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Found 6 results

  1. We live in a small, one-bedroom apartment in central London. Roughly 45 m2 with fairly good insulation. Our bills for 2014 were 49, 64, 37, 36 and 34 pounds for a total of a bit over 200. So far this year, our bills are £467 and £236 - the second bill alone being higher than the 2014 aggregate. We have contacted British Gas for an explanation after the £467 bill which they told us was a retrospective adjustment as our use was higher than they expected, but this doesn't seem very credible, especially with the next two months coming in at £236. Is there anyone we can contact to have this investigated? Is there anyone with experience with this - is their claim even plausible or is someone stealing our gas?
  2. If you have breakdown cover and pay monthly please check the amount you pay,i joined the aa in 2009 and earlier this year realised they were charging me £143 a year for the £79 service and they dont think that was wrong when i complained,i also found a freind was paying just £59 for the same service, i now have cover through my insurance which is only £50 a year for higher cover,dont get ripped off by them check which is cheaper for you it`s usually through your insurance and cover is just as good if not better
  3. Hi, This is a notice for anyone who has been -------- by the infamous Vance Miller'. He is not allowed to have any companies in his name but there are approx 30 kitchen companies in his aliases! Please help us to stop this trader from continuing to--- people from 18-86yrs old.------- but without support we cannot do anything to prevent him from making his millions ! Thanks. This petition is on vance miller must be stopped facebook page. Thanks. Stop Vance Miller www.change.org
  4. Hi there, I have had trouble with East Midlands Trains, and given their response i really doubt i am the first. I recently bought a 16-25 railcard so that i could get to Leicester University from Beeston, Nottingham. When i bought it, i explained that i would be using it to get to and from university. I certainly explained that i would be travelling during the morning. The guy at Beeston station, Nottingham, who sold me the card made no mention of restrictions relating to traveling at peak times. It now appears that the 16-25 rail card i have purchased is actually useless for the purpose i bought it for. Maybe i am way off track (no pun intended), but surely i must be entitled to a refund as East Midlands Train's agent misinformed me, and that misinformation lead to me purchasing the railcard? When i contacted the smug losers at EMT's head office, they said i was not entitled to a refund, but if i sent the railcard back to them, they would possibly send me a goodwill gesture. Can anybody point me in the direction of appropriate legislation dealing with this sort of misselling? I haven't used the railcard. Many thanks, Lu.
  5. As I'm sure most of you know, and quite a few of you use, TalkTalk began offering free broadband for all several years ago now. When my then fiancée and I were living in a town, we were able to get free broadband, which at one point was as fast as 11 or 12 mbps. On informing TT we were going to move to a village (also over the other side of the country), we were told that our Broadband, which would be six times slower, would now cost £15/month on top of the line rental etc. Refusing to accept this, we cancelled, still having to pay the cancellation fee (which I dispute as the contract had changed). The official excuse from TT is that the exchange where we now live is too small for their equipment. How can this be fair? Rural customers are being ripped off and given a technical reason. It should not matter if the equipment can't fit - there's surely enough profit to subsidise the rural areas.
  6. Hello everybody! I have an issue with Bank of Scotland regarding an account that I have opened with them. They have blocked theaccount and are refusing to return the 8000GBP that I have in it. The account was opened for myself as self employed. After 9 months since opening it was closed without explanation by BoS. This happened 2 years ago. Since then, they have refused any communication with me and to this date the reason of the closure of this account is unknown to me. I have contacted the Financial Ombudsman Service and after their investigation they have concluded that I need to take them to court as there is nothing they can do to help me. It appears that Bank of Scotland has told the Financial Ombudsman office the reason but they've asked them not to disclose it to me. The money belongs to my business, the tax on them has been paid and I have all the documents to prove that their provenience is lawful. The account was never overdrawn, no illegal activities were made, I have never owed any money to anyone and I still have no debts whatsoever. I have no knowledge or idea why this has happened and since then my trust in the whole banking system has been very low. I would really like to get my money back and find out why and how this can and has happened. Does anybody know what shall I do at this point? Thank you.
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