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  1. Help please In a DMP but have received a CCJ claim form from Marlin Europe who bought a debt of HSBC (a marks and Spencer card) The DM company arent being much help at the moment and seem content to let a CCJ be entered against me value is 8k I have missed a couple of payments to the DM company What can I do - need to get my response off to the courts on Friday
  2. Details of our complaint with HSBC are explained below; HSBS COLLECTIONS DEPT ARE CALLING UP TO 7 TIMES A DAY FOR PAYMENT. SHE IS 8 MONTHS PREGNANT, IN A WHEELCHAIR AND CRUTCHES. CONSTANTLY IN PAIN. WHEN RESTING IS CONSTANTLY BEING DISTURB BY HSBC BABARDMENT OF CALLS. MY SON ILL WITH WORRY EFFECTED HIS CREDIT RATING I AM DESPERATE I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT TO HELP IT’S A LIVING NIGHTMARE. PLEASE IF THERE IS A SOLICITOR OUT THEIR CAN YOU HELP US. My daughter in law, has had a current account with HSBC for 20yrs. She took out a loan from HSBC 5yrs ago and was repaying the loan at a rate of £260.31 per month; the loan is due to finish September 2016. She has not missed one payment whilst paying back the loan over the last 5yrs. MARCH 2013 I suggested she try and reduce her loan repayments, and at the same time perhaps she could release some more money by re-structuring the original loan and she would be able to perhaps gain a better interest rate. APRIL 2013 She was made redundant from her job. She immediately rang up HSBC in April and asked them for advice through their Finance Department as she knew she would have difficulty paying her loan repayment of £260 31 in May without going over her agreed overdraft limit. She informed them she would be able to continue with the repayments the following month in June as per usual as she had already found new employment (she is a Paramedic) however, there would be two weeks during which she would be without employment and therefore earnings. The result of this was that she would be missing ONE Month DD payment in May with agreement. She specifically asked if this would affect her credit rating and was assured that up to 7 payments could be missed or deferred before any action would be taken. At no point during the conversation was she advised that this would be registered as a default on her credit rating file. In the meantime, to reduce payments she stated to the financial team that she would stop using her credit card but she also stated that she did not wish to cancel the card. HSBC informed her “that was absolutely fine” and the May payment could be paid back at the end of the loan time or earlier if she were able to. HSBC did in fact take the May payment from her account but immediately refunded the payment into her current account. She was then expecting the loan payment to be taken from her account in June as normal, as agreed in the telephone conversation to HSBC in April. Loan payments continued to be paid as normal and as agreed. AUGUST 2013 She an her partner made an evening appointment with the local HSBC customer service manager in Solihull during the week commencing 12th August, now knowing that they were expecting a baby and sensibly planning ahead for the additional financial pressure this would put them under. They asked the customer service representative, if they could re-structure the loan, hoping to be able to get a better interest rate and another loan. He took some details, and started the process of entering information, saying that he was hopeful she could consolidate the loan with her credit card, borrow some more money to help with the baby and still reduce her monthly payments. The application was refused, much to everyone’s surprise, so he investigated why that should be. It transpired that HSBC had without consent or any contact with her cancelled the direct debits paying back her HSBC gold credit card. As a result of this there was a note on the file cancelling the credit card and registering a default. At no time was she informed that the DD payments had NOT been taken from her account. She at no time received any correspondence from HSBC informing her that she was behind with the repayments of the Credit Card. The Customer service manager telephoned Head Office to find out why the Direct Debits had not been taken from her account. He also tried to contact the assessing agency to see if they would change their mind, pointing out that she had been a loyal customer since December 1993, and had never, in all that time, defaulted on any payment. As it was now around 5.30 pm in the evening, head office informed him that it would be looked into immediately the next morning and they would telephone first thing the following day, but for now they could progress no further. She was totally unaware that the JUNE, JULY and now AUGUST Direct Debit had NOT been taken from her current account until this appointment with the local HSBC Branch. The HSBC customer service manager informed her that “had it not been for the Direct Debit mistake there would not have been a problem for her obtaining further credit.” The following morning HSBC head office listened to the tape of the telephone conversation which she had made in April. As agreed, the customer services manager telephoned her to advise her as to the results of the investigation. The Customer Services Manager stated the following: The telephone conversation confirmed that she was not advised about the default. The telephone conversation confirmed that she was not advised that the direct debits would be stopped on her credit card. The policy of the bank was to automatically cancel all direct debits associated with borrowing through the bank (loans, credit cards) but again she had not been advised of this. The member of staff she spoke to had been “spoken to” and would undergo retraining. Payment of £142.00, the amount accrued by the bank cancelling the DD would be taken from her current account on 2nd September. HSBC person apologised for the error but stated that they could not “undo” the effect their error had had on her credit status. Later that week she returned home to find a letter from HSBC dated after her meeting with Customer services manager Solihull branch informing her that her credit card was in arrears and would be cancelled if she didn’t make a payment. This was a direct contradiction of the information that the Solihull Branch had found on her file, which showed that the account had already been closed. This is a further example of the mis-management of Paula’s account. 2nd September 2013 The direct debit was NOT reinstated, and the credit card payment was not taken despite having been promised as resolved by the customer services manager. She had to make a manual payment to rectify this. 5th September 2013 She noticed that the loan repayment had not been taken from her account either, for the first time. She had not asked for this to be cancelled, delayed, deferred or anything else. At this point she was under immense stress, upset, and had a complete lack of faith in HSBC and its staff. 21st September 2013 She and her partner made another appointment with Solihull HSBC branch Manager, to discuss the effect this had had on them, and requesting her help. The stress of the catalogue of errors was by this point causing her to suffer blood pressure problems which are especially dangerous in pregnancy. She explained that the DD had still not been taken from her account for the HSBC Credit Card and in addition HSBC had cancelled the Direct Debit for the LOAN without informing my daughter in law Ms Bond agreed immediately to refund any late payment charges she had incurred as she agreed that the defaults were not her fault. However, the default would still remain on her credit file. Ms Bond informed them that Branch Managers do not have any authority to remove defaults from credit files, and despite previous requests with two employers at HSBC head office to have the default removed not one individual within HSBC company says that they have the authority to do so. Ms Bond stated she wanted to further investigate and although she would be going on holiday she would make sure that daughter in law would be contacted personally by herself on the Wednesday and after that her colleague would deal with it. Ms Bond contacted her on the Thursday and stated that she could confirm everything she had told her – however, a loan default would permanently stay on her file with regard to the agreed deferment because in actual fact their policy is that you cannot defer payments and settle the loan a month later than agreed. Again, a direct contradiction of what Paula was told originally. While they were with her, Ms Bond initiated a new standing order mandate for the personal loan and credit card which would go out around 5nd October 2013. Since she initiated this, payments have been taken correctly. However, daughter in law is still not able to get any credit due to the default placed on her credit file by HSBC, and is unable to restructure her loan to gain a better interest rate. She is now 7months pregnant and has had to start her maternity leave earlier than anticipated because she has developed a serious medical condition associated with the pregnancy which has means she must now be on a wheelchair. It is more necessary than ever that she consolidate her loan and card, and despite the fact that Ms Bond confirmed her credit rating within the bank was “very good”, they will not assist Paula further. Ms Bond assured her that she would receive a letter detailing the results of investigation and offering a full unreserved apology in writing regarding their error. This letter has still not been written, now nearly 3 months after meeting with Ms Bond. My daughter in law and my son are extremely distressed and she is suffering severe anxiety attacks as a result of the financial stress. Both her midwife and obstetric registrar have cautioned against further stress as it has the potential to be detrimental to her unborn child. IT IS AN ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE FOR US ALL. I am so sorry this explanation is long and drawn out. I wanted you to have the facts that I/we am aware off. I/we would be so grateful if you can help us to get the default removed from her credit file. It would make such a difference to their situation as they are feeling quite desperate with life at the moment. We are all incredulous at the ineptitude of HSBC and the lack of logic and common sense in refusing to consider her for a consolidation loan which would reduce her repayments – a refusal directly caused by HSBC own error!
  3. Hi all, I'm really hoping someone on here can assist me with my dilemma, its rather long winded so please bear with me.. I took a loan out with HFC Bank in 2001 with my at the time partner (and father of my child). I was pregnant at the time, so HFC said it would need to be a joint loan as I was due to go on maternity leave soon, so it ended up having his name on it too. He wasn't working at the time I must add, so found this all a bit odd!! The loan was for £4000 over 60 months @ £140 p/m. Anyway, ALL the repayments were made by me, came from my bank and I never missed a single payment right up until when the loan was cleared. Also, I split with my partner in 2003. So, this year I decided to see about reclaiming the PPI back that I paid on it, as when I took the loan out I was told I had to have PPI added or wouldn't be successful. The box on the credit agreement was already ticked for me so I never really would have had much choice! (I had also taken out another loan with HFC in 2004, but this was just by myself and was for a purchase agreement for about £1500 so added that one to my claim as well). So after a few letters going back and forth to HFC, or HSBC which they are now better known as, I was eventually awarded a refund of £3250 which I was more than happy with. All I had to do was sign the paperwork that accepted the refund (and a signature from my ex partner), then send it back to them which I did. But two weeks later I received a letter from them saying my ex partners signature does not match what they have on their records so would need either a copy of passport or drivers licence to verify his signature!! But who's signature would stay the same after over 12 years??! The bug bearer of this is that my ex partner does not hold a passport nor a drivers license so that would be a no go. I phoned HSBC and was told that a photocopy of my ex partners bank card, front and back, and stamped and signed by his bank would be accepted. It should have all been straightforward from now onwards, but it has been anything but. The first time my ex partner eventually went to the bank for me, he only got a bank statement stamped by his bank which needless to say HSBC rejected. He then told me his bank refused to photocopy his bank card for him but they gave him some sort of list of bank cards, and never stamped it which again HSBC rejected. Its difficult to describe the sort of person my ex partner is, he doesn't like going out of his way for anyone regardless of the fact that I am the mother to his child but I have been asking him now since July for him to do this for me but all he's managed to get is what I am not asking for! And now he keeps fobbing me off, is too busy, isn't well, or some other excuse why he cant do it. It seems that he just doesn't want to do it, despite knowing what it is for and insisting he knows the refund is all due to me! I've even offered to give him some money out of it which again he has refused! Also, he lives quite far away so my child only see's him during school holidays, so its not like I see him regularly. The thing is, HSBC are not budging on this and I desperately need this refund as quite frankly, its my money. I'd just like some advice on what other routes I can go down, as now it appears that I may ending up falling out with my ex partner which means I wont get the information I need at all! And that's exactly what HSBC said, without that I wont get my refund which I find incredibly unfair as he had nothing to do with the loan. I hope I've explained all this clearly enough, its all driving me round the twist as this money that is due to me is still tied up with a bank that ultimately screwed me over. It was information on this forum that got me as far as I did with my refund, so I'm really hoping you can help me with this final piece. Thank you in advance
  4. Hi, I have just called HSBC asking for advice on removing a CPA from a payday lender. They informed me to contact the cheque centre first and inform them I wish to cancel the CPA with them and then to call them back when the Visa dispute department is open?I do not want to get in touch with the cheque centre until the loan has defaulted as I fully expect it will make it a lot more difficult. Can anyone advise on how to cancel a CPA with a payday lender with HSBC?Once it is cancelled I hope to come to a repayment agreement with the Cheque Centre then. Thanks
  5. Hi, Please can anyone give me some advice. I had to take on my violent ex boyfriends debt in July 2007 to get away from him and it was for £23,000 in the form of a managed loan by hsbc (very helpful of them!! not!!) The loan was 13.3% and variable. payments are £316 a month I have been paying this loan for over 6 years now and the balance shows as £9.916.89 today. During moving I lost the paperwork for this and the bank have also now admitted they have lost their agreement also. My question is I cant remember how long the loan was over and the bank say it was for 12 years when it was drawn up. Well im confused as if I pay £316 for another 6 years that's well over the balance that's left as only about £60 a month goes out on interest. So my sums show the balance should be cleared in 3 years not 6 years??? help please??
  6. Hello, This is my first post here so forgive me if i don’t get it exactly right, but using some of the threads I have read as examples of what is needed so I have tried to keep it concise. I really could use some help please. I have received a claim through the county court for an account that I had back in 2006 with HSBC. The claimant is stated as Reston’s Solicitors acting on behalf of MARLIN EUROPE I. I have submitted my AOS online and intend to defend the whole amount as I believe it is made up mostly of charges from when I was a student. However, I’m at a loss as of what to do next in terms of preparing my defence and could use a bit of direction from the good folk on CAG. I understand that a bit of background is necessary, so here goes... According Experian the account was recorded as being in default in 2010. I have not been in / had any contact with HSBC since 2008 given that I have lived at several addresses since then and only registered at my current address on the electoral role last year (probably why this has now escalated!) I have kept a copy of all the correspondence received since 2010. Chronology of 20/03/2011 MOORCROFT DEBT RECOVERY LTD - Discount offer letter (I did not respond) 17/06/2011 WESTCOT - Door Step Notice Collection Letter (I did not respond. They did not show up) Jan 2013 HSBC- sent a letter saying MARLIN FINANCIAL SERVICES had been passed the account (I did not respond) 12/03/2013 MARLIN FINANCIAL SERVICES – “please contact us to discuss repayment” (I did not respond) 25/03/2013 MARLIN FINANCIAL SERVICES – “reminder” (I did not respond) 05/05/2013 MARLIN FINANCIAL SERVICES - “we’re going to get the solicitors involved” (I did not respond) 08/05/2013 – MARLIN FINANCIAL SERVICES – Notice of Change of Agent (I did not respond) 10/05/2013 – RESTON SOLICITORS – “you have until the 24th of May or we will commence action” (I responded, see below) After reading some threads on the CAG forums the sensible in my view was to request a copy of the original credit agreement. I sent a letter on 17th May 2013 to Reston solicitors using a template from CAG and asking them to provide me with a true copy of the credit agreement und CCA 1974 stating; s.78(1), s.77(6), s.175, and s.189. I also drew their attention to s5(2), 3(b), 6 and 7 of the CPUTR (2008). I included a postal order for £1 and sent it by recorded delivery (I have all of these) and I did not sign the letter as I have heard they can use your signature on other documents. On the 20th of May Restons responded, returning my payment and stating that they could not process my request without my signature. I then responded on 22nd of May saying that there was no legal requirement to provide a signature and that my original request still stands and that I would expect a response by the 3rd of June in line with their legal obligation under my original request. I included the returned postal order and a copy of the original letter. Again, this was sent by recorded delivery. Restons then responded on the 3rd of June, once more stating that they would not acknowledge receipt of my request without a signature. They also returned my Postal Order. A bit of further reading on the CAG threads seemed to suggest that I had done the right thing for now and that I should sit on it at this point... so I did. Then on the 18/06/2013 a letter arrived at my old address (I have now changed address but old house mate passed it on to me – thank god!) with the County Court Claim. The POC on the claim form states: “The Claimant Claims payment of the overdue balance due from Defendant(s) under a contract between the Defendant(s) a nd HSBC Bank Plc dated on or about 26/07/2006 and assigned to the claimant on 20/02/2013 in the sum of £3212.91 PARTICULARS a/c:- (account number) which i don’t recognise. DATE: 08/05/2013 ITEM: Default Balance VALUE:£3212.91 Post Refrl Cr NIL No other documents were included other than what looks to be the standard Claim documents. I have submitted my Acknowledgement of Service on line, as I said earlier, now I need some help with how to go about; A) Getting the information I need in order to put a reasonable defence together i.e. CCA and details of the account history including a detailed breakdown of charges on the account and how these have been calculated. Especially given the refusal to provide it in the past (see above); and B) What are the next steps for me to do to ensure that I am fully equipped to defend this in the County Court? I’d like to also thank everyone who has added info on this site in the past. It has been invaluable and I would like to thank anyone in advance of any help/advice they can give me. CHEERS! I’ll keep this up to date and respond within a few hours of any posts
  7. We have an HSBC Advance account and know we were paying a monthly fee for it but now looking at our online statements this monthly charge seems to have completely disappeared. Can I ask if you have one of these accounts how does the monthly fee appear on your statements?
  8. Hi there I submitted a claim to HSBC for PPI repayments I made between 2004 and 2006. they have accepted my claim and offered me a settlement for the premiums paid and the interest paid thereon. They're calculations seem to add up for the actual period of the card but shouldn't there be a payment of interest for the period from end of agreement (2008) to todays date?
  9. As suggested starting new thread re Court Claim from MKDP LLP re HSBC Loan. Claim Form dated 29th April 2013. Particulars of Claim The Claimant claims the sum of £1x,xxx.xx being monies due from the Defendant(s) to HSBC Bank Plc under a loan agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 which was assigned to the Claimant on xx/xx/xxxx. Notice of Assignment has been provided to the Defendant(s) . The Defendant(s) loan account number was xxxxxx/xxxxxxxx. The Defendant(s) has failed to make payments in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement. A Default Notice has been served pursuant to The Consumer Credit Act 1974 by HSBC Bank Plc. The Complainant claims the sum of £1x,xxx.xx and costs. The complainant has complied as far as is necessary with the Pre-Action Practice Direction. No Default Notice or Notice of Assignment has been received. Claim acknowledged and extra 14 days asked for submitting defence. CPR 31.14 sent and received by them on 7th May 2013 asking for: 1. The agreement. You will appreciate that in an ordinary case and by reason of the provisions of CPR PD 16 para 7.3, where a claim is based upon a written agreement, a copy of the contract or documents constituting the agreement should be attached to or served with the particulars of claim and the original(s) should be available at the hearing. Further, that any general conditions incorporated in the contract should also be attached. 2. The assignment 3. The default notice 4. A statement of account showing how the amount claimed has been reached. These letters were sent by Special Delivery and were received and signed for on 7th May by MKDP LLP. In addition to this a SAR was sent to HSBC again by Special Delivery and was received also on 7th May. This would not be Small Claims as I understand it. This may be statute barred but until we can get access to relevant bank statements we cannot be certain. Is there anything else we should be doing at this stage?
  10. Hi all, I'm new to this forum, just wondered if anyone could give me a little hand please. Yesterday I went into Halifax to go onto my partners mortgage, they turned me down saying there was a default on my account I new nothing about. After coming home and going on experian there was nothing on there to be seen, puzzled!! I phoned experian up and after being on hold for 15mins they finally said they have found a default on my file. HSBC current account--- (basic account no cheque book etc, just a bank card to use at ATMs) I then rang up hsbc to see what this default was for, as iv received no information of this default. So last year in dec 2012, I went to cash my cheques at hsbc bank, they refused these cheques point blank saying they won't cash them because it said roofing on the end of my name, (this baring in mind has never ever been an issue with hsbc before as I had the same account for over 10years) so I said ok can I open a business account with yourselfs, so the lady took me to her office did all the details, to then turn round and tell me no I couldn't have one.. So I had these cheques which I couldn't cash which I had been waiting months for anyway. Didn't no what to do. Went across to natwest and straight away opened me a business bank account, would be up and running in two weeks. Why hsbc couldn't just do that amazes me! Anyway everything was then moved to my new account, bar one d/d that must have been missed. They tried to take it out and d/d must of bounced as company of the d/d gave me call alerting of this payment. This d/d was then removed to new account. Next thing I no I had a company phone me saying I owe hsbc £970, wow shock. I asked for the statements of these and what it's for and still to this day don't no what they are for. Anyway I phoned the company up and paid off the 970. So that was that. So I gather this 970 was charges on a d/d that wasn't paid anyway... They have but a default on my credit file, which I think is totally unfair. It says it's settled but I need it completely off, iv never had anything like this before so I'm pretty upset about the whole matter as now I'm struggling to get on a mortgage iv worked so hard for. Any advice on getting this removed? Thanks for taking time to read. Looking forward to your replays Thank you
  11. Having dealt with my partners PPi claims, I remebered in 2005 extending my mortgage and paying £60 in insurance payments which I cancelled about 8 months later as to expensive so I put a claim in recently. I have had a response from them today saying they are still looking into this £60 amount and will write seperatly, however they do not uphold my complaint for my Morgage protection policy which I took out in 2002 for £32 67 per month !!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????? Firstly, I didnt put a claim in for this, I only claimes for the 2005 payments plan which I cancelled pretty soon after as not needed. Secondly, I dont even know about this PPI????? I have the origional documents from 2002 with a quote for my mortgage repayments, this ppi for £32.67 and life insurance for £12. I continue to pay my mortgage today and the life insurance but I dont pay any £32 unless it is bumped in with my mortgage payments and dont know about it. I thought I had declined this and just opted for the life insurance. It is not detailed on any of my annual statements and i have never had any correspondance about this policy whereas I have about the life insurance?? Really confused here and dont know what to do, really want to get on the phone to them. I am fuming if I have been paying £32.67 every month for 11 years and they have not upheld my complaint when I didnt even put a complaint in for this in the first place........didnt know anything about it in order to compalin!!!!!! Any thoughts and advice would be very much appreciated Thank you
  12. Hi all, After struggling for months to obtain amounts associated to six different PPI products with HSBC, I am after some advise. The first thing is, do I treat each of these as individual claims, or can I combine as one claim for the total amount? Thanks in advance.
  13. In august Ebay took two unauthorised payments from my HSBC account, The refused to tell me what they were for. The wonderful British police refused to anything so HSBC refunded all the funds, Then they took it back and then refunded it and they are still doing it today mid November. They have written to say the money is mine but the same day they messaged me to say it was still coming out AGAIN. The Ombudsman is worse than useless and does nothing. I would love a resolution preferably in my lifetime and in my favour.
  14. Afternoon all some help needed. I took a loan out in approximately 2000 I was injured at work and could not afford to pay my amount so after a while restons became involved and when I was back in work sent an attachment of earnings and I was paying about 100 a month direct from wages, I was then made redundant and did not hear anymore this was about 4 years ago. Today I recived a letter from HSBC saying they had sold my debt to lowells. How do I go from here I don't know what to do any help would be most helpful.
  15. Hi guys. A quick bit of advice needed. I've put in two separate PPI claims to my bank, HSBC. One is for PPI on a loan I took out some years ago. The other is for PPI on my HSBC Visa card which I've had for a number of years. On both I have used the correct paperwork, had an acknowledgment and a promise to be back in touch/reach a decision within whatever the legal timeframe is. Today I have had a call from a HSBC bod asking me to clarify some points regarding 'the claim'. Now I don't really doubt he was from HSBC as a couple of light security questions were asked which confirmed both our identities. But I do wonder if I should be discussing the issue with someone from the bank over the telephone as it's obviously in their interest to trip me up and not payout. It wasn't convenient to speak at the time and he's calling again tomorrow. Your thoughts? Am I just being a little paranoid? And on the subject of paranoia, was he really from HSBC?
  16. Hello, I am trying to claim back bank charges from HSBC, I am in financial hardship and considering IVA or bankrupcy at the moment. We lost our 20 year family biz 18 months ago and struggling to keep up payemnts. Looking back on my hsbc account have calculated roughly £3500 worth of charges - several charges at £80 a time and one particular big one at £260.00 (I thinik these are combination of bounced DD's etc all in one charge). Anyway this figure of £3500 inc interest. I have sent HSBC the relevant template docs etc claiming hardship and asking them to refund charges and basically got a 'No' with a request to fill in their income and expenditure form (which they omitted to encluse wih the letter) - I wrote back and said i would be happy to complete and please could they return by post as i only have a mobile and cannot afford the 0845 numebr which costs about £1.00 a minute. They replied today by letter saying no they HAVE to speak to me by phone and call the number or go to the branch. I have avoided speaking to any of my creditors and done everything in writing for some time now - which has reduced stress quite a lot, when on the phone they often pressure and I have been on anti depressents etc - could not cope with the 'cant you borrow some money off your parents' type call. Today made the huge mistake of ringing them and despite my letters and claim letter explaining my depression and hardship they a/ suggested i got another job where i earnt more money and could afford my outgoings and b/ suggested i get money off a friend or family to pay the debt. They threatened that if i didnt do this then the whole account was going to be repayable in 5 days time and a formal demand would be made. I asked why they could not put this in writing and they said that they could not becuase they were a call centre.. and the situation needed to be resolved quickly. I am currently at £1650 overdrawn with them , the overdraft is £1500 - im not over my overdraft from over spending im over the overdraft from interest charges - or some form of charges. I wanted to take this to the ombudsman but i was advised to complete their income / expenditure form first but now im frightened to talk to them over the phone and they are saying they cant deal with this by writing.. Can someone advise me of my next best move? Id be extremely grateful for any help here.
  17. Hi everybody, I wonder if I could get some advice on my situation as I am not sure what to do next. I had an AIP approved with HSBC but then they declined the mortgage application due to a default on my credit. It was registered by Capital One in October 2008. In 2005 I had a credit card with them for £400. Unfortunately my financial circumstances became difficult after a bitter divorce and a move to another town. I started to pay only small amounts of money towards the balance and did not inform capital one of the change in address thus I never received a default notice by post. The account was passed to CapQuest. As a result of a dispute over a credit agreement, CapQuest closed the account with no charge. Is there a way of amending the default on my credit score, who shall I be contacting, CapitalOne or CapQuest? I am willing to pay the outstanding debt. Is there any chance of a success if I appealed against the HSBC mortgage 'declined' decision? I have build up a good credit history over the years, scoring 991 with Experian, been loyal to HSBC for 18 years, have a sizable deposit (75%LTV) and can support myself on my income. Does it count with the underwriters or is the default going to be a deciding factor? Many thanks for any advice you can give me.
  18. Hi, I have been with HSBC since I set up my student account. While I was a student, they were always nice and helpful, and were very keen to let me rack up debt with them with my overdraft and credit cards. My account has now rolled over into a normal current account a few months ago. Having had a change in my personal circumstances, and moving areas, I am now claiming JSA and looking for work. Recently I got through 3 stages of a graduate scheme for a large market leader in the hospitality sector, only to fall at the last hurdle. I am now in the recruitment process of applying to a grad scheme within the public sector, and the process is very long and drawn out. At the same time I am continuing to look for other work in the meantime. Part of the process is a series of bespoke online scenario tests, among other more standard reasoning tests. So it doesn't help when this arrives: Important information about your overdraft. The terms and conditions that apply to your overdraft state that you should make regular payments into your account when it is overdrawn. As a responsible lender we regularly review overdraft limits to ensure they are appropriate for customers according to their circumstances. As part of this process, we monitor payments you make into your account each month. When the credits to your account have been low in relation to your overdrawn balance, we will recommend an amount that we would like you to pay into your account each month. Your account was £1,847.50 overdrawn on 30 September 2013. We recommend that you pay a minimum of £740.00 into your account within the next month. This will help ensure we can continue to offer you a formal overdraft facility at its current level. Should you have any queries on this or if there is any way we can help, please call us on....Alternatively, visit your local branch etc.. Yours Sincerely Sarah Threadgould Head of Customer Communications I have never gone over my agreed overdraft, and am desperate to get off the dole into work. I visited my local branch and was told because I have stayed within my limits that I shouldn't worry about my overdraft being cancelled, but that it couldn't be dealt with it in branch, so I would have to call. Before my account was to convert to a current account I entered the branch and was told not to worry about having to have a certain amount going into my account, as that only applies to new accounts. I haven't called yet, as I am waiting to get in at my local CAB (it was hectic there this morning, so I went straight into the branch). I also thought it might be wise to post here for advice. Can anyone advise? Many thanks!
  19. Nicola19


    Hi, i am hoping for some advice regarding 2 debts with HSBC. As i am aware from reading these forums i will be careful how much info i post regarding dates and amounts etc. 1st debt - credit card defaulted April 08 - £2300, i've paid bits here an there balance currently £2100 they keep threatening CCJ, door step collection etc. I tried to enter into a payment plan but they weren't happy with what i was offering so i just pay the odd amount here and there for now to keep them at bay. 2nd debt - bank account/overdraft - defaulted March 08 £600 - never had any contact off anyone, but i am sure as there is approx 6 months left before SB i know doubt will have someone chase me soon. What i need to know is how do i go about finding out how much of these debts are stupid charges, penalties etc as i want to claim these back, i don't have a problem paying any debt i have run up but when they add charges for the fun of it that i will not accept. If someone can advise what i should be doing next is SAR the best course of action? Thank you in advance!
  20. My partner took out a loan with HSBC details as follows: HSBC Loan: Taken out October 07: Loan £12400 PPI £2400 over 37 months settled in Oct 10 but claimed whilst unemployed £1100 When he took it out he was told it would enhance his application if PPI was included or words to that effect although when he was made redunadant he could have paid the monthly payment with his redundancy pay a nd it would also have been covered by sick pay if necessary but because he had the PPi he claimed against it for the 3/4 month period he was unemployed. Can we put a claim in? we have all the origional documents? Thank you in advance for any help
  21. Hopefully I am in the right section. Just been talking to friend of mine who has been on JSA for a few months.Well of course,there has been a delay in contacting HSBC regarding their O/D,which I believe is about £150. They have now been in touch with the bank.The bank has told them that they consider the JSA and housing benefits to be income.They will be taking £60 from next months JSA and benefits,my friend explained that this their only income.I have told my friend that they cannot touch these payments. The bank also wanted to know if there was any gym membership payments,what payments were made to the dentist,who paid for the hairdresser,perscriptions,etc,etc. Am I correct in saying that the bank cannot touch the JSA and housing benefits. Regards,John.
  22. Hi Requesting help for what information to send to Mortimer Clark / Marlin to get this issue resolved. This morning I received a Money Claim online letter from CC on behalf of Mortimer Clark / Marlin stating I owe HSBC bank £2,800 due to an overdraft in default / not paid. I have not knowledge of this debt and in fact still have a current account (the same one I have had since 1994) with no overdraft. When I phone Mortimer Clark this morning they said they had no details and I would have to write to them and HSBC but they could not promise that they would have the original agreement. I'm unsure as to what agreement they are talking about but the particulars of claim are; "By an agreement made in writing between HSBC and the defendant dated 20/06/1994 HSBC agreed to provide the defendant with a current account facility upon the T&Cs set out therein. The defendant has withdrawn monies of the said account such that the balance exceeds the agreed overdraft limit & has remained in an overdrawn position despite requests by HSBC to remedy this. The agreement was terminated by HSBC. The agreement was assigned to the Claimant (Marlin Europe Ltd) on 15/02/13. The claimant has complied with sections III & IV of practice direction - Pre-Action Conduct. The claimant therefore claims 1) 2274.67 2) Interest pursuant to section 69 of the county courts act 1984 namely 532.01 & continuing until judgement or sooner payment at the rate of 0.50" They were most unhelpful about what this could be and as I still have an open account (not used as my main one but does receive my child benefit payments every month) without an overdraft I am unclear. I also have never had an overdraft of that much - the most was about £500 at any one point! Could someone please point me in the right direction of how to tackle this? I know I need to fill the CC Claim form in asap and send it back but an unsure what to say. I also need to contact bank and do I send a letter to Marlin & Mortimer Clark saying I have no knowledge of this debt and request details? Thanks in advance for you help
  23. I was part of forming a company in company house in 04/2008. I was appointed as sectary and held 25 shares. After running the company for almost a year (we had HSBC business back account under the company name and I had access to the account) I had dispute with other partners. I resigned in 06/2009 as the sectary, filled letter of resignation to Company House and had the impression given from the bank that they will also keep their record in line with Company House. So I thought my access to the account will be cut off. But in fact that didn't happen. However after I left the company I didn't use my access to make any transaction to/from the account. And the managing directors assigned new sectary and one of the two managing directors was managing the business account. Now suddenly in 06/2013 received a call from HSBC, chasing me for the debt of £5k because my name was in the bank account. I told them I have noting to do with the company since 2009. Later I went to a local HSBC branch where we opened the business account, and I gave them a copy of my resignation letter to Company House and a postal address of mine to contact in writing. HSBC never wrote me anything. I also dug records in Company House and noticed, the company was struck and dissolved 08/2010. HSBC now passed the details to a debt collector named Buchanan Clark & Wells and they are chasing me over my work and mobile phone daily. Initially they sent me a letter saying want to discuss a 'private matter'. Searching on this forum and advice I ignored that letter and their calls. Now they sent me a letter with the amount of debt, their client HSBC and said, "Our clients have informed us that they are unaware of any legitimate reason for non-payment of their account and they would prefer an amicable settlement" Sorry for the lost post, but I believe its a business debt to a limited company; not personal debt, I disassociate myself from the company back in 2009 and didn't make any transaction to the a/c, and the company dissolved in 2010. Not sure how I am liable of such debt? Pls advise me on what should be my response to the debt collector? Should I continue to ignore them or explain what happened? Many thanks
  24. It seems that the site has been down all morning which must be very frustrating for people who were paid today!
  25. Hi again I have just been going through some old paperwork and found a Mortgage Repayment Protector Policy that my DH had with our bank HSBC from May 2005 to Nov 2006. I had forgot about this as I thought all our policies were life cover for the mortgages. Is this the same as PPI? If it is then my husband was self employed at the time and had all his business banking for his market stall with HSBC also. There is a full set of paperwork with it that has been completed by someone at the bank going though our needs etc and then at the end a signed advise form recomending this product. Can I possibly claim this back? I cna scan and put the forms on here if needed.
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