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Found 12 results

  1. Hi all, been browsing this site regarding appeals for forgetting my railcard but haven't seen anything regarding a railcard on Oyster (apologies if this has been covered). Travelled from Shenfield to East Croydon on my Oyster today from where I was planning on buying a ticket to Brighton to complete my journey. I'd been in a massive rush to catch my train as I only found out at about 7am that I was meant to be at university at 10 rather than 11 which got me hurrying, I didn't have time to buy a paper ticket I thought I'd use my Oyster which had my railcard added to it. Unfortunately, I hadn't realised I'd left my railcard in my old wallet (birthday recently, received a new compact one and had moved a few 'essentials' to it but forgot that) and an inspector on the train to East Croydon fined me £20 for not carrying the railcard, which I paid on the spot. At the time I asked him if I could appeal it and if I'd have any chance of being successful, he said I might have a bit of luck. I'll be sending a copy of my railcard as proof that I do possess one (and in any case, don't you actually have to have one to put it on your Oyster, as opposed to a paper ticket which you can buy without it being physically present?) Does anyone have any experience as to whether I might have any chance of success here? I'd really rather not pay the fine, it was a genuine honest mistake which I have explained in my appeal letter. Thanks all!
  2. I purchased a 16-25 return ticket to destination B from A, via an actual person at the window - even they looked at my travel card. It wasn't until my return journey I looked at my rail card, to find it was out of date.. (Haven't used in around a month). The date was printed "18 APR 2015" (I've just checked this online) The 18 was very faded with the 2015 being only slightly visible.. . My instant thought was "oh no, I'm going to get in some serious trouble for this", I stupidly decided to get a pencil from my bag and change the year to 2016 (only visible numerals) Upon ticket inspection, the inspector questioned the year, to which I just put my hands up straight away - of course he took details.. I admitted to this via a statement and made my sign this admission statement, whilst taking my railcard/ticket etc. I know I'm in trouble and I'm not looking for sympathy, I'm just trying to establish the LIKELY course of action.. . I presume they will write to me asking for my account of events? My questions are: 1) The best possible situation is out of court settlement - ADVICE FOR THIS PLEASE? How do go about asking this? What would make them want to pick this? Do I await correspondence and then send a letter with apologies and an offer (should I make an actual offer or let them propose such)? 2) The scenario of them looking to prosecute for fraud - what's the likelihood of this? I understand what I've done is fraudulent, however I haven't replicated/manufactured a ticket or pass in order to evade completely, somewhat mitigating? IF it did go for this, what would be the probable outcomes? Again, thank you all for your opinions and feedback - you all seem to have a much more educated understanding of this sort than most, so I look forward to more input..
  3. Hi, I am new to the forum, I recently travelled to london for the day, starting my journey from Andover and arriving in london waterloo. However on the return leg of my journey the barrier wouldn't lift and I was told that it was because I had a railcard. I was asked to produce my Railcard, however I had forgotten it. I was told to go have a chat with a guy now aware was a revenue officer. The revenue officer asked for my details which i provided, name, address, DOB, ID etc. The revenue officer made a phone call and then he issued me with an MG11. I didn't really no what he was issuing me at the time and i was told to sign. I was told to produce my railcard to Andover railway station the next day but when i went to check my railcard i have now just released that it is no longer in date. railcard expired on 12th november 2013, so well over a year. I rarely use my railcard but i am not sure they will show any sympathy. Please can someone offer advice as I am now afraid of prosecution and how that can affect my career in the armed forces
  4. To celebrate 40 years of the 16-25 Railcard. National Rail are giving you a whopping 40% discount when you buy a 1 year 16-25 Railcard online. That means you'll pay just £18 instead of the usual cost of £30. More info on this link: http://www.16-25railcard.co.uk/40years/
  5. Okay today I brought a return ticket from Feltham to Egham, I used a railcard on the machine, I did not have it with me and neither did I realize that it was out of date now I am home. The ticket man asked for my ticket then asked for my railcard, at the time I thought I had it so I looked for it and apologized and said I do have one but its not with me. He said he would need to take some details so we got of at Egham and he took my details while I tried to find my card, he noticed I had other tickets in my wallet and asked if he could see them, I said yes and past him them there must have been about 7 tickets all of which I have used my railcard on without realizing it had expired. He asked again do I definelty have one I said yes and explained I got from Egham station. He got out he phone and called up someone then gave them my details after getting of the phone is said there won't be a fine by South West Trains will be in contact within 3 weeks and its out of his hands, he wouldn't tell me anything else. I called up the customer services and explained what had happened and they said the prosecution team will deal with it and I may not even get anything back or I may be fined. Now I am worried, I have never been in any sort of trouble, never been fined so I am worried of what will happened, I searched the internet and see all this reports of £1000 fins and court summons. Can anyone please explain what could have, the worry is making me sick Thank you in advance, John
  6. A friend has a YP 16-25 Railcard. He laminated it to protect it and used it for 6 months without any problems. Then on a Cross Country train an inspector confiscated it and the rail ticket because the magnetic strip could not be read through the lamination. Now Transport Investigations have sent him a penalty for not having a valid ticket and threaten criminal proceedings if it isn't paid. I am told all of the info on the strip is printed on the card and I cannot find anywhere in any of the rail regulations or card T&Cs that lamination = damage = invalid. It is stated in the Disabled Persons Railcard T & Cs that this is the case but NOT in the Young persons. Who would think that laminating a card constituted damage!! They quoted Byelaw 20 but omitted the second part!!! 20. Altering tickets and use of altered tickets (1) No person shall alter any ticket in any way with the intent that an Operator shall be defrauded or prejudiced. (2) No person shall knowingly use any ticket which has been altered in any way in breach of Byelaw 20(1). I have little knowledge of English Law but I would think this means they would have to prove intent and knowing. any advice appreciated. This is ridiculous!!
  7. Hello All, I need some urgent help and advice here please. Let me first describe the sequence of events happened to give the details: On Saturday 9th We (myself, my wife and two kids (less than 5 years)) were travelling from East Croydon to London Bridge. We boarded the 11:50 FCC Brighton to Bedford train. I had my monthly zone 1 to 5 pass. For my wife we purchased the day card (£5.90). In the train we were asked to show the ticket. We showed it. Asked for railcard. I had that and showed it. It was completed faded and date was invisible – so inspector took the lighter and then checked – to our extreme bad luck the card has expired in May. It was fully my mistake that I did not realize it and used it. I should have renewed in time. We rarely use the card. Infact after its expiration date we had only used it on that day – first time. As my wife does not know to speak fluent English – I was talking to the officer and told him I will answer the queries. He asked me if I had brought the ticket – for which I answered yes. He then told you have been using the card which is 6 months of date for buying discounted tickets. I honestly apologized and told that this was a mistake. Told him we use this card very less. But I was not offered to pay fine/or difference fare. He asked me series of questions which I truthfully answered. Gave my correct address and he made a phone call. I guess that was a MJ10 or 11 form and I had to sign on it. In that one question was did you intent to evade fare – which I answered NO and said it was a very honest mistake and I apologized for it. I was not knowing what are the consequence at that time. He only said company will write to us. Later in the evening I did some reading on this forum to find that it can result in conviction too – which has completely devastated me. Firstly – I fully accept my mistake and apologize for travelling on expired railcard. I should have got it checked. Can people on this forum please provide expert advice on what to do next. Also Few specific questions I have is: 1. Should I send an letter to FCC prosecution dept now itself fully apologizing and remorse. Also willing to pay the fine + admin charges. 2. Even though I had my valid train pass, I was talking to the officer as my wife is not fluent in English, and in that situation – I did not realize / was knowing any court or prosecution would be involved. I have given my name and I guess now the further dealing will be against my name right ? 3. I am a single bread earner for my entire family with two kids and dependant parents back in my country – if this goes to court this would lead to a devastating effect on me. I am a hard working IT person and don’t want this incident to be referred to court. 4. I have been judiciously buying my monthly pass for last 22 months (almost £200 per month), never done anything silly like this before. This was our first and last mistake. We have not being using that railcard after expiration – this was the first instance only. Will these facts help in anyway. 5. I have been to london for a 2 year contract work. By end of this year I am supposed to go back to my country. Hence want to settle before I go. Respected Members – any help from you will be extremely helpful. Sorry for the long post – I wanted to put in everything to give clear picture. I am having sleepless night and not able to concentrate in my work altogether , I am really sorry for the incident but worried of the outcome.
  8. I have a disabled persons railcard and had to replace my oyster card. Do I need to go to the station to get the railcard added again? Thanks.
  9. Hi, I recently travelled from Sunderland to Fratton, forgetting my 16-25 railcard. Was given fines totalling around £200 in 3 separate fines. (slightly over the top). But was told to take my railcard to my local ticket office with the fine and the matter is dealt with. Not a problem. But this has turned out not to be the case. I have had to appeal the fines given. Yet I have received a notice saying the payment is due and no update as to my appeal. Just wondering if I will have to pay or they will see sense..?
  10. Hi everyone, I recently took a First Great Western train from London to Taunton with an advance ticket. Unfortunately when the ticket inspector came round, it turned out my Young Person's Railcard was 5 days out of date (though valid at the time I bought the ticket!). This was a genuine mistake - I simply had not noticed my card was out of date - but the operator took my student ID from me and issued me with an unpaid fare notice for the up-front cost of the journey - an extortionate £109 for a 2 hour journey (when the original ticket had cost £10!!). I wrote a letter to dispute this but received a standard impersonal reply, saying I still have to pay the fee within 14 days and if I don't they will have to take action to recover the fee. This is an awful lot of money for me to pay as a student, and I was just wondering if they can really force me to pay this or if there is anything I can do to dispute this? It also seems wrong that someone who was fare evading and had not bought a ticket at all would have paid less than I did, since I paid the price of two journeys. Thanks a lot in advance for your help[ATTACH=CONFIG]46752[/ATTACH]!
  11. My wife who holds a Disabled Railcard also travels with her own wheelchair. Next weekend she again has to travel to Manchester Piccadilly by herself. Although we ask for Assisted Travel it is non-existent at Manchester, Last time she went she could not even get off the train and ended up taravelling to the Airport where fortunately the service terminated, they put her on another train back into Manchester and despite telephoning ahead there was still no help. She managed to alight the train with help from other passengers fortunately and all she got from the Guard was a grumble she was holding the train up and they were now late. The train company refuse to take any responsibility as they say the station is operated by Network Rail. We have made 3 complaints to them but to date have received no response at all. Last complaint was made via ATOC. Any ideas please as I don't fancy another fretful evening next Sunday.
  12. Hi there, I have had trouble with East Midlands Trains, and given their response i really doubt i am the first. I recently bought a 16-25 railcard so that i could get to Leicester University from Beeston, Nottingham. When i bought it, i explained that i would be using it to get to and from university. I certainly explained that i would be travelling during the morning. The guy at Beeston station, Nottingham, who sold me the card made no mention of restrictions relating to traveling at peak times. It now appears that the 16-25 rail card i have purchased is actually useless for the purpose i bought it for. Maybe i am way off track (no pun intended), but surely i must be entitled to a refund as East Midlands Train's agent misinformed me, and that misinformation lead to me purchasing the railcard? When i contacted the smug losers at EMT's head office, they said i was not entitled to a refund, but if i sent the railcard back to them, they would possibly send me a goodwill gesture. Can anybody point me in the direction of appropriate legislation dealing with this sort of misselling? I haven't used the railcard. Many thanks, Lu.
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