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  1. Hi all I really need some advice please.. Yesterday i received a letter from T-mobile stating that I owe them £57.28. and that this debt has now been sold to Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd. It requests I pay them in full or contact them to setup a repayment plan etc... It also says that any queries etc i have on this should be sent directly to Lowell as they now own the account. Also the letter includes another letter headed by Lowell with how to pay etc says what happens next... If you pay this in full we will update your credit file and update the default?to satisfied. I currently do not have a default or any entry on my credit file from T-mobile or Lowell... What do i do??? i have no knowledge of any outstanding debt from t-mobile this account is 4/5 years old and was registered to my parents address.. T-mobile have never tried to contact me previously regarding this debt otherwise I would have just paid it... I Really don't want Lowell to place a default on my File as I've been working really hard for the past 4 years to clean up my file. The letter is dated 27th November and received on 3rd November but it says the account was sold on the 30/10/2013 I've drafted the below letter to t-mobile shall i send them a letter?? ----------------------------------------- Dir Sir/Madam Reference: xxxxxx I recently received a letter from your selves advising me I owe £57.28 and the debt has now been passed to Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd. I am completely unaware of this outstanding balance as I considered the account fully closed and settled approximately 6 yearsicon ago when my mobile phone contract with yourselves ended and I received no communications suggesting otherwise. I am completely disgusted and upset that it has taken yourselves approximately 6 years to contact me regarding this outstanding amount especially when the address you have on file Is still my secondary address at which I still receive mail. I am also Very upset that this has now been passed to a 3rd part company without even contacting me to discuss the balance first. Your lack of Professionalism and poor customer service has surprised me for such a large organisation and has made me consider ever using or recommending using your business in the future. If you believe this balance is still outstanding please can you send me a full breakdown of this outstanding balance including past payments for the full duration of the contact, any late payment charges and an original signed copy of my contact agreement with yourselves. I request you contact the third party to advise that until a time this information has been provided I will only be dealing directly with yourselves.
  2. How many of you have been taken to court by MM? I have had my hours drastically cut and can barely pay the household bills so I can't pay the loan off or meet the monthly payments. My options are pay in full, pay the monthly instalments, give up the car or they will take me to court and apply for an attachment of earnings. I no longer have the car (long story but I didn't sell it on). I have offered £50 a month until I am back on my feet but that won't even cover the interest. If they take me to court they won't get £50 as the money just isn't coming in. Any thoughts?
  3. Hi there, new to this site and looking for some advice. I recently ordered a mobile phone upgrade through an online retailer that would come with a free gift. The gift was to be dispatched after 7 days of the mobile arriving from a 3rd party supplier. Upon receiving the mobile, it was not upto standard as it appeared to be a refurbished phone and not a new handset as advertised. Also my network had no knowledge of the upgrade and said that the sim the retailer had sent me was in fact a disconnected sim! So I cancelled the order, returned the handset and faulty sim within the 7 day period. That was 11 days ago. Today an unexpected parcel arrived from the 3rd party and low and behold its the free gift! I contacted the retailer using their online webchat facility (so I could have a copy of the conversation for fallback), I did not let on that the gift had arrived and instead asked for confirmation that the contract was cancelled which they confirmed. I then asked if the free gift was likely to still arrive and have to be returned or was it cancelled. The operator replied that "this has also been cancelled along with the order therefore you will not be receiving this item"! Where do I stand with this? Am I entitled to keep the item (a PS4 so worth over £350!) as they have stated that it has been cancelled and wouldn't arrive (even though I had it right in front of me!) are they likely to later ask for its return? Checking on the 3rd party websites terms and conditions the contract for the gift is between the retailer and themselves and not me so they shouldn't ask for it back? Sorry its a bit of a long winded post but just wanted to make sure I had all the details for everyones opinion/advice. Thanks in advance
  4. I made a call from my virgin mobile to Traveline 08712002233 to find out if a certain bus route was operating as normal tomorrow, as the young person I look after was panicking about getting to her boyfriend's for Christmas. I was on the phone for 2 minutes 45 seconds. A bit later I had a text from virgin saying I had nearly reached my credit limit. I was confused as my bill is only normally about £25. I went online to check my bill and I have been charged £67.94 for this one under 3 minute call! Does anyone know if this is correct? And is there anything I can do about it I'm a full time foster carer and can't afford to pay this. Any advice would be appreciated.
  5. A few years ago my wife had an account with 3 mobile. She cancelled the account and waited for a final bill. Instead of sending the bill they referred the debt to a collection agency which we paid, but were pretty miffed. Two years later, completely out of the blue, we get a letter from Lowell financial trying to claim an amount of £55.83 on the 3 account. We have asked for a copy of the final bill, which resulted in them sending it on Lowell headed notepaper, and also for the statements, which they have failed to produce. Where do we go from here? I am loathed to end up with a credit default for something we don't owe, but we refuse to pay what is essentially blackmail.
  6. I'm looking for some advice regarding an issue I'm having with T Mobile. I had a contract for nearly two years (mobile phone & mobile internet). I wrote to T-Mobile in July 2013 asking to cancel my contract, forward me a final bill and give me the PUK code so I can transfer my number. About a week after I sent them a letter to cancel I cancelled the direct debit. The only response regarding the account was in August when I received a letter from a Debt Collection Agency trying to claim a lot more than what the final bill should have been. In August 2013 I wrote another letter to T-Mobile requesting that my contract is cancelled, no response but the letter was sent by Recorded Delivery and they did sign for it. I wrote another letter in September 2013 requesting that my contract is cancelled and I also requested a copy of their complaints procedure. This letter was also sent by Recorded Delivery, they signed for it but still no response. I also sent an email and letter to the CEO but they didn't reply either. It is now December, five months after I originally requested my contract to be cancelled and for T-Mobile to send me a final bill. This morning I received a letter from Buchanan Clark and Wells regarding this account, they claim it is the second letter they've sent me but it's not, it's the first. The letter is a "Notice of Intended Visit" and the wording would suggest that they intend to visit regardless of whether a debtor agrees to a visit or not (surely these type of threatening letters should be banned). The letter also had a balance which is about five times more than I believe is actually owed. I personally have no problems with a visit but the address isn't mine, it's a relatives, I'm only using it as a mail address as I'm currently sofa surfing. I checked my Credit Report this morning with all Credit Reference Agencies to find that T Mobile is now updating my file on a monthly basis as 'Payment Late' when the contract should have been cancelled and settled by now. They haven't yet registered a Default. My credit history is poor but I'm trying to clean it up and I really don't want another default so would like this sorted out sooner rather than later. I'll be looking for permanent housing after the New Year so would like as clean a Credit File as possible. I've made several attempts to contact them and can prove my attempts to contact them but feel like they are making no attempt to respond to my letters. Very poor customer service from them. I'm really not sure what to do now regarding this account or if there's much I can do.
  7. I have taken out a mobile phone contract a few days ago, not impressed as its gone through lots of data. My question is am I entitled to cancel under the distance selling regulations> I took the contract out online. Thanks
  8. A cap on the cost of bills from stolen mobile phones is to be introduced after the government reached agreement with four operators to end "shock bills", the culture secretary Maria Miller will announce. As the government steps up its response to Labour's campaign on the cost of living, Miller will say that the four mobile phone companies have also agreed to stop unexpected price rises in the middle of a contract. The agreement with EE, Three, Virgin Media and Vodafone is almost identical to the plans outlined last week by Helen Goodman, the shadow communications minister, who announced plans to end the "great phone rip-off". http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/dec/03/stolen-mobile-phone-bills-cap Here are details of the new measures to protect mobile phone users from "shock bills", which are expected to be enforced from next spring A new liability cap - expected to be £50 - on mobiles that are lost or stolen A right to be informed if prices rise mid-contract A right to break off the contract without penalty if they don't want to pay higher rates BT, Sky and TalkTalk have agreed to support Government efforts to eliminate EU roaming charges by 2016.
  9. Hello I would be grateful for some help with a debt. A while back I had a mobile phone contract with Three. Got into difficulties and started to repay the debt. This was contract no1. I recall receiving a marketing call from Three offering a sim card / possibly another contract with Three. I don't remember all the details as this was years ago but I think the offer was something like £30 a month plus any calls I make. This was all done via telephone and no paperwork was signed. Contract no2. A sim arrived but I never used it. I would occasionally receive letters from Three as well as various debt collectors which I ignored. I have now started to receive letters from Lowell and the are chasing over £600 from me for contract no2. Whilst I admit I should have sorted this out before it spiralled out of control, I am at a loss as to what I need to do. I cannot afford to pay £600. Incidentally this amount is still climbing - I am not sure if any of it are charges. All I know is that I never made a single call on the new sim. I would like to know what steps I should take to resolve this. Many thanks MBK
  10. Heard on news that they are going to try and make hands free mobile phones illegal in vehicles. What are your thoughts on this:?::?:
  11. Have had an ongoing issue with Talk Mobile for the last 3 weeks. Around the 20th October i lost my phone while out shopping, i reported it lost to The Carphone Warehouse as this is where i purchased phone etc. The phone was barred but upon returning home somebody had contacted my son via my phone and posted it back to me. I immediately returned to The Carphone Warehouse where they again contacted Talkmobile to unbar the phone. On the 29th October my phone stopped connecting to the network as i only have a mobile phone i had to email Talk Mobile to try to resolve the issue, nothing worked not even a new sim card. Returned phone via TCW for repair on the 04/11/13, this was returned to store on 12/11/13 unrepairable as it was reported the phone had been blacklisted. Spoke to TM on the 11/11/13 to resolve the blacklisting and was told that when i collected it on Wednesday that they phone would be working. Went to collect Wednesday phone still not working and then told by TM that the unblacklisting can take upto 72 hours. Rang them Saturday as it still was not working, guy said he would manually unblacklist it and send an email to the department that deals with this issue and to keep rebooting phone. Monday still not working, ring TM again to be told they would manually unblacklist it and to wait 24hours . Phone still not working today and yet again been told to wait more time. Where do i stand legally with this? I explained to TM that ive been waiting 3 weeks for this to be sorted and that i would like a working phone or to be able to end the contract to which they explained the phone was a free gift and i should be happy with the £4.95 they have lent me.
  12. I've been offered the following by a mobile reseller, on a £15 SIM-only, non contract, pay as you go deal: - Unlimited calls to all networks at all times - Unlimited texting - 1 gig of internet usage - Vodaphone network I am tempted to go ahead, but does anyone know of any better non-contract SIM-only packages? Thanks, Jeff
  13. Don't know if this has been posted about before ? But Asda mobile who currently using Vodafone network are moving to EE https://mobile.asda.com/ I'm some what peed off with this as i left EE using PAC code to move to Asda mobile for a much better service... So im getting my PAC code from Asda and move to Sainsbury mobile,who use the Vodafone network http://www.phoneshopbysainsburys.co.uk/mbs PAC code http://www.paccodes.co.uk/
  14. Consumers and small businesses should be allowed to exit their landline, broadband or mobile contract without penalty if their provider increases the cost of their monthly deal, Ofcom announced today. Ofcom is telling providers how to interpret and apply current telecoms sector rules2 in relation to price increases during fixed-term contracts. Ofcom is also confirming the cancellation rights it expects providers to give consumers following price increases. This Guidance sets out that: Ofcom is likely to regard any increase3 to the recurring monthly subscription charge4 in a fixed-term contract as ‘materially detrimental’ to consumers; providers should therefore give consumers at least 30 days’ notice of any such price rise and allow them to exit their contract without penalty; and any changes to contract terms, pricing or otherwise, must be communicated clearly and transparently to consumers. http://media.ofcom.org.uk/2013/10/23/protection-for-consumers-against-mid-contract-price-rises/
  15. Hi all Im looking for a little help with a claim form my son received yesterday regarding an alleged account originally for an Orange mobile contract that was apparently assigned to or purchased by Lowell Portfolio I Ltd. The only problem is he has never had an Orange mobile account. In the Northampton (CCBC) Issue date: 23 Oct 2013 The POC are as follows: This claim is for 168.46 the amount due under an agreement between the original creditor and the defendant to provide finance/goods and/or services. This debt was assigned to/purchased by Lowell Portfolio I Ltd on 07/09/2012 and notice served persuant to the law of property act 1925 Particulars: Re: Orange A/C No XXXXXXXX And the claimant claims 168.46 The claimant also claims interest persuant to s69 County Court Act 1984 from 07/09/2012 to date at 8% per annum amounting to 15.13 Can someone advise on what he should put in his defense - obviously disagree with the claim but as they have said an agreement existed with my son (which did not) how do we find out about this agreement?
  16. Hello, I am hoping someone could give me some advice. About 4 years ago I had a contract phone with Three mobile. I went on holiday to Cyprus to visit my father, prior to going, I phoned 3 to ask if it would be ok to take my phone and was told that so long as I did not call out, I would be fine. I never made any calls, but my then partner called me often. When I returned home, I received a bill of approximately £300 I queried this and was told it was because I accepted the calls. I terminated my account with them and told them I would not pay as when I asked about it prior to going on holiday I was not told about receiving calls. I now have this letter from Bryan Carter/Lowells and a claim form from Northampton Court saying I have a limited time to reply. The claim is for £273 due under an agreement between the original creditor and the defendant to provide finance and or services and or goods. Interest of £60 Court fee of £30 and solicitors costs of £50 I really don't have a clue as to what to do - I am unemployed and cannot pay - and I really think I shouldn't have to pay anyway. This is a very worrying letter for me to receive. Any advice would be extremely helpful. Thank you
  17. Hi all, Long story short as I can: New contract phone 7 months in and bills paid on time but dispute over extra charges for non direct debit, did write to them at least 7 times about these charges but Phone then put onto incoming calls only, on a Saturday morning of all days. Had to make some calls that day so was upset to say the least, especially since the bill had been paid 7 days before. Checked terms and conditions and legally terminated the contract. Recently ordered a new contract HTC One and was network accepted but phone was in high demand I cancelled that order after waiting 2 weeks and ordered straight from the same network who had stock, this was then refused. Checked my equifax report and I now have 2 late payment markers from T-Mobile, I have written to them (CEO) but have not received a reply my next action is to take them to court to remove the late payment markers and pay compensation for the lost contract. I have been through the terms and conditions and 100% positive my termination is legal T-Mobile are now reporting on a terminated account with false information as I have never missed a bill payment with them. I have proof of the loss of phone contract, email acceptance and then email proof of refusal from the same network a few weeks later. Can anyone help me with the wording on the LETTER BEFORE ACTION as I am not letting them get away with this and will take them to court. Have an LBA already written out so will just edit the personal stuff and post up if you can give me your advice over it. Regards George
  18. I have tried emailing the boss but been completely ignored. Need advice on what way to proceed (this is my story copied from facebook but it's pretty much what has happened) since september I started getting calls from a 0845 number (I ignored at first) 1 night I happened to log on to my t-mobile account and noticed I had upgrade options. I clicked the no sim only as it was unlimited everything (no 4G) unsurprisingly a couple of days later the order refused to go through. Meanwhile, the 0845 calls on my phone increased (sometimes to 2/3 calls a day) eventually last thursday gave in and answered. She was very convincing on the phone promised me FREE cinema tickets and FREE EE films (I thought sounded too good to be true but OK) Imagine my surprise when I noticed I had a bill on saturday (and I hadn't even received the sim card yet) immediately phoned customer services and had a hassle with their call staff (couldn't understand them) but eventually billing was sorted to keep me happy. I done some digging though and I noticed that the promised FREE cinema tickets and the promised FREE EE films are not free at all (35P per ticket and per charge to rent a movie which I wasn't told about) immediately I emailed the CEO and still awaiting a response as I refuse to contact customer services again (oh and I was also promised my contract length would be cut) Guess what? Nothing has changed either. Forced to go on to 4G hounded to go on to 4G with false promises and still no sign of any contact to discuss this (and I did email the tmobile page and EE page on here as requested and still no response either)
  19. I had a T.Mobile "pay monthly" contract for over 6 years. However this April I decided to change providers and telephoned T Mobile to cancel my contract. I only had to give them 1 months notice as I had already come to the end of my current 24 month contract. I cancelled my direct debit with my bank after the final payment had been taken ....So far so good. But a few months down the line I receive a demand via a debt collection agency for over £100. Apparently my contract had not been cancelled as promised. I tried to phone them to explain but they did not take much notice telling me that it was owed and I would have to pay it or risk court action etc. So I paid it in full and asked them again to cancel my contract which they assured me they had. This time I kept an eye on my account online and was horrified to see that they were still trying to take out my monthly fee. So I wrote to them this time and sent it recorded delivery. Today I received another demand from a debt collection agency for two months contract payments. The usual threats pay up or risk legal action. I have since lost the receipt for the recorded letter so I have no proof of sending it. I have no idea what to do now other than pay up.. AGAIN! Any advice would be helpful. Thank you M.
  20. Hello Recently my niece had taken out a mobile phone/monthly contract package with Carphone Warehouse using network provider Vodafone. Just a general mistake, she forgot to ask when the contract would be starting. What i can't understand is. The Carphone Warehouse employee who dealt with the sale did not disclose any information to when the contract would be starting anyway. There is nothing in the Carphone Warehouse printouts/receipts or contract. Neither did she received a email or letter confirming the start date of contract. The only time she was aware the contract had started was when she received a bank statement showing the money had been taken out, and at the same time the transaction forcing her account to become overdrawn. She has been back to the Carphone Warehouse shop where she purchased the mobile phone/monthly contract, only to be told by employees the fault lies with Vodafone. On contacting Vodafone she is told that the fault lies with Carphone Warehouse Shes has also been into the bank to try and sort her account being overdrawn. She has explained her dilemma to the bank. But they are continuing to charge her for being overdrawn. Can someone please advise to whom the fault lies with. Carphone Warehouse or Voderfone? Whats the next step to stop Natwest charging and refunding her for the charges? Thanks in advance for your help. Daniel.
  21. Hello, Can anyone help me or point me to a thread about geeting a debt sent back to the original creditor. Situation is with a mobile company, they sold the debt to a dc due to unpaid line rental. Also there is a person who paid for the rental who isn't me as they used the phone/contract. So can anyone please help, thanks.
  22. Hi, My partner purchased two iPhone 4s last year at same time. the man in shop put them both on same agreement at £20 per week. we have a few other things also and have never really had a problem until now. In the summer months (can't remember which month but it may of been July.) my partner had a problem not being able to pay full amount so was told to go in on the Sat morning and they'd sort the agreements out so we didn't have to get into arrears. he did and signed new agreements. it was only last week I happened to check the receipts and noticed we've been paying for a 3rd iPhone which we've never had. He went in today and said they'll go through the agreements when they had time and he was going to ring them at 5pm today. they said they've looked at agreements and he did sign an agreement along with others. they said it was July we purchased it. this is not true but they have an agreement he has signed. We can honestly say we have only two iPhones along with other things. I have a receipt from end May showing this 3rd one wasn't on there. I just don't know how to sort this out as we know for a fact we've purchased nothing since may and that was a playstation.
  23. I am on an 18 month mobille phone contract with 3 mobile. I am now today at the end of 17 months into my contract, And wish to leave 3, Can I ring them now and give them 30 days notice, Or do I need to send a letter. Or do I need to wait untill the 18 month is up. Thanks.
  24. Hi all I'm looking for some advice regarding an issue with an old mobile account. Back in 2011, I had a contract with Vodafone. Due to a billing error, I received a bill for just under £400 worth of call charges which was due to them billing me £1.00 per minute to call Ireland when it should actually have been 5p per minute. They accepted fault at the time and told me I would receive an amended bill which never came. I called back maybe two or three times and each person apologized that nothing had been done and promised to rectify the issue. So I gave up. I was in the process of moving abroad and (stupidly) decided that I wouldn't have to deal with it and that it wasn't worth my time to keep calling and calling. Now I'm back in the UK and it has caught up with me. I have a default on my credit report and the debt (now at £800, presumably due to fees) has been bought by Lowell who are demanding payment. Vodafone won't speak to me about the billing issue as it's no longer their debt and I'm not sure how to deal with this. While I'm at fault for burying my head in the sand, it doesn't change the fact that the bill should only have been £30 and not £400. Can I do anything about this?
  25. I got a HTC W8S on contract in May, which has frozen twice. The first time, I went into Phones4u (where I got my phone contract from) and had to talk to someone on the phone about it. (they record errors, or something) This happened once again and I was able to sort it myself. Twice since Wednesday, I've not been able to send text messages. I sent one earlier and sent one 5 minutes later, which just won't send. The mobile numbers of the 2 people who I've tried to send messages to, are correct. I have a signal too.
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