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Everything posted by king12345

  1. I've read this again and again. Are you suggesting to disclose that the driver was not the registered keeper and give them an address that exist but nothing to do with the driver? If so, I am no expert, but I can see this badly backfire
  2. Sorry to be honest, but I didn't understand how the op is suggesting that someone is supposed to beat ipc at their own game. Can this be explained in simple words please?
  3. Spaghetti in a tin?!?! The dirty b@@@ards!
  4. Perfectly agree. Chip on the shoulder? You mean a mountain? The op started this thread in 2011 and felt the need to say that he's of Asian background. What has that got to do with failing to get a job? Then he thinks that being on a final written warning is just a minor thing. In most organisations you can't even apply for promotion if you have had a warning in the last 12 months. I sense that trouble follows the op and everything is someone else's fault. Seen it many many times and been accused of being racist by troublemakers using the race card when faced with the reality that they're not good enough
  5. Insist on getting them charged. If the desk officer refuses to take the report ask to speak to the sergeant. And if he decides to ignore you report everything in writing to the superintendent. You will need the shoulder numbers. No joy even with the superintendent? Ipcc is the next step. Bare in mind that no police officer wants to be reported to ipcc because, even if the complaint is unfounded, it stays in their record. So, once the desk officer and sergeant refuse to help, ask for their numbers and name (they must give it to you). You'll find that all of a sudden they will help
  6. Matter of the fact is that they badly injured your wife. Go down to a different police station and report the assault (abh or gbh doesn't matter). They must not get away with putting people in bed for 6/8 weeks just because they have a warrant. What happened to reasonable force? Anyone considers bruises and deep wounds reasonable when executing a warrant? If the police had bruised and cut a struggling suspect in the process of arresting them, there would be big trouble. How come these bailiffs can injury people and get away with it? Did they use reasonable force? I don't think so
  7. injury resulting in permanent disability, loss of sensory function or visible disfigurement Exactly! A scar is a visible disfigurement and a shoulder injury most likely will flare up for life (personal experience)
  8. Offences Against the Person - GBH, ABH and Assault There are a number of offences of serious assault under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861. The most common of these offences are grievous bodily harm (GBH) and assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH). The definitions of these offences are outlined below. Section 18 GBH (with intent). This is the most serious of the assaults under the Offences Against the Person Act and is an offence that can only be tried in the Crown Court. There are two offences created by this section, inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent and wounding with intent. •“Grievous bodily harm” (GBH) means really serious harm. •For harm to amount to a “wound”, the continuity of the skin must be broken. •The biggest difference between GBH under this section and GBH under section 20 is the question of intent. For this offence, the prosecution must establish that the defendant intended to wound or cause GBH. Section 20 GBH As explained above, this offence is the same as for the section 18 offence, however without the requirement of intent. This offence is sometimes referred to as malicious wounding and means that the offence can be committed recklessly. Continuity of the skin broken: Tick Very serious injury: Tick Serious soft tissue injury: Tick Subluxation of the shoulder: Tick 6-8 weeks estimated recovery time: Tick Possible permanent damage to shoulder: Tick Possible permanent scarring from the wounds: Tick ABH?!?! Where's the threshold then? Surely not in the act you pointed out. Of course if we were in a war torn country it would be quite fortunate to sustain these injuries of this kind from rebels gaining entry to your home, but here in uk? And from supposedly court officials? GBH I say and maybe some judges would agree with me
  9. I would go to a different police station and report the assault. Sounds like gbh to me. Go armed with a&e and gp report. Better if your wife comes with you and shows her injuries. They are obliged to take the complaint, then if they take it further is another story. Don't give up
  10. Problem is: Would they be willing to disclose such information? Especially if they're gonna lose money, I doubt it very much
  11. Had the same problem with virgin in 2010/2011. Calls to numbers I didn't know and some of them billed twice at the same time and date. How can anyone make two calls of 11 minutes to the same number, at the same time and date? I was in the process of renewing my mortgage at the time, so I paid the odd £100 in the end, but surely there's something wrong with these phantom calls. Unfortunately it's impossible to disprove that you've made the calls and unless they give you a goodwill refund, it's unlikely you will see this resolved in your favour. Just a little advice: When I changed network I made them place a cap on my bill, all in writing. If you do that write very clearly: I will pay a maximum of £xxx every calendar month and I want the service to be restricted to this sum. Any extra service charged to my account will not be paid and so ,should you decide to offer it to me, you agree that it will be free of charge. After they acknowledge this, it would be their fault if they overcharged you, but strangely enough, since doing this my bills have been a steady £9.90/month, no surprises
  12. The car is not fit for purpose. Send them a recorded delivery letter explaining that unless they fix the car to your satisfaction within 14 days, you will have to take it further. From your story it looks like they are in a corner now, so their only option is to fix the car. I had a Vauxhall once and after some dealings with their now garage in bedfont, I sold it for very cheap.
  13. Before you file a grievance, is there any chance you or your partner could speak to ho and ask to have the meeting with someone from there? I can't see why they would refuse, but sadly some companies do. In the long term, any chance of your partner moving to another department within the company so to avoid this bullying manager? Unfortunately anxiety and depression are not studied enough and most times seen as a weakness. In reality, they can affect anyone, even people without major problems in their life. Most likely the manager doesn't realise the impact of his actions on your partner and possibly thinks that he just needs to pull himself together. This usually doesn't help at all. Anxiety and depression are illnesses and can affect anyone. I would speak or write to ho (or better, a director) and see what they respond.
  14. I tell you how a colleague got away with using a phone while on duty and ended up only getting a warning. I don't suggest you do this but it could be an excuse, others might advice better. This colleague was caught using a phone and like you, admitted it was a phone. When called for a formal interview he pulled out his phone and showed the manager that he had his duty sheets and company newsletter saved on it. He said that he was checking his duties for the following week and, as he was looking at his phone for a few minutes, reading the newsletter. The company policy was that only internal literature could be read while on duty, while not specifying in what format (electronic in this case). As said, he just got a warning which stayed on his file for 12 months. Again, before you use this excuse, wait for other caggers advice; this is only a story
  15. You can be in debt if when the pre-pay meter is fitted you don't pay your final bill. That wasn't my case. In your case, why would you pay someone else 's debt. You must have meter readings from when you moved in, that's the first thing I show to my tenants so there's no argument later
  16. Drill the tank to steal diesel?!?! Amateurs! They could have disconnect the diesel line and then reconnect it so they could have come back every week for more. Just kidding. Imo I don't think you will get the labour costs out of a breaker. Good mechanics would have checked that the tank was the correct one before wasting 3 hours labour.
  17. We used to have a cb radio and aerial on the chimney and when we were transmitting the tv signal would completely disappear so we gave up the hobby. It is very likely that your neighbour aerials have affected your tv signal too. If he's not willing to give the cb up you will need to report it to ofcom and hopefully they will do something. I read somewhere that filters can be installed to prevent interference, but I don't know at what cost. Good luck
  18. If he's won a lot of money he could 'reside' at your address until the money clears in his account and then hopefully he will treat you to a good 'drink'
  19. Bylaws are strict liability so no intent to be proved. However this inspector must be very keen or desperate to make such a report. Maybe there's more to the story that your friend is not telling you
  20. Have they got proof of posting? They have your tel number I suppose and they could have called before ruining your credit rating. All points in your favour
  21. If you gave them notice at the beginning of October then they can charge you for the notice period (usually 30 days). But they have to send you a bill!
  22. Sorry, iar should read sar=subject access request. My fault, old age kicking in
  23. You cancelled the contract and they still billed you (without sending a bill of course). Unless there was a notice period applicable, then you can take them to court for that. Just need the evidence. Small claim court is not expensive and quite informal. You can represent yourself and avoid legal expenses. Again, plenty of info online. But you need to gain evidence to win the case
  24. Iar= information access request under data protection act 1998. You ask for info about you to a company and they must send it to you within 40 days. They can legally charge you £10 for it. Plenty of template letters online.
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