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  1. Hi Just looking for a bit of advice. My husband has been on DLA for just over 2 years and in May he was asked to apply for PIP. I filled out the forms for him and sent all evidence from each consultant he sees. We received a letter in June to say all had been received and his assessment would be in 12-16 weeks. I called just before the 16 weeks and was told it would now be 26 weeks but ATOS would be coming to us. His last ATOS assessment for ESA I had to take him and we actually found the lady very nice and she included me quite a bit in the assessment. He was placed in the SG. Is a home visit usual/unusual? Should I be worried? Thanks
  2. Like the name suggests I have tangles with most government offices over the past 5 years. I'm now back with the DWP again. I put in for a claim of PIP last year which failed as did the reconsideration. So back to a Tribunal on Monday (24th). My argument with the DWP all the way through is that they have no obtained any independent evidence from either the GP, the Consultant or the Social Worker. They have only relied on the meeting I had with their medical people and the claim form. Now I have researched and researched and in every case based on government sites it clearly says that ATOS are responsible for getting independent evidence to back up my claim. I don't have any evidence at all to prove what I say. So I am expecting ATOS to be fair and ask for it AND PAY FOR IT! I don't have the money and cannot start chasing around everywhere. Does anybody have any definite sources from the net that confirms what I am going to say to the Tribunal?
  3. Hi, does anyone know if claimants have the right to have a PIP medical recorded in the same way as ESA? If so, can you please point me towards the relevant regulations to quote at Crapita. Thank you
  4. A friend of mine passed away in September, the day after (23.09.14.) the DWP I.B. ESA and PIP offices were made aware of his death. A payment for PIP was made into his bank account on 26.09.14. and ESA on 30.09.14. Now the DWP are asking for the money to be returned. Is this money recoverable as they were informed of his death prior to them releasing the payments? Any advice would be grateful. Thanks, Joe
  5. hello. I have been on pip for a year now high rate mobility and standard care. I had a change of circumstance so had another assessment. I got 0 points mobility because they said I walked 30-40m to the room. it was 5 m. so I checked google earth and the whole building is 3 cars wide. also I told her I could only move 5 m at a time and she said I need in minutes. I said 1 minute. she put down 2-3 minutes. what is going on at atos. it was a physio that saw me. what can I do please.
  6. Well after waiting 12 months I failed my PIP medical. NO account has been given to my mental health state (which is why I am in the ESA support group) the only reference they make is that I CAN relate face to face with a person, outside of that there is NO other mention. I scored a big fat 0 on every count (I am totally gutted). I expect there are no other avenues open to me I am truly, truly distraught. The examiner noted I showed no signs of anxiety, (I was in bits) I could not find things in my bag, I had taken in the wrong medication packets, there was torn tissue on the floor from my nerves, I could not remember things (I was in pieces inside) what do they want you to do/show! I even went all the way home with my heel not in my shoes, I was so distressed I did not notice until I got home. They have also ignored a letter from my CPN - they make me feel as if I am living a lie. 12 months anguish to be disbelieved.
  7. Any help appreciated. Short story Wife was on DLA High Mob (had been for a long time) Pressure was being put on me by advisor at JSA to apply and try to get PIP care. We resisted initially but the advisor got a little umpty with me and after about 4 months we decided to try for the PIP. So, 18th Dec 2013 we ring PIP and ask for the appropriate papers we would need to make the claim (wife's DLA still active at this point). We were not made aware at the time that by just asking for the papers we were actually starting the PIP process. December 31st PIP papers arrive but due to it being New Years eve we set them aside. On viewing the papers and because our Doctors were closed no progress was made in filling out the papers. 4th Jan 2014 Eventually after a few days and requesting info on my wifes condition + medication we went through the papers and my wife felt that we would not get anything different than what we already had so we decided to leave it. 31st January we receive a letter stating that the DLA was now being stopped due to them not receiving the PIP papers back. We of course contacted them and told them that we had not been told that just applying for the papers was the start of the claim. Made no difference. They told us to get the papers back to them asap. So by 3rd Feb 2014 they got the papers (recorded delivery). We were onto the phone to DLA as well and they said they would re instate the DLA MOB in the mean time. (They didn't) So 1st question is. as the DLA had already been stopped before the PIP papers were sent back would this be classified as a new claim? If it is classed as a new claim from 3rd February then would she be entitled to any back payment of PIP (we start receiving PIP about 6 weeks ago but were told she was not entitled to any back payment) We are still awaiting the actual award letter despite being on the phone to them every week since we found the 1st payment in my wife's bank account 6 weeks ago) I know its a bit messy but I feel we are being cheated somehow and just want to clear it up one way or another. If you want any further information just ask and I will post it. Thanks
  8. Right. going to keep this short and sweet. 1 month ago my wife received a payment from DWP PIP into her bank account by total surprise as we had not received any notice that the claim had been sorted. Today she received her next payment for PIP and yet we are still without a award notice letter. I have been onto PIP on no fewer than 6 times and have requested callback so we could get it sorted. Given that PIP is paid in arrears that would make it that the award was approved 7 weeks ago at least. So, how long does it take to get a award letter? The people you talk to (front line) are just going by what's on a screen in front of them and every time I phone it's the same old story that there's nothing on the screen other than the payments going out. They don't even know what the actual award is for (the elements). However, the woman I talked to today said that a letter had been sent out in July. I queried that straight away as I said if a letter had been sent in July why is it that [1] we had not received it and [2] why was it that none of the other people I had talked to concerning this matter never mentioned the letter. The phone went very quite after that and when she came back on it appeared that she backtracked a little and mumbled something about they were having system problems today..... What should my plan of action be come Monday morning? Should I give them hell? Should I go with a SAR and get the information they are holding? Any information would be appreciated
  9. I have an appointment to attend court on Wednesday of next week to finally go bankrupt after having debts totaling £21,000. I have received a letter today from the DWP that my PIP application has been granted at the enhanced rate of the daily living component (A bit of good news at least) and they are backdating my claim and paying £3700 into my account tomorrow. With the money I am going to clear my rent arrears (to safeguard my house) and council tax (the last remaining BIG player in my debts). Will the insolvency service take the rest to pay off my creditors with it being a large amount? or will they leave it as it is a benefit payment? I am asking because I would REALLY like to finally own my own fridge/freezer (having cold milk would be a blessing) and purchase some new clothes (lived out of charity shops for 4 years) and having the cupboards full would be nice. I am not going to squander the money but I am frightened that they are going to take it all.
  10. I received a letter last week from Atos telling me that I will need a medical to discuss any entitlement I might be able to claim (fine). It has taken them almost 11 months to tell me that, but to add further delay they say it will be at least a further 26 weeks before I will be called for a medical.
  11. hi all had the brown envelope through today to start migration from dla to pip as my hubbys award runs out feb 2105 so did the first phone call and are getting form sent through to complete, so by doing this do you think it will be sorted by the time the award runs out on dla or are we being to hopeful as hubby is on hr mobility and no care at moment although his illnesses have got more complex and so has his needs . we are on esa wrag group as well
  12. I applied for PIP last November. In July I had a call from ATOS offering me a medical at a centre over 70 miles away, so a round trip of over 150 miles. I explained I could not do this as I cannot get there, and I have been reading that not all transport costs ie taxis are being covered (not that I could travel that far alone with a stranger). The lady said she was sorry, and I would go back on the list. I have since been reading if you turn down an offer you go back to the bottom of the list or do not hear from them again. Apparently they seem to be making it difficult for people to attend, a, because they do not have the centres and staff, and b, in the hope you do not attend. Also if you ring them they tell you there is nothing they can do, and advise you just wait. Does anyone know if this is all true.
  13. Hi all I suffer with CFS - PTSD - was said this was a factor in CFS Depression Anexity IBS Ankoloysing Spondulytus Arthritus of the spine and hips slipped disked Under Active Thyroid gland. I made a PIP claim in Dec after having to finish work in January, a job I have been in for 15 years, but it all become too much I phoned DWP today and Was told they cant see the decision letter, however no payments have been "Issued" (a decision was made Friday) BUT the Award has a Start Date of Dec 13 and an End Date of Jan 17, so she said that indicates I have been awarded something, however, she cant tell me any more. Can anyone shed any light ?
  14. Once again we are being spoonfed that unemployment is falling, meaning that those who are unwilling or unable to think for themselves gain a picture that is in fact totally alien to the reality. How do we combat this? First off it helps if we can analyse the statistics so we can flip them back to reality. *What Statistics would be a more accurate measure of EMPLOYMENT *What counts as "Unemployed" *Differences between "Claiment Count" and "Unemployment Figures" *What other statistics are not mentioned that hide the real picture. EG Number of changes in ESA, DLA/PIP claiments *Changes in the number of HB Claiments vs Employment figures. *Numbers of zero hour contracts, Self employed When we know what figures create the whole picture, we can then seek to get those figures. With the bigger picture you can then challenge (Or possibly confirm) taglines like "Our economy is getting better as unemployment is down" Consider this a thread about getting the tools to form your argument
  15. hi all got pip 24 points and 12 mobilty had my atos assiment but can i see this report
  16. Hi. I am an MS patient (diagnosed 2012). Firstly I just want to extend a big thank you to CAG & it's members, you guys rock & do a fantastic Job in helping people get through the bureaucratic pit falls in all walks of life. You have helped me and countless others in the past so guys/gals thank you so much! Ok, now to my problem... I have the form from the PIP people, it's expected back to them by the 21st of August or apparently I lose my right to claim! I just have a couple of questions regarding the form for anyone who's already been through the process and applied. 1) Is the form for DLA>PIP people different from those claiming PIP for the first time? 2) Regarding Savings, I have some savings but what do I put about them on the form? I have always felt them asking about this as an intrusion and in the past never had any savings but now that I do how much will it affect my claim letting them know what I have? (I am quite concerned about this one). lastly 3) Is it ok for my mum to fill out the form for me if I am there to give the answers? I am ok at typing on a PC keyboard if I concentrate but writing is a lot more difficult for me. I don't know that many other people I can ask to help fill it out and I am unsure as to if relations are allowed to help with this. If anyone can help clarify these three things I would be very grateful. Also if anyone has done the DLA>PIP and has any other advice regarding the form/application also want to extend thanks to you if you can help.
  17. My spouse had a text message from Capita stating that they had appointments available in our area this week and asking to phone them to book an appointment. Not sure why they did not phone? The number is a "0808" number. Is this genuine and is the number a free phone number? If it is genuine, it reads as if they want to do a home visit. Can they insist on a home visit as don't really like strangers in the home at any time? The visit will be in connection with the Lower Care DLA being received and renewing it. My spouse is retired and has been for a couple of months.
  18. Quick History, Wife has had DLA Mobility high rate for over 10 years (Osteoporosis, IBS, + other ailments) 2 Years ago we needed to replace our own car so used DLAMob to get one via Motability. I have been on JSA for a long time and had been on WPS and was on PWPS. My personal advisor (or whatever they are called now) kept on going on and on about me applying for DLA Care practically everytime we meet. I kept saying we had looked into it but did not want to run the risk of losing the DLAMob we already had. My advisor seemed like she turned "hard" when I told her we would not be putting in for it and I found she was looking for any excuse to make it difficult for me to meet the JSA requirements concerning looking for work etc..... In the end we decided that we should try for DLACare (Now PIP) because of the extra pressure that was being put on me vis the advisor. So on 18th December 2013 we contacted DWP to ask for the PIP papers. We were not aware or told at the time that just by asking for the papers we were in fact making a claim for PIP. Anyway 31st December is when the PIP papers showed up and as it was New Year and the Doctors were closed we did not look at the papers until about 5th January 2014. Having looked at the questions it was our opinion that we would not get the entitlement for the PIP Care so we choose to leave it. End of January 2014 we get a letter saying that my wife's Life DLAMob was now cancelled because we had not proceeded with the PIP claim. Of course I get on the phone to DWP and ask them why and it turns out it's because simply by asking for the papers and not returning them within a set period (one month) it is automatically taken that you no longer need the DLAMob that we had. Anyway I said that that's unfair because we were not aware we would lose the DLAMob just by asking for the PIP papers and after some further discussions we were told to get the papers in quick and that the DLAMob would be reinstated. So by February 3rd they had the PIP papers and we were in contact with Motability over the situation as well and they said it was all good. Fast forward 3.5 months and we receive a letter form Motability saying they were coming to take the car we had due to the DLAMob not being paid since February 18th. We of course contacted the Mota people and ask why they have not been receiving payments as they had been reinstated and they said they had no idea or that they had had any information from DWP(DLA) concerning this. So getting on phone to DLA(PIP)(DWP) concerning this they told us it had not been reinstated and that they had no information concerning my calls to them on the matter. Now I log all my calls concerning matters like this and was able to tell them the exact time, day and person I spoke to which made them a little uneasy and they suggested I contacted the PIP dept directly even gave me the phone number. So onto PIP and it was much the same run around as with the other DWP dept's and basically I got nowhere other than they would put in a "urgent" request for a reassessment of the situation. (their idea regarding "URGENT" means anything up to 5 weeks apparently). They also arranged for a call back which should have taken 5 working days but ended up taking 8 and that probably only happened after I contacted them again after 7 working days had past. Net result was they would look into it. (still looking I think) Anyway we had a bit of family bad luck in that my wife's mother died about 2 weeks ago and the motability people were kind enough to change the deadline for the car going back so we could use for another 17 days to get through the Funeral etc. It goes back on Monday 14th July. This Friday (11th July 2014) I decided to chase up what was happening with the PIP claim. We had had a Home assessment done by Capita several weeks ago. Called DWP(PIP) and they told us that they had had the electronic part of the information concerning the assessment from Capita but not the hard-copy information. I call Capita and they told me that the Electronic part had been sent on the 4th June and the hard-copy would have been sent within 10 working days of the elec forms being sent. We worked it out that the DWP(PIP) would have had both parts by 25th June at the absolute latest. So back to DWP(PIP) and they confirmed they had had the electronic form part but had not received the hard-copy part (implying it was lost in the post). They suggested that I should get Captia to reissue the hard-copy again. So back to Capita and they said they would send the DWP(PIP) the hard-copy again but also told me that they cannot see how the DWP(PIP) had not received the hard-copy as they send all their important information via courier and in batches so could not see how the DWP(PIP) had not received the forms. Back to DWP(PIP) and I told them that Capita said that they cannot see how they had NOT got the hard-copy forms to which the DWP(PIP) person said that they are now going to find out just what has happened. Net result of this "lost in the post" is that the claim is now going to take around 5 more weeks and not be completed as it should of by now. So I am now totally frustrated by the fact that it looks like the DWP(PIP) are in fact giving out either false information or are in fact telling blatant lies just to get claimants so totally fed up with the situation that they will in fact give-up. We have already come to turns with the fact the car is going back to motability and will in fact give them praise for having been very professional and thoughtful throughout this whole situation. Also praise to Capita as it does appear they are getting to grips with their part in this PIP claim procedure. As for the DWP(PIP) ____________________ Just thought I would post this so that people could have some idea as to what the DWP(PIP) could be doing to make things worse for claimants. Good Luck to anyone claiming PIP.
  19. Hi all, I put in for PIP last October, and i have been waiting all this time for a F2F assessment! well i just phoned ATOS to see when my assessment would be or even if they had one for me, the woman on the phone was very good she had a look and she said we have a cancellation but its in london on the 18th of this month, i said i have no way of getting there as i'm 30 miles away, i asked if i can get a taxi and she said yes and that they will book it for me, so happy i phoned them up today. The wait is over!
  20. A few queries on this but for now: The claimant was in receipt of a 2012/13 Indefinite award and they have a carer Letter dated 25th June from DPW inviting the claimant of DLA to now apply for PiP and giving them 4 Weeks to make the claim. The letter states if they start the claim by 23rd July the DLA will continue until such time as the decision on the Pip Claim is made.? So/ Q1: Is this the actual claim inclusive of all the form filling or is for the initial 'calling them to apply for the form to make the claim? --- The claimant is physically disabled and had a mental disorder, they're under a consultant psychiatrist, have been for some time. On the PIP Assessment Guide Updated 27th May 2014 It is recognised in PIP that claimants who have a mental health or behavioural condition, learning difficulty, developmental disorder or memory problems may not comply fully with the claims process due to a lack of mental capacity or insight – for example, not understanding or caring about the consequences of not returning a claim form. In PIP, these claimants are stated as having “additional support needs”. Elements of the PIP claims process have been adapted to provide further support for this group. It is already apparent that the claimant when they were advised that a form has come through for them to fill out...they're not going to do it, they for one reason or another feel they're being persecuted/singled out and being spied on by the state...in other words they most certainly do have a behavioural condtion and now it's coming to the fore since the application dropped on their mate....Apart from the worry that is causing those associated with the claimant (immediate family) there is the added pressure on the carer to try and fill in the form on their behalf. So Normally if a claimant for the PiP does not fill the form in within the prescribed limit (see Q1 as to how long that may be) the payments they're already receiving (DLA ) will ordinarily cease pending pending a claim being made and being successful?....however, there is a provision for a person with a mental disorder to forego the original claim filling and instead the dwp will either request a face to face or carry on with a paper filled claim.. Q2/ The question is, if the claimant doesn't send in or reply to the original invite for them to make a claim....will they lose their money whilst the claim is being assessed ? Is the claimants carer expected to fill in and send? or will the claim continue to be paid whilst the dwp do their own checks/requests for additonal information Many claimants with mental, intellectual or cognitive impairments will have no problems returning the questionnaire. Others will have support from a family member, carer, Community Psychiatric Nurse or other person who will usually ensure that the questionnaire is returned. However, this will not always be the case and this process ensures that such claimants are not unfairly penalised because of the impact of their impairment. q3/ How does one find out if the claimant is seen by the DWP as requiring additional support needs?
  21. hi cliam form sent nov 12 2013 dwp got it atos got it 5 dec 2013 no news at all m p has witten one month ago she still not heard anything back from them either is this a record
  22. We are currently in the process of claiming PIP to replace the DLA my wife used to have. This process is already over 4 months in length and only a few days ago we had a home based assessment carried out by Captia. The assessor could not tell us anything concerning how the assessment went or how long we have now got to wait for the decision to be made. Given that they have already taken my wife's DLA off her and they are coming to collect the motability vehicle we have before end of June we were wondering just how long we could be expected to wait before we are likely to get a decision from them. We initially made the claim on 18th December 2013 but the forms did not reach us until the 31st December due to the Christmas post. We then had to get relevant documentation form our Doctors concerning my wife's conditions and medication she is taking for it. So the forms did not get back within the stated 30 day period. Next thing we get is a letter towards the end of January stating she will lose her DLA from 18th February. We got on the phone as soon as that came and they said they would reinstate the DLA. Nothing more happened after that other than a letter from Capita saying we were going to have a home visit. That was about a week ago. On the very same day, we get a letter from Motability saying the car was going to be taken back because the DLA was cancelled and they still quoted the February date as the date it was removed. I was on the phone to 3 different places trying to sort this out but as yet have had no luck with getting it sorted. They just keep trying to pass you to another department to deal with it. So, is it likely that we would get a decision from Capita before the car has to be handed back in 3 weeks time? Thanks for any help.
  23. hope this is not true http://www.ldascotland.org/index.php/welfare-reform/122-the-dwp-turns-nasty-on-personal-independence-payment-claimants
  24. Hi there, I'm wondering what your thoughts are and if I can/should do something. The father of a friend had a serious heart problem and his condition was really bad in January '12. The doctor said he won't survive so he claimed PIP because of terminal illness. Luckily his condition changed and he was much better end of '12, where they bought a fancy new car. At least I thought they bought it. I had some discussions with him about benefits the last few months, where he told me that he's still claiming PIP on the highest rates and he received the car for free. He was able to choose one and he has some free miles with paid petrol. His last medical checks were great and in my opinion he would be able to work. (he should do some exercises for his heart, but he prefers to stay at home and watch tv allday) I asked him if the PIP department or DWP ask about his condition and he laughed and said "they think I'm still dying so they won't ask questions" I feel really sick when I think about it, because they having a great life with full wages from his wife (full-time worker) + free car + full PIP and going on holidays all the time while my partner has a medical condition and is waiting for his PIP (and ESA) since last year October. Nevertheless there thousand other people who need even more help and support and don't receive it. Is it possible to do anything or just wait until DWP contact him again? Thank you very much!
  25. Hi, I have been waiting for my PIP to be assessed for nearly a year. Now that it finally got assessed and I was awarded an entitlement and I am to receive a chunk payment for the year that was not payed out due to delays, which sums up to £6000. However, if I technically have savings of £6000 it will affect my housing benefit. Although I have loans to pay back, because the DWP will put the amount into my account I guess temporarily it will be perceived as 'savings'. What do I do? Do I even need to inform Housing Benefits about the PIP payment? Do I need to pay my rent out of PIP now? Will my housing benefit entitlement be affected because PIP delayed with my application? I would be greatful for any advice on this. IMO: Housing benefits lot treat people like sh** and they are always in the 'right', so you can never put your point across or get neutral honest advice from them. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you ever so much in advance..
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