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  1. If you plan to declare yourself in some months, and have 4 credit cards you have been paying the minimum payment for every month. But your expenditure has increases, and you have no disposible income int he bank account, which was paying the 4 credit card minimum payments, so for the next 2-3 months you wont be able to pay off your credit card minimum payments. (due to lack of funds) and in month 2-3 you will consider declaring yourself bankrupt so you are leading up to an ongoing problem of debt, that you cannot repay, you have no money from your expenditure to pay these credit cards, you have no disposable income left, as it is all spent on your daily/weekly expenses so as a result of this you have no money in your bank account wot pay the 4 direct debits, then them credit cards will not be paid. (There is also a loan aswell, which is with a bank), and all credit card are popular high street banks. Basically you will Not be paying your minimum payments to your credit cards, due to lack of funds, for 2-3 months, so what would happen? What would happen then, within them 3 months? - as a worse case scenario ? a) from the credit card companies point of view? b) from the bank/bank accounts point of view, where the direct debits are coming out from? (eg, additional charges, letters etc) c) From your credit files point of view (which is already negative and damaged ) d) The OR meeting, what would he ask? or just he would see that you are getting more and more into debt, and can't pay your cards, (as expenditure proof will be given) - what would be the worse case scenario with their meeting? if any ? e) Would CCJ's occour? f) How many months worth - would they consider using CCJs against the debt? Why considering BR in 3 months? they are looking at Debt management companies, and have had some unexpected personal family problems. but were just wondering the worse case scenario for NOT paying your debts for a 3-4 month period, what would be the worse that would happen to you, your credit file, your debtors, your meeting with the OR when that happens) --------------------------- Here it is in another simpler form: If considering bankruptcy in a few months, and currently you are in credit card debt, and loan debt (paying the minimum payment every month) but 2-3 months coming up towards the time you will consider declaring yourself bankrupt you 'dont' pay any minimum payments to them 4 credit cards, and loads as you don't have the funds for them payments (due to your expenditure increassing) then within them 2-3 months (now until 2-3 months in the future) ...what is the worse case scenario that will happen? as you will be Missing your minimum payments to your credit cards + loan for months(as you have insufficient funds in your bank account) so your minimum payments of the 4 credit cards will NOT be paid... so asking within them 2-3 months would could happen to you/your credit/ your credit file etc? (eg letters could be sent to you ) --------------------------- What would happen then, within them 3 months? - as a worse case scenario ? a) from the credit card companies point of view? b) from the bank/bank accounts point of view, where the direct debits are coming out from? (eg, additional charges, letters etc) c) From your credit files point of view (which is already negative and damaged ) d) The OR meeting, what would he ask? or just he would see that you are getting more and more into debt, and can't pay your cards, (as expenditure proof will be given) - what would be the worse case scenario with their meeting? if any ? e) Would CCJ's occour? f) How many months worth - would they consider using CCJs against the debt?
  2. Hi there I have had a Vanquis card for just over 18 months now, this is my 1st credit card, not a good one I know. I started off with a limit of £250 and paid the balance off full when it was used. My limit went up to £750, I went into hospital to have an op and had to have a month of work, t he card was up to about £700 and I have been making minimum payments and haven't used the card for around 6 months. My balance stands at £803.58, I called them and asked how can my balance be going up if im making the minimum payment each month and never missed a payment? They said that the minimum payment was an estimate of the interest you will be charged and payment that needs to be made is actually more. Is that right? I am slightly bemused by this. Any help would be much appreciated.
  3. Just want to claify and establish correct thought process I pay my TV Licence on a weekly payment card ( God knows why the programmes are crap) So I have a licence from 01/01/2013 to 31/12/2013 This has been paid for in full by mid June Now, I am receiving texts and letters fr5om TVL threatening all sorts for outstanding amounts, as this increases with every letter, I must presume this is not an outstanding balance of the 2013 account. I have notified them that the account is paid in full, see you on 01/01/2014 and of course this has been completely ignored. Now, is there any legislation/statute or legally binding requirement for me to make payments in advance, bearing in m ind the will not pay interest on payments made in credit? Or should I invite the Feckers to take me to Court for non Payment? ( have all payment receipts) and counter hit them under ss1-2 of the Protection from Harassement Act 1997 and the Administration of Justice Act (section 40) to name but two P.S. Just to make life further complicated, I am a JP !
  4. Hi Everyone I would like some advice regarding Unum who my employer has PHI through. I have been on long term sickness from April 2012 with me/cfs. I am signed off by my doctor. Today I received a letter from my employer stating Unum have decided to stop my payments. I am unable to contact Unum directly so emailed my employer who stated 'Unum can stop payments at any time'? I advised I think this is discrimination and asked for the reports as to why. How can they just stop my money with no explanation not sure where to go as my employer is also looking to get rid of me so waiting for a date for 'formal long term sickness meeting'.
  5. Hi Advice please re-my son. He has been on JSA since Oct.2012 and is doing voluntary work set up by the local Council. They have funded him on 2 courses related to the work he's doing.(Gardening and site clearing,brush cutting tool usage) He has seen on the local College site that the next couse that would be appropriate to go on (Chain Saw use etc) the College state that people on JSA will have their fees waived. On enquiring today at his JC, they have advised him that they only "fund training" if there is a job at the end of it. Is this correct ? as I cannot see how without any training very few will be able to get jobs, or is this statement the usual JC brush off ? Advice appreciated Peter
  6. Hi, I just wanted to know where I stand on stopping finance payments for something that Ihas not been done correctly. I had my eyes corrected at optimax which cost me £5500 back in February, they are still not correct, I have trouble seeing out of them and now cant drive at night, I have been back to Optimax several times and I feel they are fobbing me off (now getting a second opinion at a hospital). Optimax keep saying they will take time to correct, but they seem to be getting worse and it feels like the lenses they implanted are not sitting well, all my other friends who had the same procedure could see immediately and have had no problems. What I want to know is, can I stop the finance payments to force opyimax to actually take me seriously and sort out my eyes. The problem I see is that the payments are being made to a finance company and not optimax direct, I am assuming optimax have already been paid in full by the finance company and as such my payment contract is with the finance company and if I stop payments are worried they will take court action to claim the outstanding money. I stress I only want to stop payments until optimax sort out the problem.. Thanks for your help Kev
  7. Hi I am claiming JSA and interest help with my mortgage. My GP has signed me off for a month today (I am due to sign on Thursday). This is my second certificate this year (for the same health issues). Do I send the sick note to my local JC, also will the help with my mortgage continue. I expect there might be a delay as I change from one to the other. Pretty scared really, as I am waiting ECG tests, and just had my meds upped for depression. GP was very nice and understanding, not sure the DWP will be, reading what some of you folks face it all sounds horrible. Any help much thanked Lily
  8. Hi all. I need some advice. I received two letters from my local council recently both titled "Council Tax - Warning of Committal Proceedings", one refers to last years CT (2012), the other for CT (2010). The 2012 CT is outstanding and I have cash ready to pay in full (£832.33 inc court costs etc). The 2010 CT I believe has already been paid. I called the CT office expecting to be told it was an admin error and that 2010 had been paid in full. No such luck, I was told not only is 2010 outstanding, but also 2011 (I'm sure this was paid in full too). I was asked if I had a receipt to prove payment, if not the balance must be paid. I've been through all my paperwork and can find no receipts. My mother has checked her bank statements, as I may have paid using her bank card, but can't find the payments. The other possibility is that I paid cash (to the council or a bailiff), if I did it would be unlikely I kept the receipts after this length of time. What I find strange is that the council has not tried to recover 2010 or 2011's CT previously. They usually apply for a Liability Order, then threaten eviction (I own the property on a mortgage) or a Charging order, at which point I usually have to borrow the money and pay in full. Also, they changed their computer systems in late 2011 and sent me a letter stating I now had a new account number due to the new IT system. I'm wondering if their record of my 2010 and 2011's payments have been lost during this change over. I cannot afford to pay them twice and have no desire to spend 90 days in prison. When I called them they offered to transfer me to another dept, but said they wouldn't help unless I had proof of payment, as I was calling on a pay-as-you-go mobile I ended the call. What do I do next? Many thanks
  9. I'm just trying to clarify how defaults and subsequent payments affect the CRA report. If a Creditor serves a Default Notice. I know that if nothing happens after 6 years the Default and indeed the whole account drops off the credit report. What I'm not sure about is what happens if there are payments (which don't clear all of the total debt) made after the default. My question is does the account drop off the credit report 6 years from the date of the Default or is it 6 years from the date of the last payment. I've got an alleged debt which I'm 99% certain is statute barred - I know that the alleged default was substantially more than six years ago, my CRA reports don't mention the alleged debt at all - I'm now being chased by debt collectors who claim that there was a payment made on the account around 5 years ago and that it's not SB -I'm 99% certain that I did not make the payment that they claim. The issue is whether if there was a payment it would show on my credit report... Any advice Guys would be gratefully received. Thanks IGNM
  10. We are paying a charge of £3054.06 at £100 per week agreed. Charges of bailiff are £25 per £100 - also charged us walking possession fee, enforcements under fee 5 disbursements under fee 12 etc totalling bill of £1255.40. This is a business rent debt that went to court and landlord agreed above terms. No possessions were taken, no letter sent to indicate court proceedings, no seizures; nothing. Can bailiffs charge on these terms and this amount? Thank you!!!
  11. My son is claiming JSA and has been advised he may be entitled to interest payments on his mortgage. At present I am keeping his head above water until such time his job prospects perk up. I have advised him prior to this interest payment offer not to advise his mortgage company (Santander) of his unemployment as even though it's being paid and he's not in arrears that they may "black list" him. If he takes up the offer of having the interest paid ( I will continue to pay the rest) is Santander likely to "flag" him up as a prospective bad debtor etc ? I have read in the Press of Banks/Mortgage companies doing the "dirty" on people when they really ought to be helping. Not much change there then. So do we leave sleeping dogs lie or get the help ? Peter
  12. First of all hello,this is my first post having been a long time lurker. My question is how do i go about asking barclaycard to reduce my payments, i am currently experiencing financial difficulties at the moment due to a drop in income, am i best to ask directly over the phone or is it better to put everything in writing. my wife returns to full time work in september so this should only be a short term problem do i need to ask for a six month timescale ? thanks in advance
  13. Hello. my first post on here, so i hope that i have posted in the right bit I am currently on esa and cannot afford the minimum payment on my two credit cards with my long term circumstances doubtful of changing, regarding employment. I have every intention of paying off the debts but wonder if i wrote to the companies involved, would they accept say £10 per month each if/until my circumstances were to change. I have tried to juggle everything for months and months but now feel swamped in it, with weeks going by living on nothing more than toast and tea and not being able to heat my house. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks
  14. On trying to sort out a deceased relative's affairs I found that there were a large number of direct debit payments going out to various charities that in total exceeded the pension income. I have spoken to half a dozen of these charities and it appears many used the same now defunct marketing company to cold-call this relative and persuade them to pay a few pounds a month to whatever the good cause was at the time. None of the DD's have a signed mandate and as the marketing co is no longer the original tapes are unavailable so I reckon that thew bank is obliged to refund the disputed monies as there is no proof the DD's were ever properly set up. The relative lived in sheltered accomodation and had dementia. I know a carer stopped most of the DD mandates but they seem to reappear at a higher amount about a month later, presumably when these charities lost their cash cow they phoned again. Is the bank liable under the DD guarantee regs and if so how far back can one ask for the return of the misappropriated funds. Anyone have similar experiences orknow what I should do next? Someof the charities are co-operating by providing any documentation they have but a couple of the commercial outfits are saying tough even though the bank cocked up on the stopping of the DD when requested (will take that one up with glee)
  15. My partner and I split up and she moved out of the house we rented together. I have had the assessment from the CSA and I have been moved onto the New Rules (having previously been on the old rules with a child from a previous relationship). So I now have to pay 20% of my net earnings. Due to now paying the full rent, bills etc. the figure they have quoted me will push me into a position very quickly where I am unable to afford to live i.e. a lot more going out than coming each month. I do not have a high paid job and I want to support my child financially as best I can. If I sublet a room in the house, with the land ladies consent, would this effect my payments to the CSA? Would it be better to have the tenancy agreement re-drafted to show both names or better to keep it just in mine. My understanding is that under the new rules you are adjudged on your net earnings so would this change in circumstance constitute "income"? i don't really want to share my home with a stranger as I help raise my children and I'm not trying to get out of payment, just be able to pay maintenance without loosing my home and then not be able to provide anything! I have discussed it with the CSA but so far their responses have been underwhelming! I was quite up together with the old rules but am new to the "New Rules"
  16. hey all, how do you all pay the csa ie: standing order etc
  17. Defaulted on an Egg CC 6+ years ago, passed onto Cabot in 2008, did the usual with CCA/SAR. I got my SAR stuff through 27 months after requesting it from the DCA who Egg had sold my loan on to. I haven't paid or acknowledged the account for over 6 years, so its SB anyway. I noticed on my statements in the SAR (2009 ish) that there were some strange payments to it - 'DCA Payment - Thank You'. Is this a sneeky trick that DCA's use to keep accounts active? And now they are saying that I have 14 days to pay up or else...yeah right! SB letter on way. And the fact that they have also sent me a copy of my supposed CCA is a joke. The name is wrong, address is missing, no signature. I'd be interested to know what that payment is? Cheers
  18. Hi Just wondered if a loan account falls into arrears and goes into a DMP, whether the PPI payment is still included on the debt or is taken off?. I have a 2 loans that ended up being paid off via a DMP. Admittedly I do not have all the paperwork as I couldn't cope with the amount of debt at the time but on the paperwork I have it doesn't seem to have been cancelled. I am looking to claim back PPI but I'm not sure if I only paid it until the account went into a DMP or if the entire cost of the loan and PPI was sent to a debt recovery agency.
  19. Hi, Can anyone please help with the following. I am a freelance creative. I started contracting for a company (the end client) through a creative agency. I use an umbrella company to deal with my invoices. I was booked on a daily rate. My initial booking did not include overtime payment. Shortly after I started freelancing the client asked me to do overtime. They got in touch with my agency to confirm this request. My agency asked me if I wanted to do overtime and I said yes. The agency confirmed the hourly overtime rate by email and I informed my umbrella company (with the agency cc´d on the email). I filled in my weekly timesheets with the days (start time and finish time) and the overtime hours per day. The timesheets were signed by the client and sent weekly to the agency. Two of the timesheets including overtime were paid in full. The following week the agency fails to proceed with the weekly payment as confirmed on their booking form (which I interpret as part of their contractual obligations). I ask why I haven´t been paid since the agency received all timesheets and invoices on time. At this point they hold four weekly timesheets that have not been paid - all of them containing overtime. They come back to me saying that they don´t pay overtime and I need to reissue the invoices with no overtime included. I reply asking who decided that and when since I wasn´t informed I shouldn´t be doing overtime - I had been doint overtime at the company for the past 4 weeks, the clientt signed those timesheets and I submitted them to the agency. Surely if I wasn´t supposed to do overtime someone at the company would have told me (they saw me coming in early in the morning and staying late at night) or the agency when they saw my weekly timesheets? Not come back to me after 4 complete weeks saying that they´re not paying my invoices because they have not agreed with overtime?! In addition, on my initial booking it states the start time but not the end time. On the timesheet provided by the agency it says that overtime starts from 6pm to 9pm. When I started I asked to the client what were my daily hours and I was told 10am to 6.30pm. I thought that was fine, although it was an extra 30min after 6pm I was Ok in giving that time to the client, one always ends up staying a bit longer anyway. On top of claiming that they don´t pay for overtime, the agency came back to me saying that since I was working 10am to 6.30pm I wasn´t doing a complete day of 8h of work that I should be doing 10am to 7pm and that they would charge me back 30min for everyday I left at 6.30pm. In my understanding this is not only ridiculous it´s outrageous because: - I was told by the client work hours were 10am to 6.30pm; - I was booked on a daily rate - no matter when I leave for the day the client always has to pay a full day of work; - because I am on a daily rate the agency cannot charge me half an hour of a normal day´s work; - The agency´s own timesheet states that overtime starts from 6pm so if in any case if any is due 30min payment it´s me not the agency; So, they asked for a credit note of all the overtime they suddenly decided is not payable plus the extra 30 daily min they decided I should the working everyday (despite the client signing the timesheets confirming all´s Ok). Because I challenged what I consider to be an extortion (my paperwork is all in order), they took the liberty to withhold all my payments since the beginning of March to force me to agree in asking my umbrella company to provide them with a credit note of the amount they´re claiming. This is completely abusive - it would be bad enough if they withheld the amount they think they´re claiming back but withholding ALL my payments (which is currently about 4 times the amount they´re claiming) is taking a serious financial stroll on me. They currenlty have 7 invoices outstanding (none of them include overtime so there is NO reason for not paying them - I reissued invoices with no overtime for the ones outstanding to comply with their stupid request and accelerate my payments), I haven´t been paid in weeks and I´m in panic as I have to pay my bills and rent. I tried to reason with the agency but the self-absorbed monster that´s making all this trouble could not care less about the impact of her actions. The client´s happy with my work. I am happy with them. The agency is making up all this mess and withholding all my payments. What can I do? Is there a way I can force her to pay?? Can I complain to someone? The agency is seriously affecting my ability to support myself and causing me great distress. Help... Thanks.
  20. Hi all, My ex-wife and I divorced over 10 years ago and I was paying regular monthly payments for my 2 girls. As part of the divorce, she got a court order saying I needed to provide P60s each year. She has never asked for them. About 4 years ago she decided to go through the CSA even though I have never missed a payment. I recently lost my job but continued paying out of my redundancy money. That is now running out and I contacted the CSA to reduce the payments. My ex and I have never had a good relationship since splitting up and she is now throwing her toys out of the pram and saying I need to provide P60s for the last three years. Fortunately I have a new job, which pays less, but means she'll only miss 2 months full payment. I'm happy to provide the P60 for this year, but I don't see why she can now go back and demand previous P60s seeing as she wanted to go through the CSA. I have always provided for my children and it's only the current situation that has caused this to change. Any thoughts on the P60 issue? Kind regards, Peter
  21. My card was declined twice in the past week and I called after the first time to find out why. I was told there was no record of any transaction or attempted transaction so I presumed it was just a glitch. Today my card was declined again and this time I called I had to wait for ages before being assisted and then I was passed from one area to another. As I live abroad this call will have cost me a lot! At the end of it I was told again that there was no record of any transactions being declined and that they could not help me but would pass me on to yet another area. At that point, I gave up and put down the phone! However, it has occurred me that the browser I am using might be the problem as I have made another small purchase using another browser and so far the card has not been declined. My question is, could the browser or its settings be causing my card to be declined. Has anyone else had a similar problem, please?
  22. We are currently paying BH £130 a week (TV, washer, sofa, laptop and fridge freezer), I have worked out that in OSC we are paying a whopping £18.95 a WEEK! I have read we don't need this as everything comes with a warranty, which it does as TV, washer and fridge freezer all came with them from the manufacturer. Plus the £9.08 a week for DLC. We don't have home contents insurance, and were told we need DLC because of this, also we were misled in to accepting the OSC on everything. I know we can cancel the OSC, but can we cancel the DLC as well? And can we claim back everything we have paid in regards to both? If we do cancel them (or just the OSC) and claim everything back, is it likely BH will terminate our contracts and want the items back? Any advice is really appreciated! Thanks!
  23. Hi there, I live in Bradford, West Yorkshire. My Incapacity benefit claim was transferred to Employment and Support Allowance (WRA) in October 2012. I know 2 other people who are on ESA who have received 4 cold weather payments this year but they are on the income related side of this benefit. After speaking to the DWP, their stance is that although other people on those other claims receive exactly the same amount of money, I do not qualify for any cold weather payments. The extra money that they do pay me as part of contribution based ESA is gobbled up by Rent and Council Tax shortfalls because of the level of income I have at the moment. Now doesn't this just sound crazy, I earn the same as those that qualify, the councils force me to pay a shortfall because my level of income, and yet I don't qualify for cold weather payments. If anything I actually earn less than those other people, and with mounting fuel usage this year because of cold weather I'm in even more financial hardship than I need to be. Does anybody know of a way that I might be able to get these payments? Is there some sort of department or complaint that can be raised in relation to this? Any help would be great, thanks.
  24. In November 2004 we took out a loan for £53300. We sold in February 2006 and repaid £48411. There was still an outstanding balance of £5773. We have been paying approximately £70 per month since then to pay off the balance. Adding up our all our credits to date shows we have paid a staggering £87887. That is Eighty seven thousand and eight hundred and eighty seven pounds! We still owe about £4400 to settle the account! On the outstanding balance alone we have paid £5168! I wish there was some way we could get rid of this debt. The last payment is due in November 2019 6 years after we are on state pension! Surely some mis-selling going on because as pensioners how would be have been able to afford a repayment of nearly £600 per month?
  25. Please could anyone tell me if Natwest are allowed to take my benifits payments to pay my debit balance .. WHICH they caused by taking money out of my account to pay for my ex husbands debt .... I am havng brest cancer treatment and i am fighting a losing batt with the bank ... It took them 7 months to change my address, and they debited my months benefits instead of crediting and then told me it was my faul and charged me for the priveledge for their mistake ... Took me 4 months to sort that one out .. But is this lastest one thats worrying me . If they take my benefits to pay for my ex hubbys debt then they leave me with nothing to live on for 4 works . Help and advice please Jayne
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