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  1. For PNC's received through the post [ANPR camera capture] please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement 20/3/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] 24/03/2018 3 Date received 27/03/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Unsure as I no longer have the rear of the NTK 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] No 7 Who is the parking company? ParkingEye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] London Road Retail Park For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. BPA If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here ~NONE I Usually drop off my mum in the entrance to the carpark, then reverse out onto the main road. I return around 90 minutes later to collect her, this time I just swing round in the entrance and pick her up and drive out. I was unaware the car park was even controlled by a parking company due to insufficient signage. The only sign that services that side of the car park is hidden as shown in the video I made here you**tu.be/8j3Vobl81OE (Remove the **) Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. Hi All. I'd like to share my experience to date with this: On 13 Dec 2016 I parked at Battle rail station and paid using my mobile phone. I successfully paid but my phone would not reply to the 68680 SMS I was sent and had to reply to with my vehicle reg. When I returned I found a Penalty Notice quoting Rail Byelaw 14 for £100. My appeal with Indigo through their web based appeal system was rejected and I am now in the process of appealing through POPLA. I have been investigating why my phone would not reply to the 68680 SMS. I only had 7p credit on my phone and the 68680 SMS short code is classified as a premium rate number by O2, and is therefore excluded from my pre-paid phone bundle. The cost was more than 7p (I believe it to be 10p) so it would not send. The car park placard with payment instructions states that there is a 20p charge for using the service, which is added to the parking fee and is paid when you call the 0345 number. No where does it mention an additional fee for replying to the SMS. O2 have 68680 as operated by Mirada and listed as a premium rate gaming number. I have also spoken to OFCOM and they say because the charge is no more than 10p it is not classified as a premium rate number, and is therefore unregulated. This looks like an operator exploiting a loophole to me. The number is listed as premium rate, so is excluded from pre-paid packages, and because the charge is 10p, OFCOM say it is unregulated, therefore there is no need to display charges. If I had had more than 10p credit the SMS would have gone and I would most likely never have noticed the additional charge. To rub salt in the wound Indigo make a big play on their web site that there are no hidden charges. I have informed trading standards through the consumer advice phone line.
  3. I am writing on behalf of a friend of mine. He has bought a car about 6 months ago, he is very happy with the drive. He booked it in for a service and the dealer pointed out the right hand indicator was flashing red the car is due an mot next month so he booked it in for a replacement. He recived a call from the dealer who sent him pictures of when they removed the bumper substantial damage was found, it seems the car had been in an accident and repairs were made and what was hidden by the bumper is in a pretty bad shape. He spoke to the finance company who said it is nothing to do with them, I think it is and would be grateful if someone could confirm. He has emailed the original dealer he bought the car from copying in the finance company and he is waiting to hear. Who is actually responsible for this and what steps should he take? Thanks
  4. Energy giants are set to use digital smart meters as a way to double the cost of power when families need it most — adding nearly £60 a year to the average bill. A Money Mail investigation has discovered Britain’s leading power firms are expected to introduce tariffs that charge more at peak times when they roll out new electronic meters which monitor how much energy you use by the second. It means electricity and gas used in the evenings could cost 99 per cent more than at other times — penalising everyone cooking family meals, watching popular TV shows and heating their homes on chilly winter evenings. Higher charges will also apply in the morning when people are most likely to be taking baths and showers and having the central heating on. Money Mail has discovered that British Gas has already trialled a tariff that charges more at peak times. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-3322658/The-great-smart-meter-rip-UK-energy-giants-use-devices-DOUBLE-cost-power-need-most.html#ixzz3sVOOlCex
  5. http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/story/2015-09-03/a-woman-tells-of-her-disgust-at-finding-a-hidden-camera-while-showering-at-travelodge/ http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/13641641.Woman_stunned_to_discover_camera_hidden_in_shower_while_staying_at_Wheatley_Travelodge/
  6. There is lots of money to be made by those who administer this green rubbish, they are inflicting a lot of harm on the majority of people in this country, while making themselves very rich. They are the main cause of the terrible flooding in this country, they in my opinion deliberately failed to do the dredging required, causing flooded homes and farm land.
  7. Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) This is my disability and is widely ignored. Why? I have no idea. I have a short video now uploaded to the well known site here >> Credit to Brain Injury forum for the video. A big thank-you, as this short video shows what can affect us and how misunderstood we are. Please enjoy and try to understand we are normal but have trouble being understood. This made me smile today, this made me sad today . This made me cry today as well!!! This is me in a nutshell, but... I take the time to help others more able bodied than myself, please help us to help you too..... To understand the complexities of being disabled... You might not see it, you may not hear it, but.... we are who we are and that is a person, that has feeling and wants too... We need help just like you but sometimes we are known as 'spongers' and much more a label we don't want/need or like. I am very much misunderstood now you can see why!
  8. I have just stumbled across this article from 2014. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2564373/The-hidden-suffering-dogs-bred-cute-Adorable-looks-Cuddly-names-like-Labradoodle-But-trend-cross-breed-dogs-raises-disturbing-questions.html I wonder if they hadn't been endorsed by big names as above, they might not have been produced in such quantities !
  9. Hi I have just been informed by my boss that a speeding fine is coming my way , it has taken a long time to get to him as the van I drive is hired from a van hire company by the firm I work for. I vaguely recall seeing a van parked at the side of the road one night while out but it was not until I passed it I saw it was a unmarked Police Van zapping passing motorists. I always have the speed limiter set for where ever I am to make sure I stick to the speed limit and also my Sat Nav tells me as well, my question is, I always thought the Vans had to be in sight and marked? this one was not in full view but as you passed there was a Police person holding the gun! I know I had the limiter on, my licence is clean, my boss has sent the fine back to the Police with my details on so a waiting game now but any advice please? I do not think I am allowed to go on a Speed awarness course as am sure I did one either last year or just before I am not happy as the van was not visible at all, my boss said to fight the fine when it arrives? Sorry for long post Pete ( Bobcat )
  10. I haven't had time to read this yet, but think it's of relevance to this forum and nolegion's sterling work. http://www.cqc.org.uk/content/using-hidden-cameras-monitor-care HB
  11. Computer maker Lenovo has been forced to remove hidden adware that it was shipping on its laptops and PCs after users expressed anger. The adware - dubbed Superfish - was potentially compromising their security, said experts. According to security experts, it appears that Lenovo had given Superfish permission to issue its own certificates, allowing it to collect data over secure web connections, known in malware parlance as a man-in-the-middle attack. "If someone went to, say, the Bank of America then Superfish would issue its own certificate pretending to be the Bank of America and intercept whatever you are sending back and forth," said Prof Woodward. Ken Westin, senior analyst at security company Tripwire, agreed: "If the findings are true and Lenovo is installing their own self-signed certificates, they have not only betrayed their customers' trust, but also put them at increased risk." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-31533028 Find out : How to remove Superfish Which Lenovo PC's have Superfish pre-installed How do I know if my Lenovo PC has Superfish pre-installed http://www.pcworld.com/article/2886278/how-to-remove-the-dangerous-superfish-adware-presintalled-on-lenovo-pcs.html
  12. My initial impression of Sixt was great but within 1 week of receiving a final invoice for my rental has now been completely ruined. I will never use them again as their post-rental policy seems to just be all about making up profit margins. They advertise apparently cheaper prices to get the business but then claw the money back to be profitable afterwards. 1. No one explained about needing to return the vehicle clean - an omission which has now cost me £50+20% VAT. I've been sent emails since telling me they expect all customers to thoroughly check T&Cs before renting a car, so why was it the Return Fuel Fill was clearly explained to me by the woman at the desk, but the cleaning wasn't? I have received no receipts or evidence to justify how a car can cost £50+VAT for cleaning, they have just automatically taken it out of my £150 deposit. 2. Vehicle check process for pre-existing damages on car pick-up: I did the vehicle check together with a nice man who handed the car over to me. He was about to say everything was OK when I spotted the scratch in the paintwork down to the metal on the mirror on the driver's side. I was expecting him to do something on his hand-held device, for there to be a proper record taken of this, like with other car rental companies. So I was a bit surprised when instead he hand-wrote on the back of my Driver's Contract piece of paper "Scratch in paintwork on driver's side mirror" on the back of my contract, he signed it, and dated it (20th June 2014) and I also signed this at his request. He then told me when I dropped the car off to leave that same piece of paper on the dashboard of the car with an additional note on it to say "Reminder: this is your note on 20th to say scratch in mirror was pre-existing at time of pick-up" and for me to sign, date this and leave it in the car. His words to me were "This note will mean I will remember this was already done and I won't charge you for the scratch".This did not feel right at the time, but I trusted the nice man so just went along with his instructions. I was the one who spotted this damage at the point of pick-up and exactly followed to the letter all of the instructions provided by their member of staff. 3. 1 week later after I'd received a final invoice Head office emailed me a Damage Report claiming I had scratched the car - I hadn't, this had been the fore-mentioned pre-existing damage which was noted at the pick-up. After sending me a series of blunt automated emails, some of which were in very poor English, asking me what photos I'd taken etc - the head office team then bothered to contact the Shepherds Bush shop to check facts and the matter was cleared up. When I was contacted by head office with the Damage Report the head office had not spoken to the local office. The only good thing in all of this was the local shop staff did inform head office about the piece of paper and pre-existing damage, so this matter was cleared up, but could have been initially without having to involve me. 4. Only then I received another email saying I'm still going to be charged - an initially unquoted amount - for a full valet of the car - only now drawing my attention to Clause 11.3 of T&Cs (very buried on their website, not explained to me on car pick-up by anyone) to return the car clean "because other people want to use the car after you". Cleaning was never mentioned at pick-up. Returning with a full fuel tank for example was, but nothing about returning it fully cleaned. I've never heard of a car rental company who doesn't clean a car between hires or puts that cost onto the customer or uses this as an excuse to take money out of a deposit. Reminds me of unscrupulous estate agents who keep your deposit for 'cleaning' once you leave a rental property. 5. When I asked Head Office how much they were going to charge me for 'cleaning' they couldn't answer, they referred me to the local branch. This morning I woke up to an automated email ("We friendly ask for your understanding that we create the invoice in the language of the rental location" - just an example of poor English in communication) with an invoice for £50+VAT for cleaning which they'll just take out of my £150 deposit. Who pays £50 to clean a car?! 6. My total rental in the end was far more expensive than Avis would have been who I have always used before and would never have put me through this nonsense. 7. Their processes are flaky - it seems now on purpose so that they can put customers into a vulnerable position after the event where they can charge them - The rental contract which included a list of pre-existing damages was given to me by the lady in the shop. This rental agreement with these pre-existing damages only existed as a piece of paper, I have not received anything electronically. The gentleman who met me and handed the vehicle over to me had something on a hand-held device which also listed these items, so it looked like there was an electronic version of the contract there but nothing given to me. I was told to leave behind the only evidence I had which was the handwritten note.
  13. My problem with NatWest started in October 2013. I saw I was overdrawn by £16K I only have an overdraft limit of £1,600. As it was a weekend I transferred money from my savings account and called them as soon as I could to find out what had gone wrong. The bank told me that my account had not been overdrawn and in fact had a healthy balance - I was confused? When I saw the statement for this time period I saw that for the first time ever in 30 years my statment transaction and processing dates were out of order and in some cases transactions had taken over 8 days to process! I also noticed that the £16K I had transferred from my savings account to my current account to cover the overdrawn balance had in fact been moved back and forth a few times (which I had not done). I knew something had happened but I just could not figure out what? I decided to put my statment transactions into date order and discovered that my account had gone -£16K at the time I had seen it on the screen. I started to complain again. Eventually I was given the following explanations. 1. The moving £16k was probably due to a bank ping back - normally caused by not having enough funds in your account to transfer in the first place. I checked this and at the time my savings account had £40k. But I was not able to continue to complain about this as the bank claimed that interbank account transfers could not be tampered with and that it was either a ping or I had done this. 2. The explanation given by the bank regarding the overdrawn amount I had seen, was that they had no record of my account being overdrawn during this month and my statment showed this. I told them the transaction dates were out of order and they told me that the transaction can only be processed when the merchant claims their money and they were not going to put them into date order. I explained that I had used my debit card to make these transactions and that I had seen the available balance lower by the amount at the same time of the transaction. It was around this time I had a very disturbing piece of information from NATWEST. When you use your debit card and authorise your payment the money leaves your available balance. The merchant then has 6 months to claim their money, HOWEVER, if they do not claim the money within 2 days the funds are returned to your available balance and can be respent. It is down to the customer to ensure they have funds to cover the transaction. I looked in the Terms and conditions and all sales literature I had from Natwest but there was nothing about this. I checked their on line Q & A but this was not explained there either. Natwest told me that it was not in their terms it was a banking process they follow. How can this be right? How can money you have already spent be returned to your available funds without your knowledge? How can you check your account without knowing this key information. I always thought that once you had made the transaction the money was gone. The only way to have the money returned would be if something had gone wrong and the transaction cancelled and/or a claim made to the bank! The Financial Ombudsman said that they had suggested that the bank should inform their customers about this process but could not enforce them to do so only the FCA could do that. They also said that the bank had followed their procedure correctly and there was no case to answer. I said I wanted to see which transactions had been returned and then processed so I could check myself. The FOS said that there is no record of this it is all done by an automated system. I asked how the FOS knew they had folllowed the procedure correctly and got no answer. The FCA told me that they do not take on individual cases. I have lost £16K through this but dont know how or if I can do anything about it! I would like to warn as people about this so people dont find themselves with unwelcome bank charges. I would welcome any advice or help anyone can offer.
  14. I took out my mortgage with the Halifax, I am trying to claim back mis sold ppi that was sold to me by an independent financial advisor and by going through all my old documents I have discovered an amount on the mortgage transactions right at the beginning of the agreement called 'mortgage security'. I haven't a clue what this is, the amount I was charged was £498.15. Anyone have a clue what this was, is this hidden ppi?
  15. I'm opening a new business account and have been warned about hidden charges. Examples I've been given include charges for going over my limit and for making foreign payments. Are there other ways the bank may try for its pound of flesh?
  16. Hi General info/insight required for the following....... How would a mortgage company insert additional charges onto your monthly payments, if you did not opt for PPI or any other type of protection. A number of months ago my mortgage company offered a new and improved contract with lower payments, we never requested this and they contacted us, I thought this was strange at the time, they said " A loyal Customer Reward", of course we agreed to change. However, I still think something is not quite right, banks dont do this without a good reason. I am thinking of requesting a SAR, I know we never ask for PPI in the contract, so what should I look for in the paperwork or statements which could indicate abuse Regards in advance.
  17. On the way to the shops today, I decided to put in some fuel enough to get me to a BP fuel station. I put in 5 litres which came to £7.34. I went into the service station to pay by debit card. I was then told that as the amount was under £10 I was liable for a £0.50p charge. There were no signs on the pumps indicating that any purchase under £10 would attract a 50p surcharge. I asked for a VAT receipt and was given one for £7.34 without the 50p. This receipt stated fuel with no breakdown of price per litre. However the debit card receipt was for £7.84 which included the 50p charge. Can a service station legally charge me the extra for using a debit card because the amount was under £10? Should the VAT receipt show the extra 50p? As said no signs on pumps which is point of purchase.
  18. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2222220/Drug-firms-risking-lives-hiding-bad-trials-effects-medicines.html
  19. Just been trying for 2 hrs to get my credit report from Equifax after filling in on-line form. After spending time inputting all the information there form wont recognise your credit card number. Try it several times and waste 1 hour still wont accept it. Next spend 30 minutes trying to find contact phone number on site non available. get contact phone number from Saynoto0870 By tne way its 0800 0665825 But you need to understand Hindustani. Spend 15 minutes telling him website doesn't work and him checking god knows what. He then says he can take application over phone GREAT No he wants to make additional charge for taking it over the phone. fee is set by law at £2 so I refuse. Isn't wonderful how easy the government makes these processes.
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