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Found 3 results

  1. I signed on at the job centre on Wednesday.When i was there my advisor gave me 3 jobs to apply for and said i had to apply for them before i sign on again in 2 weeks on the 5/11/14. She told me to make sure i apply for them along with proof i have as i could be sanctioned for not applying for them. Today iv gone in to Universal job match to find them and apply for them.Iv found and applied for 2 of them but i cant find the third even with the universal match job ID.It was definitely on there at some point because the advisor had printed it out to give to me. My question is surely i cant be sanctioned for this as i have attempted to apply for the job but it no longer exists?
  2. Hi everyone This is my first post on these forum, thanks for your help. I have just received an invoice for a course that was carried out over a year ago. They are asking for immediate payment, but the body that the invoice is addressed to no longer exists as it was wound up on 1st July 2012. I currently manage a distinct group that replaced it. Is the current organisation liable to pay this invoice, given that it is a year after the service was provided and it is not invoicing us specifically? Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks andyc1695
  3. MBNA have confirmed to me that they only have page 1 of my application form from 1993. They have nothing else relating to my application. They quote the Carey case and say that not having all the paperwork is not an issue and that I must continue to pay. I do not want a bad mark on my file but surely I can reclaim all the charges and interest and ask them to stop all interest and charges from this point on? What is my best course of action? thank you.
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