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  1. Hi everyone. I wonder if some of you might be able to offer some advice. Long story short, my mother in law has split up from her husband who has run off with another woman. My mother in law was in full time employment up to 15 or so years ago and how is a housewife. Her husband has always been the bread winner since they were married and has a good job I would estimate earning around 80K a year. They have a joint bank account which his wage is paid into, and my mother in Law (Lets call her Jan), manages all the household bills. Although she no longer works she is certainly not work shy, but she helps us with the grandkids/babysitting, etc., and has seven dogs (her dogs are her life), so could only get a part time job if needed. They have no savings and seven years remaining on the mortgage. They split about six months ago and all was amicable at first. He used to work away 6 days a week so not a great deal changed, he just didn't come home at all. He told her they should just in effect pretend nothings happened with regards to finances and he would continue with the joint account. The last three months have been different. He has basically been spending money out of the account left right and centre, and rackign up huge bills on their joint credit cards. He has been paying out rent on another property (we assume the new womans), buying furniture, holidays, gifts, all sorts. Jan has been getting letters from everone saying the bills are not being paid as direct debits are being returned, and the mortgage has not been paid for the last 2 months also. Last month he spent £7K!. She has rung him to say the spending has to stop as bilsl are not being paid and he simply said he wil see what he would do, but I think essentially he has wiped his hands of her. As per the thread title she has obviusly been upset for a while but the last week has been suicidal and we have been staying with her in turn as we are that worried. She says the only thing keeping her alive now is her dogs, and obviously if she loses her house she can't keep her dogs so that would genuinly be it. She has always been very black and white and for her now this is simply a matter of fact. She now has piles of evelopes through the door each day that she now can't bring herself to even open. She has been to the CAB who said that she is entitled to no benefits at all as she stopped full time emplpyment before a certain date where the regulations were changed. She has not sponged in her life but right now she needs some real help and we are in debt ourslevves so unfortunately simply cannot bail her out. Any advice you can provide would be greatfully received. If the mortgage continutes to be unpaid what happens next, what kind of timescales, etc. What can she do ? Kind regards.
  2. Hi everyone, I really need advice on this subject as I do not want to make the wrong choice here. I bought a car a few months ago and to cut a long story short, I have found that the the car garage have forged the MOT certificate (not forged by the MOT centre itself, but the garage has put a blank square of paper over the advisory items and photocopied it) showing me the car had no advisories, when it actually had 9. When I got it home I realised it was leaking diesel (which I didn't notice when I picked it up as they kindly left the tank empty for me) and the windscreen had a crack (didn't notice because it was raining). Since then, I have found out the hard way that the fuel gauge was incorrect (they had put the fuel sender in backwards which was causing the leak also) and the car has been kangarooing and bouncing down the road (very expensive wiring fault which has been caused by someone trying to force a part into the car which is not the right one). Now it only drives in limp mode - fabulous! They have also taken £100 more out of my account than agreed. I have reported the garage to everyone - VOSA, DVLA, Citizens advice, trading standards, the MOT centre etc.. and I have written them 3 letters asking them to pay for the repairs to be done elsewhere (I live a 45 min drive from them) and threatening court. They have responded staing they will fix the major problems but will not fix the advisories. Firstly, I do not want them to touch my car as I do not trust them, secondy, why should I accept that I have overpaid for a car I was told was in excellent condition, but later find it has 9 issues that will need addressing soon. Now consumer advice says I have done enough to take them to court but I had better ensure that I have enough proof. My question is: photos of the parts they said they changed (but obviously hadn't), a copy of the forged MOT certificate, an email from the MOT centre stating that they have stopped doing business with the garage as other customers have reported faked MOT's also, a recorded telephone conversation with the salesman yelling at me that I don't understand how MOT's work and all MOT certificates are printed out blank first (that they come in 2 parts and I must have looked at the wrong one when I bought the car - which is not true at all), a conversation with the previous owner who says she traded it in with no problems (to a different garage), a letter from the car garage stating that they charged me £100 extra for a cam belt change (when I have the service reciept which stated all they did was change the brake disc pads and oil filter) - Is this enough to risk taking them to court without giving them the chance to fix the car first, as I do not trust them to fix the car properly or safely! I cannot take the car back here, they are not agreeing to do all of the work i am requesting and I shudder to think of the job they will do. Thanks so much for your replies and experiences
  3. Have just had a call from npower asking me for a meter reading over the phone, I told them that I would do it tomorrow as A) I dont know who she is and b) it is FREEZING outside so I wont be going outside until I have to. I said to her that the meter reader was so rude the other day that I wont be letting anyone I dont know, read the meter anymore, she then told me that my meter HAs to be read by LAW, oh really? Can anyone confirm this? ta very much:smile:
  4. hi, i have read a lot about brighthouse, my partner has had many things over the years, and has paid ocs on everything, the question i have is, the ocs is sold to customers as a must have, but for the first year most goods are covered by the manufacturers guarantee/warrantee, which the workers in the shop fail to inform you. is this not deception. the legal definition of deception is as follows. The Act Of Misleading Another, Through Intentionally False Statements Or Fraudulent Actions. Can I Claim The OCS Monies Paid During The First 12 Months, Of These Agreements, Or Parts Of Agreements Where The Products Where Sent Back. pt.
  5. Can someone point me to some case law for Unfair Dismissal. In summary, someone has been dismissed for something they didn't do, it could have been any one of 4 guys. This person is suffering clinical depression, its already accepted he is covered by Equality Act 2010. He was signed off sick with depression, and whilst he was off sick, he was sacked for gross misconduct. No investigation, no hearing, no right to defend himself, he had no idea it was going on, until they turned up at his house and informed his partner at the front door that he was sacked! A letter followed listing how awful he had been throughout his 4.5 yrs with them, however, not once has he had a written or even verbal warning! Just looking for some case law for similar circumstances (hopes Becky is reading this!!) so I can have a good read up nefore the telephone CMD. The lad is not looking for mega bucks, just his holiday pay and notice, and most of all he just wants to be heard. Here's hoping!
  6. Hello, I've been reading about this topic offline with a lot of interest and there's been some really sound advice. I was hoping the same people could offer some help in my predicament.... I've worked in Dubai for about 5 years, got a personal loan with a local bank to pay for a development project. The project when belly side up. I refused to pay due to the fact nothing was being built, and even after it would have been built, there would be no infrastructure (water, power, sewage lines) to make it habitable. There was also no way to get my money back despite legal action. The developers have since done a runner too. Despite this, I continued paying off the loan. When I was made redundant, I went to the bank to discuss about changing the payment plan, and offering the property investment as collateral. Unsurprisingly they turned it down. In the end, the banks, the infrastructure developers all fall under one roof, I had enough, it was time to go back to the UK. I wasn't happy leaving debt behind. I did want to pay as much off as I could. I left enough money in my UAE account to pay for a year's loan repayments. After 3 years of leaving the UAE, my parents receive a letter today from a UK based law firm that claims to be representing the bank. They claim they have "international jurisdiction" - does that even exists? They are requesting that I reply within 21 days with a plan of how I intend to repay them. Note I have not lived with my parents for more than 16 years, however I still have UK bank statements sent there. Does this implicate them? What should I do about the letter? Ignore it? Return it? Tell them I no longer live there, if anything at all? If they can not contact me, are they able to issue a CCJ without me knowing? And how nasty could this all turn out? I noticed a lot of similar threads deal with DCAs, but I'm being approached by a law firm.....what does this mean? By virtue of hindsight, yes I know it was stupid to invest in Dubai, and yes, very stupid to take out a loan and leave it behind. And yes, the injustice that locals get their loans wiped clean whilst expats get sent to prison (which I think is counter productive), and a bigger injustice that so called investment companies are allowed by the UAE to get hard working people to invest, only for them to get screwed and the big bogus investors do a runner themselves with no repercussions....huff, had to get that rant out the way.... But what's done is done..... I'd be lying if this isn't causing me sleepless nights. Would appreciate any sound knowledgeable advice. Ta.
  7. Hi guys, my wife got a loan from Abbey around 8 years ago for £8000 this was a joint loan with her then room mate and friend. As the room mate was the good one with money at the time the payments were left to her by my wife, who sent her half of the payment which was £100. About 6 years ago my wife no longer spoke to her "friend", but had come to an arrangement with the mother of the ex-friend as the mother could be trusted, the £100 was placed in the mothers account each month, for the first 2 years this was over the counter at barclays bank. For the last 4 years these payments have been made by SO from my wifes account to the mothers account. And now for the problem, it turns out the mother who was trustworthy and the ex-friend who was good with money aint, about 4 months ago there was a open postcard from a DCA from Resolvecall sent on behalf of a company called CapQuest. This postcard told my wife to call urgently regarding her account, when my wife called she was informed that the outstanding balance now stands at £20794.80. I got home from work to find my wife in tears, this company said that there has been no payments made at all since the account was opened and that my wife will need to pay this all. We decided that this didn't seem correct and was going to appeal this decision, my sent a letter of authority to CapQuest for me to speak on her behalf as she gets emotional when she talks to them. A letter of dispute was sent to them which placed the account on hold for 30 days. We had originally called in the police who rightfully informed us that this was a civil dispute, we requested the bank statements for my wife's account to show the SO each month going to here the mothers account. CapQuest also said that they have been trying to get hold of my wife for years, of which we do not understand as we are both on the electoral roll, both on the tenants agreement for are home, my wife has a HP car in her name, and also a littlewoods account and a credit card, it should not have taken long for them to get hold of her. Also surely a default of this size would have affected her credit fill which this was not the case as the listed items above would show, and also we had checked her file with experian a few months before the postcard arrived and she was listed with an excellent score. Is there any advice you guys and gals could give in regards to fighting this issue. I feel that the postcard is in breach of at least one law? and also surely the £20k is a bit steep? Also what can be done about her ex-friend basically pocketing the money? also there was possible rumours that my wife had heard that her ex-friend was now bankrupt due to fines she had been given from benefits fraud. Many thanks in advance.
  8. Hello, I'm working as a security officer in London from last three years and had some problem with my supervisor rude behaviour so sent a grievance complain to HR and the site manager. Site manager didn't do anything to investigate this and said that i don't have any witness and no one formally complained about him so can cannot investigate further but he did not speak to anyone on site if there is any truth of his rudeness and behaviour with other people on site. 8 out of 11 people have problem from his attitude and don't talk to him because he is grass the people and tell so many lies to manager about other people but on other hand he can't even do spellings when write reports. Today I was called in the head office to speak about my matter with HR and the contract manager. They confirmed that I will not be on his shift from next week. Today i presented my contact manager & HR a collective petition signed and dated by other people on site and he got furious and told me if the client knows about it i will be removed from site straight way..... it was sort of the threatening and shocking to me when he reacted on my petition. Just wondering if i get removed from the site where do i stand ? is there any law which says i cannot signed petition etc ... what laws i can follow in worst case scenario. Thanks
  9. Does this mean anything?? http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2012/9/schedule/4/enacted
  10. I can't find this anywhere: Someone I know claims that if you're a part time student, you're exempt from the ESA medical. That can't be right, can it? I've looked through various websites which state the conditions for the exemption from the ESA medical and there's no mention of being a part time student.
  11. Hi - not sure if this is the right forum for my question but I'll post anyway as I am interested to hear others opinions on this issue. It concerns the definition of dangerous or careless driving. In short, I live in a relatively quiet 'residential close' where children play outside on the pavement and in the road - and have done without issue for many years. 99% of the residents enjoy seeing the children playing and have no cause for complaint. However, we have one neighbour who clearly dislikes children and over the past 2 years or so have had a series of issues where she has attempted to 'discourage' them from playing anywhere near her house. I won't got into these here! Not having achieved her aim she has raised her game with this latest incident which has caused great concern from parents. This involved her driving her car off the main road towards her house without slowing down for the children who had to jump out of her way onto the pavement. When they then went back in the road after she had passed she stuck her car in reverse and reversed towards them to frighten them. No child was hurt but her message was clear! There were two adult witnesses to her action who said that she clearly acted out of anger/irritation and I am trying to ascertain whether we have a case here to bring to the police? The incident has been reported but police response has been slow - I am hoping to speak to them directly this week.
  12. My first post so hello there people! I need some help as i am about to suffer from depression! I need information regarding people living with you and wanting to go bankrupt. Long story so bare with me. Me and my partner moved in with the inlaw so we can save up, get married and move out with the intention of buying our first home. The first year has gone so fast we dont even know where our money has gone. The second year (January 6th 2012) my brother in-law landed on the door step with his marriage ending. He loves to drink! He goes out every Sunday now and get plastered and my little 8 year old girl has to see this. Now last Monday he decided to not get up for work (still drunk) and told his boss, he's not going to work for them anymore. so he's walked out! Now he has been out everyday to the pub drinking the last of his money behind the bar. he doesnt pay anything to his mum for food, bills etc. He has a 4 year old girl but not a full time parent. He has maybe £14,000 worth of debt and said he is going to file for Bankruptcy. Please help me with some information i cant find. If he files for Bankruptcy, will the debt collectors or bailiffs look at my stuff and my partners stuff? Will they take anything belonging to us? I own alot of stuff but its all in either the celler or my bedroom. Im going on holiday with my partner soon and dont know if i should take everything i own to my mum or dads house while im away. please help me as any information will be greatful! kind regards. joe
  13. Just wondered if I might get some help in the area of my current situation, any help would be greatly received; I have been a lorry driver for some years having worked for Eddie Stobart until my health deteriorated. Taking stock of my situation and failing health, (I asked for help and this was not available apparently!) I resigned my position as HGV Driver. My brothers partner (transport manager for a tanker operator) told me they have a job. Since she knew about my condition, she said the work was 4 on 4 off which we both agreed, might be better given my medical challenges. I worked for sometime and actually enjoyed the work. Having been trained up, I soon took to delivering bulk powder in tankers. My health deteriorated further to the point where I felt it unsafe to drive and in-brief, had to increase my medication (owing to the pain) making me more susceptible to fatigue. I went on to SSP and have provided my company with all assistance including visiting the company appointed Doctor for a report. No offers of assistance were forthcoming and it was only until my then manager (now working at another depot returned to provide cover for the new transport managers holiday period) informed me that my SSP would soon expire as I had been sick for approaching 6 months. I was unaware this was the case and she said she would post something soon and update my manager when he returned from his holiday. On his return he said the medical reports were vague in terms of my return and the best thing to do given the circumstances was for me to sign an agreement where they paid me off and I "could not sue us for unfair dismissal". Although the money sounds good right now having come close to financial ruin, I feel that my employer could have done more to find me alternative work, especially given they are one of the biggest names in their field and have many contracts in my area. I think the offer being proposed includes paying me my full salary for the notice period and any outstanding holiday pay. Am I right to think they should have offered me assistance in getting back to work or discussing alternatives? I wanted to work for this company and still do but feel someone somewhere is failing in their duties. Any help or advice would be welcome.
  14. Hi Folks, I moved into a privately rented property in March 2012. Agency introduced but landlady manages. I asked her about a strong smell in the kitchen a short time after I moved in, she denied any such smell. This week a plumber came round to sort a small problem with my heating. I asked him about the smell as it has persisted for 6 months, after a short inspection he found a gas leak, he fixed it and issued a Gas Safety Certificate!! My landlady seemed most displeased that I had cost her more money..... The very next day I smelt the same odour, as if there was still a leak. My landylady said by phone "well there is not a lot more I can do, a plumber has said it is sorted, you can move out if you like"!! She did however comment that her elderly mother (who used to live there) had mentioned an odd smell before...... The same afternoon I called out the emergency gas board. Lo and behold they found a gas leak!! The boiler was marked as dangerous and landlady approached to get it fixed ASAP. I have since found out that she is considering selling the property (hence being reluctant to spend out on boiler repairs etc). a) I am angry at her response and the fact I have been living in danger for months b) I was concerned that my gas bill was exceptionally high when I am barely here - can I ask her to knock some off my rent? c) her attittude to mine and my kids safety sucks. Advice please as I feel I am being treated unfairly, she takes £800 a month from me and I have been living in a place with gas leaking since I moved here. I now have no gas to the property until the plumber comes back next week Lynsey x
  15. 1.Law of Mechanical Repair - After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you'll have to pee. 2.Law of Gravity - Any tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible place in the universe. 3.Law of Probability - The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act. 4.Law of Random Numbers - If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal - and someone always answers. 6.Variation Law - If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now (works every time). 7.Law of the Bath - When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings. 8.Law of Close Encounters - The probability of meeting someone you know INCREASES dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with. 9.Law of the Result - When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, IT WILL!!! 10.Law of Bio-Mechanics - The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach. 11.Law of the Theatre & Hockey Arena- At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle, always arrive last. They are the ones who will leave their seats several times to go for food, beer, or the toilet and who leave early before the end of the performance or the game is over. The folks in the aisle seats come early, never move once, have long gangly legs or big bellies and stay to the bitter end of the performance. The aisle people also are very surly folk. 12.The Coffee Law- As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold. 13.Murphy's Law of Lockers- If there are only 2 people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers. 14.Law of Physical Surfaces - The chances of an open-faced jam sandwich landing face down on a floor, are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet or rug. 15.Law of Logical Argument - Anything is possible IF you don't know what you are talking about. 16.Brown'sLaw of Physical Appearance - If the clothes fit, they're ugly. 17.Oliver’s Law of Public Speaking -- A CLOSED MOUTH GATHERS NO FEET!!! 18.Wilson's Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy - As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it. 19.Doctors' Law - If you don't feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there you'll feel better.. But don't make an appointment, and you'll stay sick.
  16. The Scottish Government has introduced a new law aimed at protecting tenants in the social housing sector with rent arrears from eviction. Under the amended Housing Scotland Act (2010) rental landlords will be required to undertake a series of actions before they can refer a tenant to court for eviction action. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2012/06/2337/0 The Scottish Government has stipulated that tenants be offered housing benefits advice and that landlords take “proactive steps” to put in place a payment plan. The new legislation, which came into effect this month, will also allow tenants to reach an agreement on rental arrear payments after a court eviction order has been granted. http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14265/online-news/scottish-law-to-protect-tenants-in-arrears
  17. Once a dca fails to comply with a cca request within the statutory timescales, to whom should a letter of non compliance be sent? I take it both the dca and original creditor can be reported to TS OFT & ICO, therefore both receive an equal spanking?
  18. I applied for a small claims against the defendant in september 2011. There were three parts to the debt - items of mine which the defendant refused to return, a holiday i had booked which the defendant logged in as me and cancelled (i was unable to get a refund from the hotel/airline company) and cash which i sent registered post and had proof of signature. First court date was November 2011. The defendant didn't show, I didn't either due to being 500 miles away and currently on sick leave. The case was struck out and they lost my paperwork. Ideally it should have been dealt with on the grounds of the paperwork alone.The defendant admitted the first part of the claim and sent a cheque to me for the amount. The cheque bounced. A second court date was set for January 2012. The defendant wrote into the courts and said full settlement had been made. The court struck out the case. No settlement had been made, what happened is the defendant paid the money into someone elses account and used my name in the header field to look like it was my account. I sent in all my bank details to the courts to prove no settlement had been made. It took me 6 months of trying to prove this when i think the court shouldn't have taken the sole word of the defendant in the first place. At the start of June, I had a for mention and the judge made a court order that the defendant was to pay. 7 days passed and no payment. However court orders are not enforceable, only decrees and ccjs are enforceable. So I then have to write in again and am wondering why a judgement wasn't just given in the first place since the defendant has been given opportunity after opportunity to pay. Another two weeks pass and i finally get a judgement but its only for the first part of the claim! (which was the lowest amount out of all three parts to the claim and the one the defendant admitted to anyway). I spoke to the clerk and she told me that means the judge disagreed with me. I asked on what grounds but she said she didn't know. Unreal really. I asked if i could appeal and i can but the amount to appeal is slightly more than what i've been awarded. Overall a very bad experience. Is it worth appealing? and on what grounds? is it worth enforcing? The amount awarded was £100 out of a £500 claim.
  19. I own a flat which is tenanted. My tenant contacted me four days ago to say there was water dripping through the lounge ceiling. He had contacted the management agents three times during that day and they only contacted maintenance people at the end of the day. I contacted the landlord of the flat saying that would really appreciate his intervention especially as the obvious remedy was to turn off the water at source! Basically the apathy of the landlord, incompetence of managing agents, unavailability of maintenance has led to this problem continuing depsite daily phone calls, emails to try and get this sorted. the problem getting progressively worse. Finally tis morning a plumber turned up at my flat looked at the ceiling and said - "Looks like the bath!” and there were we thinking it must be the TV! Anyway - currently there is water staining on the ceiling and te potential for theceiling to collapse - does anyone have opinion on who is culpable for repair/decoration? I shoudl say that last year another leak led to another portion of our ceiling collapsing leaving me with (uninsurable) relocation costs for my then tenants who I could not see stay there while repairs took place and insurance excess etc etc. all in all that cost me a fortune I dont see why I should have to take all the pain/workload for something that is wholly originated by the flat upstairs. the landlord upstairs obviously couldnt care less. The flat upstiars is currently untenanted btw. Thanks in advance GIB
  20. Hi, Hope I am in the right place with this, My Mum in law doesn't really have much debt etc but has had credit in the past and always pays household bills on time and basically has a very good credit rating. She is recently widowed and gets around £1000 per month income from pensions. She has asked me for advice about getting a loan to sort out her home ( she shouldn't ask me for advice, my credit rating is terrible) So I was hoping you guys could help. She has banked with Natwest for donkey's years and even has a £3,500 overdraft which she never touches but she is afraid to apply for a loan in case they refuse her saying she can't afford the repayments. I said just apply and see what happens but she won't, she wants to know if they would say no BEFORE she applies (yes crazy I know) So, She wants just over £9,000 for 5 years. The website quotes £197 per month and as I said, credit rating is very good so what do you think they will say? Will they accept her or turn her down? Somebody give me some advice please as she is driving me nuts. She is 64 by the way. Cheers.
  21. Firstly, apologies for harping on about this (as i've already posted on the general issue), but this is a related issue Does anyone have any case law for data protection breach by a UK employer ? I am aware that the majority of data protection complaints are probably settled out of court, (so therefore not public knowledge), but i am struggling to find any case law verdicts that actually were decided in court, and what if any compensation was awarded. To be specific, my employer dismissed me without warning, prior arrangement, representation, or records of minutes taken at 'the hearing'. This is being dealt with by my trade union legal team, so it isn't necessary to gain any further advice at this time. The issue at hand is that my employer sent an email to the entire UK network telling them that they had immediately dismissed me, and naming me in the email within 15 mins of the event, then to prevent any possible defence to this issue they deleted my entire company email account, and all of the emails contained within it within 15 minutes of the event also. The company didn't have my authorisation to release this data, and it was released prior to any dismissal letter, or invitation to appeal. Considering the size of the company, and the nature of the business (welfare to work), i feel that i will have major issues attempting to gain employment in this sector for the forseeable futue owing to the sheer amount of people in the industry that now know about my instant dismissal. So how would a court even quantify this and translate this into a compensation award ? What kind of compensation awards are awarded for breaches of this nature ? And, where would i find case law of a similar nature for cases that have actually been won in court ?
  22. If other agencies I pay bills to acted like SCC they would be seen as bullies and reported to the FSA. I have today recieved a summons from SCC for the privilege of paying them £150 in April and £150 in May, but as I didn't pay on the day they want it as I pay when I have the money, they issued me a summons and added £48 costs. Year after year I pay in full before the next years bill is due, but that seems to make no difference in how I am treated. I wanted to turn up at court as you would in this situation with any other agency and asked where my papers were to send in a defence. There was no Claim Form or particulars of claim. They really didn't want me to turn up at court, despite saying this was what I wanted to do. They make Dick Turpin look like a pussycat. If I haven't been served with the Claim Form and the Particulars of Claim then they have not effected service on me I am told. I have to write and appeal to have the 'Authority costs' of £45 and 'court costs' of £3 removed. Surely these charges cannot ligitimately be demanded? I am incensed by this action and the fact that they can get away with this and there is no agency that they have to answer to.
  23. Pretty damning report. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-2150760/Insurers-auctioning-injury-details-claims-lawyers.html
  24. I recently park in a shop car park an revived parking ticket`s " Parking charge notice" I was told that these kind of tickets you do not have to pay. so I did not pay about 4 weeks later i had a letter threating me to go court so I did not take any notice but a couple of weeks after that i have a notice to owner final reminder telling me i have to pay or else they will forward this to a debt recovery agency. they are also saying i ow £90 where as the fine was 30 if i pay in so many days or else it will go up to 60£ so where has the extra £30 came from what shall i do ? Please help me with some advice!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!
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