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  1. Hi, I received a PCN for parking on Thornton Road, Ilford. This is a narrow road and the parking is allowed with two tyres on the footpath. All the cars were parked in this way so I parked mine the same way to prevent blocking traffic. I was shocked to find a ticket on my car. After checking carefully I found the parking sign which allows parking in this manner except last few meters of the road where my car was parked. However there is no yellow line on the road to restrict parking. Also there were L plates on my car since my wife has a provisional licence and she sometimes drives the car. May be this drew the attention of the traffic warden and I got a ticket. Kindly check the photos and guide me if I can appeal against this ticket.
  2. Hello, I hope that I am on the right forum/ thread. I have received a CCJ claim form for an old mobile phone that was with Orange. It is from Bryan Carter solicitors on behalf of Lowell Portfolio. I have responded at MCOL tonight stating the intention to defend and asked for additional time. The claim was issued on the 21st Jan. We constantly had issues with the signal of the phone and called numerous times over the three months before we stopped paying the contract and took another contract out with another company who provided us with a vastly improved signal. On the times that we called they agreed that there was issues with the local mast being out of order and they admitted that there was a problem. However we have no evidence of these conversations, although I would hope they are on a call log somewhere. There is no information at all about this account with the claim form, No dates of original contract etc. We estimate that we had the contract about 3-4 years ago, possibly longer. The amount is for less than £200. Your advice and help would be greatly appreciated.Many thanks
  3. I received a letter from the county court in Northampton that Welsh Water had decided to take a CCJ against me for over £2000 without warning. I have been away and I only have until Saturday 7th to respond to the CCJ. I lost my job a while back and trying to get another was hard to do and I ended up further in debt and my bank cancelled all my DD to stop me getting more bank charges. I do have just started a new job but it's poorly paid and long hours. With other debts I can't afford this. I hope to defend it. Any advice would be helpful
  4. Hi all, I'm not sure if there is anything that can be done, but I thought I'd check. My wife does our weekly shop in Tesco's using their scan and shop service, where you scan your items and pack them into bags and then pay at the till at the end. She has done this for over a year with no issues at all until last Friday (23/01/15). My wife did the shopping as normal but put a pack of Pampers Night Pants (£5.97) into a bag which she ended up not using otherwise. As a result, she inadvertently failed to pay for them. She left the store but didn't even reach the car before she realised her mistake. Turning around, she walked back into the store to pay for them. As soon as she stepped inside, a security guard took her aside and asked to check her shopping. She tried to explain her mistake, but the guard led her into a back office and called the police. Upon their arrival the police viewed the CCTV and even the police officer admitted that she looked as though she was coming back into to pay for the item. Unfortunately, because the item was over £5 Tesco policy was to involve the police, so my wife has ended up receiving a police caution and a Fixed Penalty Notice for £90, over a £6 item that my wife was coming back in to pay for! We've paid the Penalty Notice, but I was wondering if this is something we should have (or even still could) challenged? I mean, they say crime doesn't pay, but it seems in this case, neither does honesty! Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as I am unable to work and recieve medical benefits and my wife is my carer, so £90 is a lot to lose for an honest mistake. Thanks in advance!
  5. Hi, Just received a letter from a court stating that they have issued a "notice of issue of warrant of control" stating that they will collect goods if payment is not made. It is for a debt i had starting in 2008 i took out hp on a car which was repossesed in jan 2009 as i lost my job and was not able to make payments. this is the first letter i have had from anyone relating to lowel portfolio and as the debt is over £6k and im not working and not able to pay the full requested amount of £6227.16 the court is asking. does anyone have any advice on where to go as i dont want anyone turning up trying to take stuff. Thanks
  6. Hi all. I received a PCN yesterday 21/12/14 for "parked with one or more wheels on or over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriageway (partly on footway) code 62 2" This PCN was issued at osborne grove E17 by Waltham forest council. I had just entered a shop for about 3 minutes, and as I returned the civil enforcement officer was starting to get the ticket ready. I explained my situation to him, that I had just run in to get some calpol for my niece, and that I was able to park here as there are no restrictions and he told me that a tiny bit of my wheel was on the pavement. He said that he is sorry, and carried on writing the PCN. I contested this as my wheel was on the road and not on the pavement. Now he had no time to take pictures of anything and there are no camera's around there. How can I go about appealing this, as I really cannot afford to pay it. Also I'd like to add that I appreciate all the help you guys have given everybody else, and would like to say thank you for all replies. Have a good Christmas!
  7. On 12 November Ofgem issued notice of our proposal to revoke some of the provisions of the confirmed Provisional Order against Economy Energy following improvements in compliance. Read More Here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/economy-energy-provisional-order
  8. Wow what a horrendous few days, im in desperate need of advice and after stumbling across the site i hope and pray you guys can help me, Its a little long winded but i will try and keep to the facts and not ramble on in frustration Logged onto check my file to see a CCJ issued on the 27th nov 2014 (mortimer clarke) Called the court listed on credit file, to tell me the debt etc £3,379 from a car finance agreement through online finance (gmac) 2001, COURT LETTERS WERE SENT TO AN OLD ADRESS, when speaking to mortimer they state that is the address they have for me, so bear that in Mind Car was repossessed approx 2005 here is where it gets interesting the issue for me is in 2009 i made some payments to marlin then i moved address and updated marlin of this address to which is where i live now STILL THIS IS THE INFO I HAVE COLLECTED FROM MARLIN TODAY ON THE PHONE November 2011 i contacted marlin via post to rearrange payments, they have this on their system December 2011, letter from Marlin stating they have received my letter of offer for £10 a month again and enclosed expenditure forms, THE ADDRESS ON THE LETTER IS THE ADDRESS WHERE IM STILL LIVING NOW February 14th 2012 I posted to marlin the expenditure forms back and the completed direct debit mandate ( this was sent first class recorded, also showing on marlins system February the 22nd 2012, A computer system error at marlin has changed my address to one from 2002????, as quoted by a member of staff today it looks like a computer error in 5 days of them receiving the expenditure and mandate the address has changed on the system by itself lol March 5th 2012 a letter has been sent to the address that system has changed from 2002, to let me know there has been an error with the mandate!!! All this time ive been under the impression that the £10 a month has been paid out of my husbands account, never checked to be honest After failing to get hold of me regarding the direct debit mandate issue a letter was sent to really old address (REMEMBER SYSTEM CHANGED MY ADDRESS AND I HAVE CORRESPONDENCE FROM MARLIN WITH MY CURRENT ADDRESS ON) they passed the debt onto Advantice then onto Ruffbrige now in the hands of Mortimer clarke who issued the ccj at another old address that i have not lived at for 6 and a half years, claiming that they had no details on my current address I have been lucky enough to speak to lovely chap at Marlin who gave me all of this information If the ccj would have been issued to my current adress i would have sorted this, for as far as i was concerned it was getting paid, due to the system changing my address ive been issued with a CCJ I want to get this set aside as i feel like this is sooooo unfair Please help me
  9. Hi there Very new here and hoping someone can give me some advice on a claim I've received for a Welcome Finance debt. Particulars The claimant claims the sum of xxxxx being monies due from the defendant Welcome Finance Ltd under a loan agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 which was assigned to the Claimant on xxxxxx. Notice of assignment has been provided to the Defendant. The Defendants loan account number was xxxxx. The defendant has failed to make payments in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement. A default notice has been served pursuant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974 by Welcome Finance Ltd. The claimant has complied, as far as is necessary with the Pre-Action Conduct Practice Direction. Background I took the loan out in 2007, I think I probably stopped paying a year after that. I had lost my job at the time. I have no record or documents relating to this loan now, although I am pretty sure I agreed to PPI and there have been charges added to account. Loan amount was 2k, claim is for over 3k. Having looked at other threads, looks like I need to send a CPR 31.14 - do I send this to MKPD or Welcome? Any other requests that I need to make? I have another week to reply to the claim and I want to defend if I have grounds. Any help much appreciated!
  10. have had an on going dispute with a private Ltd company. They say I owe them money ( and I do) but not as much as they say. They have now issued a summons against me but the claimant is the personal name director of the company ( not in the company name). The invoices sent to me about the dispute are in the LTD company name. Can I dispute this claim on the basis that I do not owe Mr Smith any money, if anyone it is the Ltd company? The claim is for £8K and in the POC they have put " claims interest under S69 f the County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per year from 15/4/2014 to 14/11/2014 ( the date of issue) at a daily rate of £487.42 !!!!!
  11. I very recently took out a new insurance policy with Swinton; this was to replace an existing policy which was also with Swinton, although at a different branch. I gave the new Swinton branch all of the necessary info to set up a new direct debit for the new policy, and then cancelled the existing direct debit for the cancelled policy. I have just received a Statutory Default Notice, served under Section 87(1) of the CCA, from the new branch!! It states that it has been issued due to the fact that I have cancelled my direct debit!! I phoned them immediately and explained that the only direct debit cancelled was for the 'old' policy with a different branch. They stated that as they use the same reference number for all of their direct debits, in cancelling my direct debit for the old policy, their systems believed I had also cancelled the new direct debit. They have re-instated my direct debit over the phone, apologised for issuing me with a DN, and offerred £20 in compensation. I am not concerned about compensation per se, but have raised a complaint with them which they say they must officially respond to within 20 working days, as per the FOS rules? I have asked for confirmation that the DN will not appear anywhere on my credit files, along with more minor questions. Is it likely that the DN will be registered with CRA's please, when I've done absolutely nothing wrong?? They told me on the phone that this won't happen, but I thought all DN's would end up on credit files? As the issuing of it was completely down to their own flawed systems, and no payment has been missed, can I try and bring them to task in some way for their ineptitude please? Is there anything else I can do to ensure the DN will not appear on my credit files please? The complaint I raised with them was done over the phone; will this be okay if I need to take things further please?? (I have had an email from them today, explaining that they have opened a complaint on their complaints system, on the strength of my phone call to them). Many thanks to anybody who can point me in the right direction.
  12. Hi All, Here we go again, this time Quid Market. A little bit of background info first, loan taken out September 2013 due for repayment September 2013. Struggled to pay it back and as with all my creditors wrote to them advising them of my situation making an offer of a monthly payment that was affordable. Various emails back and forth, eventually I commence a monthly payment in February of this year. I make the monthly payments, to date I have made 5 monthly payments including one after the claim was issued. During this time i did receive a few emails asking me to pay more and when I was going to clear the account. I replied stating I was paying the most I could. I thought no more of it, I then receive an email from the legal department stating they could no longer accept my payment offer as I had not filled in the Income and expenditure form. I replied stating I had never been asked to fill one in, but I was happy to do so. Two days after replying to the email I receive another from the legal department stating a claim had been issued. details below Issue Date: 20th June 2014 Particulars of claim: Repayment of short term loan paid direct into the defendants bank account on 05/09/2013. Repayment due 30/09/2013, loan not repaid on due date by defendant as per loan agreement. Proactive written and telephone attempts to communicate with defendant has failed to achieve resolution, repayment or acceptable repayment plan. As per our loan agreement a daily rate of interest has been charged since default. Amount Claimed £384.44 + costs of £35.00 Acknowledgement of service filed 3rd July I intend to defend all of this claim. To be honest I was a bit miffed, can't understand why they would issue a claim when I'm making monthly payments, seems a bit naughty to me!
  13. Hi all I have received a claim form (its a photocopy and looks different) I cannot use MCOL as there is no user name or password. There is a sticker placed over the top left hand corner with a number on but thats all. The history is I had to leave work as I was a whistleblower and my life in the company was being made very difficult, i also found out I was pregnant and left to reduce the stress I was under. My immediate manager was very supportive but unfortunately is was not enough. I had no idea I would have to pay an early termination fee and feel really wronged. I also feel to issue a court claim is really aggressive action. I never worked again since leaving there so was unemployed. I also leased the car from a lease company but the claim has come from the company I worked for? Any advice or support you can give will be greatly appreciated. The particulars of claim are as follows:- The claimant's claim against the defendant is in respect of outstanding lease car rental and early termination fee by the claimant to the defendant at the defendant's request, payment for which is now required. Full details of the invites have been previously supplied to the defendant. The claimant has complied with Sections III and IV of the Practice Direction on Pre-Action conduct. The claimant therefore claims the sum of £3k demand for payment has been made however the stated sum remains due and owing. The claimant further claims statutory interest pursuant to S69A of the CCA 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date the invoice became due to the date hereof being ££28.44 and continuing interest at the stated rate at a daily rate of £0.68 up until the date of payment or judgement whichever is the sooner.
  14. Back last year my OH had a Old CCJ enforced by IND. He didn't bother trying to set it aside, because he said he owed it. I did insist he applied to have the repayments set at a reasonable amount and the court set it at £10.00 per month. 1st instalment to be paid by the 6th of each month starting July 2014. We actually panicked thought it said June and sent off a £10.00 postal order. Then paying by pay point each month as I wasnt willing to let them have a direct debit (too many horror stories about debt collectors helping themselves). We have made 6 payments so far and then today we get a letter saying we haven't stuck to the agreed payment and that they were sending in the bailiffs. We have all the payment records with the who what and the dates on so we are actually 1 month ahead. My OH thinking that they would be reasonable given these facts phoned them and was called a liar and that they were still going to send the balliffs in. I did warn him though what the likely hood of them being reasonable was I'm thinking to myself a letter with attached copies of all the recipts would be more helpful. A Polite letter yet one that says basically jog on. Can anyone maybe give me a few pointers I could throw their way? I will post up a copy of what I can come up with but some one who knows any rules that I can quote at them I don't know,abuse of process maybe. Would be extremly grateful for any suggestorms.
  15. I wonder if the learned amongst you can help me with the following. It is regarding a credit card I took out with MBNA in August 2000. It was assigned to a DCA and the DCA has issued a claim against me. For as back as I can remember whenever I have asked MBNA for a copy of the executed agreement they have supplied the following documents, copies of which I have attached. 1. 1. Signature form 2. 2. T&Cs of credit agreement 3. 3. Financial and related conditions 4. 4. Latest T&Cs When I took out the card, I called MBNA, my details were taken over the phone and a pre-populated application form was then sent to me in the post. I signed it and returned it. I don’t ever remember receiving the two documents (2 & 3) above - T&Cs of credit agreement and Financial and related conditions. Both MBNA and the DCA have insisted they relate to the same credit card and that the document (4) Latest T&Cs were the current ones for the same credit card. A few months ago I applied to have the claim struck out on the basis that the prescribed terms were missing and that the default notice was invalid as it made reference to a non-existent condition. This is really obvious when the documents are checked and cross referenced. I pointed out the following and mentioned Wilson and another v Hurstanger Ltd (1) Condition 3 refers to non-existent condition 2.4. (2) Condition 4B refers to non-existent conditions 2.4, 3.5 and 3.6. (3) Condition 5 refers to non-existent condition 2.1 (4) Condition 5a refers to non-existent condition 2.1 (5) Condition 5c refers to non-existent condition 13.1 (6) Condition 8 (APR) refers to non-existent condition 1.11 (7) Condition 9 refers to non-existent condition 1.8 (4) Condition 13a refers to non-existent condition 2.1 (5) Condition 13b refers to non-existent condition 13.1 (6) Condition 15 is misleading I also pointed out that in the document I signed there isn’t a term stating the credit limit or the manner in which it will be determined or that there is no credit limit. The judge didn’t strike out the claim as she claimed I hadn’t convinced her enough!! Now as the matter stands, the claim will be heard sometime next year. In the mean time, I have successfully claimed back PPI on the account. I am now disputing the default notice on the basis that as MBNA debited PPI premiums without my authority the figure quoted in the default notice is incorrect and invalidates the default notice. The fact that they refunded the premiums without much of a fight is confirmation of this. For this I will be relying on the WOODCHESTER LEASE MANAGEMENT V SWAIN judgement. However a couple of days ago the DCA sent me a new set of T&Cs (headed t&cs just supplied) in the attachments. They now claim that these are the T&Cs that were applicable to my credit card when I first took it out. As you can it is illegible but all the missing prescribed terms seem to be there. Where do I stand with this? If they were T&Cs should they be headed Credit Agreement regulated by the CCA 1974? It just seems a little too convenient that after I raised the above points in court, they are able to produce a document addressing all the missing prescribed terms. Can anyone help me with and offer some advise as to how to challenge them on this. Many Thanks
  16. Hi All, I hope someone can help. My partner & I share a house together. The house, mortgage & council tax bills are in her name. She did pay the council tax until she fell into arrears. I eventually discovered the issue & added my name to the bill in 2011. I have paid the bill ever since. Today I received a letter from the council advising me that they have sent an attachment of earning letter to my employer with just my name on it. It states that in 2010 they applied to the court for a liability order against the property and they are now looking to claim back the 2010/11 payments (£1800). Since then we haven't made any attempt to clear off the arrears so they have used the powers given to them by the order to apply for an attachment of earnings. I was aware of the LO but as the letter regarding this wasn't in my name I didn't receive them. I just assumed that this was now attached to the property & will sit there until the property was sold. Two things don't sit correctly with me. Firstly, My name was not on the charging order. Can they really apply an attachment of earning to my employer if my name wasn't even on the bill at the time? Secondly, My partners name is not mentioned anywhere on the letter? Surely this AOE request should be in my partners name not mine? I hope this makes sense?
  17. Hi can anyone help me with this, it’s driving me insane. I was issued a ticket by a smart car for parking in a loading bay whilst dropping of my dry cleaning. What’s really hurts is that I asked the guy in the smart car if I could park for five mins, he agreed, I was only five mins. Surprise, I then get a letter in the post requesting I pay a fine. I contact the council, find out it was in relation to that day, ask to see the video evidence, which just shows my car sitting in the bay, not approaching the driver or returning to my car. Despite numerous phone calls to the parking dept and speaking with lifeless staff who all agree to look into the matter, not one called or communicated back. The 14 day deadline approaches, I speak to the parking payments team, who advise me to pay the reduced £65 or face the price hike, I relent and pay. Then I get some documents out of the blue saying that the matter has been passed to parking appeals. I complete the paperwork, stating what happened and that I’m pretty aggrieved, but I had paid the fine anyhow, only to receive a letter back saying the council’s decision is upheld and I should pay the fine, and the hiked price. What a joke, I explained to parking that I had paid the fine within the allotted 14 days, gave then a copy of my bank statement, they just say, it not up to us, you lost the appeal, an appeal I didn’t bring. I escalate the matter to the local councillor, who ask the parking manager to review, she apologises to him for the lack of communication, but refers him and me to the appeals outcome, caveat pay up the other £65 or court proceedings will be issued. Am I being totally dumb here, I’ve now had to pay another £65, to keep them from issuing court proceedings. The councillor has now washed his hands, the parking team are just away with the fairies, when you can get them, and im out of pocket to the tune of £130. What next? roll over and never trust a warden who can squeeze into one of those smart cars?
  18. Hi all, I have got myself in a mess and probably do not deserve help as its my own fault but here goes. Today i received a Notice of issue of warrant of control from my local county court. The letter states that I have seven days to make a payment of £172 including fees with a remaining balance of £500. If i do not pay this fee then bailiffs will attend in 7 days. Now I think I recall receiving a claim form several months ago from the Northhampton bulk centre court and I ignored it (I am regretting this now). I have several old debts from the early 2000's when i was a student and have moved several times and some remain unpaid. I am unsure what this debt is for. I also received a letter from Bryan Carter today explaining the warrant of control and saying they may take a payment. I know that this means I have a ccj against me but I have a feeling that the debt was statue barred when the ccj was taken out. My questions are: What do I do next? contact Bryan Carter and do a payment plan? What if the debt was statute barred when the ccj was taken out? by ignoring the claim form is it too late to set aside the ccj? I am currently unemployed (living with husband) so cannot offer a substantial amount per month, how do i negotiate with Bryan Carter? I would be really grateful for any help Thank you
  19. Hi, I was caught on London bus on June .. for using rail pass issued for my friend .. later I got summon to appear on court this 30 , Sept .. 1. for using the pass issued for another person 71 b 2.contrary to section section 25(3) I'm a mom of 2 young children,trying for job and don't want to end up with a criminal record on my name I tried calling tfl in this numbers several times ..(02070279158,02030543595,02030543825,02030544374,02030545522) cant get them (I aimed to convince them by pleading guilty )..please help ..please help .. how can I avoid criminal record ? _Chida
  20. ive just received a judgement for claimant from mkdp llp its for £8399 this is a debt from i presume a credit card which was through my ex wifes address and was kept from me now ive recieved this any advice please as i dont have the money to pay this
  21. I have had a Judgment issued, as the defendant had not responded within the time limit, would you please tell me what happens now? Thanking you in anticipation.
  22. I have just been issued a writ of control on a £43k CCJ that was put in my Bankruptcy in 2010, however the Natwest whom issued the CCJ put a charge on my property before the Bankruptcy petition was finalised and apparently there was nothing I could do as I wanted to keep the property, which was and still is in negative equity. The writ runs out in a weeks time and they can come and take goods even though I've been bankrupt, is there anything I can do.......
  23. Hi all. My wife has today received the following CCJ- It is from a Marshall Ward catalogue account. I lost my job due to ill health, my wife lost hers due to the recession. I am now self employed, but only earning a small amount. My wife is looking after our 2 young children and so is unemployed. We have just checked her credit report. It is listed as Lowell Portfolio and says- Account type: Mail order Started: 19/06/2009 Current Balance: £693 Default Date: 22/11/2010 Default Balance: £486 I think the last payment was maybe 3 - 6 months before the default date. I'm not sure why the current balance (the amount being claimed for plus interest and costs) is higher than the default balance. Surely they cannot charge interest on interest or charges. Due to out financial situation, my wife also has 4 other Lowell accounts from the same time. 4 of these are for different overdrafts all from Barclays. 1 is for £1175, the other 3 are joint accounts totalling about £1100). The 4th Lowel is for a Barclaycard for £4300, also listed under Barclaycard as settled and assigned to CAIS member. I myself have a 4k and 2k loan, £200 (with about another £200 charges) CapitalOne card, and the above overdrafts all defaulted and with debt collectors. We aggressively receive debt collectors letters and phone calls almost daily (mostly from Lowel and their pretend companies). But this is the first time any court action has been taken. We wrote to all the companies showing our I&E and offering a token payment, which was refused, we have ignore all correspondence since. However, this catalogue defaulted 6 months or so after all the others, and we never even wrote. We just stopped paying. We once had a doorstep collector turn up, but I lied and said she didn't live here. We have since moved. We currently each have an active Vanquis credit card with about £3000 combined, never missed a payment. I handle (obviously badly) our finances, my wife doesn't really know anything about how it all works, and cannot being to comprehend representing herself in court. I,m not sure what to do for the best. We are in private rented accommodation, but are awaiting council rehousing as we are struggling. An I&E leaves us about £60 a month short, and that's without including any clothes, luxuries, holidays etc. We have a mobility car and no assets or savings. The Vanquis cards will probably last another month or two before we are forced to default on them. First and foremost I would like some sort of statement from Marshall Ward to explain how they have got to this figure as it seems too high. How do I go about this? Do I contact them, Lowell, Bryan Carter or the court? Also is bankruptcy an option here? Is it too late now the CCJ has been issued? Sorry for all the questions and information. I hope I've been able to give a clear picture. We are against a brick wall now and don't know what to do. Any help would be massively appreciated. Thank you
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