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  1. Hi All, I'll try and keep this as succint as possible, I just want to gauge some opinions on a current issue I'm having with morethan pet insurance. Our cat is 13 years old and requires surgery costing up to £8k. We've had our policy since he was 8 weeks old, with the same provider (morethan), and have never made any changes to the policy ourselves. The cover limit is £8k (plus whatever excess fees, which we'll get to)... The last paperwork we received from them was the payment schedule this time last year (it also detailed the policy renewal date as 5th June 2018; we were yet to receive the payment schedule, which seems odd considering 3 weeks have passed since the renewal date). On the last payment schedule it detailed the t&c and we noted that as the cat was over 9 years old we'd pay £150 plus 10% of the final costs. Fine. So we go ahead knowing that that's affordable. The cat had the operation today and is recovering well. Also today (29th June) we receive our updated payment schedule (not by accident might I add - we had to phone to request this amidst the cats problems as we knew we'd need to show it to the vets) - now, the policy schedule says that as the cat is over 9 years we have to pay 20% of the final costs- instead of the 10% we were expecting as detailed on lasts years schedule. My wife phones up the insurance company to query this and apparently they changed their excess structure in December 2017 and notified their customers - needless to say we didn't receive any notification from them. So we're in a position with the vets bills coming in soon, and we'll have to pay double what we expected - if we'd known about the 20% we probably would have held off and had him monitored for a few more days before resorting to an op. Naturally I'm suspicious that as the insurance company were aware of the claim incoming when we phoned to request this years they schedule, they took advantage of the 'between policy period' and have doubles our excess percentage! I can't see any excess percentages detailed on their website - are they done on a customer by customer basis, does anyone know? Can anyone offer any sage advice as to our situation?! Do we have any legal footing due to the fact that we've not been notified of the changes? Well, that's all folks, thanks for listening, and thanks in advance for any help!
  2. HELLO PLEASE HELP, I have a car insurance with XS direct, during summer mid-July I was involved in an accident. the other party claim against my insurance the cost to repair their car over £5000. it was a really minor incident. I don't understand the huge cost. Unfortunately, at the time I have taken my insurance I didn't really understand what excess was and meant. so I sign up for a car insurance with £3000 excess because the premium was cheap. BIG MISTAKE. NOW, my insurance is claiming that I pay them the £3000 excess to compensate for the repair. I drive a BMW X3 54' Plate currently worth over £1300. I dont understand why I should pay them that much money. Please help. I use my car on the daily basis as well AND THEIR THREATING TO CANCEL MY PREMIUM. PLEASE HELP
  3. HI I'm new to this site after stumbling across it after searching for advice on how to make a claim against Swift Advances. I have read Nicky74 story and mine is not much different in that i took a homeowner loan out with for swift for £8000 in 2003 i think. I paid them sporadically for about 3 years which comprised of missed/late payments and finally settled the loan after splitting with my then partner and selling the house. Swift Advances took £28,000 of the equity in the house to settle the debt which i could do absolutely nothing about. I have absolutely no paperwork for the loan and don't know exactly when we took the loan out but know that it got settled in early 2007. i'm just looking for some advice on where i start e.g see a solicitor or contact Swift advances directly. Any help would be greatly appreciated or if i am wasting my time i'd rather know now. any questions feel free to ask although the info i have aort from my memory is zero. Thank you in advance and i will keep a close eye on this thread for any replies. Ian
  4. Can insurers take the excess twice for the 1 claim? I have queried a settled claim and the insurers have decided to pay me a 2nd payment but deducted the excess again. I thought they could only take it once.
  5. Hi all Wondered if anyone could help or offer some advice as I am in quite a stressful situation at the moment and this forum has been very helpful in the past. I was recently involved in an accident on the 5th April 2017, I am technically at fault as I went into the rear of someone at around 15-20mph, put Pedestrians went to cross a zebra crossing and the car on approach slammed his brakes early in realization of this and that forced the car in front of me to slam his and I was unable to break in time leading me to go into the back of this vehicle. Aside from me asking if we can handle the incident privately he still decided to claim through insurance after agreeing with my verbally to handle it privately. My insurance (Insure Your Motor) has an excess of 3k, they will not ask me for whatever the estimation is below that and ask me to pay as I am at fault most likely... I am worried as I simply cannot afford any of these payments in my current situation and just wanted to find out what the following steps were. Do they get debt collectors to try and retrieve this... Is there any way feasibly right that I can somehow not have to pay such a ridiculous excess or is there any way I'd be able to get my way out of the debt collectors at a later stage? I had no other choice but to go with these insurers with 3k Compulsory excess as every other price at the time was above the £300 figure a month and this one was £247 monthly. Any help or advice would be appreciated Apologies for the essay Kind Regards
  6. Hi, my wife is 28 months into a 36 month PCP agreement with Ford. The car is becoming unaffordable for her and has contacted the finance company to discuss VT. they have said she can as she has paid in excess of 50% but are stating excess mileage charges will apply. because she was sold this car with 6000 miles allowed which was never suitable, she has gone over that and would owe around £550 in mileage. if VT'ing the car is this amount still payable? ford are telling her it is. there are mixed views over the internet.
  7. Hi all, wondered if any of my fellow caggers could help! I had a crash back in May, car has been repaired and I paid £200 excess. The other party has now admitted liability. How/when do I get the excess back? Tesco Insurance have passed me on to Aegeas Law who are dealing with a personal injury claim (I suffered a good bump and sore neck!) - any ideas as to when the excess will be given back as £200 isn't an insignificant amount of money and since Tesco have recovered all their costs surely they should be sending this back?
  8. Hello all, I've spent the last couple of hours reading various threads and I have learnt a great deal. However, I need some advice and opinions from you good people. I was involved in a non-fault accident last month. At a four way junction, I was travelling straight ahead and the third party was travelling the opposite way indicating to turn right. At the centre of the junction, where the third party should have stopped and waited for me to clear his path, he did not and hit my car on the front drivers side corner. Dashcam is installed in my car, shows the accident clearly. Also shows a satnav obscuring the third party view of the road quite clearly! Third party is a taxi driver driving a taxi and told me that his vehicle was also fitted with a dashcam. The third party admitted liability the moment he stepped out of the vehicle, although, I'm quite aware this verbal acceptance doesn't mean anything. Police were called as my car was not able to move, so they had to make the area safe until my car could be recovered. Fast forwards to this last week. My car was deemed a total loss, my insurance and GAP insurance have agreed a price and currently I am waiting for the money to enter my account from both companies. Now to the matter of my excess which has been deducted from my settlement payment. My insurance company has informed me that the third party/his insurance has not responded in any way to accept liability for the accident and that I will need to use their recommended legal service (Carpenters Solicitors) to reclaim my excess. My question is, at this moment in time as I have not accepted any help from Carpenters Solicitors, although, they have been instructed by my insurance company to contact me, do I have to use them? Or am I better to try and reclaim the excess by myself by approaching a local solicitors? The only reason this thought has crossed my mind is after reading numerous negative reviews for Carpenters Solicitors. There are two amounts I wish to claim for: My excess and £80 for my private numberplate to be transferred from the old car to the new car. I'll be very thankful for any advice and opinions.
  9. I Sent my car back on VT and received a bill for excess mileage, however it is not clear in my contract if I pay the charge as it says in termination your rights if you have paid half the value of the agreement and the car condition is acceptable the answer is yes and yes. I have heard that the phrase in termination my rights quote "you will have nothing else to pay". Does anybody have dealings with this I have started proceedings with the Onbudsman but heard this is probably not the best way. I have heard of people getting the charge removed and invoices being cancelled Any help would be appreciated
  10. Blocked drain in the back garden through which the kitchen and utility room drain, (thankfully no toilets). Local company diagnose a collapsed drain and quote ~£600 for digging it up and replacing it We got Swiftcover involved to see if we are covered. They send their approved people around who provide the same diagnosis (with cameras and wotnot) and confirm we are covered - pay them the excess of £350 and they'll come round and sort it out, taking up the rest of the bill with the insurance company. So far so smooth. Only when the two chaps turn up to do the work, they discover the initial diagnosis to be at fault, and that it was a simple blockage. In less than an hour, they had cleared it and were on their way. Now we find the company has charged their "half day rate" of £400+vat to Swiftcover. We aren't suggesting any impropriety on the mis-diagnosis - but it's a bitter pill to pay £350 for two blokes to do a simple job in less than an hour. We're taking it up with Swiftcover today but I'd be interested in any comments?
  11. Hi and thank you in advance for your help, I need advice on the following parking issue: I arrived at a hospital car park and after waiting along time in the queue I got in but found no space. As my appointment was now past I could not wait any longer and decided to park the car in a non-designated space but made sure there was no obstruction to car park traffic. After my appointment (40min) I paid for my parking ticket (£1) when i returned to the car i found an EXCESS CHARGE NOTICE attached to the wind screen. The reason for the ticket is obstructive parking. Clearly this was not the case as there was ample space for cars to pass from all sides. I find the charge of £85 draconian and predatory. I am thinking of ignoring it until it reaches the court stage where I can defend my case as I feel that my circumstances (as a patient in a hospital) have not been taken into account by the ticket issuer (LOCAL PARKING SECURITY LTD). If the fee was going to the hospital funds it would be more than worth it but am finding it difficult to accept to pay this large amount to a private parking predator. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  12. Hi all Am new here and have joined for some advice about a parking charge I received today. The car park at the shopping centre where I work( Scott arms great Barr Birmingham) is run by local parking security ltd and charges 50p per hour every day 8am till 8pm. To be honest I think it's ridiculous anyway to charge until 8pm when there is about 10 shops and a pub( frequented by a few regulars daily) with 2 shops being open at this time ( both betting shops) the car park which probably caters for about 30 cars never has more than 10 in it even at weekends! I popped home for a break around 7 arriving back at 7;20 because the place I normally park around the rear of the premises is secluded and unlit I parked in the car park in the only space visible from my counter at work so I can keep an eye on it. As luck would have it whilst distracted I got issued a ticket at 7;31pm despite there being 5 cars in the car park! £85 which I feel is disgraceful Would appreciate some advice in the past I know people would have said just not to pay but I know things have changed Cheers Paul
  13. Hi All, Insurance company appointed a claim handler and the claim handler company appointed builders. the work was done for cracks on wall and interior decoration. I was told by the claim handler company that excess will be paid only when you are happy with the work. The claim was submitted as subsidence issue. after few months of work the cracks have appeared back at the same location. I have been going on with the claim handler please fix it properly. when you are asking for subsidence excess you should fix the subsidence issue instead of decorating the house and fixing the crack with filler. The claim handler has now agreed to continue the monitoring work for movement. Yesterday I recd a letter from the builders to pay excess in 7 days. Was wondering what all my options are before I talk to claims handler and builders. Many Thanks Billy
  14. Hello all. I am on Primus broadband (20 gb per month) and for July and August have suddenly been landed with an excess broadband usage charge of£23.33 for July and £33.33 for August, which is payable at the end of the month. That much has not been used by the family - we use mainly for email/skype/whatsapp and will stream around 2.5/3hrs standard video per week. No p2p software, illegal downloads, no dodgy software installed - we have an eight year old son who does not have a computer in his room and his usage whenever he goes online is monitered. I have called primus and they insist that it must have been our fault and usage as they cannot tell what has been used or not - however, I am annoyed as I know that our usage has not changed. Primus are a pain to get through to - I had a problem where I kept losing my internet connection for about a week for no apparent reason and they could not come up with a solution and had to wait on the phone for at least 20 minutes each time. Any advice on this would be gratefully received! Regards, Rob
  15. Starting off another thread to get educated responses. We all know about claiming back excess bank charges etc. What i wish to concentrate on are excessive charges within any financial agreement. The Office of Fair Trading decided that charges levied on an account holder for a failed direct debit as an example will no longer be challenged by the OFT if below £12.00. It would be for a court to decide Under laws of contract, a company cannot charge any fees in excess of what it would normally amount to. A computer generated bill for £25.00 for saying a direct debit has bounced will be unacceptable and can be challenged, What i am interested in is if the Terms and Conditions of a finance agreement say a returned direct debit charge will be £25.00. If it is in the contract, will it be lawful under contract law, or still a penalty to reclaim ?? Will the The Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 be the way to mount a challenge
  16. Hello everyone, I would really appreciate some feedback regarding excess insurance charges on a recent hire car. I returned the car with some scratches and one very small dent (the dent probably less than 25mm) to the front wing, caused by a scrape against a parking gate. This was very slow moving, minor damage, of which I have photos. I would imagine some retouching would need to be done to the scratches which were only on an area of the driver side wheel arch. On returning the car, I expected to be charged. I didn't realise that it was the policy of the rental company to charge the FULL excess for ANY damage to the body! Does this sound like acceptable practice? In this case the full excess was £1000 PLUS VAT (which I was not aware was not already included) bringing the cost up to a whopping £1200! As far as I could see, I didn't have much choice, although I questioned the costs, the member of staff just repeated that it was policy and 'he really hated taking money off people'. They already had my card details so he deducted it there and then. I did receive a receipt, though there is no breakdown of costs - how could there be? They haven't been given any quote for the work! I do have a seperate annual insurance excess policy, with icarhire incsurance, exactly for these scenarios. What I'm concerned about is that they won't cover £1200 because it seems like a disproportionate amount and that I should have argued more strongly at the time not to be charged and to be sent a bill and at least 2 or 3 quotes for the work. What are my options here? I'm starting the claim with icarhire insurance, but I don't know how long that will take. Can I take action with the car hire company in the meantime? Would it be possible to claim the money back from my credit card, for instance? I feel like at the very least, I should claim about the policy of instantly charging the full amount, but I'm not sure where to start. Any help or feedback welcomed. Thanks, Andy
  17. Hi, I have a dog, who is insured, with a long term condition for which he is on medication. He had a stroke last April and is on heart medication. Our insurance policy clearly states that they will pay out for no more than 12 months per condition - I have no dispute with this, the period of payment is coming to an end, but that's how it is. Similarly the excesses, although steep, are made very clear (a fixed 170 plus 30%). I renew the policy every 12 months, in October, and have been with this company since we first got our dog. What I didn't expect was to have the fixed excess applied twice. The table of excesses is prefixed by the text 'What you must pay during each period of insurance', and on a different page to the table of excesses, the policy defines a 'Period of Insurance' as the time for which they provide cover as described in the Schedule i.e. October of one year till October of the next year. Crucially, it appears to not include the 12 month period for which they will cover a condition. This appears to mean that although they will payout for 12 months per condition, this period is defined as sitting within two periods of insurance, so we are stung twice for the fixed excess. This seems nonsensical and counter-intuitive. If my dog had had his stroke in October, the clearly stated maximum 12 months of payout would fall within one 'Period of Insurance' and be subject to just one set of excesses. It is fairly unlikely though that an illness will coincide with the renewal date. I realise that the large amount of small print is a legal necessity. However I would dispute how clear the situation is - and for any long term (12 months+) condition it is more likely than not you will be paying the fixed excess twice - which certainly is not made clear in the otherwise very clear table of excesses. I don't think this is fair - but is it legal and does it amount to 'treating the customer fairly' ? Thanks in advance for any advice. -- Tim.
  18. Hi, I cancelled my broadband on the 16th month of an 18th month contract. I was moving house and the ISP didn't operate in my new area. I was paying £39 a month for fibre, so therefore the remaining two months of my contract totaled £78. However the ISP tried to charge me £240 to disconnect. Surely they cannot charge you in excess of what the contract is actually worth? Am I correct in assuming that? Anyhow, I refused to pay this and they have passed the debt on to a collection agency. Does anyone know what my options are now? OFCOM, seems to indicate that they cant charge in excess of the contract value, but Im not sure its a rule thats applied by all ISP's Thanks in advance.
  19. Hello All I was recently involved in a crash where a lady drove into the back of my car as I was waiting at a T junction. So of course I phoned my insurance company Hastings Direct...my policy is a Hastings Essential policy. Initially they wanted me to use 'Albany Assistance' which I thought was a great idea until they started to ask me to agree to a hire agreement for the hire car alarm bells started to ring. After googling them I realized there was a huge danger I could be left with a huge hire car bill. Some horror stories on the honest John website where someone has had to fight a 7k bill! First off Hastings wanted to use a garage down in Southampton called Silverlake Garages latter on this gets changed to another garage in Portsmouth. So I canceled Albany Assistance and decided to take my car to my local main dealership they where excellent and gave the quote to Hastings that day! I was told by Hastings that if I went ahead and decided to use my own garage I would have to pay double my policy Excess! Apparently because I have the Essential policy. (I am going to try to find the policy documents but can they do this?) The whole process of phoning Hastings has been a nightmare ive been passed around so many different companies its hard to remember all there names and the amount of times ive been put on hold. God knows why they all use 0845 numbers too!. I have read online that often the insurance companies like to use there approved garages purely as it is beneficial to them selves and often the garages use substandard parts I dont know how true this is though. So is it true that because I use the Essentail Hasting policy they have the right to double my excess just because i wont do what i want? Thanks In Advance Paul
  20. Hi my insurers are Esure and back on the 16th November 2009 a lorry switched lanes and clipped the passenger side of my car and drove off damaging my car with £1100 damage. I finally have a court date set for 26th October 2010. I have had my car repaired at £450 excess and now the court require a further £75. I want to know if I should continue down the small claims court route or should I just give up at this stage and call it a day. I have captured a poor quality image of the lorry driving away and managed to record its registration number. I feel compelled to go to court as I was 100% in the right. I am worried that the judge will go down the 50/50 route and i will get nothing. any help with this would be much appreciated. Many thanks
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