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Found 3 results

  1. Sent a DSAR to National Hunter. This DSAR was specific in that I was requesting copies of any and all data they might hold on me Response being in regards to any statements, screen shots, recordings, internal and external communiications etc. They have stated that they want me to be specific, that is date range and what context about myself, The obligation has to be on them to search for data Looking at drafting a sutible response and welcome guidance as to content before going in with the ICO if justified
  2. Energy giants are set to use digital smart meters as a way to double the cost of power when families need it most — adding nearly £60 a year to the average bill. A Money Mail investigation has discovered Britain’s leading power firms are expected to introduce tariffs that charge more at peak times when they roll out new electronic meters which monitor how much energy you use by the second. It means electricity and gas used in the evenings could cost 99 per cent more than at other times — penalising everyone cooking family meals, watching popular TV shows and heating their homes on chilly winter evenings. Higher charges will also apply in the morning when people are most likely to be taking baths and showers and having the central heating on. Money Mail has discovered that British Gas has already trialled a tariff that charges more at peak times. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-3322658/The-great-smart-meter-rip-UK-energy-giants-use-devices-DOUBLE-cost-power-need-most.html#ixzz3sVOOlCex
  3. There is lots of money to be made by those who administer this green rubbish, they are inflicting a lot of harm on the majority of people in this country, while making themselves very rich. They are the main cause of the terrible flooding in this country, they in my opinion deliberately failed to do the dredging required, causing flooded homes and farm land.
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