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  1. Hello, Going through my credit file and I have on closed accounts with a UC marker, details of an old logbook loan that was paid off 4 years ago, no defaults, no late payments ever. I wonder why it is there. stupidly it was not the only one I ever took out but they were all paid off. Is it normal for these loans to appear on a credit file? Thanks
  2. Hi all, first time poster here, apologies if I get anything wrong! I bought the car two years ago, immediately set up a direct debit and - foolishly now it seems - thought that was that. You all know where this is going... So, last month my car got clamped outside the house, that was the first I knew that my car was untaxed. It turns out I’ve been driving for a year with no tax, I was (and still am) a broken man . I regularly check my MOT and insurance online, but tax - it just never crossed my mind, the direct debit was set up immediately, it renews, so all good? Surely there’s a major flaw in the system here? The seller didn’t send off the logbook SO the DVLA had no idea I was the registered keeper. And yes, lo and behold, I now find out about the rule that the direct debits will NOT renew unless they have the keepers details... Then when I finally get the logbook it states that ‘this does NOT prove ownership of the vehicle’ - so what the hell does??? The person who taxes and insured it??? Who then has their direct debits not renewed by the DVLA??? Adding to this is the fact that the missus is not on her logbook (I am) yet they renewed her direct debits??? Also I have two vehicles also registered with the DVLA. The police also found me within two weeks a few months back for speeding (33 in a 30...) It just seems so wrong? Is there ANYTHING I can do about this? I’m guessing not etc etc but if I start getting the fines coming through as they’ve spotted me on camera 6 times over the past year I won’t be able to afford that... All this because they didn’t renew the DD? And doesn’t the fact that they did with the missus ruin their argument? Apologies but I’m completely out of my depth here and don’t know which way to turn. Would a magistrate see common sense and see the flaw in the system here? Is it worth heading to court to argue my case? Thanks Mike
  3. On 25th March 2016 I purchased a van to be used for my business. I carried out an online HPI check before agreeing a deal which was clear of finance. Unfortunately this was on my phone at the time and no longer have a trace of it as it was 20 months ago. I paid £5000 cash and received the log book on the day of sale. Today I had a note posted at my home address from a bailiff company. On ringing their office they informed me they had attended to reposses the vehicle. They told me to ring another company called Varooma to whom explained the situation and have now sent a new keeper questionnaire to them detailing the sale. They have said that I will be liable to pay the debt owed or the van will still be repossessed however at this stage have not told me what the amount is. They said there will be a meeting with a manager tomorrow and they will then inform me. Problem is this vehicle is my lively hood but will also affect the jobs of 3 other staff if this vehicle is taken away. Any help or ideas would be appreciated. I have also now got the Bill of sale registration number which I will check with the high court that it is valid.
  4. Hi Guys, The story goes, purchased a car from Lincolnshire from a couple. Paid in cash. Did a HPi check (Basic one) and everything clear. The couple signed receipt to say no finance etc. HPi check done with cazana. Car purchased March 2017. No logbook received i contacted the couple and it looked like they was playing games. i applied for a logbook myself and came with 2 weeks. Did a further HPi check with cazana.com in April 2017 as was getting worried why the logbook hasn't come and the HPi came back clear with no finance etc. I sold the car on the 06/06/2017 on eBay and the buyer advised me he has done a HPi check and there is outstanding finance. I then went back to the HPi I did with cazana.com and now it shows a 36-month agreement taken out on the 10/11/2016! I have removed it from eBay and apologised to the buyer. Contacted couple and the wife has advised me that she is no longer in contact with her husband and she can’t pay it off and is sorry they didn't tell me about the loan! Today I get a letter from Loans2go saying the car belongs to them and there is a BOS. Contacted HPi company who are looking into it. Where do I stand here? The couple duped me. Such a disgusting thing to do to someone. I have called Loans2go and asked for the BOS. I’m so upset with all of this. When I contacted the couple their mobile phones were dead I managed to track them down on Facebook to which at the start she was like don’t worry I will sort it out when I’m back from my holiday. Such horrible people out there. I’m a student and cannot afford such a loss, it would mean I have to drop out of university for 1 year and work as I pay my own fee’s. The lady is giving me a story that she cannot pay this loan as she is a single mother now with a disabled child.
  5. Good morning, I have found that my wife has taken two loans out with Car Cashpoint, one in 2012 and the second last year 2014. I have checked the agreements and Bill of sales and they appear all correct and registered. I have seen on here that the issuing of 2 bill of sales is legally not correct and maybe fraudulent. Can I ask why please? They did not clear the first account with the second loan just gave a top up.
  6. the law commission has opened a consultation to give consumers greater protection when taking out a logbook loan http://www.lawcom.gov.uk/unfair-law-fails-to-protect-logbook-loan-consumers/
  7. So I part exchanged my car in the middle of last year; sent off the slip to the DVLA and thought nothing more of it. Then December last year I started getting letters from the DVLA etc saying my car wasn't insured. I sent off the proof of sale and they sent me a document telling me I was no longer the registered keeper. So it seems like they never received the original paperwork and I'm now still being pursued for not having insurance for a car I have proof of sale of! This seems ridiculous to me - do I really have to defend myself against this?!!
  8. Hi, Been reading this forum the past few weeks and has been incredibly useful; here's the story in summary: took out a logbook loan last June with a company in England (I reside in Scotland and they came up to get it signed etc and took the log book). Since then have paid most of it but since have become in dispute as changes at work re-negotiated a slightly lower amount and then they called constantly for the difference; regardless of the new agreed amount etc. Having read this forum, I wrote to Royal Court of Justice and they have advised they have 'It is showing no record for the information you have provided me with' when I provided the car registration, make and my full address & details etc. Where do I stand now moving forward? As I understand that if they have no record of this then it hasn't been registered and the BOS is void technically although the company still have the logbook etc and are making threats now re: repossessing the vehicle etc.... Thanks, Jason
  9. Sk3ndall

    V5 Logbook

    Hello new the forum so apologies if this has already been asked. I'm looking at trading my car in within the next week or so and have realised I have lost my logbook (Yes i do own the car), because I'm moving address as well the DVLA says it will take 4 to 6 weeks to get a replacement. Can i still trade my car to a garage without my logbook?
  10. Hello, Just wondered if anyone can advise. A friend has recently purchased a vehicle through ebay. Shortly after the updated V5 was received a letter was received advising that the vehicle had outstanding finance and that it will be repossessed on the 23rd of this month. I have done some digging and it transpires that the previous owner never sent the V5 off and that the logbook loan was in fact taken out by the previous - previous owner. I have the name and address of the previous, previous owner as it is on the logbook, furthermore I know where they work as it is on their facebook profile, that I had a cheeky look at. I have not made contact yet. Not really sure what to do now at this point, can anyone advise? I have spoken to the loan company, who don't really want to know. Time is obviously of the essence as it is due to be repossessed next week. I really would be grateful if any advice!
  11. I am new here and this might be a strange query I have logbook loan and want the company to take the car they are offering me every alternative but to take it. I have just lost my job and have no means of finding the £200 per month as I have to prioritize my income for rent etc. I can not afford the car and informed them of this last month, they said they would reduce the payment. I told them it was a waste of time reducing the payment as I still could not afford that. I missed that payment and spoke to them this month and told them I would also be missing this months payment. Again told them they are free to come and take the car. Instead they offered for me to pay last months payment (plus late fees) and another payment later this month. It looks like they are just trying to add on as much interest and charges before they do take the car. Can they do this? If I am telling them please take it. The amount outstanding on the loan is £1500. The car is worth about 3,800. I so far have paid over 3k (incl late fees etc) on a 1200 loan. Thanks in advance for advice.
  12. Hi everyone, looking for some help on where to go now! My car was lifted by a logbook loan company today (Loans 2 go) apparently the previous owner took out a log book loan on the vehicle in March 2013. I bought the vehicle in May 2013 and had no correspondance sent from Loans 2 go to inform me that there was any outstanding finance on the vehicle. The guy who was loading my car onto his truck was the first I knew about it. I have spoken with Loans to go they say there is a £3000 loan outstanding (original loan was £650) and that I need to pay that to get the vehicle back. However the guy that sold it to me had the logbook (must of applied for a duplicate as L2G have a log book in their possession) and the check I did on my phone never flagged anything up as outstanding (I have since learnt these checks do not include finance information). I bought this car in good faith it was clean, he had a log book and all the numbers matched etc. What can I do who can I speak to to deal with this for me anything I say to them falls on deaf ears. We cannot afford a solicitor to deal with this I also want to send them copies of the receipts for the parts we bought for the vehicle which we want back as legally I own them!! Anyone know what I can do???
  13. Hi All Today i had a letter from logbook loans concerning my car. As i have just bought a vehicle from a garage which advertised the vehicle on auto trader as being hpi clear i trusted that it was hpi clear as the vehicle was bought from a garage. the debt was taken out in January 2014. After doing further inquiries with the garage he used a text message service and emailed it to me suggesting it was hpi clear. I called the number on the text message service that the garage used and it appears that he only had a data check done on the car not a hpi check (i believe that false advertising was used here). Then i contacted auto trader and asked for copies of the original advert which have been provided. Its fair to say both auto trader and the company that the garage owner purported to get an hpi check on are not happy and both have contacted trding standards. However it leaves me withe original debt which i will have to (and intend to) fight through the courts. My car is being hidden atm any ideas of what to do next as to shutting garage down nd fighting debt
  14. Citizens Advice warns that without a change in the law, more and more innocent second-hand car buyers could have their vehicle taken from them because of an outstanding logbook loan from the previous owner. New research with 874 used car buyers, released by the national charity today, finds: 63% of used car buyers did not check if the car they were buying had an outstanding loan attached; 2 in 5 drivers have never heard of a log book loan; 44% did not know they could have their car taken away by a log book lender, even if they are not the original borrower. Logbook loans, officially called bills of sale, are often taken out against a car. If a borrower fails to repay the loan, the car can be seized by the lender. But if the car is sold on while the loan is still outstanding and payments are not being made the logbook lender is legally entitled to take away the vehicle from the new owner. Evidence from Citizens Advice, released earlier this year, found one in five people who reported a problem to Citizens Advice about logbook loans had had their car repossessed despite not being the original borrower. Analysis from the charity also found the number of logbook loans taken out this year could reach 60,000; a rise of 61% on 2011. An increase in loans means an increase in risk for used car buyers. One man came to Citizens Advice after he had spent £1,100 on a second-hand car but a few weeks later he received a letter from a logbook loans company saying he owed £637. Despite contacting the loan firm to explain the car had be sold to him and providing the loan firm with the seller’s address, someone still turned up to take the car away. Worried he would lose his car and not have a way to get to work, he borrowed money in order to pay off the other person’s loan. Drivers can carry out checks to see if there is a loan attached to a car before they buy it. But not all loans will show up and often there is a cost for searches to look for loans. Citizens Advice wants the law to be changed so that logbook lenders cannot repossess someone’s car if they are not the original borrower. People who take out logbook loans also need better protections to make lenders treat them fairly. http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/index/pressoffice/press_index/press_210140623.htm
  15. Action needed on the shady lenders who can take your car Aggressive behaviour, sexual harassment and death threats are just some of the brutish tactics logbook lenders used to intimidate customers, reveals new evidence from Citizens Advice. The charity exposes the murky world of logbook loans as it finds borrowers face high interest rates, ridiculous charging structures and bamboozling language. Citizens Advice analysed 261 client cases about logbook loans which were reported between February 2011 and January 2014. New voluntary practices for the industry were introduced in 2011 but Citizens Advice evidence suggests this code of conduct is being flouted. One in five people had had their car repossessed despite not being the original borrower. As it stands, cars sold with a logbook loan against them can be repossessed by the lender even though the new owner did not take out the loan. The car had been sold with the loan still attached to it and the new owner was completely unaware as the loans don’t have to be registered. Citizens Advice wants this practice to be reversed and is calling on the Financial Conduct Authority and Government to require lenders to get a court order before they can take away someone’s car and to stop repossessions of cars that have been sold on with loans. Logbook loans, or ‘bills of sale’ as they are known officially, are often taken out by people who find it difficult to get credit elsewhere as they’re able to secure the loan against their car. If the borrower struggles to keep up with repayments the car is taken away without any official process. http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/press_20140217
  16. I need some urgent assistance. I took out a logbook loan with a company called varomma. I have defualted on payments. they have on several occasion sent round balliffs, but as the car is in a locked garagre they have not been able to get it. I contacted them last june had been made redudant suffered a bereavement and could not make the 500 a month payment but offered 200. sent banks statemnets and debtline budget sheet showing what i could afford i had no response, however they took 2 paynets of 200 in july. i contacted them in september again writing to them stating my case no response, until january this year when ballifs came round and threnatened me with high court writs and the fact that they can break down my doors etc. I have 4 little chiuldren on my own i broke down and then agreed to find 4000 pounds and then 200 for 10 months. I have not been able to do this they now say pay 1000 by the end of the week and we will agree to taking 300 a month although they have alredy sent the matter to repossesion to get a high court writ worried sick and frigthened what can i do? thanks for yourhelp in advance
  17. Hello again! I'm back with more issues again! haha. I swapped a 2006 BMW 330d that was a little worse for wear for a 2007 Seat Leon FR, using a website called Swapz. I obviously HPI'd it before hand and all come back clear, and as the cars where worth a similar value, and the BMW needed a little mechanical work I thought I got a good deal... Until someone messaged me on Facebook saying they had seen my car on a Seat Leon Page I had posted on, and they where going to swap for it but didn't as it had outstanding finance... I was quite blunt with them thinking they where taking the mick and said I'd HPI'd it and that all was fine. I even copied a screenshot of the Clear HPI into the conversation, and it was then I realised it didn't show finance details!! I then paid for a premium check with a different company, and sure enough it showed that it might have outstanding finance as the plate had been changed (it has a private one on it now) The chap who informed me was a motor trader who explained he had seen this before, and assumed it was a logbook loan. People take out logbook loans, then put the car on a private plate making it harder to trace before selling it on... Anyway... The HPI check I done told me to ring them for more info, so I did. The chap on the phone explained a little more, and then got in touch with the finance company to get some more info. It turns out the Company is Santander - and that the best advice is to go back to the person I got the car from, which isn't possible (he wasn't actually registered keeper on V5 as hadn't had it long!!) The Finance was taken out in July 2013, and I am the 3rd owner since then!! So, now what? The V5 is currently with DVLA, and the car will be registered to me at my home address any day now. Santander will obviously come looking for it, but where do I stand legally? I suppose first port of call is to find out what type of finance is held against the car, and how much outstanding?? Can anyone advise please? Thanks in advance, Tony.
  18. Wonder if anyone can help with my situation please I am a bit unsure what to do. Just over a year ago I (stupidly) took out a logbook loan on my vehicle for £1360. The repayment agreement was £40.11 per week for 156 weeks. The idea was to use it as a short term loan and settle the balance off a couple of months later avoiding the ridiculous interest rate for keeping the loan for the full term. (£6257.16 repayable). Unfortunately circumstances changed I lost my job and was unable to do so. I kept up the payments for 11 months until July 2014 and have repaid in total £1407.69 to date. The payment arrangement on the contract states weekly however I was told I could also pay monthly- which I had been doing since the start of the agreement. Due to loss of employment in November 2013 and again in July 2014- I fell slightly behind on payments. 6 weeks behind- which is not even 2 late payments when paying monthly. The logbook loan company at both these times instructed high court enforcement officers to attend my address to recover the vehicle. I explained to them on both occasions that I was not even 2 payments late and only £240.66 in arrears and they left after 30 seconds with no further action. After the first time I gained employment again quite quickly so was able to bring the arrears up to date. In July- I contacted the logbook loan company to try and set up a reduced payment plan that I could afford whilst unemployed. They were extremely unhelpful and refused point blank to accept anything less than £30 per week- which I started to pay weekly. I requested a full statement of my account to see exactly how much I had left to pay and the settlement figure should I somehow be able to settle it off once I gained employment. Upon receiving this- I noticed that they had added on extortionate charges for instructing the high court enforcement officers on 2 occasions. All they did was knock on my door speak to me for 30 seconds and then leave. No recovery action or any other action was taken. Yet the logbook loan company added a total of £900 in "recovery charges" onto my account despite nothing being recovered. Obviously I was unhappy about this and after much discussions getting me nowhere told them I would stop repayments until they removed the charges from my account. They refused- instructed a solicitor- and I now received from them a county court claim through the post with a "return of goods hearing" to take place in 4 weeks time. The claim details the full £6257.16 repayable for the full term of the agreement minus the £1407.69 I have paid plus additional costs and interest of £900 bringing the total to £5793.96. I have no idea what a return of good hearing entails- or what my best course of action is. Can anyone help?
  19. Hi i revieved a letter from the dvla stating that a vehicle that was registered to me was used not taxed on the road. The vehicle in question was sold by me on ebay as a non runner just over a month previous to a motor trader in bolton area who had it recovered fom me in nottinghamshire. As per i had the trader section filled in and posted it a day or 2 after the sale with them taking the rest of the V5 logbook. Since receiving the first letter i have sent away the ebay sale and covering letters as an appeal to the dvla. All was still refused and they again requested payment from me or to go to court. The offence was in bolton and the logbook has now been transferred onto another owner (i assume he fixed it and has since sold it) 1. Am i liable for this fine having sent away the traders section? 2. With the vehicle being driven in bolton and me being in my home town that day does that not matter? 3. Could i find out if he had trade plates on the vehicle? Any help or response would be greatly appreciated as i feel this is really unjust and cant believed im being how i would say "treated like a criminal" The fine is for over £200 aswell Thanks in advance Sean
  20. Hi all, Purchased car from Private seller for Cash (Have receipt, logbook, service history MOT, proof of ID etc) Did basic HPI Check which showed Cat D - Negotiated lower price for car. Forward on two months. Yesterday, I received letter from Hermes (LBL) with photocopy of two pages of Bill of Sale. In 21 days they want the car back or me to pay pretty much the same amount I already paid. BOS was stamped at court 4 days after bill was signed. Also did HPI check and it shows as registered with HPI on day BOS was signed, I have seller's mobile, email, linkedin, facebook, but no contact can be made. So right now, I guess I am out of luck. Does anyone have any ideas of help? Would be willing to speak to a solicitor, but I am not sure how to find one who knows about these things. Thanks.
  21. Hi Need some help with a logbook loan I've foolishly taken out with easylogbookloans.tv (Christian Gachet) Took it out last December and it's for 12 months so due to finish next month. I've had trouble keeping up with payments of £362 per month. Currently I'm 1 payment and a bit in arrears, this will increase to 2 and a bit payments at the end of the week when the next payment is due. I can't make up my arrears, I can probably pay one payment by the end of the week but that will mean I will get behind on other things such as my mortgage. My first question is, can I use a debt management plan in respect of this debt? I have tried to negotiate with the company directly but they have been really unhelpful. I have quoted bits of the code of practice which they are signed up to but they still seem to be making things as difficult as possible. That's why I wanted someone else to take over if possible so everything is more official. Secondly, they have been saying more or less every month that they have issued a default notice. I really don't think they have an believe this to be a scare tactic. I have asked for a copy of the default but they just haven't sent it. Their latest response when chasing this was that the bailiff who comes to repossess my car will have a copy of the default notice. This doesn't seem right..does the default notice have to be issued in advance and therefore give me some sort of notice? Thirdly I've moved..how long will it take for them to trace me? I'm not on the electoral roll at my new address. Was hoping if they were going to repossess my vehicle, it would take them a while to find me by which time I will have raised funds to pay off the arrears. Just to note that my car is worth approx £5k and my outstanding amount to the company is about £1200 I think so I'm not prepared to surrender my car. I want to pay off the logbook loan then sell my car to help my financial issues. Any help is appreciated!!
  22. Hi I'm new to this so apologies if I do things wrong... I need some advice and fast. Last September I fell into financial difficulties and needed to raise a large amount of money fast to stop my house being repossessed, I was £1,500 short so I contacted a company called Varooma online to enquire about taking out a logbook loan secured against my car (Stupid I know but I felt desperate at the time) an hour later a female agent was at my house telling me that I could have the money in my bank account in 20 minutes and all my worries would be over. I signed on the dotted line agreed to make monthly payments of £193 over 18 months meaning I pay back £3,474 ( yes what an idiot but like I said I felt desperate) for the first few months I managed to make the payments ontime but in January I was 5 days late when I rang up to pay - they asked me for £400 ! They said this was late payment fees, I told them I only had £225 in my account so they said Ok that will do, this happened on four more occassions and they have accepted £200, £230, £210 & £218. At the start of June I knew I couldn't make my payment until the 19th (payment day should be 1st of the month) I rang and told them and they said that was fine, however the very next day the agent that came to sign me up for the original loan came to take my car.. . I went mad, got on the phone to them and they said unless I paid £700 she was taking it! my sister came to help asked her to leave and told me to drive my car off which I did and kept it hidden until I made my payment on the 19th, when I did they accepted £195 and said they would cancel the repossession order. I told them my July payment would be paid on the 31st they said this was fine. On the 31st July I rang to tell them I would be making payment on the 1st as money hadn't cleared into my account ( I have pre-payment card sometimes takes a day for money to load on) they said this was fine. I rang yesterday to make payment they said my card had been declined I asked them to try again, he refused and said contact your bank and find out what the problem is and call us back. decided to wait until I got home and check online, when I got home I found that they had been and towed my car away!!! They want £1,300 to release it back to me £495 for the recovery people, £193 for my months payment and the rest is late payment charges!!! They are refusing to show me the Bill Of Sale. Please can someone help me?
  23. Hi Peeps A very good friend of mine bought a vehicle (private sale) sold as seen on the 7th february2013. Great buy, no problems very happy with purchase until yesterday. It would seem the previous owner took out a logbook loan in December last for £850.00 . This was not disclosed at the time of sale. The logbook loan company have now traced the vehicle to its new owner and are now demanding she pays the sum of £650 within 21days or they will repossess . Can anyone help in what to do next ? Low and behold the seller is not answering phone or door.
  24. Hi anyone who has any ideas on this subject. right i took out a logbook loan in sept 2012 for £1000 i then sold the car jan 2013 with every intension of clearing off the loan april , i phoned loans to go last week to get a settlement figue and they say i owe nearly 2k to settle. i only sold the car for £1400 ,i have been paying 160 quid a month since sept. i need to know if there is anyway of negotiating an early settlement, what if i file bankruptcy ??? i want these of my backs asap but i dont have 2k
  25. Please I need some advice 'I took out a logbook loan in Dec 2011 for £700 repayment was 2500, today I received a statement (first one I have ever received) on looking at this I have noticed that they have charged me £12 late payment charges every 7 days that my payment has not been received this was also charged for every letter, email or sms they sent, sometimes this could be 2 or 3 times in the same day as they emailed me and sms me on the same day. I have also noticed that they have not put onto the statement my 22nd and 29th March payments, I will do a more thorough check to find out if anymore of my payments are missing. I will be contacting them about the missing payments. They say I still have £1000 outstanding but with the missing payments (the 2 I mentioned) and the charges they have applied this could actually drop that down to only £500 I owe them. My question is can I claim back the charges they have put onto the account? PS: I have my logbook as a new look one was issued during last year and the DVLA sent it to me.
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