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  1. Last Sunday night I paid online my mail order shopping bill. When I then tried to pay my BT phone bill my payment was declined by the bank. This morning I called into my branch to try and sort this mess out and they wanted me to ring the bank's fraud number. When I asked for help off the bank staff with this phone call I was told that they're not allowed. Although I'm not deaf I do suffer hearing problems and I walked out. How do I sort this so called 'fraud' out without using a telephone? I haven't had any letters regarding this matter. All this fuss is because I tried paying my phone bill late at night! Sheila
  2. Hi All, I had a judgement against me in favour of Hillesden Securities t/a DLC back in 2014. The judge applied a charging order to my property and I have been paying by standing order £45 per month ever since. Today I have received a notice of sums in arrears from DLC even though I have not missed a payment since I started paying them, they actually also list the payments I have been making on the notice. I may be wrong but the agreement I have with DLC started on the day the judgement went in their favour and a payment plan was agreed, this being the case I am technically not in arrears with DLC I am simply working to the agreed payment schedule and this information should be accurately recorded. With this in mind an Arrears notice could easily be regarded as innaccurate and defamatory, perhaps a statement should have been issued instead. My question is whether there is any legal precedent I can call on to quote to DLC when I write to them about this, or whether I am simply barking up the wrong tree so to speak. Kind regards Groaty
  3. hi, i'm currently on benefits received a notice of warrant of control and notice of enforcement for an unpaid ccj that I was unaware of. bw legal are demanding £200 per fortnight on a £1480 debt! is this fair ? what can i do? the debt is a shop direct account from 2011. any advice welcomed
  4. Hi - I have a car which is financed by TFC (the worst HP company ever, their staff are so arrogant). I just wanted to find out if anyone has managed to come to a reduce payment agreement with them. I have been trying for the last 2 1/2 years to have my monthly installments reduced, reason being is I have had to reduce my work hours for health reasons so have lost +/-£300/month. I have written, complained, phoned just about done flik-flaks in their offices and they are having none of it. Their response is we do not consider your situation to be a material change in circumstance My argument to that is if I had come to them with my current payslip would they have lent me the same amount of money being the reasonable lenders they are or would it have been less? Also their BILL OF SALE BORROWER INFORMATION SHEET, which I believe is a form of false advertising states. “If you have a material change of circumstances we will take this into consideration and may agree to reduce your repayments until such time as you are to continue with your original contractual repayments.” They recently sent me an income and expenditure form which I completed and returned under the assumption that they would look at reducing my payments, also according to one of the staff who stated "I can see from you account that you have applied for a reduced payment" when I queried about them receiving the forms, so it is on file, the lady I spoke to today adamantly tells me its not somethign the company does!!! Why send me the forms then, will ask her when she phones back as was getting to upset and did not want to rock the boat. has anyone managed to get reduced payments and if yes how? Is the above worthy of a complaint to the FOS. My agreement finishes in September 2016 so only have 11 months to go but financially its killing me and my husband has just been made redundant so struggling big time. Sharon
  5. I recently moved house and was very surprised to experience Scottish Hydro taking final bill amounts out of my account in the early hours of Christmas eve morning. The total involved was £560!!! I have of course intercepted and prevented those transactions from being completed.... On closer inspection (actually looking at my paperless bills..... I know, I know......) I find that my monthly payments more than covered my usage, confirmed by the fact that they reduced my monthly payments in Jan '15. Both my accounts were in credit at this point..... Billing changed to 6 monthly upon reading my July '15 bill, I'm a bit confused.... The total for this period was £485.23.... My payments totalled £156.... obviously from then on my debt to Scottish hydro has just grown and grown as my payments aren't covering my usage.... What I cant understand is - Why didn't they inform me and change my payments (as they had done in the January)? I have been presuming that I have been paying for my gas/electric as I've been going along... My other irk, is that the bill states they will collect the total "on or soon after 29 December 2015" so sneakily taking it in the middle of the night on Christmas eve is a little more than cheeky - My contracted DD date is 3rd of every month, so why the change in date for this payment?!!! Would just like to know if anyone knows if there is anything governing payment amounts and if companies must make sure consumer usage is kept up to date to avoid situations like mine..... many thanks
  6. Hi all, I have posted this on your facebook group but will also post on here just in case some of you do't use facebook but could still help. How the hell do we stop getting tax credits? I got a new job at the end of September and the pay varies from month to month as I get premiums for working different hours. In the last month I earned £1245 after tax and £1433 before tax. The month before last I earned £1227 after tax and £1420 before tax. Not much difference but this is just two examples. The lowest I could earn before tax is £1262. as my wage is not set I told the tax credits this who took an estimate which I thought was to low. I said I would call them back as I needed to talk to talk to my partner about it. We pay £80 a month for after school care to a registered child minder. We currently got £40 a month child tax credits. This was based on a wage of £15800 in my old job. At the thought of losing £10 a week we decided to cancel the tax credits as we didn't want to owe any money come the year end. We rang up and said we would like to stop all tax credits and the advisor said a letter would be issued to confirm this and we left it at that. We then had a reward notice come through telling us we was still getting £40 a month I rang back up and said that we had cancelled and we got told we could not cancel before the tax year end in April and we would still get these payments. We said we did not want the money. I said if I told you I got £17000 a year would this stop the payments. They said yes so thats what we did. My partner is on £12500 a year working 25 hours a week. Today I have just had another reward come through with my £17000 and my partners £12500 and we are still getting payments of £40 a month. Our issue us we don't want the money as no doubt when all calculations are worked out we will end up owing it back next year and its sthis situation we do not want to be in. Can anyone advise us what to do please? Many thanks
  7. Between 1st-7th April a number of payments were taken from my debit card, to a company I have never heard of. I contacted barclays who put me through to the fraud team, who said I could open a dispute. I had to wait for forms, and as soon as they recieved them I would get a refund. When the forms arrived I took them into my local branch and asked them to fax them for me, so that they couldn't get 'lost' or anything. I then contacted the fraud department and was told that now I had to wait 10 working days for a refund. 3 days after that I recieved a letter stating it would now be TWENTY working days before I got a refund. I called the bank back and was told it would be 10 and the letter was wrong. 10 working days came and went so I called again, to be told it would be a further 10 working days as I had been informed it would be twenty, not ten (!) At this point I was fairly ****ed off tbh. I contacted the FOS who informed me that I should have received an instant refund when reporting the fraud. They also told me however that I had to follow the banks internal complaints procedure before I could put in a complaint with the FOS. So I put in a complaint. I was then contacted by someone who told me that it would be a 2 more days but for the incorrect information I had been given..he would credit my account with fifty quid as a 'goodwill gesture'. 2 days went, then I recieved another letter telling me my case had been passed to the 'complex investigations team' and would take ANOTHER 20 working days. I was foaming by this point. Called them back and they said to ignore that letter as it was wrong (again). I asked how long this 'investigation' was going to take, and now the timescale didn't exist at all. I was told it 'usually' takes 20 working days but could take much longer. I tried to register another complaint about again being given wrong info by many different staff members, but I was told that as I had accepted a 'goodwill gesture' payment nothing could be done! I hung up the phone in a rage at this point. Probably not the most mature thing to do but I really feel its taking the mick. When I calmed down a bit, a few days later I called again. And was told a letter had been sent to me I received the letter the next say stating that my complaint would not be upheld as fraud investigations take time and not every one is the same, and also stating that they are following FCA rules by withholding my refund for nearly 6 weeks. I was then taken into hospital so I have not contacted them again, nor have they sent me any letters or given me a refund. What can I do now? The barclays complaints department will not even entertain my complaint,. so I can't get a 'final response' letter which is what the FOS said they needed. I am out a large amount of money (to me) and barclays appears to be enjoying messing me around. Its really true when they say bad things come in 3s..had problems with brighthouse, fraud on my bank, and a hospital stay all within a few months of each other
  8. for quite sometime i have had clc finance on my credit report its nearly 6 years now but because they never defaulted me there is no drop of date it just says late payment they have not been in touch with me or bvice versa the loan was took out in 2009 what will happen with this is there away to get it off my file many thanks for any help given
  9. Hello, I am hoping someone could give me an idea as to where I stand, although I think it's probably nowhere... I renewed my car insurance with Adrian Flux in August, £830 for the policy and £200 to pay monthly by direct debit (premium credit). I would now like to cancel my policy as I've been quoted £270 (with the same underwriter!!), a saving of £560, eye watering amounts of money. I rang to see how I go about cancelling. I was told that I would owe the rest of the 12 months remaining balance minus the three I have already paid. However, my insurer would effectively pay a proportion of this... Ultimately, I owe £152. I have paid three £100 instalments, so £452 for two months insurance. Surely this is too much? How do I go about challenging this or am I stuck paying the final £152? Thank you.
  10. Due to an injury at work I have been on incapacity benefitfor the past 15 years. Back in 2001 I was called in and deemed fit for work,all benefit stopped etc. I appealed this but went to the Job Centre as advisedand they could see I was not fit for work and sent me back to the Doctors for asick note. I did this but DWP had contacted my doctor and stated that I was fitfor work and not to issue me with any sick notes. I went on to win my appealand my benefit was re-instated. Moving forward in 2011 I was called in for an assessment andduly completed the pre assessment form but at the same time I was taken ill anddiagnosed with cancer. I called dwp and they agreed to put my assessment onhold whilst I went ahead with the chemo etc. In July I was called in for an assessment, no pre assessmentform was sent or completed. As a result I given nil points and was deemed fitfor work. I have asked dwp to re consider as the report had manyinaccuracies and that my health has deteriorated sum what and none of this wastake into account and in August I was now diagnosed with a lung disease . DWPwould not change their minds quoting that I stated this and that on my preassessment report – what report I even told them that they were going on areport that was 3 years old which they said that would not happen. I have now gone to tribunal which has been accepted and toget my ESA payment (at the lower rate) re-instated I am told I would need toget a sick note from my doctor. So I have just been to my doctor and low and behold I wasinformed that she could not give me a sick note, but I did get a copy of myrecord and it clearly states that in 2001 DWP have said fit for work do notissue sick notes. Can someone please advise me what I can do as I had had NO money since July . Though my partnerworks be it only part time I am told I am not entitled to anything.
  11. Hi there. I am trying to help a friend sort out a problem & hoped I might get some advice. He had a substantial debt, which the bank obtained a CCJ for sometime ago. Frustrating I know, but he does not know how much the judgement was for or what the payments should be & hasn't been sent any payment book etc . I tried to find out more, but he just said he waited until he got a letter from the court & then paid it! The situation now seems to be quite serious, I have seen the letter that says they are going for a warrant of execution & yesterday, he had a visiting card from a baliff whilst at work. He is going to the court today to make a payment & I have told him he must ask for details of the original judgement & we can take it from there. At the moment they seem to be asking for arrears of over £2000 to be paid within 7 days. Impossible of course. A couple of questions. Will the local court be able to provide him with details of the judgement? He is able to make reasonable payments towards the debt. Should he contact SCM to arrange this, or go straight back to the court for a variation order, assuming that the payments must be pretty high for that level of arrears to accrue? Thanks in anticipation
  12. My good friend is in a financial mess.. ..he owes thousands to a number of companies and the debts have been sold on several times. He is making small payments on each debt every month and has had the interest frozen but it is going to take him years to pay these off. He cannot go for an IVA or bankruptcy due to the nature of his employment. Any suggestions as to how we can agree an end date with these companies, with hopefully a proportion of the debts written off? He is very demoralised at the prospect of making these payments for the next 30 or 40 years, or until he dies.... He is a proud man and wants to pay what he can, and keep working but the only option I can see is for him to do an IVA or bankruptcy and lose his job and go on benefits which he does not want to do. Any ideas??
  13. Ok so looking for some advice.. 12 years ago I had finance through black horse. I have not made any payments or contact since 2007. And they gave up except send me a annual statement but this didn't happen every year. There is nothing on my credit report to do with them. I have recently bought a house for the first time and then the other day I received a statement and then a letter asking for payment. This was sent to my old address. I have not acknowledged the letter. Can they still Persue after 8 years of no contact? and is my house safe? The debt was unsecured . What do I do next? Thanks in advance
  14. Assisting a friend, an "account" from what I can see is Stat B, she has just received a letter saying its not as a payment of £5 was made a year ago, is there a template "Prove it" letter, and should the letter and any responses be sent to FCA and TS? Many thanks
  15. Hello Please could someone clarifiy how the CSA calculates NRP payments on savings and property? It's been several years since I researched this topic, but my understanding in the past was as follows: They can only assess savings over £65,000, so if you had £100000 in savings they would be interested in the last £35K. They then assume you are earning a fabulous 8% income from this investment! Therefore the income figure would be 8% of £35,000 which is £2800, and the payment would be the usual 12% of this amount, as it is with your other income. So the payment would be £336 per year. Is this an accurate interpretation of their rules please? It's a bit confusing because on other forums some people seem to think that if you have savings over £65K then the CSA would assess the whole amount, so that would be the full £100K in the above example. I don't see how this could be true because there would be no incentive not to just spend any savings above £65. Thanks for your feedback
  16. Trying to fight the demoralizing Credit Repair battle. I have been registered with Equifax for a good year or more as I think that Experia n is a complete rip-off at £14.99! Forget snail mail method as I'm trying to be pro-active here. problem is Equifax have never reported any issues with Provident - not even on my Credit File and was totally unaware that they registered with the CRA's for reasons I wont go into of how credit was handed out "back in the day". my wife told me about Noddle which use Call Credit and I therefore signed up to the utter disbelief that Provident have been registering Late Payment markers for the last 6+ bloody years. I have been a member of Experian way back in the past when it wasnt £14.99 p.m and Provident never appeared on my credit file way back in the day. Now having paid Experian and witnessed Providents Late Payment markers from way back - I have pretty much had the stuffing kicked out of me. My last adverse credit account is due to be removed in February 2017. Not too far away. Now I am faced with Provident ruining that by constantly recording late payments which will show on my credit file for another 6 years! Every other "decent" creditor has either defaulted me or closed and passed my account on, but not, these. Instead, they have crippled me for 12+years instead of the stat 6 for bad credit. Sorry for the long post, but imagine my disgust, anger, disbelief and futile efforts over the past god knows how many years to put my life back on track, when this sub-prime lot has ruined my hard work. Therefore, I ask, what do I do, settle the couple of hundred quid and wait another 6 years or is there any other course I can take to "repair" this? Thanks in advance, apologies for the semi-rant.
  17. Information for War Pension recipients and Armed Forces Pension Scheme members living in Greece. The financial situation in Greece continues to be subject to change and is fast moving. Veterans UK is closely monitoring developments but given the recent banking restrictions being imposed by the Greek authorities, the MOD has written to all War Pension recipients and Armed Forces Pension Scheme members living in that country offering 3 options. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mod-pension-payments-to-those-living-in-greece
  18. We have 2 barclaycards both we have had for many years, 1 was originally an Egg Card. Both cards in my wifes name. Current Balances: 5311.19 8405.12 We have received a default notice for both cards as we have paid very little in the last 6 months. I have just written to them asking to freeze interest and charges and give us 2 months to respond back with a payment offer. Is there anything else I should be doing yet?
  19. Hi i have been trying to find the actual legislation allowing taxpayers the right to choose to pay over 12 months instead of 10 if you notify your local authority before the start of the financial year. does anyone know what regs this ruling comes under? i want to be able to quote it in correspondence to my LA who are blatantly ignoring my right to make this choice myself. they are operating on the old system whereby they use their discretion as to whether or not you are allowed the 12 month method.
  20. Hi, First time poster, long time lurker, so be gentle! My partner had an old mobile phone debt being chased by Lowell for 3 Mobile. I sent them the Prove it letter in 2011 back not acknowledging the debt and requesting the credit agreement. They sent back one page of an overdue mobile phone bill as proof. Nothing else. The debt would have become statute barred at the end of this month. Fast forward a few years, and it now turns out they issued a CCJ for £350 in January to an old address she has not lived at for 6/7 years, whilst sending threat-o-grams to our current address and our previous address to this one. She has had a letter from Bryan Carter Solicitors yesterday informing her that the CCJ is now in arrears of £150. This was the first we'd heard of any CCJ being issued, never mind arrears, and only today has it appeared on her Noddle credit report under her old address. We have heard nothing from the court at all, but thats understandable given they were provided the wrong address. The noddle report says its £350. They now want £350 for an original £70 debt, which was increased to £209 in 2011, and are adding on these CCJ arrears. My partner has no job (not claiming benefits), no property and no real items a bailiff could repossess. We rent and I own all the items in our flat. I know nothing about CCJ's but a quick google indicates we'd have to pay £155 to apply to have it set aside. They are demanding the CCJ arrears for £150 to be paid in full immediately. I don't know if this is Bryan Carter adding this on, or this is court ordered. We are not married but could they repossess my items as we share a home? What should we do now? Hopefully I've given enough details but please do ask if I've neglected to mention something.
  21. Hello-question please re CCa or lack of one, Barclaycard and Amex didn't send a proper CCA but still adding % and even late payment charge on BCard x 2 -can I send a letter telling them this is wrong whilst in dispute or are they allowed to carry on like this -I stopped payments several months ago after the terms and conditions came instead of CCA. ..can anyone help with advice on what to do next please -Thanks I have requested CCA from Barclaycard x 2 and Amex-neither sent CCA just terms and conditions. Now BCard are adding % and late payments to my account and Amex wrote saying the account is being sent to NCO for collection-help please as really worried.....
  22. A group of disabled people is taking the government to the High Court over delays in benefit payments. Thousands have been waiting more than a year for their Personal Independence Payments, a new benefit which replaces Disability Living Allowance in some areas of the UK. Disabled people have been forced to turn to loan sharks and food banks because of the “unlawfully long time” taken to provide them with vital welfare benefits. Two test case claimants are asking the court to declare that the Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith has breached his common law and human rights duties to make payments within a reasonable time. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-32738655
  23. Hello. My father died two months ago and following on from this my mother made a claim for a DWP funeral expenses payment. Initially the claim was denied as they deemed my mother wasn't in receipt of a qualifying benefit at the material time. She was and had submitted evidence of this benefit with her original application. Following a phone call to the DWP my mother re-submitted evidence of the qualifying benefit by email and the decision was reconsidered. She's received a letter and has been awarded a sum but it is reduced as they've said that there was money in my father's account that could have been used to pay towards funeral expenses. However this sum of money was Direct Payment money that my father received and could only be used in order to pay for his social care. When he died we had instructions from Social Services that we were to use this sum of money to pay any outstanding invoices for care and then return this money to social services. When my mother applied for the funeral payment she attached a copy of a letter from Social Services with these instructions, a copy of my fathers final bank statement and also made a note on the application form that this money in the account was not my father's to do with as he wished. On this basis I have the following questions: 1) Does anyone on this forum know enough about the rules to advise whether my mother has solid grounds to appeal this decision? 2) If she were to appeal and fail, would she lose the amount already awarded? 3) My understanding is that as this matter has already been subject to an internal DWP reconsideration process that any further reconsideration would have to be carried out as an independent appeal procedure - is this a formal process? Is it in person? Would we need representation? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  24. Dear community, Was hoping to get some friendly advice regarding an old debt with Barclays on behalf of a family member! Back in May 2009, an old debt (approx. £12k at the time) was transferred over to Barclay's Central Debt Collection Services (CDCS). At the time, an agreed repayment plan of £75 per month was set up for 6 months only, following which a review was to be made. This was the last statement of the account, which stated a 0% interest rate on the account. Funny thing is, we haven't heard back from Barclays/CDCS since! We've been paying £75 a month into the account every month without fail since this last statement via a pay-in book; addresses on the account are up-to-date, and Barclays never fail to send us a pay-in book before the old one has run out. I was hoping to hear from anyone with any similar experience? I'm not sure of the next steps we should take, as we would like to check on the status of the account - family member is particularly nervous that payments haven't been making much of a difference and that interest has been building up (can Barclays re-instigate interest without letting us know?). Could anyone provide any advice as to what we should do? Thanks a bunch! Littlebo
  25. Hello. Sorry for my bad English I have an account with littlewoods and I saw they charge me every month : Shopping Insurance Covers Your Purchases + Payments. if I pay £60 on my account amount get less for £53 because they charge me 7£ for this thing. So is that something like PPI?
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