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  1. Hi all My stepson aged 30 recently left the family home after living with us for over two years and moved in with his girlfriend. Although his mail came to our home, he was never on the electoral roll as residing here. Having cleared his room following his departure, we found a large quantity of unopened mail from creditors and a CCJ from a few months ago demanding he maintains his agreed £100 per month payments. Yesterday, a bailiff turned up at our home demanding £1,750 that my stepson has run up as a debt, but with whom I don't know. I told him that he moved out in November to an address I didn't know. The bailiff was adamant that the £1,750 had to paid there and then and said that if I couldn't pay it, then he would require access to our home to remove goods to that value. I told him that there was nothing of my stepson's in the house which the bailiff said was of no concern to him, and unless we could provide receipts for our property, then he considered it fair game to remove. Not wishing to see our house stripped of its contents, I paid the £1,750 and the bailiff went on his way. Had he gained entry, should I not have paid, would he have had the right to remove our belongings if we couldn't provide receipts? I'm sure this won't be the last visit, it seems my stepson owes a great deal of money to various companies and I'd like to know where my wife and I stand in readiness for the next anticipated call from the bailiffs. Thank you
  2. I had an agreement with Marston to pay off a fine due to an untaxed vehicle being on the road. Received my student finance last week not realising it was being paid into a different account. Agreement broke on the 13th of Jan due to the missed payment. I had made an initial payment in december. They noted missed payment on the 15th Jan Today (16th Jan) a Bailiff from Marston arrived. I was asleep but another family member was arriving home from work and saw them. They put a Final Notice letter through the letter box. £235 enforcement stage costs and £75 admin fee have been added. It says "Despite previous notices and attendance(s) I shall attend to take control of goods and remove for sale by public auction: ONE MORNING THIS WEEK Besides trying to arrange a payment plan, is there anything else I can do? This has already caused me to have a panic attack and things are hard enough as it is. I'm currently receiving help from a psychological therapist for anxiety, low mood/depression, I am on antidepressants and also receiving counselling from my university counselling team. I did note I could inform them of possibly being a vulnerable person but I am not sure if things have escalated too far or not.
  3. Hi all, Thank you for taking the time to read this. I was involved in a very serious car accident that left me requiring over a years worth of physical rehabilitation through the army, unfortunately i ended up being medically discharged in late October 2018 due to not meeting the physical requirements to remain in my career. Since then i have struggled to find work that meets my needs and i received a letter from Marstons demanding £600 for a speeding fine around the time of my accident. I was away at different rehabilitation centers for long periods of time and must have missed the letter from court, but Marstons are refusing to accept a payment plan or be understanding of my situation. I feel like i am going around in circles and don't know what to do. The magistrates courts have updated their system to classify me as vulnerable, as well as Marstons welfare/head office after i sent evidence of my medical discharge/injuries and blue badge to them, however when i spoke the enforcement agent as requested by Marstons head office he refuses to accept this fact and work with me in any way to resolve the situation, in his words that he texted to me, 'i'm just disabled, not vulnerable'... I currently moved back home with my mum and younger siblings and this enforcement agent has been very threatening towards us, saying he will take anything my family don't have receipts for and even making my 10 year old brother cry on his birthday thinking that he will be taking away his playstation, which makes me feel absolutely awful that i can't seem to resolve the issue and that nobody can help. The court seems very sympathetic and understanding and wish they could help but apparently the case is with Marston now? Is there anything i can do in this situation? i feel so stressed and lost.
  4. Hi all, I need some help/advice. The last of my debts is a (technical) overpayment of wages from Sept last year. Basically, I took too much paid holiday before leaving so my final payslip was what I actually owed them. At the time I had a really bad hand injury (required surgery and lengthy rehab - I nearly cut my thumb off) Admittedly, I buried my head in the sand and ignored letters about the debt. In the end, my prev employer obtained a HC writ for the debt, plus associated costs. It's taken until now for my to reach this first stage with Marston and I received a Notice of enforcement letter last week. The letter says I need to pay the balance (£1000ish) by Dec 10th or agree a payment arrangement. I rang Marston to offer a payment arrangement - I want to pay it back, and I have a decent job now but I'm J-A-M so can't pay loads off at once - but they've said that they can only take payments at the moment and the account needs to progress to the next enforcement stage (plus an extra £200+ in fees) and I need to have an agent visit my property before they can agree an arrangement. I should say that any avenues of borrowing money (friends AND family) are closed. I've borrowed (and paid back) money to so many people I've basically had the last of my last chances - this is my problem. Now, I live in a flat with two mates and I'm really worried that these bailiffs will try and take my mates' stuff to pay my debt. We're all late-20s and have a fair amount of stuff accumulated but may not have purchase receipts for everything - both housemates have Apple Macs they use for work for example. Over the past 5/6 years I've struggled to to off various debts, ruining my CR in the process. I've paid extortionate fees etc etc. I've read about sending a letter to offer the arrangement but is there anything else I should do or any advice you have? Thanks in advance
  5. i had to pay marston money, called them and aranged the payment to be taken in 3 instalments… i thought all was done and dusted i just received a call that i hadnt paid the full amount, and that i must have messed up aranging it with my bank. although i didnt contact my bank at all, i only aranged it through marston themselves and even confirmed at the end of the original call that everything was sorted. the guy i spoke to (called me on a mobile number) said i hadnt paid in full however i had aranged the direct debits with marston who failed to take the full amount in the last payment. they took money, and the full amount was available at the time, they just didn't take enough which i found out just now after checking my bank statement. after informing him that i had aranged it with the marston call centre, he told me he will send an enforcement agent and that i would owe another £265 (ish) didn't ask me to pay the extra before saying this, just jumped straight to that after i said i had arranged for the payments to be taken and it must be the fault if the company. apparently, its my responsibility for marston to take the correct amount according to this guy. what are my rights here? guy was pretty rude calling me son and pal and making it out to be entirely my fault and not the fault of marston.
  6. Wondering if one of the experienced users on here can help here with this one? Yesterday afternoon I found my car clamped by Marstons Bailiffs - no paperwork whatsoever only a scribble and phone number so I phoned them to find out that apparently I failed to pay the congestion charge in November last year but know nothing about it as they send all paperwork to a previous address even though I updated my address with the DVLA in 2017!!! Then the bailiff stopped answering any of calls when I tried to ask her about PCN information etc and the TEC phonelines were not being answered yesterday so in a panic I phoned TfL got my PCN details, filled out the PE2/PE3 forms and headed into central London to the local magistrates court to get it signed for £25 (yes I now realise I could have gone to county court and got it for free but never mind)- was in major panic as bailiff was threatening to tow car in 2 hours- filed everything with TEC at yesterday and just had confirmation of filing today. So now TfL have it the question is how long will it take to halt recovery and will they remove the clamp? Also who can I phone for advice? TfL say they have not received the filing from tec yet and the bailiffs wont answer my calls. I need the car as I am the named driver for my disabled father who needs to be taken back and forth to hospital. This has caused me an undue amount of distress and i genuinely dont feel i have done anything wrong - had I known id have to pay a congestion charge on the day in question i would have done. as it happens i have no recollection of that day whatsoever was it was a year ago and i have no access to any paperwork (bailiff has refused to give me anything ive asked for).
  7. After Marston's have lost the MOJ contract for magistrates court fines enforcement,they have just started a liquidation process on a few of the company's under the umbrella. My heart bleeds
  8. Hi, I have been away for a few days when I came back yesterday, I noticed my car was gone. I obviously freaked out and called Police who advised me to call TRACE, I did it and there was no entry on their database about my car. There was no letter, or phone call, email, SMS or anything to let me know that my car was taken by Marston. Not a single notice. For all I knew, my car was stolen. I then called Police back, and they were able to find out that Marstons took my car. I called them immediately and was told that it was due to a PCN issued last year by Kensington and Chelsea council. I have no recollection of ever receiving a PCN there, but I have been to the Chelsea Hospital to support a friend who was 9 months pregnant and feeling contractions. The address and date matches, so it must have been that, there was no PCN on my windscreen, though. I then told them that I have never received any letter from Marstons regarding this, neither before they took the car, nor after. Their reply was that they didn't need to do that because the Council have done it already, and they were given the warrant to control the vehicle, so they went ahead and did that. They said that the Council has sent me 4 letters asking for payment. After speaking to Marstons, I decided to comb my old letters to see if I find any communication from the Council and I found only 1 letter. Sent in October last year, exactly 3 days after my younger brother died, so it must have gone unnoticed by me during that emotional storm. I have sent an email to the Council saying the same thing I wrote above. Got a reply saying they have forwarded it to the Parking team and they will reply in due course, whenever that is. Marston is now preparing the car to be auctioned unless I pay over £600 to recover it. Are they correct when they say they did not need to send me any notice? It doesn't look right to me. I want to pay the PCN, however, I cannot afford to pay what they are asking. I guess the council can intervene but I am not counting on it. There must be a way out of this? Best regards.
  9. HELP!!!!!! Please ....... My 16yr old son went through a bus lane back in November 2017 on his motorcycle, the first we knew about it was when we received an notice of enforcement totalling £175 through the post from Marston’s on 29th March 2018 but the letter was giving us until 25th March to get in touch for a payment arrangement. We rang them and explained that this had been received after the date to come to an arrangement and this is the first time we had known about the fine. They were most unhelpful saying that the full amount needed to be paid to stop further action. I asked for evidence of the offence and they did not have this and suggested I speak to SWindon Bpurough Council. This we did and also they were inhelpful saying this was now passed to marstons who were dealing with it now. We explained that had we received the PCN’s we would have paid the priginal fee of £30. They had no photographic evidence as there files were now closed on this and everything was with marstons. We filed an out of time order with the TEC had no response and now we have a removal notice today for £408. My son is on full time education does not work as he helps me at weekends as I e just been diagnosed with cancer. He has no way of paying this and marstons will not accept an arrangement they only want full payment. I’m happy to pay weekly to stop this action if only they’d listen. My son no longer has the motorcycle as he sold it to use for tools for his college. Can someone please help or advise. I know the usual keep doors and windows locked but I need a solution to the problem.
  10. A friend of mine had a visit from Marston's Enforcement person and was force to pay £650 on the spot. My friend is foreign and doesn't have a lot of English. (The reason for the fine is long story about not understanding how things work in the UK. She didn't commit the offence but was down as the registered keeper of the vehicle.) 1) He showed his badge and pushed his way into her flat while she was looking at it. 2) He threatened to take away the landlord's goods. He said he needed receipts to prove ownership of the goods if they belonged to the landlord. 3) Unaccompanied female being confronted by strange man in her home. 4) He said he had a warrant but did not show her the warrant. 5) She called my wife for advice (they speak the same language) and told me. I then spoke myself with Enforcement person to see what was going on. He told me that he wanted £650 or he would take away the goods. I asked if he would accept part payment he refused saying he had to collect the full amount. I ask if he could put distraint on the goods while she sorted things out again he refused. 6) He said he was recording his visit. Is that legal and can we get a copy? 7) She eventually managed to pay him and was given a Marston’s receipt which only had the Marston’s reference number but no details of the debt/fine. He failed to put his name and details on the space provided on the receipt. 8) He did not leave a copy of the warrant which he said he was acting under. 9) There was no prior warning of his visit. 10) I asked him if was allowed to push his way into her flat seeing that she is a female by herself. He said. “It’s not as though she is some fifteen year old”. I’m all for upholding the law but outright bullying techniques must not be allowed surely. When I asked him about this he replied “I know my job.” Bullies
  11. Hi I have received a letter today from Marston High court enforcement about an alleged parking ticked from Kirklees council in my old car from 18 months ago. If I ever received a parking ticket I've paid it straight away, no way would I just leave it. It states I now own them £173 with fees for a debt I have no clue about, I don't have any recollection of any unpaid parking fine, I've had no reminders or letters, just this through the door today. What do I do? This is really annoying, if it was a debt id ignored or knew anything about I would say fair enough, but I am clueless and certainly had no more letters on this. I moved to this new home 3 years ago, so it can't be anything went elsewhere. Please advise Thanks
  12. Just had a visit from Marstons Bailiff, over a speeding fine for my partner. Once we received the letter we filled out a Star dec and sent it off. When he arrived he stated a few things. 1. Stat dec was irrelevant as it hadent been infront of a judge. 2. That he was calling a locksmith @ £100 an hour. 3. That their system says to continue with the warrent. OK I called the court, and the stat dec has been accepted and Marstons has been informed. Called Marstons who state that their system is not uptodate but refuse to call off bailiff. Speak to bailiff who says more bs and that he is again calling locksmith. I try and explain that the stat dec is valid and the court has accepted it. He says that the stat dec is not valid until I have been infront of a judge and kept asking me for a "date". Called the court again and spoke to the same woman and passed phone to bailiff, who started having an argument with the bailiff, she told him to back down as their was no warrant. Told her over the phone that he doesnt take orders from her and hung up. Spoke me to again and told me that he doesnt accept her word and will again be calling locksmith. After finding out the court has accepted the Stat dec I called marstons and said, I dont care if your system is not uptodate, that is not my problem, and that I have advised that the stat dec has been accepted. He was still outside and his final words were "Just going to my van to wait for locksmith" Now he has gone, had a good look round and cant see him. I want to take this further and make a complaint about this, I have read about taking it to the police and making a witness statement under Threats to Cause Criminal Damage, which is contrary to Section 2, Criminal Damage Act 1971. Can anyone point me in right direction please.
  13. Hello all, An acquaintance of mine got a parking ticket some time ago. The ticket and all correspondence went to her Grandmother’s address as she had previously lived there before being rehoused by the Council. The ticket remained unpaid and was escalated and the amounts increased. She lodged an appeal and a rejection dated 1st March was send to her stating that her appeal had been received out of time. The letter further stated that she would have 14 days to further appeal if she was not satisfied with the outcome. The letter arrived either Saturday 3rd or Monday 5th and waited in the house unopened by the Grandmother until today 6th March. I happened to be working with a family member (the girls Auntie and the householder’s daughter) when we got the message that Marstons HCE had knocked on the door and been let in! I at once went with the Auntie to the house which is a well-to-do four bedroom property to find a single and very unpleasant HCE from Marstons. The hall had some items in it that the guy had taken out of the dining room and living room, notably a TV, a nice small draw set and some pictures (prints I think rather than originals and not of significant value). I pointed out to the guy that these items were not the property of the Grand daughter who no longer lived there. He said we would need to prove that. I know for a fact the daughter lives elsewhere as I have known the family for over three years. I asked to see the paperwork related to the search and he said he did not have any as it was all on a tablet computer. He refused to let me see it as he said (probably correctly) that under data protection rules he could not show it to third parties. I do not know if he showed it to the grandmother (presumably under DPR he should not have!!) or if she comprehended what it was. By this time a Community Police support Officer had arrived (we had called the police) and she stated she was there to stop a breach of the peace and not to take sides which I expected and accepted and is I think the proper police stance. I pointed out to the officer that no printed paperwork had been produced or was in evidence, that the guy was not apparently making a list of items for removal and that he had been told by three different people that the granddaughter did not live there and as he had already stomped all over the house it was self-evident she did not live there. It was further evident that the items being taken were the property of the householder, they were not taken from any of the bedrooms that might conceivably be occupied by a granddaughter but from the living room and dining room. At that point the support officer called for backup and in short order two uniformed constables arrived. The police I think found themselves in a quandary as the HCE was adamant that it was up to the householder to prove the items did not belong to the granddaughter not the other way around but I thought this was an abuse of the situation as, to repeat my phrase from above, it was self-evident that the items were that of the householder. One o the police officers was shown the tablet computer and confirmed that a warrant (or writ or whatever the document is) was there for the collection of the fine or removal of goods) though I never saw it myself. The situation came to an end when the Granddaughter was got on the phone and asked her grandmother to pay the fine of which about half could be raised. The HE was unrelentingly hostile and rude. He did not like the situation reversing as one moment he was in a large house by himself towering over a small woman in her seventies and then next he was confronted by myself, a daughter and three uniformed officers. When we told him we would peacefully obstruct him from removing any goods (by standing in front of the doors) he threatened to "remove us" to use his terminology. The woman was left (temporarily) out of pocket some hundreds of pounds and left shaking and her house was in some disorder. My questions here are as follows 1. If this is at appeal should HCE action be suspended? 2. Once the letter is issued rejecting the appeal should HCE action be allowed to continue during the 14 days the Rejection letter allows for a further appeal. 3. Is it reasonable for HCE to arrive six days after the DATE of the Rejection letter, it can hardly have had time to be opened and read, never mind acted upon? 4. Should the HCE not have paper copies of any authority he has to gain entry and seize goods? 5. If he has been told by two other parties as well as the householder that the Grand Daughter did not live there and the items he was attempting to seize were not those of the granddaughter should that not be enough proof? 6. The lady was elderly and had a blood pressure condition. No attempt was made to determine if she was vulnerable and as such refer the Warrant back to the creditor/issuer to see if they wished to continue enforcement, is there a case against HCE for this omission? I hope fellow CAGers will understand that we are all very angry. I beleive that whatevere the merits of the fine and it's collection that the grandmother and her house have been violated. Any ideas who we need to go after? Do we have a case of any sort against Marstons? Do we have a case of any sort against the Council? Can we develop a case against the individual HCE for his behaviour or his firm? As of now the case is over as the outstanding amount has been collected by aggression and dirty tricks and despite the appeal process not being exhausted. Any responses gratefully received.
  14. Hello lovely people Let me quickly explain what is my situation like. About a year ago I got fined for littering (75 quids), that fine has risen to the stage of notice of enforcement when I have started to dealing with it. After contacting either collectica and marston (by sending my budget and calling them),a payment plan was refused. Couple of days ago I found final notice saying i need to contact the bailiff on number provided, I did so but just to be told that full payment need to be made today to avoid further charges and visits. When i was at work yesterday bailiffs paid me a visit, leaving a little card "notice of intention to search my premises". At this stage Im clueless what else can be done to stop them, I cant afford to pay this fine (at final notice stage it was 856). Tried to seek help on the phone the best advice i got was to face my bailiff and try to have a chat with him then I have read many threads advising against it. One more thing is that property i live in is not mine, I was a student (recently expelled...) and i live in one of the rooms paying landlord some money to cover the bills. There is no rent agreement whatsoever, I dont have anything valuable but other people living here may have and Im concerned about bailiffs taking their stuff as I do not think that they still got receipts for their stuff.... Thanks for all help in advance.
  15. Hi guys, I need some urgent advice, i just received three letters from Marston company asking me to pay three parking fines or they going to send a bailiff to take over all my belongings by 31st Jan 18. My driving details have been stolen in early march 2017 i been informed by DVLA in June, that someone used my details to get the new licence but after providing some security details they issued me new licence. When i asked if they found out who is the culprit then they told me that matter is with west Yorkshire police and i dont have to do anything. After that in september 2017 people from vw company came to my house to recover the car but after clarifying every thing, they advised me that i should report to the police as you are the victim of identity fraud because someone got the vw car on finance and used my details and did not pay the installment. I reported the police straight away and police gave me the fraud incident number, the criminals also used my details and got the loan around £60k as well but all companies who been [problem]med removed my name from their list after finding out that i am the victim of identity fraud. Now Marston company want around £550 parking fines and not accepting the police incident number or dvla letter. The Marston company wants police report, when i asked police about the report they said they do not issue the reports to individuals but they made a new report specifically for Marston group asked me to give the reference number to Marston then they can contact police and police will provide the police report to them. Now the problem is that Marston not accepting this they insist that i have to proivde the police report as they do not contact to third party. I do not know what to do i am victim of identity fraud Marston just want their money they are making threats that i should resolve the matter by 31st or they will come to my house to take all belongings. I never received any letter from Marston before as the culprit used different address where i never lived, now i received notices of enforcement to my address and i have no idea where shall i go from here
  16. Hello, I have this debt on my hands its destroying my life and family life. I dont know what to do. Ongoing for about 1 year. Original debt £600 odd I was out of a job and could not pay Zip Car as a result, it was passed onto Marston HCO. They have chased me for nearly a year, the debt went to £1,000 I paid about £500 towards the £1,000 over two months (had an agreement of £250per motnh but then lost job, they came to my house I was not in. The debt has gone to £850 now. I no longer can afford I have no money, I count pennies to get a haircut just for the job interviews I have secured. I am living at my parents home and its causing me so many issues as they are threating to come with a warrant for entry to take goods from the house. What do I do? I had an agreement I was paying, I lost my job, I said give me till February they ar not interested. Please, please help me I am on my last knees. I pay then the debt increases I pay again then increases again I am in a spiral I cannot get out of. Sorry if I am not expressing gratitude in this message for your help. I am very thankful just really stressed. CCJ is in my name, also why is there High Court sending balifs down for consumer debt is this allowed? Thanks,
  17. hi,i have just has a debt collecter from marston holiding knock on my door for a debt my daughter had.....he was dressed as a police officer look a like..he ,had a stab proof vest on with arrest officer written across the front and on his sleeves.....I have cctv and caught him on camera. he said he was here to arrest my daughter for a £57.00 debt issued via the courts..... he gave me a form with arrest notice on it saying if not paid he would arrest her..me being quite old panicked and said I would pay this....thinking he was a police officer... it says on the form failure to resolve this she would be liable to arrest either by a marston arrest officer or a police officer.. my question is was this legal and can a debt collector have the power of arrest... really confused on this thanks paul
  18. Hello, My partner has received a 'final notice' from marstons regards to a fine until today she had no knowledge of. After ringing the HMCTS, she found that the fine related to a judgement from April 2017 for not insuring a vehicle she was registered keeper for (she had reported as SORN but admits had no confirmation). Presumably as the vehicle was registered at a previous address then any court documents wouldve gone there. She ignored the first notice from Marstons today they put a 'final notice' through the door threatening that they can break in using a locksmith and remove goods for sale next time they visit. I have advised her that a statutory declaration needs to be done, which she will get signed by solicitor tomorrow afternoon and sent recorded delivery to court. am i correct? As this is deemed as a criminal charge, are they correct in implying they can break in if we are not home? Thanks Forgot to say the amount they are claiming to get back is £660
  19. I have received a debt collection enforcement notice from Northampton County Court from Marston's for a penalty notice for crossing Dartford on 23 March. I did cross at Dartford on 23 March but have received no prior notice and have no idea what the penalty is for... any advice?
  20. I have 3 parking tickets and the woman has taken car reg and put a letter through saying they have taken controll of my car but I drove away in it. can they take my car from the roadside? ANY help i would be most greatfull
  21. I have been chased by marston this morning, didnt open the door but they put a final notice and its a car tax fine from yonks ago, been reading about statutory declarations and a template, does anyone know where I can get it from?
  22. Hi all, Can someone please advice. I've received this letter from Marston high court enforcement officers. I haven't contacted the company to find out what the court order is. I thought I would seek advice first. This is the first letter I've received, it does say that they have sent previous letters to my previous address. I'm not sure how true this is or if they have actually tried to contact me. As this is the first letter I've received. I've been living at my current address for 2 years now. I'm baffled on why this has suddenly just appeared. I also check my credit reports frequently to see if I have any flags, but nothing has appeared. I'm not sure what this fine is for. Can someone please advice on what steps I should take? Is it possible to avoid paying this fine? Has this affected my credit rating , I haven't seen any marks on my credit report (I use the noodle website). I've attached the letter I received. Thanks
  23. Hi, Thanks for having a look at this. In hindsight I'm a bit confused about what happened earlier when a bailiff turned up at my door. We moved house 3 years ago. My other half didn't update the address on her car's log book, only her driver's licence. She got clamped/fined in September 2016 and updated the log book address. Fair enough, our mistake, it's a pity that we didn't have warning letters forwarded to us but hey ho. Today a bailiff turned up regarding a PCN for driving on a taxi only street in June 2016. Again, we hadn't received any previous correspondence regarding this. I paid up in full but have since become confused about the £235 Attendance Cost. The bailiff came to our current address at 10am, but we have subsequently found out that he originally went to our old address at 8am and handed an identical notice of fees to our the people who moved into our old house. What bugs me is why have they didn't trace our new address before leaving the office and send us a letter regarding the fine thus saving us £235? I did phone the Bailiff on his mobile to ask this and he said that the £235 isn't just a fee in relation to attending an address, it is a fee that was added to the fine because the fine had become a warrant and that process incurs the costs (and that calling it a fee just for attending an address isn't strictly true?!). We have been on the electoral role ever since we moved house, we have a traceable credit history linking our old/new addresses, and what surprises me most is that Kirklees Council must have contacted the DVLA with her vehicle registration and we had already updated our address with them (drivers licence but not log book). They could've searched the electoral role via 192.com for as little as 40p and found our new address as soon as they were asked to chase the fine, or ideally Kirklees could've done this before passing it onto Marston. I've read that the Attendance Cost is limited to £235 to prevent unreasonable charges but surely £235 is unreasonable given the ease and low cost of tracing someone that isn't trying to hide from anyone? I've also read that we should've received a Notice Of Enforcement prior to the Bailiff attending our property and given the fact that he initially attended our old address the address on the warrant would have been incorrect? Would you feel that we have grounds to contest the £235 Attendance Cost added to our fine? Any advice would be gratefully received. Many thanks, Dave
  24. Hi all I have today received a letter and discovered that my 20 year old son has debts totaling nearly £2000 which Marston say are for unpaid fines for not paying for several train fares after getting caught with no ticket. The letter says their client is "HMCTS Manchester". I called Marston and they say they will attend my home tonight and unless I can prove with receipts items are not mine they will take them as my son's and I will have 28 days to prove they are mine to get them back. My son lives at home and has nothing and all items such as TV etc are mine and not his. How can they taken them?! It doesn't seem right. Is my car at risk as well? Should I move it and hide it? It's in my name only and has nothing to do with my son. I know that the HCEO can't break into my house but can open via an open or unlocked door so I won't be answering when they call but I am still scared. Please can you help?! Thanks in advance.
  25. Hi I had a Bailiff knocking this morning they posted a removal notice through my door. On the back it says about them using lock smiths to gain entry. The money they are chasing is for an unpaid parking fine. My question is are they able to gain access using a locksmith?
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