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  1. I am thinking of applying for a mortgage this year, so thought it would be good practice to check the old credit file. I found that a default had been lodged on my Call Credit file for £5,650.00 by "Barclays Partner Finance" ( default date has been set at 11/05/2011 ) when I am sure they have changed the date of default forward, as I defaulted on that loan way back in 2008. But on top of that, they forwarded that same debt onto a Debt Collecting agency called "CapQuest Investments Ltd" who have set their own default for the debt - Date 31/12/2009 amount £5,961.00. I am not sure if this debt has been sold on to CapQuest, or if they are just acting for Barclays Partner Finance, but in any case, is it legal to lodge 2 defaults for one debt? The default lodged by CapQuest, is on all 3 credit reference agencys, but the default lodged by Barclays Partner Finance, h as only been put on Call Credit, either way, my chances of getting a mortgage with even one default is remote I think? I just need to know what the best way forward is going to be for me? I have read somewhere on the forum, that people have managed to negotiate with the Debt Collection Agencys to remove the default by paying off the debt in a lump sum, and if this is possible, then would I be right in saying that, Both companies would have to remove the default, if the original company holding the debt agrees to remove their default? Many thanks, in anticipation!
  2. Following the confirmation of administration today,which will be from next week,We await a statement from administrators giving information to customers with pre orders which have been paid for.returns and warranties etc etc. Comets warranties were underwritten by The Warranty Group who will still have a responsibility to customers irrespective of Comet going into administration. Their website; http://uk.thewg.com/product-warranties/electrical/index.html Their Customer helpline number for the UK is 01594 863000 Customers with vouchers should use these ASAP. If you paid for goods by card you may be entitled to raise a claim under s75 of the Consumer Credit Act. Please feel free to post below if you have been affected. As reported by the BBC; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20164228 Comet's customer care team is handling customer inquiries on 0844 8009595. But dont hold your breath if what we have seen from their customer services for the last 3 years is anything to go by,
  3. I was told by a CSA on the phone that you have to have an uninterrupted claim for 26 week before you are eligible for it so if you have had any sanctions or anything during your claim it sets it back to 0 essentially.
  4. Hiya Everyone, Long story so i will try and cut it short. I got a car on finance last year (feb) the salesman stated to the finance company (blackHorse) that the car had 38000 miles on the clock, And charged me a 32.9% APR... The 38000 miles is on the Agreement i have got, But the MOT i have from the year before (2010) states the car had 56000 at that point., The car had really got 68000 miles on the clock and not 38000 . So i am now paying a higher price for a car that the finance company paid out on thinking it had alot less miles on it that it really did have. If they had known i doubt they would have paid out all that money against the car. What are your thoughts on this and any response im thankful for
  5. Hi, How long do NatWest hold informaiton about accounts/credit cards, essentially I am looking for information in in 1999. Regards
  6. GOV.UK is the new Government information website that will replace Direct Gov and the Business Link websites from Wednesday 17th October 2012. The idea behind GOV.UK is to bring almost everything published by the Government together under one ‘domain name’ i.e. GOV.UK – and the new website will also include the business advice and information formerly included on the Business Link website. Launched this week, the website will aim to be a simpler, clearer and faster way to use government services online. The designers of the website, the Government Digital Service, claim that ‘user needs’ rather than an assumption of what the Government thinks are needed, will be at the heart of the new service. One of the design principles behind the GOV.UK is to make the website as inclusive, legible and readable as possible - the people who most need digital services are quite often the people who will find them hardest to use. https://www.gov.uk/
  7. Hi there, I was hoping for advice. I have been asked for all my financial information for the last 2 months in order to continue recieving housing benefit. However, I no longer wish to recieve the benefit as we are about to come into some money which will make us illegible. The letter states that If we dont' reply within a month then they will stop the payments. Will this also mean that they will investigate us? I would rather just stop everything without any drama. The information they are asking for is quite hard to get, some of it will be assessments from student loans that haven't arrived yet. Any advice is much appreciated.
  8. Hi me and my wife claim joint jsa i sign on she doesnt and she hasnt had to for 6 months. we have 19month old child.. now am just after some information on what my wife will have to do at this interview. when she goes what will happen? once she has been do i continue to sign on once a fornight? will she have to start signing on if she does will she have to attend same time as me,or will the signing continue with me just doing it? all info much appreciate
  9. Hi, Long story short i signed on today (JSA) and a different adviser saw me, asked me if i'd thought about work experience etc then ended up booking me in for a group session about it next week. It's a group session for 18-24 year olds (i'm 25 by the way ) about work experience. I was just wondering if anyone's gone to one of these before and if so what are they like. Is it just a case of turn up, sit there, listen then go home? Cheers, Liam
  10. I just followed a link supplied by Bandit127 for `Noddle` free credit file info for life. I tried to register but was not accepted. Then my wife suggested I register in her name. The site accepted my wife`s application and so we checked what was on file. It showed three accounts. Two were up to date and correct. But, it showed one in default for £200. It had been registered by Lowell in 2009. My wife explained that the account is in relation to mail order and has always been in dispute. Letters were exchanged, telephone conversations had etc. Threatening letters received etc. But then nothing heard for years. It came as a bit of a shock when the wife read this information. My wife has never received any information about this being on her credit file. We thought that the debt collection agency could only put this on someones file, if the case had gone to Court. Can anyone elaborate on the criteria, that enables Lowells to put this information on ones credit file? Many thanks
  11. Hi Guys, I’m looking for inside information regarding back dating Jobseekers allowance and also appealing against decisions made for deductions made to benefits. I’ve read all the pamphlets, the sticky and know what they tell you, I’m looking for info on what they don’t. I have the oddest feeling the system is designed to deny payments whenever possible. What is the criteria for accepting a back dated claim? What is the criteria for reversing a penalty to benefits? Or more precisely what reasons will get a sanction reversed?
  12. I have come across this recent case Smeaton v Equifax, accessible for free on bailii. It has been decided that where a credit reference agency has not been complying with their continuing obligation of retaining accurate data, they will be in breach of the Data Protection Act, Section 13. Furthermore, if they have been negligently, by positive acts or omissions, showing wrong information about a data subject, the CRA's would be negligent and can be sued in negligence to reclaim any losses the data subject may have suffered. The CRA's have lost it to a litigant in person, and have now appealed it in the Court of Appeal, but it goes to show that if there are people who have suffered because of these people, you may be able to sue them. One point to note is about limitation. Cheers!! **Any information given here is not to be considered legal advice and should not be relied upon. Benbane Head does not accept any liability to the recipient or any third party for any loss suffered as a result of reliance on the information provided herein.**
  13. Just been trying for 2 hrs to get my credit report from Equifax after filling in on-line form. After spending time inputting all the information there form wont recognise your credit card number. Try it several times and waste 1 hour still wont accept it. Next spend 30 minutes trying to find contact phone number on site non available. get contact phone number from Saynoto0870 By tne way its 0800 0665825 But you need to understand Hindustani. Spend 15 minutes telling him website doesn't work and him checking god knows what. He then says he can take application over phone GREAT No he wants to make additional charge for taking it over the phone. fee is set by law at £2 so I refuse. Isn't wonderful how easy the government makes these processes.
  14. *******EDIT******** This is a discussion thread continued from here; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?350867-Car-clamped-on-public-road-by-JBW-for-old-pcn I have every way of knowing that as I have seen plenty of TE8a forms. I also know that the stock argument that local authorities put up is that they are allowed to pass on details electronically to bailiffs under CPR 75 4 even though they don't seem to know that this applies to Orders for Recovery and not warrants and that bailiffs are not applicants to the proceedings (House of Lords 19 July 2011) I also know that the only 'warrant' that B & D have ever issued (in desperation after legal proceedings had commenced) came several months after their bailiffs Newlyn produced a 'warrant' for a court case under CPR 75 4. Not only did we have the farcical situation of two 'warrants' from two different sources being presented to the court as being the 'original', but two parties who have acted in contradiction of each other. Newlyn clearly arguing that CPR 75 allowed the electronic transfer of authority and LB Barking and Dagenham torpedoing it. To cut a long story short Newlyn's solicitor (CAG member 'fatty felton') was only too pleased to settle out of court seven days before the court hearing for a sum of £7000. Now what do think LB Barking and Dagenham have learned from this? And the bailiff had a warrant in you case? Start a thread and we'll discuss this. have you got a copy of the 'warrant'.
  15. Are you a DWP Jobcentre Customer, on a Welfare to Work(fare) Programme or worried about a referral? Then you need to protect your information and data. A very good link below. http://www.consent.me.uk/
  16. i need assistance with employment law, and personal injury claims. i would appreciate any advice that fellow CAG's can provided Work Related Breakdown i suffered a work related breakdown a year ago approx, however despite the problems at work i loved the actually job itself and always intended to return to work when i was well enough to do so, however i was pre empted financially and returned October last year and at that point formally started my grievance. like most people i had not idea of how a grievance procedure would work, so it was a massive learning curve. it is so unbelievably stressful and im still not fully well. all of the stresses remain as nothing had changed within the team on my return and my health has again deteriorated. Occ Health have recommended in writing that my place of work is toxic to my full recovery and i should leave. my p/trist is saying the same, as is my counsellor. they have all made clear that outside of that environment my health should improve enough for me to get another job doing the same type of work but with a different organisation! my question is this. is it possible for me to take civil action over and above tribunal action against my employer for the pysiatric injury they have caused me, in addition to which i had lost all my body hair. my head remains bald and i have to wear a wig, my eyebrow are going again, my arm and leg hair have gone, however my pubic hair did grow back a little. i am very grateful that my eyelashes have grown back - but for how long. i have been tested medically, the is no physical reason for the universal hair loss. constructive dismissal i am aware that the issue of constructive dismissal and discrimination can only be held in a Tribunal. but i would want to know how p/injury would work in a civil court, and could this take place more quickly than a Tribunal, and although not the right venue, will the issues of the discrimination, harrassment, bullying and victimisation come out at a civil hearing? i have an outstanding grievance appeal taking place by the end of March, it is likely to be negative, a little more detail first 'last straw' - manager held PPP (nearly 2 years since the previous one) tells me basically im c.... and that my colleagues have all complained about me, and gives examples of complaint. Fair enough. however all of this has come out of nowhere. manager provides no discussion or plan on how to resolve the situation between me and the rest of team, and goes off on 2 weeks holiday. naturally this has a devasting affect on my feeling toward the manager and the rest of the team, i have believed what he is saying. i make complaint to manager on his return and challenge all his accusation and complain that if the situation were true how is it he didnt try to help resolve the situation? i copy in HR. manager writes back taking no responsibility claiming i have misinterpreted and didnt say some of the things. my complaint was comprehensive and i gave back to him all the examples that he had used! a meeting was held. HR had lead me to believe that the meeting was a grievance as laid out in their policy, but it was a mediation meeting whereby the manager states again that i have mis interpreted and that in fact no one had complained about me - he failed to give any further information. he actually stated that i was made for the job. on hearing this however instead of making me feel better it devasted me further. i couldnt understand how he had done this to me in the first place. i had worked so hard and was so proud of the work. i went into freefall. from the time of the meeting with manager to what i thought was a grievance meeting was just over 2 months during which time there was a complete and utter breakdown between me and the rest of the team. i was signed off sick with work sky high blood pressure and related stress which i had desperately been trying to ward off. emloyer contact during sick leave during sick leave, the manager above my manager demanded to to see me, didnt advise that i could be accompanied and during the meeting told me basically that the best thing for me was to get my arse back on my chair and that in their experience involving the medical profession would mean that i would be off work longer! remember this talk at me is whilst i am unwell and vulnerable. end result even more freefall. during my sick leave there were a bombardment of letters from work, which stressed me out further than you can believe i felt hounded. i thought that it would be better to return to work even thougth my GP didnt think i was ready. i thought that it would be best to stop the hounding and make sure their were no more meetings with my managers manager. phased return meeting GP formally recommended this. unfortunately he did not specify a time. managers manager didnt want to follow GP's advice and tried to insist instead that if i felt tied i went home. luckily an HR officer was present and had to remind manager that it was normal in such circumstance and length of time away that a phased return take place. manager reluctantly agreed to 1 week! there was mention of a review, but no details of when the review would take place or who with. naturally 1 week was not enough. situation with team not resolved. i approach HR for help and am basically told to go away. i return to my GP who tries not to give the 'i told you so' and signs me off again. long term sick which brings me back to my return last year. Discrimination bullying and harrassment prior to the first last straw i had been suffering discrimination harrassment and bullying from another member of the team for a couple of year which i didnt handle very well. i absorbed it - but this just caused me to lose my body hair. i genuinely believe that this new member of staff would get used to me being there, also i had hoped that other members of the team would come to my defence when i was under attack from this 'colleague' - but no one did, some of them even joined in. this colleague was good at getting others to express their prejudices and the others knew better. i felt so isolated, ashamed and scared to say anything just in case they thought i was the one with the problem the one with the 'chip' so i said nothing. there was no one or manager that i had any trust or confidence in that i could take this matter to, so i suffered in silence, until the breakdown came. Employers investigate the complainant on making the complaint my employers carried out an investigation - a shock to me, a bigger shock was later learning that they had carried out an investigation on me too. thank God i was good at my job, good things were said about me. so they cant get me on that angle. grievance 1 outcome it transpired that others had complained also about my 'colleague' and my manager showed up themselves good and proper at the hearing. recommendations. words would be had with colleague and manager, but no grounds for discrimination - however.... appeal 'colleague' had actually admitted to what they thought would be a lesser complaint that they thought they could get away with, but this put employers in difficulty and they had to make a statement at the appeal confirming that at least one act of discrimination had taken place. it was agreed (and is on tape) that i was the brunt of this 'colleagues' abusive behaviour promotion of the main perp it was always the intention of my 'colleague' to get me out of the team and take over my Officer status and effect they way up from what they considered to be a lowly administrative position. they have now achieved this. even with the outcome of the grievance they still hold this position. what does this say? Victimisation (final 'last straw') managers manager has not taken too kindly to my complaint and raised awareness of what's going on in one of their departments and has targeted the 'trouble maker' me. a serious incident of victimisation has recently taken place. but i am covered by a 'protected act' and acted immediately. i put in a grievance about the harrassment and bullying by this particular manager. naturally management have stuck together. so i am just about to put in an appeal. Back to the start again this brings me round to where i started. based on the medical recommendation i think i will have to leave my job immediately i am notified of the appeal decision otherwise i will lose any rights i may have to claim constructive dismissal. i am not sure i want to claim this anyway as i would prefer the matter to go to civil court, where i can completely sue the a... off these people for what has happened to me over the past 18 months. my medical state the complete and utter indignity of having to constantly wear a wig and a cheap one at that as i dont have the money to buy a decent one. how further freakish i look without eyebrows. the constant eye infections because of no eyelashes, or where they were just coming loose and falling into my eye - the constant rubbing. im not so distressed about the rest of the body hair - no on sees any of it. im on medication up to my eyeballs. i have a diagnosed prolapsed disc and whilst of sick couldnt even put my knickers on or use the WC without putting a bucket on it first as i couldnt sit. thankfully my mobility is such that i can get around better, but i walk with a limp now, and still prefer to use the disable WC as they are a little higher. the constant pain in my back, shooting pains and numbness in my left leg is sometimes unbearable. also since being back at work apart from the deterioaration again of my mental state i have the additional indignity of repeated boils on my arse - what the hell is that about? i do hope that there is someone prepared and/or managed to read through this and provide advice or answer my query. Thanks
  17. Hope there is help here!! I received summons for failure to provide Driver information contrary to section s172 The Car is a Company car. However it can be seen from the proof they sent me that I did provide information that I was the Driver. When I rang the Police they explained that although I had provided the information that I was the Driver I had only done so in my capacity as a company representative. And I didn't as me personally in my private capacity!!! As perhaps you can understand I am somewhat confused as I clearly did provide the information. But I can also see that I didn't comply with their process. So faced with this I now need to get some advice as to whether I have or have not provided the information to the satisfaction of the law. Or am I just "guilty" of not jumping through the hoops? JPAP
  18. Hi Everyone, I have recently been going about the motions of getting my credit files up to date with Equifax, Experian and CallCredit. I haven't really had any problems up until I tried to deal with CallCredit. A few years ago, when I turned 18, I went down the bad-credit spiral. I was approved for a loan I shouldn't really of had in the first place, I was given a cheque book with guarantee card, etc etc. I was pretty damn stupid back then. Now though, after some advice from a cag forum member (Whom I know in a personal capacity) I've managed to get most of these debts settled/wiped off. I got in touch with Experian first off. The information they had on there seemed to be mostly accurate, apart from incorrect financial linkings, and the fact that I apparently had a mortgage with my Mother. The joys of having the same name as my dad eh? - This was all rectified pretty quickly. Same deal with experian. This took a little bit more work as their website is absolutely atrocious to navigate, or was back then. So, my Equifax and Experian reports are now squeaky clean, apart from one little red mark due to a default 5 years ago which has since been settled. Now, CallCredit. I checked my file there and they still had my debts that had been settled years ago, being marked as default up until the month I checked the file! There was a load of other incorrect information on there too. In fact, it was the worst of the three. It feels like they are "The land that accuracy forgot". I wrote them a rather stern two page letter, and included copies of my credit files from Equifax and Experian so they could cross reference the entries and see that their information was inaccurate. I posted the letter off, and proceeded to give them their 28 days. Day 29: No response from CC, so called to chase it up. The guy on the phone took my details, confirmed receipt of the letter and said he'd email me back regarding the outcome. Day 32: Nothing received as yet. Called them back again, and the guy couldn't understand why I hadn't gotten a response and said "We do have a 28 day time limit by law to get this sorted out, and we're over that now, i'll escalate this issue" Day 50!!! (Yes, i double checked that was right) Still no response, now they're nearly twice over their 28 day limit and still i've had no response from them. Is there any action I can take against CallCredit? I just want my information fixed. I've got a great job now, I'm planning a finance for a new car, and me and my other half are looking at getting our first house. I've worked hard for years to clear my previous idiocy, and just want to have my record clean again. Thank you in advance, DesignerDave
  19. Hi Guys, I've been given a speeding ticket for apparently doing 40miles an hour in a 30. Without preaching, I drive very cautiously and the area in question is non-residential and simply shouldn't be a 30 in my eyes (I wasn't aware that it was). Anyway. I've logged on to "safespeedforlife" and have seen the photos of the offence. Both photos say "39mph" but all other text on that page and on my letter tells me I've been caught doing 40mph. As well as this, the photo is unclear and from behind and many of us use the car. Is it worth me contesting this? Is this something I can realistically expect to get out of? Many thanks for the time of anyone who replies, Andy
  20. Hi, Wondering if anyone can offer some advice, as me and my husband appear to be caught in a vicious loop with the job center. For 'wall of text crits you' purposes, I have uploaded a record (sensitive info removed) I've been keeping of the job center's action since 7th October 2010 - which you can view here scribd.com/doc/43314897/JSA-Online At the moment the only money we have had since 21st Oct 2010 is a crisis loan for £90 to live on. We live with 2 disabled pensioners, who, due to this 'hiccup' have been bleed-dry trying to support us during our financial crisis, on top of that, my husband is trying to start a business which is really digging it's heels financially. We have tried appealing against the sanction and haven't been given any information about the decision and generally, they seem to be messing us about. Any help would be appreciated. ~Dray
  21. Hi, we are renting a coffee shop on a farm and booked the Rotary Club's marquee for an art exhibition. All artists must have their own insurance to take part. Can anyone tell me what insurances I will have to take out and with whom? I'm an insured artist myself, but in this case I'm running the venue as well and is the owner of the shop. As ussual I'm doing things back to front and the event is planned for the end of May - so I need some solid advice asap! Thanks! martiens bekker
  22. I posted on a thread a couple of days ago, and it struck me that the OP was most of all paralysed because he didn't KNOW that the DCA was in fact powerless, and the forum is so big now that it takes a lot of searching to find the gold so to speak. So.... I want to create a guide to DCAs, and make sure that when people Google any of those names, the thread is at the top of the search, so that first of all, they can be reassured. If they're not afraid, they can start thinking logically and then fight back, but first they need not to be scared anymore. So, I want to name them all, so I am going to post here the ones I can think of, please add to the list. Also if you see one on the list and there is no documentation, could you please post a copy of their template letters (washed of all info, but you knew that, right? ). Ultimately, I want someone to type "Lowells" in a search engine, and they will see their MO, a copy of their threatograms, etc... and so, once that thread is live and going, I'll be asking every one of you to help publicising it, but that's in the future, obviously. (I'm away all next week for starters, so I won't be able to start compiling until after that, but in the meantime, all info is welcome. PLEASE TRY NOT TO DUPLICATE THE INFO, SEE WHAT OTHERS HAVE POSTED FIRST!!!! Thanks, BW
  23. Hi everyone, Have had loads of charges added to my loan account by HFC .Have not paid anything towards account for last 6 months so that they would take court action as I believe that a Judge would see that most of the charges have been wrongly applied. Now get a letter from their in house DCA (debt litigation and recovery services) stating Please note that the current amount to settle your acccount is £???? ,however we will waive £???.We have agreed to accept £??? at X amount in Dec, Jan and Feb in order to close your account. The Questions I have are that if I paid the amounts requested would that be the end of it or could HFC or a DCA come after the rest at a later date? and is the closing of the account only with DLRS or as they are acting on behalf of HFC it would close the account with HFC? For your info HFC have a enforceable CCA which contains within it a list of charges applicable for defaults and late payments that I signed. One other question ,if I accepted and paid amounts and HFC closed account would I still be able to complain to HFC, FSA and anyone else about the incorrect running of the account. sorry if post is too long. Sleepindog
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