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Found 22 results

  1. I will be travelling to France next week,and am looking for a sim card for use in France to call and text back to the U.K. I have looked at several deals but none are suitable.Ideally,I am looking for around 1,000 international minutes and around 200 text messages.I hav elooked at 02,vodaphone,3,I.D(who I currently have a contract with), but none give a good deal for the prices they are charging.Lyca mobile have some amazing offers,but after reading some reviews,I am not so sure.........Is there anyone on here who has been to Europe, and used a sim for contacting the U.K.?.If so, who was the best provider please?
  2. My landlord wants to rent out my roof to a solar panel company called Voltaire that has a sim card in it and sends data to an independent source. How worried should I be about that, hypothetically speaking of course?
  3. Im wanting to cancel a sim only contract with 9 months of the 12 left however im told theres a fee to pay in doing so. Is this not a penalty charge? Regards
  4. Hello Everyone, I recommended a friend to buy a SIM only contract from the same mobile company I am using to have more data on less price. She called the mobile company and took a SIM only contract. Unfortunately the service of this particular network is very bad in her home area and she only gets 1 point on Signals bar, which make it very difficult to make and receive calls or use the 4G service for internet. Following is the contract details. Order: 11/04/2016 Post Date: 12/04/2016 SIM Arrived: 13/04/2016 Contract Start: 13/04/2016 She called the network provider on 23/04/2016 to cancel the contract but she was told that there is some service improvement going on in her area, So she must wait until 25/04/2016 evening. If the service level is still low then she can call back on 26/04/2016 to cancel her contract. She called the network yesterday, the Customer service guy told her that she is within 14 days of her contract and he is going to transfer to cancellation team to cancel the contract. Unfortunately the cancellation team member think otherwise, Cancellation team member asked my friend to check the delivery date on the letter received with SIM and tell what date is it? It was 12/04/2016. So based on delivery (Postage Date) which is written 12/04/2016, they can not cancel the contract. After a long conversation the cancellation team agree to open a case for the management to listen to the conversation of Saturday 23/04/2016 and decide weather to cancel the contract or not. So my friend is still waiting for the call from Network Provider. Today she received a welcome letter and first bill, on this letter Contract start date is 13/04/2016. So based on above information, Can network provider be that stupid and lie to customers? She has submit a formal complaint to Network provider about the incident and she is going to complain to OFCOM aswell. But is it fair for Call centre staff to lie to keep the customers for 12 months?
  5. some reason I not had simcard long and not been used since I been waiting for a unlock code and I checked my account and I been charged extra of £3 for international which I not been abroad or able to use the sim I already emailed them asking why I been charged so waiting on a update as anyone else had this issue with them
  6. I ordered a standard sim card in my mams name for my phone as she gave permission. but my samsung galaxy mini series 4 phone only takes the smaller sim cards can I use my Pay monthly card deal on my pay as you go card even if it means doing some tweaking with numbers. dose any one no what to do or even understand what im talking about? Bankers4me
  7. My son has a Samsung Galaxy S4 on PAYG which was locked to Orange when he bought it 2 years ago. He has requested the Network Unlock Sim from Orange as he wants to change providers to Vodafone. He paid the £10.00 admin fee and waited. This was over a month ago and every time he rings them he gets a different excuse or fob off as to when he will receive the code. The second call he made after waiting 10 working days for the code, he was told the IMEI number had been taken down wrong by Orange, and he will have to wait another 10 working days for a new code. Yesterday he was told he would be emailed the code by midnight. Nothing arrived. Now he's being told because his phone no longer has a Orange number, there is nothing Orange PAYG team can do to help, goodbye. Surely this can't be right. All he wants is the code so he can start using his phone again, because he hasn't been able to for over a month.
  8. Have just recieved letter from virgin about their unlimited sim deal. They are saying we are no longer offering the unlimited sim deal as it is uneconomical for us. They are saying keep the phone. they will down grade tto unlimited minutes and texts and 1bg of data and keep the tariff price the same. What are they doing ?
  9. Hi people, I've been doing some searching regarding getting my default removed with vodafone and this forum came up. It is regarding a default with vodafone from a rolling sim I had with them (this is the only default or even late payment on my file). I have been in contact with vodafone via web chat and had no luck. I had a contract with vodafone for years and never missed a payment, Once my contract ended I called up to cancel but was talked into having a rolling sim instead. A few months down the line I had taken out a different contract elsewhere and had a new phone, so I cancelled my direct debit as I was no longer using the vodafone sim. Fast forward to last year and while looking for mortgages, I noticed the default notice on my file of £41. According to my experian the terms of the contract state "0 @ £ 0 (Monthly)" and at no point did I receive a letter asking for any outstanding balance to be paid due to the DD not being set up anymore so I was oblivious to it I had no idea I owed anything as it was a rolling sim and I was not using it now. I have since called and payed the amount, which I did as soon as I noticed it and it is "default: settled" however, the default is still showing. This severely affected my attempts to get my first mortgage and is still affecting any attempts to get credit. This is the only red mark on my credit file, I earn a good salary, all my accounts are paid on time, I've never missed a payment on HP's, credit cards etc and I now have a mortgage with Barclays as they ignore defaults under £250 and this was only £41. I was however recently declined for 0% finance on furniture due to this red mark from vodafone and it is affecting my ability to obtain any credit agreements right now with just moving into my first home as it is holding my credit score low. I also got declined for a 0% balance transfer card due to this. What can I do to apply to get this removed? I was a vodafone contract customer for a couple of years and only when I was talked into a rolling sim, do they apply a default without writing to me after I cancel the DD. My credit file is perfect apart from this and I don't believe its a true reflection of my ability to pay for credit, I have lots of financial history, lots of closed accounts too all of which has never had a missed payment.Everything is green apart from this from vodafone. I can't even open a joint account with my partner for the house bills due to this default. Regards Tamara Clark
  10. Hi, I know there is a Vodaphone rep that frequents these forums so if they or anyone else could clarify something for me please. My friend has an iPhone on contract with Vodaphone and has requested a code to make it sim free. He was told by an advisor that they cannot issue a code as he got the phone and contract through Phones4U. As they have gone bust what is he supposed to do now, surely it doesn't matter where he got the phone from, his contract is with Vodaphone and it is currently locked to their network. Any advice please. Thanks.
  11. In November last year my 78 year old mother, with my assistance, entered into a 12 month sim only contract with Orange. She had good coverage at this time. Two months ago she moved into a residential home where there is no Orange coverage at all so is unable to use her Orange sim for texts or calls. She does not have any internet on her phone. She called Orange customer services to advise them of her situation and to ask permission to end the contract early only to be told that it was "her fault" that she had moved. I, personally, would have thought it was extenuating circumstances but not Orange. They insist that she either pays the contract off or carries on paying it until November. The phone is her lifeline, so she now has to pay for two contracts which leaves her no money for anything else, but it is important for her to have contact with her family. my husband and I will not be renewing our contracts with Orange, EE or T-Mobile when they come up for renewal. I ask you Orange, is it worth losing two contracts just for the sake of ending my mother's early. Your loss not mine!! However, that is terrible customer service!!
  12. Hi, Not sure if this has been asked before but i applied for a Sim Only 1 month rolling sim as my contract phone had ended. Is there usually any credit check for sim only plans as theres no searches on the CRA's to say Tesco carried out a check. Anyone know?
  13. Lee; As below: 8080446 / 8080445 This is mainly an internal issue which im very keen to understand as it involves Vodafone Wallet etc CAG Team; I will explain more at a later date
  14. Several months ago my father-in-laws broken and no longer used mobile phone was stolen. As the sim was still active a large bill was ran up by the thief and his associates. The police were informed and an individual confessed to running up the bill. Despite the confession and this being an open police case Vodafone are still perusing my father-in-law for the bill and have passed the debt to a debt collection agency. Can anyone please offer advice or help with this issue?
  15. I've been offered the following by a mobile reseller, on a £15 SIM-only, non contract, pay as you go deal: - Unlimited calls to all networks at all times - Unlimited texting - 1 gig of internet usage - Vodaphone network I am tempted to go ahead, but does anyone know of any better non-contract SIM-only packages? Thanks, Jeff
  16. My wife has a Samsung Galaxy Ace mobile on contract and is switching to a sim only phone on the 23rd of October can she transfer all the data, music ect to her new sim card.
  17. I stupidly bought this game online from EA games here is the list of problems 1 you must have a broadband connection at all times to ea game servers to play even in single player mode, that's if you can sign onto a working server, as them seem to have only 12 for the entire world to play on. 2 if you don't have a internet connection then you carnt play the game at all! and I don’t believe all those TV adverts have even mentioned that fact, so if you want children t play this game then you must give them unrestricted online access 3 when in a year or two EA bring out a replacement game they will turn off the servers and your $£40 game will now be a useless icon on your screen, unlike older games which you can continue to enjoy for years. when I tried to get a refund because the game is not fit for propos and false advertising, I was warned that if I continue to complain as I am unable to have a refund as they state its in the terms and conditions, I would have my origin account cancelled thus losing over £300 worth of games I have bought from them so they are in fact stating you don’t own any software that you buy on origin you just paid to rent them from ea. if you were looking at buying this game don’t, there is a online petitions signed by over 47 thousand users in just over 48 hours to have this drm system removed or EA give everybody full refunds https://www.change.org/petitions/electronic-arts-inc-remove-always-online-drm-from-simcity-and-future-games?utm_campaign=friend_inviter_chat&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=share_petition&utm_term=permissions_dialog_false
  18. Has anyone else has issues with Orange sales reps saying that voicemail is included in Sim only deals and then they bill you 35p per minute for voicemail? I needed a sim for a line I use just to collect messages. I called Orange and they told me that while the 7.50 per month option didn't include voicemail, the £10.50 option did. 3 months later I realise that Orange have billed me 35p per minute for all voicemails. Have spent 45 minutes on phone with them to try to resolve -- they try to put me through to the sales rep invloved but he never answers all calls me back... 6 days has passed since he was supposed to call me back. Complete waste of my time. Very poor customer service + Orange sim only deal is also being mis-sold.
  19. Guys, Just wanted to make people aware of this... My current three contract is due to expire in the next 30days..Ive already bought a new phone on payg - samsung galaxy s3 and signed up for a 12 month sim only deal also with three. I signed up for the new sim (£12.90 pm, 600mins, 1Gb data, 2000 free to three calls , 5000 sms) contract in-store, I thought was a bargain at the time!!. Anyway about 4 days later I received a call from three customer service offering me a deal if I extend my current contract. I told her I wasn't interested but still offered me a deal..a free samsung galaxy ace with same deal as before but unlimited data for £11 per month..I said ill take the offer however I just need to cancel the 12month deal I just took out. She said she could do that no problems..but about 5mins later said she could because I signed upto the sim contract in store (a big no no). If I had done it via website or phone call I can cancel due to 14 day grace period and distance sellers regs.. but because I purchased in-store I couldn't cancel!! Anyway I soon learnt if i ring customer services back and complain I'm not getting a decent signal I can cancel So I told them I work at the postcode of my gym (I don't !!) - where noooobody on any network gets a signal..they ran a quick test to confirm. He said if they cant resolve the issue in the next 5 days I can cancel the contract at no charge to myself due to the coverage policy!! Anyway im on day 2 of waiting so will let you guys know how i get on Main point - Buy a contract over the phone or internet - As you then get 14days grace and alot more leeway hope this helps somebody
  20. Calls are not really important, but data is needed for outside the hotel. Have PMRs for calls between each other when out "together". If the worst comes to the worst, I have a roaming sim at 15p meg^-1.
  21. Hi everyone, I tried posting this before, but my internet went down, so this is going to be abit shorter! Anyway, I have two contracts with T-mobile for use as a work phone. One was taken out last year. The other was taken out in April this year, as I broke the original phone, so took out another low tarriff contract, essentialy for the phone. The original sim was put into the new phone. I just put the new sim in the glovebox of my van (stupidly) and forgot about it. Anyway, the last few months I saw my bill rise from £30 pcm (which it was meant to be) to £90 and then on the 23rd it flew up to £163. They have all been taken out of my bank by direct debit. Out of curiosity, I contacted T-Mobile and asked them for a break down of the charges. I thought that maybe it was due to a few 0844 numbers that I had contacted. They told me that that made up about £3 of the bills, and that the rest of the charges were made on the sim card I thought was in my glovebox. So, I rang the insurance company. They have said although the sim is insured, the phone has to be stolen aswell, and reported within a shorter time. So thats that plan out of the window. The direct debit left me £100 over my overdraft limit, so the £163 has now cost me around £200. I asked T-Mobile for a few of the most frequent numbers they have been using. I rang them, but just recieved abuse down the phone. The number itself appears to be dead, and I have now suspended the sim. Is there nothing I can do? Except lean a hard lesson.....
  22. Bought a phone (Orange San Francisco) online a few days back from Onestopphoneshop.co.uk. As well as the phone, it was mandatory I bought a £10 Orange topup. Realised that using Orange would be too expensive compared to my existing provider. Phone now unlocked, rooted and fully operational on Asda PAYG. The mandatory topup (and Orange SIM) have never been touched/used. Its worth pointing out the topup and phone were shown as two distinct items on the invoice. I would like to reject the topup for a refund, under distance selling rules, as it is definitely not suitable for me. Since the topup exists only as data in Orange's servers, it could easily be removed from Orange's database. Question: Am I within my rights to do this and can I insist with the backing of the Distance Selling regs? If you know of any cases, please can you point me at them? Thanks everyone.
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