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  1. Hi all I recently took Harrow Council and Newlyn (bailiffs) to the small claims court, pursuing a refund for the surprise clamping of my car (I received no letters despite the bailiffs claiming to have sent them, and producing evidence of them). I paid to release the clamp and then filed out of time (and in time) statutory declarations, which were validated. The orders were therefore revoked. At court, I was successful at getting Harrow to refund the driving fines (2 x £202) but the judge was unable to find in my favour for the return of bailiff fees. The bailiff fees were extortionate - approx £540 including £25 credit card fee. Does anyone have advice about how I can get these fees returned to me. Apparently the civil procedure rule 75.8 does not say that the fine is 'set aside' and therefore this means no money has to be refunded. Also, the council claims they do not need to return any money above the fine (ie £202) itself due to the Local Authorities and Transport for London Act 2003 schedule 1. Help me get my money back!!
  2. Hi everyone, I've been reading this forum for a while now and decided to tackle my fiancés old Barclays account which I recently found "Barclays Additions" and "Overdraft Protection" on. I've already got back her statements via a SAR. They date from July 1999 through to October 2007. Every month she paid £2.00 "Overdraft Protection" charge and from June 2000 though to October 2007 she paid an "Account Fee" which looks like the "Barclays Additions" fee. During the time she had the account open she used some of the overdraft and at times she went over it. She never used any of the "Additions" benefits.. . not that she knew what they were or if she could actually use them. I've asked her if she remembers being sold it, but she doesn't. There are also £832 (42) of account charges (unpaid DD's etc) on the account as well. I've seen a few threads from people who've been successful in reclaiming the "Additions" fees and also some success with the "Overdraft Protection". Therefore I'm just trying to find the correct spreadsheets to put the charges into. .. could someone point me in the right direction please? Thanks James
  3. Hello CAG, I'm a long time follower but first time poster. Firstly I'll give a quick background to the situation... My 15 year old son and my 13 year old daughter travel back on the train service that runs from Meldreth to Royston every day. The fare they pay is £1.20 each for a single ticket. They always have the cash on them to do this as I give them £10 every four days to cover it off. They were both issued with a Penalty Fare Notice by First Capital Connect on the 13th November for failing to present a valid ticket. This was because they were unable to purchase one at Meldreth station. The ticket machine was spitting their coins out and there was not a member of staff manning the ticket office at the point they were at the station, so were forced to board the train and try and purchase a ticket from the member of staff on the train itself. The ticket inspector refused to believe their story nor accept their cash and chose to issue a PFN to each of them instead much to their disbelief. Once I found out about this I composed a letter to send to appeal against both PFNs. I took the liberty of quoting back to them extracts from the First Capital Connect Revenue Protection Policy (the section entitled Penalty Fares):- "In order for us to issue a Penalty Fare, it must have been possible for you to purchase the correct ticket before you boarded. So for example, if the ticket office was closed and the ticket machine was not working, a Penalty Fare will not be issued. Please bear in mind our staff are able to check whether ticket offices are open or if our ticket machines are faulty." And the National Rail Conditions of Carriage document:- "Train Companies must make tickets and reservations available at stations, over the internet or by telephone as appropriate. Where there are no facilities at the station, tickets will be available for sale during or at the end of the journey." I received two emails back from the Revenue Protection Support Services with attached PDFs with regard my appeals. Both are identical, one for each child. They both uphold my appeal against the PFNs and only require that we pay the current outstanding balance. Good news one would think. However there is a problem... There appears to have been a cross-over during the appeals process. Whilst my appeals against the PFNs have been upheld they have seen fit to apply a £20 administration fee against each of the outstanding PFNs. We received two letters in the post from the RPSS on Monday of this week indicating to us that £40 was now outstanding against each PFN and we were expected to pay it within 14 days or they would add a further £20 administration fee on each notice. Obviously I do understand (as they saw fit to outline this in the first paragraph of their rather unnecessarily condescending letters) that, and I quote "any appeal which may have been made is a wholly separate matter from the legal requirement to make payment" but seeing as how the RPSS has just squashed the two fines why have they left the administration fee outstanding? The reason I am posting this is to ask for some advice/guidance about my options moving forward. I understand that the appeal process is separate to the payment of the fine, and so I would like to avoid being told that perhaps I should have just paid the fines in full at the same time as submitting the appeal to avoid this happening, I sent the appeal in early enough to be well within the deadline. It is not my fault that they may take a little while to process things at their end but I do also understand that they would have refunded me any monies owing should this have been the case. However, this is not the case and the situation I find myself in begs the question - what do I do now. Do I have grounds to either refuse to pay the administration fee and only submit the full payment of the travel fares themselves (£2.40 in total)? What about sending them £2.40 plus an additional sum that I consider fair to cover the cost of their automatically generated letters which went into franked envelopes and were sent in the post? Do I pay in full and then try and claim it back through the Small Claims Court process? Fundamentally I believe this fee to be unfair. Are they entitled to recover far beyond the punitive damages caused to them during the process of issuing two PFNs that should never have been issued in the first place? Does the appeal going in my favour have any likelihood of going towards a compelling argument to have the administration fees squashed and for me to simply pay the £2.40 and be done with it? I feel very aggrieved that this is happening. I sent a very well put together (if I do say so myself) letter appealing the whole thing and it was successful, so to have defeat snatched mercilessly from the jaws of victory by expecting me to effectively still part company with £40 along with the original train fare - well it would have just been cheaper to pay the fine and not bother appealing...at least then I would have saved £2.40 plus the cost of a first class stamp! Ideas, suggestions, advice, guidance (possibly complementary brownies) all gratefully received. Many thanks, Nathan
  4. Seven companies have agreed to clearly display delivery and booking fees following a Which? campaign Seven online ticket companies have pledged to display all compulsory charges like delivery and booking fees at the start of the booking process following a Which? campaign. BH Live Tickets, See Tickets, ATG Tickets, Ticketmaster, Stargreen, Ticket Soup and Ticket Web have agreed to display their costs upfront, making it easier for customers to compare prices between different companies. One of the biggest, See Tickets, has put the changes into practice and Ticket Soup said it will update its website this week. Another of the bigger companies, ATG, has promised to do so by March. As part of Which?’s Play Fair on Ticket Fees campaign, it is now calling on the ticket companies to justify their fees and set them at a fair level. It said some companies charge more than a third of the ticket's face value in compulsory fees. Others charge customers up to £2.50 to print tickets out at home or £3 to pick them up from the box office. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/consumertips/10602518/Online-ticket-sellers-to-display-fees-upfront.html
  5. Every day I receive endless enquiries from debtors regarding the subject of Magistrate Court FINES and the matter of bailiff fees for enforcing the Distress Warrant. This is a subject that seems to provoke a great deal of interest in particular given that there are a few websites available which “claim” that bailiffs charging such fees are committing “fraud”. Such sites routinely encourage visitors to go to the court and pay the fine only in cash into a machine in the foyer in the mistaken belief that the court will accept payment and cancel the Distress Warrant. WRONG. The websites fail to tell the unsuspecting debtor that the courts forward the payment to the bailiff company and they will then write to the debtor to inform them that they are still liable for the bailiff fees. Over the next few days I will be adding to this thread to provide as much information as possible on this subject.
  6. Hi, this is an enquiry on behalf of a friend of mine (he is 65 so was not quite on the ball with bills etc). He received his United Utilities water bill in March 2013 (for the year 2013/2014), it asked that he pay 50% in April and 50% in August. He normally pays it in full straight away, but due to his financial situation hadn't paid it at the time. He mentioned it to me so I told him to bring his bill round and I would look into setting up a direct debit. On 31 May 2013 I set him up an online account and tried to set up a direct debit for him, but, their website wouldn't allow me to do it so he told me to pay half the bill which they were demanding. Two days later he received a Court Summons for the full amount for the year (just over £400). I defended the claim stating that he had paid a total of 6 months of his account before receiving the summons and that also he disputed the fee they have charged for Solicitors costs of £50 as they had completed the summons in-house and not used a Solicitor. I know I may be wrong on this point hence the thread. I paid the balance of the bill in full on 4 July 2013. We hadn't heard anything from the court office so I phoned them a couple of times for updates. The last time I phoned them in October they told me that United Utilities had not replied and should have done so by July. I asked her then if the case would be struck out and she said no and that the case is on hold and put to stay. He has had no correspondence from the Court since sending in the defence and according to this link he should have received a Directions Questionnaire http://hmctsformfinder.justice.gov.uk/courtfinder/forms/ex306-eng.pdf However, in this link it says the following; https://www.gov.uk/respond-to-court-claim-for-money/deny-owing-the-money Now I checked his UU online account and it is showing an entry for Fees and Costs amounting to £80 (£30 court fees and £50 Solicitors fees). What is his legal position here? Does he still owe UU £80? and can we get this case struck out?
  7. Hi, I am wondering if anyone can help. I have an overdraft of £2570 with Halifax/Bank of Scotland. This was a student OD that I haven't paid off. I pretty much live in it every month. I have being paying their monthly fees every month for the OD without fail (since graduation in 2009!!!), however, my circumstances have changed. I am due to go on maternity leave in the next month, and will only be earning statutory pay of ~£500 per month after tax. This low wage means I will be unable to pay the ~£90 per month fees, let alone attempt to reduce the overdraft. Is there anything I can do. I have payment plans two other debts, and I have requested a reduced payment for the maternity leave period, but given this isn't a debt but a fee I am not sure where I stand. I have an account with RBS which I dont use, so could switch all monthly payments etc to that, but I would still incur fees on the halifax account. Thanks in advance
  8. This has been posted elsewhere on the site,but its needed in here too. A friend of mine was in despair following Santander not only charging him for a failed direct debit,but then continued to add further daily charges. He informed me that he had called them and emailed them,explaining that the charges were punitive since his only income is Jobseekers allowance. The fees stood at £55 and were rising. He asked me if I could help,and duly wrote him a letter. I was finding it hard to understand,how a bank like Santander,were openly flouting their obligations. My friend had pleaded with them and explained his situation. Santander of course could see from the account too-that he was in reciept of benefits since they were paid into this account. No excuses then...lets get to work. Account number xxxxxxxxxxx Sort Code xx xx xx letter before action Dear Sir/Madam, I am very disappointed in your response to my complaints which were made to you today, and that you have chosen to ignore my request for hardship, I therefore have no alternative but to seek recourse through the county court system. I believe that Santander have treated me unfairly under the following BCOB rules of which Santander should be compliant with,since Santander is a firm regulated by the FSA. Rule 5.1.1 R states “A firm must provide a service in relation to a retail banking service which is prompt, efficient and fair to a banking customer and which has regard to any communications or financial promotion made by the firm to the banking customer from time to time.” Rule 5.1.4 G “Principle 6 requires a firm to pay due regard to the interests of its customers and to treat them fairly. In particular, a firm should deal fairly with a banking customer whom it has reason to believe is in financial difficulty.” Santandar have been informed that I am in reciept of state benefits and that I need these to cover essential living costs including food and heat/lighting. Santander have not at any point acknowledged that this is a hardship case despite me notifying you.You have levied charges of £55 in recent days,and have refused to refund these in your return call to me on 6th.June. For these grounds I feel that I have been treated unfairly. In order for this claim to be settled without the need for court action I require that the full amount taken of £55 returned to me by way of a credit to my account. If I have not received a satisfactory response within 14 days then court action will be commenced without further notice and further costs will be incurred. A judgment for a breach of BCOBS is very serious and the FSA would be empowered to act. Yours Faithfully Mr V. Upset Would the recipients of his email to Santander actually know what the letter was about ? You bet they did! He got a reply quite swiftly...in fact in the space of 30 minutes. Message: Good Afternoon Mr V. Upset Thank you for your email. I am happy to reverse the amount of £55, which have been waived due to exceptional circumstances. To ensure no further charges are incurred on your accounts, we would ask you to monitor your accounts throughout the month. This can be completed through Online Banking, Local Branch and Telephone Banking. I hope this information is useful and if you have any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via Secure Messaging or my colleagues on 0845 9724724. Kind Regards, The nice man (who knows his BCOBs from his bankcharges) Santander Customer Services So the message to all those who believe they have been treated unfairly,is to give them a taste of their own famous words when they fob you off with sorry we cant refund the charges..... "This may not be the reply you wanted" Edit. The banks get letters and emails from people threatening them with Court action every day. We know this and so do they.So its essential,that you are willing and prepared to act on any threats if the bank do ignore your letter/email.
  9. Barclays bank announced today that it will not charge unpaid transaction fees – the £8 levy when a customer does not have the funds in his or her account to pay for a purchase but the transaction is guaranteed by Barclays – more than once per day. Currently, UK banks can charge the fees up to five times a day. They claim this will help customers save around £7 million this year. Barclays has also introduced new text alerts to help customers avoid being caught out by charges. The texts will warn them they can actively avoid a fee if they can pay cleared funds in. The bank says this will help customers save a further £7 million http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/10546158/Barclays-cuts-overdraft-fees-as-banks-vie-for-customers.html.
  10. Hi, I took out a mortgage with Kensington in 2004 (I have since re-mortgaged with another lender). I was going through some paperwork and found a pile of SAR documents from Kensington which I obtained when reclaiming arrears fees. I've just noticed on one of the documents that Kensington paid £1350 to the broker who arranged the mortgage which I did know about. Can I claim this back as an undisclosed commission?
  11. MoJ issues new consultation on civil court fees The Ministry of Justice has issued a consultation on proposals for further increases in fees in the civil and magistrates courts. The aim is to further the Government's stated policy of moving towards full cost recovery and it is hoped that the changes will bring in an additional £38m a year. A significant change would see magistrates' court fees increase to represent 100% of the full cost: the Ministry currently estimates that such fees recover only 55% of their costs. The proposals would also see a realignment of fees for enforcement proceedings in the county court and High Court. The consultation paper sets out the proposed new fees and is available on the MoJ website.
  12. I wish I used this site before letting my solicitor think I had a case..... hes a break down on what has happen to me.... In 2003 I had just finished university and started a job, and my parents divorced and i was on my fathers side when all that was sorted he decided he wanted to live abroad so he went off to cyprus put tried to sell the house to me to raise aa much extra money has he could as he already had his mums will and auntie money, he got and extra £20000 on the house, but the problem was the financial advisor at the couldnt get me a sole mortgage as i didnt have enough wage slips so the solution was to put in my name and his name .... BIG MISTAKE and all over the years he always assured me the house was mine even told the whole family and friends etc and i believed him. Then 10 years later he comes back into the UK lived at mine for 7 months, in those 7 months found out he had blown all his money in cyprus and has come back in financial trouble... so in the 7 months he had got himself on benefits and manged to get a council bungalow, I helped him move etc being a great son, then 2 weeks later I got a letter from his solicitor forcing the sale of the House was SO Shocked couldnt believe my eyes, I tried to be reasonable offered him £20000 which is all i could raise by remortgaging So I went to citizen advise for legal info and they gave me a list of solicitors and I chose one that said I had a case as hes not paid a penny for 10 years toward mortgage and home improvements which totaled £70,000, in the previous years i had lodgers etc to help me with mortgage, anyway it went from solicitor to solicitor statement after statement i was paying for my solicitor and my dad was on legal aid, we went to a directional hearing and finally settled before it went to court (civil court) there was £100000 positive equity and we settled on £47000 with my fathers legal fees to be negotiated as it turns out his legal bill is a whooping £20000, I was gob smacked as mine was only £3600 how on earth that possible ???? I had to re mortgage to a buy to let to raise this £47000 by the way, really wanted to keep the house as i had done alot of work to make it my ideal home. my solicitor who I can no longer afford as im a gardener and my summers savings that get me through the winter is all gone, has asked my fathers solicitor for a breakdown of costs and im inform they have employed a 3rd party to check the figure for a percentage fee which ive yet to recieve, want to get myself prepared as im a newbie and any help will be greatful many thanks in advance JP
  13. Hi all, I'm sure I'll get better advice here than from HMCS online who of course take up to five days to answer an email. A friend wants to sue a builder who damaged her property while working on a neighbour's house. I won't bore you with the whole story but it's been dragging on for nine months. She is very hard up, works and gets Working Tax Credits. I thought she would qualify for a fee remission, but apparently not. The online advice brochure says that you qualify if you receive a number of different benefits including Universal Credit, but there is no mention of WTC. As WTC has been replaced by Universal Credit in areas such as Manchester it appears that if you live in an updated area which has UC you can have a fee remission but if your area is still on WTC/CTC you don't. I don't get it. I have emailed HMCS online for her and the first response was that she should contact CAB. When I pointed out that it wasn't a legal issue it was information given in their own brochure the next response was to say that UC qualifies but WTC and CTC don't. I think the information has been prepared for when UC takes over and they haven't waited for it to come in all over the country. What do you think? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. DDx
  14. With the likely introduction of the new fixed fee scheme under part 3 of the TCE Act would it not be sensible for the government to make these fees zero rated for VAT? With this so called Value Added Tax currently set at 20% it forms no small part of what is payable by debtors. Has this been considered by the Advice Sector?
  15. Hi I recently complained to the local council & Bailiffs having been charged £267.44 (my o/h paid the bailiff in full over the phone) for a PCN. I was questioning the 'fee's' as we did not speak to the bailiff face to face and no levy was made on any goods. Eventually I received the breakdown of fees - 24th July 2012 - Debt - £112.00 21st Sept 2013 - 1st letter fee - 11.20 15th Oct 2013 - visit fee 1 - 35.00 15th Oct 2013 - attendance/van - 80.00 18th Oct 2013 - payment by d/c - 2.00 18th Oct 2013 - payment by d/c - 2.00 (my o/h paid 2 separate amounts as he borrowed the remaining balance from a friend) + VAT - 25.24 In my initial letter I questioned - 1. the 'attendance/van fee' as no levy was made 2. charging £2 to take each payment via debit card The bailiff has responded with this - In relation to your comment regarding the Attendance/van fee not being able to be charged due to no levy being made - This relates to local taxation regulations therefore, this is not applicable. Our fees are as per the statuary legislation being schedule 1 of the Enforcement of road traffic fees (certificated bailiffs) Regulations 1993 (as amended) The debit card transaction are able to be charged by us as the regulations only apply to matters subject to contract I'm a bit unsure as to how to respond to this - any help would be greatly appreciated
  16. Hello everyone, I hope you can give me some advise. I am embarking on a journey to reclaim excessive fees etc. etc. from my various debts. Before discovering this fantastic website I received a CCJ from RBS Lombard for a personal loan I got into trouble with, this was managed through Arden CM. I have paid in full and the CCJ is now showing on trust as "satisfied". I also had success on this loan with my PPI reclaim for about £6500. I thought I would use this loan account as my test subject because there are very few charges on it, I have full statements. I put a claim using an online template directly to RBS and received two letters from Arden CM in response. The first an acknowledgement of my complaint, the second, I have attached, being their final response. I realise it is a small amount I am claiming but it would be better in my bank account. My questions are:- Are Arden telling me the truth in their response? If not is it worth complaining through the FOS? Many thanks in advance. AS
  17. Just a quick question, After a 12-month minimum term gym contract expired last month, I received a letter today from Harlands saying that my November instalment has been returned unpaid 'refer to payer' as there were insufficient funds to pay the amount due. I'm now being charged the month's fee plus a £15 admin fee. I will be in touch with the gym to ensure my contract is terminated (I'm aware it was my fault for forgetting to get in touch and terminate it, as the T&Cs do mention that they will continue taking the direct debit amount every month after until I cancel) but my question is, am I liable to pay this admin fee? Not trying to get out of anything, but I don't want to pay a fee if it's not justified. Is each extra month an extension to my contract? I'd have thought if I'm out of my contracted period and they can't take funds they'd just terminate my service.. . but then, what do I know? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  18. After years of falling into the trap where I couldn't pay my council tax as the previous year was with the Bailiff and there high fees just put me deeper in to debt.. In the end I took advise from this forum and just ignored them when they came round, and was surprised that they actually couldn't do anything.. I think one year 3 separate Bailiffs came round in one month putting there intimidating letters through the door.. In the end they transferred back to Council, and I did an arrangement with them.. Now finally after years of being in this cycle I am now all uptodate and its a nice relief. Anyway I have realised that some of the charges must of been horrendous, can I SAR the bailiff company, and then ask for the charges they charged me that are over the set price with the council.
  19. Hi guys... ..long time no see. ...but yet again I have problems with Jacobs re Council Tax!! Ok here goes.. ..Liability Order granted by Teesside Magistrates Court on 04/06/2013 for £1106.05 plus a £17.50 charge for granting order (£1123.55) Jacobs arrived on the scene on 27/08/2013 and posted a Bailiff Attendance - 24 Hour Notice with a Balance of £1148.05 + Costs written on it..... .....I was away with work at the time. He came back on 28/08/2013 and posted a Bailiff Attendance - Final Notice 24 Hours with a balance due of £1166.05 + costs written on it.... ..I tried to contact the bailiff on the evening of the 28/8 but got his answerphone left a message to contact me the next day.. ..no contact by 11am on the 29/8 I called again and yet again he ignored my call, I left another message with all my details asking him to contact me and he never did so I left it. Then a letter came through the post on 10/09/2013 Bailiff Removal with an amount of £1166.05... ..I ignored this as I had never spoken to or seen the bailiff at my house and so have never signed a Walking Possession Order, let him in or received a Section 4 through the door to state that he'd written my car down as a levy. Today 30/09/2013 I came home to find another hand delivered letter from Jacobs through the door with another Bailiffs name on it.. ...Removal 48 Hours with a balance due of £1357.55!!!! He can't take anything away as my car has been moved to a safe place and he can't break in as I have never let him in to the property (Although this bailiff is the same Bailiff I did let into my property last year when Jacobs were dealing with my 2012 Council Tax) but I feel I should send an e-mail to Jacobs about the fees as the £1166.05 included the 1st and 2nd visit fee as far as I can work out so what is the £191.50 for??? Can someone give me an idea what to send as the last letter I sent to Jacobs asking about fees etc. was in 2012 a nd it was from a now defunct e-mail address so I can't copy and paste it!! Also can somebody just put my mind at rest that this Bailiff they have now sent me who I dealt with in 2012 can't break in by saying he's been in the house previously in 2012 regarding a different Liability Order?? Thanks in Advance Lisa xx
  20. On 6th April 2014 it is the government's intention that new regulations will be implemented regarding bailiffs and that a new 'simpler' fee scale will be introduced. From the many enquiries that I receive daily and and from the many posts on this forum it is sadly the case that bailiffs are charging fees to debtors at a level never before seen. The most common area of concern is the charging of a 'van' fee...sometimes referred to as an 'enforcement fee' but; in reality, it is a charge under Head C of the statutory regulations and the wording states as follows: 'For one attendance with a vehicle with a view to the removal of goods (where, following the levy, goods are not removed)' Vitally important is that such a charge may only be made following a levy and furthermore; such a fee may only be 'reasonable' !! Another area of concern is where a bailiff charges a fee of £24.50 ( and sometimes £18.00 as well) at the same time as 'levying upon goods'. This must not correct. The statutory regulations are clear in a bailiff can charge £24.50 for a 'first' visit to premises with a 'view to levying distress' (where no levy was made). A further such fee may be charged at a second visit ( where the bailiff was also unable to levy). With the enforcement of a Liability Order the statutory regulations make it very clear indeed that a bailiff when visiting a debtor must provide a copy of the Schedule 5 fee scale to the debtor. It would seem from the many enquiries received that this important document is rarely ever provided. To provide transparency, I have compiled a copy of the Schedule 5 fee scale for the forum. A copy can be obtained below. In the next few days I will also compile a copy of the fee scale for the enforcment of road traffic debts. [ATTACH=CONFIG]47361[/ATTACH]
  21. Six months after a ban on excessive card payment charges came into force, Which? has discovered that although some companies have lowered their fees, others are still hitting consumers hard. Following our successful campaign to get the government to ban 'rip-off' card payment surcharges, we have been monitoring how well the new rules are working. We asked consumers to tell us if they felt they had been hit with an unfair surcharge since the ban took effect in April this year. Excessive travel surcharges More than 700 people have been in touch through our website and we’ve found that some companies are still charging excessive fees, with the worst offenders in the travel and holiday sector. Of these, we’ve identified several that we believe could be breaking the new rules. The worst offender was eDreams - we found examples of surcharges of more than 18% for customers paying by credit and even debit cards. We also found EasyBus, Germanwings, Jet2, Monarch and Vueling still charging over the odds with fees ranging from 2.5% to 3.5%. The ban makes it illegal for companies to charge more than what it costs them to process the payment. Which? believes that this should be no more than 2% for credit cards and a matter of pence for debit cards. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2013/10/which-reveals-rip-off-surcharge-saints-and-sinners-336034/#?intcmp=HP.hero.large.1.wcunews.creditcardsurcharges.oct6
  22. I need to respond to Marston HCE who are trying to charge one thousand pounds of fees on a debt which has been paid in full in terms of the original invoice. I remember reading a reference guide listing statutory/ reasonable fees and wondered if someone can point me to that. I hope we can then pay them based upon the guidelines as they have applied enforcement fees of £700 when we had already paid the supplier the original amount of £1800. Any help or guidance would be appreciated. We have paid the provider directly not the HCE agent who we have never met and who schedules to attend a premises which we no longer occupy.
  23. Hi all, I'm really worried as my boyfriend just receieved 2 re-directed letters through the post this morning (we recenty moved a few months ago), both from dlc (direct legal & collections) writing to inform him that the outstanding balance has been transferred to them effective 28/01/11 (the letter is dated 26th May 2011). They go on to say that although the bank has transfereed the outstanding balance, he can still contact the bank in relation to any complaints about the time when they held the account. "You have right to access (on payment of a fee) and, where it is inaccurate or incomplete, to update, your personal data." It then gives the address for such requests as a PO Box address for Lloyds Banking Group but then goes on to say all contact regarding the account should now be directed to dlc. Both letters are accompanied by letters from Lloyds with the account numbers and reiterating the dlc letters with the balances; one for a 'loan account' balance as at 28/01/11 of £2954.93 and the other a 'current account' balance as at 28/01/11 of £1,279.68 Now my boyfriend tells me that he believes one is a credit card which he used before he moved to Australia back in 06/07 (he's of dual citinzenship) and when he came back he (stupidly) didn't contact the bank to notify them of his (many) change of addresses (bit of a nomad until he met me and we got settled). Now I'll be making sure he pays this debt (the larger one) albeit on a monthly plan of some sorts but the other one for the 'current account' we can only possibly think it may be an overdraft facility which has perhaps been racking up fees? So my first question is, who does he contact first? should it be Lloyds for all the paperwork (as he has none) or should it be dlc to acknowledge the letters? It's lucky we even had a redirection set up as we wouldn't have even had the letters. Secondly, where does he stand on the repayment of what is possibly overdrawn fees? He knows he's in the wrong on the credit card and accepts he must pay that but he doesn't ever remember leaving an overdrawn account - he thought it was just empty. Thanks for taking the time to read!
  24. I am hoping someone can advise me on this forum, not sure if I am in the correct place. Hastings Direct has refused to pay the storage costs for their clients car being held in our garage whilst they sorted out the claim. It has been with us for 1290 days at a cost of £10 per day when the assessor eventually came out to assess the damage. The car was written off. As a gesture we agreed to freeze the charges at £1290. The car is still with us today. Because there were complications with the customers claim it wasn't sorted for months and the customer had to involve a solicitor in order to fight his claim. The date of the accident was 11th March 2013 and the client was settled on the 16th October 2013 We periodically contacted Hastings to remind them that their charges were increasing and at no point within the corresponding did they inform us that they were not going to pay the fee. The claim has been sorted and they have refused to pay the fee. After several emails they told us we could keep the car towards the cost but as we aren't breakers we declined their offer as the car is of no value now. They then offered to pay £500 less than half of the fee. We then asked if we could keep the car to scrap at a value of £160 which would at least replace some of the shortfall. They refused to let us keep the car. So we have an offer of £500. Can anyone tell me if we have a case and what would be the best course of action to take.
  25. I banked with Hailfax many years ago and have an overdraft that I'm only ever paying charges on @ £1 per day but apart from that the account is never touched and these charges do not in anyway reduce the balance on the account I have spoken with them over the telephone with zero success about having the account closed so instead of paying fees every month, the £30 goes towards clearing the balance Is this possible and if so how?
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