I'm wondering what to do? WIll they send me to court do you think? And are they really allowed to refuse me a payment plan? I'm very confused and a bit stressed by it all so would really appreciate any advice. Thanks
  9. Hi, Mu son had a letter from the above regarding a debt with AKTIV KAPITAL (UK) Ltd-PROGRESSIVE CREDIT LIMITED It did not state what the debt was for. So we sent a letter not acknowledging any debt. We also sent the letter regarding contact by telephone and door step visits. We sent that on the 25th February 2014 Recorded Delivery. Today 12th May 2014 we have received another letter dated 9th May 2014 with copies of the debt in question which was Aqua Credit Card. When my son had this card he did get into difficulties with paying it as he lost his job they were unhelpful about accepting reduced payments so they received no payment. Last payment made 14/7/2011 £20. They have sent copies of the Credit agreement and copies of all of his statements from when he had the card. Last statement date 11/7.12. The letter states further to your recent communication and have pleasure in enclosing a copy of Credit Agreement and detailed statement of account. We trust the position has now been clarified and require a payment and settlement proposal within 7 days in order to resolve this matter without further delay. What is the best course of action to take now. We have had no notification that they are officially in charge of this debt. Shall we write back and ask them for paperwork to say that the debt has now been passed to them. Any help please would be appreciated. Thanks
  10. Evening all Had a few lovely threatograms from Lowell Group regarding a Mobile Contract claiming just over £200.00 and have ignored them. Having checked Credit Reference Agencies etc I concluded that the debt was frivolous and nothing to do with me at all (No entries from the Lowell Group and no entries from that mobile company either) Oddly enough I have accounts with the Mobile Company they sent the letter from which are all being serviced correctly (Including one I have a credit balance on) So I sent Lowell an email basically asking them to "Prove it or do one!" Had an email back from them as follows: Interesting...! They've written to me with the Mobile Account Number, Outstanding Balance, They know my address, They know my name... So why are they asking me for that information when they clearly have it all and can write to me and give the account information. I am tempted to write back as follows: Hmmm perhaps not... But in all seriousness, are they trying to fill in the blanks? Should I ignore the email? Or should I just wait for the inevitable Carter letters and defend a theoretical claim? Thanks All. Nuke
  11. Hi, Today I received a statement of account from dlc the creditors name is Hillesden securities ltd formerly Lloyds tsb the original date of agreement is the 15/06/1995and is fir over £1000. Can someone give me advice on dealing with this matter. Regards Wade.
  12. After a small altercation with one of these minions this morning. Do shopping centre security staff employed directly by the shopping centre have to keep on display their SIA licence
  13. https://youtube.googleapis.com/v/lLAFhTjsQHw%26sns=em This video was sent to me by a friend. I have googled the issue and it would appear that it has been reported by the media last year. Apparently in our fast moving society.. swipe and go appears to be the way Banks are moving forward. However, an American journalist has discovered this could cause many problems. He went to an airport with a consultant who was able to simply point something at their pocket/handbag and download all their credit/debit card details and then clone them onto his hotel key card. He was then able to purchase items by swiping his Hotel key card !!
  14. Received an email from a friend earlier detailing another success against a PPC at appeal - this time with the IAS rather than POPLA The young lady in question parked in a residential car park managed by Sussex Security Solutions trading as Parking Enforcement. Received a ticket for £100 (reduced to £60 blah blah blah) for a 'breach of terms and conditions meaning that a contractual fee was now due' (parked in a contractor bay due to building work temporarily removing all of the legitimate spaces). Appealed to the PPC at an early stage and (unsurprisingly) this was rejected - rejection letter was mumbo jumbo and insisted that the contractual amount was payable, no GPEOL was required as the PPC was managing the car park in line with their contract with the landowner, which was a service at no cost to the landowner and that the contractual payment contributed to the costs of managing the business and running the parking service. Two types of signs in the car park - one by where the vehicle was parked stated 'Contractors Only' but had no warning of any payment being claimed in the event of a breach, and others elsewhere did notify of a contractual payment being due in the event of a breach. Incredibly the signs also claimed AOS as a BPA Approved Operator despite them having ditched the BPA in favour of IPC several months ago! The driver received the IAS code for independent appeal along with the initial rejection so put forward a case based on 1. Inadequate signage - PPC had claimed a contractual payment but stated a breach on the ticket. Insufficient detail on teh contractor bay sign to form a contract and even the ones elsewhere (which had not been seen due to the font size and height) were insufficiently detailed to form a binding contract. 2. PPC had claimed that no GPEOL was required, but the appellant held that GPEOL was crucial in this case as a payment on a breach must be deemed a penalty in the absence of GPEOL as this was the basis of the ticket wording and the signage. 3. The PPC had not provided more than vague details of the contract with the landowner and the appellant was unable to adequately assess whether the PPC had lawful authority to issue tickets in their own name or to enforce those tickets. 4. The PPC was falsely and misleadingly claiming membership of a trade body (the BPA) IAS considered the case and responded within just three days that the appeal was upheld and the ticket would be cancelled. The grounds were that on the first point - the inadequate signage was insufficient to bind the appellant to a contractual obligation - as the signs stating a 'contractual payment' would become due only said that a payment 'MAY' be payable, this was insufficient and therefore the appeal must succeed. Annoyingly for the appellant the adjudicator stated that there was no need to rule on the other grounds as the first was successful in itself, but nevertheless the win was sufficient. No doubt Parking Enforcement will be replacing the signs as quickly as possible, however the appellant has already notified Trading Standards of the misleading claim of BPA membership on the signs and is asking questions of the local authority as to whether the property is subject to business rates - after all, by their own admission, the PPC is given a free hand to run their business independently of the landowner and is charging amounts in excess of any GPEOL and is therefore presumably generating some amount of profit in the process!
  15. Hi all It has been pointed out to me by a friend that works in a supermarket that their security guards do not have SIA licenses to carry out security guarding activites . I went and asked in the supermarket and spoke to a personnel manager , she told me she wasn't aware supermarket guard needed licenses as it was private property . But so are nightclubs . And also they are not employed as security they are just supermarket employees . My questions are . 1)Can these people wear clothing stating they are security ? ie jackets etc with security written on them 2)Can they legally do the job of security guards ? 3)Is a supermarket a licensed premises ? 4)Can they watch and use CCTV , which is following the public without the correct CCTV license ? (it is my belief they can only watch stock on the shelves) 5)How does the data protection act apply to them when using the CCTV ? I have many many more questions , but if i get answers to these basic questions they may no longer need answering. Thanks all
  16. Hi, any advice would be very much appreciated. I have received an email off a company called Hillesden Security. It asks me to urgently ring a number quoti ng a reference number. It doesn't say what it is about but I have looked it up and see that it is a debt collection agency. I am scared - should I ring them or not? I have obviously not phoned them back. It maybe related to £600 that I owe a college that I did a course with. I was a month late applying for a grant from student finance that would have paid my fees. I was depressed and had high anxiety levels at the the time and the thought of completing a long and difficult form seemed an impossibility to me.When I did complete it i was a month too late and student finance turned the appication down.I was already a good amount through the year of the course. I had had the fees paid the two years before as we live on a low wage. It took 8 months for the GP to get me onto a dose of antidepressants that worked for me. I finished my course 9 months after everyone else and it took ages for my life to return to normal. I haven't got the £600 to give them.
  17. Apologies if this is the incorrect forum. If I am leaving a store and the security alarm goes off do the security guard have the right to search my bags without my consent? I ask this as it happened to someone who was leaving a store yesterday, not me I hasten to add, and when that person refused the security guard took hold of her by the arm and pulled her back into the store. I am fairly sure that the alarm was activated by someone else actually entering the store and not the person leaving the store. I was always under the impression that the security people had no right to search you or your bags and certainly do not have the right to force you back into the store. Am I wrong?
  18. I wish I'd read this before. I've just gone through the online order for a £2 report from Equifax, only to be informed at the end that I had to phone them. Spent 5 minutes on a mobile phone talking to someone to whom I had to talk slowly and repeat things, only to be told at the end that they wanted me to send documentation including bank statement and ... At that point, I lost my temper (which is extraordinarily rare for me, usually the epitome of calmness) and refused, telling her there was nothing in the online application about this, that I'd just ordered a report from Experian without all this extra palaver, and to cancel the order. She was good enough to confirm that no money would be taken from my card. Jeez, they'd even checked past addresses back to 1999 online! What an expensive, time-consuming, frustrating and ultimately futile experience. To echo the OP, sort yourselves out, Equifax.
  19. Hi, I hope I'm posting in the right part! My husband & I have had an ongoing problem with a security guard in our local Asda store. My husband worked there when it opened in 2005 for a brief period, the security guard and my husband never had t work together but had a mutual, distant dislike of one another. Nothing was ever said. Cut to last June, we were going camping & my husband was buying gas for the stove, he was alone & chatting to the young girl behind the counter, looks up to see the security guard glaring at him for no reason. on his way out of the store my husband winked at him, patted his stomach and said something like "alright big boy" so the guy rounds on him and tells him hes banned. my husband left with no further exchanges. End of July, my husband, myself & our children, aged 4 & 6 go in, do a bit of shopping, only to be confronted by the same man shouting 'youre banned, you cant come in here get out i told you you were banned' he squared up to my husband, who had a child in each hand and was very aggressive, which upset my children a lot as you can imagine. we left after a few more heated words and we didnt go back until november (this store is literally round the corner from our house so its convenient for quick emergency dashes, i usually shop in sainsburys) When we entered the store on 4th november, we got about 20/30 yards into the store only to be confronted by a young, but very tall and aggressive looking, new security guard (the original one is standing behind his podium thing with his arms folded looking quite smug) so this lad, standing right over my husband says "he says youre banned, get out" so my husband tries to give me the basket and i refuse it, I'm not shopping in a store where im treated like a criminal, by a silly little boy so this lad squares up to me instead, presumably because i called him a little boy, despite the fact i was clearly pregnant at the time. I told him we were leaving, he walked so close behind us he almost took my husbands shoe off, the police were called and we left. i tried contacting the manager who couldnt be tracked down for almost a week. when we did pin him down he was evasive & hung up when i said i was recording the call for future reference. no further contact. this morning, my husband needs to buy his sisters birthday present (he forgot) he took our now 5 year old son, gets the cd, goes to chose a card & the original security guy comes over AGAIN with a female colleague and tells him hes banned, he is once again very imposing and agressive and once again upsets my son. As far as im aware to ban you for more than 2 weeks they need a notice of ban or something? I dont intend on ever going back but I wholeheartedly intend on getting an apology for being made to feel like a criminal when i want to buy some apples, and for my children being upset by a grown man whos on a power trip. I'd understand if I was shop lifting or something but we havent done anything wrong.
  20. I requested the security cctv footage on a friend and myself from a major supermarket under the freedom of information act (he had started to go into a diabetic coma and they claimed he was drunk) and they have refused to furnish it. I am aware at one time there was a maximum fee of £10 and it could take up to 40 days. Is there anything I can do?
  21. ok couple of quick things heading around in the computer world ive checked these out and they are all genuine concerns network cameras please remember to change the default passwords - especially on Netwave and Fos Cam cameras usual username/passwords is admin/no password, admin/admin admin/123456 if its any of these change it now, these camera can be searched easly and are often looked for Iomega NAS storage if you have one of these please remember to set the password, theres no password by default and it does file share to the internet easly found (quick search now found 2257 in the uk alone) and you WILL have people poking through your stuff one of my contacts brought this to my attention as he was copying movies off other people and found one poor chap sharing scans of all his bank documents, water bills, NI documents etc (he is now going to try and annomously warn the guy)
  22. Hi Guys Im about to start a new job and it requires 5 year security clearance. Now what does this actually mean being a resident for 5 years or does it also mean anything else? Im just trying to get my head around it thats all. Cheers F
  23. me my partner and 9 yr old son was in asda back in october 2012. my son won a laser pen at the fair, while we were in asda me and my son was shinning it on the walls and on the ceiling. shortly after we were told by the security guard to stop shinning it or we had to leave the shop, to which i replied yes ok mate and put the laser pen in my pocket and never used again. still to this day 11/06/13 when shopping asda we are recognized every time upon entry then watched and followed as we shop which is a very uncomfortable feeling for all three of us. this also happens in five other big retail outlets now. neither i or my partner or my 9yr old son have ever stolen anything or have any criminal convictions against us but every time upon entry to these places were are made to feel like criminals and have become very distressed over this matter, much more so for my partner who is now 5 months pregnant. a simple thing like shopping has become very stressfull indeed. any helpfull advice will be much appreciated
  24. hi there i would like your help and advice please my sister in law was stoped in a debenhams store by the security of the store and the police was called. she had her baby with her so the police let go her with a fine of £80 i was surprised about this cos she is not a bad person never had any problem she is more of a housewife as she has 3 kids and my brother to look after cos he is ill., anyway she did pay the fine but she's been so down since than and scared if debenhams will send any more bills she doesn't want her husband to find out?? my question is what will hapen? she also was benned from debenhams they said forever but in a ban leter they gave her it only says 12 months?? and will they put any picture of hers on the walls of the store?? baring in mind she had never any ppicture taken only cctv i think was in opertaion ?? kind regards
  25. I have recently changed my mobile contract to a different supplier and got a new number. I notified Halifax of my new mobile number through the internet banking service. I got no acknowledgement of the change by post to my registered address or to my registered e-mail address. All they sent was a text to my new mobile number to inform me to ring a number if I had not changed my mobile number. After about 4 days then it hit me if someone had hacked my account with Halifax and changed my mobile number I would not have known as they only notified the new number of the change. What would happen if someone hacked my account and changed my address e-mail address and mobile number would they inform me through any of my real contact details or would the first I know be an empty account. You can bet if someone had then asked for a replacement card and pin it would be my fault not Halifax. When I rang Halifax they say this is their procedure that they only contact the new number to check. I think I may well be moving my accounts from Halifax or are they all the same. dpick
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