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  1. Hello, I do hope that I am on the right forum, if not please move me. We have many questions to ask, but for the time being, this one is the most important. I am one of two married sisters and are both very concerned over financing healthcare for our mum. The backround to it is that their home about 22 years ago, which had always been in mum's name, but dad provided the original finance to buy it, half the value was transferred into a family trust for their grandchildren (our kids). This was done by the trust paying off the outstanding mortgage, so obviously it exchanged the cash for the half interest in the property. Fast forward, their home is effectively owned as to 50% (£325,000) by mum and 50% (£325,000) by the trust. Mum is having to go into residential care and we have had to undergo a means tested review. The council want to take mum's 50% as her available capital + 50% of the monies held in various bank in mum and dad's joint names less £23500. Where does our dad feature in all of this? His name is and never has been on the deeds nor on the old mortgage. I do know that when they moved in 30 years ago, dad had to sign a disclaimer that he had no call on the property and that he was resident with mum on a 'temporary residential licence' only. Dad (76) still lives at home but it is looking very likely that to fund mum's (74) care he is going to have to move out and the house be sold. We both thought that as long as one of the spouses (mum or dad) was still resident, then the value of their home should be ignored. Our fear is that dad will be left homeless with no money other than his half in the deposit accounts. On the sale 50% of the house proceeds will revert back to the trust and the other half will be taken by the council excepting the first £23500. Surely this shouldn't be happening?
  2. I haven't had time to read this yet, but think it's of relevance to this forum and nolegion's sterling work. http://www.cqc.org.uk/content/using-hidden-cameras-monitor-care HB
  3. As we live longer and with council budgets tight, the social care system that supports us in our later years is under increasing pressure. The way care is provided is different depending on where you live. In England, important changes are planned for April 2016. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are also making changes to meet the growing demand for support. The BBC has launched an online guide to the care system for the over-65s. The "care calculator" covers both residential care and the support provided in people's own homes, for tasks such as washing and dressing. Users can submit their postcode and find out how much each service costs wherever they live in the UK. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-31004434
  4. I write this because a friend who is nearly 70yrs old has received poor quality of care following him falling and injuring his wrist (open fracture requiring it to be pinned) he was admitted to hospital and sent to a rehabilitation home for the elderly, from what he tells me the care levels he received whilst there weren't good as they ecpected him to sit in a chair at the table following breakfast for hours afterwards, he was in pain,as he had a fractured vertebra a few years ago, he informed staff about it, they also gave him morphine for the pain (fractured wrist ) which led to him being admitted to hospital less an than 2 days following him discharging himself from this so called rehab centre, with a blocked bowel, he had to undergo emergency surgery as a result of being given morphine as it turns out he is allergic to it, he was recently discharged from hospital and is recovering well, recently he rolled out of bed, no injuries but was taken to hospital as a precaution, he tells me that in the ambulance on route to the hospital the paramedic asked him if he would like to see a priest (for his last rights) i asked was it said as a joke, he says not, he was kept in for several hrs for obs,then discharged My questions are staff at the rehab centre guilty of neglect or malpractice ? and should a paramedic by scaring the life out of OAP's like this ,is this considered normal It seems to me that they don't like or want to care to those who are old and frail , maybe they should seek a change in career ASAP ? Who would he or i on his behalf complain to, just that i don't see getting anywhere by complaining to the rehab centre
  5. Has any one been following the research paper (RP) about child care costs? if not this is a well worth read see here http://services.parliament.uk/bills/2014-15/childcarepayments.html description This is a report of the House of Commons Committee Stage of the Childcare Payments Bill. The Bill would introduce a new tax-free childcare scheme to support eligible parents with childcare costs. Under the scheme, the Government would provide 20 per cent support on costs up to £10,000 per year for each child via an online account. The Government would top up any payments made into the account, capped at a maximum Government contribution of £2,000 a year for each child.
  6. I want to open this by saying that what follows is based on opinions, it is not representative of NHS policy at present. So please, bear this in mind when reading and replying. I was sat in a meeting recently during which an accident and emergency consultant gave a presentation on a number of things of interest to GP practices. Towards the end of her piece she turned to the 'future' and presented an idea which whilst not new I'd be really interested to hear your views on. It's used already in Australia amongst other places and it takes the form of some advanced care planning but has implications for us all. The talk was on ceilings of care, a predetermined highest level of intervention by a medical team. It was presented as a grid which I'll struggle to replicate here but it had 4 categories on the x-axis and 4 on the y-axis. On the y axis were 4 very broad definitions of levels of care: 1.Full invasive intervention and referral / transport to national centres of excellence. (Example is during the swine flu outbreak when some people were put on external ventilation to allow their lungs to recover) 2.Up to and including intensive care at the district general hospital. 3.Ward based care (but no further). 4.Care at home / residential or nursing home. Onthe x axis were four very broad definitions of a person’s state of general health. 1.Normally very fit and well. 2.Some co-morbidity / chronic health conditions (COPD / diabetes / morbid obesityetc) 3.Generally poor health, multiple chronic illnesses and or co morbidities. 4.End of life / palliative care. The plot showed how each level of care might be made available to people in each category and of course this would not be a decision taken lightly but in the presence of the patient / family / multi disciplinary team. It's perhaps unsettling to think that a medical team will, based on your other conditions and general health predetermine at what point they're going to limit their intervention but it seems to be well backed up. The crux of it was very simple: if, based on good science, your chances of meaningful survival with a good quality of life are high then the teams will move heaven and earth, however, if you were less likely to survive then you would be lower down the scale. I'll endeavour to get the references for some of the information below when I'm not reliant only on my phone. It's been shown recently that 63% of us will die in hospital, if you're male then that probability is even higher (females tend to live longer and are more likely to pass away in a residential home / nursing home etc). It's also been shown that for a chronically unwell elderly person, their chance of surviving a CPR attempt without brain damage is just under 2%. Compare that with an otherwise fit and well person whose long term survival chances are around 15% if the arrest is witnessed in a clinical setting and immediately resuscitated. So, there's an opportunity for a decision to be made somewhere as to how far we want a medical team to go or, in fact, how far they should go in the knowledge of the above. It's worth noting at this stage that CPR is violent, invasive and painful and not the sanitised process we see in films or on TV where after a few compressions the patient sits up, thanks the team for their help and goes about their day. Infact, the consultant likened her crash team to a 'pack of attack dogs' who pounce on a patient literally jumping on their chest so vigorously that cracking ribs isn’t unusual whilst others intubate, take arterial blood for gas analysis and so on. She asked if that was how the audience would like to spend their own last hour or indeed that of an elderly loved one. Would it not be better, more dignified perhaps, for that elderly relative to spend their final moments in the comfort of their own space maybe with their family nearby? If the discussion and decision had taken place before the crisis had occurred then would the family member know that the person didn't want an ambulance to be called and have two ambulance crew jumping on them followed by (and I use her words, not mine) a team of ED attack dogs? People’s plans can and do change, especially in a crisis where the prospect of losing your own life or that of a loved one can have a significant impact on decision making ability; so, is having something like the chart I alluded to above in the open, for all to be aware of a bad thing? Perhaps it is, or perhaps not? This is where I’m really interested to hear your views.
  7. Hi there. did you have any outcome from your ordeal with Legalcare??? I have just received a letter today stating i have 7 days to pay or shall add further costs and possibly take me to court. Obviously I am unable to pay this. Just wondered if anyone had any joy as the last post on this discussion was 2013 which is now december 2014. Many thanks
  8. I work for the NHS and on Sunday my 1 year old daughter ended up in hospital after a visit to the out of hours GP. This was 11pm Sunday night and was awake right through the night while they did tests on her as she was admitted with masdotitis which the doctors their told us it was serious that they needed to start her on IV antibiotics right away which could possibly turn into surgery and they warned us that she could lose her hearing in 1 ear maybe both and worst case she could die from it if they can't get onto of the infection. They said she would need to be in at least 48 hours min on IV antibiotics before they can consider anything else a CT was also req as well as bloods taken. We were awake all night 4am they canulated her shortly after the antibiotics given followed by 6am moved to a ward. I called work at 10am as my shift started 11.30am to inform my ward manager of the problem I asked for 2 days care leave and her response was where is your wife. I said she's gone home to get a couple of hours sleep then coming back to let me go home and get some sleep. She moaned at me for a bit then said you can have it today but you'll have to take a paid holiday for Tuesday refusing to honour a 2nd day for care leave. I called my union and they said i am entitled to 1 week over the year care leave subject to management discretion and that it might be that she's thinking of other times you might need care leave later in the year. So it was left at that. I was thinking of taking the matter further and don't want to be barking down the wrong tree before i do. Do i have the right to argue that I should be allowed 2 days care leave and not forced to use holidays? Any advice appreciated thanks
  9. Well, to say I am absolutely livid would be an understatement! i've had CHC with e.on for a number of months. The initial inspection was fine apparently, and also last week someone came to fix a fault, said it was fixed and gave the boiler a pass. Lo and behold with in a few hours it broke again, no heat or hot water. Another plumber or whatever you want to call the shower of sharks came out today to repair the boiler. He took the cover off and with one look said he couldn't do the repair as it was a pre-existing fault that had been superglued. if this is the case, why was it not picked up on the previous two visits! We wouldn't know how to get the cover off for a start so it's nothing we've done. if the fault was that obvious how the hell did it pass on two visits! once could possibly be forgivable, but 2!? I've asked them to cancel the policy and refund my payments or repair the boiler, will see what they come back with. Anyone else had a similar problem and any ideas of what recourse I have - apparently they're not covered by the ombudsman??
  10. Shocking service. Been told my wife who is 8 months pregnant with her first child has to go without hot water or heating for 4 days until someone can come and have a look. Apparently we/she is not a priority, and duty manager too busy to speak to us. Stick with what you know folks !
  11. Wonder if anyone can advise on this. Our water is charged via a water meter. Today a bill dropped on my floor up to Sept 14. It says I have used 132 M3 of water in 3 months. Now according to the Water Counsil the average consumption for 4 people in a house is 164m3, we are near that in 3 months. I contacted the company and they looked on their system and said yes, the meters telling me you have had a continuous feed of water in May, June, July, Aug and Sept. Im looking now and October is the same. You have a leak. My question is this. SURELY they have a duty of care to their customers. Their system is telling them I have a leak but they have made no contact to tell me. I do not know what the leak is and have plumbers coming tomorrow (Relatives so no excessive fees.) I do feel that if I wasnt on a meter then the Company would have contacted me as the water would have been uncharged for. Thoughts?
  12. http://metro.co.uk/2014/10/15/alzheimers-pensioner-sells-home-to-pay-for-care-then-gets-all-clear-4906574/
  13. Hi all, the gym I go shares it's car park with some local shops and a play school. Upon arriving today the car park was jam packed as you would expect on a Saturday afternoon. As usual the 10 disabled parking bays outside the gym were empty and I wasn't prepared to go and find parking elsewhere in the rain then walk back up the ramp as car park is on the top of the building. I've parked in a private space designated for disabled badge holders only without displaying a valid blue badge. As far as I'm aware disabled bays in private car parks are not enforceable under the blue badge scheme? All help will be appreciated! Kind regards Michael
  14. My daughter has been trying to cancel her contract with Orange, it ended on the 6th of this month and she still has to give a months notice? She has been on hold for almost 2 hours now, waiting to speak to someone on the cancellation team! Is there any other way to cancel this contract with this awful provider?
  15. They sold me a membership over the phone based on a lie in that I could save 4% off e.g. my Morrisons bill by presenting the card at check out. In fact I have to apply to Morrisons with my membership number and buy a £10 coupon for £9.60 and take that to Morrisons. Far too much trouble. They also acknowledged that they could not arrange for any of my utility bills to be cheaper. I demanded my money back but they point blank refused and told me to wait for 1 year so that they would have the chance to prove themselves. No further contact and they, one year later, are refusing to reply to any communications. It is now too late to claim back from my debit card. This is, no doubt, intentional. Avoid like the plague. They operate an American style [edited]. Any comments you read on this forum will be produced by themselves!!! Have reported them to both my local Trading Standards and their local Manchester Trading Standards office. They will, in my opinion, simply fold when the business model becomes untenable.
  16. Has anyone had any dealings with consumer care direct that they are prepared to share?
  17. Hi there, after a home visit medical I was awarded high mobility and NO care. I cannot understand how they have decided that I have not been awarded care component. I am thinking i should appeal, but i have several questions. the letter says that i can write or phone within 1 month of date of letter. (I have about 10 days left) and that if since receiving this letter we have sent you a written statement of reasons for our decision you have at least an extra 14 days to make your appeal. How do you get a written statement of reasons? .. In the award letter it does say having considered all the information i have decided the following ( and incorrectly lists not needing help to prepare a meal, lists day attention areas not needed. and not needing night attention more than once or for 20 mins or more a night).... is this the statement of reasons? How do you get to see what was written in the EMP report as i cannot see how the difficulties i stated ( i recorded the medical for my own memory) would result in a NO care award. when I appealed my ESA , i didnt request a review and went straight to asking for an appeal ( as the review is done automatically)... and I waited for the tribunal pack before preparing a submission is the same for DLA? I will probably have some more questions , but right now i need to know how to proceed . many thanks in advance
  18. Found some old statement from Feb 95 to 2000 from my Littlewoods Account and can see that Agent Balance Care Insurance has been added every month. These were up in the loft and even though I still ahve the account the next lot of statement I have start again in 2009, so theres a gap from 2000 to 2009. There is nothing else in the file and if any paperwork relating to cover was sent it would of been in the old file as I used to keep everything. Is this the same as PPI? I have also found similar for a Choice account that I have..statement from opening the account in Jan 94 to 2001, then a gap and start again in 2009. Has anyone claimed fomr a catalogue before is it the same as for credit cards
  19. My mother has had to go into a council care home and she has sadly run up large debts (she suffers from Dementia so forgot to pay the bills) Council want to take her small pension from here but I am left to deal with the debt agencies. Is there a way to secure her pension in order to discharge the debts that has been run up. Council have said if they don't receive the financial report they will charge her full price but how can they collect the full price if she doesnt have any money after the debts are paid from her home (which was rented)
  20. Hello I'm sure anyone reading this knows the drill, I logged on to legalcare 1 lunchtime at work and signed up for the 14 day free trial (foolishly using my real name/contact details). I asked a question and got a bland generic response. I immediately cancelled my paypal payment realising they were a waste of time. After the 14 days I received an email saying they couldn't take my payment so I had to contact them. I went to log in to the site to cancel the subscription and couldn't - you can only enter if you add payment details. Since then I've had numerous emails, texts, calls and letters from Daniel Silverman all of which I've ignored. (Initially because I didn't remember that I'd idiotically added my real address). Today I've had an email threatening court action and adding £85 to the fees. Reading other threads it looks as if I don't have a leg to stand on as it's clear on the website that cancelling paypal isn't adequate. I don't want to pay them a penny as they seem to be a [problem] outfit and my instinct is to call their bluff. That said I really don't need the stress and not sure whether at this point I should remain silent and work through the court process or call and start negotiations? Please help!
  21. Over the last few months a number of forum members have asked for advice concerning the poor care of their relatives. Whilst they have been given advice on how to deal with the issues concerning their relatives treatment it as become obvious that a place is required for people to make comments generally about their experiences of the NHS. Are there issues you would like to raise about the NHS nationally or locally then please feel free to post them here.
  22. Does a solicitor who represents a client have to present the actual dates of events occured, are they obliged to give the correct limitation on their care letters such as the minus one day, would month to month periods be incorrect.
  23. My laptop has broken and won't turn on. Now my son spilt some liquid on it yesterday, I was wonder how easy would it be for me to get it fixed by apple. I have applecare on it but have read that apple refuse to fix any laptops that have been damaged by liquid. Will the sales of goods act help me or am I already fighting a losing battle?
  24. Hi I only found out via news reports earlier this year about the Liverpool Care Pathway. My mother died in 2009 and I now believe she was put on this Pathway, although we were not informed and our permission was not asked. Having looked into this a little I believe our permission HAD to be granted and the hospital acted unlawfully. Other things also occured and I want to see what has been recorded about this as I believe a couple of things are suspicious. I have put in a SAR and FOI request to the hospital. I originally asked all my questions under the FOI and was told by the hospital they could only answer some questions under that, if I wanted to get a copy of my mother's hospital records I needed to put in a SAR. I emailed the hospital back and they said they would pass this onto the Records Department. Today I received an email stating the following (I copied and pasted it) There is no Will, Probate or Letters of Administration because my mother did not leave any money. Do I legally have to provide the Letters of Administration before they will answer this request? I looked into getting these LOA and it is a bit daunting, you have to go to the Probate Office, there isn't one near me, but I also suffer from severe agoraphobia so I would struggle to go in any instance. Thank you Edit actually, looking at the third point, if I say this presumably they will provide the information?
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