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  1. Hello, Looking for a bit of advice please as I have received a letter from Lowell saying I owe Three Mobile £397 so I requested a statement as the number they are saying the debt is on is for an old Three mobile account that I had years ago. I should add that I am still with Three and have been for years with a different number on which I have just got a fantastic upgrade package for being such a good customer! Lowell are saying that the number concerned terminated early so £335 is an early termination fee and £61.82 is airtime balance outstanding. I asked for a statement and they have sent me a statement dated 26 June 2012 from Three showing £61.82 only with a message on the bottom of the Three statement saying "We closed your account on 29th May 2012 but the balance is still overdue" The Three statement makes no mention of an early termination fee and Lowell's letter says "After liasing with Three mobile we can confirm an early termination fee of £335.83 was added to the outstanding airtime balance of £61.82 unfortunately this does not appear on the statements (even though there is only one statement) enclosed" I honestly can't remember how I cancelled this contract but surely I would have known if I'd have cancelled it early and would Three really have let me have an upgrade on my current mobile if I owed them money??? How can I be sure I owe this before I pay it? They are threatening Legal proceedings if I don;t pay within 7 days. I have looked on my Credit file and it shows 2 entries for Three. One shows £62 outstanding says started 25/1/06 updated to 29/7/12 and the other says Settled - started 19/7/2011 Updated to 10/3/13 so no mention of £397 anywhere! Would really appreciate some advice. Thank you Deb
  2. Hi Guys, sorry if I'm posting this in wrong forum! I have an old business loan with £15,000 outstanding. However, the business went bust a in Dec 2012 and was Dissolved. I sent Westcot who are attempting to collect for Hoist Portfolio Holdings who bought the debt from Lloyds. I sent them request for True Signed copy etc, they responded two months later with the wrong material. I replied saying that if they couldn't supply it they were in default and had no recourse, using standard letters quoting Consumer Credit Act etc. However, they have now written back saying as it was Business Loan for which I had signed a Personal Guarantee, the Consumer Credit Act stuff doesn't apply. I have 30 days to respond with a plan for repayment or challenge further. I can scan letters if need be, any help much appreciated, as I simply don't have the money to pay them, I'm on the breadline as it is! Thanks. Urban Stealth
  3. Hi guys I've received a letter from Lowell Financial this week stating that they have... ''bought an outstanding balance i 'had' with HFC Bank LTD. You have not yet cleared the outstanding balance, so they have asked for us to get in touch. We can help you clear the outstanding balance and repaying your debt may help to improve your credit rating'' I will attach a image in the next post. Where do I stand with this as this loan was taken out around 2006/2007 I believe. Thanks Guys
  4. Lived with a friend about 5 years ago. I was on council tax benefits, he wasn't. The council are now chasing me for £400 because they can't find my friend. I'm no longer in contact with him and don't know where he is. Because they don't know where I live, they had a liability order issued without my knowledge to my PARENTS address, even though I don't live with my parents and haven't since I was a teenager. My parents are now being threatened with bailiffs. I've explained to the council that I do not live at my parents property and they're simply forwarding mail to me. They say they'll make a note but then they keep sending letters to my parents home. I don't know whether to give them my address or if I'm even liable? I'm on ESA and DLA, need round the clock care and have to pay bedroom tax, I can't afford to pay a debt that belongs to someone else. Can the bailiffs do anything at my parents home even though I don't live there?
  5. just wondering had one of their letters last week and phone calls started tonight. had letter last week with a letter from 3 mobile saying they have sold a debt for a mobile bill. all my mobile bills was paid and it was in 2007 when they changed the network and my service became none usable. they agread to terminate a fairly new contract and not hold me for the reminder contract so was billed and all paid up. i get a bill from lowell saying i owe £54.40 and was going to ask them to prove it until i got my phonecall of them tonight. womman would not refer it as in dispute and wanted me to prove on the phone that they where wrong etc. i said its in dispute and if anything stat barred wich she replied no it aint and their pursuing. they recon three mobile did not have my address well thats untrue they also had my phone numbe r and was never billed or even sent anything i have a new dongle contract with them thats not working due to bad signal and that will be took up on over the next week or so. in the letter from lowell they said they brought the debt in 04/03/2011 so does that restart the clock on the stat barred.
  6. I received a letter yesterday from Medina Credit chasing monies to the tune of £328.90 for my old property address which I vacated back in July 2011. They did not state what it was for just saying that they are acting on behalf of Mount Green Housing Association regarding an outstanding debt. I cannot understand what it is for as when I was living there nearly 3 years ago I was a single mother with 2 children and on full housing benefit, so I know it's nothing to do with rent arrears. I left my flat clean and tidy, even the tenancy agreement stated that the tenant is to remove all personal possessions and rubbish, which I did. The only thing I left behind was my carpets (which were in good condition). To be honest I physically could not pull up carpets 2 floors up and dispose of, however I do think it's a cheek that the Housing Association have not contacted me in nearly 3 years and passed this straight on to a debt collector. I have emailed the housing association asking for proof of this debt, so I wait for the response but going on past experiences with them they are totally incompetent and make mistakes all the time. I didn't know if there was a time frame to chase money when you vacate a property because 3 years is ridiculous. The housing association have not followed any protocols at all when chasing money, so just wondering where I stand really any help much appreciated
  7. Good Morning Wonderful Caggers! It has been a couple of years since I last fell foul of a nasty DCA as all your previous help assisted me in removing them! I have something here I would like a little guidance on if possible. I had 2 EGG cards which were transferred over to Barclaycard. These 2 were settled in Sept 2008 and February 2009 respectively, ans show as such on my Equifax Credit Report (but not on Noddle strangely enough). Marlin seem to have just taken this on and are now calling and threatening solicitors etc., etc., To be honest I don't want to be drawn into a war with these idiots, however, what would be your recommended action with this? It shows on one credit report, but not another? Where should I begin? As always, the best of great things to you wonderful people!
  8. post in the DEBT COLLECTION INDUSTRY forum dx
  9. Debt collection agency is chasing me for limited company debt for a company that closed about 4 years ago. They claim I was a guarantor and that the debt would have been registered with credit agencies which will affect my ability to get credit. I cannot remember but I might have signed as a guarantor and money owed relates to overdraft. Any advice would be appreciated.
  10. This originates from Cabot Financial who tried to via CCS Collections to obtain £875 on their behalf, no client was listed. I wrote back making it very clear that I have no outstanding debts that have not been serviced and that if the alleged debt was mine which I know it is not then please provide the proof. After a couple of letters exchanged they admitted that it was an electronic request and they had not provided any paperwork. Now I have Ruthbridge on the case after £2625.70p owed to the Bank of Scotland?? I have never had any dealing financial or otherwise with the BoS or any associated company. Having read the background to Cabot Financial and Ruthbridge it seems both could best be described as chancers who chase statute barred debts and do have a habit of chasing anyone who might fit the bill to get some money. Is there anything I can do get these vultures to go away permanently?
  11. Hi posting for a friend please. A friend had two bank accounts with Lloyds. There are balances on both accounts (totalling £1100). We put in a claim last year for Bank Charges (a bit late I know, according to MSE it can still be done), the case is currently with the FOS awaiting a final decision. He keeps getting letters from DCA's acting on behalf of Lloyds and has now received a threatening letter from a DCA's Solicitor. Lloyds are fully aware that this case is with the FOS. Are the DCA's allowed to continue to chase the debt even though it is under query and with the FOS? Furthermore, the amount they are claiming is incorrect. Lloyds Bank sent a letter in March 2013 waiving some of the interest charged being £350 across both accounts. The Solicitor's letter does not include this discount. Many thanks
  12. Hi, A builder/gardener did a job for us early 2013. The workmanship and meteials used was very poor. A job that was supposed to take 14-16 days took 2.5 months and still not finished before he walk off the job. After a few letters, etc we threatened to take him to the small claims court. He said he had replied to my last letter and should get it after a few days. After not receiving anything in the post, i emailed him and found that he had closed both his emails account down, changed his mobile number. Went to his address and found he had moved. I had tracked him down to another address but i am not 100% sure he is living there eventhough it showed in the electoral register that he is there. Is this enough for me to send the court summons to this address? I had read on the internet that i do not have to know for certain that he is living there, as long as i have "reasonable belief" he is there. Is this correct? would be grateful to hear from people who had experience of this or anyone who know where i stand legally? Thanks.
  13. Dear all, hope I'm in the correct place for this post? Several years ago I had a barclay card and was made redundant. At the time I couldnt meet the minimum payments for this and an argos card. I called Barclay card and explained the situation and asked them to freeze interest etc till I got back to work. They refused and wouldnt accept any other payment. to cut a long story short it got passed to Mercers who told me to borrow from a family member. After loads of calls from them at all times of the day, I wrote to them to advise that I couldnt pay what they were asking and that if they wished to pursue they would have to take me to court where we could arrange a suitable replayment plan. Heard nothing back until a letter arrived to say they had sold the debt to 1st credit who then started to harrass me. Sent them a copy of the letter I sent to Mercers and advised them I would not be answering any more of their letters etc. Had a few chasing letters then nothing more. This debt has been sold on more times than I can remember but all of a sudden out of the blue 2 years later Lowells start writing every other day. From what I can remember I last made a payment to Barclaycard either at the end of 2007 / early 2008. They defaulted me June 2009. Lowells have tried every card they have at trying to scare me into paying. I have ignored every letter and they have sent letters from Red and their legal department Hamptons. I have lost count of the times they may take me to court etc. I received a letter recently from Hamptons to say at this time they have decided not to take me to my local court but will pass the debt to a debt collector who will personally visit me. I'm not scared of a visit as I will be keeping a bucket of water by the door. do you think that Hamptons realise they are going to find it difficult to get this money. They have offered me a 50% reduction as well. I'm aware of statue barred, but is this 6 years from last payment or 6 years from default. Seems strange they admit they are not going to take me to court, although by now they have probably found out I do not own my own home and I'm a stay at home mum supported by my partner. Incidently had Mercer accepted my initial offer as Argos did most of this debt would have been paid back by now. I cleared the argos debt 2 months ago.
  14. Hi Caggers, I could really use some advice please. This is a bit long winded but I don't want to leave anything out. I had a capital One CC back in 2001 with a balance of £250 outstanding. My newborn son was in Hospital for a few months and during this time I was obviously spending all my time in the hospital and not working. I tried to claim on the PPI insurance that I had with them and they told me that I wasn't covered so in a rage I told them to stick their card and sue me if they thought they were going to get another penny out of me. they defaulted me and added loads of charges (as they do). A few months later I decided that I had better try to sort it all out and contacted them and agreed monthly repayments. I made 1 payment of the agreed amount (£10) and the next month they took double the amount from my bank so I cancelled it. They were still adding monthly charges of more than I was paying s o I would have never paid it off. so I just stopped talking to them and burned all the paperwork I had. I realise how stupid that was now but I was pretty depressed at the time with a 6 month old baby in hospital in heart failure, no money and those snakes taking my petrol money so I couldn't travel to the hospital. Just to be clear this all happened between June 2001 and March 2002. I haven't spoken or written to them since and the debt has done the rounds through different DCA's until it's ended up with Lowlife with an outstanding balance of £1001.80 After finding this wonderful site I have slowly begun to build up the courage to deal with this. on the 5th December I had a pretty standard threat o gram from Hamptons Legal on behalf of Lowell which I decided to reply to with the bog standard prove it letter. Shockingly (ok it isnt a shock) Lowlife have ignored my prove it letter and sent another threat o gram saying they will be sent to Fredrickson blah blah. should I send another prove it letter or go for the SB letter? I am positive I never had a letter of assignment from lowlife or capital none Isn't that supposed to be hand delivered or sent registered? Also I am pretty sure they have nothing to back up their claim as they offered me 85% discount last year.
  15. This morning I received a letter from Robinson Way addressed to my ex-wife (we divorced in 2003). They are apparently chasing her for £10,406.37 which she owed to RBS at the time of our divorce. Prior to the divorce I was paying her credit card bill as she had no income of her own. After the divorce I obviously stopped paying as I felt it was no longer my responsibility. Although we are divorced she recently moved back in with me having fallen on hard times and having no income to speak of, of her own. I agreed to take her in to help her out. She has absolutely no assets to speak of, no bank account of her own and survives on state benefit. She's not on the electoral register as living at my address and I'm amazed at how quickly they have caught up with her. She has admitted to Robinson Way to living here as they recently telephoned the house (I'm ex-directory) and spoke to her before either of us knew what was going on. Personally I don't think she owes the debt any longer but I may be wrong. I haven't made a payment on the debt since 2003 and she definitely hasn't made any payments towards the debt since then either. Nor has she corresponded with or received correspondence from RBS or any other debt collection agency in respect of this debt until today. I'm new to the forums having joined specifically to get advice on this matter. So any help or advice you could give me would be gratefully received.
  16. Received an email from Scotcall threatening doorstep collector as according to their client I had made no attempt to settle blah blah blah. They say I owe an amount to Hutchinson 3G which I'm disputing as I cancelled the contract giving 30 days notice at the end of my 2 year contract. I have a default listed on my file and plan to challenge as I believe it's unfair and incorrect. I responded to Scotcall with the harassment letter and doorstep visit letter and began putting together details of why I dispute this debt. Scotcall responded within half an hour with the following. . "The case you have referred to is not applicable to your circumstances. As part of the credit agreement that you signed and entered into, you agreed to repay the full outstanding balance and that where necessary, the creditor could recover the debt by outsourcing the debt to a third party, which included by way of doorstep collection. We are entitled by law and under contract to recover monies outstanding and we are allowed to take reasonable steps in accordance with regulatory guidance to recover such monies. Please advise us of your repayment proposals " Is a mobile phone contract a credit agreement ? Plus the contract has ended and I dispute the debt. Help !
  17. MBNA have confirmed to me that they only have page 1 of my application form from 1993. They have nothing else relating to my application. They quote the Carey case and say that not having all the paperwork is not an issue and that I must continue to pay. I do not want a bad mark on my file but surely I can reclaim all the charges and interest and ask them to stop all interest and charges from this point on? What is my best course of action? thank you.
  18. My daughter's friend found an invoice by chance at home addressed to her from Littlewoods for items ordered from the catalogue. She discovered that her sister had opened an account in her name (her sister already had an account in her own name that she had defaulted on payment). She wrote to Littlewoods indicating what had happened. For a year she was passed around from department to department until this week she received a letter from Lowells indicating that as she knew the person involved it was not treated as fraud, it was a civil matter, and that the company would be chasing her for the debt. I cannot believe that this is the case and would appreciate any comments.
  19. Hi there, any help or advice would be appreciated. MKDP have sent my wife a summons for a "ficticious" debt. I am tempted to let this go to Court, but please read my timeline of events below and let me know if I should sort this out with them direct, as I have telephoned them and they have asked me to send evidence to them. Here we go 2000 wife given barclaycard with no job, 5 days after her 18th birthday 2011 wife suffered sports injury, called to claim on her ppi policy and was told she didn't have one? 2012 put in to re-claim ppi payments, as statements showed she did have ppi. Our Claim shows clearly we accepted that any monies owed would clear debt on account first, then balance paid to us. I put this in the other details section of the form just to be nice and accept that we would get "what was left over". 2012 unknown to us, default registered on credit file for not keeping up payments! (8K, original debt at wife's point of injury was 6k) 2013 Jan - our ppi re-claim was denied: reason given that PPI was explained fully at the time. My wife didn't even know what PPI was until 2011! 2013 Feb - applied to the address given to us by barclaycard to access wife's records 2013 April - after weeks of phone calls when the 40 day limit expired, advised by BC we had applied to wrong address (Given to us by BC?!) 2013 June - re-applied for Wife's records, received and showed she had PPI for 13 years, PPI "box" ticked by computer on her 2000 application, and no records of PPI being explained, also telephone records showed my call in 2011 where PPI claim for accident/sickness cover was declined! 2013 June - unknown to us Debt sold to DCA apparently owned by barclaycard MKDP and second default for SAME debt registered on credit file. This was happening at the SAME time we were still in dispute with PPI dept. 2013 June - PPI claim re-opened Barclaycard and admitted mistake. BC PPI dept told us they could recover the Debt back from DCA in extreme circumstances such as this; Letter clearly states outstanding debt to be cleared before paying us out balance of any funds. 2013 August PPI claim paid out (11k). So this was clearly our settlement AFTER account cleared, whole affair RESOLVED. 2013 October DCA MKDP served county court summons for fictitious debt sold to them? My wife now has 2 defaults on her credit file for the same debt, and wouldn't of been in debt if Barclaycard had paid out PPI when she was injured. What would you do guys, like I say, I wonder whether to send MKDP nothing and file a counter claim?? Replies greatly appreciated
  20. Hello, I am new to this forum. I am in debt to the tune of over £43k which has been with me for about 8 years. I tried a debt management plan which didnt work. Then I took out an IVA on advice. I was paying £ 330 per month until I became unemployed in 2010. The Iva failed. Since then I have been a carer for my elderly father. I receive £45 per week in income support and £59 per week in carer allowance. I live in sheltered accomodation rented from the council and I receive some help with rent payments. I am being chased by robinson way in respect of part of the debt ammounting to nearly £ 8000. I have never answered any call from them and never replied to any letter from them. Today I received letter from them saying they would send local collector for home visit. Should I continue to ignore or write stating my circumstances? Regards David
  21. Well today I have received a letter from DWP, claiming that I owe over 6k pounds. They also said not to ignore the letter. If I cannot pay off the amount still I need to contact them and arrange a payment agreement. They also threated me saying I don't they will eiter pass this to debt collection agency or recover from my employer and this will affect my credit scoring. They also said they conted me before but as far as I know I claimed JSA back in 2008 for several weeks as I was made redundant so to keep my NI contribution I claimed JSA and after about 3 to 4 weeks later I found a job so infomed DWP and stopped JSA. I would be grateful if you could please confirm whether they have the power to recover the sum from my current employer. Thanks very much for your attention. Kind regards Monmoy
  22. Hi, My husband owes around £1,950 from his April 2012 tax return and this was passed to a DCA at the end of November, and is on his fifth letter "Final Demand" (up from Reminder Notice) from them today, dated 7th February. It says he needs to ring them by Friday and "DO NOT WRITE", to arrange payment and that they may be able to enter into a repayment plan. At the end of the day, it HAS to be paid, but it would probably take until August to repay, by which time we are late with this years tax. Are they likely to accept this? Should we contact HMRC directly? Any advice would be gratefully accepted. Thanks, Ruth
  23. I am continually getting letters from Rossendales for some alleged debt my late husband had. My husband has been dead for 2 1/2 years. I have been returning said letters marked "Deceased" for some time (without saying who I am) - written on the envelope. That doesn't seem to penetrate their amoeba like brain cells. Yet another "begging letter" as I like to call them arrived from Rossendales today. This time I have been a little ruder, asking them what they don't understand about dead and that I will sue them if one more letter comes to this address. This latest letter states that Arrow Global have onpassed the "debt" to them (sure they said the same thing a year ago...) Nothing I would like better than to sue the **** off these parasites for harrassment. Can someone point me in the right direction too do just that please?
  24. Hello, I would appreciate any advice given on the following problem I have. A little background information. In June 2011 I opened a Limited Company and rented premisses (light industrial unit) to start a business. The lease was under my own name as the landlord would not make it on a name of a Limited Company (but it was OK on directors name). When I moved in the councils representative came along and took the details of the Limited company to send the bill to. I explained, and showed him that, I have not started trading and I will only start in 6 month time, at that time he told me that I don't have to pay for first 6 months and then would only pay %50 of the rateable value as a small business. I completed the form and sent it to the council. All correspondence with council was on the name of Limited Company. The address of the unit was also the registered address of the company. After 6 months the business still was not trading and it was likely it would never trade due to the nature of business and the current economy. By then we had spent all available money on research and development, which showed that the business was not going to succeed. We moved out and the company is now in liquidation. Today I received a letter from City Council at my HOME address demanding a business rate of £1803 for business premisses (period of 06/10/11 to 30/09/12) with a note "If not paid in 7 days it will be passed to a bailiff". What are my options? Should I just Ignore it as it's a Limited Companies liability? Thank you!
  25. Hi, I have just received a second letter from Red debt collection agency for an old debt of which must be nearly 7 years old. These are the only 2 letters I have received from them. I have checked my credit file and their is nothing on it, there is no debt on there. Also, I have had no contact from the original creditors or lowells since I defaulted on this credit card debt back in april/may 2006 and not paid anything since. I am pretty sure this debt is statute barred. They state they are 'passing this account to their Special Recoveries Team' to recover the money. How do I know that the debt is SB for sure and what advise can anybody give for me to take next. Lowells have also been searching my credit file, can they keep doing that after 6 years? Thanks in advance. tipo808
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