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Found 3 results

  1. I brought some b and q laminate, had it laid by a carpenter, but since then, the laminiate has begun to chip. B and Q have offered to replace the laminate, but are they liable for the fitting charges as well?
  2. A friend has a YP 16-25 Railcard. He laminated it to protect it and used it for 6 months without any problems. Then on a Cross Country train an inspector confiscated it and the rail ticket because the magnetic strip could not be read through the lamination. Now Transport Investigations have sent him a penalty for not having a valid ticket and threaten criminal proceedings if it isn't paid. I am told all of the info on the strip is printed on the card and I cannot find anywhere in any of the rail regulations or card T&Cs that lamination = damage = invalid. It is stated in the Disabled Persons Railcard T & Cs that this is the case but NOT in the Young persons. Who would think that laminating a card constituted damage!! They quoted Byelaw 20 but omitted the second part!!! 20. Altering tickets and use of altered tickets (1) No person shall alter any ticket in any way with the intent that an Operator shall be defrauded or prejudiced. (2) No person shall knowingly use any ticket which has been altered in any way in breach of Byelaw 20(1). I have little knowledge of English Law but I would think this means they would have to prove intent and knowing. any advice appreciated. This is ridiculous!!
  3. I recently made an insurance claim to have my damaged laminate floor replaced. My insurers say I can use one of three companies and I chose Floors 2 Go and their Signature Plus Oak laminate with 25 year guarantee at £19.99 p/sq metre. Initially I did not tell them it was to be paid for by my insurance company but they gave me all the spiel about we are doing a special extended discount and you can have 20% off if you buy today. We agreed a price for the laminate and I also asked a price for fitting which they said would be £490 but they were fairly sure they could get £50 off if they asked the fitter nicely. I said OK and then contacted my insurance assessor, paid my £50 excess and he posted the payment voucher to me made out to Floors 2 Go. I then rang Floors 2 Go and told them I wanted to proceed with the purchase and after explaining it will be paid for through my insurance claim, they are now saying I can have the laminate at the agreed discount rate but the fitting charge will go up to £735 due to the charge my insurers will make. Then after a short re-think they said I would only need to find £100 extra to add to the insurance voucher. All very confusing. I contacted my insurance claim assessor and he said he knew nothing about any extra fitting charges and said my claim had been assessed by an independent laminate floor company and the valuation was good. He suggested I cancel the voucher and contact my insures direct, which I do not want to do this as I would like the laminated fitted before Christmas. I said I was OK with the valuation and agreed the problem was Floors 2 Go moving the goal posts. Any advice on how to proceed without having to pay the extra £100 would be appreciated.
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