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  1. I know this subject has been discussed a hundred times but I am seeking advice on the best course of action regarding a default that o2 added to my credit file over the paltry sum of £29.82. The first thing to say is the outstanding balance has never been paid as I was unaware that I had an outstanding balance, with that in mind it is curious that in feb 2013 the credit file was marked as settled. my bank have confirmed there was never any payment to o2 for this amount from my bank account. My contract was setup with a monthly direct debit & had ended in august 2012, we never got round to cancelling the dd mandate until the feb of 2013 which my bank have confirmed, why would an outstanding balance have been present with an active dd still there? During the whole of this period & to this day my address, email & telephone contact details are unchanged they could have easily contacted me with reference to any outstanding amounts which obviously they claim to have done! but I have simply never had any contact. The credit referral team have simply refused my request to have the default removed because there records show the late/default payments from sep 2012 to feb 2013, so what is my best course of action? I think I can demonstrate from the other evidence on my credit file that I was capable of making such a payment. I believe this default is responsible for my being refused credit on several occasions & I am getting ever more concerned with a looming remortgage on the horizon. chip
  2. I took out a deal through mobiles.co.uk at the beginning of this month and I wasn't made aware of any imminent price rise. Where do I stand? Absolutely fuming to be honest! My webchat with o2 came out with this cracking quote ; Quote: Originally Posted by O2 if you would have contacted us on chat or visited our O2 store, then we would have given you all the information. They were basically saying I should have went to a store to get info on the price rise so it was my fault for buying online! They constantly said it's in the terms which I never received anyway. I did read a quote by ofcom in a news article that says ; Quote: “It can’t be that they bury this away in their terms and contracts,” an Ofcom spokesperson told Telecoms.com. “We are assessing what is provided to customers at the point of sale with a fine tooth comb to ensure that it is being communicated completely transparently, so that consumers can be said to have fully agreed to it at the point of sale. Transparency is the key thing; they have to be abundantly clear, transparent and up front at the point of sale so consumers can make an informed choice.” What are my rights in this situation? Should I have visited a shop to make sure the price would stay at £27 p/m or are they misinforming me again?
  3. Carrying on from my original issue with O2 and how an incorrect default was listed against my credit file. O2 promised me £50 in the form of compensation after they had incorrectly listed the default. Now while i was happy with the resolution with the whole issue, i was promised that a refund would be made via Cheque and that would be sent to me. That was the 9th of Jan this year. Role on to the end of Jan and nothing turns up apart from a letter telling me that they have made a refund via BACS to a bank account that no longer exists. RBS have aligned it to be offset. I cant get RBS to log a complaint as they have said they WILL NOT send me a letter to confirm i cannot have the money while O2 says because the refund has already been processed they are not willing to do anything either to amend their mistake... So what do i do?
  4. I'm having severe problems with o2 at the minute, I signed up for a business contract in February 2013, I've been in the contract for a year now, but from the start of the contract I was being overcharged every month for calls that I didn't make when I was supposed to be on business unlimited. In September 2013 I started having problems with my signal, my calls were dropping, I couldn't access the internet or send text messages for hours at a time, from September until now I've phoned up multiple times about this problem, I've changed my Sim card twice and every time I changed the card it took 3 days both times to activate the new Sim cards, I also took the phone to the apple shop on so many occasions that every person in the apple store knows me by name and why I'm constantly there, there was nothing and has never been anything wrong with my iPhone, and when I explained this to o2 they didn't care, they tried to replace my black 16gb iPhone 4s with an 8gb white iPhone 4s to see if that would rectify the problem, no matter how many times I phone o2 to complain, they call me a liar saying that I constantly use my phone and that there's nothing they can do, I have emailed the complaints department numerous of times and they keep telling of com that they have never received any of my emails, its unacceptable I'm constantly paying over 42.00 for a phone that does not work and hasn't worked properly in 6 months, they tell me if I want out of the contract I must pay over 300 pound to have the contract ended early, which is outrageous, why should I pay off the rest of the contract for a faulty service they are providing but denying there is anything wrong. What should I do?
  5. Ok so forgive me if im stupid.. But what does that actually mean? I took out a contract in june of 2013. Where does that leave me? Does this mean im locked into it? http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/jan/24/o2-customers-higher-prices-changed-contracts
  6. Is there a thread on the increase that O2 have imposed from23/1/13. I would like to cancel my contract, as I find this disgraceful that they can just hike the cost of the tariff, what next? I am on a 2 year contract which ends Feb 15.
  7. In February 2012 I rang O2 to close my account as I had a business phone and no longer required two mobile phones. I was paying my bills manually and there were no outstanding bills on that date that I called to cancel my contract. I was not informed of any final bills during this phone call and none were sent to me at my home address. In Sept 2012 I received a letter from Westcot debt collection regarding an outstanding amount owed to O2 of just under £47. I rang O2 to confirm this was true and subsequently paid the amount. In February 2013 I checked my credit file to notice a default had been registered on my account in August 2012. I have had several conversations over the last year with the credit referral team and customer services but have found them thoroughly un-helpful. Why I was not written to between Feb and Aug 2012 to notify of the debt and intention to record a default is beyond me as I would have paid upon notification. Apparently everything was posted to my O2 online account which as I was no longer an O2 customer I had no need to log into. I had been a customer for almost 10 years without a problem and my wife is still a customer but am seriously considering moving her to another company as this default is affecting our ability to obtain credit. I am sending an SAR to fully review the particulars of this situation. Any help would much appreciated.
  8. Hi All This is about how I managed to get £160.00 compensation from O2 I recently found a bill on my bank account for £730.00 from O2 for a contract that was actually cancelled. Unfortunately I did not check this account for several months. When I did eventually contact them they initially refused to refund me at all. after an hour or so of online chat and me re-sending them manuscript from previous web chats they finally agreed to refund me. Unhappy with this service I followed their complaints procedure and asked for compensation, for my time, and interest charges on my account. I asked for £160.00. They offered me £50.00 which I refused pointing out that I was happy to take it to the small claims court. They continued to refuse to refund me any more citing their terms and conditions that state they do not pay compensation. Here's the thing. In their terms and conditions they mention competence. I pointed out that they had been incompetent and they upped it to £100.00. Finally they agreed to pay the £160.00. I hope this helps.
  9. Hey guys, I have an ongoing problem with O2 where the data speed within approx 3 miles of my home post code has all but stopped, everything was running fine for about 5 months until 6 weeks ago when the problems started rearing their ugly little head. Number calls and complaint emails to O2 have solved nothing and left me very frustrated, the last communication I had with them went along the line of "there is nothing that we can do and we wont give you a dead lock letter as we have 8 weeks to investigate the problem even though we don't think there s a problem" What can I do? I emailed their complaints address 5 days ago and asked that my account be marked as in "dispute" and that I will not be making any more bill payments until the problem is resolved. They have not acknowledged my email or replied back . Not impressed with them at all. Their whole attitude is very bullish... Thanks Scott
  10. Hi all, It has come as a major surprise to me that O2 are being incredibly unhelpful in applying either a credit limit to my phone (in case of unauthorized use if stolen), or applying an international call barr ( the most likely use if stolen). Am i being unnecessarily harsh/stupid in requesting same or are they simply looking to profiteer in the face of possible misfortune? Has any body managed to get this done with O2? And/or found an inventive work around? Thanks Jaba
  11. Hi guys! My neighbour stupidly agreed to take out a 2 year mobile contract with O2 for a boyfriend but in her name. He has since left taking the lovely new I-phone and left her with an outstanding bill of £200 and over 18 months of contract charges of over £45 per month. She has contacted the ex and although he has promised time and time again to pay the outstanding debt and to maintain the regular monthly payments he continues not to pay a thing. O2 have blocked the phone and have threatened with sending the outstanding debt to Debt Collection Agencies and expect her to continue to honour her montlhy contract charges. She is a single mum and although in part time employment still relies on the benefits she is entiltled to. She can't afford to pay the outstanding debt and can barely afford to continue to pay the £45 per month. She has contacted O2 who have been less than helpful and whilst I understand their position (as the ex still has the I-phone) and the contract was taken out in her name there must be something that can be done either in consultion with O2 or something that she can do to get the money (or phone) back off the ex?! Any advice would be greatly received as she is very worried about her finances and doesn't know where to turn. She is learning a hard lesson from trusting someone but needs help! Thanks!!
  12. So quick background. I took out an O2 mobile contract in Dec 2008 for 18 months. I paid up every month until the end. At the end i changed to a 1 year sim only contract with O2. I had moved house and o2 rep updated my address details etc for the new contract. I paid this every month etc until Aug 2011 when i cancelled the DD and got a new contract phone. Fast forward to last week and I applied for a mortgage and it was refused. This confused me as i had always paid my debts, had a good income plus a decent deposit. I got a free equifax credit report and discovered that I had a default from the o2 1 year contract for £14. I called o2 this morning and apparently this had been handed over to a debt collection agency. Apparently all correspondence had been sent to my old address and not the new address. I did some research and found that this could possibly give me some leverage with getting the default removed, is that right? I am on the electoral role for the past 2.5years so the debt collection agency could have found me but i guess £14 isnt worth it. Should i call the debt collection agency tomorrow and pay the £14? The O2 rep said that they might only give a satisfactory payment on my credit report, i know that this is not very good. How can i get a full removal? I have written a business letter to o2 legal people but wanted to check whether i was going the right way. What methods are available to me because i might need to move home soon and a credit check is almost certainly going to be performed.... Really annoyed that my life could be hobbled by a £14 debt i didnt even know about.
  13. hello. I wonder if anyone can give me any advice, I have returned from a short break in dorset today to find several telephone messages and 2 letters from Debt manager services ltd, sometime ago I took out a mobile phone contract with o2, when the phone arrived I had several problems with it, it went back to be repaired, the same problem happened with the phone, in the end I rang o2, told them i would be returning the phone and wanted to cancel the contract, they said I had 6 months to run on the contract and said I had to buy out the rest of the contract to cancel. I returned the phone and cancelled the DD. I havent heard anything apart from about a month ago when Lowell contacted me, Said i owed 230.00, I ignored the letter. so today I have received several telephone messages, (how did they get my ex-directory home number) and what should I do? Any help would be appreciated. Sss
  14. So I've had a new contract phone and want to come out of my old one early. I phone O2 and I'm told one price (£118), a week later I pay my bill of £38. I then speak to an advisor on their internet live chat and I'm quoted £86.25. Great! phone up to pay the £86.25 and cancel only to be told it's actually £109! Am I right in thinking they need to honour their quote? the error is on their side and not mine. Even if they're not obliged I think they need to review how they handled the situation and at least offer a good will gesture! I've been a loyal customer for over 8 years and spent nearly 2hrs trying to sort this out! Any help would be great, I am making a formal complaint so any advice would be greatly received. Sherrine
  15. I am writing this on behalf of a friend who I am trying to help out, sorry it's a bit wordy. They had a pay monthly phone with o2 (online) and took out a new contract with o2 (store), around May 2010. After a month or two, they called up o2 to cancel the online account. They recall being advised no further payments would be due and proceeded to cancel their direct debit. Since then, they have heard nothing. Fast forward to Christmas 2012, they decide to check their credit reference file and a default had been placed in November 2010 for £36. It seems the advice given by o2 was incorrect and he shouldn't have cancelled the DD. He wrote to o2 to query this as he believed it to be an error. o2 confirmed he did owe the £36. He wrote to them again and stated that he doesn't believe the default was justified and it was unfair as they hadn't informed him it would be placed, nor that he owed them money. They stated in writing, that they would clear his credit reference file upon payment. So he called them up, made the payment but was told on the phone while making said payment, they wouldn't be removing the default after all. He wondered if he should make the payment but decided it was the right thing to do and wrote to them again, this time to the Complaints review team. They have since written back and stated they won't remove it as they are legally required to give a true reflection of his payment history. He had been a customer since 2003 and had no payment issues. He was not warned that any money was owed by phone, email or letter. Nor of their intention to place a default or that they had gone ahead and done so. He only became aware of the outstanding amount because he checked his file of his own accord. He has been given duff advice by o2 twice, first that no payments were due and second that they would be happy to clear the credit file after payment. I have checked ICO guidance and it seems this behaviour could be considered unfair. For such a small amount it doesn't seem justifiable, especially as it was incurred at the exact time the contract and DD was cancelled and he was not given any opportunity to rectify the problem. Where do I take it from here? Thanks so much.
  16. just sent my htc one x to o2 for the second time and just been told its water dammiged. i kno for a fact the phone has not been near any water o2 are saying phone has got suface corrosion throu the usb charging port. heres the full story got the htc one x in april was sent in for repair in aug as it had crashed and was in a turn on and try to boot then would go off and repeat the cycle. phone was replaced with a recon unit. phone that i got was crashing poor signal very bad wifi but perservied with it until feb 2013. sent it in for repair and got a text tonight to say that the phone was not being repaird under the warrenty. i rang cs to find out what was going on and he spoke to the repair center who said water damage via the usb port and that there was staining on the pcb. i kno for a fact that the phone has not been near any water or in a kitchen or a bathroom as he implied. also he was very quick to tell me the repair would be £181 then after a few mins a good will of £120 would get me a phone reduced from £300 so i was more suspicius and told them no if i accepted that then i would be accepting that i was admiting doing the damage to my phone. also a funny thing is my partner had a htc one x that went faulty and it was sent in for repair and it had very big faults ie screen not working proper crashing poor signal and no one could hear you on a phone call. got phone back repaired with no info and first day back it started to crash rang o2 and they rang the repair center who said the phone had that many problems it should have been replaced with a new referbished. so any way o2 cs said they would send one out and to have this one sat ready so we did that got new one and it wouldnt turn on so anouther call to o2 and the advisor said it had been checked and updated to the latest firmwhare and couldnt understand why it was sent out faulty. any way they replaced it for the htc one x pluss. im questening the reliabilty of the repair center and also wether they just sent my phone with any mother bord out hoping for the best. aparently there is photos being sent with the phone im going to get a engineers report done on it etc. has any one else sufferd simula with phones from o2 and also is there any other advice any one can give me. im not going to let this drop as i clearly belive im in the right here
  17. Hi I keep on getting letters from Arrow Global for a defaulted 02 account I got into difficulties due to me loosing my job back in 2011. the account is still registered at my parents address it also shows that address on my credit file they are not sure which adress I am at so they are sending letters to both of them. I have not responded so they are sill in the dark They are defaulting my credit file every month What would be the best way forward I tried to get 02 to take a payment they just said it was in the hands of the DCA company. Thank you
  18. Hi all, I have just received a text message form O2 that reads: "O2: We need to tell you about a change to your tariff. From 28 February 2013, your monthly line rental will be going up by 3.2%. That's the same rate as inflation. To find out more, visit o2.co.uk/prices or call 2202" When I had read it I did the obvious thing and checked O2's Terms & Conditions and it was clause 5.3 that caught my eye. It states: "5.3 You can end this Agreement without having to pay the Monthly Subscription Charges up to the end of any Minimum Period you have left, if: (a) we increase your Monthly Subscription Charges by more than the Retail Price Index (RPI) annual inflation rate at the date we notify you of the applicable price increase; or (b) we increase any of our Charges (apart from for Additional Services) in such a way that would have increased your total bill for the immediately previous month by more than 10% (if the increase(s) had applied for the whole of that month)." My next step was to check the current RPI annual inflation rate and found that the latest one which was released on 18th December is only 3.0% (as per the office of national statistics which I am not allowed to post a link too). This is however for November, but as the RPI for December isn't actually available until 15th January (or even calculable until December has ended) then the RPI for the date I was notified is set at 3.0%. This therefore means that they are actually increasing the price by more than what is allowed for in their T&C's and I should be able to cancel my contract? I would be interested in what others think about this as I am aware that there was discussion a few months ago regarding a similar matter with other providers. I don't see why when you enter into a fixed price contract that they should just be able to increase the price whenever they want, even if it is only a small amount. Regards Mikey
  19. When I signed up with O2, about 18 months ago now, I was told in no uncertain terms by the sales assistants, that the cost will remain the same throughout the term of the contract. This was the strong point in their sales patter - the reliability of this charge being the same constantly to help you budget for the duration of your contract. I was (foolishly) persuaded. May I ask whether this constitutes a breach of contract if they now decide to increasse the charges in spite of having made verbal promises via the sales staff to keep to the same price every month for the duration? If there is a clause that allows them to do this, would this constitute an UNFAIR contract? After all, I am required to pay IN FULL the complete remaining cost of the remaining months should I decide to leave O2 and even then, after payment has been made, I would need to give a month's notice AND not enjoy the service any more from that day onwards. Should I complain to OFCOM? I shall, of course, be complaining to O2. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  20. I am struggling with a lot of unsecured debt and have enlisted the help of the CCCS to help me. Now a third party came forward and offered some monies for Full and Final payments. I have an outstanding bill with O2 for £800, My third party offered through CCCS 53% to all creditors, now O2 declined that offer but said would close the account for £650. The CCCS informed me of this so i asked them to call back to setup the payment, only to be told the day after O2 gave us the offer they had passed the debt over to Fredericksons and added another £150 ont the bill for doing so. I want to pay the F&F to O2 directly but they said they will not accept any payment now and have to deal with Fredericksons, They wont accept anythign less that £750 and now want me to pay this, that amount isn't available at all and its a real struggle to pay the £650. How can i get O2 to honor their offer and remove that ridiculous charge they puton a day after offering us a settlement figure.
  21. hi folks anyone with any thoughts with o2 and unpaid dd, i have being a customer of theirs for over 10 years, and in that time i have never missed a payment, i have just come back from a holiday up north, and during that time a dd for my account went unpaid, as i was up north did not get a signal and as my phone was barred i could not contact them. when i got home i phoned them straight away, i am on a £35 monthly contract for 2 years ending oct next year, as i have no problem with this, but the 35 line rental also comes with x amount mins and texts less or more if you pay more or less, after speaking to them today they still want the £35 line rental which is fine with me, but what annoys me is that they have barred my phone now nearly 3 weeks, and as part of the contract i have my calls and text, which i will not get back, and no offer to reduce it due to the timescale my phone was barred, if i am in breach of contract then they must be also for not providing me what my line rental covers. Also not sure if i am right or not, when a new contract is renewed with them, do they not want the line rental up front for the first month? any advice on this would be greatly appreciated
  22. Its thought that the move is to offset income losses following the recent caps on European roaming and call charges http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/bills/article-2226168/O2-roaming-charges-mobile-network-doubles-text-prices-outside-EU.html
  23. Hello, I am having some problems with o2 for broadband packages. Firstly, I received a phone call from o2 when i registered an interest in broadband. The sales rep took me through the steps and i agreed to the works package as it was sold as the best package and unlimited broadband. An engineer came round to setup the line and get me connected. I subsequently found that i am getting around 2MB connection when I am paying for 16MB. I am also being charged for a New line to be fitted when there is no new line. I am also being charged for additional phone services which I did not want, need or specify when on the phone to the representative. I have requested that I be put down to the All rounder package which o2 havent sorted out yet. They are also saying that I cannot change packages to cut out the additional phone charges which i am not even using. I am also supposed to receive a static IP address which I have not received I now have a bill for £86 (with discounts) . There is apparently a one month happiness guarantee which might help me here but I have no idea how to use it. Any help is much appreciated. I am getting a bit tired of how these companies can "offload" the cost to the customer of such things that are already being paid for in the line rental! also the fact that I am using 1/8 of what I am paying for in bandwidth. Are there any regulations I can state to o2 which will help my cause?
  24. Does anyone know the settings for diverting calls from an 02 landline ? And can it be done remotely -(not currently set up for answermachine)
  25. Hi Guys, I've upgraded for an Apple iPhone 4 8GB with 2 years contract on the 10th August in my local O2 store. The phone was free of charge, I have to pay "only" the monthly charge. The first problem I've noticed with the phone, that the Wi-Fi was not working properly. Worked only if I were close enough to the router. I could not take the phone back for more then 2 weeks, because I went for holiday. Then during my holiday turned out other problems: the VoiceOver turned on itself - and back then I didn't even know what is that, and how to switch it off - I've barly could use the phone, because in that option you have to select, than double tap everything to use, even when you text every single letter! you can not easily scroll and its saying everything you have on the screen. So most of the time I've kept my phone off, because was so annoying. I also had problem to the camera, often froze. So as soon as I've got back to England I went to the store on Tuesday the 28th. I've explained the problem I had, and I said I would like to have a replacement. First he tried to convince me there is nothing wrong with the phone. He explained that the Wi-Fi probably didn't work properly because I've hold the phone in my hand, and that's covering the back of the phone. For the VoiceOver he said, you can activate and disactivate by tapping 3 times the home button. Anyway I've said all these were not the case. So I was told he has to send the phone to repair, which gonna take from 4 days up to 2 weeks. I wasn't happy, as I don't think a 2-3 weeks old phone has to be repaired, but what could I do? Unfortunately I wasn't aware of my rights that time. They gave me a loan phone (Samsung) for £25 deposit, and I'm still paying the monthly payment for an iPhone. Great. On the 30th morning I've got a message saying that O2 repair has my phone, and they will be back in touch soon. In the evening I've got this message: "Sorry, but the problem with your phone isn't covered by the warranty. But we'll give you a repair quote. Just call the shop on...." I thought there has to be some kind of mistake but obviously was distressing. I've called the shop the day after and I've asked an explanation. I've was told that the Apple engineer in their repair centre has found out there have been screws missing inside, one LCI is damaged inside, antenna procetion cover is missing and if i would like a repair it cost £360!!! When I've asked him what does he think how is this possible, he started questioning me, if anyone opened the phone?! I've replied of course no one opened it, I don't even know how to open, and I did not give to anyone to fix it, why should I if I can just give them back, as it's still a new phone! Then he asked me if I have an insurance, which I don't, but as I haven't done anything why does that matter? Then he said if I don't want to repair they will just give me back the pnone as it is, and I could take to the Apple. I was getting upset, saying I've bought the phone from O2 and I have the contract with them, they should sort this out, so he suggested to talk in person in the store, as on the phone he couldn't give me any solution. Of course I've refused the repair. After working yesterday till 6pm, I had the time to go to the store today. The "very helpful" manager - who actually turned out was in the phone 2 days before - said exactly the same things. He showed me the picture of the inside of the phone, which of course doesn't show anything to me, I'm not an engineer. But I've done a bit of research on the internet about my rights. In the O2 Repair and Return Policy they say: If there is a fault with your purchase in the first 28 days we'll either give you a replacement or your money back. after 28 days : we will try to get it fixed for you. So why did they send to fix in the first place?! When I went back the first time it was the 19th day. For this he just replied, that for sure his assistant had a good reason to send it to repair, but as he is on holiday, he is not able to ask him. And as we know now that the phone has been opened and damaged, end of the story, or I pay the repair of £360 or they can give me back the phone and I could get a second opinion from Apple. He was talking to me all the way as it is obvious that I've opened the phone and caused the damage, as it is not possible that the phone came out like that from the manufacture, and there for it is not covered by the warranty. He was suggesting to take back the phone to the Apple, not mentioning that was sent off to repair, just telling them what was the problem on the first place. When i asked him, why not to tell them about it, he replied he is just trying to help me for my sake! Next step they will let me know when the phone is back from repair. So there we are. I would prefer to cancel my contract straight away, but I know i can't. This whole situation is just so frustrating! Sorry to being so long. Any help? Many thanks!
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